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作者 徐耀明 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第1期1-7,共7页
《离骚》是屈原斗争经历、思想发展、感情变化的艺术概括和形象写照,具备了为崇高理想而至死不渝追求着的精神美.与这种内容相结合,在艺术结构上,有三条主要线索——心理、音乐、文字形式,纵贯《离骚》全诗。关于心理结构线索——别林... 《离骚》是屈原斗争经历、思想发展、感情变化的艺术概括和形象写照,具备了为崇高理想而至死不渝追求着的精神美.与这种内容相结合,在艺术结构上,有三条主要线索——心理、音乐、文字形式,纵贯《离骚》全诗。关于心理结构线索——别林斯基说:“ 展开更多
关键词 线式结构 艺术结构 艺术概括 至死不渝 别林斯基 二八接舞 《九歌》 精神美 劳商 隔句对
作者 刘孝存 《新闻与写作》 1985年第2期19-21,共3页
本文作者的话初入文坛,我还是一名学徒;一九八二年加入中国作家协会北京分会,近两三年才真正开始写小说。一九六五年高中毕业以后,我当过壮工、仓库工人、材料员、汽车吊吊手,见习司机、中学教员、编辑、记者.在这二十年间,我结交了各... 本文作者的话初入文坛,我还是一名学徒;一九八二年加入中国作家协会北京分会,近两三年才真正开始写小说。一九六五年高中毕业以后,我当过壮工、仓库工人、材料员、汽车吊吊手,见习司机、中学教员、编辑、记者.在这二十年间,我结交了各行各业的不少朋友,丰富多彩的生活为我打开了眼界,引起了我创作的冲动。近些年,在各种报刊上发表了《“求爱者”事件》、《四合院风情》、《树根雕》、《装卸队的小屋》等近三十篇中、短篇小说和五十余篇散文、随笔、小品、报告文学、文艺评论。创作刚刚开始,该写的东西还没写,常觉有愧于关心、鼓励、扶植我的引路人和启蒙者。 展开更多
关键词 线式结构 中国作家协会 启蒙者 文艺评论 树根雕 北京分会 一九 材料员 九六 在悬崖上
李锐小说叙事结构分析 被引量:6
作者 翟永明 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第4期48-52,共5页
关键词 钟摆结构 众星拱月结构 时空交错结构 线并置结构
试论图书分类法体系结构的逻辑关系 被引量:1
作者 张伟 《四川图书馆学报》 1985年第2期1-10,共10页
在科学研究中,根据某一对象的本质属性而进行的划分叫作分类。我们所说的图书分类是按图书内容的学科属性,去分门别类系统地组织起来的一种方法。就图书分类是以科学分类为基础的这一观点,在图书馆界认识是比较一致的。但是,言及图书分... 在科学研究中,根据某一对象的本质属性而进行的划分叫作分类。我们所说的图书分类是按图书内容的学科属性,去分门别类系统地组织起来的一种方法。就图书分类是以科学分类为基础的这一观点,在图书馆界认识是比较一致的。但是,言及图书分类法体系结构的基本形式的特征以及类目之间的逻辑关系,却存在着一些争论和分歧,其主要的论点有如下种种:(1)图书分类传统的体系结构是直线式结构,或称列举式结构,也有人称它为直线层累式结构。(2)科学分类是一种网状结构形态,图书分类采用的传统的直线式结构,这种结构形态与科学分类的网状结构作比较,显然。 展开更多
关键词 图书分类法 体系结构 逻辑关系 科学分类 四川图书馆学报 逻辑学 中图法 集合概念 种概念 线式结构
路遥小说叙事结构分析——以《人生》和《平凡的世界》为中心 被引量:1
作者 肖庆国 《焦作大学学报》 2016年第2期29-31,37,共4页
叙事结构问题尚未在路遥研究中被论及。路遥小说的表层叙事结构大体可分为钟摆式结构和多线并置式结构,通过对其不同文本结构的比较分析,可以更深刻地理解隐藏在叙事结构背后的共同的深层结构。路遥的文本叙事结构的不同选择,折射出作... 叙事结构问题尚未在路遥研究中被论及。路遥小说的表层叙事结构大体可分为钟摆式结构和多线并置式结构,通过对其不同文本结构的比较分析,可以更深刻地理解隐藏在叙事结构背后的共同的深层结构。路遥的文本叙事结构的不同选择,折射出作为知识分子的独立话语逐渐走向自我消解,并且越来越积极地向主流意识形态的集体话语靠拢。但是,徘徊于个体与集体之间的焦虑也依然存在,只是变得更加隐秘。 展开更多
关键词 叙事结构 表层结构 钟摆结构 线并置结构 深层结构
作者 徐君慧 《明清小说研究》 1986年第2期375-383,共9页
中国小说最讲究结构艺术。清初的文艺理论家李渔,在他的《闲情偶记》中,就把结构列为第一。结构的型式,在长篇小说中,有线式、链式、羽式、网式,集锦式等多种。短篇小说由于篇幅简短,不宜于采取复杂的型式,一般都采取线式结构。《聊斋... 中国小说最讲究结构艺术。清初的文艺理论家李渔,在他的《闲情偶记》中,就把结构列为第一。结构的型式,在长篇小说中,有线式、链式、羽式、网式,集锦式等多种。短篇小说由于篇幅简短,不宜于采取复杂的型式,一般都采取线式结构。《聊斋志异》 展开更多
关键词 聊斋志异 结构艺术 线式结构 中国小说 长篇小说 继续发展 短篇小说 胭脂 文艺理论家
论迟子建长篇小说叙事结构的演变 被引量:1
作者 欧芳艳 《石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第3期77-83,共7页
迟子建长篇小说的叙事结构问题,在迟子建研究中鲜有被论及。迟子建长篇小说序列的叙事结构,大致可分为多线并置式结构和U型结构两种模式。沿着历时性脉络考察迟子建小说的创作历程,可以发现其叙事结构的构想,既体现了对中国传统叙事文... 迟子建长篇小说的叙事结构问题,在迟子建研究中鲜有被论及。迟子建长篇小说序列的叙事结构,大致可分为多线并置式结构和U型结构两种模式。沿着历时性脉络考察迟子建小说的创作历程,可以发现其叙事结构的构想,既体现了对中国传统叙事文学“大团圆”模式的承继,又与宗教信仰影响下的宿命论,以及作家对人生体悟的逐渐深入等多因素相联。多种因素的交织融合,使文本呈现出复杂内蕴。因此,通过对迟子建长篇小说叙事结构的研究,整体上观照其人物命运轨迹,可以考察迟子建小说创作对中国传统叙事文学的承继以及现代转换。 展开更多
关键词 迟子建 长篇小说 叙事结构 线并置结构 U型结构
试论数学聚类分析法在图书分类学上的应用 被引量:2
作者 孙素娟 徐光 《图书馆学研究》 1987年第5期112-114,14,共4页
图书分类作为一门学科来追溯迄今大约有两千多年的历史了,然而不论是古代的《七略》、《四部》,还是近代的《万象图书分类》、杜戚的《十进制分类》,乃至我国现行的《中图分类法》,都没有摆脱这样一种模式:似乎整个物质世界始终是在一... 图书分类作为一门学科来追溯迄今大约有两千多年的历史了,然而不论是古代的《七略》、《四部》,还是近代的《万象图书分类》、杜戚的《十进制分类》,乃至我国现行的《中图分类法》,都没有摆脱这样一种模式:似乎整个物质世界始终是在一个直线的两维结构中发展的,以为人们可以设计一条无限延长的直线式结构(或称列举式结构)就能够包罗这纷纭复杂,变化万千的知识体系,这无疑是一个幻想。其实,随着科学技术的不断发展和人们认识水平的不断深化。我们越来越深刻地认识到,整个物质世界的形态是一个网状的立体式结构,各学科之间相互渗透交叉。 展开更多
关键词 图书分类学 聚类分析方法 数学 物质世界 知识体系 中图分类法 现代科学技术 分类方法 样本 线式结构
电影编剧理论研究——续集动画电影的剧作构思与分析 被引量:2
作者 牛博鸶 沈永亮 《电影文学》 北大核心 2015年第16期12-15,共4页
当动画电影进入了续部的创作,就需要剧作具有更多的创意来调动观众的积极性,不让他们失了胃口而感到失望。但是此时,影片的故事框架已被使用过,点子也已经被消耗,我们的主角已经完成心理成长,完成了性格转变与人物的使命。那么如何让新... 当动画电影进入了续部的创作,就需要剧作具有更多的创意来调动观众的积极性,不让他们失了胃口而感到失望。但是此时,影片的故事框架已被使用过,点子也已经被消耗,我们的主角已经完成心理成长,完成了性格转变与人物的使命。那么如何让新的创意更加吸引观众就是我们对于新的剧本的创作议题。 展开更多
关键词 续集动画电影 剧作构思与分析 线并进交叉叙事结构
Identification of Modal Parameters with Linear Structure under Non-stationary Ambient Excitation 被引量:2
作者 续秀忠 华宏星 +1 位作者 李中付 陈兆能 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第1期146-151,共6页
Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is proposed to identify linear structure under non-stationary excitation,and non-white noise coefficient is introduced under the assumption of random signals consisting of white nois... Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is proposed to identify linear structure under non-stationary excitation,and non-white noise coefficient is introduced under the assumption of random signals consisting of white noise and non-white noise signals. The cross-correlation function of response signal is decomposed into mode functions and residue by EMD method. The identification technique of the modal parameters of single freedom degree is applied to each mode function to obtain natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes. The results of identification of the five-degree freedom linear system demonstrate that the proposed method is effective in identifying the parameters of linear structures under non-stationary ambient excitation. 展开更多
关键词 Nonstationary excitation empirical mode decomposition (EMD) non-white noise coefficient modal parameter identification linear structure
A Breakthrough of Primary Structure in Indeterminate Analysi--Irregular Force Method and Irregular Displacement Method
作者 Ren Song 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第12期47-55,共9页
As the strict limitation of primary structure in traditional force method and displacement method in indeterminate analysis may lead to complicated high-order linear equations, a breakthrough of the limitation, i.e., ... As the strict limitation of primary structure in traditional force method and displacement method in indeterminate analysis may lead to complicated high-order linear equations, a breakthrough of the limitation, i.e., the application of irregular force method and irregular displacement method, would be introduced in this paper to ease the difficulty of hand computations. By using hyperstatic primary structures and partly chained primary structures, the primary structures of force method and displacement method are reformed, and the order of the system is decreased. The technique is explained through examples. The significance of the new method is summarized. 展开更多
关键词 assistant diagram irregular force method hyperstatic primary structure irregular displacement method partly chained primary structure.
Heteroclinic Breather-Wave Solutions for Davey-Stewartson Equation
作者 刘俊 戴正德 林松青 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期947-951,共5页
Exact heteroclinic breather-wave solutions for Davey-Stewartson (DSI, DSII) system with periodic boundary condition are constructed using Hirota's bilinear form method and generalized ansatz method. The heteroclini... Exact heteroclinic breather-wave solutions for Davey-Stewartson (DSI, DSII) system with periodic boundary condition are constructed using Hirota's bilinear form method and generalized ansatz method. The heteroclinic structure of wave is investigated. 展开更多
关键词 heteroclinic wave breather wave periodic boundary pilinear form DAVEY-STEWARTSON
su(1,2) Algebraic Structure of XYZ Antiferromagnetic Model in Linear Spin-Wave Frame
作者 JIN Shuo XIE Bing-Hao +1 位作者 YU Zhao-Xian HOU Jing-Min 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期1151-1154,共4页
The XYZ antiferromagnetic model in linear spin-wave frame is shown explicitly to have an su(1,2) algebraic structure: the Hamiltonian can be written as a linear function of the su(1,2) algebra generators. Based o... The XYZ antiferromagnetic model in linear spin-wave frame is shown explicitly to have an su(1,2) algebraic structure: the Hamiltonian can be written as a linear function of the su(1,2) algebra generators. Based on it, the energy eigenvalues are obta/ned by making use of the similar transformations, and the algebraic diagonalization method is investigated. Some numerical solutions are given, and the results indicate that only one group solution could be accepted in physics. 展开更多
关键词 XYZ antiferromagnetic model algebraic diagonalization method
Multilevel Pattern Mining Architecture for Automatic Network Monitoring in Heterogeneous Wireless Communication Networks 被引量:8
作者 Zhiguo Qu John Keeney +2 位作者 Sebastian Robitzsch Faisal Zaman Xiaojun Wang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期108-116,共9页
The rapid development of network technology and its evolution toward heterogeneous networks has increased the demand to support automatic monitoring and the management of heterogeneous wireless communication networks.... The rapid development of network technology and its evolution toward heterogeneous networks has increased the demand to support automatic monitoring and the management of heterogeneous wireless communication networks.This paper presents a multilevel pattern mining architecture to support automatic network management by discovering interesting patterns from telecom network monitoring data.This architecture leverages and combines existing frequent itemset discovery over data streams,association rule deduction,frequent sequential pattern mining,and frequent temporal pattern mining techniques while also making use of distributed processing platforms to achieve high-volume throughput. 展开更多
关键词 automatic network monitoring sequential pattern mining episode discovery module
Case Study on Hybrid Business Model: KT's Olleh TV Skylife
作者 Minzheong Song 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第3期491-502,共12页
This paper aims to analyze a case of a telecom operator, Korea Telecom (KT)'s hybrid business model---Olleh TV Skylife (OTS). This case is KT's new hybrid network and set-top-box (STB) which combines Internet ... This paper aims to analyze a case of a telecom operator, Korea Telecom (KT)'s hybrid business model---Olleh TV Skylife (OTS). This case is KT's new hybrid network and set-top-box (STB) which combines Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) with Direct-To-Home (DTH) satellite reception and business. It serves now as a guideline to better understanding hybrid consumer behavior and their needs. This paper shows how KT's OTS has been formulated as a new business model, how it has changed the market structure, and how it has experienced a successful market performance with new business idea and innovative technology. Before analyzing this case, it firstly discusses about the technological situation and the industrial organization (IO) theory. After this, it shows the previous service offerings of cable TV, satellite TV, and IPTV, before launching OTS and shows that the mixed service portfolio of satellite TV and IPTV is the perfect service combination to beat the cable TV in terms of hybrid consumer needs. After explanation about OTS, this paper verifies whether this hybrid business model really changes market and generates a good market performance and operating synergy with KT's other businesses of content, network, and marketing. In conclusion, this paper expects future growth potential of OTS and KT Skylife in terms of subscription fee, home shopping, and advertising sales based on the total subscriber base. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid business model IPTV satellite TV industrial organization theory
Cultural Pattern of Rhetorical Move in Indonesian Students' Speeches
作者 Oikurema Purwati 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第4期659-679,共21页
In analysing a speech genre, genre analysis is applied. Genre analysis is a recent trend in discourse analysis. It combines socio-cultural and psycholinguistic aspect of text construction and interpretation. This anal... In analysing a speech genre, genre analysis is applied. Genre analysis is a recent trend in discourse analysis. It combines socio-cultural and psycholinguistic aspect of text construction and interpretation. This analysis aims to show what extent surface linguistic forms align with given standardized communicative events. To construct a text, a speaker should master its schematic structure. The schematic structure consists of organizing the rhetoric. It covers the macro-stages which can be classified into introductory stage, body stage, and concluding stage. The rhetorical organization/structure (micro moves) of a speech genre includes "opening marker", "gambit", "narration", and "marker" in the introductory stage; "claim", "confutation", "confirmation", and "concession" in the body stage; "marker", "appeal/recommendation", and a closing in the body stage. By studying the schematic structure, it can be recognized how the students construct the genre, whether they follow the linear pattern offered or their construction of speech is influenced by their native cultural way of thinking. In sequencing the micro moves, the students followed the sequence offered in the framework of speech genre. Although there was a slight difference in sequencing the moves, in general the students have conformed to the proposed sequence. The variety of sequencing the moves was prompted by the native language and cultural background (Javanese and Chinese). Since rhetorical organization varies from culture to culotte, it can be tolerated that the students have a variety in sequencing the moves. 展开更多
关键词 genre analysis MOVE hortatory exposition CULTURE SPEECH
论五声性旋律与功能体系和声的结合 被引量:4
作者 刘学严 《音乐研究》 1982年第4期84-94,共11页
五声性旋律与功能体系和声能否结合?通过古今中外长期的大量的创作实践,早已做出了肯定性的回答。在我国,自廿世纪初叶起,历经七、八十年的追求与探索,在这方面已积累了一定的经验。总结它,不但能使我们后来者有所继承,而且对进一步发... 五声性旋律与功能体系和声能否结合?通过古今中外长期的大量的创作实践,早已做出了肯定性的回答。在我国,自廿世纪初叶起,历经七、八十年的追求与探索,在这方面已积累了一定的经验。总结它,不但能使我们后来者有所继承,而且对进一步发展和声的民族风格,更有深远的意义。世界上民族之众多,音乐文化之各异,反映在和声上也必然要表现出各自的风格来,尤其是各民族乐派大师们,更是力求摆脱传统和声之羁绊,标民族之新,立民族之异。格里格、巴托克、雅纳切克、法雅、威廉士、俄罗斯五人团等等都是走着一条把传统和声与本民族音乐相结合的道路。他们在寻求和声民族风格的同时,也就向传统和声注入了新的血液,使传统和声获得了新的发展,因此从这个意义上讲,传统和声真正的生命力,乃是孕育于它和各民族音乐文化的相结合之中。这种结合的过程,正是它发展的过程,正是它不断更新、 展开更多
关键词 创作实践 生命力 五声性 和声手法 传统和声 功能体系 民族风格 线式结构 相结合 色调
Review:Research progress on Fabry-Perot resonator antenna
作者 Zhen-guo LIU Zhi-chen GE Xi-yuan CHEN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期583-588,共6页
The Fabry-Perot resonator (FPR) antenna has found wide applications in microwave and millimeter waves and recently attracted considerable interest. In this paper, a summary of planar and cylindrical structures, analyt... The Fabry-Perot resonator (FPR) antenna has found wide applications in microwave and millimeter waves and recently attracted considerable interest. In this paper, a summary of planar and cylindrical structures, analytic models and research development is presented, and a comparison between these structures and analytic models is made, showing that such analytic models as the FP cavity mode, electromagnetic band gap (EBG) defect mode, transmission line mode, and leaky-wave mode are consistent when applied to analyze this type of resonator antenna. Some interesting topics under recent research, including dual or multi-band, improvement of gain bandwidth, low profile and beam control, are surveyed. 展开更多
关键词 Fabry-Perot resonator (FPR) antenna Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) resonator antenna Leaky-wave antenna Defect mode Artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) Frequency selective surface (FSS)
作者 Ben GAO Yufu CHEN 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第2期362-374,共13页
An algorithm is given for computing in a very efficient way the topology of two real algebraic plane curves defined implicitly.The authors preform a symbolic pre-processing that allows us later to execute all numerica... An algorithm is given for computing in a very efficient way the topology of two real algebraic plane curves defined implicitly.The authors preform a symbolic pre-processing that allows us later to execute all numerical computations in an accurate way. 展开更多
关键词 Algebraic curves cylindrical algebraic decomposition generic position subresultantssequence topology.
作者 SHENZIFEI WUXIAN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2001年第3期337-342,共6页
This Paper gives a Fan’s type minimax theorem, a nearest point theorem and two existence theorems of solutions for a kind of generalized quasi-variational inequalities in H-spaces without any linear structure.
关键词 Locally convex H-space H-convex set Acyclic set Almost upper semi- continuous multivalued mapping
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