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作者 徐智帅 肖钇豪 +1 位作者 刘莉 郝中骐 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期496-505,共10页
稀土在工农业和军工等领域应用广泛,是重要的战略储备资源。然而,基于常规单元定标方法的激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)技术对痕量稀土元素进行高准确度检测仍充满挑战。本研究提出了优选多谱线建立多元线性定标模型,以提高La、Gd、Y、Yb四种... 稀土在工农业和军工等领域应用广泛,是重要的战略储备资源。然而,基于常规单元定标方法的激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)技术对痕量稀土元素进行高准确度检测仍充满挑战。本研究提出了优选多谱线建立多元线性定标模型,以提高La、Gd、Y、Yb四种稀土痕量元素的LIBS检测准确度。在优化离焦量、采集延时和激光脉冲能量实验参数的基础上,建立了这四种元素的多元线性定标模型,并基于验证样品对比了一元至三元条件下定标模型的均方根误差(RMSE)。结果显示,验证样品中La、Gd、Y和Yb四种元素的RMSE从一元线性定标时的0.00341%、0.00727%、0.00662%和0.00653%降至三元线性定标时的0.00203%、0.00707%、0.00586%和0.00356%。研究结果表明,利用LIBS多元线性定标模型可以有效降低稀土元素的预测误差,提高稀土痕量元素测量的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 光谱学 稀土元素检测 激光诱导击穿光谱 多元线性定标
非线性定标在硫氰酸汞比色法测定氯离子中的应用 被引量:1
作者 黄胜起 蔡萍金 程道胜 《临床检验杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期304-304,共1页
关键词 硫氰酸汞比色法 应用 氯离子 线性定标
基于双LED光源积分球的硅探测器宽动态范围响应线性定标 被引量:6
作者 刘辉 陈洪耀 +1 位作者 司孝龙 张黎明 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期23-31,共9页
介绍了一种硅探测器宽动态范围线性测量系统,系统以光通量叠加为基础,通过时间逻辑控制LED点亮、熄灭和采集数据,在2.2×10-6~0.57A的LED注入电流调节范围内,标定了硅探测器响应电流在3.92×10-11~10-2 A范围内近9个量级的线性... 介绍了一种硅探测器宽动态范围线性测量系统,系统以光通量叠加为基础,通过时间逻辑控制LED点亮、熄灭和采集数据,在2.2×10-6~0.57A的LED注入电流调节范围内,标定了硅探测器响应电流在3.92×10-11~10-2 A范围内近9个量级的线性。实验结果表明,硅探测器在9个量级的动态范围内测量时探测器非线性引入的误差可达0.23%,通过非线性修正因子对其测量值进行修正很有必要,并给出了非线性修正因子,其数值范围为1~1.0023。分析了测量结果的测量不确定度,列出影响系统测量精度的因素,并定量分析了LED光源的光谱漂移对系统测量精度的影响。给出了线性测量系统的相对合成不确定度,硅探测器响应电流范围分别为39.2pA^0.326nA、0.326~81.6nA、81.6nA^20.4μA、20.4μA^10.2 mA时的测量不确定度分别为0.269%、0.0116%、0.00536%和0.00320%。结果表明该系统可以用于高精度硅探测器的宽动态范围响应线性定标。 展开更多
关键词 探测器 光学测量 线性定标 光通量叠加 不确
作者 吴小平 余艳梅 +1 位作者 吴晓红 罗代升 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期100-106,共7页
基于激光三角法原理对三维物体光刀切口长度测量做了深入的研究,着重研究了测量原理和定标方法。采用坐标变换方法,分析了三维物体光刀切口长度测量在高度方向上和光刀方向上的物像关系,得出了三维物体光刀切口长度测量的计算公式。基... 基于激光三角法原理对三维物体光刀切口长度测量做了深入的研究,着重研究了测量原理和定标方法。采用坐标变换方法,分析了三维物体光刀切口长度测量在高度方向上和光刀方向上的物像关系,得出了三维物体光刀切口长度测量的计算公式。基于高度方向和光刀方向的物像关系提出了一种新型线性定标方法。进行了手指长度测量实验,测量结果精度较高。研究结果表明:高度方向上物体相对高度的倒数和像相对高度的倒数成线性关系;光刀方向上物像的长度比和物体的相对高度成线性关系;新的定标方法精度高,操作方便;光刀测量三维物体切口长度精度高、成本低、处理速度快。 展开更多
关键词 测量 光刀切口长度测量 激光三角法 线性定标 光刀
长波红外高光谱成像光谱仪的辐射定标 被引量:6
作者 袁小春 杨智雄 +3 位作者 余春超 郑为建 雷正刚 严敏 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期431-434,共4页
红外辐射定标是红外遥感信息定量化的关键技术,对所测光谱进行定标是定量分析中的重要环节。采用自行研制长波红外高光谱成像光谱仪原理实验装置(简称CHIPED-I)进行验证,用黑体对实验装置进行了两点线性定标,将测量的相对强度转化成目... 红外辐射定标是红外遥感信息定量化的关键技术,对所测光谱进行定标是定量分析中的重要环节。采用自行研制长波红外高光谱成像光谱仪原理实验装置(简称CHIPED-I)进行验证,用黑体对实验装置进行了两点线性定标,将测量的相对强度转化成目标的绝对辐射亮度谱,采用亮温法算出标定后的亮温光谱。结果表明,这种辐射定标方法用于长波红外高光谱成像光谱仪方法可行,这对进一步分析大气透过率和反演大气中红外活性气体浓度具有实际意义。 展开更多
关键词 长波红外 高光谱成像光谱仪 线性定标 黑体辐射 亮温法
复混肥中磷元素的激光诱导击穿光谱多元线性定量分析 被引量:4
作者 沙文 李江涛 +1 位作者 鲁翠萍 郑春厚 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1958-1964,共7页
复混肥成分的快速、原位检测对化肥的生产过程、产品质量控制具有重要的意义。在化肥企业生产中,实验室进行分析,检测时间长,无法实现线上检测。与复混肥成分现有检测方法相比,激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)检测时间只需几分钟、一次测量可完... 复混肥成分的快速、原位检测对化肥的生产过程、产品质量控制具有重要的意义。在化肥企业生产中,实验室进行分析,检测时间长,无法实现线上检测。与复混肥成分现有检测方法相比,激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)检测时间只需几分钟、一次测量可完成复混肥成分检测、几乎无需样品预处理,将该技术用于复混肥成分快速、现场检测非常合适。搭建LIBS系统,激光器(100mJ,1064nm,1Hz)输出的激光束经45°反射镜由水平转为垂直方向,经焦距为40mm的透镜聚焦至旋转台上的复混肥样品表面,产生激光等离子体。激光器的调Q信号控制光纤光谱仪(Avantes,195~500nm)采集信号,设置光谱延迟时间为1.28μs,采集时间为1.05ms,最终获取复混肥样品LIBS光谱。20个复混肥样品由安徽徽隆集团提供,磷元素的参考值由企业采用国家标准方法测量。将复混肥样品粉碎过筛取3g,采用压片机在8MPa下压制成形。实验中,使用小型风扇吹扫复混肥样品表面,形成稳定气流,每个样品重复测量10次,每次测量平均20个脉冲,以减小样品不均匀性。其中,15个样品用于定标回归模型的建立,五个样品用于检验定标模型的适用性。复混肥是一种成分复杂的混合物,其中氮、磷、钾均以化合物存在。传统的LIBS定量方法是基于待测元素单条谱线强度,未考虑其他元素影响,降低了定量结果的准确性。将LIBS技术和多元线性回归法结合用于分析复混肥中磷元素浓度。选取磷元素的三条特征谱线即213.6,214.9和215.4nm。磷矿中硅元素含量基本不变,且硅元素在磷的谱线附近存在多条谱线,如212.4,220.8,221.1和221.7nm。分别采用一元、二元、三元和四元线性回归法建立校准曲线。结果表明,采用PⅠ:214.9nm谱线强度作自变量建立一元线性回归,LIBS预测值与参考浓度的相关系数仅为0.083,无法满足磷元素的定量分析要求。当采用PⅠ:214.9nm谱线强度和三条特征谱线之和(PⅠ:213.6,214.9和215.4nm)作自变量建立二元线性回归拟合时,相关系数提高到0.856,平均绝对误差由1.32%减小到0.16%。在二元线性回归中引入SiⅠ:212.4nm谱线强度,建立三元线性回归,相关系数为0.869。为进一步提高磷元素浓度测量的准确性,建立四元线性回归方程,将SiⅠ:212.4,220.8,221.1和221.7nm谱线强度之和作为自变量加入三元线性回归,相关系数提高到0.980,且15个定标样品的相对误差范围为0.06%~1.31%,而验证样品为0.13%~1.26%,这说明采用四元线性回归定标法可提高复混肥中磷元素浓度测量的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 复混肥 激光诱导击穿光谱 多元线性定标
基于机载FTIR的辐射定标研究 被引量:5
作者 童晶晶 刘文清 +3 位作者 高闽光 张天舒 徐亮 魏秀丽 《红外》 CAS 2010年第12期12-15,25,共5页
用机载傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR)可在各种地物背景条件下被动遥测大气中痕量气体的浓度。对所测光谱进行定标是定量分析中的重要环节。实验中用120℃和140℃黑体对MB154光谱仪进行了两点线性定标,给出了标定后130℃时的黑体辐射谱。... 用机载傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR)可在各种地物背景条件下被动遥测大气中痕量气体的浓度。对所测光谱进行定标是定量分析中的重要环节。实验中用120℃和140℃黑体对MB154光谱仪进行了两点线性定标,给出了标定后130℃时的黑体辐射谱。结果表明,通过该方法标定的辐射光谱与由普朗克公式计算得到的理论值吻合得很好。对地表背景变化复杂、采集波段为2000cm^(-1)~5000cm^(-1)的机载FTIR原始光谱进行了分段定标校正,并将测量的相对强度转化成目标的绝对辐射亮度谱。这对于进一步分析大气透过率和反演大气中红外活性气体浓度具有实际意义。 展开更多
关键词 FTIR 线性定标 黑体辐射 机载
CINRAD/SB雷达回波强度定标调校方法 被引量:33
作者 潘新民 柴秀梅 +3 位作者 崔柄俭 黄跃青 王全周 徐俊领 《应用气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期739-746,共8页
回波强度定标和调校方法是保障CINRAD/SB回波强度测量精度的关键技术,方法不当会导致回波强度测量误差增大,直接影响雷达定量估测降水产品的可靠性。为了满足回波强度测量误差在±1 dBZ范围内的技术要求,根据雷达气象方程,通过对CIN... 回波强度定标和调校方法是保障CINRAD/SB回波强度测量精度的关键技术,方法不当会导致回波强度测量误差增大,直接影响雷达定量估测降水产品的可靠性。为了满足回波强度测量误差在±1 dBZ范围内的技术要求,根据雷达气象方程,通过对CINRAD/SB接收机测试通道、主通道、天馈系统相关影响回波强度测量误差的因素进行分析,提出了从接收机动态范围和雷达参数调整、线性通道增益定标目标常数定标,到测试通道参数调整的回波强度定标工作流程。总结出以线性通道增益定标目标常数定标为基准,采用测试通道参数测量法或基准法调校,以保证发射功率和接收机动态范围变化导致的回波强度测量误差得到在线实时校正,提高了CINRAD/SB回波强度测量精度。从接收机测试通道、主通道、天馈系统及发射功率4个方面,给出了回波异常的分析和诊断流程。并提出在接收机保护器前端增加机外信号注入口和定标信号功率检测功能,以利于机内外回波强度定标对比校准和消除测试通道参数变化导致回波强度测量误差的建议。 展开更多
关键词 CINRAD/SB雷达 回波强度 测量误差 线性通道增益常数
基于积分球光源的大动态范围辐射标准传递技术研究 被引量:5
作者 刘辉 陈洪耀 +3 位作者 李佳伟 包诗薇 杨宝云 张黎明 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期237-244,共8页
为了拓展目前实验室辐射标准的动态范围,提出了基于积分球光源的大动态范围辐射标准传递技术.即在等色温调节的前提下,结合可调光阑和基于大动态范围响应线性硅探测器的监视辐射计将辐照度标准灯-漫射板系统的光谱辐亮度工作标准传递到... 为了拓展目前实验室辐射标准的动态范围,提出了基于积分球光源的大动态范围辐射标准传递技术.即在等色温调节的前提下,结合可调光阑和基于大动态范围响应线性硅探测器的监视辐射计将辐照度标准灯-漫射板系统的光谱辐亮度工作标准传递到大动态范围可调节积分球光源各个亮度等级,从而实现辐射标准的动态范围拓展.通过研制大动态范围多级可调节光阑并分析探讨光谱匹配、硅探测器的响应线性对辐射标准传递精度的影响,最终在400~2 500nm范围内,积分球光源在6个量级内的辐射标准不确定度有望达到4.3%~6.1%,这对光辐射测量定量化发展具有重要的意义. 展开更多
关键词 辐射 积分球光源 线性定标 可调光阑 不确
时间调制型FTIR光谱仪辐射度定标方法的研究 被引量:1
作者 李雷 张智杰 岳松 《光学与光电技术》 2017年第1期49-53,共5页
辐射度定标是时间调制型FTIR数据处理中非常关键的一个环节,定标的好坏直接影响着其在应用中性能的优劣。根据光谱仪响应函数(线性或非线性)的不同,辐射度定标方法可分为线性定标和非线性定标;根据定标中采用的点数的不同可分为两点定... 辐射度定标是时间调制型FTIR数据处理中非常关键的一个环节,定标的好坏直接影响着其在应用中性能的优劣。根据光谱仪响应函数(线性或非线性)的不同,辐射度定标方法可分为线性定标和非线性定标;根据定标中采用的点数的不同可分为两点定标和多点定标。首先用MATLAB对光谱仪采集的数据进行线性度分析与仿真,然后用C++编程分别实现线性定标和非线性定标。实验结果为两点法的误差为0.1118,抛物线法的误差为0.1684,四点线性的误差为0.0599。结果表明多点线性的定标方法效果最好。采用四点线性的方法进行定标将大大提升光谱的准确度,为后面的光谱识别工作打好基础。 展开更多
关键词 时间调制 辐射度 多点非线性定标 普朗克曲线
Fitting V F Converter*ss Output Using High Order Neural Networks
作者 周捷 翟羽健 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1998年第2期28-33,共6页
A new method is presented in this paper for fitting VFC*ss (voltage to frequency converter) output functions by using high order neural networks. The nonlinear estimation is implemented when the VFC110 is used at a... A new method is presented in this paper for fitting VFC*ss (voltage to frequency converter) output functions by using high order neural networks. The nonlinear estimation is implemented when the VFC110 is used at a full scale output frequency of 4 MHz. Two kinds of on line dynamic calibrating circuits are designed to improve the sampling precision. This method can also be applied to different industrial applications. 展开更多
关键词 VFC110 high order neural networks nonlinear estimation dynamic calibration
作者 廖子莹 聂优 +1 位作者 尹德都 王昆林 《物理通报》 2019年第8期89-91,共3页
文章运用转换法,利用杠杆放大原理,将液体对管底膨胀膜的压强转换为指针的偏转,将难以观测的液体压强用指针读数定量地显示出来,将其做成对比式的实验仪器,使实验现象更直观、可比、明显、可读.该实验仪器设计新颖,结构简单,易于操作,... 文章运用转换法,利用杠杆放大原理,将液体对管底膨胀膜的压强转换为指针的偏转,将难以观测的液体压强用指针读数定量地显示出来,将其做成对比式的实验仪器,使实验现象更直观、可比、明显、可读.该实验仪器设计新颖,结构简单,易于操作,能重复使用,便于自制和推广. 展开更多
关键词 液体压强 对比式 膨胀膜 线性定标
A multi-objective model for cordon-based congestion pricing schemes with nonlinear distance tolls 被引量:1
作者 孙鑫 刘志远 +3 位作者 THOMPSON Russell G 别一鸣 翁金贤 陈淑燕 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1273-1282,共10页
Congestion pricing is an important component of urban intelligent transport system.The efficiency,equity and the environmental impacts associated with road pricing schemes are key issues that should be considered befo... Congestion pricing is an important component of urban intelligent transport system.The efficiency,equity and the environmental impacts associated with road pricing schemes are key issues that should be considered before such schemes are implemented.This paper focuses on the cordon-based pricing with distance tolls,where the tolls are determined by a nonlinear function of a vehicles' travel distance within a cordon,termed as toll charge function.The optimal tolls can give rise to:1) higher total social benefits,2) better levels of equity,and 3) reduced environmental impacts(e.g.,less emission).Firstly,a deterministic equilibrium(DUE) model with elastic demand is presented to evaluate any given toll charge function.The distance tolls are non-additive,thus a modified path-based gradient projection algorithm is developed to solve the DUE model.Then,to quantitatively measure the equity level of each toll charge function,the Gini coefficient is adopted to measure the equity level of the flows in the entire transport network based on equilibrium flows.The total emission level is used to reflect the impacts of distance tolls on the environment.With these two indexes/measurements for the efficiency,equity and environmental issues as well as the DUE model,a multi-objective bi-level programming model is then developed to determine optimal distance tolls.The multi-objective model is converted to a single level model using the goal programming.A genetic algorithm(GA) is adopted to determine solutions.Finally,a numerical example is presented to verify the methodology. 展开更多
关键词 distance-based toll charging schemes EQUITY path-based gradient projection algorithm non-additive goal programming
Non-Metric CCD Camera Calibration Algorithm in a Digital Photogrammetry System 被引量:4
作者 YANG Hua-chao DENG Ka-zhong ZHANG Shu-bi GUO Guang-li ZHOU Ming 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第2期119-122,共4页
Camera calibration is a critical process in photogrammetry and a necessary step to acquire 3D information from a 2D image. In this paper, a flexible approach for CCD camera calibration using 2D direct linear transform... Camera calibration is a critical process in photogrammetry and a necessary step to acquire 3D information from a 2D image. In this paper, a flexible approach for CCD camera calibration using 2D direct linear transformation (DLT) and bundle adjustment is proposed. The proposed approach assumes that the camera interior orientation elements are known, and addresses a new closed form solution in planar object space based on homogenous coordinate representation and matrix factorization. Homogeneous coordinate representation offers a direct matrix correspondence between the parameters of the 2D DLT and the collinearity equation. The matrix factorization starts by recovering the elements of the rotation matrix and then solving for the camera position with the collinearity equation. Camera calibration with high precision is addressed by bundle adjustment using the initial values of the camera orientation elements. The results show that the calibration precision of principal point and focal length is about 0.2 and 0.3 pixels respectivelv, which can meet the requirements of close-range photogrammetry with high accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 direct linear transformation collinearity equation bundle adjustment camera calibration Hough transformation
作者 Liu Guangyan Huang Shunji (Dept. of Electron. Eng., UEST of China, Chengdu 610054) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2003年第5期337-343,共7页
Instantaneous Doppler frequency for squint SAR imaging has been found with ChirpScaling Algorithm (CSA). Because the azimuth sample is not perpendicular to the range sample,the range signal must impact on the azimuth ... Instantaneous Doppler frequency for squint SAR imaging has been found with ChirpScaling Algorithm (CSA). Because the azimuth sample is not perpendicular to the range sample,the range signal must impact on the azimuth signal in the squint SAR data processing, andthe different slant range targets have different Doppler frequencies. From the mathematicalmodel of SAR echo signal, this paper carefully analyzes the instantaneous azimuth frequency, theinstantaneous Doppler frequency component of the azimuth frequency and the impact of rangechirp on azimuth frequency, which explains that Doppler frequency should be properly selected forcorrect SAR imaging in the squint SAR. The results of point target simulation experiments showthat the way is reasonable for the squint SAR and can effectively complete range compressionand azimuth focusing, and improve images' quality. 展开更多
关键词 PRF Doppler frequency Chirp scaling algorithm Range chirp rate SAR
Transient Stability Analysis Using Transmission Line Measurement
作者 蔡国伟 程浩忠 +1 位作者 陈家荣 王承民 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第2期29-35,共7页
The novel quantitative assessment method using transmission line measurement was developed. A new style of stability criterion was suggested which is based on the line measurement. The stability indices for lines, cut... The novel quantitative assessment method using transmission line measurement was developed. A new style of stability criterion was suggested which is based on the line measurement. The stability indices for lines, cutsets and power system according to features of transient energy in the lines were given, which not only provide a reliable and accurate assessment of the transient stability of power system, but also can be used to assess the effect of lines and cutsets on the transient stability and identify the weak transmission segment. Examples were presented by simulation on the IEEE-39 buses test system. 展开更多
关键词 power system transient stability local network measurement stability criterion line stability index cutset stability index
A Calibration Method Based on Linear InGaAs in Fiber Grating Sensors Interrogation System 被引量:1
作者 TAO Jun ZHANG Xia 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期16-20,共5页
In accordance with the characteristics of wavelength shift detection in fiber grating sensor interrogation system,the wavelength interrogation system which uses linear InGaAs as the spectrum receiver is proposed.Orien... In accordance with the characteristics of wavelength shift detection in fiber grating sensor interrogation system,the wavelength interrogation system which uses linear InGaAs as the spectrum receiver is proposed.Orientation of optic spectrum line affects the silt of volume phase grating and size of InGaAs photosensitive unit,thus the calibration method is needed.Based on an analysis of InGaAs imaging model,least square curve fitting method is proposed to detect spectrum wavelength and InGaAs photosensitive unit position.The experimental results show that the methods are effective and the demodulation system precision is improved. 展开更多
关键词 fiber grating sensor interrogation linear InGaAs spectrum wavelength least square curvefitting
作者 Junyu LI Li ZHANG Zaihua WANG 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第5期835-849,共15页
This paper presents a method for directly analyzing the stability of complex-DDEs on the basis of stability switches. Two novel criteria are developed for the stability of a class of complex- DDEs. These results not o... This paper presents a method for directly analyzing the stability of complex-DDEs on the basis of stability switches. Two novel criteria are developed for the stability of a class of complex- DDEs. These results not only generalize some known results in literature but also greatly reduce the complexity of analysis and computation. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed criteria, the stabilization problem of the extended time delay auto-synchronization (ETDAS) control and n time delay auto-synchronization (NTDAS) control are then further investigated, respectively. The numerical simulations are consistent with the above theoretical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Complex coefficient delay feedback control stability switch time-delay.
Variational formula for the stability of regime-switching diffusion processes 被引量:1
作者 Jinghai Shao Lingdi Wang 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期659-676,共18页
The asymptotical stability in probability is studied for diffusion processes and regime-switching diffusion processes in this work. For diffusion processes, some criteria based on the integrability of the functionals ... The asymptotical stability in probability is studied for diffusion processes and regime-switching diffusion processes in this work. For diffusion processes, some criteria based on the integrability of the functionals of the coefficients are given, which yield a useful comparison theorem on stability with respect to some nonlinear systems. For regime-switching diffusion processes, some criteria based on the idea of a variational formula are given. Both state-independent and state-dependent regime-switching diffusion processes are investigated in this work. These conditions are easily verified and are shown to be sharp by examples. 展开更多
关键词 stability in probability regime-switching diffusions state-dependent M-matrix
Existence and Uniqueness Results for Quaternion-Valued Nonlinear Impulsive Differential Systems
作者 ZHU Jingwen SUN Jitao 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第3期596-607,共12页
This paper studies the existence and uniqueness conditions for the quaternion-valued non-linear impulsive system. Firstly, a space of quaternion-valued piecewise functions is constructed and completeness of the space ... This paper studies the existence and uniqueness conditions for the quaternion-valued non-linear impulsive system. Firstly, a space of quaternion-valued piecewise functions is constructed and completeness of the space is also proved. Then by taking advantage of the Bielecki norm and fixed point theorem, existence and uniqueness criteria of quaternion-valued nonlinear impulsive system are obtained. At last, an example is given to illustrate our theoretical results. 展开更多
关键词 Differential equations existence and uniqueness impulsive system quaternion-valued
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