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应力锥体增强绝缘非线性属性对HVDC电缆终端电场分布的影响 被引量:1
作者 李忠华 张霞 《电气工程学报》 2018年第11期37-43,共7页
高压直流电缆及附件稳态电场分布主要取决于绝缘材料的电导率,而电导率又与场强、温度紧密相关,这使得直流电缆附件电场分布相比高压交流电缆附件更复杂。为此,在固定电缆终端XLPE绝缘、硅油电导率和温度梯度的条件下,本文采用多物... 高压直流电缆及附件稳态电场分布主要取决于绝缘材料的电导率,而电导率又与场强、温度紧密相关,这使得直流电缆附件电场分布相比高压交流电缆附件更复杂。为此,在固定电缆终端XLPE绝缘、硅油电导率和温度梯度的条件下,本文采用多物理场耦合软件仿真研究了应力锥体增强绝缘非线性属性对高压直流电缆户外复合型终端稳态电场分布的影响规律。仿真研究结果表明:复合型户外高压直流电缆终端,工厂绝缘和增强绝缘界面切向电场在应力锥体根部和顶部可能出现极大值;而在半导电应力锥内表面电场也可能在根部和顶部出现极大值;通过调控增强绝缘材料的非线性属性可实现复合型电缆终端电场分布的综合调控。 展开更多
关键词 HVDC电缆终端 应力锥体增强绝缘 材料非线性属性 电场分布
作者 袁薇 唐军芳 《科技通报》 北大核心 2017年第6期167-169,261,共4页
为了精确的衡量消费者的购物偏好,为企业提供决策信息,本文在大数据关联规则挖掘技术的基础上,建立了一种基于非线性属性置信规则测度的茶叶消费者偏好挖掘模型。首先根据非线性属性的因果关系构建置信规则库,然后以此建立消费者偏好挖... 为了精确的衡量消费者的购物偏好,为企业提供决策信息,本文在大数据关联规则挖掘技术的基础上,建立了一种基于非线性属性置信规则测度的茶叶消费者偏好挖掘模型。首先根据非线性属性的因果关系构建置信规则库,然后以此建立消费者偏好挖掘模型,采用加权乘法聚集函数计算模型的逻辑关系,并针对模型的误差影响因子对其偏好等级的信度分配参数进行优化。模型实例仿真结果表明,与茶叶实际销售数据进行对比,本文提出的模型得到的最终结果与实际结果基本一致,证明了该模型的有效性和实用性。 展开更多
关键词 关联规则 茶叶销售偏好 置信规则 线性属性 加权惩罚聚集函数
作者 林运国 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1413-1417,共5页
针对加权迁移系统,提出了线性时间属性及其安全性检测。首先定义了半环K上的加权迁移系统,提出了加权线性时间属性概念,并根据权重函数确定加权线性时间属性的上确界、下确界和闭包;接着给出了几种常见的加权线性时间属性并且讨论了它... 针对加权迁移系统,提出了线性时间属性及其安全性检测。首先定义了半环K上的加权迁移系统,提出了加权线性时间属性概念,并根据权重函数确定加权线性时间属性的上确界、下确界和闭包;接着给出了几种常见的加权线性时间属性并且讨论了它们的关系;然后重点研究了加权安全性,通过加权自动机和闭包给出了加权正则安全性;最后基于加权有穷自动机,建立了加权正则安全性的检测方法。检测过程结合半环和形式幂级数,构造了加权迁移系统和加权有穷自动机的乘积系统,将加权安全性检测问题转化为验证乘积系统的不变性,给出了加权正则安全性检测的算法和复杂度。实例结果表明,所提的方法能够对加权迁移系统的安全性进行检测。 展开更多
关键词 迁移系统 线性时间属性 模型检测 安全性 半环
作者 常玉婷 潘海玉 《桂林电子科技大学学报》 2022年第5期423-430,共8页
针对线性时间属性中最重要的基础属性安全性和活性,将它们扩展到模糊背景下,有助于定量刻画系统与其属性之间的满足程度。结合度量理论中线性距离的概念,刻画系统与属性之间关系,进而量化一个系统多大程度满足一个属性。首先回顾线性距... 针对线性时间属性中最重要的基础属性安全性和活性,将它们扩展到模糊背景下,有助于定量刻画系统与其属性之间的满足程度。结合度量理论中线性距离的概念,刻画系统与属性之间关系,进而量化一个系统多大程度满足一个属性。首先回顾线性距离的定义以及一些性质。其次,基于模糊迁移系统,研究线性时间属性中安全性和活性的定量扩展形式,并尽可能多地保留传统线性时间属性相关的优良性质,通过给定距离阈值α,定义α-安全性和α-活性,从而将经典的线性时间属性扩展到模糊背景下。通过对所提出的α-安全性和α-活性理论进行扩充,对现有模糊背景下的线性时态逻辑进行适当地补充,从而刻画所定义的α-安全性和α-活性。最后通过一个具体的实例来阐述所得出的结论。 展开更多
关键词 线性时间属性 模糊逻辑 安全性 活性 线性时态逻辑
利用地震属性预测煤层顶底板含水性研究 被引量:4
作者 李雪梅 师素珍 《煤炭工程》 北大核心 2014年第9期106-108,共3页
文章通过地震属性来预测岩性参数,即选择利用多属性线性回归和概率神经网络技术对纵波速度、密度、视电阻率和孔隙度这些岩性参数进行反演,进而从获得的波阻抗体、视电阻率体和孔隙度体来预测煤层顶底板岩石的含水性。应用实例中,预测... 文章通过地震属性来预测岩性参数,即选择利用多属性线性回归和概率神经网络技术对纵波速度、密度、视电阻率和孔隙度这些岩性参数进行反演,进而从获得的波阻抗体、视电阻率体和孔隙度体来预测煤层顶底板岩石的含水性。应用实例中,预测含水性相对较强的区域为低波阻抗、低视电阻率和高孔隙度分布的区域,这符合岩石物理的认识,同时与矿区地质认识的含水区也是一致的。煤层顶底板含水性的分析,对于防患煤矿突水事故具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 地震属性 属性线性回归 概率神经网络 煤层顶底板 含水性
基于多属性变换的煤田波阻抗反演应用研究 被引量:3
作者 李娟娟 崔若飞 +2 位作者 潘冬明 胡明顺 张应华 《工程地球物理学报》 2012年第6期641-645,共5页
随着煤炭资源勘探深度的日益增加,复杂的地质条件对岩性勘探提出了新的要求,常规的反演技术捉襟见肘。本文避开了以褶积模型为基础的常规反演,从基于地震属性技术的反演技术出发,选择利用多元线性回归技术和径向基神经网络技术进行反演... 随着煤炭资源勘探深度的日益增加,复杂的地质条件对岩性勘探提出了新的要求,常规的反演技术捉襟见肘。本文避开了以褶积模型为基础的常规反演,从基于地震属性技术的反演技术出发,选择利用多元线性回归技术和径向基神经网络技术进行反演研究。论文以山西阳泉某矿地震勘探资料为例进行反演计算,计算研究结果表明,基于多属性变换的反演技术效果优于常规的反演方法,在煤田反演中可以得到广泛的推广。这就为煤田岩性地震勘探提供了一项有效的技术,有很好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 属性变换 属性线性回归 径向基神经网络
基于SPIN的LTL属性分解方法研究 被引量:2
作者 贺志宏 曾庆凯 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期43-46,65,共5页
提出一种基于模型检测工具SPIN的LTL属性分解方法以解决状态空间爆炸问题。根据逻辑和时序操作符常见的组合情况,讨论不同的属性分解模式,根据子属性构建的切片准则进行程序切片,利用SPIN对切片后的等价简化模型进行检测,从而将对原模... 提出一种基于模型检测工具SPIN的LTL属性分解方法以解决状态空间爆炸问题。根据逻辑和时序操作符常见的组合情况,讨论不同的属性分解模式,根据子属性构建的切片准则进行程序切片,利用SPIN对切片后的等价简化模型进行检测,从而将对原模型上属性的检测转化成对复杂度较低的子模型上各子属性的分别检测。实验结果表明,该方法具有一定的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 线性时序逻辑属性 模型检测 属性分解 静态程序切片
基于度量线性时态逻辑的近似安全性 被引量:2
作者 蔡泳 钱俊彦 潘海玉 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期309-314,共6页
近年来,计算机系统的定量验证已经引起了学术界和工业界足够的关注,其中取值于度量空间的系统性质研究为定量验证的发展开辟了一条新途径。在系统验证中常用线性时间属性来刻画系统的性质,而安全性作为线性时间属性中一类至关重要的基... 近年来,计算机系统的定量验证已经引起了学术界和工业界足够的关注,其中取值于度量空间的系统性质研究为定量验证的发展开辟了一条新途径。在系统验证中常用线性时间属性来刻画系统的性质,而安全性作为线性时间属性中一类至关重要的基础属性,能保证系统在运行过程中不会发生“坏”的事情,其在度量背景下的推广形式也应该得到关注。为此,文中研究伪超度量空间上安全性的扩展问题,首先对已有的度量线性时态逻辑进行适当的补充,使其能充分地刻画度量背景下的线性时间属性;然后引入距离阈值α,提出一种α-安全性的概念,从而将经典的安全性提升到伪超度量空间上;最后讨论度量线性时态逻辑与α-安全性之间的关系。这些结论为取值于度量空间的系统的安全性验证提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 安全性 模型检测 线性时间属性 线性时态逻辑 伪超度量空间
Bennett机构自由度的螺旋分析 被引量:7
作者 黄真 夏平 丁华锋 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2004年第3期189-191,共3页
用螺旋理论对Bennett机构的自由度进行了研究,揭示其具有的线性属性。最后用此方法对Bennett机 构的几何条件进行分析。
关键词 BENNETT机构 自由度 过约束机构 线性属性 螺旋分析
用实数编码的遗传算法构造斜决策树 被引量:5
作者 胡宏银 朱绍文 +4 位作者 张大斌 王泉德 黄浩 陈菁华 陆玉昌 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期108-110,共3页
决策树方法是一种通过构造决策树来发现训练集中分类知识的数据采掘方法,其核心是如何构造决策树,构造决策树的关键是找出表示内部节点的最佳扩展属性[1].扩展属性有单属性和联合属性,由单属性形成的扩展属性集小,可以容易地找出最佳扩... 决策树方法是一种通过构造决策树来发现训练集中分类知识的数据采掘方法,其核心是如何构造决策树,构造决策树的关键是找出表示内部节点的最佳扩展属性[1].扩展属性有单属性和联合属性,由单属性形成的扩展属性集小,可以容易地找出最佳扩展属性,构造单元树的速度快,但是生成的单元树规模大,并可导致子树复制、一个属性的多次测试等;用联合属性作为扩展属性,生成的多元树规模小,能有效地克服单元树存在的问题,因此,多元树的构造受到许多研究者的重视.多元树中研究得最多的是斜决策树,它的内部节点为线性联合属性,寻找最佳线性联合属性的过程是不断优化属性系数的过程,优化系数的方法有爬山搜索法[2,3]、模拟退火法[4]等. 展开更多
关键词 斜决策树 遗传算法 实数编码 线性联合属性
基于C&S-PSO的软件成本估算类比法特征权重优化 被引量:2
作者 杨抒 王业 +1 位作者 乌尔柯西 游香薷 《计算机系统应用》 2015年第7期99-103,共5页
运用软件成本估算技术可以在软件项目实施过程中有效控制进度、降低风险从而保证所开发软件的质量.本文对成本估算技术中加权类比估算模型的特征属性的权重,使用优化的粒子群算法(C&S-PSO)进行优化后,利用MMRE和Pred(0.25)两个标准... 运用软件成本估算技术可以在软件项目实施过程中有效控制进度、降低风险从而保证所开发软件的质量.本文对成本估算技术中加权类比估算模型的特征属性的权重,使用优化的粒子群算法(C&S-PSO)进行优化后,利用MMRE和Pred(0.25)两个标准与非加权类比模型、支持回归和模糊神经网络等模型进行估算的精度比较.另外,采用非参数自助法对优化的PSO加权类比估算模型稳定性进行评估.研究结果表明,从估算精度来看,采用本文的估算模型比上述估算模型估算精度高,同时该模型具有较好的稳定性. 展开更多
关键词 软件成本估算 粒子群算法 类比方法 自助法 线性惯性属性权重
Ordovician limestone aquosity prediction using nonlinear seismic attributes:Case from the Xutuan coal mine
作者 黄亚平 董守华 耿建华 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第4期359-366,394,395,共10页
Ordovician limestone water is coal mines. In this paper, we analyze the the main source of water inrush in North China characteristic of three kinds of nonlinear seismic attributes, such as the largest lyapunov expone... Ordovician limestone water is coal mines. In this paper, we analyze the the main source of water inrush in North China characteristic of three kinds of nonlinear seismic attributes, such as the largest lyapunov exponent,fractal dimension and entropy and introduce their calculation methods. Taking the 81st and 82nd coal districts in the Xutuan coal mine as examples, we extract the three seismic attributes based on the 3D prestack migration seismic data of this area, which can display the Ordovician limestone fracture distribution in the mine. We comprehensively analyzed the three nonlinear seismic attributes and compared the results with transient electromagnetic exploration results and determined the possible Ordovician limestone aquosity distribution. This demonstrated that the nonlinear seismic attributes technology is an effective approach to predict the aquosity of Ordovician limestone. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear seismic attribute LIMESTONE aquosity PREDICTION
Damping characteristics analysis of squeeze film damper with metal rubber 被引量:5
作者 张蕊华 姜洪源 赵克定 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期146-150,共5页
A squeeze film damper (SFD) with metal rubber (MR) ring installed on the end and the radial direction of rotor are implemented in this paper. Based on the hypothesis of π film, the description of the new SFD/MR flux ... A squeeze film damper (SFD) with metal rubber (MR) ring installed on the end and the radial direction of rotor are implemented in this paper. Based on the hypothesis of π film, the description of the new SFD/MR flux and nonlinear oil film damping force is derived according to the Reynolds Eq. and Darcy’s law. It proves that the SFD/MR has better damping characteristics than the traditional SFD after comparatively analyzing characteristics of oil film between the traditional short SFD and the SFD/MR. 展开更多
关键词 SFD nonlinear film damping force metal rubber
Prediction of Soil Depth from Digital Terrain Data by Integrating Statistical and Visual Approaches 被引量:8
作者 F. M. ZIADAT 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期361-367,共7页
Information about the spatial distribution of soil attributes is indispensable for many land resource management applications; however, the ability of soil maps to supply such information for modern modeling tools is ... Information about the spatial distribution of soil attributes is indispensable for many land resource management applications; however, the ability of soil maps to supply such information for modern modeling tools is questionable. The objectives of this study were to investigate the possibility of predicting soil depth using some terrain attributes derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) with geographic information systems (GIS) and to suggest an approach to predict other soil attributes. Soil depth was determined at 652 field observations over the A1-Muwaqqar Watershed (70 km2) in Jordan. Terrain attributes derived from 30-m resolution DEMs were utilized to predict soil depth. The results indicated that the use of multiple linear regression models within small watershed subdivisions enabled the prediction of soil depth with a difference of 50 cm for 77% of the field observations. The spatial distribution of the predicted soil depth was visually coincided and had good correlations with the spatial distribution of the classes amalgamating three terrain attributes, slope steepness, slope shape, and compound topographic index. These suggested that the modeling of soil-landscape relationships within small watershed subdivisions using the three terrain attributes was a promising approach to predict other soil attributes. 展开更多
关键词 compound topographic index digital elevation model GIS WATERSHED
Linearization of T-S fuzzy systems and robust H_∞ control 被引量:4
作者 YOON Tae-Sung 王法广 +2 位作者 PARK Seung-Kyu KWAK Gun-Pyong AHN Ho-Kyun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期140-145,共6页
Takagi-Sugeno(T-S) fuzzy model is difficult to be linearized because of membership functions included.So,novel T-S fuzzy state transformation and T-S fuzzy feedback are proposed for the linearization of T-S fuzzy syst... Takagi-Sugeno(T-S) fuzzy model is difficult to be linearized because of membership functions included.So,novel T-S fuzzy state transformation and T-S fuzzy feedback are proposed for the linearization of T-S fuzzy system.The novel T-S fuzzy state transformation is the fuzzy combination of local linear transformation which transforms local linear models in the T-S fuzzy model into the local linear controllable canonical models.The fuzzy combination of local linear controllable canonical model gives controllable canonical T-S fuzzy model and then nonlinear feedback is obtained easily.After the linearization of T-S fuzzy model,a robust H∞ controller with the robustness of sliding model control(SMC) is designed.As a result,controlled T-S fuzzy system shows the performance of H∞ control and the robustness of SMC. 展开更多
关键词 T-S fuzzy control LINEARIZATION H∞ control sliding mode control
Concave Minimization for Sparse Solutions of Absolute Value Equations 被引量:5
作者 刘晓红 樊婕 李文娟 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第1期89-94,共6页
Based on concave function, the problem of finding the sparse solution of absolute value equations is relaxed to a concave programming, and its corresponding algorithm is proposed, whose main part is solving a series o... Based on concave function, the problem of finding the sparse solution of absolute value equations is relaxed to a concave programming, and its corresponding algorithm is proposed, whose main part is solving a series of linear programming. It is proved that a sparse solution can be found under the assumption that the connected matrixes have range space property(RSP). Numerical experiments are also conducted to verify the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 absolute value equations concave minimization SPARSITY linear programming range space property
Risk assessment model of tunnel water inrush based on improved attribute mathematical theory 被引量:10
作者 YANG Xiao-li ZHANG Sheng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期379-391,共13页
Tunnel water inrush is one of the common geological disasters in the underground engineering construction.In order to effectively evaluate and control the occurrence of water inrush,the risk assessment model of tunnel... Tunnel water inrush is one of the common geological disasters in the underground engineering construction.In order to effectively evaluate and control the occurrence of water inrush,the risk assessment model of tunnel water inrush was proposed based on improved attribute mathematical theory.The trigonometric functions were adopted to optimize the attribute mathematical theory,avoiding the influence of mutation points and linear variation zones in traditional linear measurement functions on the accuracy of the model.Based on comprehensive analysis of various factors,five parameters were selected as the evaluation indicators for the model,including tunnel head pressure,permeability coefficient of surrounding rock,crushing degree of surrounding rock,relative angle of joint plane and tunnel section size,under the principle of dimension rationality,independence,directness and quantification.The indicator classifications were determined.The links among measured data were analyzed in detail,and the objective weight of each indicator was determined by using similar weight method.Thereby the tunnel water inrush risk assessment model is established and applied in four target segments of two different tunnels in engineering.The evaluation results and the actual excavation data agree well,which indicates that the model is of high credibility and feasibility. 展开更多
关键词 tunnel water inrush risk assessment model attribute mathematical theory nonlinear measurement function similar weight method
SU(3) Simple Group Model and New Z' Properties in Future Linear Colliders
作者 LIU Yao-Bei WANG Shuai-Wei ZHANG Wen-Qing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期299-304,共6页
In the SU(3) simple group model, the new neutral gauge boson Z' couples to pairs of SM fermions with couplings fixed in terms of the SM gauge couplings and depending only on the choice of the fermion embedding. In ... In the SU(3) simple group model, the new neutral gauge boson Z' couples to pairs of SM fermions with couplings fixed in terms of the SM gauge couplings and depending only on the choice of the fermion embedding. In this paper, we calculate the contributions of this new particle to the processes e^+e^-→l^+l^-, bb^-, and cc^- and study the possibility of detecting this new particle via these processes in the future high-energy linear e^+e^- collider(LC) experiments with √s= 500 GeV and £int= 340 fb^-1. We find that the new gauge boson Z' is most sensitive to the process e^+e^-→b^+b^-. As long as Mz,≤2 TeV , the absolute values of the relative correction parameter are larger than 5%. We calculate the forward-backward asymmetries and left-right asymmetries for the process e^+e^-→c^+c^-, with both the universal and anomaly-free fermion embeddings. Bounds on Z' masses are also estimated within 95% confidence level. 展开更多
关键词 SU(3) simple group model relative corrections forward-backward asymmetry left-right asymme-try new gauge boson
Weak fatigue notch sensitivity in a biomedical titanium alloy exhibiting nonlinear elasticity 被引量:2
作者 Jinrui Zhang Syed A. A. Shah +2 位作者 Yulin Hao Shujun Li Rui Yang 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第4期537-544,共8页
It is well known that metallic materials exhibit worse fatigue damage tolerance as they behave stronger in strength and softer in modulus. This raises concern on the long term safety of the recently developed biomecha... It is well known that metallic materials exhibit worse fatigue damage tolerance as they behave stronger in strength and softer in modulus. This raises concern on the long term safety of the recently developed biomechanical compatible titanium alloys with high strength and low modulus. Here we demonstrate via a model alloy, Ti-24 Nb-4 Zr-8 Sn in weight percent, that this group of multifunctional titanium alloys possessing nonlinear elastic deformation behavior is tolerant in fatigue notch damage. The results reveal that the alloy has a high strength-to-modulus(σ/E) ratio reaching2% but its fatigue notch sensitivity(q) is low, which decreases linearly from 0.45 to 0.25 as stress concentration factor increases from 2 to 4. This exceeds significantly the typical relationship between σ/E and q of other metallic materials exhibiting linear elasticity. Furthermore, fatigue damage is characterized by an extremely deflected mountain-shape fracture surface, resulting in much longer and more tortuous crack growth path as compared to these linear elastic materials. The above phenomena can be explained by the nonlinear elasticity and its induced stress relief at the notch root in an adaptive manner of higher stress stronger relief. This finding provides a new strategy to balance high strength and good damage tolerance property of metallic materials. 展开更多
关键词 FATIGUE FRACTURE notch sensitivity biomedical metal titanium alloy
Jump-diffusions with state-dependent switching:existence and uniqueness,Feller property,linearization,and uniform ergodicity 被引量:3
作者 XI FuBao YIN Gang 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第12期2651-2667,共17页
This work focuses on a class of jump-diffusions with state-dependent switching. First, compared with the existing results in the literature, in our model, the characteristic measure is allowed to be a-finite. The exis... This work focuses on a class of jump-diffusions with state-dependent switching. First, compared with the existing results in the literature, in our model, the characteristic measure is allowed to be a-finite. The existence and uniqueness of the underlying process are obtained by representing the switching component as a stochastic integral with respect to a Poisson random measure and by using a successive approximation method. Then, the Feller property is proved by means of introducing auxiliary processes and by making use of Radon-Nikodym derivatives. Furthermore, the irreducibility and all compact sets being petite are demonstrated. Based on these results, the uniform ergodicity is established under a general Lyapunov condition. Finally, easily verifiable conditions for uniform ergodicity are established when the jump-diffusions are linearizable with respect to the variable x (the state variable corresponding to the jump-diffusion component) in a neighborhood of the infinity, and some examples are presented to illustrate the results. 展开更多
关键词 JUMP-DIFFUSION sigma-finite characteristic measure state-dependent switching Feller property uniform ergodicity LINEARIZATION
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