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基于NPR的3维模型线绘算法 被引量:3
作者 徐从富 陈健松 潘云鹤 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期707-712,共6页
为更好地进行3维模型的线绘,介绍了一个基于非真实感绘制技术的三角网格模型的线绘算法。该算法在预处理阶段利用离散化的曲率计算方法来估计模型顶点的平均曲率;在交互阶段,首先根据用户提供的平均曲率阈值检测模型的凹区域,同时通过... 为更好地进行3维模型的线绘,介绍了一个基于非真实感绘制技术的三角网格模型的线绘算法。该算法在预处理阶段利用离散化的曲率计算方法来估计模型顶点的平均曲率;在交互阶段,首先根据用户提供的平均曲率阈值检测模型的凹区域,同时通过设计启发式搜索算法来提取该区域适宜的线条,然后结合计算即可得到模型轮廓线,并在绘制时考虑虚拟光照效果,绘制结果表明,可以得到较满意的结果。 展开更多
关键词 非真实感 3维模型 平均曲率 凹区域 线绘
作者 李琪 《美与时代(美学)(下)》 2014年第12期93-95,共3页
关键词 费欣 线绘
线条在中西方绘画中的运用 被引量:1
作者 张洋 《魅力中国》 2011年第17期243-244,共2页
线描线描是中国传统绘画的主要造型手段,尤其在人物画中发挥举足轻重的作用,中国画的线描艺术能够娴熟地及传统的审美观念。油画艺术的表现方法主要以块面来呈现。而我们中国的传统艺术主要用线各作为表达方式。表面上看似东西方艺术... 线描线描是中国传统绘画的主要造型手段,尤其在人物画中发挥举足轻重的作用,中国画的线描艺术能够娴熟地及传统的审美观念。油画艺术的表现方法主要以块面来呈现。而我们中国的传统艺术主要用线各作为表达方式。表面上看似东西方艺术之间存在很大的差异,其实就艺术本身而言,艺术是没有国界的。线条这种最简单表现方式在艺术创作中起着怎样的作用?国画艺术和油画艺术中在对线条的理解有什么区别?他们之间有什么不同的发展轨迹?二者又是如何进行融会贯通的?线条如何在油画艺术中发挥更大的作用?以上这些问题,将是我根据自己的理解在本文中详细阐述的。 展开更多
关键词 线绘 中国画 油画
粒度分布数据的计算机光滑插值绘线方法 被引量:3
作者 黄建东 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第3期132-136,共5页
以一种单调光滑的分段插值函数为基础,在计算机上实现了光滑的粒度分布累积频率曲线和频率分布曲线的绘制。这一方法为编制软件在计算机上实现粒度分析数据高效高质量的系统处理提供了基础,为粒度分布特征的普遍表述向更精确、更全面... 以一种单调光滑的分段插值函数为基础,在计算机上实现了光滑的粒度分布累积频率曲线和频率分布曲线的绘制。这一方法为编制软件在计算机上实现粒度分析数据高效高质量的系统处理提供了基础,为粒度分布特征的普遍表述向更精确、更全面的方向深化提供了途径。 展开更多
关键词 插值线 单调光滑 计算机 粒度分布 沉积物
使用Autolisp编制程序实现测线自动展绘 被引量:2
作者 叶友龙 马春丽 王焕改 《物探装备》 2009年第2期130-133,共4页
在应用遥感图辅助地震生产时,需要将测线和物理点展绘在图上,目前一般都是在CAD中完成该项工作,绘制过程比较繁琐。本文介绍了利用Aotulisp编制自动展线和展点程序,并将程序集成到CAD中,使其和CAD命令一样,在成图过程中随时调用,快速成... 在应用遥感图辅助地震生产时,需要将测线和物理点展绘在图上,目前一般都是在CAD中完成该项工作,绘制过程比较繁琐。本文介绍了利用Aotulisp编制自动展线和展点程序,并将程序集成到CAD中,使其和CAD命令一样,在成图过程中随时调用,快速成图,提高了工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 AUTOLISP 线 展点
作者 钟跃崎 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2009年第2期448-453,共6页
提出一种直接在三维人体模型表面绘制三维版型的方法.所绘制的服装版型通过一个基于该版型轮廓的碰撞表面形成三维服装表面,再由FFD(自由变形)方式对其形状进行调节,并通过基于Loop表面细分的全局曲率约束方法光滑形成服装曲面.通过该... 提出一种直接在三维人体模型表面绘制三维版型的方法.所绘制的服装版型通过一个基于该版型轮廓的碰撞表面形成三维服装表面,再由FFD(自由变形)方式对其形状进行调节,并通过基于Loop表面细分的全局曲率约束方法光滑形成服装曲面.通过该方法最终所得的服装曲面可用于紧身及合身型服装原型设计. 展开更多
关键词 合身 三维服装 三维人体 三维手线 表面重建
手绘线矢量化技术的研究与实现 被引量:3
作者 杨玉来 王玉玫 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期128-131,共4页
手绘是人类思维外化和表达意图的一种有效方式,如何有效地对手绘线进行矢量化是正确理解绘图者意图的关键。本文提出一种采用组合贝塞尔曲线拟合稠密的二维手绘线数据点列的算法。采用平均弧长对数据点列进行滤波,剔除点列中的冗余点,... 手绘是人类思维外化和表达意图的一种有效方式,如何有效地对手绘线进行矢量化是正确理解绘图者意图的关键。本文提出一种采用组合贝塞尔曲线拟合稠密的二维手绘线数据点列的算法。采用平均弧长对数据点列进行滤波,剔除点列中的冗余点,利用相邻弧长间的夹角及弧长间的比值来估计各弧长中点的离散曲率值,采用平均曲率对各弧长中点进行过滤,识别出手绘线的绝大多数特征点,并分段构造插值于特征点的组合贝塞尔曲线。实验结果表明,所构造的曲线能够很好地反映手绘线的细小特征部分。该算法具有速度较快、拟合精度高等特点,可广泛应用于二维手绘线的矢量化过程。 展开更多
关键词 线 矢量化 贝塞尔曲线 拟合 离散曲率 特征点
作者 唐广 《石家庄铁道大学学报(自然科学版)》 1988年第2期58-61,共4页
关键词 旋转求交 剖面线
作者 陈蕾 《桌面出版与设计》 1999年第4期44-48,共11页
关键词 线 画笔 纸黄色 精华 色块 颜色笔 作品 对话框 线 路径创造
作者 陈凌娟 《艺术科技》 2016年第11期209-,共1页
关键词 费欣 线绘
基于草绘的实体建模系统设计 被引量:1
作者 李际军 李志刚 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期684-690,共7页
为满足产品概念设计的快速三维建模,设计了一种面向工业产品外形设计的草绘实体建模系统,通过估算草绘曲线主方向的方法直接构造三维曲线,基于动态轮廓模型最小能量算法对三维曲线进行修正变形;将离原曲线空间偏离最少的三维曲线作为二... 为满足产品概念设计的快速三维建模,设计了一种面向工业产品外形设计的草绘实体建模系统,通过估算草绘曲线主方向的方法直接构造三维曲线,基于动态轮廓模型最小能量算法对三维曲线进行修正变形;将离原曲线空间偏离最少的三维曲线作为二维曲线反投影的结果,进而利用边交换、三角细分等方法构造三维曲面;最后采用压力变形方法对曲面进行变形修正。该系统能够使用户以交互方式进行快速、直观地建模。自主开发软件平台,并进行多种建模测试,验证了算法的有效性和工程可行性。 展开更多
关键词 线 三维曲线 自由曲面 压力变形 实体建模
试论早期花鸟画线条 被引量:3
作者 袁牧 《苏州大学学报(工科版)》 CAS 1996年第S1期39-46,共8页
关键词 线 书法线 《历代名画记》 工笔花鸟画 春秋战国时期 早期花 铸造线 书法艺术 中国画 线
在线图文包装系统在体育转播中的应用 被引量:1
作者 王宁 陈李 《影视制作》 2009年第9期47-49,共3页
随着电视技术的发展,在线包装被越来越多的运用在体育转播中,体育转播中的字幕也突破了原来的界限,更多的新概念在播出中得以运用。在线包装为未来的体育转播树立了新的方向,同时将体育转播的制作推向了新的高度,本文分析总结了在线包... 随着电视技术的发展,在线包装被越来越多的运用在体育转播中,体育转播中的字幕也突破了原来的界限,更多的新概念在播出中得以运用。在线包装为未来的体育转播树立了新的方向,同时将体育转播的制作推向了新的高度,本文分析总结了在线包装系统的特点、在体育转播中的几种典型应用方法及变幻多端的视觉表现效果。 展开更多
关键词 图文在线包装 体育转播 场景 模板 GPI触发 线 嵌入式音频 虚拟体育 视频开窗
A Mapping Technique to Draw Resistivity Isocontours for Slice-of-Silicon Monocrystal 被引量:1
作者 孙以材 潘国峰 +2 位作者 杨茂峰 叶威 张鹏 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期1281-1285,共5页
A resistivity distribution with a space of 3mm between test points was measured on a slice-of-silicon monocrystal (diameter 75mm) using an inclined four-point probe. This paper has determined the number of resistivi... A resistivity distribution with a space of 3mm between test points was measured on a slice-of-silicon monocrystal (diameter 75mm) using an inclined four-point probe. This paper has determined the number of resistivity divisions and their separations by statistical methods and introduced fuzzy mathematics to place the data into different fuzzy sets, after choosing the exponent function as a membership function for fuzzy sets and suitable values of thresholds. One fuzzy set corresponds to one resistivity isocontour. Then,the resistivity isocontours can be drawn with a definite separation and fi- nally shown in a map with MATLAB. The deviation of resistivity data on an isocontour is small and there are few residual test points without connections. So, the connection of the isocontours are high-quality and useful in application for instructing practical production. 展开更多
关键词 mapping technique silicon monocrystal draw the resistivity isocontours
Computer Modeling and Simulation Evaluation of High Power LED Sources for Secondary Optical Design 被引量:3
作者 SU Hong-dong WANG Ya-jun DONG Ji-yang CHEN Zhong 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2007年第3期186-191,共6页
Proposed and demonstrated is a novel computer modeling method for high power light emitting diodes(LEDs). It contains geometrical structure and optical property of high power LED as well as LED dies definition with it... Proposed and demonstrated is a novel computer modeling method for high power light emitting diodes(LEDs). It contains geometrical structure and optical property of high power LED as well as LED dies definition with its spatial and angular distribution. Merits and non-merits of traditional modeling methods when applied to high power LEDs based on secondary optical design are discussed. Two commercial high power LEDs are simulated using the proposed computer modeling method. Correlation coefficient is proposed to compare and analyze the simulation results and manufacturing specifications. The source model is precisely demonstrated by obtaining above 99% in correlation coefficient with different surface incident angle intervals. 展开更多
关键词 high power LEDs solid-state lighting SIMULATION ray tracing secondary optical design correlation coefficient
A New Proposal to Adjust a Straight Line to a Normal Q-Q Plot 被引量:3
作者 Sonia Castillo-Gutierrez Emilio Damian Lozano-Aguilera Maria Dolores Estudillo-Martinez 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第5期327-333,共7页
In this paper a new proposal of a straight line, the "modified Tukey's line", for fitting to a normal quantile-quantile Plot, or normal Q-Q plot, is presented. This probability plot allows us to determine whether a... In this paper a new proposal of a straight line, the "modified Tukey's line", for fitting to a normal quantile-quantile Plot, or normal Q-Q plot, is presented. This probability plot allows us to determine whether a set of sample observations is distributed according to a normal distribution. For this, the sample quantiles are represented against the quantiles of a theoretical probability model, which in this case is the normal distribution. If the data set follows the above mentioned distribution, the plotted points will have a rectilinear configuration. To verify this, there are different alternatives for fitting a straight line to the plotted points. Among the straight lines which can be fitted to a Q-Q plot, in this paper, besides the proposed straight line, the following straight lines are considered: straight line that passes through the first and third quartiles, straight line that passes through the 10th and 90th percentiles, straight line fitted by the method of least squares, straight line with slope s and constant the average of the data set, Theil's line and Tukey's line. In addition, an example, in which there are represented the different straight lines considered and the proposed straight line on a normal Q-Q plot obtained for the same set of observations, is developed. In this example the existing differences among the straight lines are observed. 展开更多
关键词 Normal Q-Q plot straight line modified Tukey's line.
Influence of Relative Electrode-Electrolyte Movement over Productivity for Silver Recovery from Diluted Solutions
作者 Mirela Ioana Iorga Marius Constantin Mirica Ionel Balcu Nicolae Mirica Dan Rosu 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第4期296-304,共9页
The paper presents the influence of relative electrode-electrolyte movement over productivity for silver ions recovery by electrodeposition from diluted solutions. Wasted photographic fixing agent solution in various ... The paper presents the influence of relative electrode-electrolyte movement over productivity for silver ions recovery by electrodeposition from diluted solutions. Wasted photographic fixing agent solution in various concentrations was used. For each concentration three regimes were studied: stationary, electrode rotation with 100 rpm and electrode rotation with 300 rpm. Polarization curves were drawn and working conditions from silver recovery point of view were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Metal recovery relative electrode-electrolyte movement electrodeposition mass transport OVERPOTENTIAL rotating electrode
作者 陶玲 王惠南 田芝亮 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2005年第1期52-58,共7页
Ray casting algorithm can obtain a better quality image in volume rendering, however, it exists some problems, such as powerful computing capacity and slow rendering speed. How to improve the re-sampled speed is a key... Ray casting algorithm can obtain a better quality image in volume rendering, however, it exists some problems, such as powerful computing capacity and slow rendering speed. How to improve the re-sampled speed is a key to speed up the ray casting algorithm. An algorithm is introduced to reduce matrix computation by matrix transformation characteristics of re-sampling points in a two coordinate system. The projection of 3-D datasets on image plane is adopted to reduce the number of rays. Utilizing boundary box technique avoids the sampling in empty voxel. By extending the Bresenham algorithm to three dimensions, each re-sampling point is calculated. Experimental results show that a two to three-fold improvement in rendering speed using the optimized algorithm, and the similar image quality to traditional algorithm can be achieved. The optimized algorithm can produce the required quality images, thus reducing the total operations and speeding up the volume rendering. 展开更多
关键词 volume rendering ray casting algorithm acceleration algorithm re-sampled algorithm
A Preliminary Discussion on the Mechanism of Abnormal Intensity Zones of the M5.1 Wen'an Earthquake in 2006
作者 Zhang Suling Zhao Jingyi Lin Jie 《Earthquake Research in China》 2009年第4期448-457,共10页
An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale struck Wen'an county,Hebei Province on July 4,2006. No casualties have been reported,with only slight damage. The disaster level of this event is the slightest on t... An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale struck Wen'an county,Hebei Province on July 4,2006. No casualties have been reported,with only slight damage. The disaster level of this event is the slightest on the M4.9~5.1 events record tally since the CCDSN (China Center of Digital Seismic Network) was built in 1999. The epicenter intensity of this earthquake was low,while in areas like Beijing,which is 100km far away,abnormal high intensity zones appeared. This article discusses the reasons behind this abnormal phenomenon,with the diagrams of intensity isolines drawn by the intense seismic stations and networks in the capital circle area as references,as well as the seismogenic mechanism in the source,the seismic histories,the geological structures and the ray pathways of seismic waves in areas within 150km around the epicenter. It was concluded that the special dynamic and geological situations were the main causes for the lower intensity degree and slight damage in the epicenter area,but higher intensity in the surrounding areas. 展开更多
关键词 Wen'an earthquake Intensity anomaly Discussion on mechanism
Two-sided Long Baseline Radargrammetry from Ascending Descending Orbits with Application to Mapping Post-seismic Topography in the West Sichuan Foreland Basin 被引量:3
作者 CHENG Hai-qin CHEN Qiang +2 位作者 LIU Guo-xiang YANG Ying-hui LIU Li-yao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1298-1307,共10页
One-sided ascending or descending Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) stereoradargrammetry has limited accuracy of topographic mapping due to the short spatial baseline(-100 km) and small intersection angle. In order to... One-sided ascending or descending Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) stereoradargrammetry has limited accuracy of topographic mapping due to the short spatial baseline(-100 km) and small intersection angle. In order to improve the performance and reliability of generating digital elevation model(DEM) from spaceborne SAR radargrammetry, an exploration of two-sided stereoradargrammetry from the combination of ascending and descending orbits with geometric configuration of long spatial baseline(-1000 km) was conducted in this study. The slant-range geometry between SAR sensors to the earth surface and the Doppler positioning equations were employed to establish the stereoscopic intersection model. The measurement uncertainty of two-sided radargrammetric elevation was estimated on the basis of radar parallax of homogeneous points between input SAR images. Two stereo-pairs of ALOS/PALSAR(Advanced Land Observing Satellite/Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) acquisitions with the orbital separation almost 1080 km over the west Sichuan foreland basin with rolling topography in southwestern China were employed in the study to obtain the up-to-date terrain data after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake that hit this area. Thequantitative accuracy assessment of two-sided radargrammetric DEM was performed with reference to field GPS observations. The experimental results show that the elevation accuracy reaches 5.5 m without ground control points(GCPs) used, and the accuracy is further improved to 1.5 m with only one GPS GCP used as the least constraint. The theoretical analysis and testing results demonstrate that the twosided long baseline SAR radargrammetry from the ascending and descending orbits can be a very promising technical alternative for large-area and high accuracy topographic mapping. 展开更多
关键词 Ascending and descending orbits Twosided SAR radargrammetry Long baseline Image parallax Accuracy assessment
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