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张缙教授练针方法介绍 被引量:3
作者 张亚平 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第S2期165-165,共1页
张缙教授练针方法介绍张亚平(河北省保定市第一中医院住院部,071000)针灸是知识、技术紧密结合的学科。针刺手法的正确使用是提高临床疗效的关键环节,同时也是一门很难掌握的高深技术。针刺手法基本功训练是掌握针刺手法的关... 张缙教授练针方法介绍张亚平(河北省保定市第一中医院住院部,071000)针灸是知识、技术紧密结合的学科。针刺手法的正确使用是提高临床疗效的关键环节,同时也是一门很难掌握的高深技术。针刺手法基本功训练是掌握针刺手法的关键。张给教授根据自己几十年针灸临床... 展开更多
关键词 方法介绍 刺手法 练针 甲皱微循环 末梢血液循环 保定市 医院住院部 临床疗效 基本功训 守神
作者 马爱宁 王晓萍 +1 位作者 徐亮 赵雪 《医疗装备》 2002年第5期7-8,共2页
随着我国人民生活水平的日益提高 ,人们对医疗服务的质量要求也越来越高。病人为了减少打针带来的痛苦拒绝见习生、实习生为其注射、抽血、挂水的现象越来越普遍 ,为此造成的医患矛盾及负面影响日渐增多。按照现在的医疗规范 ,病人可以... 随着我国人民生活水平的日益提高 ,人们对医疗服务的质量要求也越来越高。病人为了减少打针带来的痛苦拒绝见习生、实习生为其注射、抽血、挂水的现象越来越普遍 ,为此造成的医患矛盾及负面影响日渐增多。按照现在的医疗规范 ,病人可以选择医生 ,那为什么不能选择护士呢 ?可是见习生、实习生不在病人身上注射就不能积累经验 ,不能提高技术水平 ,让学生们相互练习也不是最好的办法 ,为了解决这一日常工作中的难题 ,我们摸索研制了多功能练针器 ,让卫生界的新兵们在模拟的人体手臂上反复练习注射、抽血技术 ,当水平达到一针见“血”后再为病人服务。经临床试用后发现 ,练针器具有多种功能 ,既能让护士们练习打针、挂水、抽血技术 ,也可供检验人员练习微量采血技术 ,还可用于医院的管理部门考核青年医护人员的基本技能。练针器现已获国家实用新型专利。本文将详细的设计思路制作体会奉献给大家 ,恳请专家。 展开更多
关键词 制作方法 制作材料 多功能练针
论练针 被引量:6
作者 邹海燕 王玲玲 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第7期464-466,共3页
综合近代和当代十多位著名针灸大师的有关练针的理论 ,将练针归纳为应把握的四个关键 :练心意、练指力、练手法、练运气 ,并详细介绍练习的具体方法。倡导习针者重视练针 。
关键词 练针 刺疗法 刺手法 心意 指力 运气
多功能练针器的应用方法及体会 被引量:1
作者 王晓萍 谭睛 马爱宁 《现代护理》 2003年第8期596-596,共1页
关键词 多功能练针 临床应用 留置 护理 临床带教
针灸名家“练针”教学浅议 被引量:2
作者 邹德辉 王洪彬 +4 位作者 武淑娟 李旗 虞跃跃 李佳凝 崔建美 《中医药导报》 2021年第12期209-212,共4页
毫针训练是针灸"基本功"的重要内容,古今针灸名家都尤为重视练针。练针包括练"意、气、力、技巧、指感"等五大方面。练气重在练吐纳之气。练力重在练指力。练意时讲究守神练针。练巧时重在熟悉练针的先后顺序,反复... 毫针训练是针灸"基本功"的重要内容,古今针灸名家都尤为重视练针。练针包括练"意、气、力、技巧、指感"等五大方面。练气重在练吐纳之气。练力重在练指力。练意时讲究守神练针。练巧时重在熟悉练针的先后顺序,反复进行进针、行针、出针的精确性、熟练度和灵活度练习。练指感包括进针的层次触感练习和针感的识别练习。其中,练气是先导,练力是基础,练意是核心,练巧是重点,练指感是难点。此外,练针也需要循序渐进,持之以恒,熟能生巧,方可提高驾驭毫针的能力。 展开更多
关键词 练针 指力 基本功 实训
练针的意义及二十四式单式手法 被引量:21
作者 张缙 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期253-256,共4页
练针是指练针刺的基本功,一是练指力,二是练指感。在练针的过程中要领悟针是力的载体,行针时要力贯针中,要把练就的指力加到针上;基本功有四练,即练气、练指、练意(神)、练巧,还有三合,即意与指合、力与气合、气与意合;要静中求动、稳... 练针是指练针刺的基本功,一是练指力,二是练指感。在练针的过程中要领悟针是力的载体,行针时要力贯针中,要把练就的指力加到针上;基本功有四练,即练气、练指、练意(神)、练巧,还有三合,即意与指合、力与气合、气与意合;要静中求动、稳中求快,还要寓快于稳、寓动于静、寓巧于微。二十四式单式手法均为古籍所述之法,对其进行整理,并在具体方法上有所补充、归纳。将二十四式单式手法,分为六组,即:揣、爪、循、摄,摇、盘、捻、搓,进、退、提、插,刮、弹、飞、摩,动、推、颤、努,按、扪、搜、拨,有助于区分手法和理解手法的作用。 展开更多
关键词 练针 手法 单式手法
作者 车戬 田维柱 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期72-73,共2页
田维柱教授从事针灸临证30余载,曾从师于全国针灸名家彭静山教授研习眼针,得其精华并有所发扬,世界针灸学会联合会第2届主席王雪苔教授赞之曰:'观眼识病,发先哲之奥旨,今源于古;刺眶疗疴,师彭公之医术,青出于蓝'。田师针灸临证... 田维柱教授从事针灸临证30余载,曾从师于全国针灸名家彭静山教授研习眼针,得其精华并有所发扬,世界针灸学会联合会第2届主席王雪苔教授赞之曰:'观眼识病,发先哲之奥旨,今源于古;刺眶疗疴,师彭公之医术,青出于蓝'。田师针灸临证驳繁就简、处方精炼、标本兼顾、思路严谨,施术思想上强调整体观与治神理念,辨证论治与辨经论治相结合;操作时注重施术手法,强调动作要领,以'进针柔和、透皮不痛、得气明显、注重感传'而享誉于临床。余侍师临证数载,感触良多,现就田师有关练针技术的内容做如下整理。 展开更多
关键词 名医经验 医学家 田维柱 练针技术
王富春教授“练针四要”浅析 被引量:2
作者 赵晋莹 王富春(指导) +1 位作者 蒋海琳 李铁 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期203-205,共3页
通过整理王富春教授30余年的从医经验,归纳和总结了练习针刺手法的方式,以期使从事针灸教学和临床的工作人员掌握扎实的针灸技法。王富春教授提出了针刺手法练习的4个关键要素:练针之式、练针之意、练针之力及练针之气。针刺手法作为一... 通过整理王富春教授30余年的从医经验,归纳和总结了练习针刺手法的方式,以期使从事针灸教学和临床的工作人员掌握扎实的针灸技法。王富春教授提出了针刺手法练习的4个关键要素:练针之式、练针之意、练针之力及练针之气。针刺手法作为一项操作性极强的临床技能,经验传授是提高针刺手法的重要途径,初学者也需要通过理论学习与大量练习,并结合自身感悟来逐渐提高。 展开更多
关键词 手法 练针 名医经验 王富春
谈自身试针 被引量:1
作者 郑荣文 《浙江中医学院学报》 北大核心 1995年第4期43-43,共1页
关键词 练针 自身试 刺疗法 中医药疗法
作者 王琴玉 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2008年第1期52-56,共5页
Analyze present situation of treatment of cerebral palsy at home and abroad, review in detail concrete methods and studies of mechanisms of acupuncture and moxibustion as main therapeutic way adopted at home, probe ch... Analyze present situation of treatment of cerebral palsy at home and abroad, review in detail concrete methods and studies of mechanisms of acupuncture and moxibustion as main therapeutic way adopted at home, probe characteristics and models of Chinese rehabilitation treatment for cerebral palsy. Results indicate that acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of cerebral palsy has very great potential social and economic results. Therefore, it is appropriate to approach establishment of a comprehensive rehabilitation system of cerebral palsy with Chinese characteristics, and with acupuncture and moxibustion used as main way. 展开更多
关键词 Cerebral palsy Functional training Acupuncture and Moxibustion therapy
作者 罗卫平 黄红缨 朱洁艳 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2008年第4期9-16,22,共9页
Objective To observe therapeutic effects of acupuncture combined with language training on aphasia induced by ischemic apoplexy and investigate the mechanisms. Methods 60 patients were randomly divided into a treatmen... Objective To observe therapeutic effects of acupuncture combined with language training on aphasia induced by ischemic apoplexy and investigate the mechanisms. Methods 60 patients were randomly divided into a treatment group treated by acupuncture associated with language training and a control group treated by simple language training. Tongue-acupuncture was applied as the main therapy, and language training included speech organ training, mouth-shape and voice training, spoken language expression training and practical communication ability training. According to Aphosio Bottery of Chinese (ABC), language ex- amination evaluation was made, and event related potential (P300) was detected before and after treatment. Results The therapeutic effect in the treatment group was significantly better than that in the control group (P〈O. 05), and the scores of ABC items including information content, speech fluency, repetition, vocabula- ry denomination, color naming, response denomination, confirmation or negation, acoustic recognition and carrying out instruction in the treatment group were obviously higher than those in the control group (P〈0.05). After one course of treatment, the latencies of N2 and P3 waves in P300 were significantly short- ened and the amplitude of P3 was significantly elevated in the treatment group, compared with those in the control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion Acupuncture combined with language training provided remarkable therapeutic effects in treating cerebral infarction-induced motor aphasia, and it was better than simple lan- guage training. The results of enhancing of the ABC scores including information content, speech fluency, repetition, vocabulary denomination, color naming, response denomination, confirmation or negation, acous- tic recognition and carrying out instruction, and shortening of the latencies of N2 and P3 waves in P300 and ele- vation of P3 amplitude may be taken as the indices for evaluating and anticipating clinical therapeutic effects of the therapy for treating the disease, which may also be some of the mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Language Training Cerebral Infarction Motor Aphasia Aphasia Battery of Chinese (ABC) Event Related Potential (P300)
作者 刘振寰 马美美 +2 位作者 潘佩光 符文杰 胡静君 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2005年第4期31-33,36,共4页
Objective: To explore the best remedies for cerebral palsy with aphasia. Methods: A total of 76 cases of cerebral palsy children with aphasia were evenly randomized into control group and treatment group. Patients o... Objective: To explore the best remedies for cerebral palsy with aphasia. Methods: A total of 76 cases of cerebral palsy children with aphasia were evenly randomized into control group and treatment group. Patients of treatment group were treated with “consciousness-restoring needling” plus linguistic training and these of control group treated with simple linguistic training method. Acupuncture was given once every other day, and linguistic training conducted once 6 times a week, with 10 times being a therapeutic course and the interval between two weeks being 10 - 15 days. Following 3 courses of treatment, the therapeutic effect was analyzed. Results. After 3 courses of treatment, of the two 38 cases in treatment and control groups, 27 (71.1% ) and 13 (34.2%) had remarkable improvement in their symptoms. The therapeutic effect of treatment group was significantly superior to that of control group (P 〈 0.01 ). The developmental quotient values of speech of treatment and control groups were 56.36 ± 19.77 and 46.96± 15.63 respectively, displaying that acupuncture could significantly improve cerebral palsy patients' speaking ability (P〈0 05). Conclusion. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy plus linguistic training is significantly superior to that of simple linguistic training . 展开更多
关键词 Cerebral palsy Aphasia Speech therapy Acupuncture therapy
Effect of acupuncture combined with rehabilitative training on neural functional recovery of stroke patients during recovery phase:a randomized controlled trial 被引量:3
作者 杨晓辉 刘兵 欧阳八四 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2014年第4期17-23,共7页
Objective To compare the influences of acupuncture combined with rehabilitative training and simple rehabilitative training on neural functional recovery of stroke patients during recovery phase.Methods Sixty-seven st... Objective To compare the influences of acupuncture combined with rehabilitative training and simple rehabilitative training on neural functional recovery of stroke patients during recovery phase.Methods Sixty-seven stroke patients during recovery phase were randomly divided into an acupuncture combined with rehabilitative training group(group A) and a simple rehabilitative training group(group B) through random number table method,with 34 cases and 33 cases respectively;33 cases and 31 cases were respectively completed actually other than cases dropped out during the observation.Rehabilitation methods such as motion control and functional exercise training were primarily used for rehabilitative training,once daily for 45 min at a time,and 6 times a week;Baihui(百会 GV 20) and Fengchi(风池 GB 20) on the head and relevant acupoints on limbs were selected for acupuncture,once every other day,and 3 times a week.Both groups were treated for 8 weeks,National Institnte of Health Stroke Scale(NIHSS) was used to assess neurologic impairment,Fugl-Meyer scale was used to assess motor function,Barthel was used to assess activity of daily living,and comprehensive assessment was finally made to patients.Results NIH score,Fugl-Meyer scale scores of upper and lower limbs,Barthel score,and comprehensive assessment of group A after treatment were respectively:12.78±2.99,37.55±2.09 and25.67±3.93,63.76±4.65,11.33±1.98,superior to 16.06±4.57,28.71±4.07 and20.41±2.98,53.8214.35,15.18±1.72 of group B.Indices of both groups were significantly improved compared with those before treatment(P〈0.01,P〈0.05),but improvement of indices of group A was more obvious that that of group B after treatment subject to comparison(all P〈0.05).Conclusions Acupuncture combined with rehabilitative training has definite therapeutic effect on recovery of various functions such as neural functional recovery of stroke patients during recovery phase,obviously superior to simple rehabilitative training. 展开更多
关键词 STROKE rehabilitative training ACUPUNCTURE neurological function
Acupuncture combined with speech rehabilitation training for post-stroke spasmodic dysphonia:a multicenter randomized controlled trial 被引量:6
作者 武志佳 胡卡明 +3 位作者 郭耀光 涂永梅 张怀艺 王寅 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2014年第4期12-16,共5页
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of acupuncture combined with speech rehabilitation training for post-stroke spasmodic dysphonia and compare the differences in efficacy among the therapy of acupuncture combi... Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of acupuncture combined with speech rehabilitation training for post-stroke spasmodic dysphonia and compare the differences in efficacy among the therapy of acupuncture combined with speech rehabilitation training and the monotherapy.Methods Two hundred and seventy cases of patients with post-stroke spasmodic dysarthria were randomly divided into three groups with the ratio of 1:1:1.Group A:acupuncture combined with speech rehabilitation training group(90 cases),group B:acupuncture group(90 cases),group C:speech rehabilitation training group(90 cases).In the group B,acupuncture treatment was given at Baihui(百会 GV 20),JTnjin(金津 EX-HN 12) and Yuye(玉液 EX-HN13) as well as tongue-three needles.In the group C,the treatment of speech rehabilitation training was provided.The two treatments mentioned above were combined in the group A.Patients were treated once a day for a month with improved Frenchay dysarthria rating scale as the indices of therapeutic effect evaluation.Results ① Group A:the cured and markedly effective rate was 88.7%,and total effective rate was 94.3%;group B:the cured and markedly effective rate was 44.2%and total effective rate was 81.4%;group C:the cured and markedly effective rate was 23.5%and total effective rate was 61.2%.Both the cured and markedly effective rate and the total effective rate in the group A were significantly higher than those in the group B or group C(all P0.05);both the cured and markedly effective rate and the total effective rate in the group B were higher than those of group C(both P0.05);② In comparison of functional recovery of tongue in accordance with the Frenchay dysarthria rating scale,the recovery rate of the tongue-stationary state was 71.74%in the group A,18.87%in the group B and 4.44%in the group C;the recovery rate of tongue lolling out was 66.23%in the group A,27.63%in the group B and 1.59%in the group C;the recovery rate of tongue up and down motion was 44.19%in the group A,4.94%in the group B and 1.35%in the group C;the recovery rate of lateral motion was 40.24%in the group A,7.59%in the group B and 0.00%in the group C;the recovery rate of alternating motion was 29.07%in the group A,7.14%in the group B and 1.23%in the group C;the recovery rate of speech was 29.07%in the group A,5.88%in the group B and 1.22%in the group C.In the three groups,the recovery rates of stationary state and tongue lolling out were superior to those of up and down movement,lateral movement,alternating movement and speech(all P0.05).Conclusion The clinical efficacy of acupuncture combined with speech rehabilitation training for patients with post-stroke spasmodic dysarthria is significant,and the efficacy of acupuncture is superior to that of speech rehabilitation training;as for functional recovery of tongue like stationary state and tongue out,the therapy of acupuncture combined with speech rehabilitation training is effective. 展开更多
关键词 ACUPUNCTURE speech rehabilitation training dysarthria spasmodic STROKE randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Research of efficacy assessment of post-stroke hemiplegic spasticity treated with acupuncture and rehabilitation:a multi-centre randomized controlled trial 被引量:11
作者 武平 梁繁荣 +5 位作者 李瑛 金荣疆 胡卡明 田卫卫 罗伦 袁秀丽 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2010年第2期1-7,共7页
Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and rehabilitation on poststroke hemiplegic spasticity, and probe into the indices of efficacy assessment of the disease. Methods According to the randomized,... Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and rehabilitation on poststroke hemiplegic spasticity, and probe into the indices of efficacy assessment of the disease. Methods According to the randomized, controlled and blind clinical trial design, 229 cases enrolled in accordance with the inclusive criteria were divided into 3 groups based on visiting sequence: treatment group 1 (74 cases), treated with acupuncture [Jianyu (肩髃 LI 15), Quchi (曲池 LI 11), Waiguan (外关 TE 5) etc. on the affected side]; treatment group 2 (75 cases), treated with acupuncture as treatment group 1 and combined with rehabilitation as control group; control group (80 cases), treated with rehabilitation (Bobath facilitation technique). 5 treatments were given each week, continuously for 4 weeks. The clinical efficacy on post-stroke hemiplegic spasticity was observed systematically after the treatment of acupuncture combined with rehabilitation. Results The research showed that the baseline situations of 3 groups were good, the group division was proportionate, indicating strong comparability (P〉0.05). Based on the modified Ashworth Spasticity Scale (modified ASS), the total effective rate was 63.01% (46/73) in treatment group 1, 66.67%(50/75) in treatment group 2 and 44.00% (33/75) in control group, indicating a statistical significant difference among 3 groups (P〈0.05). Based on MAS motor function scale, the function improvement in treatment group 2 was superior to that in treatment group 1 and control group, indicating statistical significant differences among 3 groups (both P〈0.05). Based on modified Barthel index, the daily life activity in treatment group 2 was superior in the improvement as compared with treatment group 1 and control group, but without statistical significant difference indicated (P〉0.05). Conclusion The efficacy of post-stroke hemiplegic spasticity is definite with acupuncture combined with rehabilitation, and the acupuncture program is safe and effective. 展开更多
关键词 STROKE SPASTICITY Acupuncture Therapy REHABILITATION Randomized Controlled Trials
Clinical Observation on Acupuncture Treatment for Post-stroke Spastic Hemiplegia 被引量:6
作者 Zhang Yan Liu Guo-cheng +3 位作者 Wang Jin-yu Sun Yun-guang Yang Liu-jiang Huang Guo-qi 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2013年第4期230-234,共5页
Objective:To observe the clinical effect of contralateral needling plus rehabilitation for post-stroke spastic hemiplegia. Methods:Thirty-six patients with post-stroke spastic hemiplegia were randomly divided into a t... Objective:To observe the clinical effect of contralateral needling plus rehabilitation for post-stroke spastic hemiplegia. Methods:Thirty-six patients with post-stroke spastic hemiplegia were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group, 18 cases in each group. The two groups were all given rehabilitation training. The contralateral needling was adopted in the treatment group on the acupoints group of brain-refreshing and orifice-opening needling method. The routine acupuncture was applied in the control group on the same acupoints. Respectively before and after the treatment, the modified Ashworth scale (MAS) and clinical spasticity index (CSI) were used to assess the therapeutic effects. Results:The total effective rate was 94.4% in the treatment group and 67.7% in the control group, with a statistical difference in comparison of the two groups (P<0.05). In comparison of MAS and CSI scores after the treatment between the treatment group and control group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion:The contralateral needling plus rehabilitation training is an effective method for the treatment of post-stroke spastic hemiplegia. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Opposing Needling Needling Methods STROKE COMPLICATIONS HEMIPLEGIA Rehabilitation
Current Situation and Characteristics Analysis on Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation in China 被引量:1
作者 王琴玉 韩丑萍(翻译) 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2007年第6期332-335,共4页
Objective: To investigate the therapeutic characteristics and patterns of cerebral palsy rehabilitation in China. Method: To elaborate the specific acupuncture methods and action mechanism of cerebral palsy in China... Objective: To investigate the therapeutic characteristics and patterns of cerebral palsy rehabilitation in China. Method: To elaborate the specific acupuncture methods and action mechanism of cerebral palsy in China by combining analysis on the therapeutic situation of cerebral palsy from both home and abroad with research literatures. Conclusion: Acupuncture has great potential in social and economic benefits in the treatment of cerebral palsy, It is necessary to develop prospective, multi-center and randomly controlled trials on acupuncture treatment of cerebral palsy with exact and feasible therapeutic plans and establish acupuncture-centered cerebral palsy rehabilitation system with Chinese characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Cerebral Palsy Functional Training Acupuncture-Moxibustion Therapy
Effect of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Training on Barthel Index in Early-stage of Stroke Cases 被引量:14
作者 张宁霞 黄太权 +7 位作者 刘桂珍 侯郁青 刘淑青 罗家祺 刘薇薇 李坚翔 葛华讯 韩丑萍 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2009年第3期143-146,共4页
Objective: To study the effect of combined acupuncture and rehabilitation training on early-stage Barthel index of ischemic stroke cases. Method: Fifty ischemic stroke cases were randomized into a treatment group of... Objective: To study the effect of combined acupuncture and rehabilitation training on early-stage Barthel index of ischemic stroke cases. Method: Fifty ischemic stroke cases were randomized into a treatment group of 24 cases and control group of 26 cases. In addition to routine internal treatment methods, rehabilitation training was applied to cases in the control group, and combined acupuncture and rehabilitation training were applied to cases in the treatment group. Warming and reinforcing manipulations were applied to Jianyu (LI 15), Quchi (LI 11), Hegu (LI 4), Yanglingquan (GB 34), Yinlingquan (SP 9), Zusanli (ST 36), and Sanyinjiao (SP 6), 20 rain of needle retaining for each point in one treatment. Then the scores of clinical neurological impairment and Barthel index of stroke cases were evaluated before the treatment and 3 weeks after respectively. Results: The significant progress and progress cases in the treatment group were 14 and 12 respectively, whereas that in the control group were 6 and 11 respectively, coupled with 7 cases of no progress. The therapeutic effect in the treatment is substantially better than the control group (P〈0.05). There was no significant difference (P〉0.05) in neurological impairment and scores of Barthel index of the two groups before the treatment, whereas significant difference (P〈0.05) after the treatment. The scores of neurological impairment in the treatment group were significantly reduced after the treatment (P〈0.05), and the scores of Barthel index were significantly increased (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Combined acupuncture and rehabilitation training can produce significantly better effect on early neurological impairment and Barthel index of stroke cases than rehabilitation training alone. 展开更多
关键词 STROKE Acupuncture Therapy Rehabilitation Training Randomized Controlled Trial
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