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C语言类的动态组件化技术 被引量:1
作者 黄春华 方加娟 《长春教育学院学报》 2011年第1期138-139,共2页
关键词 COM组件 接口 生命周期 C++ ATL组件类 ATL模板基
基于Unix实现的类OLE组件技术及其在电网调度自动化系统中的应用 被引量:4
作者 王永福 张伯明 孙宏斌 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期29-32,共4页
组件技术已引起软件开发模式的巨大变革,它也必将促进电网调度自动化平台软件的进步。由于在Unix平台上还没有类似于OLE能支持图形对象的组件技术,作者在Unix平台上利用C++将Motif/Xt封装成面向对象的Motif开发包,据此实现了类似OLE的技... 组件技术已引起软件开发模式的巨大变革,它也必将促进电网调度自动化平台软件的进步。由于在Unix平台上还没有类似于OLE能支持图形对象的组件技术,作者在Unix平台上利用C++将Motif/Xt封装成面向对象的Motif开发包,据此实现了类似OLE的技术,并将该技术应用于电网调度自动化系统中,开发了新型电网调度自动化支撑平台。 展开更多
关键词 电网调度自动化系统 UNIX 面向对象 OLE组件 电力系统
飞机壁板类组件的数字化组合测量方法研究 被引量:1
作者 王巍 王诚鑫 +1 位作者 孔令天 海拉尔 《电子测量技术》 2019年第7期74-78,共5页
面对现代飞机装配制造过程中一些壁板类组件的测量任务,单一的数字化测量设备已经不能满足测量要求,因此,对基于激光跟踪仪与关节臂测量机的组合测量技术进行研究。首先,对组合测量系统进行构建,之后对组合测量系统的测量流程进行制定... 面对现代飞机装配制造过程中一些壁板类组件的测量任务,单一的数字化测量设备已经不能满足测量要求,因此,对基于激光跟踪仪与关节臂测量机的组合测量技术进行研究。首先,对组合测量系统进行构建,之后对组合测量系统的测量流程进行制定和对测量数据处理过程进行分析,并得到偏差矢量表和偏差分布色谱图,最后将该组合测量技术方案应用到某型机身壁板组件外形曲面的测量任务中。通过实例分析,该方案有效可行,具备一定的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 壁板组件 数字化测量设备 激光跟踪仪 关节臂测量机 组合测量技术 外形曲面
脉冲C类固态功率放大组件的指标分析 被引量:1
作者 陈俐 《现代电子》 2002年第3期48-50,60,共4页
关键词 C固态功率放大组件 功放组件 脉冲 驻波 固态雷达发射机 效率 信号波形
作者 刘鹏亮 蔡坚 +2 位作者 张鑫鑫 赵振云 原鹏 《科技创新导报》 2022年第3期38-40,45,共4页
在产品设计和制作中,为了保证产品质量,减少材料浪费量和制造成本,应选择合理的焊接方法。对于轴箱类薄壁组件的焊接处理,由于工艺限制可能出现变形问题,设计不合理也可能导致焊接变形,情况严重时会导致产品报废,浪费资源,增加制作成本... 在产品设计和制作中,为了保证产品质量,减少材料浪费量和制造成本,应选择合理的焊接方法。对于轴箱类薄壁组件的焊接处理,由于工艺限制可能出现变形问题,设计不合理也可能导致焊接变形,情况严重时会导致产品报废,浪费资源,增加制作成本。轴箱类薄壁组件主要是钢板材料,如何有效控制焊接质量、规避焊接变形问题出现,加强焊接变形工艺控制是必然选择。本文就轴箱类薄壁组件的焊接变形控制工艺着手分析,把握工艺特点,在了解焊接变形原因的情况下,提出合理化的工艺手段,以便提升焊接变形控制水平。 展开更多
关键词 焊接变形 轴箱薄壁组件 焊接钢板 焊接方法
作者 南冰 何庆 张海庆 《电子测试》 2020年第7期31-32,共2页
关键词 变频组件 自动测试系统
作者 陈代富 曹砺原 张超 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2023年第5期54-58,共5页
陀螺仪是运用物体高速旋转时,角动量大,旋转轴会一直稳定一个方向,具备定轴性和进动性。其广泛应用于海陆空天、车机弹船产品,为产品提供速率信息。陀螺仪性能主要由绕线类零组件支撑,本文简要分析了绕线类零组件生产加工过程中工艺能... 陀螺仪是运用物体高速旋转时,角动量大,旋转轴会一直稳定一个方向,具备定轴性和进动性。其广泛应用于海陆空天、车机弹船产品,为产品提供速率信息。陀螺仪性能主要由绕线类零组件支撑,本文简要分析了绕线类零组件生产加工过程中工艺能力提升对产品生产效率、生产质量等方面优化改进,从绕线类零组件全生产加工流程:加工→准备→绕线→嵌线→整形→涂漆→性能测试中找出主要影响环节,抓主要矛盾开展工艺能力提升工作,对铁芯冲片组件加工、绕线及嵌线提出有效的工艺能力提升方法,提升产品总体生产效率、质量。 展开更多
关键词 绕线组件 铁芯冲片组件加工 绕线 嵌线 工艺能力提升
作者 任燕 石鹏明 《遵义师范学院学报》 2009年第2期106-108,共3页
关键词 FLASH 组件 影片剪辑 组件类 编译过的剪辑
作者 毛阗 韦强 《建筑电气》 2023年第10期57-62,共6页
关键词 光伏组件性能 转换效率 温度特性 功率衰减 热斑效应 隐裂 晶硅光伏组件 薄膜光伏组件
.NET环境下实现基于Windows打印报表技术 被引量:3
作者 闫红灿 陈学斌 魏群 《河北理工学院学报》 2005年第1期79-82,87,共5页
关键词 打印组件类 事件 对象 打印逻辑
作者 尤杨 陈军 +1 位作者 蒲家琦 吴晋瑜 《四川兵工学报》 CAS 2015年第2期145-148,共4页
为了解决现有产品族设计方法指导生产的产品可能在实际装配时无法组装等问题,提出了一种面向装配的产品族模型;引入功能对等、组件类和功能实体的新概念,从功能对等方面入手定义组件类,从组件类到功能实体的映射层面建立装配关联矩阵,... 为了解决现有产品族设计方法指导生产的产品可能在实际装配时无法组装等问题,提出了一种面向装配的产品族模型;引入功能对等、组件类和功能实体的新概念,从功能对等方面入手定义组件类,从组件类到功能实体的映射层面建立装配关联矩阵,通过矩阵描述组件类之间的装配关联与装配关系;建立的模型在满足产品族具体功能需求的基础上,能够实现产品族内产品的快速灵活装配;最后对一个具体的油料装备产品族——CY产品族,面向其装配进行建模。 展开更多
关键词 产品族 装配关联矩阵 功能实体 组件类
基于机器视觉的同轴度检测与微调系统设计 被引量:4
作者 朱磊 张俊然 佃松宜 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期94-98,102,共6页
针对现有方法在精密金属轴类组件的同轴度测量与调整中存在如调整难度大、测量精度低和速度慢等问题,设计了一种基于机器视觉在线高精度同轴度检测与微调系统。该系统在VS2019开发平台结合HALCON库实现算法设计,通过图像去噪、亚像素形... 针对现有方法在精密金属轴类组件的同轴度测量与调整中存在如调整难度大、测量精度低和速度慢等问题,设计了一种基于机器视觉在线高精度同轴度检测与微调系统。该系统在VS2019开发平台结合HALCON库实现算法设计,通过图像去噪、亚像素形状匹配粗定位、改进一维测量矩形寻找边界点、最小二乘法拟合圆轮廓寻找圆心和九眼标定算法引导微型电爪对同轴度的调整,并完成上位机界面的开发,实现了对零件同轴度实时测量调整。实验结果表明:该算法具有快速、高鲁棒、高精度性能,检测精度能达到3μm,平均检测时间为每帧60 ms。此方法符合该自动化设备生产线的组装要求,并具有一定工程实用性和可泛化性。 展开更多
关键词 组件 同轴度测量 HALCON库 机器视觉
作者 宋启卓 纪海涛 《建筑技术开发》 2004年第9期85-86,162,共3页
通过对现阶段规范中建筑物地基允许沉降控制标准及单桩竖向承载力确定方法的扼要述评,提出对桩基结构形式进行改进研究的建议,建立起自由桩基础结构.来充分调用实际工作状态下桩基应有的承载能力,以达到调整建筑物的不均匀沉降的目... 通过对现阶段规范中建筑物地基允许沉降控制标准及单桩竖向承载力确定方法的扼要述评,提出对桩基结构形式进行改进研究的建议,建立起自由桩基础结构.来充分调用实际工作状态下桩基应有的承载能力,以达到调整建筑物的不均匀沉降的目的,来寻求桩基础设计经济效益提高和风险降低的最佳结合点。 展开更多
关键词 自由桩基 地基变形允许值 单桩竖向承载力 千斤顶组件 自由基础
Impacts of Coagulation Pretreatment on MF Filtration and a Comparative Study of Different Membrane Module Types
作者 LIU Oi-feng Kim Seung-hyun +1 位作者 Yun Jong-sup Moon Seong-yong 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2006年第4期295-299,共5页
Changes in the regulatory requirements and the forthcoming Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products (D/DBP) Rule will require that drinking water treatment facilities be operated to achieve maximum removals of particle... Changes in the regulatory requirements and the forthcoming Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products (D/DBP) Rule will require that drinking water treatment facilities be operated to achieve maximum removals of particles and disinfectant tolerant microorganisms as well as natural organic matter (NOM). For drinking water production, the use of membrane filtration processes such as microfiltration and ultrafiltration (MF/UF) alone to satisfy the turbidity, particle and microorganism removal a requirement of the surface water treatment regulation (SWTR) is not enough. MF/UF treatment processes can achieve only nominal (10 percent) removal of disinfection by-products (DBP) precursors (James, et al., 1995). On the other hand, too fast fouling can make the filtration processes more difficult to carry on. To solve these problems, many authors have been interested in installing coagulation pretreatment before membrane filtration to improve membrane performance. However, previous studies reported conflicting results. Some supported the effectiveness of coagulation pretreatment, while others contended that coagulation aggravated membrane performance. This research aims to identify the effects of coagulation pretreatment on membrane filtration through a pilot study using PVDF membrane in combination with analyzing the rationale of coagulation. Another objective of this research was to evaluate the different impacts on membrane performance of using different membrane modules (the submerged module and pressured module). The results showed that coagulation pretreatment greatly improved the membrane performance, extending the filtration time as well as reducing the permeated organic level, and that the submerged module is much more efficient than the pressured module. 展开更多
关键词 coagulation pretreatment RATIONALE FOULING submerged module pressured module
Stiffness Evaluation of the Welded Connection between Guide Thimbles and the Spacer Grids for 16 × 16 Fuel Assemblies Types, Using the Finite Element Method
作者 Carlos Frederico Mattos Schettino Guilherme Pennachin Sakamiti Joao Carlos Aguiar Gaspar Jflnior 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第9期1583-1589,共7页
The present work aims to evaluate the increase in the number of spot welds in the 16 × 16 type fuel assembly structure that connects guide thimbles and spacer grids, in order to provide a proper joint for this co... The present work aims to evaluate the increase in the number of spot welds in the 16 × 16 type fuel assembly structure that connects guide thimbles and spacer grids, in order to provide a proper joint for this connection. This new and improved process can provide more stiffness to the whole structure, since the number of spots raised from four to eight. A 3-D geometric model of a guide thimble section was generated in a CAD (computer aided design) program (SolidWorks). After that, the geometric model was imported to a CAE (computer aided engineering) program (ANSYS Mechanical APDL, Release 14.0), where the finite element model was built, considering the guide thimble geometry assembled with the spacer grid through the welded connections. Boundaries conditions were implemented in the model in order to simulate the correct physical behavior due to the operation of the fuel assembly inside the reactor. The analysis covered specific loads and displacements acting on the entire structure. The method used to solve this finite element analysis was a linear static simulation in order to perform the connection between a spacer grid cell and a guide thimble section. Hence, four models was evaluated, differing on the spot weld number in the spacer grid and guide thimble connection. The rotational stiffness results of each model were compared. The results acquired from four and eight spot weld were validated with physical test results. The behavior of the structure under the acting force/displacement and the related results of the analysis, mainly the stiffness, were satisfied. The results of this analysis were used to prove that the increasing spot welds number is an improvement in the dimensional stability when submitted to loads and displacements required on the fuel assembly design. This analysis aid to get more information of extreme importance such as, the pursuance to develop better manufacturing process and to improve the fuel assembly performance due to the increasing of the bum-up. 展开更多
关键词 Nuclear energy fuel assembly spacer grid finite element method rotational stiffness.
作者 Xu Baowen Chen Zhenqiang Zhou Yuming(Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096) (State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2003年第1期69-73,共5页
Classes are the basic modules in Object-Oriented (OO) software, which consist of attributes and methods. Thus, in OO environment, the cohesion is mainly about how tightly the attributes and methods of classes cohere w... Classes are the basic modules in Object-Oriented (OO) software, which consist of attributes and methods. Thus, in OO environment, the cohesion is mainly about how tightly the attributes and methods of classes cohere with each other. This letter discusses the relationships between attributes and attributes, attributes and methods, methods and methods of a class,and the properties of these relationships. Based on these properties, the letter proposes a new framework to measure the cohesion of a class. The approach overcomes the limitations of previous class cohesion measures, which consider only one or two of the three relationships in a class. 展开更多
关键词 Object-Orientation(OO) Software measurement Dependence analysis COHESION
Reliability Enhancement of the Diverse Protection System Regarding Common Cause Failures
作者 Yang Gyun Oh Yong Hun Kim +3 位作者 Hyeong Soon Yim Chul Jin Choi Seung Min Baek Sang Jeong Lee 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第8期1478-1486,共9页
The issue of CCF (common cause failure) in digital I & C (instrumentation and control) systems is of great interest because an increasing number of such systems are implemented in nuclear power plants. For the mi... The issue of CCF (common cause failure) in digital I & C (instrumentation and control) systems is of great interest because an increasing number of such systems are implemented in nuclear power plants. For the mitigation of ATWS (anticipated transients without scram) as well as CCF within the PPS (plant protection system) and the ESF-CCS (engineered safety feature-component control system), the ADPS (advanced diverse protection system) has been developed by KEPCO E & C (KEPCO Engineering and Construction) Company for new nuclear units in Korea. As compared to the DPS (diverse protection system) design of APR1400, the ADPS has a diverse safety injection function considering a LBLOCA (large break loss of coolant accident) concurrent with the CCF of the PPS and ESF-CCS. Besides the function of SIAS (safety injection actuation signal) initiation, several CCF avoidance features, such as the changes of software design classification, communication methods, equipment platform, and man-machine interfaces, are introduced to enhance the reliability of the ADPS. In addition, the ADPS has recently incorporated four redundant channels with 2-out-of-4 voting logics to enhance its fault tolerant capability. Therefore, it is expected that the ADPS can provide an enhanced reliability regarding possible CCFs in the safety-grade digital I & C systems as well as the ADPS itself. 展开更多
关键词 Diverse protection system CCF fault avoidance fault tolerance.
作者 龚赤兵 《中文信息(程序春秋)》 2003年第10期85-86,共2页
装饰模式(Decorator Pattern)属于结构模式的一种,它主要用于在原有的、已经实例化的对象的基础上,动态地增添新的功能,就好像对该对象装饰、增加动人的色彩一样,因此而称之为装饰模式,装饰模式可以是子类继承的一种替代方法。采... 装饰模式(Decorator Pattern)属于结构模式的一种,它主要用于在原有的、已经实例化的对象的基础上,动态地增添新的功能,就好像对该对象装饰、增加动人的色彩一样,因此而称之为装饰模式,装饰模式可以是子类继承的一种替代方法。采用装饰模式,不需要改变原有的类和接口,就可以对该对象增加新的功能,对客户端是透明的,因此,使得程序具有很高的灵活性和很好的扩展性。 展开更多
关键词 装饰模式 Decorator PATTERN 结构模式 扩展性 UML 组件类 装饰
针对产品特殊特性浅析质量管理改进 被引量:1
作者 闫海杰 《山东工业技术》 2019年第11期220-220,共1页
关键词 石油电子组件 产品质量可靠性 人员技能提升 动态化
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