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高校组织管理中的不良传播及其对策 被引量:2
作者 周梅芳 《西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2001年第2期194-196,共3页
:加强和改善高校内部的组织传播 ,促进组织决策的合理性 ,是当前高校组织管理面临的迫切问题之一。本文从组织传播在组织管理中的重要性出发 ,着重分析了当前高校在组织政策制定和实施过程中的不良传播 ,包括 :有价值的信息未能得到充... :加强和改善高校内部的组织传播 ,促进组织决策的合理性 ,是当前高校组织管理面临的迫切问题之一。本文从组织传播在组织管理中的重要性出发 ,着重分析了当前高校在组织政策制定和实施过程中的不良传播 ,包括 :有价值的信息未能得到充分的传播、组织决策过程的民主参与不足和组织传播的非制度化。阐明高校组织必须适应信息化社会的要求 ,从观念、人员、组织机构和传播方式方面改善高校内部的组织传播 。 展开更多
关键词 高校组织 组织传播 组织管理 不良传播 信息 组织决策过程 教职工民主参与 民主观念 民主管理
知识与权力匹配——浅论大学内部权力结构的调整 被引量:1
作者 肖晓春 孙宗禹 《大学教育科学》 2003年第4期9-12,共4页
知识与权力匹配的理论认为,一个组织采用集权还是分权的组织结构,关键在于知识在组织中的分布状态以及信息成本与代理成本的比较问题。组织设计过程也就是信息成本与代理成本之间的权衡过程。大学的知识分布特点决定了大学应采用分权组... 知识与权力匹配的理论认为,一个组织采用集权还是分权的组织结构,关键在于知识在组织中的分布状态以及信息成本与代理成本的比较问题。组织设计过程也就是信息成本与代理成本之间的权衡过程。大学的知识分布特点决定了大学应采用分权组织结构。因此,我国大学高度集权的内部权力结构必须进行调整。 展开更多
关键词 大学 内部管理体制 内部权力结构 知识 组织决策过程 分权组织结构 分布特点 行政权力 学术权力
Organisational Hierarchies and Decision Making Process of Chinese Multinational Enterprises in Vietnam
作者 Yi REN 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期43-50,共8页
This paper examines the organisational hierarchies and decision making processes of two Chinese multinational enterprises operating in Vietnam—hina Luoyang Floating Glass Corp. (CLFG) and China TCL Holdings Co. Lt... This paper examines the organisational hierarchies and decision making processes of two Chinese multinational enterprises operating in Vietnam—hina Luoyang Floating Glass Corp. (CLFG) and China TCL Holdings Co. Ltd. (TCL). For this study, research data were obtained from in-depth interviews of more than 20 government officials in E R. China and Vietnam, and managers and staff of those two enterprises. Results indicate that the organisational structures of the two enterprises are still vertical but complex, although moderate changes made to them post the nationwide economic reform of China. Consequently, decision making process follows a "top-down" model, sometimes, with insufficient grassroots information. Findings are discussed in the light of political, social and cultural milieu, and implications are drawn for the management of Chinese multinational enterprises operating in overseas markets. Both CLFG and China TCL are structured on task specialisations. However, departmentalisation in TCL's overseas division in head office is not only based on products, but also on geographical regions of markets. The organisational structure of TCL in Vietnam is less complex than the international division, but it is more centralised. Decision making at TCL combines more traditional Chinese business philosophy with modern western organisational characteristics. TCL has a strong western influence in its management style. However, some traditional characteristics such as "hero" leadership influence and political influence are involved with decision making at TCL. Amongst others, the transitional economy, social culture, poor management system and political sensitivity have been major elements influencing decision making. In the case of CLFG. some decisions have been made before proper information has been gathered and analysed. 展开更多
关键词 emerging markets Chinese multinational enterprises China VIETNAM organisational structure DECISIONMAKING
Mass Media and Urban Tribes, Analysis of Their Relations by Stafford Beer's Viable System Model
作者 Lautaro Guerra Genskowsky Hector Ricardo Acevedo Almonacid Claudio M. Gamero Henriquez 《Sociology Study》 2012年第1期26-32,共7页
This paper discusses the relations between mass media and urban tribes, by Stafford Beer's viable system model (VSM). During 1950-2010, the influence of media and advertising over individual decision-making process... This paper discusses the relations between mass media and urban tribes, by Stafford Beer's viable system model (VSM). During 1950-2010, the influence of media and advertising over individual decision-making processes has deepened of age range to which have targeted advertising and expanded for Western world, leading the culture diversity, naturally given, toward only one standardized culture prevailing nowadays. In the 1960s they were the women, then the young people during 1970s, and then children in the 1980s and during the 1990s over early childhood, when we learnt to speak (3 years old), achieving brand loyalty among very young children and the brands of products for this age group. From this perspective, urban tribes have taken control of the lives of young people, offering a false freedom, at the moment of choosing "How to be yourself" from options given in the market as a "catalogue of predesigned identities". A phenomenon is so complex, so it requires a holistic framework able to make explicit its components and relations between them and the relationship with internal and external environment. In particular, the VSM provides a way to analyze communication's problems thus clarifying: how, when and where, repair and controlling into the organization, identifying strategies to improve decision-making. Given the recursive nature of the VSM, it is possible to navigate within the phenomenon, through different recursions' levels. It will help to define more assertive and effective policies by health authorities, education and government in general, and also help someone among young people to see themselves inside of a dynamic consumption and thus can leave the domain and enter into a recta-domain, with more wisdom and consciousness. 展开更多
关键词 Urban tribes holistic paradigm viable system model (VSM) transfer of control strategy and decision-making
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