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藏区村寨年龄组织个案调查——以松潘热务沟卡卡村为例 被引量:6
作者 叶静珠穆 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第2期110-115,共6页
关键词 松潘热务沟 藏族 年龄组织
基于密度依赖模型的广州制造业企业死亡风险研究 被引量:1
作者 王婵 彭璧玉 陈有华 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第5期126-132,共7页
分析在同一个产业环境中不同组织形式的演化特征,概括其竞争和协作关系,判断这些关系对制造业中组织演化的影响,在此基础上提出有利于广州制造业持续发展的调控对策和建议.利用种群密度依赖原理、时变变量Cox模型分析广州制造业企业死... 分析在同一个产业环境中不同组织形式的演化特征,概括其竞争和协作关系,判断这些关系对制造业中组织演化的影响,在此基础上提出有利于广州制造业持续发展的调控对策和建议.利用种群密度依赖原理、时变变量Cox模型分析广州制造业企业死亡风险,结果表明:(1)2000—2012年期间,广州制造业的种群密度与组织死亡风险呈正向的关系;(2)组织年龄与组织死亡风险呈负向的关系,且组织年龄可以抑制种群密度对组织死亡的影响;(3)在相同的组织年龄水平下多元化企业面临的死亡风险大于专一型企业的死亡风险,并且随着组织年龄的增大,两者的死亡风险差距逐渐扩大;(4)种群密度对外资企业死亡风险的影响大于对内资企业死亡风险的影响.但外资企业一旦存活,随之组织年龄的增大,其死亡风险跟内资企业面临的死亡风险基本相同;(5)种群密度对非劳动密集型企业死亡风险的影响大于对劳动密集型企业的死亡风险. 展开更多
关键词 种群密度 组织年龄 死亡风险 COX模型
比较视野下的德昂族年龄组织——以云南德宏三台山德昂族为例 被引量:1
作者 舒瑜 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期86-97,143,共13页
基于与非洲年龄组和傣族社龄结构的对比,本文对德昂族年龄组织的形式、功能及历史演变进行深入揭示。德昂族年龄组织的独特之处在于部分年龄级的组织化,即仅表现为青年组与老年组两种组织,二者分别承担不同的社会功能。这一形态为进一... 基于与非洲年龄组和傣族社龄结构的对比,本文对德昂族年龄组织的形式、功能及历史演变进行深入揭示。德昂族年龄组织的独特之处在于部分年龄级的组织化,即仅表现为青年组与老年组两种组织,二者分别承担不同的社会功能。这一形态为进一步讨论年龄组与年龄级的关系、年龄层级制度的形态类型提供了重要参照。 展开更多
关键词 年龄组织 德昂族 年龄层级制度 年龄级(社龄结构)
台湾土著社会母系氏族中的男性话语权 被引量:2
作者 陈安娜 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第S1期136-139,共4页
传统观念普遍认为在母系社会中,女权占据优势地位,而母系社会中的男性则是缺失话语权的一个群体,但是通过对台湾阿美族这个典型的母系社会的社会形态进行研究后发现,台湾阿美族的男性也享有自己的话语权,这主要通过两个方面体现,一方面... 传统观念普遍认为在母系社会中,女权占据优势地位,而母系社会中的男性则是缺失话语权的一个群体,但是通过对台湾阿美族这个典型的母系社会的社会形态进行研究后发现,台湾阿美族的男性也享有自己的话语权,这主要通过两个方面体现,一方面他们凭借家族中族舅的身份获得处理其姐妹家族事务的话语权,另一方面则体现在家族事务外,他们通过年龄组织和会所制度把处理氏族部落事务的权力掌握在自己的手中,从而全权掌握了本族部落的内政外交。这颠覆了传统观念所认为的在母系社会中女性地位高于男性的偏见,对全面了解母系社会具有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 母系氏族 阿美族 话语权 舅父权 年龄组织 会所制度
从布迪厄实践与资本理论看当代白族的“拟亲属”关系发展 被引量:8
作者 马腾嶽 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期1-10,共10页
"寄名亲家"原是大理白族自治州鹤庆县甸北白族村落一项传统但不普遍的习俗,不同家族藉由"打干亲"方式建立联系,发展出拟亲属(fictive kinship)关系。在当地,生计模式从传统农业社会模式向以银铜手工艺、旅游业等为... "寄名亲家"原是大理白族自治州鹤庆县甸北白族村落一项传统但不普遍的习俗,不同家族藉由"打干亲"方式建立联系,发展出拟亲属(fictive kinship)关系。在当地,生计模式从传统农业社会模式向以银铜手工艺、旅游业等为主的商业社会模式快速转型,白族人施行"寄名亲家"的比例在代际间呈倍数增长。目前,当地白族20岁以下人口中,95%具有拟亲属尊长。"寄名亲家"成为村落间的普遍习俗。作为人类学亲属研究的一个重要范畴,不同文化的人群建立"拟亲属"关系的对象、方式与目的意义,常有着极大的差异。就鹤庆甸北白族的"寄名亲家"而言,涂尔干的"社会团结"理论无法适用此一现象,而布迪厄的"实践"与"资本"理论则是更为有效的分析工具。当代"寄名亲家"习俗,已成为当地白族人适应生计模式变迁,累积社会资本,并与当地年龄组织互补的一项策略工具。 展开更多
关键词 布迪厄 实践 社会资本 白族 “拟亲属” 年龄组织
Influences of different time intervals between loop electrosurgical excision and abdominal hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy on postoperative complications: a retrospective analysis 被引量:5
作者 Qu Haina Zhang Yan Zhang Junjie Hui Ning Xu Mingjuan 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第1期38-43,共6页
Objective: To study the influences of different time intervals between loop electrosurgical excision (LEEP) and abdominal hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy on postoperative complications. Methods: Sixty-eight p... Objective: To study the influences of different time intervals between loop electrosurgical excision (LEEP) and abdominal hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy on postoperative complications. Methods: Sixty-eight patients, who received subsequent abdominal hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy after LEEP due to C1N III and cervical cancer (IA1, IA2 and IB1), were included in the present study. The hospital and clinic records of these patients were reviewed. The patients were divided into three groups according to the time intervals between LEEP and hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy: group l(within 48 h), group 2 (between 48 h to 6 weeks), and group 3(〉 6 weeks ).Results: General characteristics of patients, including the mean age, delivery history, BMI, menopausal status, clinical stage and HPV infection, were comparable between patients of different groups. There were no significant differences in the mean transfusion amount, posthysterectomy hospital stay or operation time between different groups. The frequencies and spectrum of complications were not significantly affected by the time interval between LEEP and hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy. Conclusion: It is concluded that whenever the LEEP is done, the operation including hysterectomy or radical hysterectomy can be conducted at any time as it is necessary for the patients. 展开更多
关键词 LEEP HYSTERECTOMY Radical hysterectomy Time interval CIN III Early cervical cancer
鹤庆白族年龄组织“帮辈”文化的人类学初探 被引量:10
作者 马腾嶽 《西南边疆民族研究》 CSSCI 2015年第1期1-8,共8页
本文从人类学的视角分析鹤庆白族的年龄组织帮辈的起源历史、组织原则、组织文化与社会功能。笔者认为帮辈组织是目前新华村最重要的社会组织,就村落层次而言,它是唯一可以跨越性别、家庭与亲族的村落组织,对于村落的社会整合具有重要... 本文从人类学的视角分析鹤庆白族的年龄组织帮辈的起源历史、组织原则、组织文化与社会功能。笔者认为帮辈组织是目前新华村最重要的社会组织,就村落层次而言,它是唯一可以跨越性别、家庭与亲族的村落组织,对于村落的社会整合具有重要的意义。就个人层次而言,帮辈关系是鹤庆白族人最重要的社会资产,帮辈成员是个人一生中进行各种仪式与生产交换的主要合作伙伴。 展开更多
关键词 白族 新华村 年龄组织 帮辈
Endoscopic findings in patients with Schatzki rings:Evidence for an association with eosinophilic esophagitis 被引量:2
作者 Michaela Müller Alexander J Eckardt +3 位作者 Annette Fisseler-Eckhoff Susanne Haas Ines Gockel Till Wehrmann 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第47期6960-6966,共7页
AIM:To investigate endoscopic findings in patients with Schatzki rings(SRs) with a focus on evidence for eosinophilic esophagitis(EoE).METHODS:We consecutively approached all adult patients scheduled for elective outp... AIM:To investigate endoscopic findings in patients with Schatzki rings(SRs) with a focus on evidence for eosinophilic esophagitis(EoE).METHODS:We consecutively approached all adult patients scheduled for elective outpatient upper endoscopy for a variety of indications at the German Diagnostic Clinic,Wiesbaden,Germany between July 2007 and July 2010.All patients with endoscopically diagnosed SRs,defined as thin,symmetrical,mucosal structures located at the esophagogastric junction,were prospectively registered.Additional endoscopic findings,clinical information and histopathological findings with a focus on esophageal eosinophilia(≥ 20 eosinophils/high power field) were recorded.The criteria for active EoE were defined as:(1) eosinophilic tissue infiltration ≥ 20 eosinophils/hpf;(2) symptoms of esophageal dysfunction;and(3) exclusion of other causes of esophageal eosinophilia.Gastroesophageal reflux disease was excluded by proton pump inhibitor treatment prior to endoscopy.The presence of ≥ 20 eosinophils/hpf in esophageal biopsies in patients that did not fulfil the criteria of EoE was defined as esophageal hypereosinophilia.RESULTS:A SR was diagnosed in 171(3.3%;128 males,43 females,mean age 66 ± 12.9 years) of the 5163 patients that underwent upper gastrointestinalendoscopy.Twenty of the 116 patients(17%) from whom esophageal biopsies were obtained showed histological hypereosinophilia(≥ 20 eosinophils/hpf).Nine of these patients(8 males,1 female,mean age 49 ± 10 years) did not fulfill all diagnostic criteria of EoE,whereas in 11(9%) patients with ≥ 20 eosinophils/hpf,a definite diagnosis of EoE was made.Three of the 11 patients(27%) with definite EoE had no suspicious endoscopic features of EoE.In contrast,in the 25 patients in whom EoE was suspected by endoscopic features,EoE was only confirmed in 7(28%) patients.Patients with EoE were younger(mean age 41.5 ± 6.5 vs 50.5 ± 11.5 years,P = 0.012),were more likely to have a history of allergies(73% vs 29%,P = 0.007) and complained more often of dysphagia(91% vs 34%,P = 0.004) and food impaction(36% vs 6%,P = 0.007) than patients without EoE.Endoscopically,additional webs were found significantly more often in patients with EoE than in patients without EoE(36% vs 11%,P = 0.04).Furthermore,the SR had a tendency to be narrower in patients with EoE than in those without EoE(36% vs 18%,P = 0.22).The percentage of males(73% vs 72%,P = 1.0) and frequency of heartburn(27% vs 27%,P = 1.0) were not significantly different in both groups.The 9 patients with esophageal hypereosinophilia that did not fulfil the diagnostic criteria of EoE were younger(mean age 49 ± 10 years vs 58 ± 6 years,P = 0.0008) and were more likely to have a history of allergies(78% vs 24%,P = 0.003) than patients with < 20 eosinophils/hpf.Predictors of EoE were younger age,presence of dysphagia or food impaction and a history of allergies.CONCLUSION:A significant proportion of patients with SRs also have EoE,which may not always be suspected according to other endoscopic features. 展开更多
关键词 Schatzki ring DYSPHAGIA Esophageal eo-sinophilia Eosinophilic esophagitis Food impaction
An epidemiological study of collagenous colitis in southern Sweden from 2001-2010 被引量:1
作者 Lina Vigren Martin Olesen +1 位作者 Cecilia Benoni Klas Sjberg 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第22期2821-2826,共6页
AIM: To estimate the incidence of collagenous colitis (CC) in southern Sweden during 2001-2010. METHODS: Cases were identified by searching for CC in the diagnostic registers at the Pathology Departments in the co... AIM: To estimate the incidence of collagenous colitis (CC) in southern Sweden during 2001-2010. METHODS: Cases were identified by searching for CC in the diagnostic registers at the Pathology Departments in the county of Skane. The catchment area comprised the south-west part of the county (394 307 inhabitants in 2010) and is a mixed urban and rural type with limited migration. CC patients that had under- gone colonoscopy during the defined period and were living in this area were included in the study regardless of where in Skane they had been diagnosed. Medical records were scrutinized and uncertain cases were re- assessed to ensure that only newly diagnosed CC cases were included. The diagnosis of CC was based on both clinical and histopathological criteria. The clinical crite-rion was non-bloody watery diarrhoea. The histopatho- logical criteria were a chronic inflammatory infiltrate in the lamina propria, a thickened subepithelial collagen layer ≥10 micrometers (um) and epithelial damage such as flattening and detachment. RESULTS: During the ten year period from 2001-2010, 198 CC patients in the south-west part of the county of Skane in southern Sweden were newly diagnosed. Of these, 146 were women and 52 were men, i.e., a female: male ratio of 2.8:1. The median age at diag- nosis was 71 years (range 28-95/inter-quartile range 59-81), for women median age was 71 (range 28-95) years and was 73 (range 48-92) years for men. The mean annual incidence was 5.4/105 inhabitants. During the time periods 2001-2005 and 2006-2010, the mean annual incidence rates were 5.4/105 for both periods [95% confidence interval (CI): 4.3-6.5 in 2001-2005 and 4.4-6.4 in 2006-2010, respectively, and 4.7-6.2 for the whole period]. Although the incidence varied over the years (minimum 3.7 to maximum 6.7/105) no increase or decrease in the incidence could be identi- fied. The odds ratio (OR) for CC in women compared to men was estimated to be 2.8 (95% CI: 2.0-3.7). The OR for women 65 years of age or above compared to below 65 years of age was 6.9 (95% CI:5.0-9.7), and for women 65 years of age or above compared to the whole group the OR was 4.7 (95% CI: 3.6-6.0). The OR for age in general, i.e., above or 65 years of age compared to those younger than 65 was 8.3 (95% CI: 6.2-11.1). During the last decade incidence figures for CC have also been reported from Calgary, Canada dur- ing 2002-2004 (4.6/105) and from Terrassa, Spain dur- ing 2004-2008 (2.6/105). Our incidence figures from southern Sweden during 2001-2010 (5.4/10s) as well as the incidence figures presented in the studies during the 1990s (Terrassa, Spain during 1993-1997 (2.3/10s), OI- msted, United States during 1985-2001 (3.1/10s), Orebro, Sweden during 1993-1998 (4.9/10s), and Iceland during 1995-1999 (5.2/10s) are all in line with a north- south gradient, something that has been suggested be- fore both for CC and inflammatory bowel disease.CONCLUSION: The observed incidence of CC is com- parable with previous reports from northern Europe and America. The incidence is stable but the female: male ratio seems to be decreasing. 展开更多
关键词 Collagenous colitis EPIDEMIOLOGY INCIDENCE Microscopic colitis
Clinicopathological parameters of cervical cancer based on the expression of p16INK4A proteins 被引量:1
作者 Li Mu Yang Jun +4 位作者 SH Boshan Xue Xiang Gao Qing Li Zhaorong Li Zongfang 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第5期278-285,共8页
Objective: To retrospectively analyze the clinical data of 275 cases of cervical cancer (CC) in our hospital, and investigate the clinicopathological parameters of cervical cancer based on the expression of p16INK4A p... Objective: To retrospectively analyze the clinical data of 275 cases of cervical cancer (CC) in our hospital, and investigate the clinicopathological parameters of cervical cancer based on the expression of p16INK4A proteins. Methods: The clinical information of 275 patients with cervical cancer were retrospectively analyzed between 2006 and 2011, including the patients' age, clinical FIGO stage, differentiation, histologic grade, infiltration depth, treatment, pathological diagnosis after surgery, and results of following-up.Immunohistochemistry was also done on sections of confirmed cancer specimens without prior chemotherapy/radiotherapy. Results: Among various clinicopathological parameters, the median age was 48 years old. The grade was significantly associated with histological type, HPV infection and with lymph node invasion. FIGO stage was strongly correlated to the infiltration depth and lymph node metastasis. P16INK4A expression was significantly correlated with histologic grade. However, there were no differences between p16INK4A staining and patient's age, histopathology and lymph node metastases. Conclusion: The incidence of cervical cancer becomes increasingly younger. Additionally, p16INK4A can function as a diagnostic marker of cervical carcinomas. 展开更多
关键词 Cervical cancer Retrospective analysis P 16INK4A
The clinical epidemiological characteristics of 704 cases of colorectal cancer from 2004-2008 被引量:1
作者 Shaoqing Lai Fenghuan Ju Guiqi Wang Shun He Xiaoguang Ni Lei Zhang Guixiang Yu Yueming Zhang Xiaoyan Li 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第6期327-329,共3页
Objective: The aim of the research was to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of incidence of colorectal cancer in North China. Methods: Analysis and summary were made for 704 colorectal cancer pa... Objective: The aim of the research was to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of incidence of colorectal cancer in North China. Methods: Analysis and summary were made for 704 colorectal cancer patients diagnosed from 2004 to 2008 in North China. Results: (1) Of 704 colorectal cancer patients, the median age was 56 years old, and the mean age was 58.2. There was no statistic difference in age between male and female cases, P 〉 0.05. (2) The male-female ratio was 1.62:1. (3) The proportion of rectal cancer was 62.92%, and incidence of the left colon cancer was higher than that of right colon cancer, P 〈 0.05. (4) Of 712 lesions, 658 cases were adenocarcinoma accounting for 92.4%, 34 were malignant adenoma accounting for 4.8%, and 20 carcinoid accounting for 2.8%. (5) The 48.9% of patients belonged to stages 0 to 11B. Conclusion: The cases of colorectal cancer in North China is mainly rectal cancers, and the incidence of left colon cancer is higher than that of right colon cancer. The histopathological classification is mainly adenocarcinoma, and the ratio of early stage is high. 展开更多
关键词 colorectal neoplasms EPIDEMIOLOGY clinical characteristics
Histological Investigation of Pelvic Symphysis in Holstein-Friesian Cattle
作者 Piret Hussar Mari Padari +1 位作者 Mihkel Jalakas Tonu Jairveots 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第3期260-265,共6页
Knowledge of the changes in cattle pelvic symphysis during gestation and obstetrics gives valuable information about the age of optimal primary calving of cows. The aim of the study was to investigate the histological... Knowledge of the changes in cattle pelvic symphysis during gestation and obstetrics gives valuable information about the age of optimal primary calving of cows. The aim of the study was to investigate the histological changes of pelvic symphysis in Estonian Holstein-Frisian's (EHF) of different ages. Eight EHF cows up to five years of their age were divided into three age groups: calved, in-calved and after calved bovines. Material for histological and histochemical investigation was taken from four places: (1) cranial part ofpubic bone; (2) pubo-ischiadic junction; (3) symphyseal eminence; (4) body of the interischiadic bone. In all study-groups, the cranial part of pubic bone consisted of cartilage. In pubo-ischiadic junction of calves connective tissue proper, fibrous and hyaline cartilage were noted. In in-calved cattle with gestation of 4-5 months and in after calved cattle group hyaline cartilage and bone tissue were noted, however in in-calved cattle with gestation of 7.5 months fibrous cartilage and connective tissue proper prevalated. In sympyseal eminence of calves connective cartilage osseous tissue was present. The region of interischiadic tissue proper and cartilage were noted; in other groups besides bone of calves consisted of connective tissue proper and fibrous cartilage, meanwhile in in-calved and after calved EHF's in the region hyaline cartilage and osseous tissue prevalated. These preliminary results demonstrate that the main changes in the pelvic symphysis histology, retardation of ossification, of EHF kines occur during the second-half of gestation in the pubo-ischiadic junction. 展开更多
关键词 Histological investigation pelvic symphysis Holstein-Friesian cattle OSSIFICATION pubo-ischiadic junction.
发展彩叶植物 调整园林绿化结构
作者 李孝良 《安徽林业科技》 2005年第3期58-59,共2页
随着社会进步和人们物质生活和精神、文化生活水平的提高,城市园林绿化水平的要求也越来越高。人们需求绚丽、多彩、靓丽的绿化效果,追求色彩丰富的园林景观时尚,对从事城市园林绿化和科研工作者提出了新的更高的要求,也为城市园林... 随着社会进步和人们物质生活和精神、文化生活水平的提高,城市园林绿化水平的要求也越来越高。人们需求绚丽、多彩、靓丽的绿化效果,追求色彩丰富的园林景观时尚,对从事城市园林绿化和科研工作者提出了新的更高的要求,也为城市园林绿化科研工作的发展提供了新的机遇。 展开更多
关键词 园林绿化结构 彩叶植物 色素分布 组织发育年龄 环境条件 社会因素 引种栽培技术
Age-related changes of normal adult brain structure: analysed with diffusion tensor imaging 被引量:10
作者 ZHANGYun-ting ZHANGChun-yan ZHANGJing LIWei 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第13期1059-1065,共7页
Background It is known that the brain structure changes with normal aging. The objective of this study was to quantify the anisotropy and average diffusion coefficient (DCavg) of the brain in normal adults to demonstr... Background It is known that the brain structure changes with normal aging. The objective of this study was to quantify the anisotropy and average diffusion coefficient (DCavg) of the brain in normal adults to demonstrate the microstructure changes of brain with aging.Methods One hundred and six normal adults were examined with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The fractional anisotropy (FA), 1-volume ratio (1-VR), relative anisotropy (RA) and average diffusion coefficient (DCavg) of different anatomic sites of brain were measured, correlated with age and compared among three broad age groups.Results Except in lentiform nucleus, the anisotropy increased and DCavg decreased with aging. Both anisotropy and DCavg of lentiform nucleus increased with aging. The normal reference values of DTI parameters of normal Chinese adult in major anatomic sites were acquired. Conclusions DTI data obtained noninvasively can reflect the microstructural changes with aging. The normal reference values acquired can serve as reference standards in differentiation of brain white matter diseases. 展开更多
关键词 diffusion tensor imaging ANISOTROPY average diffusion coefficient BRAIN
Clinical analysis of 54 cases of large area soft tissue avulsion in the lower limb 被引量:15
作者 Yu Chen Lei Liu 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2016年第6期337-341,共5页
Objective: To assess the clinical curative effect of different treatment methods for large area avulsion injury in the lower limb. Methods: Between January 2010 and December 2013, 54 patients with large area avulsio... Objective: To assess the clinical curative effect of different treatment methods for large area avulsion injury in the lower limb. Methods: Between January 2010 and December 2013, 54 patients with large area avulsion injury in the lower limb were treated in the trauma center of our hospital, including 34 males and 20 females with a mean age of 35.7 years (range, 16-65 years). The injury mechanism was traffic accident in 44 cases, hitting by heawj objects in 8 cases, and fall from height in 2 cases, involving 31 thighs, 19 legs and 4 feet involved. The sizes of the avulsed wounds ranged from 10 cm × 15 cm to 50 crn × 30 cm. There were 16 cases combined with hemorrhagic shock, 5 with femoral fractures, and 7 with tibiofibula fractures. Averagely the patients were sent to our hospital within 3.5 h (range, 1.5-10 h) after injury. For the 54 patients, three different surgical strategies were performed based on the wound area and condition of the avulsed skin: in Group A, 24 patients were treated by debridement and preservation of subcutaneous vascular network + vertical mattress suture of full thickness skin flap + tube drainage; in Group B, 25 patients were treated by split-thickness skin flap meshing and grafting + vacuum sealing drainage (VSD); and in Group C, the other 5 patients were treated by debridement and VSD at stage I + reattachment of autologous reserved frozen split-thickness skin graft at stage II. Results: All the 54 patients recovered and were discharged eventually, without any deaths or amputees. In each group, there were no statistical differences (all p 〉 0.05) among different injury sites in terms of survival rate and length of hospital stay, except for the infection rate, which was much higher (p - 0.000) at the leg area than that at the thigh (32.54%± 2.97% vs. 2.32% ±2.34% in Group A and 50.00%±0.00% vs. 0 in Group C) or the foot (50.00% ±0.00% vs. 0 in Group C). Moreover comparison of the three surgical methods showed a significant different (all p 〈 0.05) between each other for all the three assessed parameters, i.e. flap survival rate, length of hospital stay, and infection rate. Conclusion: Treatment choices for skin avulsion on the lower limb should be based on the viability of the avulsed skin flap and the location of the wound. Proper choice can not only reduce the economic burden caused by using VSD, but also shorten the long hospital stay due to repeated wound dressing change or second stage surgery. 展开更多
关键词 Avulsion injuryMesh skin graftVacuum sealing drainageHealing rateRecovery of function
An age-structured epidemic model with waning immunity and general nonlinear incidence rate 被引量:1
作者 Xia Wang Ying Zhang Xinyu Song 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 SCIE 2018年第5期175-199,共25页
In this paper, a susceptible-vazcinated-exposed-infectious-recovered epidemic model with waning immunity and continuous age structures in vaccinated, exposed and infectious classes has been formulated. By using the Fl... In this paper, a susceptible-vazcinated-exposed-infectious-recovered epidemic model with waning immunity and continuous age structures in vaccinated, exposed and infectious classes has been formulated. By using the Fluctuation lemma and the approach of Lyapunov functionals, we establish a threshold dynamics completely determined by the basic reproduction number. When the basic reproduction number is less than one, the disease-free steady state is globally asymptotically stable, and otherwise the endemic steady state is globally asymptotically stable. 展开更多
关键词 Age-structure epidemic model nonlinear incidence rate basic reproduction number global stability Lyapunov functional.
Global dynamics of an age-structured viral infection model with general incidence function and absorption 被引量:1
作者 Khalid Hattaf Yu Yang 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 SCIE 2018年第5期93-110,共18页
In this paper, we propose an age-structured viral infection model with general incidence function that takes account of the loss of viral particles due to their absorption into susceptible cells. The proposed model is... In this paper, we propose an age-structured viral infection model with general incidence function that takes account of the loss of viral particles due to their absorption into susceptible cells. The proposed model is described by partial differential and ordinary differential equations. We first show that the model is mathematically and biologically well-posed. Furthermore, the uniform persistence and the global behavior of the model are investigated. Moreover, the age-structured models and results presented in many previous studies are improved and generalized. 展开更多
关键词 Age of infection general incidence function global stability
根据儿童的特点施行家教 被引量:1
作者 饶淑国 《上海教育科研》 北大核心 1994年第5期49-49,共1页
关键词 生理心理 陈鹤琴 集体主义教育 儿童生理 好奇心理 新鲜有趣 野外活动 年龄组织 教育工作
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