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以卫气营血辨证治疗皮肤病的具体运用——附138例临床分析 被引量:1
作者 徐宜厚 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 1982年第7期29-31,共3页
明·陈实功说:“内之症或不及其外,外之症则必根于其内也”。汪机说:“外科必本子内,知乎内、以求乎外,其如视诸掌乎。”陈、汪二氏的见解说明,表现在外的疮疡诸疾,无不与内在的脏腑、经络、气血有密切的联系。因此,有许多皮肤病的... 明·陈实功说:“内之症或不及其外,外之症则必根于其内也”。汪机说:“外科必本子内,知乎内、以求乎外,其如视诸掌乎。”陈、汪二氏的见解说明,表现在外的疮疡诸疾,无不与内在的脏腑、经络、气血有密切的联系。因此,有许多皮肤病的辨证施治,都要依凭脉、症、舌等客观指标来反映疾病的处所和病变的浅深、为立法用药有所依据。一、从整体观去探索:温病的发生、发展有其独特的规律。有些症状也有其特出之处,为了能够正确掌握,辨证有所依据,因此有必要从整体观的角度去探索这些主症产生的机理. 展开更多
关键词 皮肤病 卫气营血 入营 营分 疾病 生地 细生地 气分 临床分析
作者 杨强 《家庭医药(快乐养生)》 2015年第10期41-41,共1页
便秘是许多老年人遇到的常见问题,有的持续一段时间后好转,有的则是常年便秘,十分痛苦。中医认为便秘跟肾、肝、肺关系密切,另外,胃气不足、消化不好,也会影响肠道,引起便秘。临床发现,大多数老年便秘患者都存在气虚的情况,气虚反过来... 便秘是许多老年人遇到的常见问题,有的持续一段时间后好转,有的则是常年便秘,十分痛苦。中医认为便秘跟肾、肝、肺关系密切,另外,胃气不足、消化不好,也会影响肠道,引起便秘。临床发现,大多数老年便秘患者都存在气虚的情况,气虚反过来又影响各个脏腑功能,导致便秘,并伴随头晕、耳鸣、浑身无力、怕冷、多汗等多种不适。 展开更多
关键词 老年便秘 便秘患者 细生地 益气生津 胃气 炒白芍 老年人便秘 增液承气汤 姜厚朴 大便干结
作者 冯文进 杨广源 《内蒙古中医药》 1996年第S1期186-186,共1页
增液承气汤治愈荨麻疹1例冯文进,杨广源张某,男,45岁,教师。患者自诉半年前突发全身搔痒性风团,风团大小不一,有的融合成自,色红、奇痒难忍,严重影响睡眠及日常工作、生活,痛苦不堪,曾就诊各大医院,诊断为芝麻疹。查无寄... 增液承气汤治愈荨麻疹1例冯文进,杨广源张某,男,45岁,教师。患者自诉半年前突发全身搔痒性风团,风团大小不一,有的融合成自,色红、奇痒难忍,严重影响睡眠及日常工作、生活,痛苦不堪,曾就诊各大医院,诊断为芝麻疹。查无寄生虫。服用西药及外用药1月余均无疗... 展开更多
关键词 荨麻疹 承气汤 胃肠实热 内蒙古林学院 增液汤 滋阴增液 搔痒性风团 肺与大肠相表里 细生地 大便干结
尿崩症1例治验 被引量:1
作者 郜香圃 郜树义 《中医杂志》 1984年第6期41-41,共1页
王××,女,31岁,工人。初诊日期1983年7月25日,病历号8326971。几个月来自觉渴甚,每日饮水达十几暖壶而渴不止,夜间仍需饮水。若限水则烦渴不已,疲倦头昏。尿多而频,尿色如水,夜尿达十几次之多。兼有肌肉痛、皮肤干、粗糙似鱼鳞... 王××,女,31岁,工人。初诊日期1983年7月25日,病历号8326971。几个月来自觉渴甚,每日饮水达十几暖壶而渴不止,夜间仍需饮水。若限水则烦渴不已,疲倦头昏。尿多而频,尿色如水,夜尿达十几次之多。兼有肌肉痛、皮肤干、粗糙似鱼鳞,食欲不振,午后身热。 展开更多
关键词 尿崩症 代谢病 肥知母 粉葛根 大麦冬 细生地 黑玄参 燥热
奶山羊乳房炎的治疗与预防 被引量:3
作者 张秀君 《现代畜牧科技》 2015年第2期71-71,共1页
奶山羊乳房炎对奶山羊的危害性比较大,传统的治疗是通过给奶山羊注射抗生素,该方法有其优点,见效快,但是也有不足,会造成奶中有抗生素残留,以及增加奶山羊的抗药性。1常规治疗局部治疗方式。奶山羊乳房炎早期有明显的红肿和热痛症状,此... 奶山羊乳房炎对奶山羊的危害性比较大,传统的治疗是通过给奶山羊注射抗生素,该方法有其优点,见效快,但是也有不足,会造成奶中有抗生素残留,以及增加奶山羊的抗药性。1常规治疗局部治疗方式。奶山羊乳房炎早期有明显的红肿和热痛症状,此时,可以通过冷敷的方式来进行改善,缓解炎症,在冷敷2d之后,转为热敷,让炎症能够快速消退。 展开更多
关键词 奶山羊 乳房炎 抗生素残留 合成鱼腥草素 广谱抗生素 细生地 盐酸左旋咪唑 热痛 清瘟败毒饮 劣质饲料
奶牛乳房炎防治 被引量:2
作者 何元萍 《中国畜禽种业》 2017年第6期119-120,共2页
关键词 牛乳房炎 乳房炎发病率 病理学变化 偏碱性 乳房外 异常乳 理化性质 浆液性炎 停乳 细生地
作者 李仁众 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 1981年第6期11-12,共2页
病者仲姓,于暑天患肠伤寒,先在其他医生处诊治。病十二天请章师诊治,连诊九次,始转危为安,兹历记于下:(其中药量从旧制改为公制) 仲君,初诊:6月24日。体温39.5℃,脉搏108/分。病伤寒十二日,其热在弛张不定中。盖热之退不足喜,热之高不足... 病者仲姓,于暑天患肠伤寒,先在其他医生处诊治。病十二天请章师诊治,连诊九次,始转危为安,兹历记于下:(其中药量从旧制改为公制) 仲君,初诊:6月24日。体温39.5℃,脉搏108/分。病伤寒十二日,其热在弛张不定中。盖热之退不足喜,热之高不足虑,所虑者,病久热之后,深防正气虚赢。故扶其正气实为当务之急,其重要甚于清热;是以医者当权衡其轻重,不当墨守成规。黄芪9克,干地黄18克,麦冬9克,潞党参12克,川石斛9克,净连翘12克,远志肉4.5克,鲜石菖蒲12克,陈胆星2.4克,粉甘草2.4克。(原注:用胆星菖蒲以其尚有神识模糊) 展开更多
关键词 川石解 连翘 连召 清热解毒药 肠伤寒 伤寒症 细生地 米仁 大麦冬 潞党参 党参 象贝母 浙贝母
作者 龚其恕 《四川中医》 1987年第2期19-19,共1页
笔者自拟参麦二叶四皮汤用以治疗燥咳,颇有效验,一般一至二剂即愈。方剂组成:沙参30克,麦冬15克,霜桑叶、枇杷叶、瓜蒌皮、栀子皮各10克,鲜藕、梨皮、鲜西瓜皮各50克,杏仁、浙贝各12克。若咳嗽喉痛,声音嘶哑,咯血或痰中带血,可加阿胶(烊... 笔者自拟参麦二叶四皮汤用以治疗燥咳,颇有效验,一般一至二剂即愈。方剂组成:沙参30克,麦冬15克,霜桑叶、枇杷叶、瓜蒌皮、栀子皮各10克,鲜藕、梨皮、鲜西瓜皮各50克,杏仁、浙贝各12克。若咳嗽喉痛,声音嘶哑,咯血或痰中带血,可加阿胶(烊化),细生地各30克,丹皮15克。若并发百日咳加广百部,京半夏,炙紫菀。 展开更多
关键词 燥咳 细生地 丹皮
作者 黄元金 《健康生活》 2018年第9期30-31,共2页
金朝明昌年间,河南大地流行温热病。患者多是周身发热、困倦乏力。随后,四肢肌肉酸痛,口苦咽干,咳嗽无痰,有痰时则见黏稠如胶,脉象浮数。据金代名医张从正的《儒门事亲》书中载道,为应对这场温疫,治法多用补肾滋阴,清除肺热,辅佐化痰,... 金朝明昌年间,河南大地流行温热病。患者多是周身发热、困倦乏力。随后,四肢肌肉酸痛,口苦咽干,咳嗽无痰,有痰时则见黏稠如胶,脉象浮数。据金代名医张从正的《儒门事亲》书中载道,为应对这场温疫,治法多用补肾滋阴,清除肺热,辅佐化痰,润喉止咳。 展开更多
关键词 细生地 鳖甲煎 儒门事亲 天花粉 北沙参 乳酸脱氢酶 旱莲草
作者 翟培 《开卷有益(求医问药)》 2015年第8期50-50,共1页
增液承气汤原载于清代医家吴鞠通所著的《温病条辨》,为滋阴润燥剂。方药组成:玄参30克、麦冬(连心)24克、细生地24克、大黄9克、芒硝4.5克。上药以水八杯,煮取二杯,分两次服下。该方具有滋阴增液,泻热通便的功能,主治热结阴亏证之... 增液承气汤原载于清代医家吴鞠通所著的《温病条辨》,为滋阴润燥剂。方药组成:玄参30克、麦冬(连心)24克、细生地24克、大黄9克、芒硝4.5克。上药以水八杯,煮取二杯,分两次服下。该方具有滋阴增液,泻热通便的功能,主治热结阴亏证之燥屎不行,下之不通,脘腹胀满,口干唇燥,舌红苔黄,脉细数者。温热之邪,最易伤津耗液,热结胃肠,津液被灼,肠腑失调,传导失常,故燥屎不行。 展开更多
关键词 增液承气汤 细生地 《温病条辨》 脘腹胀满 吴鞠通 热结 邪热 伤津 滋阴润燥 耗液
Characterization of Mediterranean Magnetotactic Bacteria 被引量:2
作者 Lefevre Christopher Bemadac Alain +7 位作者 Pradel Nathalie WU Longfei Yu-Zhang Kui XIAO Tian Yonnet Jean-Paul Lebouc Afef SONG Tao Fukumori Yoshihiro 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2007年第4期355-359,共5页
Magnetotactic bacteria are a diverse group of motile prokaryotes that are ubiquitous in aquatic habitats and cosmopolitan in distribution. In this study, we collected magnetotactic bacteria from the Mediterranean Sea.... Magnetotactic bacteria are a diverse group of motile prokaryotes that are ubiquitous in aquatic habitats and cosmopolitan in distribution. In this study, we collected magnetotactic bacteria from the Mediterranean Sea. A remarkable diversity of morphotypes was observed, including multicellular types that seemed to differ from those previously found in North and South America. Another interesting organism was one with magnetosomes arranged in a six-stranded bundle which occupied one third of the cell width. The magnetosome bundle was evident even under optic microscopy. These cells were connected together and swam as a linear entire unit. Magnetosomes did not always align up to form a straight linear chain. A chain composed of rectangle magnetosomes bent at a posi- tion with an oval crystal. High resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis of the crystal at the pivotal position suggested uncompleted formation of the crystal. This is the first report of Mediterranean magnetotactic bacteria, which should be useful for studies of biogeochemical cycling and geohistory of the Mediterranean Sea. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetotactic bacteria Mediterranean Sea GEOMAGNETISM biogeochemical cycling ECOLOGY magnetosome crystals
Recover vigorous cells of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 by capillary magnetic separation 被引量:2
作者 李金华 葛欣 +2 位作者 张小葵 陈冠军 潘永信 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期826-831,共6页
Cultivable magnetotactic bacteria(MTB) in laboratory can provide sufficient samples for molecular microbiological and magnetic studies.However,a cold-stored MTB strain,such as Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1,often l... Cultivable magnetotactic bacteria(MTB) in laboratory can provide sufficient samples for molecular microbiological and magnetic studies.However,a cold-stored MTB strain,such as Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1,often loses its ability to synthesize magnetosomes and consequently fails to sense the external magnetic field.It is therefore important to quickly recover vigorous bacteria cells that highly capable of magnetosome producing.In this study,a modified capillary magnetic separation system was designed to recover a deteriorating strain of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 that long-term cold-stored in a refrigerator.The results show that all cells obtained after a 3-cycle treatment were vigorous and had the ability to produce magnetosomes.Moreover,the 3rd-cycle recovered cells were able to form more magnetosome crystals.Compared with the colony formation method,this new method is time-saving,easily operated,and more efficient for recovering vigorous MTB cells. 展开更多
关键词 magnetotactic bacteria Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 capillary magnetic separation strain recovery
Spatiotemporal pattern of bacterioplankton in Donghu Lake 被引量:4
作者 张翔 颜庆云 +1 位作者 余育和 代梨梨 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期554-564,共11页
Bacterioplankton play key roles in the biogeochemical cycle and in organic contaminant degradation. The species richness and abundance of bacterial subgroups are generally distinct from each other, and this is attribu... Bacterioplankton play key roles in the biogeochemical cycle and in organic contaminant degradation. The species richness and abundance of bacterial subgroups are generally distinct from each other, and this is attributed to their different functions in aquatic ecosystems. The spatiotemporal variations of eight phylogenetic subgroups (Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Proteobacteria) derived from Donghu Lake were investigated using PCR-DGGE fingerprinting, to explore their responses to environmental factors. Results indicate that Actinobacteria and beta-Proteobacteria were the two largest bacterial subgroups detected. These two groups and Bacteroidetes showed clear seasonal patterns in composition of the operational taxonomic unit. Results also suggest that the bacterioplankton subgroups in Donghu Lake were significantly correlated with different environmental factors. In brief, the total nitrogen was one of the major factors regulating all the bacterioplankton except for Actinobacteria. However, total phosphorus, another important eutrophication factor, contributed to the two largest bacterial groups (Actinobacteria and beta-Proteobacteria), as well as to the Cyanobacteria and Firmicutes. Therefore, the responses of bacterioplankton subgroups to environmental factors were different, and this should be attributed to the differences in the fimctions of different groups. 展开更多
关键词 BACTERIOPLANKTON PCR-DGGE group-specific primers multivariate analysis
Geomorphic Habitat Type, Drift Cell, Forage Fish and Juvenile Salmon: Are They Linked?
作者 J. Anne Shaffer Patrick Crain +2 位作者 Todd Kassler Dan Penttila Dwight Barry 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第5期688-703,共16页
The role of geomorphic habitat type, drift cell scale, and geographic scale in defining fish use of nearshore habitats is poorly known, particularly for Pacific salmon and their prey. In this study, key areas of nears... The role of geomorphic habitat type, drift cell scale, and geographic scale in defining fish use of nearshore habitats is poorly known, particularly for Pacific salmon and their prey. In this study, key areas of nearshore habitat in central and western Strait of Juan de Fuca were categorized by geomorphic habitat type and assessed for fish use within a degraded (Elwha) and intact comparative drift cells over a one year period. Juvenile Chinook and coho salmon were also sampled for genetic analysis to define regional dispersal patterns. Key findings are: (1) Ecological function of the area's nearshore is complex, with very strong seasonal variation in fish use both within and across GMHT (geomorphic habitat type); (2) GMHT link to nearshore function for fish use differs depending on the fish species and time of year. Surf smelt and sand lance were the most abundant. And they were seasonally used embayed, spit, and bluff shorelines more than lower rivers. Juvenile Chinook, coho, and chum salmon occurred in much lower density than forage fish species, and used lower rivers more than other GMHTs; (3) When GMHTs were combined and analyzed at the drift cell scale, the degraded drift cell had different ecological patterns than the intact drift cell; (4) Cross regional juvenile fish use of nearshore is an important component of habitat use: juvenile Chinook and coho from as far away as the Columbia River Oregon and Klamath River California utilize central Strait of Juan de Fuca shorelines. Forage fish species may do so as well. Drift cell and cross regional scales are therefore most important for accurately defining nearshore ecological function, management, and restoration actions. 展开更多
关键词 NEARSHORE geomorphic habitat type fish use Elwha Chinook.
伏暑病案讨论 被引量:2
作者 时振声 《中医杂志》 1978年第6期14-16,共3页
病历介绍患者鄂××,女性,19岁,工人,病历号14359。患者7天前曾微有畏寒发烧,疲乏无力。3天前去游行回来,觉口干苦,饮冷水后,当晚有寒战高烧,体温39.6℃不降,1976年10月23日以高烧待查收入住院。查体温39.8℃,神清,皮肤及巩膜... 病历介绍患者鄂××,女性,19岁,工人,病历号14359。患者7天前曾微有畏寒发烧,疲乏无力。3天前去游行回来,觉口干苦,饮冷水后,当晚有寒战高烧,体温39.6℃不降,1976年10月23日以高烧待查收入住院。查体温39.8℃,神清,皮肤及巩膜无黄染,全身皮肤未见皮疹及出血点,颈软,心界不大。 展开更多
关键词 伏暑 温病条辨 营血 湿温 辛凉 湿瘟 中药五味 舌质红绛 细生地
A Review of Farmland Fragmentation in China 被引量:7
作者 吕晓 黄贤金 +2 位作者 钟太洋 赵雲泰 李禕 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第4期344-352,共9页
Here, we describe research on farmland fragmentation using the summary and comparison analysis approaches. The definition of farmland fragmentation, main research fields and measurement methods are reviewed. The conno... Here, we describe research on farmland fragmentation using the summary and comparison analysis approaches. The definition of farmland fragmentation, main research fields and measurement methods are reviewed. The connotation of farmland fragmentation is clear and has been widely recognized, but methods for determining fragmentation require further work. Farmland fragmentation research in China mainly focuses on the causes and its effect on agricultural production, particularly the negative impacts. The relationship between farmland fragmentation and land consolidation has received increasing attention; the relationship between farmland fragmentation and land transfer less so. Research in this area mainly draws on economic research methods, and geographical spatial analyses are absent. Several suggestions are made, including additional comparative studies across different areas based on different economic and social backgrounds; strengthening research on the relationship between farmland fragmentation and the comprehensive regulation of rural land; and adoption of RS and GIS methods. 展开更多
关键词 farmland fragmentation agricultural production farmland transfer land consolidation
作者 李岱蔚 《辽河》 2014年第10期44-46,共3页
夏季,一场大雨过后,学校搞体检。我被查出得了大病。我,刚刚十三岁,却患上了绝症——肺癌晚期。 为了确诊,爸爸又领我去省城一家大医院。可医生看过后,说需要十万元手术费。可我家哪有那么多钱啊!要是有钱,我妈也不会跟我爸离婚,被南... 夏季,一场大雨过后,学校搞体检。我被查出得了大病。我,刚刚十三岁,却患上了绝症——肺癌晚期。 为了确诊,爸爸又领我去省城一家大医院。可医生看过后,说需要十万元手术费。可我家哪有那么多钱啊!要是有钱,我妈也不会跟我爸离婚,被南方的包工头给拐走了。 展开更多
关键词 肺癌晚期 那女孩 微薄收入 罐头瓶 花猫 人力三轮车 细生地 青蒿鳖甲汤 骨髓干 樱桃树
《新远见》 2013年第8期96-96,共1页
健康管理俗话说"七月流金,八月流火",夏天的威力真是不容小觑,防暑与防晒仍然是我们最需要注意的问题,不能让燥热的天气影响我们的工作效率啊。虽然天气依旧炎热,但是终于看到了希望,要立秋了!您的养生大计是否依旧在坚持,带... 健康管理俗话说"七月流金,八月流火",夏天的威力真是不容小觑,防暑与防晒仍然是我们最需要注意的问题,不能让燥热的天气影响我们的工作效率啊。虽然天气依旧炎热,但是终于看到了希望,要立秋了!您的养生大计是否依旧在坚持,带着对秋天的期待,我们一起快乐养生吧! 展开更多
关键词 饮食养生 防晒 工作效率 秋冬养阴 生津润燥 春夏养阳 细生地 胃消 中焦脾胃 燥气
Mineral photoelectrons and their implications for the origin and early evolution of life on Earth 被引量:6
作者 LU AnHuai WANG Xin +5 位作者 LI Yan DING HongRui WANG ChangQiu ZENG CuiPing HAO RuiXia YANG XiaoXue 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期897-902,共6页
Energy is the key issue of all life activities.The energy source and energy yielding pathway are the key scientific issues of the origin and early evolution of life on Earth.Current researches indicate that the utiliz... Energy is the key issue of all life activities.The energy source and energy yielding pathway are the key scientific issues of the origin and early evolution of life on Earth.Current researches indicate that the utilization of solar energy in large scale by life was an important breaking point of the early evolution of life on Earth and afterwards life gradually developed and flourished.However,in the widespread biochemical electron transfer of life activities,it is still not clear whether the electron source is sun or how electrons originated from sun.For billions of years,the ubiquitous semiconducting minerals in epigeosphere absorb solar energy,forming photoelectrons and photoholes.In reductive and weak acidic environment of early Earth,when photoholes were easily scavenged by reducing matters,photoelectrons were separated.Photoelectrons could effectively reduce carbon dioxide to organic matters,possibly providing organic matter foundation for the origin of life.Photoelectrons participated in photoelectron transfer chains driven by potential difference and transfer into primitive cells to maintain metabolisms.Semiconducting minerals,by absorbing ultraviolet,also protected primitive cells from being damaged by ultraviolet in the origin of life.Due to the continuous photoelectrons generation in semiconducting minerals and utilization by primitive cells,photoelectrons from semiconducting minerals’photocatalysis played multiple roles in the origin of life on early Earth,such as organic synthesis,cell protection,and energy supply.This mechanism still plays important roles in modern Earth surface systems. 展开更多
关键词 natural semiconducting minerals PHOTOELECTRONS MICROORGANISMS energy source origin of life
Inspirations from the scientific discovery of the anammox bacteria: A classic example of how scientific principles can guide discovery and development
作者 DANG Hong Yue HUANG Rong Fang JIAO Nian Zhi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期449-455,共7页
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation(anammox) is a relatively new pathway within the N cycle discovered in the late 1990 s. This eminent discovery not only modified the classical theory of biological metabolism and matter cyc... Anaerobic ammonium oxidation(anammox) is a relatively new pathway within the N cycle discovered in the late 1990 s. This eminent discovery not only modified the classical theory of biological metabolism and matter cycling, but also profoundly influenced our understanding of the energy sources for life. A new member of chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms capable of carbon fixation was found in the vast deep dark ocean. If the discovery of the chemosynthetic ecosystems in the deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments once challenged the old dogma "all living things depend on the sun for growth," the discovery of anammox bacteria that are widespread in anoxic environments fortifies the victory over this dogma. Anammox bacteria catalyze the oxidization of NH_4^+ by using NO_2^- as the terminal electron acceptor to produce N_2. Similar to the denitrifying microorganisms, anammox bacteria play a biogeochemical role of inorganic N removal from the environment. However, unlike heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria, anammox bacteria are chemolithoautotrophs that can generate transmembrane proton motive force, synthesize ATP molecules and further carry out CO_2 fixation through metabolic energy harvested from the anammox process. Although anammox bacteria and the subsequently found ammonia-oxidizing archaea(AOA), another very important group of N cycling microorganisms are both chemolithoautotrophs, AOA use ammonia rather than ammonium as the electron donor and O_2 as the terminal electron acceptor in their energy metabolism. Therefore, the ecological process of AOA mainly takes place in oxic seawater and sediments, while anammox bacteria are widely distributed in anoxic water and sediments, and even in some typical extreme marine environments such as the deep-sea hydrothermal vents and methane seeps. Studies have shown that the anammox process may be responsible for 30%–70% N_2 production in the ocean. In environmental engineering related to nitrogenous wastewater treatment, anammox provides a new technology with low energy consumption, low cost, and high efficiency that can achieve energy saving and emission reduction. However, the discovery of anammox bacteria is actually a hard-won achievement. Early in the 1960 s, the possibility of the anammox biogeochemical process was predicted to exist according to some marine geochemical data. Then in the 1970 s, the existence of anammox bacteria was further predicted via chemical reaction thermodynamic calculations. However, these microorganisms were not found in subsequent decades. What hindered the discovery of anammox bacteria, an important N cycling microbial group widespread in hypoxic and anoxic environments? What are the factors that finally led to their discovery? What are the inspirations that the analyses of these questions can bring to scientific research? This review article will analyze and elucidate the above questions by presenting the fundamental physiological and ecological characteristics of the marine anammox bacteria and the principles of scientific research. 展开更多
关键词 Anaerobic ammonium oxidation Marine nitrogen cycle Chemolithoautotrophy Wastewater treatment Scientific inspiration
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