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大空间建筑的细节表达研究 被引量:2
作者 魏宇涵 刘德明 《低温建筑技术》 2009年第1期19-21,共3页
与其它类型建筑不同,大空间建筑并非以多样的空间组合传达对空间形式美的理解,而突出对整体空间的覆盖与包容,它所强调的空间美学形式是统一、完整。在此基础上人与建筑物接触部分的细部,其形态以及质感更容易建立研究对象的关联性,是... 与其它类型建筑不同,大空间建筑并非以多样的空间组合传达对空间形式美的理解,而突出对整体空间的覆盖与包容,它所强调的空间美学形式是统一、完整。在此基础上人与建筑物接触部分的细部,其形态以及质感更容易建立研究对象的关联性,是一种建筑构造及建造表达,对于观察和体验建筑的整体形式具有重要的意义。本文从视觉引导、节点形式、材料搭配三个切入点,探讨了大空间建筑细节表达的思路与策略,揭示了大空间建筑细节设计同其相应结构的密切联系。 展开更多
关键词 大空间建筑 大跨结构 细节表达
作者 苏珊 《全媒体探索》 2023年第4期74-75,共2页
融媒体时代越来越讲究新闻的故事化报道,而这种报道手法的重点在于做好细节表达——在许多引起人们广泛关注的优秀新闻作品中,微观叙事都做得很好,令人动容的部分往往是一些细节。本文结合部分新闻作品重点分析细节表达的表现手法、运... 融媒体时代越来越讲究新闻的故事化报道,而这种报道手法的重点在于做好细节表达——在许多引起人们广泛关注的优秀新闻作品中,微观叙事都做得很好,令人动容的部分往往是一些细节。本文结合部分新闻作品重点分析细节表达的表现手法、运用方式和实践效果,以明确细节表达在新闻报道中的重要价值,为提升新闻作品创作质量提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 新闻报道 细节表达 价值
作者 林锋 《美术观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期144-145,共2页
新冠疫情的全球蔓延给每个人的身心都带来了深远的影响。现代社会中我们所熟悉的都市生活模式被打破,人们不得不放慢脚步,回归家庭,回归日常生活,学会与孤独做伴,寻求内心的平静,探寻抚慰人心的力量。疫情也让艺术家愈加冷静地思考艺术... 新冠疫情的全球蔓延给每个人的身心都带来了深远的影响。现代社会中我们所熟悉的都市生活模式被打破,人们不得不放慢脚步,回归家庭,回归日常生活,学会与孤独做伴,寻求内心的平静,探寻抚慰人心的力量。疫情也让艺术家愈加冷静地思考艺术与社会生活的关系,把目光投向身边的人和事,关注自己的身体,关注我们生存的环境。艺术成了情感释放的载体,从个体的生命经验到时代发展的宏大叙事,都注入了艺术家的情感表达和对时代的思考。艺术创作正是艺术家对于爱情、家庭、社会、时代和历史向他提出的一切问题的回应。而这种关注寻常生活细节、从平凡中发现不朽、注重情感的本真表达的方式也是我在创作中一直践行的路径。 展开更多
关键词 生活细节 艺术创作 情感释放 回归家庭 细节表达 放慢脚步 宏大叙事 生活本真
作者 姚婷 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2012年第A01期112-113,共2页
关键词 数码插图 细节表达 虚拟化
作者 姚婷 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2012年第Z1期112-113,共2页
关键词 数码插图 细节表达 虚拟化
关注细节 改善教法 提高效果
作者 王东 《教学管理与教育研究》 2018年第22期67-68,共2页
在低年级的数学课堂中,教学适应学生的学习需求,教师捕捉一些有价值的细节并做出相应的调整和变动是必须的.这既是教师对陶行知“六大解放”精神的践行,也是对学生学习主体的尊重.为此,文章从学习氛围营造和学习主体积极性激发的角度出... 在低年级的数学课堂中,教学适应学生的学习需求,教师捕捉一些有价值的细节并做出相应的调整和变动是必须的.这既是教师对陶行知“六大解放”精神的践行,也是对学生学习主体的尊重.为此,文章从学习氛围营造和学习主体积极性激发的角度出发,对课堂教学中师生双方的听、读、说、写、画中的细节表达进行了有意义的探讨. 展开更多
关键词 小学数学 课堂教学 细节表达
作者 李品钰 霍亮 +2 位作者 朱杰 王英杰 李少卿 《地理信息世界》 2020年第3期91-94,99,共5页
针对目前三维地图的重要目标选取与突出表达效果不佳以及若采用符号化实景三维模型表达存在的建模成本高、数据量大等问题,提出符号化三维地图表达的技术方法。该方法利用自发地理信息数据构建空间兴趣场模型,描述用户对地理信息兴趣程... 针对目前三维地图的重要目标选取与突出表达效果不佳以及若采用符号化实景三维模型表达存在的建模成本高、数据量大等问题,提出符号化三维地图表达的技术方法。该方法利用自发地理信息数据构建空间兴趣场模型,描述用户对地理信息兴趣程度的空间分布,进而对三维地图符号进行分类。以三维地图场景构建为基础,通过视点控制对三维地图进行符号化表达,实现符号化三维地图的细节层次表达。本文结合实例对比分析了符号化三维地图,结果表明该方法提高了三维地理空间模型的认知效果和应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 符号化三维地图 兴趣场模型 符号分类 符号化建模 场景细节层次表达
关注言语表达 探寻言意真谛
作者 陆学玲 《教师》 2018年第36期33-34,共2页
语文教学应立足于语言的学习、感悟和运用,通过学习文本的言语形式而实现会用语言去表达、交流,提高语文能力。文章作者以《装满昆虫的衣袋》为例,扣住“怎样表达”这一核心环节,从以下三点着力:着眼整体,扣“点”引线;关注细节,以点带... 语文教学应立足于语言的学习、感悟和运用,通过学习文本的言语形式而实现会用语言去表达、交流,提高语文能力。文章作者以《装满昆虫的衣袋》为例,扣住“怎样表达”这一核心环节,从以下三点着力:着眼整体,扣“点”引线;关注细节,以点带面;立足语言,学习表达。作者主要通过学习任务单的形式引导学生自主学习、合作探究,挖掘言语的秘妙,走入文本的内核,既领悟了意,也习得了言,真正实现了“言意共生”。 展开更多
关键词 整体 细节:言语表达
《海角七号》的电影情感艺术分析 被引量:1
作者 马绥莉 《电影文学》 北大核心 2013年第19期58-59,共2页
关键词 《海角七号》 电影情感 人间真爱 细节表达
Regulation of Bcl-2 Family in TIP30-Induced Apoptosis in Hepatoblastoma Cells 被引量:2
作者 石梅 王平 +3 位作者 张霞 张红卫 吴孟超 张柏和 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期11-15,65,共6页
Objective: To investigate the role of TIP30 in the apoptotic signal pathwayin HepG2, and Hep3B and Hu-7 hepatoblastoma cell lines. Methods: In order to confirm whether TIP30conducted Bcl-2 family was involved in apopt... Objective: To investigate the role of TIP30 in the apoptotic signal pathwayin HepG2, and Hep3B and Hu-7 hepatoblastoma cell lines. Methods: In order to confirm whether TIP30conducted Bcl-2 family was involved in apoptosis signal pathway, MTT assay, in situ 3' end labellingof DNA assay and Western blot were carried out to detect the diverse apoptotic function of TIP30and the regulation of Bcl-2 family. Results: TIP30 induced apoptosis as evidenced by morphologicalchanges in hepatoblastoma cells, which was accompanied by up-regulating Bax and Bad proteins andstimulating them from cytoplasm to mitochondria, and down-regulating Bcl-xl, while it had no effecton the level of Bak protein. Conclusion: TIP30 induced apoptosis partly by modulating the proteinlevels of members of Bcl-2 family in hepatoblastoma cells. Elucidating the mechanism by which TIP30induces cell death might establish it as an anticancer factor. 展开更多
浅谈宋代花鸟画的美与意境 被引量:2
作者 陈瑶瑶 《美术教育研究》 2018年第23期24-24,27,共2页
在我国的传统工笔画中,宋代花鸟画具有非凡的地位,可以被称为工笔画的典范。在创作过程中,宋代花鸟画以简约的构图将花鸟刻画得精致入微,其不仅追求再现花鸟的真实性,同时还传达出了一种诗意,空灵、悠远且含蓄。古往今来,这种艺术的造... 在我国的传统工笔画中,宋代花鸟画具有非凡的地位,可以被称为工笔画的典范。在创作过程中,宋代花鸟画以简约的构图将花鸟刻画得精致入微,其不仅追求再现花鸟的真实性,同时还传达出了一种诗意,空灵、悠远且含蓄。古往今来,这种艺术的造诣具有不可比拟性。该文主要从画面表现形式、细节表达的严谨性、诗意的传递以及画面意趣四个方面分析宋代花鸟画的美与意境。 展开更多
关键词 宋代花鸟画 画面表现形式 细节表达 美与意境
作者 苏芮 阎玉琪 《山东教育》 2023年第18期F0004-F0004,共1页
绘画表征,是幼儿表达思想和情感的一种语言方式。幼儿用每一个细节表达自己的心理、思维和审美,让我们得以从笔触稚嫩的画作中读懂活泼可爱的童心,透过孩子的视线看到一个充满童趣的世界。瞧,从绘本《我妈妈》里走出的“彩泥”妈妈,惟... 绘画表征,是幼儿表达思想和情感的一种语言方式。幼儿用每一个细节表达自己的心理、思维和审美,让我们得以从笔触稚嫩的画作中读懂活泼可爱的童心,透过孩子的视线看到一个充满童趣的世界。瞧,从绘本《我妈妈》里走出的“彩泥”妈妈,惟妙惟肖又不失爱的温暖,不一样的细节中描述出每一个妈妈在孩子眼中的独特形象;从孩子们心中飞出的童年梦想,一幅幅真实而又充满张力的个人肖像画,让我们看到了他们的兴趣和经验,也看到了他们对生活的理解和对未来的期许…… 展开更多
关键词 童心 细节表达 人物画像 绘画表征 充满张力 《我妈妈》 幼儿表达 肖像画
microRNAs: Fad or future of liver disease 被引量:13
作者 Ashley M Lakner Herbert L Bonkovsky Laura W Schrum 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第20期2536-2542,共7页
microRNAs (miRs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate both mRNA and protein expression of target genes, which results in alterations in mRNA stability or translation inhibition. miRs influence at least one third of... microRNAs (miRs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate both mRNA and protein expression of target genes, which results in alterations in mRNA stability or translation inhibition. miRs influence at least one third of all human transcripts and are known regulators of various important cellular growth and differentiation factors. miRs have recently emerged as key regulatory molecules in chronic liver disease. This review details recent contributions to the field of miRs that influence liver development and the broad spectrum of disease, from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to fibrosis/cirrhosis, with particular emphasis on hepatic stellate cells and potential use of miRs as therapeutic tools. 展开更多
关键词 LIVER FIBROSIS MICRORNA mRNA Hepatic stellate cells
Expression of cytokine mRNA during immuno-modulation of murine suppressor macrophages 被引量:1
作者 FENGWEIGUO ZHONGLIANGCHANG 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第4期317-322,共6页
In order to analyze the mechanism of immunomodulation by LPS on murine peritoneal suppressor macrophages, we have, using RNase protection assay,checked the changes of mRNA expression pattern of several cytokine genes ... In order to analyze the mechanism of immunomodulation by LPS on murine peritoneal suppressor macrophages, we have, using RNase protection assay,checked the changes of mRNA expression pattern of several cytokine genes during the immuno-modulation.It has been found that, after treating peritoneal suppressor macrophages with LPS, mRNAs of IL-12 p35, IL-12 p40,IL-6 and IFN-γ are newly appeared, while those of IL-1α, IL-1β and IL-1Ra are increased and those of other cytokines, like TGF-β1 and MIF are not changed at all.It seems certain that those cytokines, whose expression is increased by LPS stimulation, may be responsible for the functional changes of suppressor macrophages during immuno-modulation. Among these changes, the appearance of IL-12 mRNA may play a critical role, and, in this regard, the synergetic effect between IFN-γ and LPS on the increase of IL-12 p35 and IL-12 p40 mRNA expression is an interesting finding. 展开更多
关键词 Suppressor macrophage cytokne mRNA expression immuno-modulation
Developmental changes in functional expression andβ-adrenergic regulation of If in the heart of mouse embryo 被引量:1
The hyperpolarization-activated current (If) plays an important role in determining the spontaneous rate of cardiac pacemaker cells. The automatic rhythmicity also exists in working cells of embryonic heart, therefore... The hyperpolarization-activated current (If) plays an important role in determining the spontaneous rate of cardiac pacemaker cells. The automatic rhythmicity also exists in working cells of embryonic heart, therefore we studied developmental changes in functional expression and β-adrenergic regulation of Iy in embryonic mouse heart. The expression of If is high in early developmental stage (EDS) (10.5 d after coitus) ventricular myocytes, low in intermediate developmental stage (IDS) (13.5 d) atrial or ventricular myocytes and even lower in late developmental stage (LDS) (16.5 d) atrial or ventricular myocytes, indicating that these cells of the EDS embryonic heart have some properties of pacemaker cells.β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (ISO) stimulates If in LDS but not in EDS cardiomyocytes, indicating that the β-adrenergic regulation of If is not mature in EDS embryonic heart. But forskolin (a direct activator of adenylate cyclase) and 8-Br-cAMP (a membrane-permeable analogue of cAMP) increase the amplitude of If in EDS cells, indicating that adenylate cyclase and cAMP function fairly well at early stage of development. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that If is modulated by phosphorylation via cAMP dependent PKA both in EDS and LDS cells. 展开更多
关键词 embryonic cardiomyocyte DEVELOPMENT IF β-adrenergic.
Inhibitory effect of adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer of human endostatin on hepatocellular carcinoma 被引量:11
作者 HongLiu Ying-BinLiu +4 位作者 Yu-LianWu Zhi-MingZhao YongWang Bao-SanHan Cheng-HongPeng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第22期3331-3334,共4页
AIM: To investigate the effect of adeno-associated virusmediated gene transfer of human endostatin on the growth of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).METHODS: HCC cell line Hep3B was infected with recombinantadeno-associ... AIM: To investigate the effect of adeno-associated virusmediated gene transfer of human endostatin on the growth of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).METHODS: HCC cell line Hep3B was infected with recombinantadeno-associated virus containing human endostatin gene (rAAV2-hEndo). The results of transfection were detected by RT-PCR and SDS-PAGE assay. MTT assay was used to observe the effects of supernatant of transfected cells on ECV304 cell proliferation. An animal model of HCC was established by injecting Hep3B cells subcutaneously into the back of nude mice. Intratumoral injection of rAAV2hEndo, empty virus and phosphate-buffered saline were given sequentially. Serum endostatin was determined byELISA, the inhibitory effect of endostatin on the growth of xenograft was assessed in 3 wk.RESULTS: The results of RT-PCR and SDS-PAGE assay confirmed that rAAV2-hEndo successfully transfected Hep3B cells, and endostatin was secreted from Hep3B cells to medium. The supernatant of transfected cells markedly inhibited the proliferation of ECV304 cells (P<0.01). Intratumoral injection of rAAV2-hEndo (2×1010v.g.) led to a sustained serum endostatin level ofapproximately (86.71±5.19) ng/mL. The tumor volumeand microvessel density were less in rAAV2-hEndo group than in control groups (P<0.01).CONCLUSION: Human endostatin can be stably expressed by adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer and effectively inhibit the growth of HCC. 展开更多
关键词 ENDOSTATIN GENE Adeno-associated virus Hepatocellular carcinoma
Effect of androgen withdrawal on activation of ERKs and expression of cell cycle regulation molecules in human prostate carcinoma cells
作者 叶定伟 李慧 +5 位作者 TSENG Jane CHAUVIN Priscilla 钱松溪 郑家富 孙颖浩 马永江 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2002年第3期178-180,共3页
Objective: To explore the possible mechanisms of growth regression of human androgen dependent prostate carcinoma cells caused by androgen withdrawal. Methods: After 24 h of treatment with 1 × 10-9 mol/L dihydrot... Objective: To explore the possible mechanisms of growth regression of human androgen dependent prostate carcinoma cells caused by androgen withdrawal. Methods: After 24 h of treatment with 1 × 10-9 mol/L dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the expression of phosphorylated ERK proteins and cell cycle regulation molecules including CDK2, CDK4, CDK6 and P27kip1 in human androgen dependent prostate carcinoma cell line LNCaP was measured by Western blot analysis 0 h, 8 h and 24 h of after androgen withdrawal. Human androgen independent prostate carcinoma cell line PC-3 was also examined as control. Results: Down-regulation of phosphorylated ERK, CDK2, CDK4 and CDK6 and up-regulation of P27kip1 were found initially in LNCaP cell line 8 h after androgen withdrawal. The levels of phosphorylated ERK and CDKs decreased continuously and reached the lowest after 24 h, while continuous elevation of P27kip1 was detected thereafter to 24 h. No expression change of phosphorylated ERK, CDKs and P27kip1 were detected in PC-3 cell line. Conclusion: The androgen withdrawal can cause ERKs activation decrease and cell cycle regulation molecules changes, which may be one of the mechanisms for inhibited growth of androgen dependent prostate carcinoma after androgen ablation by either operative or medicine methods. 展开更多
关键词 prostate neoplasm CARCINOMA ANDROGEN PROLIFERATION cell cycle
Regulation of gene expression, growth, and cell survival by IL-4: Contribution of multiple signaling pathways 被引量:1
作者 KEEGANACHSAHD JOSEZAMORAN 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第1期1-13,共13页
Interleukin-4 is a cytokine produced by activated T cells, mast cells, and basophils that elicits many important biological responses[1] (see Tab 1). These responses range from the regulation of helper T cell differen... Interleukin-4 is a cytokine produced by activated T cells, mast cells, and basophils that elicits many important biological responses[1] (see Tab 1). These responses range from the regulation of helper T cell differentiation[2] and the production of IgE[3] to the regulation of the adhesive properties of endothelial cells via VCAM-1[4]. In keeping with these diverse biological effects, high-affinity binding sites for IL-4 (Kd 20 to 300 pM) have been detected on many hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cell types at levels ranging from 50 to 5000 sites per cell[5],This review will focus on the discrete signal transduction pathways activated by the IL-4 receptor and the coordination of these individual pathways in the regulation of a final biological outcome. 展开更多
关键词 CYTOKINES RECEPTORS LYMPHOCYTES tyrosine phosphorylation signal transduction
Regulation of P1-450 Gene Expression by Dimethylbenzanthracene in Human Lung Tumor Cells in Culture
作者 费云标 Kirstin L.Brown Debajit K.Biswas 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1992年第1期7-15,T001-T003,共12页
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs),dimethyl beazanthracene(DMBA)and benzo-(a)-pyrene(BaP),stimulate the expression of the P1-450 gene in human lung tumor cells(ChaGo)in culture.A concentration-and time-dependent i... Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs),dimethyl beazanthracene(DMBA)and benzo-(a)-pyrene(BaP),stimulate the expression of the P1-450 gene in human lung tumor cells(ChaGo)in culture.A concentration-and time-dependent increase in the level of P1-450 specific mRNA sequences hasbeen observed in ChaGo cells treated with sublethal concentrations of DMBA.Results presentedsuggest that the parent compound causes the induction of P1-450 gene expression.The methylationpattern of the internal“-C-” residues of the “-CCGG-” sequence has been studied in a stretch ofabout 8000 base pairs(bp)of DNA sequence in and around the P1-450 gene in the control andDMBA-treated ChaGo cells.A comparative Southern blot analysis of the Msp Ⅰ/Hpa Ⅱ digestedDNA of the control and DMBA-treated ChaGo cells followed by hybridization with ^(32)P-labelledregion-specific probes,revealed that i)the internal “-C-” residues of the “-CCGG-” sequences ofdifferent regions of P1-450 gene were methylated to different degrees;ii)DMBA treatment of thecells induced hypomethylation of only the 5' end “-CCGG-” sequences of the gene;and iii)themethylation patterns of “-CCGG-” sequences of most of the coding region and of the 3' end regionof P1-450 gene were not affected by such DMBA treatment. 展开更多
关键词 P1-450 gene Dimethyl-benzanthracene(DMBA) METHYLATION HYPOMETHYLATION
Effects of the Overall Alkaloid of a Traditional Chinese Medicine “Tongbiling” on the Cytokine Expression in Th1 and Th2 Cells of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Their Signaling Pathway 被引量:1
作者 陈光星 刘清平 +3 位作者 王培训 曾耀英 刘良 陈纪藩 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2004年第1期45-49,共5页
To investigate the effects of overall alkali of a traditional Chinese medicine “Tongbiling” (brucine and strychnine alkaloids in main) on the cytokines expression in Th1 and Th2 cells in the synovial fluid of patien... To investigate the effects of overall alkali of a traditional Chinese medicine “Tongbiling” (brucine and strychnine alkaloids in main) on the cytokines expression in Th1 and Th2 cells in the synovial fluid of patients with rheumatism arthritis and their signal pathway, the mononuclear cells in the synovial fluid (SFMC) of patients were isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifugation, and the CD3 + CD69 + and CD3 + HLA-DR antigen were analyzed by flow cytometry in comparison with those of the peripheral blood. The rest of cells were cultured after resuspension with RPMI 1640 culture medium. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB) and ionomycin were added successively into the culture with various concentration of overall alkali Tongbiling (TBL). After 4 h of cultivation, the expression of IFN-γ and IL-4 in CD3 + cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. The influence of overall alkali TBL (100?mg/L) on the intracellular calcium was investigated after Fluo-3/AM labeling and stimulation with PDB and ionomycin at 1, 2, 4 and 10?min, and the influence of TBL on the expression of CD3 + CD69 + cells were determined with stimulation of PDB for 24?h in the whole blood lymphocytes culture. It was found that the percentage of T cells bearing CD69 was significantly up-regulated (77%), while that of T cells bearing HLA-DR was 44% in the synovial mononucleated cells. After PDB and ionomycin stimulation, the expression of IFN-γ in CD3 + cells were up-regulated, but there was no change on the expression of IL-4 in CD3 + cells, indicating that ratio of Th1/Th2 was significantly increased and Th cells differentiate to Th1 cells in mainly. Four concentrations of overall alkaloid of TBL (200?mg/L, 100?mg/L, 50?mg/L, 25?mg/L) could down-regulated the expression of IFN-γ in CD3 + cells and the Th1/Th2 ratio obviously, but all the concentrations of the overall alkaloids had no effect on the expression of IL-4 in CD3 + cells. 100?mg/L concentration of the overall alkaloid did not down-regulate the intracellular calcium level. Each concentration of the overall alkaloid could down-regulated the expression CD69 obviously on the PDB-activated mouse T cells. It concluded from the above observations that the overall alkaloid of TBL could relieve the inflammatory and immune damages by suppressing the expression of Th1 type cytokines and Th1 cell differentiation, regulating the imbalance of Th1/Th2 cells and inhibiting the early activation of the T lymphocytes bearing CD69. There was no remarkable influence on the intracellular calcium signaling transduction pathway. The inhibitory effected on T cells to express IFN-γ might be due to the suppression of PKC-MAPK signaling pathway. From the standpoint of traditional Chinese medicine, this might be due to the regulation of “Yin” and “Yang” imbalance of joints to modify the pathological status in rheumatoid arthritis. This study provided an experimental basis for the application of overall alkaloids of TBL in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. 展开更多
关键词 Overall alkaloid TBL T lymphocytes Th1/Th2 cells HLA-DR
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