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作者 金春峰 《衡水学院学报》 2016年第5期17-22,共6页
汉代"罢黜百家,独尊儒术",独尊的实际上是董仲舒在《春秋繁露》中建立的道德目的论哲学体系,确立起"天地之性人为贵"的主题,从而重新恢复与发扬了先秦儒学的人本与人文主义传统。汉代,《易》《诗》《书》《礼》《... 汉代"罢黜百家,独尊儒术",独尊的实际上是董仲舒在《春秋繁露》中建立的道德目的论哲学体系,确立起"天地之性人为贵"的主题,从而重新恢复与发扬了先秦儒学的人本与人文主义传统。汉代,《易》《诗》《书》《礼》《春秋》都贯彻董仲舒的这一哲学思想,从而使"经学"成为政治的指导方针与意识形态。 展开更多
关键词 董仲舒 经学哲学 道德目的论 天人关系
作者 张广保 《周易研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期87-96,共10页
中国哲学界近年一直在热议中国哲学的合法性问题,这充分反映了学界对20世纪初模仿西方哲学范式创建起来的中国哲学体系的反思。中国古代思想家提出的独特思想论题在其他文明中并未被突显出来,因此,中国哲学的问题意识应当奠基于中华文... 中国哲学界近年一直在热议中国哲学的合法性问题,这充分反映了学界对20世纪初模仿西方哲学范式创建起来的中国哲学体系的反思。中国古代思想家提出的独特思想论题在其他文明中并未被突显出来,因此,中国哲学的问题意识应当奠基于中华文明独特的精神传统,而不是以古希腊罗马哲学为范本外在地设定一套哲学问题。中华文明是奠基于宗法血缘关系基础上的礼乐文明,而经学原典就是对礼乐文明的载述,所以中国哲学的创建应当奠基于经学之上,抛弃六经建立的中国哲学史叙事只能是无根之学。六经载述礼乐文明建立在象思维的基础之上,用象的思维来观照世界是中华精神传统中最具原创性的思维方式。只有从象思维的角度去追询才能真正进入经典的思想世界,进而从六经中挖掘出独特的哲学问题。 展开更多
关键词 中国哲学合法性 问题意识 经学哲学 礼乐文明 象思维
作者 许家星 Peng Ping(Translated) 《孔学堂》 2023年第3期11-19,115-124,114,共20页
杜维明的《〈中庸〉洞见》通过对儒家经典哲学意蕴的深刻抉发,阐发了儒学的普遍意义和当代价值,建构起其独特的精神性人文主义,具有多重学术价值和方法论启示意义。《〈中庸〉洞见》把经典文本、哲学诠释、体系建构融为一体,构成一个相... 杜维明的《〈中庸〉洞见》通过对儒家经典哲学意蕴的深刻抉发,阐发了儒学的普遍意义和当代价值,建构起其独特的精神性人文主义,具有多重学术价值和方法论启示意义。《〈中庸〉洞见》把经典文本、哲学诠释、体系建构融为一体,构成一个相得益彰、互涵互摄的有机而立体的整体,生动呈现了哲学之“可爱”与经典之“可信”。既具有世界哲学、比较宗教、人类关怀的全球视野,又坚守扎根儒学、立足经典、涵养文本的儒者本色,体现了掘井及泉的哲学创造的智者之思,展现出儒家经典的诠释创新之活力,堪称经学哲学的典范之作。 展开更多
关键词 杜维明 《〈中庸〉洞见》 经学哲学 精神性人文主义
作者 张汝伦 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期13-23,共11页
经学与哲学各为中西思想传统的基干,近代以来,“哲学”概念进入中国与经学的迅速瓦解几乎是同时发生的。近年来,随着经学有限度的恢复名誉,经学与哲学的关系不断被人提起。这个问题不能从简单的现代学科建制的角度来回答,而要从经学与... 经学与哲学各为中西思想传统的基干,近代以来,“哲学”概念进入中国与经学的迅速瓦解几乎是同时发生的。近年来,随着经学有限度的恢复名誉,经学与哲学的关系不断被人提起。这个问题不能从简单的现代学科建制的角度来回答,而要从经学与哲学的根本目的与任务来考察。经学在传统中国并不是现代意义的理论,而是着眼于世道人心的道理学问。熊十力不顾西方哲学的根本意义,硬将经学说成是比西方哲学更哲学的哲学,自然不能成立。经学与哲学的关系不是学科间外在的异同问题,更不是强行将经学纳入哲学,或将经学与哲学简单对立;而是如何理解多元人类文化形态之间普遍与特殊的辩证关系的问题。 展开更多
关键词 经学 哲学 顾炎武 熊十力 经学即理学 经学哲学
董仲舒思想研究的几个问题 被引量:1
作者 金春峰 《衡水学院学报》 2016年第2期2-7,共6页
汉代经学的核心是董仲舒开创的经学哲学。汉人无今文经学与古文经学之名,更无古文经学与今文经学对立的观念。董仲舒"首推阴阳,为儒者宗",他阐述的新阴阳五行理论成为所有汉代经学学者共同认可的宇宙图式与天人关系思想。阐... 汉代经学的核心是董仲舒开创的经学哲学。汉人无今文经学与古文经学之名,更无古文经学与今文经学对立的观念。董仲舒"首推阴阳,为儒者宗",他阐述的新阴阳五行理论成为所有汉代经学学者共同认可的宇宙图式与天人关系思想。阐释董仲舒思想的哲学范式有多种,但应关注其活的灵魂和时代精神,肯定董仲舒经学思想对汉代长治久安的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 董仲舒 经学哲学 阴阳五行
作者 崔波 邵宇 《安阳师范学院学报》 2022年第1期15-20,51,共7页
程颐的《周易程氏传》不仅是一部易学著作,更是一部理学著作,是宋代易学与理学交融的杰出成果之一。程颐是在严格的儒学立场上对易传进行注解,基于“理本体”的视域中去考察易传之义理。他运用理学思想就易传中的问题进行新的解读与阐发... 程颐的《周易程氏传》不仅是一部易学著作,更是一部理学著作,是宋代易学与理学交融的杰出成果之一。程颐是在严格的儒学立场上对易传进行注解,基于“理本体”的视域中去考察易传之义理。他运用理学思想就易传中的问题进行新的解读与阐发,创造性地提出了一系列新的、具有理性特色的范畴和命题,其易学特色可概况为“阐明儒理”。具体而言,他利用理学的范畴对传统易经进行新意解读,如“理气”“天命”“体用”等,从而建构起理学模式中的易经体系。就其理学内容而言,他基于“理本体”的角度重新诠释了“理”与“象”的问题,将一般意义上的“天下之道理”上升到具有哲学本体性的“理”意义,详细地区分了形而上下以及“象”的中间地位,提出“因理以明象”与“因象以明理”的辩证关系。 展开更多
关键词 程颐 《周易程氏传》 理学 易学 经学哲学
作者 金春峰 《衡水学院学报》 2018年第4期8-9,共2页
关键词 《汉代思想史》 增补第四版 序言 《汉代经学哲学的确立及其历史意义》 《论董仲舒研究的若干问题》
经典诠释之两种定向与三种路径的兼顾——以朱熹理学化《论语》诠释为例 被引量:2
作者 毕景媛 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第3期158-164,共7页
经学是儒学发展的基本载体,经学诠释过程总会出现"面向文本历史"和"面向当下现实"的两种定向。就今天来说,传统经学完全以经解经的诠释方式已然成为历史,代之而起的是学科分治式的诠释模式,这具体又分为文学式、史... 经学是儒学发展的基本载体,经学诠释过程总会出现"面向文本历史"和"面向当下现实"的两种定向。就今天来说,传统经学完全以经解经的诠释方式已然成为历史,代之而起的是学科分治式的诠释模式,这具体又分为文学式、史学式、哲学式三种不同的路径。通过对朱熹《论语集注》中偏重当下现实定向的哲学诠释方式之得失的辩证审视,指明当代经典诠释要摆脱或偏于历史文本、或偏于哲理创新的疏失,关键在于实现两种定向、三种路径(文史哲)的兼顾。同时强调,当代儒学重建主要是对儒家义理精神进行时代性的"创造性转化和创新性发展"的过程,在这一过程中,"面向当下现实"定向的诠释方式尤显必要而切迫。 展开更多
关键词 经典诠释 经学哲学 朱熹《论语集注》
A Conceptual Framework for Consciousness Based on a Deep Understanding of Matter 被引量:1
作者 Joachim Keppler 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第10期689-703,共15页
One of the main challenges in consciousness research is widely known as the hard problem of consciousness. In order to tackle this problem, I utilize an approach from theoretical physics, called stochastic electrodyna... One of the main challenges in consciousness research is widely known as the hard problem of consciousness. In order to tackle this problem, I utilize an approach from theoretical physics, called stochastic electrodynamics (SED) which goes one step beyond quantum theory and sheds new light on the reality behind matter. According to this approach, matter is a resonant oscillator that is orchestrated by an all-pervasive stochastic radiation field, called zero-point field (ZPF). The properties of matter are not intrinsic but acquired by dynamic interaction with the ZPF, which in turn picks up information about the material system as soon as an ordered state, i.e., a stable attractor, is reached. I point out that these principles apply also to macroscopic biological systems. From this perspective, long-range correlations in the brain, such as neural gamma synchrony, can be interpreted in terms of order phenomena induced and stabilized by the ZPF, suggesting that every attractor in the brain goes along with an information state in the ZPF. In order to build the bridge to consciousness, I employ additional input from Eastern philosophy. From a comparison between SED and Eastern philosophy I draw the conclusion that the ZPF is an appropriate candidate for the substrate of consciousness, implying that information states in the ZPF are associated with conscious states. On this basis I develop a conceptual framework for consciousness that is fully consistent with physics, neurophysiology, and Eastern philosophy. I argue that this conceptual framework has many interesting features and opens a door to a theory of consciousness. Particularly, it solves the problem of how matter and consciousness communicate in a causally closed functional chain, it gives a physical grounding to existing approaches regarding the connection between consciousness and information, and it gives clear direction to future models and experiments. 展开更多
关键词 CONSCIOUSNESS hard problem quantum physics stochastic electrodynamics zero-point field double-aspect principle psychophysical laws QUALIA
Neo-Empiricism and Intentionality
作者 Steven Gamboa 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第2期81-91,共11页
A revival of empiricist theories in cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, and philosophy has been led by figures such as Antonio Damasio (1994), Lawrence Barsalou (1999), George Lakoff (1987), and Jesse Prinz ... A revival of empiricist theories in cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, and philosophy has been led by figures such as Antonio Damasio (1994), Lawrence Barsalou (1999), George Lakoff (1987), and Jesse Prinz (2002; 2004). Their work has served to connect familiar empiricist approaches to thought and reason with contemporary cognitive psychology and neuroscience. The work of Prinz is of special philosophical significance since it aims to bring together the work of neo-empirically minded theorists in the cognitive and neuro-sciences with main themes found in contemporary philosophical theories of intentionality and reference. In this paper, I examine Prinz's efforts to synthesize a neo-empiricist theory of concepts with contemporary semantic theories of reference and intentionality. In part one, I analyze Prinz's approach in some depth. In part two, I raise a question concerning the origins of intentionality. Specifically, I am interested in examining the minimum cognitive prerequisites for intentionality within Prinz's theory of perception-based representation. In part three, I raise a problem case for Prinz's account of the requirements for intentionality, and propose an adjustment in Prinz's account to meet the challenge of the objection. 展开更多
关键词 neo-empiricism concepts INTENTIONALITY OBJECTIVITY Jesse Prinz Tyler Burge
Enterprise Soft Power Cultivation on Philosophy View
作者 Zuo Shouqiu He Shu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期45-48,共4页
The perspective of philosophical thinking on lifting enterprise soft power requires us to enhance both hard power and soft power in the enterprise and to grasp more the fundamental contradiction-promoting soft power o... The perspective of philosophical thinking on lifting enterprise soft power requires us to enhance both hard power and soft power in the enterprise and to grasp more the fundamental contradiction-promoting soft power of corporation-at the same time. Focusing on the environment-relationship economy, emotional economy, cultural economy and moral economy-faced by enterprise, corporation should take relationship building, feeling cultivation, cultm'e construction and integrity establishment as an origin of force to improve the image, the group cohesion force, the social credibility and the cultural strength of the company. 展开更多
关键词 business operation corporate soft power Cultivation promotion
Embodied Simulation and a Few Remarks on the Philosophy of Language in Italy
作者 Giusy Gallo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第9期510-519,共10页
The debate on the state of the art of philosophy in Italy shows many differences from the three main currents of contemporary philosophy, namely deconstructionism, critical theory, and analytic philosophy. On one hand... The debate on the state of the art of philosophy in Italy shows many differences from the three main currents of contemporary philosophy, namely deconstructionism, critical theory, and analytic philosophy. On one hand, the philosophical stance towards language, and on the other hand, the strong separation between science and philosophy are the distinctive features of the Italian thought. In particular, philosophy of language shows a fragmented framework in which current researches are an example for future studies on language and human nature. The basic idea behind the Philosophy of Language in Italy is that language has a biological and social nature. The aim of this paper is to give an account of the range of "bio" through a dialogue between philosophy and neuroscience. I will review the Italian research on mirror neurons with particular attention to the developments in embodied simulation proposed by Vittorio Gallese. I will underline the philosophical aspects of this neuroscientific theory, providing some remarks on intersubjectivity, intentions, and language. Finally, I will suggest future joint studies in neuroscience and the philosophy of language. 展开更多
关键词 mirror neurons embodied simulation intentions LANGUAGE Italian Thought philosophy of language
How Do Physicists Create Time?
作者 Fernanda Samaniego 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第2期93-99,共7页
In the first part of this paper, different perspectives of time proposed in Aristotle's philosophy of nature, classic mechanics, thermodynamics, and the theory of relativity, will be presented. Later on, we explore t... In the first part of this paper, different perspectives of time proposed in Aristotle's philosophy of nature, classic mechanics, thermodynamics, and the theory of relativity, will be presented. Later on, we explore the phenomenological approach of duration by Henri Bergson and Mauro Dorato's naturalistic proposal, which defines the "present" moment based on neuroscientific experiments. In the second part of the paper, the topic of scientific creativity is introduced, paying particular attention to David Bohm's ideas. Finally, the previously analysed perspectives are used to answer the following question: How do physicists create time? 展开更多
关键词 naturalized time CREATIVITY Bohrn Dorato
Ontological Nominalism and Analytic Philosophy: On the Possibility of Philosophizing whilst Dispensing with Universals
作者 Hossein Dabbagh Soroush Dabbagh 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第2期93-99,共7页
Most commentators use the term "modern philosophy" for the post-Descartes era--an era of unprecedented growth for the modern sciences and, especially the empirical sciences. Even assuming that the feud between the r... Most commentators use the term "modern philosophy" for the post-Descartes era--an era of unprecedented growth for the modern sciences and, especially the empirical sciences. Even assuming that the feud between the rationalists and the empiricists during this period yielded no other benefits, it was beneficial enough to turn "experience" into an important pillar of the acquisition of knowledge in the subsequent philosophy. It was this "experience-mindedness" that drove away the Aristotelian "essentialist" perspective and replaced it with "nominalism." By describing the genesis and emergence of the "nominalist-empirical" perspective in analytic philosophy as one of the branches of the human sciences, this article strives to advance the claim that philosophical thinking continues to flourish in the absence of "realist thinking about universals" and that philosophizing does not fundamentally rest on universals. 展开更多
关键词 ontological nominalism conceptual nominalism ESSENTIALISM
The Modem Reading on Thought of Marxist Ecological Civilization in 〈The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts in 1844〉
作者 Ping-Jing Qiua 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期17-19,共3页
In〈The economic and philosophical manuscripts in 1844〉 (be called manuscripts for short), Marx deeply criticized alienation of relationship between human and nature by alienated labor concept. The criticism pointe... In〈The economic and philosophical manuscripts in 1844〉 (be called manuscripts for short), Marx deeply criticized alienation of relationship between human and nature by alienated labor concept. The criticism pointed out the way for the solution of the ecological problems and showed the seeds of ecological civilization. The paper reveals the ontology about ecological civilization and generation and elimination of crisis through analyzing the Marxist thought of ecological civilization in manuscripts. The paper believes that Marxist thought of ecological civilization may enlighten us to carry forward and develop it with guidance, sense and theory. We sincerely expect that the thought of ecological civilization will be rooted in the hearts of the people deeply by means of the rise of "green" concept and the education of ecological ethics. The paper has important theoretical and practical value on deeply understanding the relationship between human and nature with scientific development angle of view, conquering the ecological crisis of globalization scientifically and building and developing ecological civilization of Chinese characteristic socialism energetically. 展开更多
关键词 ALIENATION Moral Relationship Ecological Civilization HARMONY
The study of effects of tai chi chuan on physical health and mental health of college students
作者 Yongxiang Liao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第6期122-124,共3页
Tai chi chuan as a compulsory course of college sports elective courses, having a strong sense of Chinese traditional culture, is one kind of boxing which is most affected by Chinese traditional philosophy. In additio... Tai chi chuan as a compulsory course of college sports elective courses, having a strong sense of Chinese traditional culture, is one kind of boxing which is most affected by Chinese traditional philosophy. In addition to having offensive and defensive skills, it also absorbs the Chinese classical philosophy, traditional Chinese meridian theory and theory of health keeping. Cultural connotation of Tai chi chuan helps harmonious campus culture and mental health education. After years of research, the theory and practice shows that : health effects of tai chi chuan on college students have positive significance, including the physical health and mental health. 展开更多
关键词 tai chi cbuan physical health mental health college students
作者 程旺 《国际儒学(中英文)》 2022年第1期159-161,F0003,共4页
当今朱子学研究已经从系统性学术思想的整体性研究,走到了立足细部文献和学史脉络来深探朱子学的思想精神及其学理用心的专题性研究阶段。《经学与实理——朱子四书学研究》高度重视对朱子四书学文本的坚实考辨,通过文本的细密对勘来研... 当今朱子学研究已经从系统性学术思想的整体性研究,走到了立足细部文献和学史脉络来深探朱子学的思想精神及其学理用心的专题性研究阶段。《经学与实理——朱子四书学研究》高度重视对朱子四书学文本的坚实考辨,通过文本的细密对勘来研探摸索朱子四书学理论脉络中的伏延草线,在“刻意经学”的基础上来“推见实理”,扎实推进了对朱子学术思想义理的理解,体现着朱子学研究新阶段的应有进展。该著不仅鲜明凸显出以经学为主同时由经学透显哲学的研究意识,展现了“经学哲学”的研究特色,还自觉延展推进了从四书学角度切入的宋元明清朱子后学系列对比研究以及“中国四书范畴之学”的研究方向,堪称当今学界“新经学”研究的代表性成果。 展开更多
关键词 朱子 四书学 经学 实理 经学哲学
An Important Problem in the Holistic Study of Marxist Doctrine ——The Inner Logic and Implications of Marx's Philosophical and Economic Revolution
作者 Ye Xianming 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第1期96-109,共14页
The inner logical connections between Marx's philosophical and economic revolutions are a crucial issue in the study of Marx's theory in its totality. They unfold in the course of Marx's critique of political econo... The inner logical connections between Marx's philosophical and economic revolutions are a crucial issue in the study of Marx's theory in its totality. They unfold in the course of Marx's critique of political economy, which goes beyond the domain of political economy, and his critique of philosophy, which goes beyond the domain of philosophy. Specifically, Marx formulated his methodology for political economy in his critique of philosophy and at the same time expanded the achievement of his initial completion of a philosophical revolution in his critique of political economy. Finally, in these two "interactive" critiques, he basically accomplished his economic revolution and perfected both the substance and form of his philosophical revolution. The inner logic connecting Marx's philosophical and economic revolutions offers important implications for research on Marxist philosophy in contemporary China. That is to say, the integrity of the theory of Marx (and Engels), the founder(s) of Marxism, in fact implies a fundamental methodological requirement for later generations in studying and developing Marxist philosophy, namely, that they should always keep in mind the holistic nature of theory. Therefore, we need to have a cross-disciplinary consciousness which consists of critical awareness, problem awareness and awareness of the times. 展开更多
关键词 philosophical revolution critique of political economy cross-disciplinary consciousness
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