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作者 代清 《民间文化论坛》 CSSCI 2024年第5期76-83,共8页
清末民初,苏杭的玛瑙经房和杭州的慧空经房在刊刻宝卷的经房中颇具代表性。玛瑙经房和慧空经房合计刊刻约100种宝卷,其中刊刻民间宝卷约82种。经房通过图文并茂、序跋、附刊附录等出版方式吸引读者阅读和购买宝卷,其商业化策略为销售宝... 清末民初,苏杭的玛瑙经房和杭州的慧空经房在刊刻宝卷的经房中颇具代表性。玛瑙经房和慧空经房合计刊刻约100种宝卷,其中刊刻民间宝卷约82种。经房通过图文并茂、序跋、附刊附录等出版方式吸引读者阅读和购买宝卷,其商业化策略为销售宝卷提供一定程度的营销助力。经房刊刻宝卷的商业化策略显示了当时的时代信息,反映了清末民初的瘟疫状况和社会危机,以及经房参与社会治理、教化百姓的情况。这些策略促进了近现代宝卷商业化出版,促使宝卷刊刻合法化、合理化和商业化,直接为近现代宝卷出版提供了经验和资源库。从这些策略中可窥见宝卷由宗教传播向民间宝卷日常阅读的功能转变趋势,宝卷刊刻的商业化促成并扩大了这种功能下移。 展开更多
关键词 经房 宝卷 刊刻 商业化
清末民国文益书局石印宝卷始末 被引量:4
作者 尚丽新 张一帆 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第4期49-58,共10页
文益书局是清末民国时期石印宝卷的开创者和龙头老大。从1909年到20世纪30年代,它大约石印了近80部宝卷。文益书局通过保护版权,广告推销,聘请名家题签、插图和校对等营销手段,成功地将宝卷刊印推入到近代化的出版业中。从来源上说,文... 文益书局是清末民国时期石印宝卷的开创者和龙头老大。从1909年到20世纪30年代,它大约石印了近80部宝卷。文益书局通过保护版权,广告推销,聘请名家题签、插图和校对等营销手段,成功地将宝卷刊印推入到近代化的出版业中。从来源上说,文益书局石印本宝卷中只有5种新编宝卷,约三分之一源自经房本、善书局本宝卷,其余的都是整理民间流行的抄本宝卷而来。这些卷本或是最经典的,或是最流行的,或是最有社会影响力的。由此可见文益书局石印宝卷,是建立在信仰基础上的消费,是在尊重宝卷特殊性的前提之下来实现商业价值的。文益书局石印宝卷使得世俗故事为主的案头本宝卷大量产生,客观上在向通俗文学方向靠拢,半自觉地汇入到近现代的都市通俗文艺之中。总之,文益书局石印宝卷是吴语区宝卷城市化、商业化、娱乐化的产物。 展开更多
关键词 宝卷 石印本 文益书局 经房 善书局
房山石经题记所见幽州卢龙节度使府军将——以押牙和虞候为中心 被引量:1
作者 张秋升 姜欣玥 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期8-15,共8页
房山石经题记中保存了不少幽州卢龙节度使府军将的相关材料。有些见诸史载,有些为题记独有。笔者整理出题记中押牙和虞候的相关材料,并对其进行分析。题记中的随身押牙、随从押牙、衙前押牙可补史籍之缺。在为节度使祈福祝寿的刻经活动... 房山石经题记中保存了不少幽州卢龙节度使府军将的相关材料。有些见诸史载,有些为题记独有。笔者整理出题记中押牙和虞候的相关材料,并对其进行分析。题记中的随身押牙、随从押牙、衙前押牙可补史籍之缺。在为节度使祈福祝寿的刻经活动中,都押牙并不是领衔发动者,而是以节度押牙为主。题记中反映的虞候之职级大约为:都虞候——虞候、将虞候——将下虞候。"将虞候"职级应等同虞候,而低于都虞候。内衙虞候史籍未见记载,与衙前虞候相比,其职能可能更侧重核心武装内部的监督纠察。 展开更多
关键词 房山石经题记 幽州卢龙节度使 押牙 虞候
作者 曹发海 《青海民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 1983年第1期96-96,共1页
白水滩,藏语“曲尕尔塘”()之意译,系当时塔尔寺四滩六部()之一,位于湟中县上新庄公社西北地区。 很早以前,此地芳草如茵,树木成林,鸟雀成群,百花遍地,野兽常出没于林间,可谓放牧牲畜的好地方。这里的祁家庄大队、白石头大队和静房大队... 白水滩,藏语“曲尕尔塘”()之意译,系当时塔尔寺四滩六部()之一,位于湟中县上新庄公社西北地区。 很早以前,此地芳草如茵,树木成林,鸟雀成群,百花遍地,野兽常出没于林间,可谓放牧牲畜的好地方。这里的祁家庄大队、白石头大队和静房大队一带,地下埋藏着一种名为“渣发”的燃料。据考证,在远古时代,由于地壳的变动,把大片森林掩埋在地下,若干年之后,树木发甸成一种能燃烧的原料。长期以来,当地老百姓用它来煨炕,或烤火取暖。 展开更多
关键词 白水滩 芳草如茵 湟中 于林 西北地区 石崖 加牙 经房 东科尔 藏族群众
清真老店 翻建一新——桂顺斋糕点公司第一门市部建筑设计构思
作者 杨廷文 《城市》 1991年第1期33-36,共4页
桂顺斋糕点公司第一门市部坐落在繁华的和平路与北安道交口处,北与广源百货商店连接,东与住宅相邻。桂顺斋糕点店是1924年开业的老字号,至今已逾60年历史。翻建前,该清真老店是由9间小门脸经多次改造组合成一座770平方米的砖木结构二层... 桂顺斋糕点公司第一门市部坐落在繁华的和平路与北安道交口处,北与广源百货商店连接,东与住宅相邻。桂顺斋糕点店是1924年开业的老字号,至今已逾60年历史。翻建前,该清真老店是由9间小门脸经多次改造组合成一座770平方米的砖木结构二层楼房,营业面积狭窄。因年久、地震等原因,1986年经房管部门鉴定属于危房,严重影响了正常营业。1989年开始按原面积、原地点、原高度落地大修,翻建后的桂顺斋店堂首层营业厅面积扩大到285m^2,二层为办公和库房。商品琳琅满目.经营范围由过去6大类250个品种增加到了11大类600多个花色品种,除继续经营其传统的清真风味月饼和糕点糖果蜜饯外,又恢复了断档30多年的西式糕点的供应。 展开更多
关键词 桂顺斋 商品琳琅满目 西式糕点 北安道 建筑设计 砖木结构 经营范围 部门鉴定 花色品种 经房
作者 曾泉星 《音乐世界》 1994年第1期14-14,共1页
各国人民欢庆新年都少不了音乐,有的民族和地区甚至形成了新年音乐风俗,说来很有趣。除夕之夜,英国人年年要唱《辞岁歌》:“你对旧日朋友,心中能不怀想?你对旧时岁月,心中能不念?旧朋友,旧时光,我们爱他,我们干一杯!干一杯!”后来,诗人... 各国人民欢庆新年都少不了音乐,有的民族和地区甚至形成了新年音乐风俗,说来很有趣。除夕之夜,英国人年年要唱《辞岁歌》:“你对旧日朋友,心中能不怀想?你对旧时岁月,心中能不念?旧朋友,旧时光,我们爱他,我们干一杯!干一杯!”后来,诗人彭斯将这首歌改写为闻名世界的《友谊万岁》。菲律宾人在新年期间的大街上遍搭牌楼,张灯结彩,花团锦簇。人们组织了许多歌唱队,在悠扬的乐曲声中高歌欢唱,沿街游行。 展开更多
关键词 友谊万岁 乐曲声 彭斯 除夕之夜 菲律宾人 佛坛 尺长 经房 瑞典人 青年们
作者 赵洪山 《地球》 2016年第1期88-93,共6页
神农架一直给人神秘的感觉,是湖北省内最大的没有人烟的原始森林,生态环境优良,曾被称为"华中之肺"。我曾多次想去探秘,但又害怕要穿越很远的深山密林,因而多年没有成行。自从神农架成为"世界地质公园"之后,我对神农架的兴趣更加浓... 神农架一直给人神秘的感觉,是湖北省内最大的没有人烟的原始森林,生态环境优良,曾被称为"华中之肺"。我曾多次想去探秘,但又害怕要穿越很远的深山密林,因而多年没有成行。自从神农架成为"世界地质公园"之后,我对神农架的兴趣更加浓厚。2015年9月,是到神农架拍照的最佳季节,我终于下定决心前去拍摄。9月5日开车自北京出发,当晚在郑州住了一晚。9月6日接着一路向南,走南阳,过十堰,经房县, 展开更多
关键词 地质公园 深山密林 经房 燕子洞 大九湖 地质遗迹 人文遗迹 燕子垭 生态环境 穿洞
External Landscape Design of Affordable Housing in Yuxing Homeland of Shanghai City
作者 张波 陈长虹 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期11-15,共5页
Approaches of external landscape design for affordable housing were discussed through analyzing the landscape designs of Yuxing Homeland in Shanghai City. By adopting simple landscape elements, following the design pr... Approaches of external landscape design for affordable housing were discussed through analyzing the landscape designs of Yuxing Homeland in Shanghai City. By adopting simple landscape elements, following the design principle of 'natural, simple and comfortable', proceeding from the overall concept, a space for neighbors’ communication with pleasant environment and outstanding functions was created, a harmonious living environment was built, and the optimal landscape benefits were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Low cost Affordable housing Comfortable Landscape design
Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine peptides/amines in inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:11
作者 Magdy El-Salhy Tefera Solomon +2 位作者 Trygve Hausken Odd Helge Gilja Jan Gunnar Hatlebakk 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第28期5068-5085,共18页
Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) is a chronic recurrent condition whose etiology is unknown,and it includes ulcerative colitis,Crohn's disease,and microscopic colitis. These three diseases differ in clinical manife... Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) is a chronic recurrent condition whose etiology is unknown,and it includes ulcerative colitis,Crohn's disease,and microscopic colitis. These three diseases differ in clinical manifestations,courses,and prognoses. IBD reduces the patients' quality of life and is an economic burden to both the patients and society. Interactions between the gastrointestinal(GI) neuroendocrine peptides/amines(NEPA) and the immune system are believed to play an important role in the pathophysiology of IBD. Moreover,the interaction between GI NEPA and intestinal microbiota appears to play also a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of IBD. This review summarizes the available data on GI NEPA in IBD,and speculates on their possible role in the pathophysiology and the potential use of this information when developing treatments. GI NEPA serotonin,the neuropeptide Y family,and substance P are proinflammatory,while the chromogranin/secretogranin family,vasoactive intestinal peptide,somatostatin,and ghrelin are antiinflammatory. Several innate and adaptive immune cells express these NEPA and/or have receptors to them. The GI NEPA are affected in patients with IBD and in animal models of human IBD. The GI NEPA are potentially useful for the diagnosis and follow-up of the activity of IBD,and are candidate targets for treatments of this disease. 展开更多
关键词 Enteric nervous system Enteroendocrine cells Immune cells Inflammatory bowel disease MUSASHI-1 Neurogenin 3 Stem cells
Residents′Activity-travel Behavior Variation by Communities in Beijing,China 被引量:15
作者 ZHAO Ying CHAI Yanwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期492-505,共14页
China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy has resulted in many changes in its urban structure and society and provided an opportunity for a quasi-longitudinal case study on the relationship bet... China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy has resulted in many changes in its urban structure and society and provided an opportunity for a quasi-longitudinal case study on the relationship between the built environment and activity-travel behavior.This paper draws upon data from an activity diary survey conducted in Beijing in 2007.The survey sample comprised 652 residents living in Danwei(work unit),commodity housing,and affordable housing neighborhoods.On the basis of the three-dimensional geo-visualization analysis of the space-time path and statistical multivariate regression models of daily travel and leisure time,it was found that both residential spatial factors and socio-demographics influence residents' daily behaviors.The findings show that Danwei residents have less daily travel time than those who live in commodity housing,but people living in affordable housing endure the longest travel time.Daily leisure time is associated more with individual attributes.We argue that although China's transition is currently gradual,the Danwei system may continue to play significant roles in daily life,and it might provide a valuable model for neighborhood spatial planning. 展开更多
关键词 built environment activity-travel behavior Danwei(work unit) housing reform BEIJING
Long-term results of single-procedure catheter ablation for atrial fibrillationin pre-and post-menopausal women 被引量:5
作者 Tao LIN Xing DU Rong BAI Ying-Wei CHEN Rong-Hui YU De-Yong LONG Ri-Bo TANG Cai-Hua SANG Song-Nan LI Chang-Sheng MA Jian-Zeng DONG 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期120-125,共6页
Objectives To address whether menopause affects outcome of catheter ablation (CA) for atrial fibrillation (AF) by comparing the safety and long-term outcome of a single-procedure in pre-and post-menopausal women. ... Objectives To address whether menopause affects outcome of catheter ablation (CA) for atrial fibrillation (AF) by comparing the safety and long-term outcome of a single-procedure in pre-and post-menopausal women. Methods A total of 743 female patients who underwent a single CA procedure of drug-refractory AF were retrospectively analyzed. The differences in clinical presentation and outcomes of CA for AF between the pre-menopausal women (PreM group, 94 patients, 12.7%) and the post-menopausal women (PostM group, 649 patients, 87.3%) were assessed. Results The patients in the PreM group were younger (P&lt;0.001) and less likely to have hypertension (P&lt;0.001) and diabetes (P=0.005) than those in the PostM group. The two groups were similar with regards to the proportion of concomitant mitral valve regurgitation coronary artery disease, left atrium dimensions, and left ventricular ejection fraction. The overall rate of complica-tions related to AF ablation was similar in both groups (P=0.385). After 43 (16-108) months of follow-up, the success rate of ablation was 54.3%in the PreM group and 54.2%in the PostM group (P=0.842). The overall freedom from atrial tachyarrhythmia recurrence was simi-lar in both groups. Menopause was not found to be an independent predictive factor of the recurrence of atrial tachyarrhythmia. Conclusions The long-term outcomes of single-procedure CA for AF are similar in pre-and post-menopausal women. Results indicated that CA of AF appears to be as safe and effective in pre-menopausal women as in post-menopausal women. 展开更多
关键词 Atrial fibrillation Catheter ablation FOLLOW-UP Menopausal woman
Kinetic, electronic properties and conductivity studies of ((12Z)N-(5Z)-1-bromo-5-(phenylimino)-1H-pyrrol-2(5H)-ylidene benzenmine {ArN(CNBrCCHCH)NAr} (Ar = C6H5) 被引量:1
作者 Salem Et. Ashoor Noori Y. Salman 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2009年第10期51-56,共6页
Kinetic and conductivity of new Schiff bases compounds such ((12Z)N-(5Z)-1-bromo-5-(phenylimino)-1H- pyrrol-2(5 H)-ylidene)benzenamine {ArN(CNBrCCHCH)NAr} (Ar = C6H5) incorporating the chelating diamino ... Kinetic and conductivity of new Schiff bases compounds such ((12Z)N-(5Z)-1-bromo-5-(phenylimino)-1H- pyrrol-2(5 H)-ylidene)benzenamine {ArN(CNBrCCHCH)NAr} (Ar = C6H5) incorporating the chelating diamino has been studied in this paper and was found a second order of this reaction. Electronic Properties using hyperchem program study has been improved for this compound such angel and bond distance, and then this compound was defining as electric conductivity and did prove to be useful for conduclively compound. 展开更多
关键词 Schiff bases compounds ((12Z)N-(5Z)-1-bromo-5-(phenylimino)- 1H-pyrrol-2(5H)-ylide ne)benzenamine chelating diamino: electronic properties
Performance and Economic Study of Oxy-fuel Gas Turbine Power Plant Utilizing Nuclear Steam Generator 被引量:1
作者 K. Oshima Y. Uchiyama 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第8期24-31,共8页
The authors propose a new closed cycle oxy-fuel gas turbine power plant that utilizes a nuclear heat generator. A pressurized water reactor (PWR) is designed to supply saturated steam to an oxy-fuel gas turbine for ... The authors propose a new closed cycle oxy-fuel gas turbine power plant that utilizes a nuclear heat generator. A pressurized water reactor (PWR) is designed to supply saturated steam to an oxy-fuel gas turbine for a specific power output increase The saturated steam from the reactor can have lower pressure and temperature than those of an existing PWR. In this study, the authors estimated plant performances from a heat balance model based on a conceptual design of a hybrid plant and calculated the generating costs of the proposed plant from the Japanese cost data of an existing PWR plant and an liquefied natural gas (LNG) combined cycle gas turbine plant. The generating efficiency of an oxy-fuel gas turbine plant without a nuclear steam generator is estimated to be less than 35%. Based on this efficiency, with a nuclear steam generator contributing to the power output of the proposed hybrid plant, the corresponding generating efficiency is estimated to be around 45%, even if the steam conditions are lower than in an existing PWR. The generating costs are 15-20% lower than those calculated from the weighted heat performances of both an oxy-fuel gas turbine plant without a nuclear steam generator and an existing PWR plant. 展开更多
关键词 Natural gas nuclear energy hybrid power plant gas turbine oxy-fuel combustion.
作者 周朝晖 何守志 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1998年第3期185-187,共3页
Purpose. To study the interleukin 1 (IL-1)levels in aqueous humor after transscleral fixation of in- traocular lenses (IOLs) implantation in rabbits and discuss the effect of IL-1 on postoperative anterior ocular infl... Purpose. To study the interleukin 1 (IL-1)levels in aqueous humor after transscleral fixation of in- traocular lenses (IOLs) implantation in rabbits and discuss the effect of IL-1 on postoperative anterior ocular inflammation. Methods. Twenty-seven pigmented rabbits were divided into three groups: GI, transscleral fixation of posterior chamber (PC) IOLs implantation; G2, Lens of rabbits were removed without IOLs implanta- tion; G3, the control group, without surgical intervention. On the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th postoperative days, aqueous humor samples were obtained. Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT) colormetry was used to detected for the presence of IL-1. The data were analyzed by using analysis of variance of SAS soft ware. Results’ It was found that IL-1 level in aqueous humor was increased after transscleral fixation of I- OLs implantation, IL-1 level reached its maximum on the 14th postoperative days in the IOL implanted group. IL-1 levels on 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th days postoperatively was significantly higher (P<0. 05) in I- OLs implanted group than that of only extracapsular lenses extraction but no IOLs implantation group and that of the none surgical intervention group. COnclusions.IL-1 levels increased had a close relationship with a specific response to IOL implanta- tion. The increase of IL-1 may be suggested as the principal mediators of immunological and inflammatory responses, so that may play critical role in anterior ocular inflammative response after IOL implantation. 展开更多
关键词 intraocular lens interleukin 1 anterior ocular inflammation
Characterization of smooth muscle, enteric nerve, interstitial cells of Cajal, and fibroblast-like cells in the gastric musculature of patients with diabetes mellitus 被引量:11
作者 Kyung Sik Park Kwang Bum Cho +7 位作者 Il Seon Hwang Jae Hyung Park Byung Ik Jang Kyeong Ok Kim Sung Woo Jeon Eun Soo Kim Chang Sik Park Joong Goo Kwon 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第46期10131-10139,共9页
AIM To investigate histologic abnormalities in the gastric smooth muscle of patients with diabetes mellitus(DM).METHODS Full-thickness gastric specimens were obtained from patients undergoing surgery for gastric cance... AIM To investigate histologic abnormalities in the gastric smooth muscle of patients with diabetes mellitus(DM).METHODS Full-thickness gastric specimens were obtained from patients undergoing surgery for gastric cancer. H&E stain and Masson's Trichrome stain were performed to assess the degree of fibrosis. Immunohistochemical staining using various antibodies was also performed [antibodies against protein gene product 9.5(PGP9.5), neuronal nitric oxide synthase(n NOS), vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP), neurokinin-1(NK1) receptor, c-Kit, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha,(PDGFRα)]. Immunofluorescent staining and evaluation with confocal microscopy were also conducted.RESULTS Twenty-six controls and 35 diabetic patients(21 shortduration patients and 14 long-duration patients) were included. There were no significant differences in basic demographics between the two groups except in mean body mass index(BMI)(higher in the DM group). Proportions of moderate-to-severe intercellular fibrosis in the muscle layer were significantly higher in the DM group than in the control group(P < 0.01). On immunohistochemical staining, c-Kit- and PDGFRα-positive immunoreactivity were significantly decreased in the DM group compared with the control group(P < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in PGP9.5, n NOS, VIP, and neurokinin 1 expression. On immunofluorescent staining, cellularity of interstitial cells of Cajal(ICC) was observed to decrease with increasing duration of DM.CONCLUSION Our study suggests that increased intercellular fibrosis, loss of ICC, and loss of fibroblast-like cells are found in the smooth muscle of DM patients. These abnormalities may contribute to changes in gastric motor activity in patients with DM. 展开更多
关键词 Diabetes mellitus Interstitial cells of Cajal Fibroblast-like cell GASTROPARESIS Enteric nerve system
The analysis of the influence factors of China's real estate prices
作者 Xiaoli Shi Feng Ye 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期48-50,共3页
The real estate market is an ilnportant part of China's socialist market economy. Real estate price xs not only a profound role on the level of consumption of the residents, but a profound role on the steady developm... The real estate market is an ilnportant part of China's socialist market economy. Real estate price xs not only a profound role on the level of consumption of the residents, but a profound role on the steady development of the banking sector-based financial sector. Real estate price have a significant impact not only on the development ofmacroeconomic stability, but on the safety of financial system. Chinese economy is currently on the period of transition from investment and export promotion of economic growth mode to a demand-led growth, it is an important role to China's economic growth for sustained and healthy development of real estate market. 展开更多
关键词 Real estate prices Influencing factors Policy Suggestions
Olfactory ensheathing cells promote nerve regeneration and functional recovery after facial nerve defects 被引量:4
作者 Jian Gu He Xu +6 位作者 Ya-Ping Xu Huan-Hai Liu Jun-Tian Lang Xiao-Ping Chen Wei-Hua Xu Yue Deng Jing-Ping Fan 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期124-131,共8页
Olfactory ensheathing cells from the olfactory bulb and olfactory mucosa have been tbund to increase axonal sprouting and pathfinding and promote the recovery of vibrissae motor performance in facial nerve transection... Olfactory ensheathing cells from the olfactory bulb and olfactory mucosa have been tbund to increase axonal sprouting and pathfinding and promote the recovery of vibrissae motor performance in facial nerve transection injured rats. However, it is not yet clear whether olfactory ensheathing cells promote the reparation of facial nerve defects in rats. In this study, a collagen sponge and silicone tube neural conduit was implanted into the 6-mm defect of the buccal branch of the facial nerve in adult rats. Olfactory ensheathing cells isolated from the olfactory bulb of newborn Sprague-Dawley rats were injected into the neural conduits connecting the ends of tile broken nerves, the morphology and function of the regenerated nerves were compared between the rats implanted with olfactory ensheathing cells with the rats injected with saline. Facial paralysis was assessed. Nerve electrography was used to measure facial nerve-induced action potentials. Visual inspection, anatomical microscopy and hematoxylin-eosin staining were used to assess the histomorphology around the trans planted neural conduit and the morphology of the regenerated nerve. Using fluorogold retrograde tracing, toluidine blue staining and lead uranyl acetate staining, we also measured the number of neurons in the anterior exterior lateral f:acial nerve motor nucleus, the number of myelinated nerve fibers, and nerve fiber diameter and myelin sheath thickness, respectively. After surgery, olfactory ensheathing cells de- creased facial paralysis and the latency of the facial nerve-induced action potentials. There were no differences in the general morphology of the regenerating nerves between the rats implanted with olfactory ensheathing cells and the rats injected with saline. Between-group results showed that olfactory ensheathing cell treatment increased the number of regenerated neurons, improved nerve fiber morphology, and increased the number of myelinated nerve fibers, nerve fiber diameter, and myelin sheath thickness. In conclusion, implantation of olfactory ensheathing cells can promote regeneration and functional recovery after facial nerve damage in rats. 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration facial nerve defects olfactory ensheathing cells nerve fibers MYELINATION NEURONS nerve muscle action potentials facial nerve motor nucleus neural regeneration
Developments in the Romanian Real Estate: Where to?
作者 Madalina Matei Nitoiu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第5期533-539,共7页
The financial crisis has deeply affected Eastern European countries since the end of 2008. The global economic crisis put an end to a period when the region witnessed solid economic growth, high inflows of foreign inv... The financial crisis has deeply affected Eastern European countries since the end of 2008. The global economic crisis put an end to a period when the region witnessed solid economic growth, high inflows of foreign investment and a dynamic real estate sector, which was one of the main drivers of the region's economic growth (Abelson, Kaemar, & Jackofsky, 1990). The Eastern European real estate market was deeply impacted by the crisis. Investment in real estate dropped sharply due to the significant increase in risks and difficulties in financial borrowing (Bruce, 1991). Rising unemployment affected retail sales, as well as office net absorption. Take-up fell significantly in all markets: Transactions were of smaller size and demand for buildings decreased. On the supply side, vacancy increased sharply due to the high level of completions entering the market (Smith, 1992). The strong rise in vacancy rates has put pressure on rents, which dropped sharply in 2008 and in early 2009. They started to stabilize only by the end of 2009. How will the Romanian real estate market evolve? No one knows for certain. Through this work we try to get some predictions based on statistical theory and not on the lessons learned from other crises. 展开更多
关键词 real estate financial crisis Eastern European countries
Design Drivers for Affordable and Sustainable Housing in Developing Countries
作者 John Bruen Karim Hadjri Jason von Meding 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第10期1220-1228,共9页
Current demand for housing worldwide has reached unprecedented levels due to factors such as human population growth, natural disasters and conflict. This is felt no more so than in developing countries which have exp... Current demand for housing worldwide has reached unprecedented levels due to factors such as human population growth, natural disasters and conflict. This is felt no more so than in developing countries which have experienced disproportionate levels of demand due to their innate vulnerability. Many current approaches to housing delivery in developing countries continue to utilize inappropriate construction methods and implementation procedures that are often problematic and unsustainable. As such affordability and sustainability are now vital considerations in the international development debate for housing the poor in developing countries in order to meet the long term sustainable development goals and needs of housing inhabitants. This paper utilized an extensive scoping study to examine the various facets impacting on design decision making relative to sustainable and affordable housing delivery in developing country contexts. Aspects of affordability, sustainability, design decision making, appropriate technology use, cultural awareness, as well as current barriers to affordable and sustainable construction in developing countries are examined in detail. Results highlighted the capability of indigenous knowledge, skills and materials as well as selected appropriate technology transfer and cultural awareness by foreign bodies can be utilized in innovative ways in addressing current housing needs in many developing country contexts. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable housing low-cost housing design decision making affordability.
Household Income and Expenditure Relationships: A Simultaneous Equation Approach
作者 Nik Hashim Nik Mustapha Noorhaslinda Kulub Abd. Rashid Aslina Nasir 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第6期395-405,共11页
Income and expenditure are highlighted in this study as they currently affect the quality of life of the Malaysian society. In the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) poverty eradication was emphasized as one of the soc... Income and expenditure are highlighted in this study as they currently affect the quality of life of the Malaysian society. In the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) poverty eradication was emphasized as one of the socio-economic targets to uplift those poor households from the fast moving modern sectors of the economy. The primary objective of this paper is therefore to identify income and expenditure relationships among the households of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia during the current economic downturn. Attempts to analyze household consumption as a share of total income and to identify factors contributing to household income and expenditure have become a topic of interest in literature. A substantial portion of household income devoted to productive loans characterizes the majority of Malaysians as the economy progresses to a more advance stage. A significant and strong relationship between income and types of household expenditure is explored from the socio-economic perspectives. Using primary data a system of simultaneous equations, namely the two stage least squares (2SLS) was applied. This paper identifies crucial variables associated with the income and expenditure. Some of these variables showing high correlation with the total expenditure are the housing loan, automobile loan and educational expenditure. 展开更多
关键词 EXPENDITURE INCOME simultaneous two-stage equation method
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