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作者 李亚坤 孔令凤 +2 位作者 高铁华 刘新宝 赵利利 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2021年第12期47-48,51,共3页
探讨那屈肝素钙与经曲克芦丁联合银杏达莫治疗脑梗塞的临床效果。方法:对比组患者:采用那屈肝素钙与经曲克芦丁进行治疗;研究组患者:在对比组患者治疗的基础上结合银杏达莫进行治疗。结果:研究组患者,在治疗效果、认知方面等指标要高于... 探讨那屈肝素钙与经曲克芦丁联合银杏达莫治疗脑梗塞的临床效果。方法:对比组患者:采用那屈肝素钙与经曲克芦丁进行治疗;研究组患者:在对比组患者治疗的基础上结合银杏达莫进行治疗。结果:研究组患者,在治疗效果、认知方面等指标要高于对比组患者,(P<0.05)。结论:对于脑梗塞患者在治疗过程中,采用那屈肝素钙与经曲克芦丁结合银杏达莫进行治疗,能取得更好的临床疗效。 展开更多
关键词 经曲克芦丁 那屈肝素钙 银杏达莫 脑梗塞 临床疗效
作者 向虎雏 《湖北文史》 2013年第2期213-220,共8页
2013年4月23日,辛亥志士、抗日先锋杨经曲之女、85岁的新四军老战士晓阳回汉,作客湖北省博物馆,受到博物馆热情接待。同行的有她的老师朱虹(89岁)、夏牧原(92岁)夫妇,弟媳易静(82岁)、侄女杨采、侄子杨凡和向虎雏等。湖北警官学院党委... 2013年4月23日,辛亥志士、抗日先锋杨经曲之女、85岁的新四军老战士晓阳回汉,作客湖北省博物馆,受到博物馆热情接待。同行的有她的老师朱虹(89岁)、夏牧原(92岁)夫妇,弟媳易静(82岁)、侄女杨采、侄子杨凡和向虎雏等。湖北警官学院党委书记、一级警监、《首义警事》作者赵志飞从百忙中赶来参加了此次活动。和晓阳从未谋面,一见如故,因为我们两家是世交: 展开更多
关键词 经曲 湖北省博物馆 杨采 杨凡 湖北警官学院 易静 老战士 虎雏 八路军办事处 革命先行者
氯取代丙烷伯氢反应的准经典轨线研究 被引量:1
作者 张天莉 严继民 孔繁敖 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期119-122,共4页
用准经典轨线方法研究了氯取代丙烷伯氢的反应 .采用三体 LEPS势能函数构筑势能面 .结果表明 ,氯取代丙烷伯氢的反应呈现出与氯取代丙烷仲氢反应不同的微观反应进程 .对于氯取代丙烷仲氢的反应,只有一种反应通道,反应过程中有碰撞复... 用准经典轨线方法研究了氯取代丙烷伯氢的反应 .采用三体 LEPS势能函数构筑势能面 .结果表明 ,氯取代丙烷伯氢的反应呈现出与氯取代丙烷仲氢反应不同的微观反应进程 .对于氯取代丙烷仲氢的反应,只有一种反应通道,反应过程中有碰撞复合物产生 .对于氯取代丙烷伯氢的反应,有两种反应通道,一种有碰撞复合物生成,另一种则没有 . 展开更多
关键词 经曲轨线计算 碰撞复合物 氯取代丙烷 伯氢反应
劈离式肝脏移植研究进展 被引量:1
作者 宿华威 韩德恩 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 2002年第5期412-414,共3页
关键词 劈离式肝脏移植 经曲劈离方式 在体劈离方式 改良体外劈离方式
作者 傅守祥 《江淮论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期91-94,共4页
在大众文化审美形象化和欢乐身体化的今天,大众文化语义学维度的审美思考却越来越匮乏甚至一度消失。人的存在确实需要现代经济和技术,但又不能仅限于现代经济和技术:如果说大众文化带有很大的技术“物性”,那么人不是物;如果说大众文... 在大众文化审美形象化和欢乐身体化的今天,大众文化语义学维度的审美思考却越来越匮乏甚至一度消失。人的存在确实需要现代经济和技术,但又不能仅限于现代经济和技术:如果说大众文化带有很大的技术“物性”,那么人不是物;如果说大众文化诱惑、满足、填塞着人的日常感性欲望,那么人不仅仅是日常感性的存在;如果说大众文化造就着一个市场秩序似的标准化感受,那么人是不能完全被标准化的。在日常感性得到较好满足的先进国家,对大众文化的批判显得很理直气壮,然而,在日常感性相对匮乏的中国大陆,大众文化的具体效益还是相当复杂的。 展开更多
关键词 大众文化 现代性 技术物性 日常感性 经曲艺术 市场逻辑
作者 李立 《唐都学刊》 2017年第1期119-123,共5页
新时期以来,国内马克思主义文论研究界围绕文艺意识形态观、艺术生产论、实践美学观等多个经典命题展开持续论争,在论争中,相关学者从各自角度回答了马克思主义文论的某些侧面问题,因此其关系是相互补充和相互推进的。从历史上看,正是... 新时期以来,国内马克思主义文论研究界围绕文艺意识形态观、艺术生产论、实践美学观等多个经典命题展开持续论争,在论争中,相关学者从各自角度回答了马克思主义文论的某些侧面问题,因此其关系是相互补充和相互推进的。从历史上看,正是各种学派的不同论点争竞,撞击出真理的火花,由此促进了当代学人对马克思主义文论的全面、整体的把握和理解。 展开更多
关键词 新时期 马克思主义文论 经曲命题 论争与经验
中国南传上座部佛教音乐浅述 被引量:3
作者 吴学源 《交响(西安音乐学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期5-13,共9页
首先对南传上座部佛教在中国的分布地域,信仰民族,以及历史沿革,教别教派、寺庙组织机构、文字与经典作了简介。其次对南传佛教的三种主要法事,即"日常课诵""节庆法事""民间法事"中的仪式过程与音乐活动... 首先对南传上座部佛教在中国的分布地域,信仰民族,以及历史沿革,教别教派、寺庙组织机构、文字与经典作了简介。其次对南传佛教的三种主要法事,即"日常课诵""节庆法事""民间法事"中的仪式过程与音乐活动作了简要描述。再次是从法事中诵经音调的演唱特征、演唱形式、以及唱词的语言属性等角度出发,对南传佛教中的诵经音调类别进行了初步探讨与界定;同时对寺庙中的乐器及使用情况做了介绍。最后根据笔者多年的田野考查经验,对南传佛教研究中碰到的若干问题提出了自己的思考。旨在通过此文抛砖引玉,殷切期盼更多学者、宗教界人士,对南传佛教音乐的研究及保护、传承、发展给予更多关注。 展开更多
关键词 南传上座部佛教 巴利语 念诵 吟诵 咏诵 经腔 经曲
某些革兰氏阴性细菌激活补体的新途径 被引量:1
作者 黄秀琴 魏青 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第4期221-223,共3页
关键词 补体系统 经曲途径 替代途径 细菌
陶诗中的“镇军”考 被引量:1
作者 刘大纯 刘新农 《九江师专学报》 2003年第3期8-12,共5页
陶渊明《始作镇军参军经曲阿作》诗中镇军 ,自 (唐 )李善作注以来 ,不但事实至今没有澄清 ,而且积误愈多。镇军当谁 ?若凭证据 ,诗中镇军非刘裕 ,非桓玄 。
关键词 陶渊明 《始作镇军参军经曲阿作》 古代诗歌 镇军 考证 刘裕 桓玄 刘牢之
Characteristics and Transdermal Drug Delivery of Triamcinolone-Acetonide-Acetate-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Carbomer Gel 被引量:3
作者 刘卫 朱姚亮 +1 位作者 陈华兵 杨祥良 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第1期18-24,共7页
Aim To prepare triamcinolone-acetonide-acetate (TAA)-loaded solid lipidnanoparticles (SLN) carbomer gel with tripalmitin glyceride (TPG), and investigate theircharacteristics and transdermal drug delivery. Methods SLN... Aim To prepare triamcinolone-acetonide-acetate (TAA)-loaded solid lipidnanoparticles (SLN) carbomer gel with tripalmitin glyceride (TPG), and investigate theircharacteristics and transdermal drug delivery. Methods SLN suspension was prepared by high-pressurehomogenization technique, and then mixed with carbomer gel matrix to get SLN gel. The morphology,particle size with polydispersi-ty index (PI) and zeta potential were examined by atomic forcemicroscopy (AFM) and photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS). The entrapment efficiency, stability andin vitro drug release were also studied. The transdermal drug delivery through porcine ear skin wasevaluated using modified Franz diffusion cells. Results The SLN had a spherical shape with theaverage size of (95.5 - 186.2) nm, the zeta potential of (-26.3- -15.7) mV and the entrapmentefficiency of 67.4%-90.3% for different TAA encapsulated compounds. TAA-SLN carbomer gel had goodstability, the release profile in vitro fitted Higuchi equation. In comparison with conventionalhydrogels, TAA-SLN carbomer gel resulted in higher drug permeation amount and drug deposition withinporcine ear skin after 24 h penetration experiment. Conclusion TAA-SLN carbomer gel is preparedwith stable physicochemical properties. The release profile and improved drug permeation into skinmake it be a promising vehicle for transdermal drug delivery. 展开更多
关键词 solid lipid nanoparticles carbomer gel triarnconolone-acetonide-acetate characterization transdermal drug delivery
作者 吴国富 《九江学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期1-6,共6页
注家认为陶诗中的"班生庐"指隐居处所,并引班固《幽通赋》以解之;由此人们以为班固或班彪有这样一个隐居之庐。考诸史实,"班生庐"实与班彪、班固无关,而是指班彪从兄班嗣的居所。深慕老庄、自放于人事之外的班嗣,... 注家认为陶诗中的"班生庐"指隐居处所,并引班固《幽通赋》以解之;由此人们以为班固或班彪有这样一个隐居之庐。考诸史实,"班生庐"实与班彪、班固无关,而是指班彪从兄班嗣的居所。深慕老庄、自放于人事之外的班嗣,在两晋时期不断美化,深受推崇,亦成为陶渊明《始作镇军参军经曲阿作》一诗的膜拜对象。明乎此,对判断该诗系年颇有帮助。 展开更多
关键词 陶渊明 "班生庐" 班嗣 《始作镇军参军经曲阿作》
作者 羊衍俊 邹教华 《西南民族学院学报(畜牧兽医版)》 1990年第1期118-128,共11页
关键词 薛定谔方程 经曲 非线性 李代数
作者 梁冬泳 《小学教学参考(综合版)》 2015年第2期81-81,共1页
关键词 体育课 蝴蝶效应 经典诵读 经曲国学操
作者 马天才 《驻马店师专学报》 1993年第4期33-34,共2页
关键词 向量分析 物理学 经曲物理学
Research on prediction of soil suction in expansive soil
作者 缪林昌 于昕 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期364-368,共5页
Soil-water characteristic curves of expansive clay are usually measured in the laboratory, but soil suction in the field is extremely difficult and time consuming. The method of artificial neural network (ANN) is adop... Soil-water characteristic curves of expansive clay are usually measured in the laboratory, but soil suction in the field is extremely difficult and time consuming. The method of artificial neural network (ANN) is adopted to predict soil suction in the field by using measured water contents. This is done by training the network using laboratory measured soil-water characteristics. Prediction soil suction using the ANN with some limited in-situ measured water contents is compared with actual suction measurements in the field. Prediction results are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Forecasting Neural networks Pore size SOILS WATER
Comparison of Letrozole and Aminoglutethimide in Treatment of 113 Cases of Postmenopausal Women with Advanced Breast Cancer
作者 刘冬耕 管忠震 +3 位作者 沈镇宙 韩企夏 宋三泰 刘晓晴 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2004年第2期90-92,125,共4页
Objective: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of letrozole with aminoglutethimide (AG) in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. Methods: The multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial was cond... Objective: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of letrozole with aminoglutethimide (AG) in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. Methods: The multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in 113 patients. They randomly received letrozole 2.5 mg once daily (letrozole group) or AG 250 mg 4 times daily (AG group) with hydrocortisone. Results: The OR in letrozole group was 23.73% (2 cases of CR and 12 cases of PR, ITT OR was 21.88%), which was higher than in AG group (the OR 11.11%, 1 CASE of CR and 5 cases of PR, ITT 10.17%), but there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05). Adverse events (AE) and the treatment related AE (RAE) in letrozole group (n=59) was 18.54% and 13.56% respectively, significantly lower than those (42.11% and 33.33% respectively) in AG group (n=57, P=0.002). Conclusion: The OR of letrozole in the treatment of postmenopausal advanced breast cancer positive or unknown for hormonal receptor is 23.73%, showing no significant difference to that of AG. The AE of letrozole are significantly less than AG. 展开更多
关键词 LETROZOLE AMINOGLUTETHIMIDE advanced breast cancer
Converting GPS height by a new method based on neural networks
作者 胡伍生 沙月进 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期53-57,共5页
The adjusted GPS height is the height above the surface of the WGS-84ellipsoid. It is necessary to convert a GPS height into a normal height in engineering. The conicoidfitting method (CFM) and the neural networks met... The adjusted GPS height is the height above the surface of the WGS-84ellipsoid. It is necessary to convert a GPS height into a normal height in engineering. The conicoidfitting method (CFM) and the neural networks method (NNM) are used for this purpose, but each ofthem has its advantages and disadvantages. After studying these two methods, a new method (abbr.CF&NNM) is conceived. The procedure of the CF&NNM is introduced. A practical engineering example isused to study these three different methods. The results by the three methods are listed. The CF&NNMmethod can produce better results than either the CFM or the NNM in deriving normal height from GPSheight. The theory of the CF&NNM method is analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 neural networks algorithm of BP GPS height CF&NNM
Ground roll attenuation based on an empirical curvelet transform 被引量:3
作者 Yuan Huan Hu Zi-Duo +1 位作者 Liu Zhao Ma Jian-Wei 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期111-117,149,150,共9页
In the field of seismic exploration, ground roll seriously affects the deep effective reflections from subsurface deep structures. Traditional curvelet transform cannot provide an adaptive basis function to achieve a ... In the field of seismic exploration, ground roll seriously affects the deep effective reflections from subsurface deep structures. Traditional curvelet transform cannot provide an adaptive basis function to achieve a suboptimal denoised result. In this paper, we propose a method based on empirical curvelet transform (ECT) for ground roll attenuation. Unlike the traditional curvelet transform, this method not only decomposes seismic data into multiscale and multi-directional components, but also provides an adaptive filter bank according to frequency content of seismic data itself. So, ground roll can be separated by using this method. However, as the frequency of reflection and ground roll components are close, we apply singular value decomposition (SVD) in the curvelet domain to differentiate the ground roll and reflection better. Examples of synthetic and field seismic data reveal that the proposed method based ECT performs better than the traditional curvelet method in terms of the suppression of ground roll. 展开更多
关键词 Ground roll attenuation empirical curvelet transform singular value decomposition
Analyzing and Pondering on the Regulation of Urban Construction Land Expansion 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Wei Zhang Hongye Zhang Yifeng 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第4期46-50,共5页
Along with the economic development and the acceleration of urbanization,urban construction land expands rapidly in China,and has resulted in a series of socio-economic problems.This article summarized the major point... Along with the economic development and the acceleration of urbanization,urban construction land expands rapidly in China,and has resulted in a series of socio-economic problems.This article summarized the major points of controlling the unchecked and rash expansion of construction land in the academic circle,and analyzed the problems of regulating the expansion of construction land from three aspects.First,this article analyzed the relationships between socio-economic development and urbanization from the historical viewpoints,and pointed out that the expansion of construction land is a historical phenomenon which will be surely appeared in the development of human race.Second,the authors utilized two-sector model to analyze the importance of urbanization in the socio-economic development from the academic angles.At last,the authors utilize four-quadrant model and bidrent curve model to analyze the influence that brought by the strict control of construction land expansion.Through analysis,this article drew some conclusions.First,the expansion of construction land is a phenomenon which will surely appear in the social development.It is impossible to accomplish the national modernization on the basis of dualistic structure between urban and rural areas.Second,under the function of rent gradient gap,strict control of construction land expansion will not only obtain the anticipated effects,but also cause a series of socio-economic problems,such as land-levying contradiction,the appearance of limited property right house,and being dependant on lease instead of expropriation.Third,unreasonable policies and governmental behaviors are the roots of the unchecked and rash expansion of urban construction land.Based on these conclusions,this article proposed that three transformations should be realized to regulate the unchecked and rash expansion of construction land:transfers from quantity regulation to quality regulation,from direct regulation to indirect regulation,and from single-measure regulation to multi-measures regulation. 展开更多
关键词 urban construction land EXPANSION REGULATION academic analysis
Potential Distribution Modeling of Useful Brazilian Trees with Economic Importance
作者 Vitor Augusto Cordeiro Milagres Evandro Luiz Mendonca Machado 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第6期400-410,共11页
Brazil is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity, being covered by diverse ecosystems. Native trees commercially planted generate numerous benefits for communities, providing cultural, recreational, touri... Brazil is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity, being covered by diverse ecosystems. Native trees commercially planted generate numerous benefits for communities, providing cultural, recreational, tourism riches, as well as ecological benefits, such as nutrient regulation and carbon sequestration. Thus, this work aimed to generate potential distribution modeling for the Brazilian forest species, to provide information that will serve as a strategy for conservation, restoration and commercial plantation of them, that is, encouraging the use of legal native species in the forest sector. Eleven tree species and 19 bioclimatic variables were selected. The software Maxent 3.3.3 was applied in the generation of the distribution models and the area under the curve of receiver operating characteristic (AUC) was used to analyze the model. The Jackknife test contributed to identify which bioclimatic variables are most important or influential in the model. The models showed AUC values ranged from 0.857 to 0.983. The species with higher AUC values were Araucaria angustifolia, Mimosa scabrella and Euterpe edulis, respectively. The maximum temperature of warmest month showed the highest influence for the most species, followed by the mean diurnal range and annual precipitation. It was observed that for some species, there were restricted areas of environmental suitability, such as Araucaria angustifolia, Ilex paraguariensis and Mimosa scabrella. The models used could trace the potential distribution areas using the environmental variables, and these models contribute significantly to sustainable forest management. 展开更多
关键词 Brazilian flora MAXENT bioclimatic variables distribution models potential occurrence.
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