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反季节塑料大棚蔬菜种植推动农民经济增收措施 被引量:1
作者 公鸿飞 《农业工程技术》 2023年第36期68-69,共2页
近年来,随着农业现代化进程的加快,反季塑料大棚蔬菜种植逐渐成为农村经济增收的重要途径。反季塑料大棚蔬菜种植是利用温室设施创造适宜的生长环境,保证蔬菜品质良好,有效满足市场需求。该文介绍了反季塑料大棚蔬菜种植对农民经济增收... 近年来,随着农业现代化进程的加快,反季塑料大棚蔬菜种植逐渐成为农村经济增收的重要途径。反季塑料大棚蔬菜种植是利用温室设施创造适宜的生长环境,保证蔬菜品质良好,有效满足市场需求。该文介绍了反季塑料大棚蔬菜种植对农民经济增收的影响,并提出相应建议,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 反季栽培 塑料大棚 蔬菜种植 经济增收
作者 朱彩永 《河北农机》 2022年第21期142-144,共3页
中国作为农业大国,农业人口众多。新时期为了进一步推动农村集体经济的发展,保障农村发展稳定、走向繁荣,需要保障农村实现现代化发展,创新推进农业转型发展,保障农民增收致富。农村经济得以发展,才能不断促进集体经济发展,为国家经济发... 中国作为农业大国,农业人口众多。新时期为了进一步推动农村集体经济的发展,保障农村发展稳定、走向繁荣,需要保障农村实现现代化发展,创新推进农业转型发展,保障农民增收致富。农村经济得以发展,才能不断促进集体经济发展,为国家经济发展,实现富强夯实基础。党的十九大乡村振兴战略中,明确提出了未来要大力发展集体经济,推动农村经济发展、产业改革,这也为农村集体经济发展指明了方向。在国家各项政策的推动下,农业发展成为集体经济发展中不容忽视的重要因素。当前农业经济存在发展不够科学、建设有待完善等不足,需要紧跟现代化脚步,聚焦“三农”完善各个环节的工作,促进农业创新转型,加速农村集体经济发展,为农民带来可观的经济收益。 展开更多
关键词 农村集体经济 经济发展 经济增收 农业产业 路径
作者 邱军 华序 《四川蚕业》 2011年第3期56-58,共3页
如何应对劳动力成本提高,生产原材料上升等不利因素,来提高蚕桑产业比较效益,丹棱县经过近几年的实践证明:搞好桑园的综合开发是一条行之有效的好途径。采用"栽桑养蚕、桑园种草、饲草养兔、兔粪肥园"桑园立体循环模式,冬季... 如何应对劳动力成本提高,生产原材料上升等不利因素,来提高蚕桑产业比较效益,丹棱县经过近几年的实践证明:搞好桑园的综合开发是一条行之有效的好途径。采用"栽桑养蚕、桑园种草、饲草养兔、兔粪肥园"桑园立体循环模式,冬季种植黑麦草、夏季种植红薯,发展养兔,不仅大幅增加蚕农经济效益,还能够对桑园进行全年、全园覆盖,具有提高土壤有机质含量,防止水土流失,提高土壤肥力,调节桑园小气候,改善桑叶品质等作用。 展开更多
关键词 桑园 黑麦草 养蚕 养兔 经济增收
加快鹅业发展 促进农民增收
作者 周茂春 涂繁荣 《江西畜牧兽医杂志》 1999年第2期14-14,共1页
丰城市位于江西省中部,赣江中下游。全市总人口116万,其中农业人口94万。市内自然资源丰富,水面广阔,有各类水面47万×666.7m2,河、港纵横交错,湖、塘星罗棋布,发展养鹅条件优越。大兴特色农业已成为农村工作... 丰城市位于江西省中部,赣江中下游。全市总人口116万,其中农业人口94万。市内自然资源丰富,水面广阔,有各类水面47万×666.7m2,河、港纵横交错,湖、塘星罗棋布,发展养鹅条件优越。大兴特色农业已成为农村工作的主旋律。丰城市大力发挥资源优势,向农... 展开更多
关键词 鹅业发展 经济增收 经济效益
以色列乡村旅游发展迅速 被引量:43
作者 刘伟 丁贤忠 成升魁 《世界农业》 北大核心 1998年第7期12-13,共2页
以色列乡村旅游发展迅速中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会刘伟丁贤忠成升根据Gilbert和Tung(1990)的定义:乡村旅游就是农户为旅游者提供食宿等条件,使其在农场、牧场等典型的乡村环境中从事各种休闲活动的一种旅游... 以色列乡村旅游发展迅速中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会刘伟丁贤忠成升根据Gilbert和Tung(1990)的定义:乡村旅游就是农户为旅游者提供食宿等条件,使其在农场、牧场等典型的乡村环境中从事各种休闲活动的一种旅游。典型的乡村旅游规模一般较小,常以... 展开更多
关键词 乡村旅游 发展 农业经济增收 以色列
红富士苹果栽培中的病害防治探究——评《红富士苹果生产关键技术》 被引量:4
作者 王胜永 《中国瓜菜》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第2期126-126,共1页
随着中国种植业的深入发展,苹果种植业已成为农业经济发展的重要支撑,其中,红富士苹果作为主要的苹果品种,是各地农民经济增收的有力支柱。但由于受到自然因素或者人为因素影响,红富士苹果在栽种过程中容易出现病害问题,导致果实质量下... 随着中国种植业的深入发展,苹果种植业已成为农业经济发展的重要支撑,其中,红富士苹果作为主要的苹果品种,是各地农民经济增收的有力支柱。但由于受到自然因素或者人为因素影响,红富士苹果在栽种过程中容易出现病害问题,导致果实质量下降,农民经济利益受损。 展开更多
关键词 红富士苹果 果实质量 苹果品种 生产关键技术 农业经济发展 经济增收 病害防治 人为因素
冬瓜无公害栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 姬小红 《河南农业》 2021年第34期12-12,31,共2页
近年,随着中牟县冬瓜种植面积不断增加,冬瓜种植已成为农民经济增收的主要途径。笔者根据多年栽培和示范经验,总结出冬瓜无公害栽培技术,供种植者参考。一、生物学特征(一)形态特征冬瓜属于葫芦科一年生蔓生植物,根系发达,吸水吸肥能力... 近年,随着中牟县冬瓜种植面积不断增加,冬瓜种植已成为农民经济增收的主要途径。笔者根据多年栽培和示范经验,总结出冬瓜无公害栽培技术,供种植者参考。一、生物学特征(一)形态特征冬瓜属于葫芦科一年生蔓生植物,根系发达,吸水吸肥能力较强,茎中空,茎上有绒毛覆盖,呈五棱状,近节处有卷须,叶片较大,呈手掌状,叶片上覆盖有绒毛,叶腋处多可抽生侧蔓花为黄色,花形较大,属雌雄同株异花,花朵大多在早晨开放,果实多为扁圆形或长椭圆形。 展开更多
关键词 雌雄同株异花 侧蔓 吸肥能力 花形 无公害栽培技术 冬瓜 经济增收 形态特征
作者 吴昌元 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第11期3430-3431,共2页
我国是一个农业大国,农村面积占全国面积的90%,只有发展好农村和农业,全面小康社会才能实现。当前农民以出务工作成为家庭收入主要来源,这是短期效应,要想农村经济稳定增长,必须走"经营农业"之路。该研究基于我国农村人口、... 我国是一个农业大国,农村面积占全国面积的90%,只有发展好农村和农业,全面小康社会才能实现。当前农民以出务工作成为家庭收入主要来源,这是短期效应,要想农村经济稳定增长,必须走"经营农业"之路。该研究基于我国农村人口、就业和收入现状,以黄山地区一些农户经营农业取得的成效为例,分析了经营农业发展的可行性;并就当前粮食安全问题的重要性和国家对农民创业的政策支持,指出了"经营农业"发展的必要性。最后结合农民创业面临的问题,提出了政府助推"经营农业"发展的对策建议。 展开更多
关键词 农民 农业 创业 就业 经济增收
作者 何玲 《就业与保障》 2021年第14期52-53,共2页
为了研究"巾帼农业示范基地"的辐射带动效应,加快贫困地区农村妇女"离土不离乡"的就业载体建设,文章对广西"巾帼农业示范基地"辐射带动下的农村妇女进行调查,调查内容包含了农村妇女年龄、文化程度、工... 为了研究"巾帼农业示范基地"的辐射带动效应,加快贫困地区农村妇女"离土不离乡"的就业载体建设,文章对广西"巾帼农业示范基地"辐射带动下的农村妇女进行调查,调查内容包含了农村妇女年龄、文化程度、工作经历、家庭经济状况,同时分析了基地培训对农村妇女就业带动作用。"巾帼农业示范基地"为女性打造就业平台,使得农村妇女积极主动从"家庭内"走向了"家庭外",打破了就业市场性别禁锢。 展开更多
关键词 示范基地 文化程度 经济增收 就业保障
作者 康娟 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)社会科学》 2022年第10期37-40,共4页
农村稳则天下安,农业兴则基础牢,农民富则国家盛。党的“十九大”和中央农村工作会议提出全面实施乡村振兴战略,并就“乡村振兴”明确提出了“产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、服务群众、生活富裕”的乡村发展总体要求,将其提... 农村稳则天下安,农业兴则基础牢,农民富则国家盛。党的“十九大”和中央农村工作会议提出全面实施乡村振兴战略,并就“乡村振兴”明确提出了“产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、服务群众、生活富裕”的乡村发展总体要求,将其提升到战略高度,写入党章,把农业农村工作摆在更加重要地位,为农业农村改革发展指明了航向。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 产业发展 经济增收
作者 何伟明 王伟 《管理观察》 2012年第29期159-161,共3页
随着经济社会的发展,当前我国乡村社会的治理一定程度上陷入了困境。我们所遭遇的困境主要体现在农民增收和农村集体经济发展的瓶颈、各类群体性事件频发、农村自治组织体制功能不健全等三个方面。因此,完善乡村社会治理应当对创新社... 随着经济社会的发展,当前我国乡村社会的治理一定程度上陷入了困境。我们所遭遇的困境主要体现在农民增收和农村集体经济发展的瓶颈、各类群体性事件频发、农村自治组织体制功能不健全等三个方面。因此,完善乡村社会治理应当对创新社会治理理念、进一步完善规范的农村土地流转制度和构筑多元的乡村社会治理体系予以足够的重视。 展开更多
关键词 社会治理 村民自治 农民增收与农村集体经济发展
A model of regional economic development with increasing returns
作者 QIAN Edward Y. YAO Yao-jun CHEN Gary 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期164-170,共7页
This paper develops mathematically and empirically tractable regional and interregional model of economic devel-opment with increasing returns to scale (IRS) under the neoclassical assumptions. A one-sector, two-regio... This paper develops mathematically and empirically tractable regional and interregional model of economic devel-opment with increasing returns to scale (IRS) under the neoclassical assumptions. A one-sector, two-region model in which one region exhibits IRS is presented and the whole nation presents constant returns to scale. The development of the local IRS economy is shown to be constrained to a “moving equilibrium” path. The preliminary empirical results are sufficiently supportive of the argument to encourage further research along the lines of the model. In particular, the neoclassical model does not predict negative coefficients on the real rental value of capital in regressions explaining population or employment relative to that in the nation. 展开更多
关键词 Economic development Increasing returns Moving equilibrium
Economic growth and unemployment in East Asia
作者 Byung Woo Kim 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第10期38-52,63,共16页
Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004) analyzed the empirical determinants of growth. The data used in this paper consists of panel data of several macroeconomic variables observed for 55 years 0950-2004) in six East Asian... Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004) analyzed the empirical determinants of growth. The data used in this paper consists of panel data of several macroeconomic variables observed for 55 years 0950-2004) in six East Asian countries and regions. Following the implications of semi-endogenous growth theory, the author regressed output growth on the determinants of steady-state income. The estimation and test results suggest the existence of significant relationship between steady-state income and (trend weighted) R & D input both in Japan and South Korea. In addition, following Cellini (1995), the author also considers cointegration and error-correction methods as the growth regression of East Asian countries. Meanwhile, Chang, et al (2004) derived the conclusion that the decreases in reallocation shocks are main factor in a downward trend in natural rate of unemployment for South Korea. The author extends this analysis using structural VAR to other Asian countries and regions, Japan and Taiwan region. Impulse responses show that the growth of production in Korea and Taiwan reduce unemployment, but, in Japan, this raises unemployment. 展开更多
关键词 growth regression East Asian countries and regions R D input UNEMPLOYMENT
Sustainable development and upgrading mode of coal industry in China 被引量:7
作者 Gao Zhenguo 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期335-340,共6页
It is an emerging realistic problem on how to promote a high level of technology in the coal industry, find new upgrading powers and create new competitive advantages, which are also the core problems to efficient tra... It is an emerging realistic problem on how to promote a high level of technology in the coal industry, find new upgrading powers and create new competitive advantages, which are also the core problems to efficient transformation pattern of economic growth for coal industry in the ''twelfth five-year'' period, involving the key to China's energy supply and energy security. Through field surveys and inductive analyses, analyzing of the content of upgrading the coal industry as an entry point, this paper analyzes the sustainable development mechanisms for the coal industry from the aspects of work force, power, methods, goals, and so on; and puts forward corresponding developmental modes according to the mechanisms which can improve resource recovery and mineral resources utilization rates by putting them into practice. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable developmentUpgrading mechanismUpgrading mode
Real Interest Rates,Real Wages and Economic Restructuring—Analysis Based on Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium(DSGE)
作者 金中夏 《China Economist》 2014年第2期46-56,共11页
On the basis of research conducted by Long and Plosser(1983),this paper carries out an in-depth analysis on the relationship between real interest rates,real wage,and macro-economy and economic structure by simulating... On the basis of research conducted by Long and Plosser(1983),this paper carries out an in-depth analysis on the relationship between real interest rates,real wage,and macro-economy and economic structure by simulating a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium(DSGE) model and comes to the following conclusions:(1) Increasing the level of real interest rates will expand the share of consumption in GDP,improve the macroeconomic structure,and promote steady economic development;(2) Increasing the level of real wages will enhance economic growth but will not change the economic structure of consumption and investments;(3) Increasing wages will enhance economic growth and expand its share in national income;(4) Increasing wages will not lower output level but will be favorable to the improvement of economic structure.Therefore,this paper argues for interest rates liberalization to achieve long-term,steady economic development in China. 展开更多
关键词 interest rate real wage CONSUMPTION INVESTMENT economic structure
The Effect of Tax as an Instrument of Fiscal Policy in Kosovo
作者 Skender Hasani 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第2期234-240,共7页
This paper analyzes and discusses the tax system applied in Kosovo during the period from 1999 until now. It demonstrates the effects of tax policies on the country's economic growth and development of businesses in ... This paper analyzes and discusses the tax system applied in Kosovo during the period from 1999 until now. It demonstrates the effects of tax policies on the country's economic growth and development of businesses in general. This paper also addresses the impact of those policies in maintaining the social equilibrium of a population and economic stability of the country. Applied tax policies in Kosovo have been aimed more at maintaining a stable fiscal and budgetary policy. Based on the analysis of real cases of Kosovo tax laws and their impact on particular businesses, this paper will demonstrate how tax policies applied in Kosovo have given less attention to the need of economic development, which should have been reflected through promoting the development of domestic production, reduction of unemployment, and reduction of the high trade deficit. Empirical evidence from this analysis is discussed, conclusions are derived, and the recommendations of this paper are provided. 展开更多
关键词 tax policy fiscal sustainability economic development KOSOVO
Relationship Among Reserve Ratio, Government Spending and Economic Growth
作者 ZHANGYan ZHOUSheng-Wu 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2005年第2期157-162,共6页
The relationship among reserve ration, government spending and economic growth was analyzed. A monetary endogenous growth model is well developed by taking into account the growth-enhancing effects of re- serve-augmen... The relationship among reserve ration, government spending and economic growth was analyzed. A monetary endogenous growth model is well developed by taking into account the growth-enhancing effects of re- serve-augmenting seigniorage. If the government spends all the seigniorage revenue on the provision of a public input which has positive externality on the private sector’s production, some results to be utterly different from Bronx’s have been obtained: the economy has a unique saddle-balanced growth path, but it has nothing to do with reserve ratio. However, the higher reserve ratio, the faster speed of economic convergence. 展开更多
关键词 economic growth government spending seigniorage revenue reserve ratio
Economic Growth and Anti-Poverty ii Rural China
作者 夏庆杰 宋丽娜 Simon APPLETON 《China Economist》 2011年第2期52-63,共12页
Based on CHIP (Chinese household income project) survey data, this paper estimated the changes of absolute poverty and income disparity for the period of 1988-2002, as well as the impact of income growth and changes... Based on CHIP (Chinese household income project) survey data, this paper estimated the changes of absolute poverty and income disparity for the period of 1988-2002, as well as the impact of income growth and changes in income distribution on poverty reduction in rural China. The results show that absolute rural poverty fell sharply during this period, regardless of where the poverty line is set. Both the decomposition of poverty and the panel data analysis demonstrate that income growth causes a fall in poverty. 展开更多
关键词 China rural poverty household income quantile analysis
Economic growth convergence of Chinese provinces and industrial sectors
作者 Bo WANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期18-21,共4页
Province' s per capita income is mainly decided by the industrial sector output, and to reduce regional disparities needs to start from the industrial sector. This article will divide national economy into eight sect... Province' s per capita income is mainly decided by the industrial sector output, and to reduce regional disparities needs to start from the industrial sector. This article will divide national economy into eight sectors, use panel data and mixed effects regression and fixed model, in order to have a convergence test for provinces and various industry sectors during 1993-2009, there is absolute convergence existed in the various provinces and industrial sectors, and use Bernard and Jones method to have a research on the provincial sources of GDP growth and convergence and find that the coordinated development of agriculture and industry plays a decisive role in province' s GDP growth and convergence, 展开更多
关键词 convergence sector Panel Data ECONOMIC
The Convergence Analysis on the Economic Growth and Energy Intensity Gap between Regional Sectors
作者 Qi Shaozhou Li Kai 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第3期33-46,共14页
In this paper,the authors have analyzed the relationship between energy intensity gap and GDP per worker gap of China's western and eastern provinces over the period 1997-2006.Using panel data model with lag adjus... In this paper,the authors have analyzed the relationship between energy intensity gap and GDP per worker gap of China's western and eastern provinces over the period 1997-2006.Using panel data model with lag adjustment,taking the above provinces and six industrial sectors (agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fisheries,industry,construction industry,transport,storage and post & telecommunications,wholesale and retail trades & catering industry,and other sectors of tertiary industry.) as the investigated subjects,the authors have conducted empirical study on the convergence of GDP per worker gap and the convergence of energy intensity gap with respect to the variation of GDP per worker gap,and have concluded that:First,the GDP per worker gap of the six industrial sectors and provinces are convergent,and of this,the convergence rate of GDP per worker gap of Construction Industry is the fastest,while that of Industry is the slowest.Second,the overall energy intensity gap between eastern and western provinces is convergent,that is,with the narrowing of GDP per worker gap between eastern and western provinces,the energy intensity gap converges,but its convergence rate is slower than that of GDP per worker gap.Third,energy intensity gap between various industrial sectors of the east and the west is either convergent or divergent,and there are differences.The energy intensity gap of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,and fisheries,industry,and construction industry is convergent,while that of the other three industrial sectors is divergent.Fourth,the convergence of the overall energy intensity of the western provinces is not in conformity with the convergence of the various industrial sectors,and there are significant differences,indicating that the western provinces and autonomous regions should take measures to more effectively improve their overall energy utilization efficiency at the industrial sector level. 展开更多
关键词 CONVERGENCE industrial sector energy intensity paneldata analysis
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