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作者 葛恒祥 《决策》 1995年第2期4-5,共2页
地跨4省16个地市的淮海经济区,经过8年多的经济协作,使市场经济需要的货畅其流的大市场得以形成。区域之间的紧密合作.带动了淮海经济区整体跃进。去年10月18日,全国人大常委会副委员长、民盟中央主席费孝通应邀来蚌埠参加淮海经济区第... 地跨4省16个地市的淮海经济区,经过8年多的经济协作,使市场经济需要的货畅其流的大市场得以形成。区域之间的紧密合作.带动了淮海经济区整体跃进。去年10月18日,全国人大常委会副委员长、民盟中央主席费孝通应邀来蚌埠参加淮海经济区第九届市长专员会议,他结合自己的体会和淮海经济区的实际发表了重要讲话。本刊摘要发表.以飨读者。题目和小标系编者所加。 展开更多
关键词 经济大战 费孝通 淮海经济 社会学家 中部地区 港口 经济协作 农民 行政区划 区域性经济
作者 陈朗皋 《社会科学家》 1988年第4期27-34,共8页
一、一场真正的世界战争第二次世界大战以后,局部战争一直没有停止过,例如已经进行了七年之久的两伊战争至今仍无停止的迹像。但近廿年来,一场真正席卷全球的战争却一直以非传统概念中的形式在进行。这里并没有硝烟弥漫、炮声隆隆的场景... 一、一场真正的世界战争第二次世界大战以后,局部战争一直没有停止过,例如已经进行了七年之久的两伊战争至今仍无停止的迹像。但近廿年来,一场真正席卷全球的战争却一直以非传统概念中的形式在进行。这里并没有硝烟弥漫、炮声隆隆的场景,但它却是深入到地球上几乎每个角落的一场规模巨大的战争,有人称之为“全球经济大战”。 展开更多
关键词 第二次世界大战 经济大战 局部战争 日本经济 地球 启示 经济高速增长 民族工业 战后日本 引进技术
作者 刘长申 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 1994年第4期107-111,共5页
墨西哥:世界三大经济板块的角逐点刘长申墨西哥位于北美洲和拉丁美洲的交叉地带,地理上属于北美国家,社会形态和文化传统上则属于拉美国家。正是这一历史上曾给墨西哥人民带来过灾难和不幸的地理位置,今天又给墨西哥人民带来了经济... 墨西哥:世界三大经济板块的角逐点刘长申墨西哥位于北美洲和拉丁美洲的交叉地带,地理上属于北美国家,社会形态和文化传统上则属于拉美国家。正是这一历史上曾给墨西哥人民带来过灾难和不幸的地理位置,今天又给墨西哥人民带来了经济腾飞的机会,使之成为世界三大经济板... 展开更多
关键词 墨西哥 经济板块 北美自由贸易区 世界三 北美自由贸易协定 亚太地区 拉美国家 经济大战 拉丁美洲 《参考消息》
作者 黄定学 《湖北社会科学》 CSSCI 1997年第12期14-15,共2页
关键词 国有企业 邓小平理论 十五大报告 国企 公有制的实现形式 股份合作制 经济大战 工业增加值 世纪之交 江总书记
国际质量管理发展动态 被引量:1
《中外管理》 CSSCI 1995年第8期10-11,共2页
21世纪将是质量世纪1994年美国质协年会上,著名质量管理专家朱兰博士预言,即将来临的21世纪是质量世纪。在21世纪的经济大战中,质量将成为和平地占领市场最有力的武器,成为国家富强社会发展的强大驱动力。朱兰先生指出,在未来的质量世纪... 21世纪将是质量世纪1994年美国质协年会上,著名质量管理专家朱兰博士预言,即将来临的21世纪是质量世纪。在21世纪的经济大战中,质量将成为和平地占领市场最有力的武器,成为国家富强社会发展的强大驱动力。朱兰先生指出,在未来的质量世纪,必须在质量管理方面做一些革命性的变革,以追求世界级质量。这些变革有:(一) 展开更多
关键词 企业质量管理 质量世纪 质量改进 质量经营 日本企业 高层经营者 世界级 经济大战 社会发展 质量保证体系
作者 王刚 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第S1期166-166,共1页
苏联解体冷战结束后的国际局势,错综复杂,变化万千,令人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。但归纳起来,最突出的有以下几个特点: (一)国际关系的总体日趋缓和,世界规模的战争可能性减弱,但地区冲突和局部战争加剧,世界并不太平。国际社会普遍希望有一... 苏联解体冷战结束后的国际局势,错综复杂,变化万千,令人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。但归纳起来,最突出的有以下几个特点: (一)国际关系的总体日趋缓和,世界规模的战争可能性减弱,但地区冲突和局部战争加剧,世界并不太平。国际社会普遍希望有一个稳定的和平环境,以利地区和国家的发展。 展开更多
关键词 国际局势 冷战后 地区格局 和平环境 地区冲突 苏联解体 花综 人眼 局部战争 经济大战
作者 刘洪 《社会科学》 1985年第6期25-27,共3页
一、大国首脑议程上的一个重要问题 今天,不管愿意还是不愿意,几乎每个人都被卷入了一场世界经济大战。这场激战的实质,是科技的竞争、人才的较量,是智力(尤其是创造力)的拚搏,说到底,是教育(尤其是创造教育)的对抗。联合国国际教育发... 一、大国首脑议程上的一个重要问题 今天,不管愿意还是不愿意,几乎每个人都被卷入了一场世界经济大战。这场激战的实质,是科技的竞争、人才的较量,是智力(尤其是创造力)的拚搏,说到底,是教育(尤其是创造教育)的对抗。联合国国际教育发展委员会报告——《学会生存》指出:“人们愈益要求教育把所有人类意识的一切创造潜能都解放出来。”然而,“教育有着开发创造精神和窒息创造精神这样双重的力量。” 展开更多
关键词 创造力 奋斗目标 创造精神 创造教育 《学会生存》 创造潜能 经济大战 人类意识 发展委员会 国际教育
作者 刘定中 《创作与评论》 CSSCI 1997年第3期70-70,共1页
芷江行(散文诗)刘定中授降坊随想讲解员说,你们看,这授降坊像什么?像个“血”字!授降坊的脚下,深深地埋着一把日本军官指挥刀……我看着,听着,想着……啊,“血”,我的父辈们的血,我的兄姐们的血,我的三千多万同胞喷射的血... 芷江行(散文诗)刘定中授降坊随想讲解员说,你们看,这授降坊像什么?像个“血”字!授降坊的脚下,深深地埋着一把日本军官指挥刀……我看着,听着,想着……啊,“血”,我的父辈们的血,我的兄姐们的血,我的三千多万同胞喷射的血哟,凝固成授降坊,凝固成我们民族的... 展开更多
关键词 芷江 经济大战 指挥刀 讲解员 同龄人 红卫兵 本田汽车 甲午海战 中年人 世纪的风
作者 杨盛新 《江苏农村金融》 1998年第8期4-6,共3页
去年7月以来,在亚洲刮起一阵强烈金融风暴,横扫了东南亚和东亚一些国家和地区,造成巨大经济损失,至今风暴还没有平息,唯我国似处于风暴眼中,反而显得宁静不稳。目前人们在议论这次金融风暴将延续多久,受害国家的经济何时才能复苏。而一... 去年7月以来,在亚洲刮起一阵强烈金融风暴,横扫了东南亚和东亚一些国家和地区,造成巨大经济损失,至今风暴还没有平息,唯我国似处于风暴眼中,反而显得宁静不稳。目前人们在议论这次金融风暴将延续多久,受害国家的经济何时才能复苏。而一些经济大国将风暴的发生归罪于受害国金融经营和监管不善。 展开更多
关键词 亚洲金融风暴 东南亚金融危机 发展中国家 国际货币基金组织 风暴眼 世界经济 国际经济 经济大战 超级大国 日元贬值
作者 肖自烈 《地方政府管理》 1993年第6期55-58,共4页
关键词 干部 科学 人才 当今世界 优先效应 精简机构 经济大战 马太效应 事业 克服心理障碍
作者 苏燕 《经济世界》 1994年第7期11-15,共5页
提示:本文是三星集团董事长李建熙的一篇发言,重点介绍了三星集团新的管理宗旨,其主要内容1、法兰克福宣言的背后是什么7 .2、我们如何改革?3、我们应该做些什么?4、我们寻求什么?
关键词 三星集团 “一体化” 国际化 世界一流 经济大战 遵守规矩 好的生活 竞争力 永久性基地 韩国
作者 闵长富 《当代经济》 1996年第1期46-46,共1页
一次,笔者在与某企业厂长的闲聊中,谈到中国的寓言故事《愚公移山》,他说愚公“移山”不如“搬家”,搬家会取得事倍功半效果。他独特的见解,一语惊人。 是的,愚公那种苦干的精神,是可佳的,具有不可估量的价值,但苦干不可蛮干,用现代思... 一次,笔者在与某企业厂长的闲聊中,谈到中国的寓言故事《愚公移山》,他说愚公“移山”不如“搬家”,搬家会取得事倍功半效果。他独特的见解,一语惊人。 是的,愚公那种苦干的精神,是可佳的,具有不可估量的价值,但苦干不可蛮干,用现代思维方式,应该用科学的方法去巧干,愚公如果采取“搬家”的方法,不仅能争得时间,而且“搬家”后可以重建家园。 展开更多
关键词 《愚公移山》 现代思维方式 重建家园 科学的方法 经济大战 经济世界 发扬传统 闯新 建湖县 挖山
Transatlantic Cooperation During the Second World War: The First Stages of Economic Cooperation During the "Phoney War"
作者 Elisabeth du Reau 《History Research》 2016年第1期55-58,共4页
During the Second world war, the Franco-British cooperation included the organization of purchasing missions for airnautical material in the States. On 25 november 1939, a Franco-British agreement was set up to organi... During the Second world war, the Franco-British cooperation included the organization of purchasing missions for airnautical material in the States. On 25 november 1939, a Franco-British agreement was set up to organize two purchasing missions in the United States under the control of a "Liaison Committee" supervised by the Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau. Edouard Daladier, French Chief of Government, sent Ren6 Pleven to establish contacts with General Arnold (AirCorps). The Franco-British financial contribution facilitated a main spurt in investments which help modernize the American products apparatus. First contacts were established on April 1940, to be delivered in September. While France had not be able to benefit from significant part of these orders, Great Britain would take over some units that were originally allocated to France. These contracts would later facilitate the development of transatlantic cooperation. 展开更多
关键词 purchasing mission aeronautical material planes: bombers and fighters Liaison Committee solidarity economy tripartite negotiation actors (France United Kingdom United States)
Economic Development and Small Businesses in Japan
作者 Katsuhiko Hirasawa Pei Xiong +1 位作者 Yutaka Takakubo JinYu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2018年第4期189-203,共15页
Japan’s economy lost most of its industrial production force as a result of World War II. However, from 1955 onwards, Japan has achieved rapid economic growth, joining the group of the world’s most developed countri... Japan’s economy lost most of its industrial production force as a result of World War II. However, from 1955 onwards, Japan has achieved rapid economic growth, joining the group of the world’s most developed countries by the early 1970s. The period from 1955 to the early 1970s is generally regarded as a period of High Economic Growth. There are various opinions regarding the factors that enabled Japan to attain such high economic growth, referred to as the Economic Miracle. It can be said that Japan’s post-war economic development was the result of advancements in technological innovation on the basis of financial assistance from the United States, which established Japan’s position in the world economy, loans from the bank, and the introduction of technology from abroad. Needless to say, the “high growth of post-war Japanese capitalism has not been achieved only by giant companies alone. On the contrary, without small businesses, especially in their roles as subcontractors, it would have been impossible to achieve such high growth, which has drawn attention internationally” (Nomura, 1981, p. 126). The purpose of this presentation is to make clear the role of small businesses in the process of economic development. 展开更多
关键词 economic development SUBCONTRACTOR INNOVATION small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Reflecting on the Dilemma of the West
作者 Feng Zhongping 《Contemporary International Relations》 2018年第1期1-17,共17页
Almost a decade has elapsed since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, during which the West was trapped in a dilemma unprecedented since the end of the Second World War. The problems facing the West, p... Almost a decade has elapsed since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, during which the West was trapped in a dilemma unprecedented since the end of the Second World War. The problems facing the West, particularly those of Europe and the US, are fundamental and institutional, including reduced economic superiority, political systems and development models seriously questioned, and increasing terrorist attacks bringing up security chaUenges, to mention just a few. Western obsession with multiple crises is another new factor of change with structural impacts on both the international structure and order over the past nearly thirty years following the disintegration of the Soviet Union and collective rise of emerging economies. The aftermath: the power and influence of the West is declining, with the grand trend of rising East and declining West persisting in the international structure; both Europe and the US have made major adjustments on their foreign strategies, while their value diplomacy offensive has been frustrated, and while trade protectionism is on the rise; and the major power relationship has seen a new round of adjustment. A comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the drastic changes in the West may help China stick to its own development path and promote global governance with more self-confidence so as to make more contributions to world peace, stability and development. 展开更多
关键词 Western dilemma IMPACT RESPONSE
Affects of Marshall Plan on Turkish Economy
作者 Nurgun Koc Bedriye Koc 《Sociology Study》 2017年第2期83-121,共39页
Marshall Plan is an important declaration that dominated world economy and politics after the World War II. It is also evidence that policy of the United States of America to make for its internal politics between two... Marshall Plan is an important declaration that dominated world economy and politics after the World War II. It is also evidence that policy of the United States of America to make for its internal politics between two world wars was abandoned and it was intended to dominate world politics. Likewise, it can be considered as the smoking gun for power loss of continental Europe, including England, against the Soviet Union. When Turkey had to find its way into Western alliance in this new period divided into two poles and called as "Cold War", it intended to enter into economic acquis formed by Marshall Plan. Turkey, in the process to prevent the spread of communism against the Soviet Union that started mainly by Truman Doctrine, was of the first priority status by the USA just like Greece. It can be said that Turkish economy made an important progress to move into liberal system from its statist structure through Marshall Plan. Accession process to European Union integration mandated by the USA was started by Republican People's Party (CHP) and it was also continued in Democratic Party period with liberal program that took over the power as a result of elections in Turkey. Although Marshall Plan created economic added value in Turkey at the beginning, it could not create a sustainable welfare process as consultants coming from the USA had insisted on unilateral economic policies and Turkey was directed towards military spending due to being seen mainly as a buffer state against the Soviet Union and Middle East. It can be also said that arrangements arising from double standards in the application compared to European countries caused economic instabilities in the long run. 展开更多
关键词 Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan the United States of America TURKEY ECONOMY
Recycling economy development model and macroeconomic policy
作者 Zhiwu He 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期54-57,共4页
To develop circular economy is an important way to implement sustainable development strategies. This paper discusses the theoretical origin of the circular economy, and clarifies the mechanism development of circular... To develop circular economy is an important way to implement sustainable development strategies. This paper discusses the theoretical origin of the circular economy, and clarifies the mechanism development of circular economy. Combined with the status quo of China's economic development, it analyzed the facing problems in the development of circular economy. Our country has carried on the positive exploration and practice in the use of the concept of circular economy to promote sustainable development, and China's circular economy is transferred from the start-up phase to promote the establishment of policy mechanisms. Circular economy strategy will also begin to implement in some of China's mega-cities. Faced with the arrival of the circular economy, we should look to a higher level up to explore how people should take effective measures to turn challenges into opportunities. 展开更多
关键词 Recycling economy macroeconomic policy economy development model.
作者 发仔 《中国广告》 1996年第1期48-48,共1页
关键词 洛杉矶奥运会 电视转播权 巴塞罗那 经济 运动员 申办奥运会 赛场 经济大战 亚特兰大 招贴广告
作者 谭华 《外国文学评论》 1988年第1期74-74,共1页
集金融家、小说家于一身的法国作家保尔鲁·舒利泽尔,于1987年6月推出他的第8本小说《急匆匆的女人》。他从80年代开始创作,每本小说均入畅销书之列,并被翻译成十几种文字。我国目前仅有《绿色国王》的译本。 舒利泽尔是国际事务顾... 集金融家、小说家于一身的法国作家保尔鲁·舒利泽尔,于1987年6月推出他的第8本小说《急匆匆的女人》。他从80年代开始创作,每本小说均入畅销书之列,并被翻译成十几种文字。我国目前仅有《绿色国王》的译本。 舒利泽尔是国际事务顾问律师,他的小说大多以国际贸易、世界金融为素材,描写当今世界的生存竞争、经济大战,并且总是把读者带进隐秘。 展开更多
关键词 经济大战 生存竞争 金融家 小说家 国际贸易 顾问律师 世界金融 畅销书 国际事务 法国
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