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作者 孙会娟 牛贵超 《现代商贸工业》 2024年第23期75-77,共3页
中国经济高质量发展、脱贫攻坚成果、共同富裕与美丽乡村建设实践,构成了西方经济学课程思政案例的基础。中国实践案例充分展示了中国对经济发展和社会进步的坚定承诺。在数字经济背景下,中国式现代化进一步展示中国对现代化和科技创新... 中国经济高质量发展、脱贫攻坚成果、共同富裕与美丽乡村建设实践,构成了西方经济学课程思政案例的基础。中国实践案例充分展示了中国对经济发展和社会进步的坚定承诺。在数字经济背景下,中国式现代化进一步展示中国对现代化和科技创新的追求。通过将中国实践纳入到西方经济学课程思政的教学中,不仅可以让学生们更好地了解中国的经济社会发展,中国在全球经济中的地位和影响力,也有助于培养具有全球视野和跨文化交流能力的数字化、现代化经济人才,为推动中国经济的可持续发展,推进新型经济全球化提供中国方案。 展开更多
关键词 经济学课程 美丽乡村 中国式现代化 社会主义政治经济
作者 石光乾 《汉江师范学院学报》 2023年第4期93-97,共5页
我国高等教育发展重在学科理念革新与专业建设支撑,“新文科”背景下新法学建设已内化于法治教育战略目标。经济法发挥新法学引领作用是由其构建法治理论的维度决定的,高校经济法教学运用思政教育资源是赋能“德法兼修”人才培养的思想... 我国高等教育发展重在学科理念革新与专业建设支撑,“新文科”背景下新法学建设已内化于法治教育战略目标。经济法发挥新法学引领作用是由其构建法治理论的维度决定的,高校经济法教学运用思政教育资源是赋能“德法兼修”人才培养的思想再造。经济法课程思政具有内嵌于“德法兼修”的逻辑理路,要明晰“德法兼修”法治人才培养的教育遵循,并从发挥经济法课程思政教育优势、重塑课程教学改革目标、革新课程思政教学模式、构建“六融入”教学应用场景、力行法治人才培养使命、契合涉外法治应用等多个维度,创新经济法课程思政教学实践路径,为培养“政治认同、德法兼修、明法笃行”的法治中国建设人才奠定思想基础。 展开更多
关键词 新文科+新法学 经济法课程 德法兼修 政治认同 建设路向
作者 刘玉敏 王玲 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2023年第5期16-19,共4页
以立德树人为导向的课程思政教学改革研究与实践是推进课程思政建设实现全员、全程、全方位育人的一项战略举措。针对当前经济学专业课程思政教育中存在的“课程”与“思政”人为割裂等问题,高校应积极响应立德树人背景下人才培养新模式... 以立德树人为导向的课程思政教学改革研究与实践是推进课程思政建设实现全员、全程、全方位育人的一项战略举措。针对当前经济学专业课程思政教育中存在的“课程”与“思政”人为割裂等问题,高校应积极响应立德树人背景下人才培养新模式,引入科学合理的现代化思政教学方法,实现课堂多元互动、优化思政教学环境;提高校园师德师风建设、构建切实可行的经济学课程思政教学评价体系以助力实现立德树人根本任务。 展开更多
关键词 立德树人 经济学课程 想政治教育 教学改革
论宏观经济学的微观基础:马克思、凯恩斯经济学 被引量:2
作者 柳欣 靳卫萍 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期22-27,F003,共7页
现代宏观经济学体系由凯恩斯创立,但其缺少以价值和分配理论为前提的微观基础。尽管西方主流经济学从总量生产函数出发,力图把凯恩斯经济学嫁接在新古典的价值和分配理论之上,但由此却导致了宏观经济学中严重的逻辑矛盾和凯恩斯主义宏... 现代宏观经济学体系由凯恩斯创立,但其缺少以价值和分配理论为前提的微观基础。尽管西方主流经济学从总量生产函数出发,力图把凯恩斯经济学嫁接在新古典的价值和分配理论之上,但由此却导致了宏观经济学中严重的逻辑矛盾和凯恩斯主义宏观经济政策的失效。马克思经济学在明确地表明了资本主义经济关系性质的基础上,提出了以社会关系为基础、而完全不依赖于技术关系的价值总量的计量、分配和各个总量之间关系的理论,并用以表明资本主义经济中特有的有效需求和经济波动问题。寻找微观基础问题可归结为微观加总到宏观总量的问题。自己的利息率和名义量值的总量生产函数,可成为宏观总量的基础。 展开更多
关键词 微观基础 经济 马克经济 价值与分配理论
作者 杨玉敬 《科学咨询》 2022年第24期73-77,共5页
高等教育肩负着一个重要的时代使命,那就是为党育人、为国育才,要培养社会主义的坚实守护者,培养社会主义现代化的建设者和接班人。推进高校的课程思政建设正是践行这一使命的重要举措。而在当前经济学类课程思政实践探索中,尚存在课程... 高等教育肩负着一个重要的时代使命,那就是为党育人、为国育才,要培养社会主义的坚实守护者,培养社会主义现代化的建设者和接班人。推进高校的课程思政建设正是践行这一使命的重要举措。而在当前经济学类课程思政实践探索中,尚存在课程思政认知度不高、课程思政教学手段和融合技能欠缺、思政元素挖掘广度和深度不够、实践教学的课程思政设计欠缺、课程思政教学效果评价体系不完善等问题。因此,在经济学类课程思政中,要坚持把握社会主义办学方向,把握住经济学类课程思政元素的中国特色,全方位、系统化地推进经济学课程的课程思政教学与改革工作。 展开更多
关键词 经济学类课程 中国特色 课程政教学体系
OBE理念下经济学课程思政与一流课程建设研究与实践——以河北省经济学课程为例 被引量:5
作者 赵佳娜 《质量与市场》 2021年第18期70-72,共3页
大学生的思政教育工作一直以来都是高校教育教学工作的重中之重,近些年伴随着社会形势的发展和变化,大学生思想政治教育工作变得更为重要。当前高校教师需要不断强化立德树人教育意识,要在自己所负责的课程教学中积极融入思想政治教育内... 大学生的思政教育工作一直以来都是高校教育教学工作的重中之重,近些年伴随着社会形势的发展和变化,大学生思想政治教育工作变得更为重要。当前高校教师需要不断强化立德树人教育意识,要在自己所负责的课程教学中积极融入思想政治教育内容,意在更好地激发学生参与学习的积极性和主动性,通过同步进行知识传授和价值引领,将学生培养成为德才兼修的优质人才。本文将从经济学课程思政和一流课程建设工作入手,深入分析河北省经济学课程与思政教育融合的相关内容,并提出几点切实可行的建议。 展开更多
关键词 OBE理念 经济学课程 一流课程 建设策略
微观经济学课程思政的困境与路径探讨 被引量:2
作者 包莉丽 谢志雄 张燕华 《科技创业月刊》 2022年第2期140-142,共3页
关键词 微观经济学课程 教学困境 路径探讨
作者 刘毅 《经济师》 2020年第10期45-46,50,共3页
经济领域思政工作中传统内容较为落后,难以提升吸引力,不能确保相关内容的优化性。因此在经济领域思政工作中应该重点强调各种内容的创新改革,遵循科学化的内容创新原则,确保经济领域中思政工作的吸引力,从根本上预防出现内容滞后的问题... 经济领域思政工作中传统内容较为落后,难以提升吸引力,不能确保相关内容的优化性。因此在经济领域思政工作中应该重点强调各种内容的创新改革,遵循科学化的内容创新原则,确保经济领域中思政工作的吸引力,从根本上预防出现内容滞后的问题,将内容创新的积极作用充分发挥出来,为其后续发展夯实基础。 展开更多
关键词 内容创新 经济领域政工作 吸引力 措施研究
从经济学成本看会计学成本的发展趋势 被引量:5
作者 崔松 张宏 《财经理论与实践》 北大核心 2001年第6期91-93,共3页
对会计学成本和马克思主义政治经济学、西方经济学之成本概念进行了分析对比 ,拟得出会计学成本的未来发展趋势 :1 )由静态向动态 ,由计量过去到计量未来 ;2 )由重视企业内部成本向重视内、外部成本并重 ;3)计量由简单的加减向综合化和... 对会计学成本和马克思主义政治经济学、西方经济学之成本概念进行了分析对比 ,拟得出会计学成本的未来发展趋势 :1 )由静态向动态 ,由计量过去到计量未来 ;2 )由重视企业内部成本向重视内、外部成本并重 ;3)计量由简单的加减向综合化和数学方向发展 ;4 )以货币计量为主向采用多种综合计量手段并存的阶段发展。 展开更多
关键词 会计成本 经济学成本 比较分析 会计学 马成克经济 发展趋势
论新古典综合学派对凯恩斯经济学的发展 被引量:2
作者 潘醒东 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第3期86-87,共2页
凯恩斯本人主要在《就业、利息和货币通论》中阐述的经济思想经过战后一大批新古典综合学派经济学家的注释、补充和改进后,其面貌已经发生了很大改变,并发展成为在20世纪50至70年代居于西方经济学统治地位的“后凯恩斯主流经济学”。新... 凯恩斯本人主要在《就业、利息和货币通论》中阐述的经济思想经过战后一大批新古典综合学派经济学家的注释、补充和改进后,其面貌已经发生了很大改变,并发展成为在20世纪50至70年代居于西方经济学统治地位的“后凯恩斯主流经济学”。新古典综合学派对凯恩斯经济学的发展作出了贡献。 展开更多
关键词 新古典综合学派 经济
作者 高文舍 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 1994年第4期66-69,共4页
经济哲学及经济学家的任务高文舍编者按:为了加强与我院历届校友的沟通与联系,倾听他们在工作实践和理论研究中的经验和见解,促进学院的教学与科研工作的发展。我刊从本期起开辟“校友论坛”专栏,欢迎校友们勇跃投稿。自从经济科学... 经济哲学及经济学家的任务高文舍编者按:为了加强与我院历届校友的沟通与联系,倾听他们在工作实践和理论研究中的经验和见解,促进学院的教学与科研工作的发展。我刊从本期起开辟“校友论坛”专栏,欢迎校友们勇跃投稿。自从经济科学建立以来,人们对经济学的职能和作用... 展开更多
关键词 经济哲学 经济学家 经济
物化:文化之思还是经济社会整体之思? 被引量:6
作者 刘森林 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期3-15,126,共14页
本文在最著名的两个经典文本《资本论》与《历史与阶级意识》之间,追究"物化"的经济、社会、文化意蕴。物化首先是一种经济事实,是现代经济运行的必然;尔后是直接物性被抽象物性取代、抽象物性系统日益复杂化与合理化并对个... 本文在最著名的两个经典文本《资本论》与《历史与阶级意识》之间,追究"物化"的经济、社会、文化意蕴。物化首先是一种经济事实,是现代经济运行的必然;尔后是直接物性被抽象物性取代、抽象物性系统日益复杂化与合理化并对个体形成一个个碎片化的系统分割,或整合为一种僵化和惯性制度所具有的性质;最后才是丧失了自由性、崇高性、自主性的客体物性宰制。应该立足于经济-社会-文化的整体统一角度,从卢卡奇回到《资本论》时期的马克思,在哲学与经济学、社会学的融通中,合理地看待物化。从单一的视角,包括仍较为流行的单纯文化哲学视角看待"物化",则可能是片面的、失真的。 展开更多
关键词 物化 文化之 经济社会整体之
Study on Ecological Strategy of Enterprises' Competition 被引量:1
作者 Xu Fang Li Jianhua +1 位作者 Ly Hong Zhang He 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第3期36-39,共4页
The ecolotogical research of enterprises' competition is the front line of current research of enterprises ' competition strategy : This text applies the competition principle of living creature in ecology to resea... The ecolotogical research of enterprises' competition is the front line of current research of enterprises ' competition strategy : This text applies the competition principle of living creature in ecology to research enterprises' competition problems .explains the ecological characterisiics of enterprises' competition, such as non-symmetry, crowded effect, density effect. competition-rejective effect, suitable resources niche and red queen effect etc., deduces the ecological model of enterprise' competition, and further analyzes enterprises' competition strategy; strategy R and strategy K. on the basis of enterprises' practices, Therefore enterprises' competition ecosystem theories have further been deepened and enriched. 展开更多
关键词 non-symmetry crowded effect competition-rejective effect NICHE ecosystem model ecological strategy
Strategic thinking on improving the environmental competitiveness of Chinese enterprises 被引量:1
作者 Ni Wufan 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第4期433-441,共9页
Environmental competitiveness, price competitiveness and non-price competitiveness make up the undivided vital part of product's competitiveness. Environmental competitiveness can not only help improve the enterprise... Environmental competitiveness, price competitiveness and non-price competitiveness make up the undivided vital part of product's competitiveness. Environmental competitiveness can not only help improve the enterprise's key competitiveness directly, but also strengthen it indirectly by improving the products' price competitiveness and non-price competitiveness effectively. Instead of being confined to the product itself, there are several element's that can determine and influence the product's environmental competitiveness, including the manufacturing process, the management of enterprise&the life circle of the products, etc. Measuring these elements by setting “environmental suitable degree ”, and building up the echelon model to evaluate the environmental competitiveness can help us see about the standard of the enterprises' environmental competitiveness. Though many of the national enterprises have price competitiveness to some extend, restricted by all kinds of elements like systems, techniques, policy, the enterprises are weak in environmental competitiveness. Beginning with systems redesign, carrying out the sustainable development, strengthening inner enterprises management, making more efforts on technique innovation, and widely publicizing and teaching the ecological concept, Chinese national enterprises can improve their environmental competitiveness and improve their key competitiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Environment Enterprises' competitiveness Environmental competitiveness STRATEGY Ecologgcal economy
作者 LUHe-li LIUGui-fang Q1ANLe-xiang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第4期314-319,共6页
This paper attempts to summarize the disparities of Internet development in China spatially-temporally. The major objective is to measure the differences between Eastern, Central and Western China. Methods of map pres... This paper attempts to summarize the disparities of Internet development in China spatially-temporally. The major objective is to measure the differences between Eastern, Central and Western China. Methods of map presentation, correlation, Lorenz curve, Gini Coefficient and location quotient analysis arc conducted in this study. For convenience, the indicator of regional Internet development is simplified as the number of domain names registered under. CN in each province. The data used are collected from the semi-annual surveys of the Statistical Survey Report on the Intrenet Development in China since 1999. There are several findings: 1) The number of domain names in each province (city) declines gradually from the east to the west. 2) The gap between the highest growth provinces (cities) and the lowest ones is rather large. 3) Although the absolute differences between the eastern, central and western China have been enlarged, the relative differences in each province (city) have remained constant. 4) Provinces (cities) are classified into three types according to location quotient changes, namely, rising type, changeless type and declining type. Compared with industrial and economic growth, Internet sector in the eastern and western China is relatively ascending, while that in the central China is descending. 5) The number of domain names at provincial level is not statistically consistent with GDP. 展开更多
关键词 Internet development regional disparities China
Enterprise Soft Power Cultivation on Philosophy View
作者 Zuo Shouqiu He Shu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期45-48,共4页
The perspective of philosophical thinking on lifting enterprise soft power requires us to enhance both hard power and soft power in the enterprise and to grasp more the fundamental contradiction-promoting soft power o... The perspective of philosophical thinking on lifting enterprise soft power requires us to enhance both hard power and soft power in the enterprise and to grasp more the fundamental contradiction-promoting soft power of corporation-at the same time. Focusing on the environment-relationship economy, emotional economy, cultural economy and moral economy-faced by enterprise, corporation should take relationship building, feeling cultivation, cultm'e construction and integrity establishment as an origin of force to improve the image, the group cohesion force, the social credibility and the cultural strength of the company. 展开更多
关键词 business operation corporate soft power Cultivation promotion
Mutual promotion between culture and economy: A viewpoint from Sinicization of Marxism culture theory
作者 FANG Yu-mei LIAO Hong-xia 《Chinese Business Review》 2007年第3期21-24,共4页
It is impossible to realize the modernization of China without cultural construction. According to the fundamental principles of historic materialism, this paper discusses the relationships between culture and economy... It is impossible to realize the modernization of China without cultural construction. According to the fundamental principles of historic materialism, this paper discusses the relationships between culture and economy in the Chinese socialist construction. 展开更多
Improvement of Teaching Ability based on Teaching Reflection and Evaluation: Taking Economics Teaching as an Example
作者 Zhang Yun 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期44-46,共3页
Scientific teaching quality evaluation system and the effective operation mechanism have a positive meaning for promoting teaching reform. Teachers’ specialization is the core of education, and is the starting point ... Scientific teaching quality evaluation system and the effective operation mechanism have a positive meaning for promoting teaching reform. Teachers’ specialization is the core of education, and is the starting point and end-result of education reform. Teachers’ professional development has three kinds of orientation rational orientation, reflection-evaluation orientation, and ecological orientation. Some new research suggests that re? ection-evaluation orientation is the best way to improve teachers’ professional abilities. At present, reflective teacher education has become worldwide trend. Compared with experiential teaching, reflective teaching is a sort of positive tool which is used to help teachers conduct their active and professional work. The main purpose of reflective teaching is to allow teachers to reffect on their own work and self-evaluation, and improve their methodology, eventually improve teaching methods and promote student learning. Nevertheless, there are many problems in the teaching quality evaluation system in the aspects of concept, subject, standard, organization, etc. Therefore, we have to reffect and reconstruct the teaching quality evaluation system in colleges and universities. 展开更多
关键词 Economics Teaching Teaching Ability Teaching Reflection and Evaluation REFORM Reflective Teacher.
The outline on Ecological Marxism Economics
作者 Liu Si hua 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第1期11-15,共5页
Ecological Marxism Economics is a new economics formation of Marxism. The article, for the first time, putsforward the scientific proposition of establishing Ecological Marxism Economics with distinct Chinese characte... Ecological Marxism Economics is a new economics formation of Marxism. The article, for the first time, putsforward the scientific proposition of establishing Ecological Marxism Economics with distinct Chinese characteristics,and has primarily discussed its theoretic frame and basic contents. Realizing the historic task is the historic mission ofcontemporary Chinese Marxism economists. 展开更多
关键词 ECOLOGY Ecological Economics Marx Marxtsm Theoretic Economics
Analysis of the thinking method of English teaching under network environment 被引量:1
作者 Liu Zhijun Pu Xiaowei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期9-11,共3页
How to make a good job of foreign language teaching and improve the quality of teaching is a topic which the general teaching workers are facing, in this paper, the author express ideas from many aspects, multi-angle,... How to make a good job of foreign language teaching and improve the quality of teaching is a topic which the general teaching workers are facing, in this paper, the author express ideas from many aspects, multi-angle, multi-level, this brings a valuable theory reference on methods of English teaching which is under network environment. As for the problems of how to solve the bottle neck of English teaching, how to train the talent who are more adaptive to the world economy globalization, how to get rid of the traditional teaching method in teaching and how to improve the teaching level more efficiently, this paper gave some good methods and suggestions. 展开更多
关键词 The network environment multimedia technology layered teaching BUILD and network resources
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