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作者 姜丽娟 《老字号品牌营销》 2024年第17期84-86,共3页
经济财政政策作为调控市场经济的核心工具,在推动经济增长方面发挥着至关重要的作用,政府通过在公共部门的开支,既促进消费也带动投资,以拉动经济增长,同时也可能因支出过高加大收入差距。因此,深入分析经济财政政策对经济增长与收入分... 经济财政政策作为调控市场经济的核心工具,在推动经济增长方面发挥着至关重要的作用,政府通过在公共部门的开支,既促进消费也带动投资,以拉动经济增长,同时也可能因支出过高加大收入差距。因此,深入分析经济财政政策对经济增长与收入分配的深远影响,以及政府如何通过财政手段有效激发经济发展和完善分配机制,对政策制定者具有指导意义。鉴于此,本文探究了经济财政政策对经济增长的深层影响,并提出策略和建议,旨在为相关人员提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 经济财政政策 经济增长 收入分配 影响
财政政策与货币政策对中国经济增长的作用研究——基于VECM模型的分析 被引量:1
作者 江飞 张东杰 《市场论坛》 2010年第3期1-3,共3页
文章通过一个广义货币供应量、财政支出和国内生产总值三变量向量误差修正模型(VECM)分析中国1990-2008年之间货币政策与财政政策对经济增长影响的不同特征。研究发现短期内财政政策和货币政策对经济增长都具有一定的推动作用,但在长期... 文章通过一个广义货币供应量、财政支出和国内生产总值三变量向量误差修正模型(VECM)分析中国1990-2008年之间货币政策与财政政策对经济增长影响的不同特征。研究发现短期内财政政策和货币政策对经济增长都具有一定的推动作用,但在长期内货币政策对经济增长的推动作用比较明显,财政政策则对经济增长产生负效应。 展开更多
关键词 财政政策货币政策经济增长 向量误差修正模型
美国财政政策的演变及对我国的启示 被引量:2
作者 杜芸 吴俊 《江苏商论》 北大核心 2010年第7期152-154,共3页
伴随着经济危机的到来,积极的财政政策成为各国政府抵抗危机的首选宏观管理工具。回顾美国财政政策的演变轨迹,发现近20年的财政政策已经不仅仅是短期需求管理的工具,并且成为产业政策、区域政策乃至长期经济增长的有效工具。对比中国... 伴随着经济危机的到来,积极的财政政策成为各国政府抵抗危机的首选宏观管理工具。回顾美国财政政策的演变轨迹,发现近20年的财政政策已经不仅仅是短期需求管理的工具,并且成为产业政策、区域政策乃至长期经济增长的有效工具。对比中国的财政政策,也为以后的实施提供了思考空间。 展开更多
关键词 经济危机财政政策信息基础设施
作者 李德升 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期77-81,共5页
"资源诅咒"是发展经济学中的一个重要命题,从中国总体自然资源和经济增长情况的比较分析来看,中国"资源诅咒"现象的存在性还难以确定,但通过省级数据的研究发现,就全国各地区而言,能源丰裕度与平均经济增长速度呈... "资源诅咒"是发展经济学中的一个重要命题,从中国总体自然资源和经济增长情况的比较分析来看,中国"资源诅咒"现象的存在性还难以确定,但通过省级数据的研究发现,就全国各地区而言,能源丰裕度与平均经济增长速度呈负相关的关系,"资源诅咒"现象在一些省份确实是客观存在的。要破解"资源诅咒",就要转变经济发展方式,进行合理的制度设计,在财政政策方面,可以通过改进和完善预算、财政收入、财政支出等机制和政策举措来实现。 展开更多
关键词 “资源诅咒” 自然资源 经济增长:财政政策
中国经济体制转轨与财政政策调控 被引量:1
作者 肖炎舜 《财政研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期2-14,共13页
经济体制转轨是我国从传统计划经济体制过渡到社会主义市场经济体制的演进过程,它对财政政策调控具有全方位的基础性影响。本文以政府和市场在资源配置中的功能定位发生重大转变的时间节点为依据,将中国经济体制转轨分为三个阶段,相应... 经济体制转轨是我国从传统计划经济体制过渡到社会主义市场经济体制的演进过程,它对财政政策调控具有全方位的基础性影响。本文以政府和市场在资源配置中的功能定位发生重大转变的时间节点为依据,将中国经济体制转轨分为三个阶段,相应分析了三个阶段财政政策的主要特点。中国正在围绕使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用深化经济体制改革,处理好财政政策调控与经济体制转轨之间关系仍然是一项重要任务。 展开更多
关键词 经济体制转轨 财政政策 财政政策调控与经济体制转轨相适应
作者 韩晓霞 《市场周刊·理论版》 2020年第64期84-84,共1页
财政政策实际上就是国家制订的财产分配和处理各种财政政策的基本准则,也是可以在此基本准则的基础上反应国家财政分配。在如今社会经济发展的前提下,财政政策是发展经济的一项重要工作,为了可以更好地使经济发展进步,需要符合时代的发... 财政政策实际上就是国家制订的财产分配和处理各种财政政策的基本准则,也是可以在此基本准则的基础上反应国家财政分配。在如今社会经济发展的前提下,财政政策是发展经济的一项重要工作,为了可以更好地使经济发展进步,需要符合时代的发展,促进生产力经济发展。但是,换句话说,国家的财政政策如果不能顺应时代经济的发展,那么可能会抑制国家经济发展。 展开更多
关键词 经济财政政策 经济发展方式 财政政策作用
作者 阎坤 《财贸经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期94-95,共2页
关键词 《积极财政政策与宏观经济调控》 中国 人民出版社 可持续发展 财政赤字 财政收入 财政支出
作者 安思伽.贝克 孙景宇 许源丰 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期24-33,共10页
欧盟成员国以及澳大利亚等世界其他国家的决策者们都在制定一揽子拯救计划以防止金融危机对其经济造成强烈冲击。各国政府也都在用基于本国国情的措施来应对新出现的问题。鉴于危机的全球性质,整个欧洲的联合行动会不会是更好的办法?是... 欧盟成员国以及澳大利亚等世界其他国家的决策者们都在制定一揽子拯救计划以防止金融危机对其经济造成强烈冲击。各国政府也都在用基于本国国情的措施来应对新出现的问题。鉴于危机的全球性质,整个欧洲的联合行动会不会是更好的办法?是否因在一开始迟迟不愿采取大规模财政刺激措施而备受谴责的德国最终发现了一种在高度不确定情况下的等待的期权价值?文章认为,对于第二个问题可以给出肯定的回答。而第一个问题的答案有些复杂,关键取决于把这场对所有欧洲国家都产生重要影响的经济危机理解为一种外生的需求冲击具有多大的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 经济危机财政政策 不确定性
作者 孙凤山 《潍坊高等职业教育》 2012年第1期71-74,共4页
性恶论是亚历山大.汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)思想的基础。从人性本恶出发,亚历山大.汉密尔顿主张让有产阶级掌握国家政权。在担任美国财政部长后,亚历山大.汉密尔顿通过制定经济财政政策,培植有产阶级,把有产阶级的利益与联邦政府... 性恶论是亚历山大.汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)思想的基础。从人性本恶出发,亚历山大.汉密尔顿主张让有产阶级掌握国家政权。在担任美国财政部长后,亚历山大.汉密尔顿通过制定经济财政政策,培植有产阶级,把有产阶级的利益与联邦政府紧紧地连结在一起,并利用有产阶级的力量来维护联邦政府。亚历山大.汉密尔顿的经济财政政策对美国建国后的经济发展产生了深远影响。本文剖析其经济思想的显著利弊。 展开更多
关键词 亚历山大·汉密尔顿 性恶论 经济财政政策 有产阶级
作者 徐琼星 李小芬 《法国研究》 2017年第3期1-12,共12页
本文欲借法国前不久刚迎来新一任总统之际,回顾上一任总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德在职期间德法的双边政治经贸关系。首先,本文对德法关系进行了历史回顾,表明德法合作在欧洲具有重大的意义。其次,本文重点分析了奥朗德执政期间德法两国在... 本文欲借法国前不久刚迎来新一任总统之际,回顾上一任总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德在职期间德法的双边政治经贸关系。首先,本文对德法关系进行了历史回顾,表明德法合作在欧洲具有重大的意义。其次,本文重点分析了奥朗德执政期间德法两国在经济(欧债危机)和外交安全(马里维和、难民危机及巴黎恐怖袭击)这两方面所进行的协商与妥协、博弈与较量,并进一步剖析从欧债危机中走出来并愈发强大的德国因何能够成为人们口中的"欧洲霸权国"。最后得出结论——德法权力结构虽然在这一时期得以改变,出现了不平衡的现象,但德法搭档仍将是欧洲范围内不可替代的组合。需要注意的是德法合作的领域不该局限在经济范围内,合作的风格也应更具包容性。 展开更多
关键词 德法关系 奥朗德 经济财政政策 外交安全政策
Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economy After Accession to the Euro Area: The Case of Poland
作者 Piotr Kraj ewski 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第5期733-739,共7页
The impact of Polish fiscal policy on economy after accession to the euro area is analyzed in the article. It was found that government spending financed by distortionary taxation affects output in a different way tha... The impact of Polish fiscal policy on economy after accession to the euro area is analyzed in the article. It was found that government spending financed by distortionary taxation affects output in a different way than in case of government spending financed by bonds. Poland's accession to the Economic and Monetary Union will reduce the possibility of increased government spending financed by bonds, which in light of the presented model will greatly reduce the possibility of stimulating the economy through fiscal policy. 展开更多
关键词 fiscal policy government spending real business cycle (RBC) EURO
How China's Fiscal Policy Contributes to Investment and Economic Growth: Experience and Lessons
作者 Xu Xianchun Wang Baobin Xu Xiongfei 《China Economist》 2013年第6期4-17,共14页
This paper (1) discusses how the two indicators used in official statistics of China, namely total investment in fixed assets and the gross fixed capital formation, reflect changes infixed asset investment and their... This paper (1) discusses how the two indicators used in official statistics of China, namely total investment in fixed assets and the gross fixed capital formation, reflect changes infixed asset investment and their relationship, (2) analyzes the growth of fixed asset investment and its contribution to changes of economic growth rate since the reform and opening-up, and (3) explains how fiscal policy impacts the growth of fixed asset investment and analyzes in detail the impacts of the two rounds of contractionary fiscal policy, two rounds of expansionary fiscal policy and one round of neutral fiscal policy on China' s fixed asset investment growth since reform and opening-up using full and accurate data. Practice shows that the impact of fiscal policy on China' s fixed asset investment is direct and obvious, yet sometimes too drastic. In the future, fiscal policy should be used in alignment with other economic policies with appropriate intensity and timing so that it will help stabilize the growth of fixed asset investment. 展开更多
关键词 total investment in fixed assets gross fixed capital formation fiscal policy growth performance
Thinking about tax deferred endowment insurance in China
作者 Ren Huixia 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期18-20,共3页
With the growing eldes, our country has entered an aging population society. Social endowment insurance has not meet the demand of people, more and more people are turning to commercial endowment insurance field for h... With the growing eldes, our country has entered an aging population society. Social endowment insurance has not meet the demand of people, more and more people are turning to commercial endowment insurance field for help. As a new form of commercial endowment insurance, personal tax deferred model of commercial endowment insurance has huge development space in our country. This paper analyzes the necessity of implementing tax deferred endowment insurance and explores the feasibility and obstacle of individual tax deferred endowment from the point of the government policy, financial income and economic development .At the same time,this paper hold the view that though the personal tax deferred model of commercial endowment insurance may has some bottlenecks in the process of implementing, there are considerable development prospects. 展开更多
关键词 tax deferred endowment insurance the feasibility
Policy Support for Developing Green Economy and Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization
作者 Lv Jinfang Qin Shusheng 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第5期282-288,共7页
Development of green economy is an important way to promote the construction of ecological civilization which needs the support of policy system. Therefore, our country should make the green industry and green fiscal ... Development of green economy is an important way to promote the construction of ecological civilization which needs the support of policy system. Therefore, our country should make the green industry and green fiscal policy supporting system perfect, accelerate the reform of investment and financing mechanism, and improve the system of green finance policies. Only by establishing scientific green economic policy support system, can our country promote the construction of ecological civilization. 展开更多
关键词 green economy ecological civilization POLICY
The Crisis, Responsibility and Regulation
作者 Bohm Amost, Fujerova Irena 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第4期343-354,共12页
Any observer of current economic development in the world and in the Europe should ask about the causes of the current crisis situation. The authors of this article perceive current situation in the European Union and... Any observer of current economic development in the world and in the Europe should ask about the causes of the current crisis situation. The authors of this article perceive current situation in the European Union and many of its member states associated with long-term developmental tendencies still less respecting the objective differences in various economic situation of the member states. Establishment and further functioning of monetary union in Europe is gradually becoming a burden for many countries, which prevents full utilization of instruments of monetary and fiscal policy by daily, and in many cases qualitative differences in the problems of economies of individual member states. The fulfillment of these tendencies in particular in the Euro Area monetary policy is confronted with the dominant position of member states in fiscal policy and in the mutual differences among member states. As considerations of differences in economic level and in member states fiscal policies, both of them are based on official figures, some of them are part of the state. In addition, EU institutions face to face to crisis they are increasingly resorting to deepening statist centralization and enter more often to the processes which are usually domains of business subjects, at most of nation states. All these trends lead to a deepening asymmetry between the decision-making processes and responsibilities for economic development and they could lead to even larger failure of national economies or at European or global level. Since the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union in 2004 our department has dealing with issues connecting to the economic management of insurance companies and in relation to the ongoing integration process research interest is extended also to other segments of financial markets. 展开更多
关键词 European Union monetary and fiscal policy RESPONSIBILITY REGULATION
作者 Haijun WANG Shigeng HU 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2007年第1期95-107,共13页
This paper employs a stochastic endogenous growth model with productive government expenditure in a small open economy to analyze the optimal fiscal policy. First, a stochastic model of a small open economy is constru... This paper employs a stochastic endogenous growth model with productive government expenditure in a small open economy to analyze the optimal fiscal policy. First, a stochastic model of a small open economy is constructed. Second, the equilibrium solutions of the representative agent's stochastic optimization problem are derived. Third, we obtain the equilibrium solutions of the central planner's stochastic optimization problem and the optimal government expenditure policy. Finally, the optimal tax policy is characterized. 展开更多
关键词 Endogenous growth open economy optimal tax policy productive government expenditure.
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