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文士、经生的文士化与文学的自觉 被引量:24
作者 詹福瑞 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 1998年第4期84-89,共6页
此处所说的文士,特指文章之士。他们既不同于经生,也不同于文吏,而是一批致力于文章的创作,以辞章名世或立世的人。两汉时期,文士的兴起和经生的文士化倾向,有力地推动了文学的自觉。 一 两汉时期,在皇帝和诸侯王周围,有了文学侍从之臣... 此处所说的文士,特指文章之士。他们既不同于经生,也不同于文吏,而是一批致力于文章的创作,以辞章名世或立世的人。两汉时期,文士的兴起和经生的文士化倾向,有力地推动了文学的自觉。 一 两汉时期,在皇帝和诸侯王周围,有了文学侍从之臣。这是一批以文章名世,且以文章立足于朝廷的人。 汉初,高祖及文、景二帝皆不喜文人,然而在诸侯王中却颇兴养士之风,吴王、梁孝王和淮南王周围,都聚集了一批文章之士。《汉书·贾邹枚路传》载:“吴王濞招致四方游士,阳与吴严忌、枚乘等俱仕吴。 展开更多
关键词 文士 经生 文士化 文学 古代文学研究 文学自觉 文学观念 艺术表现
敦研0010号《佛说祝毒经》书法风格──从北朝经生体书法谈起 被引量:3
作者 杨森 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第1期168-171,共4页
敦研0010号《佛说祝毒经》书法风格──从北朝经生体书法谈起杨森敦煌研究院藏卷敦研0010《佛说祝毒经》为1944年敦煌莫高窟土地庙清代残塑像中发现的67件残卷之一,该写卷长37.5×宽12.7厘米。“不得山神”... 敦研0010号《佛说祝毒经》书法风格──从北朝经生体书法谈起杨森敦煌研究院藏卷敦研0010《佛说祝毒经》为1944年敦煌莫高窟土地庙清代残塑像中发现的67件残卷之一,该写卷长37.5×宽12.7厘米。“不得山神”始,“行山北”终。共33行,前后缺,中... 展开更多
关键词 经生 书法风格 硬笔书法 执笔方法 汉简 书法史 隶书 敦煌遗书 敦煌莫高窟 书法发展
作者 杨森 《社科纵横》 1994年第4期59-63,共5页
浅谈北朝经生体楷笔的演化杨森魏晋南北朝时期是我国书法历史发展中最为关键和最为重要的一个阶段。他是汉字字体中诸如楷、行、今草等演变发展的重要时期,从古至今均是书法研究史上百家争鸣的一个焦点。中国古代书法史上所记载的名家... 浅谈北朝经生体楷笔的演化杨森魏晋南北朝时期是我国书法历史发展中最为关键和最为重要的一个阶段。他是汉字字体中诸如楷、行、今草等演变发展的重要时期,从古至今均是书法研究史上百家争鸣的一个焦点。中国古代书法史上所记载的名家墨迹均是下层文人雅士的作品,而下层... 展开更多
关键词 书风 经生 汉字字体 文人雅士 南北朝时期 汉简 硬毫笔 执笔法 北碑 结体
作者 得一 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2016年第9期63-64,共2页
五十知天命,不觉间写字已近四十年矣。余生于湘中娄底冷水江一个叫梅树堂的小村,幼家贫而好写字,常以木棍绑稻草为笔,稀田泥为墨,谷场为纸,乱涂而致谷场狼籍。及大,兴愈浓,购书籍字帖以画瓢,见招牌题字而忘情。工作之余,常以笔墨耗时,... 五十知天命,不觉间写字已近四十年矣。余生于湘中娄底冷水江一个叫梅树堂的小村,幼家贫而好写字,常以木棍绑稻草为笔,稀田泥为墨,谷场为纸,乱涂而致谷场狼籍。及大,兴愈浓,购书籍字帖以画瓢,见招牌题字而忘情。工作之余,常以笔墨耗时,书中有文,清净于心,兴乐之中,任时光煮雨,"道"来深意。人身难得,佛法无边。佛者,觉也,觉了真理;佛法,活法也,无愧于心;给人信心、希望、喜悦。大道忌巧,审象于净心。 展开更多
关键词 经生 知天命 郭湘 梅树 十年 乐之 平尺 五体 修练
作者 得一 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2016年第7期67-68,共2页
五十知天命,不觉间写字已近四十年矣。余生于湘中娄底冷水江一个叫梅树堂的小村,幼家贫而好写字,常以木棍绑稻草为笔,稀田泥为墨,谷场为纸,乱涂而致谷场狼籍。及大,兴愈浓,购书籍字帖以画瓢,见招牌题字而忘情。工作之余,常以笔墨耗时,... 五十知天命,不觉间写字已近四十年矣。余生于湘中娄底冷水江一个叫梅树堂的小村,幼家贫而好写字,常以木棍绑稻草为笔,稀田泥为墨,谷场为纸,乱涂而致谷场狼籍。及大,兴愈浓,购书籍字帖以画瓢,见招牌题字而忘情。工作之余,常以笔墨耗时,书中有文,清净于心,兴乐之中,任时光煮雨,"道"来深意。人身难得,佛法无边。佛者,觉也,觉了真理;佛法,活法也,无愧于心;给人信心、希望、喜悦。 展开更多
关键词 经生 知天命 梅树 十年 乐之
作者 米文佐 周晶晶 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期161-164,共4页
关键词 北朝 敦煌 经生 书法教育 写经
作者 马志刚 《文艺生活(艺术中国)》 2015年第4期44-51,共8页
中国传统文化中,"儒、释、道"的思想体系,如日月经天,江河行地。千年之下,衍生出浩瀚广漠的文化体系,各种文化又交互作用,生生不息。当佛教文化与书法艺术相遇,成就了"写经"——这支传统文化中别具幽香的妙莲,为我们的娑婆世界送来... 中国传统文化中,"儒、释、道"的思想体系,如日月经天,江河行地。千年之下,衍生出浩瀚广漠的文化体系,各种文化又交互作用,生生不息。当佛教文化与书法艺术相遇,成就了"写经"——这支传统文化中别具幽香的妙莲,为我们的娑婆世界送来阵阵幽香。 "经生"在传统意义上即以写经为业之人。从佛教传入中国,直至当代,作为一种文化现象,"经生"这个特殊群体,一直存在,延续不断。"经生"曾经是一种职业。 展开更多
关键词 经生 写经 文化类型 娑婆世界 佛教传入 中国传统文化 妙莲 敦煌藏经洞 弘一法师 弘福寺
吴承仕:从经生到马克思主义史学家 被引量:1
作者 王锐 《历史评论》 2020年第3期118-123,共6页
当前,重视中国独特与恒久的传统、汲取中国传统的优秀资源,已经成为学界普遍关注的问题。但一些对于中国传统的论述,也表现出将中国传统与中国革命、建设、改革割裂开来的倾向,认为后者致使前者的"价值"遭到破坏,使诸多传统&q... 当前,重视中国独特与恒久的传统、汲取中国传统的优秀资源,已经成为学界普遍关注的问题。但一些对于中国传统的论述,也表现出将中国传统与中国革命、建设、改革割裂开来的倾向,认为后者致使前者的"价值"遭到破坏,使诸多传统"美德"不复存在。这种看法不符合中国近代以来文化发展既有延续也有更新的事实,不恰当地制造了传统文化与现代文化的二元对立。而吴承仕从一个潜心旧学的经生到马克思主义史学家的演变轨迹,恰好从一个侧面反映了近代中国文化延续与更新相统一的发展特征。 展开更多
关键词 近代中国文化 吴承仕 马克思主义史学家 演变轨迹 经生 二元对立 近代以来
作者 姜寿田 《书法》 2007年第11期89-92,97,共5页
关键词 郭立 青岛市 书法家 一九六一年 经生
作者 史益博 《当代化工研究》 CAS 2024年第1期194-196,共3页
科技创新技术在促进节能减排方面起着重要的作用。通过提高能源利用效率和减少排放,可以实现可持续发展。当前,人工智能、大数据分析和机器学习等技术在能源管理和工业生产方面的应用正处于快速发展阶段。同时,开发新材料也是重要的科... 科技创新技术在促进节能减排方面起着重要的作用。通过提高能源利用效率和减少排放,可以实现可持续发展。当前,人工智能、大数据分析和机器学习等技术在能源管理和工业生产方面的应用正处于快速发展阶段。同时,开发新材料也是重要的科技创新方向之一。通过持续加大对科技创新的投入,我们可以进一步推动科技创新的发展,为节能减排做出更大的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 科技创新 节能减排 创新技术
作者 王长滕 《现代语文》 2023年第5期40-45,共6页
西晋竺法护译《生经》成书年代久远,疑难字词众多,同时,不同版本之间存有大量异文。该文献的释读历来为学界所重视,已有诸多相关成果。首先,对“刈”“脂”“诣”“见”“若”五字进行辨析,它们分别是“■”“腨”“谐”“是”“苦”的... 西晋竺法护译《生经》成书年代久远,疑难字词众多,同时,不同版本之间存有大量异文。该文献的释读历来为学界所重视,已有诸多相关成果。首先,对“刈”“脂”“诣”“见”“若”五字进行辨析,它们分别是“■”“腨”“谐”“是”“苦”的形近讹字。其次,对“水火子”“审裸形子”两例疑难词语进行考释,“水火子”的意思是水灾、火灾与儿子的并称,佛教将它们视为是损害人们财产的三种因素,“审裸形子”的意思是名字叫“审(satya)”的裸形外道门徒。通过对学界研究未及之处的探讨,希望能够为佛典的释读提供参考与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 《生经》 形近讹字 异文 词语考释
汉元帝与经学 被引量:1
作者 梁锡锋 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第5期70-74,共5页
西汉元帝受过良好的经学教育,有着深厚的经学功底,尤精于《诗》。元帝尊师重儒,在其大力提倡之下,整个社会儒风蔚然,《诗经》学亦因元帝之力,成为治国主导思想。元帝好儒,选官用人,以经明行修为基本准则,因此儒生布满朝廷上下。元帝对... 西汉元帝受过良好的经学教育,有着深厚的经学功底,尤精于《诗》。元帝尊师重儒,在其大力提倡之下,整个社会儒风蔚然,《诗经》学亦因元帝之力,成为治国主导思想。元帝好儒,选官用人,以经明行修为基本准则,因此儒生布满朝廷上下。元帝对经学的贡献就在于通过习经重儒、治国以儒,使儒学彻底取代了“霸王”之道。 展开更多
关键词 汉元帝 经学 尊儒 重用经生 治国以儒
论实用性书法 被引量:4
作者 邱志文 《书画世界》 2006年第3期80-81,共2页
  一   书法与写字相关,但写字并不就是书法.若写字时"绳之以法",写字才提升为书法.书法之"法",其构筑与运用是倾向于实用还是倾向于艺术,是实用性书法与艺术性书法的分水岭.实用性书法之"法",其构...   一   书法与写字相关,但写字并不就是书法.若写字时"绳之以法",写字才提升为书法.书法之"法",其构筑与运用是倾向于实用还是倾向于艺术,是实用性书法与艺术性书法的分水岭.实用性书法之"法",其构筑与运用是为了把字写得更"实用",而不是为了把字写得更"艺术".…… 展开更多
关键词 书法 取法 对象 艺术性 书体 写经体 经生
家犬血液学及血液生化学正常值测定初探 被引量:2
作者 刘世茂 王力光 +2 位作者 郭宝发 赖杰 李苹 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 1990年第2期108-109,共2页
我们于1987年底对南京市郊草种犬的血液生物化学的正常值作了比较系统的检测。材料和方法 20头草种犬选自南京市郊,体重6.5~15.4千克,4头雄犬,16头雌犬,营养良好。经临床观察无异常发现后开始测定。上午空腹静脉采血,部份血样用肝素抗... 我们于1987年底对南京市郊草种犬的血液生物化学的正常值作了比较系统的检测。材料和方法 20头草种犬选自南京市郊,体重6.5~15.4千克,4头雄犬,16头雌犬,营养良好。经临床观察无异常发现后开始测定。上午空腹静脉采血,部份血样用肝素抗凝,部份血样静置分离血清。 展开更多
关键词 血液生化学 血液生物化学 腹静脉 临床观察 经生 高铁血红蛋白 GLUTATHIONE 临床生化检验 膜脂质 谷胧甘肤
Molecular actions guiding neural regeneration in planarian 被引量:1
作者 张燕芬 叶波平 王大勇 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期329-337,共9页
Planarian is among the simplest animals that possess a centralized nervous system (CNS), and its neural regenera- tion involves the replacement of cells lost to normal 'wear and tear' (cell turnover), and/or inj... Planarian is among the simplest animals that possess a centralized nervous system (CNS), and its neural regenera- tion involves the replacement of cells lost to normal 'wear and tear' (cell turnover), and/or injury. In this review, we state and discuss the recent studies on molecular control of neural regeneration in planarians. The spatial and temporal expression patterns of genes in intact and regenerating planarian CNS have already been described relatively clearly. The bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Wnt signaling pathways are identified to regulate neural regeneration. During neural regeneration, conserved axon guidance mechanisms are necessary for proper wiring of the nervous system. In addition, apoptosis may play an important role in controlling cell numbers, eliminating unnecessary tissues or cells and remodeling the old tissues for regenerating CNS. The bilateral symmetry is established by determination of anterior-posterior (A-P) and dorsal-ventral (D-V) patterns. Moreover, neurons positive to dopamine, serotonin (5-HT), and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have been detected in planarians. Therefore, planarians present us with new, experimentally accessible contexts to study the molecular actions guiding neural regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 neural regeneration central nervous system molecular mechanism PLANARIAN
Morphological and behavioral consequences of recurrent seizures in neo-natal rats are associated with glucocorticoid levels 被引量:1
作者 石秀玉 王纪文 +1 位作者 雷格非 孙若鹏 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期83-91,共9页
Objective It is well documented that epilepsy can increase neurogenesis in certain brain regions and cause behavioral alternations in patients and different epileptic animal models. A series of experimental studies ha... Objective It is well documented that epilepsy can increase neurogenesis in certain brain regions and cause behavioral alternations in patients and different epileptic animal models. A series of experimental studies have demonstrated that neurogenesis is regulated by various factors including glucocorticoid (CORT), which can reduce neurogenesis. Most of studies in animal have been focused on adulthood stage, while the effect of recurrent seizures to immature brain in neonatal period has not been well established. This study was designed to investigate how the recurrent seizures occurred in the neonatal period affected the immature brain and how CORT regulated neurogenesis in immature animals. Methods Neonatal rats were subjected to 3 pilocarpine-induced seizures from postnatal day 1 to day 7. Then neurogenesis at different postnatal ages (i.e. P8, P12, P22, P50) was observed. Behavioral performance was tested when the rats were mature (P40), and plasma CORT levels following recurrent seizures were simultaneously monitored. Results Rats with neonatal seizures had a significant reduction in the number of Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeled cells in the dentate gyrus compared with the control groups when the animals were euthanized on P8 or P12 (P 〈 0.05); whereas there was no difference between the two groups on P22. Until P50, rats with neonatal seizures had increased number of BrdU-labeled cells compared with the control group (P 〈 0.05). In Morris water maze task, pilocarpine-treated rats were significantly slower than the control rats at the first and second day, and there were no differences at other days. In probe trial, there was no significant difference in time spent in the goal quadrant between the two groups. Endocrine studies showed a correla- tion between the number of BrdU positive cells and the CORT level. Sustained increase in circulating CORT levels was observed following neonatal seizures on P8 and P12. Conclusion Neonatal recurrent seizures can biphasely modulate neurogenesis over different time windows with a down-regulation at early time and up-regulation afterwards, cause persistent deficits in cognitive functions of adults, and increase the circulating CORT levels. CORT levels are related with the morphological and behavioral consequences of recurrent seizures. 展开更多
关键词 EPILEPSY development cell proliferation learning memory GLUCOCORTICOID
Multi-channel neural signal stimulating module and in-vivo experiments 被引量:1
作者 李文渊 王志功 +2 位作者 吕晓迎 顾晓松 张震宇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期26-30,共5页
The module for function electrical stimulation (FES) of neurons is designed for the research of the neural function regeneration microelectronic system, which is an in-body embedded micro module. It is implemented b... The module for function electrical stimulation (FES) of neurons is designed for the research of the neural function regeneration microelectronic system, which is an in-body embedded micro module. It is implemented by using discrete devices at first and characterized in vitro. The module is used to stimulate sciatic nerve and spinal cord of rats and rabbits for in-vivo real-time experiments of the neural function regeneration system. Based on the module, a four channel module for the FES of neurons is designed for 12 sites cuff electrode or 10 sites shaft electrode. Three animal experiments with total five rats and two rabbits were made. In the in-vivo experiment, the neural signals including spontaneous and imitated were regenerated by the module. The stimulating signal was used to drive sciatic nerve and spinal cord of rats and rabbits, successfully caused them twitch in different parts of their bodies, such as legs, tails, and fingers. This testifies that the neural function regeneration system can regenerate the neural signals. 展开更多
关键词 MICROELECTRODE neural function regeneration function electrical stimulation neural signal channel STIMULATION
A Recycling Agriculture Model Based on Edible Fungi Cultivation 被引量:10
作者 丁强 王鸿磊 +5 位作者 邹积华 崔从光 宋俊芬 慕美财 高民 马云飞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第8期1179-1181,共3页
[Objective]This study was to explore the model for the efficient utilization of agricultural resources,especially crop straw and livestock waste.[Methods]With Shandong Jiufa Edible Fungus Co.,Ltd.as a case,this paper ... [Objective]This study was to explore the model for the efficient utilization of agricultural resources,especially crop straw and livestock waste.[Methods]With Shandong Jiufa Edible Fungus Co.,Ltd.as a case,this paper described a recycling agriculture model based on edible fungi,and analyzed its economic,ecological and social benefit [Results]The recycling agriculture model,guided by the scale production,processing and vendition of medium for the culture edible fungi,mainly makes use of a large amount of agriculture wastes like wheat straw,livestock waste,for developing edible fungi industry,aiming at getting the intensive optimization of fund,technology,raw materials and products at village level and more surplus labors engaged in edible fungi production industry into reality.Moreover,this model provides multi-solutions to the utilization of a great deal of fungus dreg,which can not only solve the problem of fungus dreg generated in the edible fungi production,but also extend industrial chain and enhance the income of practitioners,further realizing maximum conversion of agricultural resources.[Conclusion]This model can make well use of agricultural resources and reduce the agricultural waste pollution,significantly increasing economic,ecological and social benefits. 展开更多
关键词 Edible fungi Recycling agriculture Economic benefit Ecological benefit Social benefit
Effects of Nerve Growth Factor on NMDA Receptor 1 and Neuronal Nitric Oxide Production after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats 被引量:1
作者 汤长华 曹晓建 王道新 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2003年第4期187-190,共4页
Objective:To explore the protective mechanisms of nerve growth factor (NGF) on spinal cord injury (SCI) and provide theoretical basis for its clinical application. Methods: The SCI of Wistar rats was done by Allens w... Objective:To explore the protective mechanisms of nerve growth factor (NGF) on spinal cord injury (SCI) and provide theoretical basis for its clinical application. Methods: The SCI of Wistar rats was done by Allens weight dropping way by a 10 g×2.5 cm impact on the posterior of spinal cord T 8. NGF (3 g/L, 20 μl) or normal saline was injected through catheter into subarachnoid space 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h after SCI. The expression of N-methyl-D-asparate receptor 1 (NMDAR 1) and neuronal constitutive nitric oxide synthase (ncNOS) mRNA in rat spinal cord was detected by in situ hybridization. Results: Abnormal expression of NMDAR 1 and ncNOS mRNA appeared in spinal ventral horn motorneuron in injured rats, as compared with that in control group. The expression of NMDAR 1 and ncNOS mRNA in NGF group was significantly lower than that in saline group (P<0.01). Conclusion: NGF can protect spinal cord against injury in vivo. One of the mechanisms is that NGF can prohibit NMDAR 1 and nitric oxide (NO) production after spinal cord injury. 展开更多
关键词 nerve growth factor spinal cord injury N-methyl-D-asparate recep- tor 1 nitric oxide
Effects of Oestrogen on Ischemia-induced Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus of Rats 被引量:4
作者 王明 鲁亚平 +3 位作者 朱国萍 张晓盼 韩莹 余中宾 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期88-94,共7页
To study the effects of oestrogcn on ischemia-induced neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyms, thirty-two adult male rats were randomly divided into four groups: the control surgery group with eestrogen administ... To study the effects of oestrogcn on ischemia-induced neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyms, thirty-two adult male rats were randomly divided into four groups: the control surgery group with eestrogen administration (SE), the control surgery group with normal saline administration (SN), the middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) group with oestrogen administration (ME) and the MCAO group with normal saline administration (MN). The MCAO rats were occluded for 90 rain by an intraluminal filament and then recirculated. After 1, 3, 12, 24 and 28 h of MCAO, the rats of the four groups were killed to investigate the infarct volume, apoptosis and neurogenesis. The cerebral infarct volume in the ME group was significantly smaller than that of the MN group (P 〈 0.05). No significant cell loss was seen in the dentate gyms. Cerebral ischemia led to increased neurogenosis, which is independent of cell death in the ipsilateral dentate gyrus(P 〈 0.05). BrdU-pesitive cells in the ipsilateral dentate gyms of the ME group were significantly increased when compared with those of the MN group(P 〈 0.05). In the SE group, BrdU-positive cells in both the ipsilateral and contralateral dentate gyms, were increased when compared with those of the SN group ( P 〈 0.05 ). We concluded that ocstregen plays an important role in neurogenesis, which is independent of ischemia-induced by MCAO in the hippocampal dentate gyms of rats. 展开更多
关键词 Cerebral ischemia Infarct volume NEUROGENESIS OESTROGEN Cell death Dentate gyrus
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