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省人民政府办公厅关于支持毕节市加快旅游业发展的意见 被引量:1
作者 贵州省人民政府办公厅 《贵州省人民政府公报》 2019年第4期49-53,共5页
黔府办发[2019]6号各市、自治州人民政府,贵安新区管委会,各县(市、区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构:为深入贯彻落实党的十九大和习近平总书记在贵州省代表团重要讲话精神及对毕节试验区工作重要指示精神,支持第十四届贵州... 黔府办发[2019]6号各市、自治州人民政府,贵安新区管委会,各县(市、区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构:为深入贯彻落实党的十九大和习近平总书记在贵州省代表团重要讲话精神及对毕节试验区工作重要指示精神,支持第十四届贵州旅游产业发展大会承办地毕节市充分发挥古彝历史文化和喀斯特生态环境优势,加快建设贯彻新发展理念示范区,打造国际知名山地康养度假旅游目的地,做大做强旅游经济,早日实现脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴,经省人民政府同意,提出如下意见。 展开更多
关键词 旅游 毕节市 经省 发展 乡村 大会 意见 贵安
省人民政府办公厅关于印发贵州省500亩以上坝区种植土地保护办法的通知 被引量:2
作者 贵州省人民政府办公厅 《贵州省人民政府公报》 2019年第4期53-55,共3页
黔府办函[2019]17号各市、自治州人民政府,贵安新区管委会,各县(市、区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构:经省人民政府同意,现将《贵州省500亩以上坝区种植土地保护办法》印发给你们,请结合实际认真贯彻落实。2019年2月1日贵州... 黔府办函[2019]17号各市、自治州人民政府,贵安新区管委会,各县(市、区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构:经省人民政府同意,现将《贵州省500亩以上坝区种植土地保护办法》印发给你们,请结合实际认真贯彻落实。2019年2月1日贵州省500亩以上坝区种植土地保护办法第一条为严格保护500亩以上坝区种植土地,实现坝区农业产业规模化发展,根据永久基本农田保护及耕地保护有关法律法规,结合我省实际,制定本办法。 展开更多
关键词 省政府 办法 贵州省 经省 直属机构 坝区 土地
Pedigree and Trait Analysis of Soybean Varieties Registered in Henan Province
作者 王树峰 卢为国 李卫东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2471-2475,共5页
To elucidate the genetic relationship of the soybean varieties registered in Henan province, we analyzed the pedigrees, the major agronomic traits, and the eco- nomic traits of 74 soybean varieties registered in Henan... To elucidate the genetic relationship of the soybean varieties registered in Henan province, we analyzed the pedigrees, the major agronomic traits, and the eco- nomic traits of 74 soybean varieties registered in Henan province from 1985 to 2012, with reference to experience and technologies beneficial to breeding. The resuits indicated that these varieties originated from 113 parents, and positive correla- tion between the yield and the number of original parents was significant. In the major agronomic traits, the growth stage was about 106 days with relatively small variation, while the final height varied largely among these varieties. Among the fac- tore affecting the final yield, the pod number per plant exhibited an increasing trend, while the variation of 100-grain weight was relatively small. More than 50% of the 113 original parents came from Henan Province and its neighbor provinces, and the genetic relationship among the registered varieties was too close. The rational criteria of yield components of soybean varieties in Henan Province should be as fol- lows: the pod number per plant was about 48. 6, with 100-grain weight ranging from 17.55 g to 21.80 g. 展开更多
关键词 SOYBEAN PEDIGREE Source of parent Agronomic characters Economic characters Henan Province
作者 贵州省人民政府办公厅 《贵州省人民政府公报》 2019年第4期66-68,共3页
黔府办函[2019]28号各市、自治州人民政府,贵安新区管委会,各县(市、区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构:为扎实抓好2019年烟叶工作,推动全省烟叶产业高质量发展,经省人民政府同意,现将有关事宜通知如下:一、目标任务2019年,... 黔府办函[2019]28号各市、自治州人民政府,贵安新区管委会,各县(市、区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构:为扎实抓好2019年烟叶工作,推动全省烟叶产业高质量发展,经省人民政府同意,现将有关事宜通知如下:一、目标任务2019年,全省安排烟叶种植面积165万亩,收购烟叶397.9万担。其中,国内计划352.9万担,出口备货计划45万担;上等烟比例66%以上,中部上等烟比例53%以上。 展开更多
关键词 计划 烟叶 全省 省政府 部门 经省 比例 贵安
《江西省人民政府公报》 2018年第21期19-21,共3页
赣府字[2018]71号2018年11月1日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定,任命:蒋志红为省政府办公厅副主任;谢金水为省科学技术厅副厅长;王亦斌、钱昀、刘煜、江明成、郑正春、辛清华为省工业和信息化厅副厅长;熊国纲... 赣府字[2018]71号2018年11月1日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定,任命:蒋志红为省政府办公厅副主任;谢金水为省科学技术厅副厅长;王亦斌、钱昀、刘煜、江明成、郑正春、辛清华为省工业和信息化厅副厅长;熊国纲、李善乐为省工业和信息化厅副巡视员. 展开更多
关键词 省政府 巡视员 经省 工业 信息化 部门 研究
《江西省人民政府公报》 2019年第3期21-21,共1页
赣府字[2019]7号2019年1月16日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定,任命:严佛元为省政府副秘书长、省政府驻北京办事处主任;蒋文定为省工业和信息化厅副厅长(挂职一年);封晓冰兼省人民防空办公室副主任;潘昌坤为... 赣府字[2019]7号2019年1月16日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定,任命:严佛元为省政府副秘书长、省政府驻北京办事处主任;蒋文定为省工业和信息化厅副厅长(挂职一年);封晓冰兼省人民防空办公室副主任;潘昌坤为省财政厅巡视员;余晓明为省文化和旅游厅巡视员. 展开更多
关键词 经省 防空 职务 巡视员 办事处 信息化 工业 旅游 省政府
《江西省人民政府公报》 2018年第21期22-29,共8页
赣府厅发[2018]35号2018年10月24日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:为深度融人'一带一路'建设、推动长江经济带发展,发挥航空物流的集聚辐射功能,实现江西'航空梦',加快建设南昌市'一带一路'节点城市和赣... 赣府厅发[2018]35号2018年10月24日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:为深度融人'一带一路'建设、推动长江经济带发展,发挥航空物流的集聚辐射功能,实现江西'航空梦',加快建设南昌市'一带一路'节点城市和赣江新区内陆地区重要开放高地,进一步提升我省在全国区域发展格局中的战略地位. 展开更多
关键词 经省 建设 一带 航空 物流 昌北 区域性 发展
《江西省人民政府公报》 2018年第21期21-21,共1页
赣府字[2018]72号2018年10月25日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定,免去:罗良意的省老龄工作委员会办公室专职副主任职务;程关华的省卫生和计划生育委员会副主任职务;朱小平的省机关事务管理局副局长职务;高浪... 赣府字[2018]72号2018年10月25日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定,免去:罗良意的省老龄工作委员会办公室专职副主任职务;程关华的省卫生和计划生育委员会副主任职务;朱小平的省机关事务管理局副局长职务;高浪的省住房和城乡建设厅巡视员职务. 展开更多
关键词 巡视员 委员会 经省 办公室 部门 职务 老龄
《江西省人民政府公报》 2019年第6期42-43,共2页
赣府字[2019]16号2019年2月27日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定:揭小健任省投资集团有限公司董事长;曾昭和任省投资集团有限公司副董事长,提名为省投资集团有限公司总经理人选;曾光辉任江西广电传媒集团有限... 赣府字[2019]16号2019年2月27日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定:揭小健任省投资集团有限公司董事长;曾昭和任省投资集团有限公司副董事长,提名为省投资集团有限公司总经理人选;曾光辉任江西广电传媒集团有限责任公司董事长;裴鸿卫任省教育厅副厅长;张福庆任省民政厅副厅长. 展开更多
关键词 董事长 投资 经省 部门 集团 有限公司
《江西省人民政府公报》 2019年第3期22-22,共1页
关键词 经省 部门 委员会 地方志 巡视员 研究 省政府
作者 谭文辉 黄平 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2007年第10Z期237-238,共2页
关键词 体育产业 区域经济 江西省
Economic Vulnerability of Mining City——A Case Study of Fuxin City,Liaoning Province,China 被引量:10
作者 LI He ZHANG Pingyu CHENG Yeqing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期211-218,共8页
The economic system of mining city is of typical vulnerability characteristics that can be manifested by its high economic sensitivity and lack of response capacity to the gradual depletion of regional mineral resourc... The economic system of mining city is of typical vulnerability characteristics that can be manifested by its high economic sensitivity and lack of response capacity to the gradual depletion of regional mineral resources. Taking Fuxin City of Liaoning Province as a case, this paper established an economic vulnerability assessment method integrating BP neural network with vulnerability index, then carried out an economic vulnerability assessment of Fuxin during 1989-2006. The results indicate that: 1) Affected by the gradual depletion of regional mineral resources, the economic development of Fuxin had kept high economic sensitivity from 1995 to 2001, and the response capacity to cope with and adapt to the impacts of the perturbation of mineral resources was weak and relatively lag. The evolution of economic vulnerability can be divided into three stages: in 1989-1994, the economic vulnerability of Fuxin City decreased slowly; in 1995-2001, the beginning stage of economic transformation, the economic vulnerability of Fuxin City went up rapidly; in 2002-2006, the economic vulnerability of Fuxin City descended and showed a trend to be stable. 2) The influence of economic sensitivity on Fuxin′s economic vulnerability is more evident than that of response capacity. 3) The decreasing supply of mineral resources and the simple industrial structure are main factors leading to the economic sensitivity of Fuxin. 4) The improvement of economic response capacity of Fuxin has typical characteristics of input-driven growth, and external assistance is of great importance to the rapid improvement of economic response capacity of Fuxin. And 5) the change from the simple industrial structure to diversified one of Fuxin is still unaccomplished, and the contribution of non-coal-based industry to local economic development is relatively limited. 展开更多
关键词 mining city economic vulnerability economic transformation Fuxin City
Urbanization of Jilin Province and Its Spatial Pattern
作者 WANG Bo GUO Qinghai Dou Sen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第4期359-364,共6页
Urbanization is a crucial criterion of assessing a nation’s or a particular region’s level of modernization.It has been accelerated all over the world in the 21th century.The main purpose of this research is to prov... Urbanization is a crucial criterion of assessing a nation’s or a particular region’s level of modernization.It has been accelerated all over the world in the 21th century.The main purpose of this research is to provide a strategy of spatial pattern of urbanization for rural areas in Jilin Province based on the reality of economic development in Jilin and the im-balance of natural resources distribution.The strategy divides the nine central cities of Jilin Province into three economic circles.The outer economic circle,open circle,includes Yanbian,Baishan,Tonghua and Baicheng,covering the eastern and western parts of Jilin Province.The middle one includes Jilin,Liaoyuan,Siping and Songyuan.The inner one,centring as Changchun,includes Gongzhuling,Yitong,Nong’an,Jiutai and Dehui.It needs to centre as Changchun which has the good foundation of economic development and more economic increase,then by economic effect extending out gradually,other areas develop subsequently.To construct Jilin as a green ecological province,cultivation in the outer circle should be con-trolled,with the main aim to recover grassland.Large population should be moved to other places by developing labor economy.From economy and ecology,to decrease the load of the land can reduce the loss of the resources and benefit the balance of ecology.Subsequently,the whole province’s economy will be developed sustainably. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION economic circles spatial pattern Jilin Province
Urban Hierarchy of Innovation Capability and Inter-city Linkages of Knowledge in Post-reform China 被引量:22
作者 LU Lachang HUANG Ru 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期602-616,共15页
The 2000s has witnessed increasing interests in cities′role of innovation in the era of knowledge-based economy.Compared with substantial empirical analysis on the world city hierarchy of innovation,this paper attemp... The 2000s has witnessed increasing interests in cities′role of innovation in the era of knowledge-based economy.Compared with substantial empirical analysis on the world city hierarchy of innovation,this paper attempts to examine the national urban hierarchy of innovation capability in China,in terms of ranking systems,spatial pattern and inter-city linkages of knowledge during the post-reform period since the late 1970s.Based on quantitative analysis such as principal component factor analysis and clustering analysis,this paper identifies the five-tier hierarchy of in-novation,which is headed by Beijing and Shanghai,followed by the capital cities of each province and regional centre cities.The development of China′s urban hierarchy of innovation capability has been driven by such factors as the scale of innovation,scientific scale,innovation potential and innovation environment.The paper further investigates the inter-city linkages of knowledge measured by the number of co-authored papers among the cities.Beijing is positioned in the central position of the knowledge diffusion and knowledge cooperation innovation.More knowledge diffusion among high level cities has occurred than that among the low level cities as well as between the low level cities and high level cities,and provincial capital cities and the regional central cities. 展开更多
关键词 urban hierarchy innovation capability inter-city linkages of knowledge Chinese cities
Economic Periodicity Analysis of Shandong Province
作者 Liu Zhaode Yao Lili +1 位作者 Sun Jinfang Yu Wei 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第2期36-42,共7页
The paper analyses the periodical characteristics of the economic development of Shandong Province by using the mini- mum variation analysis model.The analysis shows that the eco- nomic development process of Shandong... The paper analyses the periodical characteristics of the economic development of Shandong Province by using the mini- mum variation analysis model.The analysis shows that the eco- nomic development process of Shandong Province has short, medium and long cycles respectively for 6,12,19 years,and the fluctuation of the economic development becomes gentler with time passing by.The fluctuation of macro-control policy,invest- ment and consumption are the main reasons of the economic fluc- tuation. 展开更多
关键词 Shandong Province economic fluctuation periodical analysis
Quantitative Assessment of Impacts of Climate and Economic-technical Factors on Grain Yield in Jilin Province from 1980 to 2008
作者 YAO Zuofang YANG Fei +2 位作者 LIU Xingtu YAN Minhua MENG Jun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期543-553,共11页
Climate change is one of the most important challenges threatening agricultural grain yield and food security. Determining the factors influencing grain yield in Jilin Province and the weights of their contribution ar... Climate change is one of the most important challenges threatening agricultural grain yield and food security. Determining the factors influencing grain yield in Jilin Province and the weights of their contribution are a very important task, because Jilin Province is an important agriculture base in China. In this study, the accumulation factor sequence evaluating data method was used to analyze the climate and economic-technical factor contribution weights to grain yield and grain yield changes in each city of Jilin Province. Climate yield was also estimated to study the climate effect on the grain yield, and it was calculated in two ways: an improved algorithm and a traditional quadratic method. The results show that the climate and economicechnical factors have different contribution weights to grain yield in different cities in Jilin Province. The contribution weight of the climate factor to grain yield was 0.212-0.349, while that the economic-technical factor was 0.651-0.788. Furthermore, the changes of the climate factor contributing to grain yield changes accounted for 0.296-0.546, and the changes of the economic-technical factor accounted for 0.454-0.704. The weights of climate and economic-technical factor contributing to grain yield are very different between the eastern and western cities in Jilin Province, but their weights contributing to the grain yield change are similar in these cities. In general, the amount of fertilizer used per hectare (FUPH) is the main factor affecting grain yields and yield changes from 1980 to 2008. It is noted that when the FUPH growth rate stabilized after 1995, the effects of the climate factor on the grain yield become more obvious than before. The improved algorithm is effective for esti- mating climate yield in Jilin Province, and the climate yields were mostly between -500 kg/ha and 500 kg/ha, and showed a slightly rising trend in most cities. 展开更多
关键词 climate factor economic-technical factor contribution weight grain yield
Basic conditions study to accelerate the realization of transformation of Shaanxi's economy growth mode
作者 LIU Shu-ru QI Long 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第2期61-64,60,共5页
It is an urgent and important economic work in the moment and the next period for China to realize the transformation of economic growth mode. Relatively, there must be certain basic conditions. This article makes ela... It is an urgent and important economic work in the moment and the next period for China to realize the transformation of economic growth mode. Relatively, there must be certain basic conditions. This article makes elaboration of the basic conditions, which accelerate the change of Shaanxi's economic growth mode from government angle, and proposes countermeasures for it, according to Shaanxi's situation and the requirement of scientific development concept, in order to provide basis for the government's economic growth transformation. 展开更多
关键词 scientific development concept accelerate the realization economic growth mode TRANSFORMATION basic conditions
Buddha Jumps over the Wall
《China Today》 2014年第10期70-70,共1页
"Buddha Jumps over the Wall,"also known as"Fu Shou Quan,"a wish for good fortune and long life,is a well-known Fujian dish that originated during the reign of Qing Emperor Daoguang(1821—1850).It was created by ... "Buddha Jumps over the Wall,"also known as"Fu Shou Quan,"a wish for good fortune and long life,is a well-known Fujian dish that originated during the reign of Qing Emperor Daoguang(1821—1850).It was created by Zheng Chunfa,celebrated chef and proprietor of the Ju Chun Yuan Restaurant in Fuzhou,Fujian Province. 展开更多
关键词 Fujian private fortune official created celebrated originated Fuzhou senior occasion
Study on the Distribution of Migrant Workers' Employment Destinations A Case Study of Henan Province, China
作者 Gao Genghe Luo Qing +2 位作者 Hai Beibei Xu Jiawei Li Erling 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第1期66-75,共10页
The choice of employment destination is the basis of migrant workers' spatial flow, the study on the choice of employment destination is helpful to understand the spatial law of migrant workers' flow from a micro pe... The choice of employment destination is the basis of migrant workers' spatial flow, the study on the choice of employment destination is helpful to understand the spatial law of migrant workers' flow from a micro perspective. Through the case study on 11 sample villages generated by the random stratified sampling in Henan Province, authors of this paper find that the distribution of destinations is dispersed in a large area while concentrated in certain places. Most of the destinations are in counties and outside Henan Province. Migrant workers are mainly concentrated in the economically more developed eastern provinces. The central, though a big source of migrant workers, has not formed a core employment area for migrant workers. The main factors influencing migrant workers' choice of employment distances include age, family size, per capita arable land, the village's economic development level, the village terrain, transportation, its distance from the nearest city, and workers' relationship networks. From the perspective of employment destinations, on a provincial scale, the employment attraction coefficient based on the destination's level of economic development and the employment distance, efficiently explains farmers' choice of destinations, that is, destinations with a more developed economy and a shorter employment distance are the top choice for migrant workers. 展开更多
关键词 Employment destination migrant workers DISTRIBUTION Henan Province.
Thoughts of geographical indication in Shanxi province based on comparison with six provinces of Central China
作者 SHI Xue-qiao 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2008年第10期23-25,58,共4页
Geographical indication is indication not only of origin but also of quality, and what's more, it is a kind of intellectual property rights. The paper analyzes the problems of geographical indication in Shanxi provin... Geographical indication is indication not only of origin but also of quality, and what's more, it is a kind of intellectual property rights. The paper analyzes the problems of geographical indication in Shanxi province by comparison with six provinces of Central China, suggesting that in order to actively expand protective space of geographical indication, two key things should be done: Firstly, the transition from resource advantages to brand advantages should be actively promoted; secondly, the governments and industry associations should play their effective roles. 展开更多
关键词 six provinces of central China Shanxi province geographical indication
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