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经络相关的脊髓前角运动神经元对交感节前神经元的树突投射 被引量:3
作者 刘克 段婉茹 +1 位作者 马超 谢益宽 《针刺研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期447-452,458,共7页
目的:探讨脊髓中与经络有关的运动神经元的树突在神经元之间和对交感节前神经元的投射特性。方法:用含有1.0%HRP的CB-HRP溶液分别注射于41只SD大鼠的足三阳经胸-腰段穴位肌肉,即胃经"承满""梁门"等,膀胱经"肝... 目的:探讨脊髓中与经络有关的运动神经元的树突在神经元之间和对交感节前神经元的投射特性。方法:用含有1.0%HRP的CB-HRP溶液分别注射于41只SD大鼠的足三阳经胸-腰段穴位肌肉,即胃经"承满""梁门"等,膀胱经"肝俞""胆俞"等,胆经"阳陵泉""阳关"等,以及腹腔神经节、肠系膜上神经节等部位。常规灌流后冰冻切片,HRP成色反应后,显微镜下观察运动神经元的树突联系和对交感节前神经元的投射特性。结果:CB-HRP逆行标记在脊髓前角显示每条经都有特定的运动神经元支配,同经的运动神经元通过相互之间的树突特异性投射,形成每条经所特有的神经柱,不同经的运动神经元柱中的树突不发生投射关系。在有脊髓交感节前神经元的胸-腰节段,标记的运动神经元发出树突束,向交感节前神经元区投射;而位于脊髓颈段无交感节前神经元结构的部位则没有此种运动神经元的树突投射。结论:每条足三阳经在脊髓前角都有它们特定的运动神经元支配,同经运动神经元的树突在神经元之间特异性相互投射而形成运动神经元柱状结构;在脊髓胸-腰段,运动神经元的树突对脊髓交感节前神经元发出定向投射。 展开更多
关键词 经络相关的运动神经元 交感节前神经元 树突投射 脊髓神经示踪
中医经络检测及其临床应用的发展分析 被引量:5
作者 董媛媛 谭奇纹 《光明中医》 2022年第3期412-415,共4页
随着科学技术的飞速发展,中医诊疗设备的研发作为国家的重点研究内容受到了越来越高的重视,近年来国家科技部的重点专项中均设立专项课题进行中医诊疗设备的相关研究。中医经络检测设备作为近30年来中医诊疗设备重要内容之一,因其操作简... 随着科学技术的飞速发展,中医诊疗设备的研发作为国家的重点研究内容受到了越来越高的重视,近年来国家科技部的重点专项中均设立专项课题进行中医诊疗设备的相关研究。中医经络检测设备作为近30年来中医诊疗设备重要内容之一,因其操作简便,高效稳定,可有效地利用经络检测评价系统辅助诊断和治疗等优势,其临床应用的范围也越来越广泛。此文通过对中医经络检测仪的理论来源、更新换代进程及其在慢性病和其他相关领域的临床研究和应用进行阐述,总结梳理中医经络检测设备在各领域的应用及发展现状。 展开更多
关键词 经络检测仪 良导络 经络相关
人体经络电脑诊断系统的研究 被引量:2
作者 陈益洲 冯家冰 +4 位作者 吴侃 吴天福 范永永 赵宪民 陈益玲 《计算技术与自动化》 1997年第2期55-58,共4页
本文对人体经络电脑诊断系统进行了研究.提出了采用电脑和自制恒压力测量笔采集人体经络井穴等效电阻数据的方法。在系统软件设计中.采用了序列算法,与恒压力测量笔有机配合,成功地实现了经穴信息的准确采集;建立了病经筛选算法,... 本文对人体经络电脑诊断系统进行了研究.提出了采用电脑和自制恒压力测量笔采集人体经络井穴等效电阻数据的方法。在系统软件设计中.采用了序列算法,与恒压力测量笔有机配合,成功地实现了经穴信息的准确采集;建立了病经筛选算法,研制并绘出了经络信息相关图及经络病变信息表,二者能直观地反应出经络虚实概况.该系统适用于经穴诊断、体格普查、针炙临床、经络研究及中医示范教学. 展开更多
关键词 经络井穴 经络相关 病变信息表 经络诊断 微机
井原穴经络测量值的稳定性研究 被引量:6
作者 杨威 赵薇 +1 位作者 邹斌 于峥 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期220-221,共2页
井穴、原穴是十二正经的特殊腧穴,经脉所出为井穴,如水之出,十二经之根本为原穴,如水之源泉,为一身之至要。《灵枢集注》云:“病在藏者取之井。”《难经》云:“五脏六腑之有病者,皆取其原。”十二经的井穴、原穴在疾病的脏腑诊... 井穴、原穴是十二正经的特殊腧穴,经脉所出为井穴,如水之出,十二经之根本为原穴,如水之源泉,为一身之至要。《灵枢集注》云:“病在藏者取之井。”《难经》云:“五脏六腑之有病者,皆取其原。”十二经的井穴、原穴在疾病的脏腑诊察、经络的针灸及手法治疗中具有重要意义,为古今医家所重视。又因井原穴均处于四肢腕踝以下,穴位较为表浅,易于暴露并操作,成为经络测量的常用穴位。 展开更多
关键词 井穴 原穴 穴位电生理 经络脏腑相关 稳定性
经络科学论 被引量:9
作者 张人骥 潘其丽 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期134-143,共10页
经络 皮层 内脏相关学说提出经络是独特系统 ,从发育观点利用生物多样性与生命同一性建立生物实验模型证明人体经络现象。作者通过研究细胞间环境中调节生命活动机理 ,定义经络 ,创建经络科学 ,作为探索和发展中华传统医药学经验的基... 经络 皮层 内脏相关学说提出经络是独特系统 ,从发育观点利用生物多样性与生命同一性建立生物实验模型证明人体经络现象。作者通过研究细胞间环境中调节生命活动机理 ,定义经络 ,创建经络科学 ,作为探索和发展中华传统医药学经验的基础学科。 展开更多
关键词 经络科学 经络-皮层-内脏相关学说 编码-整合-运动神经元 经络分子生物学 经络信息学 中医学
作者 陈延杰 易亚乔 +3 位作者 白雪娇 陆泽彬 周姗 周玉锦 《陕西中医药大学学报》 2023年第3期41-45,共5页
“心脑共主神明”论经近代中西医两大医学体系汇融而生,此理论以中医传统思想为基,西方医学解剖思维为筑,是近代中西两大医学体系汇通“和合”背景下的智慧结晶。文章以道家“和合”思想为核心,以精血“和合”、任督阴阳“和合”、心脑... “心脑共主神明”论经近代中西医两大医学体系汇融而生,此理论以中医传统思想为基,西方医学解剖思维为筑,是近代中西两大医学体系汇通“和合”背景下的智慧结晶。文章以道家“和合”思想为核心,以精血“和合”、任督阴阳“和合”、心脑先后共主“和合”以及中西汇通“和合”四大维度为认知框架,系统阐述“心脑共主神明”论中精血相通、经络相关、先后天神明相济、中西医学汇通的学术内涵。 展开更多
关键词 精血相通 经络相关 先后天神明相济 和合 心脑共主神明
基于“经络-脏腑相关”论针刺肝经治疗勃起功能障碍 被引量:1
作者 王鑫 谭艳 +2 位作者 牛子青 罗敏辉 章薇 《湖北中医杂志》 2023年第3期47-50,共4页
勃起功能障碍(ED)属于中医“阳痿”的范畴,是指无法达到或保持足够的勃起以满足性行为[1]。随着生活节奏的不断加快,工作压力的日益增加以及饮食、生活环境、生活方式等方面的变化,ED患者数量逐年增长[2]。美国泌尿外科协会(AUA)勃起功... 勃起功能障碍(ED)属于中医“阳痿”的范畴,是指无法达到或保持足够的勃起以满足性行为[1]。随着生活节奏的不断加快,工作压力的日益增加以及饮食、生活环境、生活方式等方面的变化,ED患者数量逐年增长[2]。美国泌尿外科协会(AUA)勃起功能障碍指南中流行病学资料表明,美国有3000万男性患有ED,而全世界有1.5亿男性生活受到ED的困扰[3]。 展开更多
关键词 针刺 足厥阴肝经 勃起功能障碍 经络-脏腑相关
论《金匮要略》“分消法”及其证治规律 被引量:8
作者 钱伟强 王敏 马晓峰 《长春中医药大学学报》 2019年第2期378-381,共4页
"分消法"为中医学重要的治疗法则之一,旨在分消病邪,调整气机,使人体达到"邪去正安"。"分消法"源于《黄帝内经》,始用于《伤寒论》,充实于《金匮要略》。其按照祛邪途径的不同可分为"表里分消"... "分消法"为中医学重要的治疗法则之一,旨在分消病邪,调整气机,使人体达到"邪去正安"。"分消法"源于《黄帝内经》,始用于《伤寒论》,充实于《金匮要略》。其按照祛邪途径的不同可分为"表里分消""前后分消""上下分消"3种。"表里分消"为同用汗法和消法,将病邪以发汗和小便方式排出体外的治法;"前后分消"为用消法和下法,将病邪从大小便排出体外的治法;"上下分消"乃清法与下法、消法同用,将病邪从上焦清透和下焦通利二便以祛邪的一类治法。3种"分消法"在临床应用中要根据其病邪、病势的不同而异,且3种"分消法"亦有各自独特的用药规律,无论哪种"分消法"的应用,均可体现脏腑经络之间的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 《金匮要略》 分消法 脏腑经络相关 病邪及病势 用药规律
作者 徐敬堂 唐永芬 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第S2期204-205,共2页
现代温灸──风灸疗法独特手法浅探徐敬堂,唐永芬(安徽中医学院)风灸疗法即风灸仪(为笔者将传统灸法与现代电子技术相结合研制成功的国家专利产品)通过电产生热力,将装置在仪器内的不同配方药物功能发挥出来,以温风形式,直接悬... 现代温灸──风灸疗法独特手法浅探徐敬堂,唐永芬(安徽中医学院)风灸疗法即风灸仪(为笔者将传统灸法与现代电子技术相结合研制成功的国家专利产品)通过电产生热力,将装置在仪器内的不同配方药物功能发挥出来,以温风形式,直接悬突于人体皮肤、特定部位或器官,通过... 展开更多
关键词 灸疗法 独特手法 传统灸法 温灸 风灸仪 经络脏腑相关 经络学说 内病外治法 解剖学理论 关键穴位
Prediction of the Helix/Sheet Content of Proteins from Their Primary Sequences by Neural Network Method
作者 秦红珊 杨新岐 王克起 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第4期303-307,共4页
The amino acid composition and the biased auto-correlation function are considered as features, BP neural network algorithm is used to synthesize these features. The prediction accuracy of this method is verified by u... The amino acid composition and the biased auto-correlation function are considered as features, BP neural network algorithm is used to synthesize these features. The prediction accuracy of this method is verified by using the independent non-homologous protein database. It is shown that the average absolute errors for resubstitution test are 0.070 and 0.068 with the standard deviations 0.049 and 0.047 for the prediction of the content of α-helix and β-sheet respectively. For cross-validation test, the average absolute errors are 0.075 and 0.070 with the standard deviations 0.050 and 0.049 for the prediction of the content of α-helix and β-sheet respectively. Compared with the other methods currently available, the BP neural network method combined with the amino acid composition and the biased auto-correlation function features can effectively improve the prediction accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 content prediction of α-helix and β-sheet primary sequence BP neural network amino acid composition biased auto-correlation function
Analysis on the Transformation of Marketing Strategy and the Countermeasures under the Network Economic Times 被引量:1
作者 Yan Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期16-18,共3页
In this paper, we theoretically analyze the transformation of marketing strategy and the countermeasures under the network economic times. Network marketing is based on the network technology, including the whole proc... In this paper, we theoretically analyze the transformation of marketing strategy and the countermeasures under the network economic times. Network marketing is based on the network technology, including the whole process of marketing activities as a new form of marketing. In this paper, we analyze the issue from the listed perspectives. (1) Ultra space-and-time. The traditional marketing has very strong boundedness to the region, and this boundedness displays, the specifi c transaction can only be closed in the specific region, if the enterprise wants to expand the market share, only then establishes the retailing organization. (2) Interactivity. Network as a media, with the one-on-one interaction, this feature allows companies to basic communicate with consumers, and strengthen consumer participation, to determine the product form, function and the price. (3) The symmetry of information. Consumers can fi nd all kinds of that related products on the Internet information, there are plenty of time to judge the various products and prices. Companies will also be released in a timely manner on the Internet the company’s latest product information. Under this basis, we propose the new idea on the network marketing development direction that will help to build up the more efficient marketing system. 展开更多
关键词 Marketing Strategy TRANSFORMATION Network Economic Countermeasures.
Correlation of Vapour Liquid Equilibria of Binary Mixtures Using Artificial Neural Networks 被引量:8
作者 Hajir Karimi Fakhri Yousefi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期765-771,共7页
In this paper, a back propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) model is presented for the simultaneous estimation of vapour liquid equilibria (VLE) of four binary systems viz chlorodifluoromethan-carbondioxi... In this paper, a back propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) model is presented for the simultaneous estimation of vapour liquid equilibria (VLE) of four binary systems viz chlorodifluoromethan-carbondioxide, trifluoromethan-carbondioxide, carbondisulfied-trifluoromethan and carbondisulfied-chlorodifluoromethan. VLE data of the systems were taken from the literature for wide ranges of temperature (222.04-343.23K) and pressure (0.105 to 7.46MPa). BP-ANN trained by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm in the MATLAB neural network toolbox was used for building and optimizing the model. It is shown that the established model could estimate the VLE with satisfactory precision and accuracy for the four systems with the root mean square error in the range of 0.054-0.119. Predictions using BP-ANN were compared with the conventional Redlich-Kwang-Soave (RKS) equation of state, suggesting that BP-ANN has better ability in estimation as compared with the RKS equation (the root mean square error in the range of 0.115-0.1546). 展开更多
关键词 vapour liquid equilibria artificial neural networks REFRIGERANT
作者 陈军德 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2007年第3期39-42,共4页
Due to the limited cognition of meridian structure, the study of the essence of meridian phenomenon is faced with obstruction. This paper aims to expound on the multi-substantial structures of meridians and put forwar... Due to the limited cognition of meridian structure, the study of the essence of meridian phenomenon is faced with obstruction. This paper aims to expound on the multi-substantial structures of meridians and put forward hypothesis on multi-substantial structures of meridians based on embryology. 展开更多
关键词 Meridians phenomenon Non-systematical relevant phenomenon Essence of meridians
Research on red tide occurrence forecast method based on deep learning
作者 YU Xuan SHI Suixiang +2 位作者 XU Ling-yu YANG Fanlin WANG Lei 《Marine Science Bulletin》 2021年第2期36-56,共21页
As a marine disaster,red tides have a serious impact on marine fisheries,ecology,economy,human production and life.Red tides have been widely concerned by researchers for a long time.However,due to its complex formati... As a marine disaster,red tides have a serious impact on marine fisheries,ecology,economy,human production and life.Red tides have been widely concerned by researchers for a long time.However,due to its complex formation mechanism,red tide forecasting is extremely challenging.Aiming at addressing problem of red tide forecasting,this paper collects the marine monitoring data before and after the occurrence of red tide in Xiamen sea area,and analyzes the correlation between multiple environmental factors and the red tide occurrence by combining the methods of Pearson correlation coefficient,Scatter matrix,and multiple correlation coefficient.The fusion method of LSTM and CNN based on deep learning are applied to mine the temporal dependence of environmental factors and find the local features of sequence data,then predict the occurrence of red tides.In the Xiamen No.1 and Xiamen No.2 datasets,the RMSE and MAE errors of this method are reaching 0.5218 and 0.5043,respectively.The forecast probability of red tide occurrence was further determined through the collaborative comparison model.The final forecast accuracy of the two datasets is 67.58%and 63.49%,respectively.This study provides exploratory experience for the analysis and forecasting of red tides,which proves the feasibility of applying deep learning methods to red tide forecasting. 展开更多
关键词 deep learning neural network red tide correlation analysis forecasting
Neural Network Model for Boiling Heat Transfer of R22 and Its Alternative Refrigerants inside Horizontal Smooth Tubes
作者 王微涓 张春路 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2005年第1期76-79,共4页
Accurate prediction of refrigerant boiling heat transfer coefficients is important for the design of evaporators. The generalized correlations have different forms, and could not provide satisfactory results for R22 a... Accurate prediction of refrigerant boiling heat transfer coefficients is important for the design of evaporators. The generalized correlations have different forms, and could not provide satisfactory results for R22 and its alternative refrigerants R134a, R407C and R410A. This study proposes to use artificial neural network (ANNs) as a generalized correlation model, selects the input parameters of ANNs on the basis of the dimensionless parameter groups of existing correlations, and correlates the in-tube boiling heat transfer coefficients of the above four refrigerants. The results show that the ANNs model with the input and output based on the Liu-Winterton correlation has the best result. The root-mean-square deviations in training and test are 15.5% and 20.2% respectively, and approximately 85% of the deviations are within ±20%, which is much better than that of the existing generalized correlations. 展开更多
关键词 REFRIGERANT smooth tube boiling heat transfer CORRELATION neural network
An Incremental Time-delay Neural Network for Dynamical Recurrent Associative Memory
作者 刘娟 Cai Zixing 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2002年第1期72-75,共4页
An incremental time-delay neural network based on synapse growth, which is suitable for dynamic control and learning of autonomous robots, is proposed to improve the learning and retrieving performance of dynamical re... An incremental time-delay neural network based on synapse growth, which is suitable for dynamic control and learning of autonomous robots, is proposed to improve the learning and retrieving performance of dynamical recurrent associative memory architecture. The model allows steady and continuous establishment of associative memory for spatio-temporal regularities and time series in discrete sequence of inputs. The inserted hidden units can be taken as the long-term memories that expand the capacity of network and sometimes may fade away under certain condition. Preliminary experiment has shown that this incremental network may be a promising approach to endow autonomous robots with the ability of adapting to new data without destroying the learned patterns. The system also benefits from its potential chaos character for emergence. 展开更多
关键词 Time-delay recurrent neural network Spatio-temporal associative memory Pattern sequences learning Lifelong ontogenetic evolution Autonomous robots
Expansion of Edlen Equation based on cascade-correlation learning architecture
作者 张琢 陈中 钟丽 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第6期597-600,共4页
Due to the limitation of Edlen Equation to compensate for air refractivity in ordinary air pressure, an experiment to study the relationship between air refractivity and temperature, along with its pressure, is design... Due to the limitation of Edlen Equation to compensate for air refractivity in ordinary air pressure, an experiment to study the relationship between air refractivity and temperature, along with its pressure, is designed and carried out from ordinary pressure to low pressure. The expansion of Edlen Equation is achieved by using the cascade-Correlation learning method, and a neural network architecture model. The applied accuracy of neural network is the same as that of Edlen Equation in an ordinary pressure zone. 展开更多
关键词 air refractive index INTERFEROMETER cascade-correlation neural network
Generalized Nonlinear Irreducible Auto-Correlation and Its Applications in Nonlinear Prediction Models Identification
作者 侯越先 何丕廉 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2005年第1期35-39,共5页
There is still an obstacle to prevent neural network from wider and more effective applications, i.e., the lack of effective theories of models identification. Based on information theory and its generalization, this ... There is still an obstacle to prevent neural network from wider and more effective applications, i.e., the lack of effective theories of models identification. Based on information theory and its generalization, this paper introduces a universal method to achieve nonlinear models identification. Two key quantities, which are called nonlinear irreducible auto-correlation (NIAC) and generalized nonlinear irreducible auto-correlation (GNIAC), are defined and discussed. NIAC and GNIAC correspond with intrinstic irreducible auto-(dependency) (IAD) and generalized irreducible auto-(dependency) (GIAD) of time series respectively. By investigating the evolving trend of NIAC and GNIAC, the optimal auto-regressive order of nonlinear auto-regressive models could be determined naturally. Subsequently, an efficient algorithm computing NIAC and GNIAC is discussed. Experiments on simulating data sets and typical nonlinear prediction models indicate remarkable correlation between optimal auto-regressive order and the highest order that NIAC-GNIAC have a remarkable non-zero value, therefore demonstrate the validity of the proposal in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 prediction models identification information entropy Tsallis entropy neural networks nonlinear irreducible autocorrelation generalized nonlinear irreducible autocorrelation
Correlation methods of base-level cycle based on wavelet neural network
作者 Xingke XU Changwei CHEN Jing SUN Qinglong MENG 《Global Geology》 2007年第1期25-28,共4页
The authors discussed the method of wavelet neural network (WNN) for correlation of base-level cycle. A new vectored method of well log data was proposed. Through the training with the known data set, the WNN can re... The authors discussed the method of wavelet neural network (WNN) for correlation of base-level cycle. A new vectored method of well log data was proposed. Through the training with the known data set, the WNN can remenber the cycle pattern characteristic of the well log curves. By the trained WNN to identify the cycle pattern in the vectored log data, the ocrrdation process among the well cycles was completed. The application indicates that it is highly efficient and reliable in base-level cycle correlation. 展开更多
关键词 wavelet neural network stratigraphic correlation base-level cycle VECTOR
Experimental study of fatigue degree quantification for multi-feature fusion identification
作者 孙伟 Zhu Jiandong +2 位作者 Zhang Xiaorui He Jun Zhang Weigong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第2期146-153,共8页
A comprehensive quantification method of fatigue degree is proposed concerning subjective and objective quantifications.Using the fatigue degree test software,fatigue degree is objectively quantified by analyzing the ... A comprehensive quantification method of fatigue degree is proposed concerning subjective and objective quantifications.Using the fatigue degree test software,fatigue degree is objectively quantified by analyzing the reaction and operation abilities of drivers about traffic signals.By comparison experiment with that EEG signal based,multivariate statistical analysis and fusion identification based on BP neural network(BPNN) results show that the experimental procedure is simple and practical,and the proposed method can reveal the correlation between fatigue feature parameters and fatigue degree in theory,and also can achieve accurate and reliable quantification of fatigue degree,especially under the associated action of multiple fatigue feature parameters. 展开更多
关键词 fatigue driving fatigue degree quantification fusion identification experimental study
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