Sacroiliac acupuncture was developed by the research faculty from Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture and Meridian on the basis of modem and traditional Chinese medical theories combined with clinical practice....Sacroiliac acupuncture was developed by the research faculty from Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture and Meridian on the basis of modem and traditional Chinese medical theories combined with clinical practice. Decades of clinical observations have proved its efficacy for treating lumbosacral neuralgia, systremma, epithelial gluteal neuritis, periformis injury, strain of lumbosacral spine muscles and muscular atrophy of the lower limbs. The author is thus going to introduce this needling therapy as follows.展开更多
基金Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project(S30304)
文摘Sacroiliac acupuncture was developed by the research faculty from Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture and Meridian on the basis of modem and traditional Chinese medical theories combined with clinical practice. Decades of clinical observations have proved its efficacy for treating lumbosacral neuralgia, systremma, epithelial gluteal neuritis, periformis injury, strain of lumbosacral spine muscles and muscular atrophy of the lower limbs. The author is thus going to introduce this needling therapy as follows.