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对深化人防结建工程管理的探讨 被引量:2
作者 梁霄韡 《价值工程》 2010年第22期65-65,共1页
关键词 人防工程 结建工程 管理 探讨
以简化结建工程计算方法试点为契机 稳步推进人防审批制度改革
作者 周万福 陈璟恒 于永利 《中国人民防空》 2023年第12期43-44,共2页
黑龙江省大庆市国防动员(人防防空)办公室坚持系统梳理研究、充分咨询论证、全力推开试行,多措并举扎实抓好省简化结合民用建筑修建防空地下室计算方法试点工作,为深化人防审批制度改革提供了经验借鉴和参考依据。大庆市国动(人防)办坚... 黑龙江省大庆市国防动员(人防防空)办公室坚持系统梳理研究、充分咨询论证、全力推开试行,多措并举扎实抓好省简化结合民用建筑修建防空地下室计算方法试点工作,为深化人防审批制度改革提供了经验借鉴和参考依据。大庆市国动(人防)办坚持完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,利用承担省简化结合民用建筑修建防空地下室计算方法试点工作的有利时机,聚焦增强人防工程建设指标科学性,大力推进防空地下室依法依规建设,在组织力量深入调查研究的基础上,总结提出“简化应建人防工程面积计算方法”,并将此作为改进防空地下室行政审批管理的有力抓手,为深化人防审批制度改革提供了经验借鉴和参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 防空地下室 人防工程 民用 审批制度改革 计算方法 结建工程 稳步推进 新发展理念
作者 赵小龙 赵宇巍 《四川建筑》 2023年第5期39-40,43,共3页
结建式人防工程建设水平与城市发展联系紧密,随着我国GDP的逐年递增,结建式人防工程发展空间也随之扩大。但在经济发展过程中,地区经济的差异化导致了结建式防空地下室的平战转换措施存在差别。结合自身工作,总结了结建式人防工程在平... 结建式人防工程建设水平与城市发展联系紧密,随着我国GDP的逐年递增,结建式人防工程发展空间也随之扩大。但在经济发展过程中,地区经济的差异化导致了结建式防空地下室的平战转换措施存在差别。结合自身工作,总结了结建式人防工程在平战转换工作方面的一些不足,将钢结构预制装配建筑带入人防工程平战临战转换进行思考探索。 展开更多
关键词 式人防工程 平战转换 预制钢构装配式
结建人防工程产权归属的经济分析与法律设计 被引量:2
作者 周植贇 《中国不动产法研究》 2020年第2期49-62,共14页
结建人防工程在现行法上所有权归属不明,既有的“投资说”与“公共物品说”都不能得出妥当的结论。从法律权利和经济权利两个维度进行分析,显示结建人防工程产权的现有法律权利状态造成了资源浪费。基于我国结建人防工程“国有地区”与... 结建人防工程在现行法上所有权归属不明,既有的“投资说”与“公共物品说”都不能得出妥当的结论。从法律权利和经济权利两个维度进行分析,显示结建人防工程产权的现有法律权利状态造成了资源浪费。基于我国结建人防工程“国有地区”与“非国有地区”的实践,以财富最大化为目标可以设计两种法律方案:“国家所有+私人物权性使用权”方案和“国家管制+私人所有”方案。不同法律权利有不同的经济学特性,所有权的特性为物的用途的广泛性以及潜在用途的不可预知性,公法与私法中的限制性权利的特性为物的用途的有限性和已知性。故而将所有权配置给开发商的“国家管制+私人所有”方案为优选方案。 展开更多
关键词 人防工程 所有权 产权 公共物品
结建式人防工程权属的探索——以扬州为例 被引量:1
作者 陈九一 《扬州大学税务学院学报》 2009年第4期78-80,共3页
关键词 式人防工程 权属 国有资产流失
作者 张毅 谢小雪 《宿州学院学报》 2018年第9期20-23,共4页
当前,我国结建式人防工程所有权归属不明,导致相关权属纠纷层见叠出,社会矛盾日益尖锐。通过文献研究、价值分析等法学研究方法,从我国结建式人防工程及其所有权归属现状出发,对当前学界代表性观点进行评析,发现开发商所有是最具合理性... 当前,我国结建式人防工程所有权归属不明,导致相关权属纠纷层见叠出,社会矛盾日益尖锐。通过文献研究、价值分析等法学研究方法,从我国结建式人防工程及其所有权归属现状出发,对当前学界代表性观点进行评析,发现开发商所有是最具合理性的解决方案,并在此基础上对我国结建式人防工程所有权制度提出了所有权归属的立法重构、完善所有权登记制度、加强行政监督等可行的完善意见,以期为人防领域相关研究及实践活动提供正当合理的理论依据与逻辑起点。 展开更多
关键词 式人防工程 开发商所有 平战
作者 彭春 赵小龙 《四川建筑》 2022年第5期317-318,共2页
在工程项目建设中,设计阶段对结建式人防工程的造价影响大,结合多个实际项目造价研究分析经验,思考总结了结建式人防工程设计阶段对造价控制的影响因素、控制措施,从而为广大设计者在设计阶段的造价控制提供参考,优化设计,以达到为建设... 在工程项目建设中,设计阶段对结建式人防工程的造价影响大,结合多个实际项目造价研究分析经验,思考总结了结建式人防工程设计阶段对造价控制的影响因素、控制措施,从而为广大设计者在设计阶段的造价控制提供参考,优化设计,以达到为建设方控制项目造价的目标,具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 式人防工程 设计阶段 造价控制 影响因素 控制措施
对人防建筑工程中施工质量管理控制的探析 被引量:6
作者 卢需正 《中国城市经济》 2011年第6X期142-142,共1页
关键词 人防工程 结建工程施工 现状 质量管理 监督策略 审查
作者 卢德华 《中国建材科技》 2014年第S1期89-89,共1页
《人民防空法》自1997年颁布实施以来,随着社会经济的发展,国防建设的需要,结建式人防工程建设量越来越大,且其这些工程在具备战备效益的基础上发挥了巨大的社会效益和经济效益,为城市人民保障自身安全起到了重要作用。但目前部分结建... 《人民防空法》自1997年颁布实施以来,随着社会经济的发展,国防建设的需要,结建式人防工程建设量越来越大,且其这些工程在具备战备效益的基础上发挥了巨大的社会效益和经济效益,为城市人民保障自身安全起到了重要作用。但目前部分结建式人防工程在使用过程中出现了不同程度的渗漏现象,笔者凭借工程管理工作经验,结合黄河三角洲地区结建式人防工程建设实际就渗漏防治提出探讨性的防治措施以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 黄河三角洲 式人防工程渗漏 防治
深大异形基坑圆环内撑开挖技术与应用 被引量:1
作者 许杰 《四川建材》 2021年第9期76-77,79,共3页
在既有地铁车站两侧结建地下三层空间结构,并实现地下二层与地铁站厅层互通,其中存在较多的工序搭接和工序交叉,对既有地铁结构及运营安全影响大,施工风险高。本文以天津地铁5号线思源道站结建地下空间工程为例,针对复杂的工程建设条件... 在既有地铁车站两侧结建地下三层空间结构,并实现地下二层与地铁站厅层互通,其中存在较多的工序搭接和工序交叉,对既有地铁结构及运营安全影响大,施工风险高。本文以天津地铁5号线思源道站结建地下空间工程为例,针对复杂的工程建设条件,结合周边建筑物、既有地铁车站、周边管线等环境情况,对潜在的风险源进行识别和评估。在此基础上,为有效应对深基坑施工过程中可能出现的围护地连墙渗漏情况,阐述了相应的处置措施,最终取得了理想的实施效果,该处理思路可为类似工程提供成功经验和借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 既有地铁车站 结建工程 风险识别 风险处置
结建人防车库物权归属法律问题研究 被引量:11
作者 何丽新 池骋 《北方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期48-58,共11页
结建人防工程是一种用较少的投资就能实现战备、社会、经济相互结合的人防工程建设模式,其在平时可以功能化为住宅小区的地下车库。但结建人防车库存在上位法未予明确、各地方立法存在分歧、法院司法判决不统一的法律困境,理论界的学者... 结建人防工程是一种用较少的投资就能实现战备、社会、经济相互结合的人防工程建设模式,其在平时可以功能化为住宅小区的地下车库。但结建人防车库存在上位法未予明确、各地方立法存在分歧、法院司法判决不统一的法律困境,理论界的学者们亦持有不同的学说观点。应当正视结建人防工程中所包含的复杂利益关系,综合考量投资主体、土地分摊、开发商建设的积极性与业主需求,明确该物权的原始取得人为国家,但可以通过开发商缴交人防工程易地建设费后流转给非国有主体;在流转的第二阶段,应当将"建筑成本是否分摊"作为开发商抑或业主所有的判断标准;最后,若结建人防车库为业主共有,则可以借鉴我国台湾地区的"分管契约"设定车库的专用使用权,解决业主之间的权利冲突。只有如此"分阶段所有"的法律关系设计,方能保障结建人防车库的尽善利用。 展开更多
关键词 人防工程 所有权归属 筑物区分所有权
A working model of the Internet-based steel construction consulting system for architects
作者 周琦 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期336-342,共7页
As Internet becomes largely used in the AEC (architecture, engineering andconstruction) industry, the main focus is in the area of information and project management. In thedynamic engineering consulting, less has bee... As Internet becomes largely used in the AEC (architecture, engineering andconstruction) industry, the main focus is in the area of information and project management. In thedynamic engineering consulting, less has been done so far. This research tries to find thepossibility and potential of the Internet application in design and consulting for the AEC industryby proposing a working model in specific area, steel construction. Several issues have beendiscussed: defining and formatting the typical procedure and character of the steel constructionconsulting, behavior approach based on activities among partners, and the model organization. 展开更多
关键词 steel construction consulting behavior approach object-oriented methods
The height-width ratio limited value for rubber bearing isolated structure computed by uniform design method 被引量:7
作者 王铁英 王焕定 +1 位作者 张永山 刘文光 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期36-40,共5页
Rubber isolation is the most mature control technology in practical application, and is widely used by short rigid buildings. However, many high isolation buildings have been built around the world in recent years, wh... Rubber isolation is the most mature control technology in practical application, and is widely used by short rigid buildings. However, many high isolation buildings have been built around the world in recent years, which do not follow the existing criterions and codes. Many researchers began to research the special problems caused by larger height-width ratio isolation structures. The overturning effect of high height-width ratio structures with rubber bearing is firstly studied. Considering the main factors, such as the height-width ratio of structures, type of site, the designed basic acceleration of ground motion and the decouple factor in horizon, computing experiment is defined with the Uniform Design Method, which is also known as designing isolation structure. The forces of the bearing under edge of structures based on the position of the rubber bearing are calculated. The result indicates that the rubber bearings will lose its functionality under very high tension and compressing force of earthquake motion in horizon and vertical, when the height-width ratio is over a certain value. Thus, based on the calculation result of isolation structures defined in the uniform design method, regression analysis is conducted, and also the rubber edge force regression formula are gotten, which has higher correlation and smaller standard deviation. This formula can be used to roughly calculate whether the pull force occurs at the edge of the building. By the edge bearings of isolation structure minimum force formula, the height-width ratio limited value of the isolation structure is deducted when rubber bearing has minimum force of zero. 展开更多
关键词 isolation structures the uniform design method regression analysis height-width ratio limited value
Structural safety monitoring for Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge 被引量:6
作者 黄方林 何旭辉 +1 位作者 陈政清 曾储惠 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2004年第3期332-335,共4页
In order to evaluate objectively and accurately the integrity, safety and operating conditions in real time for the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, a large structural safety monitoring system was described. The monitori... In order to evaluate objectively and accurately the integrity, safety and operating conditions in real time for the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, a large structural safety monitoring system was described. The monitoring system is composed of three parts: sensor system, signal sampling and processing system, and safety monitoring and assessment system. Combining theoretical analysis with measured data analysis, main monitoring contents and layout of measuring points were determined. The vibration response monitoring was significantly investigated. The main contents of safety monitoring on vibration response monitoring are vibration of the main body of the Nanjing Yangtze river bridge, collision avoidance of the bridge piers, vibration of girders on high piers for the bridge approach and earthquake. As a field laboratory, the safety monitorying system also provides information to investigate the unknown and indeterminate problems on bridge structures and specific environment around bridges. 展开更多
关键词 structural safety monitoring Nanjing Yangtze river bridge safety monitoring system vibration (response)
Comparative Analysis of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Structures According to International Seismic Design Codes
作者 Dia Eddin Nassani Ali Khalid Hussein 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期211-218,共8页
The field of earthquake engineering and seismology is of great importance to structural engineers around the world. The location, size and consequences of an earthquake are variable depending on several conditions. Su... The field of earthquake engineering and seismology is of great importance to structural engineers around the world. The location, size and consequences of an earthquake are variable depending on several conditions. Surface conditions, boundary/fault type, distance from the boundary and hypocenter are all elements that dictate the outcome of a seismic event. The paper presents a comparison of seismic provisions of two seismic design codes--EC8 (Eurocode 8) and IBC (International Building Code) 2006, to a high-rise reinforced concrete building. The building is irregular and composes of 20 floors. The equivalent lateral force analysis was performed using the well-known structure program--ETABS (Extended 3D Analysis of Building Systems). Based on the analysis results (inter-storey index, global damage index, storey displacement, inter-storey drift ratio and base shear), EC8 was found to be conservative when compared with IBC 2006. The conclusion is that for the design and analysis of high-rise reinforced concrete buildings with certain irregularity, EC8 provisions were considered to be conservative. 展开更多
关键词 High-rise building seismic load building codes.
Comparative Analysis of Seismic Response Characteristics of Pile-Soil-Stnicture Interaction System
作者 KONG Desen LUAN Maotian WANG Weiming 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2006年第1期1-6,共6页
The study on the earthquake-resistant performance of a pile-soil-structure interaction system is a relatively complicated and primarily important issue in civil engineering practice. In this paper, a computational mod... The study on the earthquake-resistant performance of a pile-soil-structure interaction system is a relatively complicated and primarily important issue in civil engineering practice. In this paper, a computational model and computation procedures for pile-supported structures, which can duly consider the pile-soil interaction effect, arc established by the finite clement method. Numerical implementation is made in the time domain. A simplified approximation for the seismic response analysis of pile-soil-structure systems is briefly presented. Then a comparative study is performed for an engineering example with numerical results computed respectively by the finite clement method and the simplified method. Through comparative analysis, it is shown that the results obtained by the simplified method well agree with those achieved by the finite element method. The numerical results and findings will offer instructive guidelines for earthquake-resistant analysis and design of pile-supported structures. 展开更多
关键词 pile-supported structures pile-soil interaction seismic response analysis finite elements method
The research of breakdown structure and coding system for construction project
作者 丁大勇 金维兴 李培 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期428-432,共5页
Whether the breakdown structure and coding system of construction projects are reasonable or not determines to a large degree the performance level of the entire project management. We analyze in detail the similariti... Whether the breakdown structure and coding system of construction projects are reasonable or not determines to a large degree the performance level of the entire project management. We analyze in detail the similarities and differences of two kinds of decomposing methods classified by type of work and construction elements based on the discussion of international typical coding standards system designing. We then deduce the differential coefficient relation between project breakdown structure (PBS) and work breakdown structure (WBS). At the same time we constitute a comprehensive construction project breakdown system including element code and type of work code and make a further schematic presentation of the implementation of the system’s functions. 展开更多
关键词 construction project breakdown structure comprehensive breakdown system
Analysis of Some Building Damage Phenomena in the Wenchuan Earthquake
作者 Li Min Li Xiaojun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第2期243-251,共9页
The MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake caused a great deal of damage and collapse to engineering structures. Survey of disaster and engineering damage was made in detail by the authors and other researchers in the extreme eart... The MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake caused a great deal of damage and collapse to engineering structures. Survey of disaster and engineering damage was made in detail by the authors and other researchers in the extreme earthquake disaster area. The paper makes an overview of the earthquake disaster status and damage phenomena which include brick-concrete buildings, frame structures, brick-wood structures, and timber frame residential buildings. Furthermore, the causes of the disaster and building damage phenomena are briefly discussed. In addition, some typical damage phenomena are specialized. According to the phenomena mentioned above, some feasible seismic measures are suggested for the development of buildings in future. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake Earthquake damage survey Damage phenomena Rural houses
Etched Optical Fiber Vibration Sensor to Monitor Health Condition of Beam Like Structures 被引量:2
作者 Kishore PUTHA Dinakar DANTALA Srimannarayana KAMINENI Vengal Rao PACHAVA 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期124-130,共7页
Using a center etched single mode optical fiber, a simple vibration senor is designed to monitor the vibrations of a simply supported beam. The sensor has high linear response to the axial displacement of about 0.8mm ... Using a center etched single mode optical fiber, a simple vibration senor is designed to monitor the vibrations of a simply supported beam. The sensor has high linear response to the axial displacement of about 0.8mm with a sensitivity of 32mV/10p, m strain. The sensor is tested for periodic and suddenly released forces, and the results are found to coincide with the theoretical values. This simple design, small in size and low cost sensor may find applications in industry and civil engineering to monitor the vibrations of the beam structures and bridges. 展开更多
关键词 Optical fiber etched fiber simply supported beam vibration sensor health condition monitoring
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