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结构储能碳纤维复合材料设计及其在无人机上的应用 被引量:6
作者 王朝阳 杨向涛 +4 位作者 徐祥博 张金纳 朱世杰 吴海宏 仝立勇 《航空制造技术》 2020年第18期84-90,101,共8页
随着航空航天领域的迅速发展以及世界各国低空领域不断开放,各种无人机应用显著增多,空中环境污染问题也随之而来,各国清洁天空计划不断推进。与此同时人们对无人机本身的属性要求也越来越高,对复合材料应用提出了新的挑战。将储能电芯... 随着航空航天领域的迅速发展以及世界各国低空领域不断开放,各种无人机应用显著增多,空中环境污染问题也随之而来,各国清洁天空计划不断推进。与此同时人们对无人机本身的属性要求也越来越高,对复合材料应用提出了新的挑战。将储能电芯和超薄碳纤维复合材料相复合,制备了储能、承载一体化的结构储能碳纤维复合材料(Structural energy storage carbon fiber composite,SESCFC),对其空载和受载条件下的电化学性能进行了测试;并将其集成在自主设计的无人机机翼上,对集成后无人机的重量和续航里程进行了分析比较。结果表明:当充放电电流为0.1A时,SESCFC能量密度达到了13.2W·h/kg,功率密度达到了119.6W/kg;在1200N的载荷作用下,由于电芯正负极片间距变小,SESCFC的能量密度提高到了14.5W·h/kg。集成SESCFC后的无人机较锂电池无人机的自重减少37.5%,续航里程增加了20%;较集成太阳能电池板的无人机自重减少近20%。研究结果对于碳纤维复合材料结构-功能一体化设计及其在无人机设计中的应用具有指导意义和应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 碳纤维复合材料 结构储能 充放电测试 储能机翼 无人机
多功能结构–储能一体化复合材料的研究现状及进展 被引量:1
作者 李素敏 张新立 《化学工程与技术》 CAS 2019年第5期379-384,共6页
随着更小巧、更轻便及复合型产品的需求不断增长,促进了多功能结构复合材料的迅速发展。多功能结构储能复合材料存储电能的同时可进行承载充当结构材料,能有效减轻系统的质量、缩小系统的体积、简化设计,提高系统的效能。本文阐述了此... 随着更小巧、更轻便及复合型产品的需求不断增长,促进了多功能结构复合材料的迅速发展。多功能结构储能复合材料存储电能的同时可进行承载充当结构材料,能有效减轻系统的质量、缩小系统的体积、简化设计,提高系统的效能。本文阐述了此类复合材料的研究现状,系统综述了结构锂离子电池、结构燃料电池及结构电容器的制备及性能,探讨了现存问题,并展望了多功能结构–储能一体化复合材料未来的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 多功能复合材料 结构储能 电化学性能 力学性能
结构/储能一体化复合材料研究进展综述 被引量:1
作者 顾涧潇 《冶金与材料》 2020年第3期59-63,共5页
随着碳纤维材料自身电性能的研究深入和固态高分子电解质的不断发展,结构/储能一体化复合材料应运而生,成为近二十年来备受关注的一类新型材料。结构/储能一体化复合材料能够在结构件中实现电能存储,在目前全球乘用车电动化和电动飞机... 随着碳纤维材料自身电性能的研究深入和固态高分子电解质的不断发展,结构/储能一体化复合材料应运而生,成为近二十年来备受关注的一类新型材料。结构/储能一体化复合材料能够在结构件中实现电能存储,在目前全球乘用车电动化和电动飞机蓬勃发展的大环境下,这种新材料正逐渐成为功能复合材料中的一个研究热点。文章聚焦国内外结构/储能一体化复合材料领域主要科研机构的研究进展,分析了目前该领域主要研究方向,并对结构/储能一体化复合材料的未来进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 结构/储能一体化 碳纤维电极 固态高分子电解质
光伏新能源微电网储能电池容量优化配置方法 被引量:2
作者 苏晴 《中国高新科技》 2023年第2期17-19,共3页
为提高光伏微电网系统运行的稳定性与高效性,保证新能源发电产业带来的多重效益,文章研究设计了一种光伏新能源微电网储能电池容量的优化配置方法。为检测该设计方法的可行性,设计了仿真模拟试验。结果显示:应用该设计方法进行优化配置... 为提高光伏微电网系统运行的稳定性与高效性,保证新能源发电产业带来的多重效益,文章研究设计了一种光伏新能源微电网储能电池容量的优化配置方法。为检测该设计方法的可行性,设计了仿真模拟试验。结果显示:应用该设计方法进行优化配置后,微电网光伏储能配置比例为11%,电池的储能容量为826kW·h;电池总投资为203.2万元;微电网运行年均成本为647元;实际充电、放电效率为92.32%,高于初始的设定值90%。表明本文设计方法可以有效节约微电网项目的投资成本,具有经济性;通过科学地调节电池的充、放电时间,提高了电池的使用效率,具有高效性。 展开更多
关键词 光伏发电 新能源开发 微电网储能结构 电池容量配置 容量优化方法
作者 杨坚 周晨 +1 位作者 汤义勤 王雪燕 《电工技术》 2023年第7期163-166,219,共5页
提出了一种基于交直流充放电协同控制技术的移动储能车电源快速连接装置,用于移动储能车实现配网不停电作业。针对目前市场上移动电源车只提供交流电源这一问题提出了解决方案。该装置在通用工业连接器及面板母座的基础上进行了结构优化... 提出了一种基于交直流充放电协同控制技术的移动储能车电源快速连接装置,用于移动储能车实现配网不停电作业。针对目前市场上移动电源车只提供交流电源这一问题提出了解决方案。该装置在通用工业连接器及面板母座的基础上进行了结构优化,加入了温度传感器及电压电流互感器,并对储能变流器PCS结构进行改进从而实现交直流充放电协同控制。该装置弥补了目前配网不停电作业领域移动储能车缺少直流充放电功能的短板,可以满足移动储能车在多场景应用的需求。 展开更多
关键词 交直流协同控制 快速连接装置 不停电作业 储能变流器PCS结构
作者 韩雄伟 曾雪妮 《成都工业学院学报》 2021年第1期4-6,21,共4页
表征超级电容器性能的关键点是能量密度和功率密度,高功率密度取决于电极和电解质的高导电性,缩短电解质中离子的传输距离是提高功率密度的合适方法,其中离子通道的扭曲程度及孔隙率是评价电解质的2个重要参数,现有的测量离子通道的扭... 表征超级电容器性能的关键点是能量密度和功率密度,高功率密度取决于电极和电解质的高导电性,缩短电解质中离子的传输距离是提高功率密度的合适方法,其中离子通道的扭曲程度及孔隙率是评价电解质的2个重要参数,现有的测量离子通道的扭曲程度的方法有很多,但都是间接测量方法,涉及大量的劳动及成本。探索一种对电解质SEM图像分析的直接方法,可以快速测量出离子通道的距离,并模拟分析在不同的孔隙率及扭曲度下电解质的电导率变化,为不同材料电解质的选择及微观结构分析方法提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 结构储能 超级电容器 电解质 微观结构
多元复合储能系统及其应用 被引量:10
作者 王姝 石晶 +4 位作者 龚康 刘洋 唐跃进 任丽 李敬东 《电力科学与技术学报》 CAS 2013年第3期32-38,44,共8页
现代电力系统中,储能技术的作用日益凸显.然而,就目前储能技术的发展而言,没有一种储能装置可以同时满足电网多方面需求.主要研究多元复合储能系统及其在电力系统中的应用,通过合理组合和配置不同类型的储能装置,使其拥有优于单一储能... 现代电力系统中,储能技术的作用日益凸显.然而,就目前储能技术的发展而言,没有一种储能装置可以同时满足电网多方面需求.主要研究多元复合储能系统及其在电力系统中的应用,通过合理组合和配置不同类型的储能装置,使其拥有优于单一储能方式的理想性能.并对比分析几种典型储能装置的性能参数、技术优势及发展现状.从应用场合、配置方式、拓扑结构以及经济性等方面入手,重点研究多元复合储能类型的配置及构建,提出多元复合储能系统的能量管理策略. 展开更多
关键词 电力系统 多元复合储能 复合储能拓扑结构 能量管理策略
混合储能系统在风光互补微电网中的应用 被引量:41
作者 殷桂梁 李相男 +1 位作者 郭磊 李晓亮 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期49-53,59,共6页
光伏发电和风力发电输出功率具有间歇性和随机性的特点,为了提升微电源的性能,将储能装置应用于风光互补的微电网中。采用超级电容与蓄电池的混合储能系统,通过对DC/DC变换器控制策略的合理设计,实现了蓄电池恒流充放电,延长了使用寿命... 光伏发电和风力发电输出功率具有间歇性和随机性的特点,为了提升微电源的性能,将储能装置应用于风光互补的微电网中。采用超级电容与蓄电池的混合储能系统,通过对DC/DC变换器控制策略的合理设计,实现了蓄电池恒流充放电,延长了使用寿命;针对传统PID控制的不足,采用响应速度更快、控制效果更好的滑模变结构控制方法;为了平抑风光互补微电网并网功率,并在孤岛运行时提供稳定的电压频率支持,采用低压微电网的下垂控制策略。在孤岛运行时,分别在风速、光照强度改变以及负载变化的情况进行了仿真评估混合储能系统的性能,结果表明,混合储能系统能够提高风光互补微电网的电能质量。 展开更多
关键词 风光互补微电网 超级电容 蓄电池 混合储能系统 滑模变结构
作者 成丽媛 赵鑫 +2 位作者 屈芸 秦佳音 孙洁 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期8-16,73,共10页
为了制备出兼具力学承载和能量存储功能的结构超级电容器(结构超电)复合材料,首先采用二维纳米片状材料MXene对碳纤维(CF)进行表面改性,制备出高性能的CF/MXene复合纤维电极并将其组装成超级电容器,接着采用嵌入法将其排布在玄武岩纤维... 为了制备出兼具力学承载和能量存储功能的结构超级电容器(结构超电)复合材料,首先采用二维纳米片状材料MXene对碳纤维(CF)进行表面改性,制备出高性能的CF/MXene复合纤维电极并将其组装成超级电容器,接着采用嵌入法将其排布在玄武岩纤维增强织物中,通过灌注环氧树脂共形固化制备结构超电复合材料。系统分析了CF/MXene超级电容器的耐温稳定性及其覆膜处理的影响作用,并对制得结构超电复合材料的综合性能进行全面考察。结果表明,采用聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)对CF/MXene超级电容器进行覆膜处理,能有效保护其经受60℃持续12 h加热处理后的储能稳定性;组装的结构超电的密度为0.19 g/cm^(3),比电容可达3.38 mF/g(0.05 A/g),能量密度和功率密度分别为15.5 mWh/kg和256.4 mW/kg,其弯曲强度和弯曲弹性模量分别可达到199.6 MPa和4.54 GPa,且弯曲破坏后结构超电的电容保持率仍高达91%。整体上,制备的结构超电复合材料具备质轻、高强、储能性能优良且稳定的特点。 展开更多
关键词 碳纤维 MXene 结构超级电容器 嵌入法 结构储能材料 电化学
储能材料技术专业本科层次职业教育试点探索 被引量:1
作者 吕丹亚 吴为亚 +2 位作者 吴康 靳维维 华飞 《造纸装备及材料》 2020年第3期191-192,共2页
为了适应国家产业升级、创新驱动发展的要求,根据"职教20条"及国家开展本科层次职业教育的试点,以储能材料技术专业为例,探索和分析职业本科人才培养的定位目标、培养模式、课程体系等。职业教育中的储能材料技术专业是2019... 为了适应国家产业升级、创新驱动发展的要求,根据"职教20条"及国家开展本科层次职业教育的试点,以储能材料技术专业为例,探索和分析职业本科人才培养的定位目标、培养模式、课程体系等。职业教育中的储能材料技术专业是2019年新增专业,该专业适应国家战略性新兴产业需要。为了适应社会发展的智能化,本科层次职业教育的储能材料技术专业名称可以尝试更名为"储能材料智能应用与结构工程",下面都以此名来介绍该专业。文章通过对该专业的设置背景、培养目标、职业岗位分析、专业教学主要内容、实施保障等方面进行具体的介绍,来探索职业本科教育的模式。 展开更多
关键词 职业本科 储能材料技术专业 储能材料智能应用与结构工程专业 人才培养
南秦岭安康月河拉分盆地的构造发育特征 被引量:6
作者 甘家思 刘锁旺 李愿军 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 2002年第4期101-105,共5页
南秦岭新生代安康月河盆地是北西向石泉—安康—竹山—房县左旋走滑断裂构造带西北端弯月状拉分盆地。论述了该盆地的边界断裂、盆地结构和三代盆地发育演化特征 ,估算了盆地最大扩张量 (1.4 5km)和主控边界断裂的走滑位错量 (2 .9km) ... 南秦岭新生代安康月河盆地是北西向石泉—安康—竹山—房县左旋走滑断裂构造带西北端弯月状拉分盆地。论述了该盆地的边界断裂、盆地结构和三代盆地发育演化特征 ,估算了盆地最大扩张量 (1.4 5km)和主控边界断裂的走滑位错量 (2 .9km) ,分析了盆地主要储能结构与地震的关系。 展开更多
关键词 月河拉分盆地 构造形变 地震 储能结构 边界断裂 构造地貌
Formation mechanisms of recrystallization textures in aluminum sheets based on theories of oriented nucleation and oriented growth 被引量:1
作者 毛卫民 杨平 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1635-1644,共10页
The recrystallization textures in 95%rolled aluminum sheets with different purities and initial textures were investigated.The effects of recovery levels and the dragging effects induced by impurities on the effective... The recrystallization textures in 95%rolled aluminum sheets with different purities and initial textures were investigated.The effects of recovery levels and the dragging effects induced by impurities on the effective driving force and corresponding behaviors of oriented nucleation and oriented growth during annealing were analyzed.The oriented nucleation is a common behavior in the initial stage of primary recrystallization if the effective driving force in deformed matrix is not too high to reduce the necessity of nucleation period.Oriented growth might appear if the temperature is not too high and the grains,of which the misorientation to matrix is about 40°〈111〉,have enough time and space to expand growth advantages,while certain reduction of effective driving force is also necessary.The recrystallization textures could be changed by controlling initial textures and effective driving forces which can be regulated by recovery levels and dragging effects. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum RECRYSTALLIZATION TEXTURE recovery stored energy boundary migration
Phase structure and electrochemical properties of La_(0.7)Ce_(0.3)Ni_(3.75)Mn_(0.35)Al_(0.15)Cu_(0.75-x)Fe_x hydrogen storage alloys 被引量:2
作者 刘宝忠 李安铭 +2 位作者 范燕平 胡梦娟 张宝庆 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2730-2735,共6页
La0.7Ce0.3Ni3.75Mn0.35Al0.15Cu0.75-xFex (x=0-0.20) hydrogen storage alloys were synthesized by induction melting and subsequent annealing treatment, and phase structure and electrochemical characteristics were inves... La0.7Ce0.3Ni3.75Mn0.35Al0.15Cu0.75-xFex (x=0-0.20) hydrogen storage alloys were synthesized by induction melting and subsequent annealing treatment, and phase structure and electrochemical characteristics were investigated. All alloys consist of a single LaNi5 phase with CaCu5 structure, and the lattice constant a and the cell volume (V) of the LaNi5 phase increase with increasing x value. The maximum discharge capacity gradually decreases from 319.0 mA?h/g (x=0) to 291.9 mA?h/g (x=0.20) with the increase in x value. The high-rate dischargeability at the discharge current density of 1200 mA/g decreases monotonically from 53.1% (x=0) to 44.2% (x=0.20). The cycling stability increases with increasing x from 0 to 0.20, which is mainly ascribed to the improvement of the pulverization resistance. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen storage alloy AB5-type hydrogen storage alloys phase structures electrochemical property KINETICS Ni-MH battery LaNi5 phase
一种新型储能结构及其在主动配电网中的应用 被引量:1
作者 文科 杨洪耕 李坦 《华东电力》 北大核心 2014年第6期1064-1069,共6页
从主动配电网的定义出发,提出了一种新型的储能结构。该结构利用分布式能源中的储能单元构成了一种新的系统配置,可用来连接两条或多条线路。储能逆变器采用电压定向矢量控制,可实现对有功和无功地独立解耦控制。通过控制不同开关的开... 从主动配电网的定义出发,提出了一种新型的储能结构。该结构利用分布式能源中的储能单元构成了一种新的系统配置,可用来连接两条或多条线路。储能逆变器采用电压定向矢量控制,可实现对有功和无功地独立解耦控制。通过控制不同开关的开闭状态,该结构有三种运行模式,主要研究了第三种。该模式下,储能结构可将发出的功率分配到不同馈线之中并能实现馈线之间的功率交换。以相邻配电网为例进行仿真分析,结果验证了该新型储能结构在提升电能质量、灵活控制功率上的积极作用,为主动配电网中分布式储能技术提供了一种可能的选择。 展开更多
关键词 主动配电网 新型储能结构 电压定向矢量控制 电能质量
Structure and electrochemical hydrogen storage characteristics of La_(0.8-x)Pr_xMg_(0.2)Ni_(3.15)Co_(0.2)Al_(0.1)Si_(0.05) (x=0-0.4) electrode alloys 被引量:3
作者 张羊换 侯忠辉 +3 位作者 杨泰 张国芳 李霞 赵栋梁 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1142-1150,共9页
For the purpose of improving the electrochemical cycle stability of the La-Mg-Ni based A2BT-type electrode alloys, both reducing Mg content and substituting La with Pr were adopted. The Lao.8-xPrxMg0.2Ni3.15Co0.2A10.1... For the purpose of improving the electrochemical cycle stability of the La-Mg-Ni based A2BT-type electrode alloys, both reducing Mg content and substituting La with Pr were adopted. The Lao.8-xPrxMg0.2Ni3.15Co0.2A10.1Si0.05 (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) electrode alloys were fabricated by casting and annealing. The investigation on the structures and electrochemical performances of the alloys was performed. The obtained results reveal that the as-cast and annealed alloys comprise two major phases, (La, Mg)2Ni7 phase with the hexagonal Ce2NiT-type structure and LaNi5 phase with the hexagonal CaCus-type structure, as well as a little residual LaNi3 phase. It is also found that the addition of Pr element observably affects the electrochemical hydrogen storage characteristics of the alloys, just as the discharge capacity and high rate discharge ability (HRD) first rise then fall with the growing of Pr content, and among all the alloys, the as-cast and annealed (x=0.3) alloys generate the largest discharge capacities of 360.8 and 386.5 mA.h/g, respectively. Additionally, the electrochemical cycle stability of all the alloys markedly grows with the increase of Pr content. The capacity retaining rate (S100) at the 100th charging and discharging cycle is enhanced from 64.98% to 77.55% for the as-cast alloy, and from 76.60% to 95.72% for the as-annealed alloy by rising Pr content from 0 to 0.4. Furthermore, the substitution of Pr for La results in first increase and then decrease in the hydrogen diffusion coefficient (D), the limiting current density (IL) as well as the electrochemical impedance. 展开更多
关键词 A2B7-type electrode alloy LA PR STRUCTURE electrochemical performances
New Generation Processor Architecture Research 被引量:1
作者 陈红松 Hu +2 位作者 Mingzeng Ji Zhenzhou 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第4期94-96,共3页
With the rapid development of microelectronics and hardware,the use of ever faster micro processors and new architecture must be continued to meet tomorrow′s computing needs. New processor microarchitectures are need... With the rapid development of microelectronics and hardware,the use of ever faster micro processors and new architecture must be continued to meet tomorrow′s computing needs. New processor microarchitectures are needed to push performance further and to use higher transistor counts effectively.At the same time,aiming at different usages,the processor has been optimized in different aspects,such as high performace,low power consumption,small chip area and high security. SOC (System on chip)and SCMP (Single Chip Multi Processor) constitute the main processor system architecture. 展开更多
关键词 new microarchitecture development trend reusing explore parallelism
Effect of B and Fe substitution on structure of AB_3-type Co-free hydrogen storage alloy
作者 吴锋 张旻昱 穆道斌 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第10期1885-1891,共7页
A series of hydrogen storage Co-free AB3-type alloys were directly synthesized with vacuum mid-frequency melting method,within which Ni of La0.7Mg0.3Ni3 alloy was substituted by Fe,B and(FeB) alloy,respectively.Alloys... A series of hydrogen storage Co-free AB3-type alloys were directly synthesized with vacuum mid-frequency melting method,within which Ni of La0.7Mg0.3Ni3 alloy was substituted by Fe,B and(FeB) alloy,respectively.Alloys were characterized by XRD,EDS and SEM to investigate the effects of B and Fe substitution for Ni on material structure.The content of LaMg2Ni9 phase within La0.7Mg0.3Ni3 alloy reaches 37.9% and that of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.9(FeB)0.1 alloys reduces to 23.58%.Among all samples,ground particles with different shapes correspond to different phases.The major substitution occurs in LaMg2Ni9 phase.Electrochemical tests indicate that substituted alloys have different electrochemical performance,which is affected by phase structures of alloy.The discharge capacity of La0.7Mg0.3Ni3 alloy reaches 337.3 mA·h/g,but La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.9(FeB)0.1 alloy gets better high rate discharge(HRD) performance at the discharge rate of 500 mA/g with a high HRD value of 73.19%. 展开更多
关键词 Ni-MH battery AB3-type B substitution Co-free hydrogen storage alloy
Research on management of coal bed methane warehousing and transportation based on GIS
作者 LI Yong-feng ZHANG Ming-hui +1 位作者 WANG Yun-jia ZHANG Hua 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2009年第12期39-45,共7页
At present Coal Bed Methane (CBM) has become the important part of clean energy in China. and will optimize the energy structure in China unceasingly. However, warehousing and transportation of CBM become one of the... At present Coal Bed Methane (CBM) has become the important part of clean energy in China. and will optimize the energy structure in China unceasingly. However, warehousing and transportation of CBM become one of the core factors that restrain its exploitation and utilization at present, due to the space-time character of natural deposit and modem utilization of CBM. In this paper, according to the character of CBM and the expanding trend of its utilization, the necessity of constructing the CBM's warehousing and transportation management system demonstrated. Index system that influence CBM's warehousing and transportation is established. And CBM's warehousing and transportation model is established by Voronoi diagram. In light of above research, CBM's warehousing and transportation management system based on Geography Information System (GIS) is designed, Using this system, CBM's warehousing and allocation center in one mining area is optimized. Research shows that to reinforce CBM's warehousing and transportation management is one of the key factors for coordinating the development of its development and utilization, thereby ensuring its sustainable development and utilization. 展开更多
关键词 coal bed methane: warehousing and transportation: Voronoi diagram: GIS
Stimulus-responsive polymers for safe batteries and smart electronics 被引量:2
作者 Jiaping Niu Zheng Chen +1 位作者 Jingwen Zhao Guanglei Cui 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2060-2071,共12页
Stimulus-responsive energy storage devices,which can respond to external stimuli,such as heat,pH,moisture,pressure,or electric field,have recently attracted intensive attention,aiming at the ever-increasing demand for... Stimulus-responsive energy storage devices,which can respond to external stimuli,such as heat,pH,moisture,pressure,or electric field,have recently attracted intensive attention,aiming at the ever-increasing demand for safe batteries and smart electronics.The most typical stimulus-responsive materials are polymers that can change their conformation by forming and destroying secondary forces,including hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions in response to external stimuli,accompanied by changes in the intrinsic properties such as conductivity and hydrophobicity.Although the applications of stimulus-responsive functions in rechargeable batteries are still in the early stage because of the complexity and compatibility of battery architectures,many new concepts of regulating the polymer structures upon applications of stimuli have already been developed.In this review,we discuss the recent progress of stimulus-responsive polymers on energy storage devices featuring thermal protection and intelligent scenarios,with a focus on the detailed structural transformations of polymers under a given stimulus and the corresponding changes in battery performance.Finally,we present perspectives on the current limitations and future research directions of stimulus-responsive polymers for energy storage devices. 展开更多
关键词 stimulus-responsive polymer energy storage safety
Comparison of the topologies for a hybrid energy-storage system of electric vehicles via a novel optimization method 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Shuo XIONG Rui ZHOU Xuan 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1173-1185,共13页
The combination of batteries and ultracapacitors has become an effective solution to satisfy the requirements of high power density and high energy density for the energy-storage system of electric vehicles.Three aspe... The combination of batteries and ultracapacitors has become an effective solution to satisfy the requirements of high power density and high energy density for the energy-storage system of electric vehicles.Three aspects of such combination efforts were considered for evaluating the four types of hybrid energy-storage system(HESS)topologies.First,a novel optimization framework was proposed and implemented to optimize the voltage level of a battery pack and an ultracapacitor pack for the four types of HESS topologies.During the optimization process,the dynamic programming(DP)algorithm was iteratively applied to determine the optimal control actions.The simulation results with DP were used to evaluate the energy efficiency of different HESS topologies at different voltage levels.Second,the optimized voltage level of the battery and ultracapacitor in each topology indicates that a higher voltage level usually results in a better system performance.The simulation results also illustrate that the optimized rated voltage level of the battery pack is approximately 499.5 V,while for the ultracapacitor pack,the optimized voltage level is at its maximum allowed value.Note that the constraint of the battery voltage is initialized at200–600 V.Third,the control rules for different HESS topologies were obtained through the systematic analysis of the simulation results.In addition,advantages and disadvantages of the four topologies were summarized through evaluation of the efficiency and operating currents of the batteries and the ultracapacitor. 展开更多
关键词 electric vehicles lithium-ion battery ULTRACAPACITOR hybrid energy-storage system TOPOLOGY dynamic programming
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