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作者 韩巧燕 郭艳梅 《河北开放大学学报》 2024年第3期94-97,共4页
乡村振兴战略的实施意味着农村基层社会治理必须要发生适应性转型与改变。在社会学上,社会治理模式的转型与改变是个系统互动的过程。传统文化作为农村基层治理的重要内涵,其结构性功能则推动着农村基层社会治理的转型改变进程。以传统... 乡村振兴战略的实施意味着农村基层社会治理必须要发生适应性转型与改变。在社会学上,社会治理模式的转型与改变是个系统互动的过程。传统文化作为农村基层治理的重要内涵,其结构性功能则推动着农村基层社会治理的转型改变进程。以传统文化结构性功能发挥的角度分析农村经济、政治、可持续发展,有利于系统论证传统文化融入农村基层社会治理的结构性功能发挥及其对农村基层社会治理转型产生的积极性推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 传统文化 农村基层 社会治理 结构性功能
环境法“损害担责原则”的解读与反思——以法律原则的结构性功能为主线 被引量:25
作者 王江 《法学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期163-170,共8页
在"法律价值—法律原则—法律规则"这一法规范结构中,法律原则具有向上归纳和向下演绎的结构性功能。"损害担责原则"向上归纳的价值依归是环境正义。因仅着力于环境负担和义务的分配,而未虑及环境利益和权利的配置,... 在"法律价值—法律原则—法律规则"这一法规范结构中,法律原则具有向上归纳和向下演绎的结构性功能。"损害担责原则"向上归纳的价值依归是环境正义。因仅着力于环境负担和义务的分配,而未虑及环境利益和权利的配置,"损害担责原则"并非环境正义价值向下演绎的最优解。"损害担责原则"向下演绎的结果是环境损害法律责任规则。它是环境损害法律责任规则的统领,而非环境法律责任规则向上归纳的妥帖表达。"损害担责原则"更应被定位为"环境责任法"的原则而非环境法的基本原则。 展开更多
关键词 环境法 损害担责原则 结构性功能 法律价值 法律原则
治理现代化中的干部结构性管理功能 被引量:3
作者 朱婵玲 王济干 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第5期139-144,共6页
在知识经济时代,治理体系与治理能力现代化的战略,对干部管理和制度变革提出了新的更高要求。从外部环境的急剧变化带来干部管理条件的改变、多元化信息化倒逼干部管理结构的创新、内部民主意识的觉醒促使干部管理战略确立等方面来看,... 在知识经济时代,治理体系与治理能力现代化的战略,对干部管理和制度变革提出了新的更高要求。从外部环境的急剧变化带来干部管理条件的改变、多元化信息化倒逼干部管理结构的创新、内部民主意识的觉醒促使干部管理战略确立等方面来看,改革创新是政党组织管理的必然要求。从破解线性模式弊端的必然选择、治理现代化在干部工作中的具体承接、制度创新的变迁方向、现代组织管理的本质等方面来看,结构性管理是干部管理的顶层式创新。治理现代化干部中的结构性管理功能主要包括:构建责任、规制、效益、廉洁的组织文化;实现公开限权与民主制衡;实现绩效管理;促进有效激励与人力资本开发;增进内部协同与社会支持。 展开更多
关键词 治理现代化 党政干部 结构性管理功能
超声心动图在慢性肾衰竭患者的心脏功能和结构性损伤中的应用 被引量:2
作者 杨艳玲 高崇阳 《影像研究与医学应用》 2020年第1期122-123,共2页
目的:分析超声心动图在慢性肾衰竭患者的心脏功能和结构性损伤中的应用效果。方法:选择2018年1月—12月接受治疗的慢性肾衰竭患者46例,作为观察组,同时选取同一时期内进行体检且结果为正常的健康人群46例,作为对照组。两组入院行多普勒... 目的:分析超声心动图在慢性肾衰竭患者的心脏功能和结构性损伤中的应用效果。方法:选择2018年1月—12月接受治疗的慢性肾衰竭患者46例,作为观察组,同时选取同一时期内进行体检且结果为正常的健康人群46例,作为对照组。两组入院行多普勒超声检查、M型及心脏二维检查并比较两组的检测结果。结果:对两组进行各时期心室内径几厚度进行比较分析检查后,观察组的心脏结构性的各类指标均明显高于对照组,且观察组的心脏结构性的各类指标均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:超声心动图可以客观准确的显示慢性肾衰竭患者的心脏功能和结构性损伤情况,为临床诊断治疗提高有效依据,具有重大临床指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 超声心动图 心脏功能结构性损伤 慢性肾衰竭患者
《上海金融高等专科学校学报》 2003年第2期2-2,共1页
关键词 货币政策 结构性调节功能 经济运行 有效需求 供给结构 中小企业
作者 姜溪海 《中国当代文学研究》 北大核心 2024年第4期209-216,共8页
在以乡土性为底色的传统中国社会,乡贤群体普遍地存在于几乎每一村落中,承担着维护地方政治、经济、文化秩序,与不及乡里的皇权进行博弈的“保护型经纪”①职能。随着中国现代化历史的到来,皇权与士绅权力的双重失落致使传统保护型乡贤... 在以乡土性为底色的传统中国社会,乡贤群体普遍地存在于几乎每一村落中,承担着维护地方政治、经济、文化秩序,与不及乡里的皇权进行博弈的“保护型经纪”①职能。随着中国现代化历史的到来,皇权与士绅权力的双重失落致使传统保护型乡贤逐渐退出历史舞台,但是,这并不意味着乡村共同体对于乡贤这一结构性功能群体需求的消失。 展开更多
关键词 乡村共同体 结构性功能 传统中国社会 乡贤文化 群体需求 乡土性 乡贤群体
汉语话题链范畴、结构与篇章功能 被引量:12
作者 孙坤 《语言教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期72-82,共11页
话题链是汉语篇章常见的组织形式,体现为一种线性结构特征,主要表现为将较小单位有效组织起来连成篇章。要深入研究话题链篇章功能,必须关注其结构性特征与功能。本文重审了话题链的定义和性质,在区分其与零回指差异的基础上,从话题链... 话题链是汉语篇章常见的组织形式,体现为一种线性结构特征,主要表现为将较小单位有效组织起来连成篇章。要深入研究话题链篇章功能,必须关注其结构性特征与功能。本文重审了话题链的定义和性质,在区分其与零回指差异的基础上,从话题链的内部关系与外部关联着手研究话题链结构性功能。从话题对评述的管辖及评述部分的组合关系来探索话题链的内部关系;从话题链与话题链关系、话题链与非话题链关系来探索话题链的外部关联。 展开更多
关键词 结构性功能 零形式 话题链内部结构 话题链外部关联
基于消费者行为分析的区域旅游市场规划方法研究 被引量:11
作者 舒伯阳 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期16-18,共3页
本文尝试从旅游者消费需求分析角度入手,探讨区域旅游市场规划的方法论创新。本论文引入了动机———行为投射模型,通过对建立在专题旅游市场调查基础上的消费行为数据库的深度剖析,论文揭示了旅游目标市场群体常见的三类消费心理趋向模... 本文尝试从旅游者消费需求分析角度入手,探讨区域旅游市场规划的方法论创新。本论文引入了动机———行为投射模型,通过对建立在专题旅游市场调查基础上的消费行为数据库的深度剖析,论文揭示了旅游目标市场群体常见的三类消费心理趋向模式(补偿型需求、均衡型需求、超越型需求)以及相对应的旅游产品选择偏好规律。在此基础上提出了区域旅游目标市场群体的心理定位策略,以及相对应的从结构性旅游功能规划到旅游产品、旅游服务供给链连续递进的规划流程体系。即"行为分析(Behav ior)—定位(Postioning)—旅游供给(Supple)",简称旅游市场规划的BPS方案。 展开更多
关键词 动机—行为投射 消费心理趋向模式 结构性功能规划 规划流程体系
五脏者气化之器也 被引量:7
作者 烟建华 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期1185-1187,1193,共4页
中西医内脏目视所指相同或相近,但概念却有根本差异,中医五脏概念是困扰业界一个世纪的难解谜团。故重点剖析五脏概念形成的过程、方法和概念内涵,提出古人对五脏的认识,即从脏之形器入手,取其物象而比类,由意象而法象,是一个特有的功... 中西医内脏目视所指相同或相近,但概念却有根本差异,中医五脏概念是困扰业界一个世纪的难解谜团。故重点剖析五脏概念形成的过程、方法和概念内涵,提出古人对五脏的认识,即从脏之形器入手,取其物象而比类,由意象而法象,是一个特有的功能概念,并进入精气-阴阳-五行推理模式,形成五脏理论。因其由器而名,行气化之实,而其实又寄之于器,故五脏可称气化之器。此外,还对气化之器的名实作了深度理论解析和临证实用之探讨,指出"气化之器"重在气化,而"器"之意则使功能稳定化、结构化,因而五脏是一种结构性功能概念,其实质属于系统概念,并成为中医系统生命观的核心。至于应用既可引导我们运用"以象"法则熟练、准确地辨识五脏的病机、病证,提高诊治水平,又有助于深入把握生命的气化法则,升华业界的医学境界。 展开更多
关键词 五脏 概念 气化之器 道器观 结构性功能 系统生命观
作者 冯天瑜 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期65-74,170,共11页
制度是人类构建的约束自身行为之规则,是在物质生产、精神生产过程中结成的习惯、法规、戒律的集合,其在历史进程中发挥结构性功能。中国有悠久的制度文化考释传统,以《尚书》、《史记》“八书”、《汉书》“十志”为代表的古代史著注... 制度是人类构建的约束自身行为之规则,是在物质生产、精神生产过程中结成的习惯、法规、戒律的集合,其在历史进程中发挥结构性功能。中国有悠久的制度文化考释传统,以《尚书》、《史记》“八书”、《汉书》“十志”为代表的古代史著注重对制度文化的载述;以“通”、“典”为代表的记述典章制度的“典志体”成为一种代有传承的重要史体。中国史家热衷对作为文化现象的国家制度进行考释,累世积淀,成为史学的一种厚重传统。“三礼”、《史记》、《汉书》、“三通”为其杰构,近代史家更有拓展。中国古代的制度考释注重于“周制”和“秦制”。“礼”为制度之祖源,“三礼”是周制载述及其理论形态,对礼法、礼义作系统记录和创造性诠释,实为周制与后周制的混成。《春秋繁露》“复古更化”,《石渠议奏》、《白虎通义》帝王“称制临决”,成为周秦转折中阐述、改造周制论著的代表。 展开更多
关键词 史学 制度 制度文化 考释 结构性功能
适用于管道内形貌检测的3D全景视觉传感器 被引量:10
作者 汤一平 吴挺 +2 位作者 袁公萍 鲁少辉 杨仲元 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期726-733,共8页
管道内部缺陷种类繁多、检测困难且自动化程度低,针对这些问题,提出了一种适用于管道形貌检测的3D全景视觉检测方法。首先设计了一种获取管道内部全景颜色纹理信息的全景视觉传感器(ODVS),然后设计了一种能快速并高精度获得管道内壁深... 管道内部缺陷种类繁多、检测困难且自动化程度低,针对这些问题,提出了一种适用于管道形貌检测的3D全景视觉检测方法。首先设计了一种获取管道内部全景颜色纹理信息的全景视觉传感器(ODVS),然后设计了一种能快速并高精度获得管道内壁深度信息的主动式全景视觉传感器(ASODVS),接着将这两种ODVS进行紧凑小型化设计,通过软件将全景3D测量数据与全景颜色纹理数据的快速融合,在对管道内功能性缺陷和结构性缺陷进行全方位自动分析和评估的同时实现管道内部三维建模。实验结果表明,所设计的ASODVS+ODVS能实时获取地下管道内部颜色纹理和几何信息的全景图像,配置在管道机器人上能在狭长管道内边行走、边检测、边识别和边重构。 展开更多
关键词 管道视觉检测 主动式全景视觉 颜色纹理和几何信息的融合 功能性和结构性缺陷 三维重构
作者 陈秋婷 《龙岩学院学报》 2015年第4期114-117,128,共5页
唐英现存剧作十七种,多处运用"鬼神"形象。将"鬼神"形象渗入戏曲故事的叙述模式中,一方面对剧情发挥着结构性功能的作用;另一方面凸显出戏曲的教化意义,表明儒释道的"因果观念"相通之处。这种形象的运用... 唐英现存剧作十七种,多处运用"鬼神"形象。将"鬼神"形象渗入戏曲故事的叙述模式中,一方面对剧情发挥着结构性功能的作用;另一方面凸显出戏曲的教化意义,表明儒释道的"因果观念"相通之处。这种形象的运用,不仅与民间信仰文化相关,也是剧作家有意而为之的创作自觉。 展开更多
关键词 唐英 “鬼神”形象 结构性功能 戏曲教化 因果观念
Discussion on Structure Evolution and Function Expansion of Agriculture in China 被引量:1
作者 刘新 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期145-148,153,共5页
According to the characteristics of agricultural development during different periods, agricultural development was basically divided into traditional period, planning system period and household contracting pedod to ... According to the characteristics of agricultural development during different periods, agricultural development was basically divided into traditional period, planning system period and household contracting pedod to discuss the related laws of agricultural development in China. The agricultural function expansion during different periods was analyzed in terms of agricultural structure evolution, while structural optimization and function expansion of modem agriculture in China were also studied. The results indicated that during the traditional period, agricultural structure emphasized feeding people and grain production while agricultural function reflected the economic function beyond surviving standard. During the planning system period, a unitary structural mode of agriculture was formed in China, which showed that agriculture was dominated by planting industry and planting industry was dominated by grain, while agriculture executed the mixed economic function beyond surviving and liv- ing standard. During the household contracting period, the industrial structure of agriculture in China gradually became diversification and optimi- zation, but as the economic function of industrial standard, agricultural development was still greatly inhibited. The structural evolution of modem agriculture in China must step forward towards collectivization and scale merit, while ecological function and social function of agriculture increas- ingly become important and the function of agricultural production becomes mere and more diverse. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural structure Agricultural function Multi-functional agriculture
Forming technology of boiling structure on evaporation surface of phase-change heat sink for high-power light emitting diode 被引量:1
作者 向建化 叶邦彦 +2 位作者 汤勇 周伟 胡志华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期544-548,共5页
Boiling structures on evaporation surface of red copper sheet with a diameter (D) of 10 mm and a wall thickness (h) of 1 mm were processed by the ploughing-extrusion (P-E) processing method, which is one part of... Boiling structures on evaporation surface of red copper sheet with a diameter (D) of 10 mm and a wall thickness (h) of 1 mm were processed by the ploughing-extrusion (P-E) processing method, which is one part of the phase-change heat sink for high power (HP) light emitting diode (LED). The experimental results show that two different structures of rectangular- and triangular-shaped micro-grooves are formed in P-E process. When P-E depth (ap), interval of helical grooves (dp) and rotation speed (n) are 0.12 ram, 0.2 mm and 100 r/min, respectively, the boiling structures of triangular-shaped grooves with the fin height of 0.15 mm that has good evaporation performance are obtained. The shapes of the boiling structures are restricted by dp and ap, and dp is determined by n and amount of feed (f). The ploughing speed has an important influence on the formation of groove structure in P-E process. 展开更多
关键词 phase-change heat sink boiling structure high power light emitting diode ploughing-extrusion
Concepts of keystone species and species importance in ecology
作者 陆兆华 马玲 国庆喜 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第4期250-252,277,共4页
This paper discussed the keystone species concept and introduced the typical characteristics of keystone species and their identification in communities or ecosystems. Based on the research of the keystone species, th... This paper discussed the keystone species concept and introduced the typical characteristics of keystone species and their identification in communities or ecosystems. Based on the research of the keystone species, the concept of species importance (SI) was first advanced in this paper. The species importance can be simply understood as the important value of species in the ecosystem, which consists of three indexes: species structural important value (SIV), functional important value (FIV) and dynamical important value (DIV). With the indexes, the evaluation was also made on species importance of arbor trees in the Three-Hardwood forests (Fraxinus mandshurica, Juglans mandshurica, and Phellodendron amurense) ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 Species importance Keystone species Structural important value Functional important value Dynamical important value
Genetic Function Approximation Based QSPR Models for Predicting the Wetting Ability of Lubricants onto Rolled Copper Foil Surface 被引量:1
作者 Xiong Sang Sun Jianlin 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第2期79-89,共11页
The contact angle phenomena and wetting behavior of fatty acids,alcohols and ester used as additives in lubricants onto the rolled copper foil(RCF)surface were studied by the static sessile drop method.Semi-empirical ... The contact angle phenomena and wetting behavior of fatty acids,alcohols and ester used as additives in lubricants onto the rolled copper foil(RCF)surface were studied by the static sessile drop method.Semi-empirical quantum-chemical method studies on the contact angle of these compounds onto surface using several structural parameters were carried out.Molecular refractivity as well as several structural parameters were adopted in the development of quantitative structure-property relationships(QSPR)using genetic function approximation(GFA)statistical analysis method.The results show that quantum parameters are a better choice when predicting the contact angle and wettability of lubricants onto the RCF surface.Contact angle of the compounds serves as a function of their viscosity,interfacial tension,and physicochemical parameters.Alog P,molecular refractivity,molecular flexibility,total molecular mass,solvent surface area,element count,total energy and dipole are the most sensitive ones among the major contributing parameters.Notably,studies of lubricants on the RCF surfaces allow wetting theories to be tested down to the microcosmic scale,which can bring about new insight to predict wettability of lubricants onto RCF surface. 展开更多
关键词 lubricants WETTING contact angle MODELLING QSPR
First-Principles Study on Electronic Structure and Half-Metallic Properties of CoNCN and NiNCN 被引量:2
作者 LI Zhi-An CHEN Lang-Xing CAI Jing-Ru 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期707-709,共3页
We studied the electronic structure of the two new transition-metal carbodiimides CoNCN and NiNCN using first-principles method, which is based on density-functional theory (DFT). The density of states (DOS), the ... We studied the electronic structure of the two new transition-metal carbodiimides CoNCN and NiNCN using first-principles method, which is based on density-functional theory (DFT). The density of states (DOS), the total energy of the cell and the spin magnetic moment of CoNCN and NiNCN were calculated. The calculations reveal that the compound CoNCN and NiNCN have hall-metallic properties in ferromagnetic ground state, and the spin magnetic moment per molecule is about 7.000 μB and 6.000 μB for CoNCN and NiNCN, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 FIRST-PRINCIPLES electronic structure half-metallic properties
Study of structure function correlation of chemokine receptor CXCR4
作者 郑红 朱锡华 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2002年第2期79-84,共6页
Objective: To explore the correlation between structure domains and functions of chemokine receptor CXCR4. Methods: After the establishment of wild type chemokine.receptor CXCR4 and CXCR2 expressing cell lines, 5 CXCR... Objective: To explore the correlation between structure domains and functions of chemokine receptor CXCR4. Methods: After the establishment of wild type chemokine.receptor CXCR4 and CXCR2 expressing cell lines, 5 CXCR4/CXCR2 chimeras, 2 CXCR4 mutants were stably expressed on CHO cell line. Binding activities of all variants with the ligand, recombinant human SDF-1β, signal transduction ability after stimulation and their function as coreceptor for HIV-1 were studied with ligand-binding assay, Cytosensor/ microphysiometry and cell-cell reporter gene fusion assay. Results: Among all 7 changed CXCR4 receptors, 3 chimeras (2444a, 4442, 4122), and 1 mutant (CXCR4-Tr) bond with SDF-1β in varying degrees, of which only 2444a totally and CXCR4-Tr partially maintain signaling. All changed receptors except for 4222 could act as coreceptors for HIV-1 (LAI) in varying degrees. Conclusion: Several structure domains of CXCR4 are involved in the binding with SDF-1β, among which, N-terminal extracellular domain has high affinity of binding with SDF-1β, and the 3rd extracellular loop contributes to the binding, too. Although the C-terminal in-tracellular domain has no association with the maintenance of the overall structure of the receptor and ligand binding capability, the signaling is decreased when this domain is truncated. For CXCR4 signaling, not only is the conserved motif DRY box needed, but also the characterized conformation of the whole molecule must be formed when activation is required. There are some overlaps between SDF-1β binding domains and coreceptor function domains in molecular structure of CXCR4. 展开更多
Analysis of the Criticizes for Zootechnics Development in a Mountain Area of Italy
作者 Simona Rainis Sirio Rossano Secondo Cividino +1 位作者 Franco Sulli Elena Valent 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第8期846-855,共10页
The paper considers the main causes of the difficulties of zootechnics in Friulian mountains (Italy), evaluating different approaches. From the methodological point of view, there were analyzed the different aspects... The paper considers the main causes of the difficulties of zootechnics in Friulian mountains (Italy), evaluating different approaches. From the methodological point of view, there were analyzed the different aspects that causes the present crisis in this territorial contest and that, contextually, at the same time, prevent its recovery. The procedural pathway followed these steps: analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction and induction. The results showed that there are technical, social, environmental, political and infra-structural aspects that cause this stated economical emergency for the compartment. A "new rural paradigm", in particular, the multi-functionality of the farm seems to be the road to the progress of mountain regions. Unfortunately, there are no definitive universal answers, hut individual solutions that should be investigated and calibrated for specific local resources. 展开更多
关键词 Sustain rural development marginal and mountain areas livestock farming systems.
Stumbling Blocks in Cloud Computing Adoption Pathway: A Charter
作者 Devesh Kumar Harsh Vardhan Samalia +1 位作者 Piyush Verma Hergovind Singh 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第12期635-642,共8页
Cloud computing is currently an embryonic domain in the area of information technology that possesses the power of transforming the way information technology (IT) services are delivered and maintained in the busine... Cloud computing is currently an embryonic domain in the area of information technology that possesses the power of transforming the way information technology (IT) services are delivered and maintained in the business world. Pay as per the usage kind of cost structure coupled with delivery of computing services through internet makes cloud computing an exciting and potential growth oriented information technology model compared with conventional computing services delivery models. Various additional features like scalability, flexibility and easy deployment process creates a window for the organizations even relatively smaller in size to get benefitted by the highly advanced & modern technologies without incurring substantial cost. In spite of so many benefits of this new delivery model, concerns are beginning to grow about how safe an environment it is. Despite of all the hype surrounding the cloud, enterprise customers are still reluctant to deploy their business in the cloud. Security is one of the major issues which reduces the growth of cloud computing and complications with data privacy and data protection continue to plague the market. Other related concerns associated with the adoption of cloud computing include trust on service providers, loss of control and compliance issues. This paper is an attempt to explore security & trust issues linked with cloud computing adoption in the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector. 展开更多
关键词 Cloud computing PRIVACY security and SME.
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