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地方性形成过程中结构性动力与非结构性动力的关系——以曲阜地方性塑造过程为例 被引量:16
作者 唐顺英 周尚意 刘丰祥 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期120-124,共5页
地方性是指一个地方区别于其他地方的独特性。结构主义地理学者认为,结构性动力机制决定了某个地方在空间网络中的功能和地位,他们强调结构性动力机制的决定作用。然而后结构主义地理学者认为,尽管存在强大的结构力量,但是个体的能动作... 地方性是指一个地方区别于其他地方的独特性。结构主义地理学者认为,结构性动力机制决定了某个地方在空间网络中的功能和地位,他们强调结构性动力机制的决定作用。然而后结构主义地理学者认为,尽管存在强大的结构力量,但是个体的能动作用也会改变地方性。目前尚未有研究成果明确地说明个体能动性与结构性动力之间的关系,而这正是该文的探索主题。以孔子故里曲阜为研究对象,采用经验主义的文献分析法,分析在曲阜地方性塑造过程中,结构性动力和非结构性动力的内容与关系及其背后的主体。结论如下:第一,在突破原有意识形态的意义上,孔子创立儒学体现了非结构的动力,这成为后续国库资金流向曲阜的动因。第二,历朝历代国家文化空间的建设目的是满足宣传国家正统意识形态需要,这是一种结构性的力量,它决定国家文化空间建设的财力分配去向。曲阜在尊孔兴儒的朝代里,获得国库拨付的大量资金,用以兴建大型建筑群等,这背后的主体是以帝王为首的官僚群体。第三,地方文化的形成和传承主要依靠地方居民。孔氏家族及其当地居民共同塑造了曲阜的地方文化,这是非结构力量的作用。这些非结构力量创造出来的地方性是吸引结构性动力下资金流动的源泉。若要曲阜文化价值在当今得到延续和提升,须调动国家与地方、政府与民间等多方面的积极性。 展开更多
关键词 地方性塑造 结构性动力 结构性动力 曲阜
作者 吴春娜 《经济研究导刊》 2018年第20期34-36,共3页
三期叠加时期,陕西省经济步入了新常态,为避免陷入"中等收入陷阱",急需在"生产什么、怎么生产"上做好战略规划,诉求供给侧管理。因此,从供给侧结构性动力的视角,分析陕西省当下经济新常态的表现。在需求侧乏力、政... 三期叠加时期,陕西省经济步入了新常态,为避免陷入"中等收入陷阱",急需在"生产什么、怎么生产"上做好战略规划,诉求供给侧管理。因此,从供给侧结构性动力的视角,分析陕西省当下经济新常态的表现。在需求侧乏力、政策红利消失、创新不足的情况下,陕西省构建有效的供给侧结构性动力机制迫在眉睫。基于此,有针对性地提出陕西省发展路径:产业结构重构,提高全要素生产率,创新驱动及优化制度供给。 展开更多
关键词 新常态 陕西省 供给侧 结构性动力机制
不同地区非饱和黄土动力结构性研究 被引量:8
作者 王志杰 骆亚生 杨永俊 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期2459-2464,共6页
对兰州、洛川、杨凌地区黄土在不同含水率与不同应力状态下进行动扭剪三轴试验,测定了黄土的动剪应力-应变关系曲线;同时,依据Hardin-Drnevich双曲线模型,改进了基于动剪应力考虑的土结构性定量化参数,并应用该参数对三地区非饱和黄土... 对兰州、洛川、杨凌地区黄土在不同含水率与不同应力状态下进行动扭剪三轴试验,测定了黄土的动剪应力-应变关系曲线;同时,依据Hardin-Drnevich双曲线模型,改进了基于动剪应力考虑的土结构性定量化参数,并应用该参数对三地区非饱和黄土的动力结构性进行了分析。结果表明,三地区非饱和黄土的动力结构性参数随动剪应变的增大先降低,而后保持在一个稳定的水平;含水率与固结应力对黄土的动力结构性影响显著,在相同的固结应力条件下,含水率越低,黄土的动力结构性参数越大,在相同的含水率条件下,固结应力越小,黄土的动力结构性参数越大;在相同的条件下,杨凌地区黄土的动力结构性最强,洛川地区黄土次之,兰州地区黄土最弱,即黄土的动力结构性在地理空间分布上存在从西北向东南方向增强的规律。 展开更多
关键词 非饱和黄土 动扭剪试验 动力结构性 结构性参数 区域间对比
有效人力资本对劳动力结构性演进的影响——以湖北省为例 被引量:7
作者 张智敏 唐昌海 张炜 《市场与人口分析》 CSSCI 2006年第2期9-17,共9页
以湖北省劳动力产业结构变迁的实证为例,首次提出“有效人力资本”的概念,诠释了劳动力在产业间的转移模式与“有效人力资本存量”之间的关系。有效人力资本不仅在劳动力转移中起到了门槛的作用,而且还是度量三次产业“理论结构”的重... 以湖北省劳动力产业结构变迁的实证为例,首次提出“有效人力资本”的概念,诠释了劳动力在产业间的转移模式与“有效人力资本存量”之间的关系。有效人力资本不仅在劳动力转移中起到了门槛的作用,而且还是度量三次产业“理论结构”的重要依据。运用有效人力资本存量和人均有效人力资本存量的方法对湖北省三次产业劳动力学历水平、受教育年数的集中趋势和离散差异等进行剖析;阐述了用“有效人力资本”的观点分析劳动力产业变动与职业变动的理论意义和实践意义。要主动、安全地迎接即将出现的第三次劳动力产业性转移和职业性变更,必须加大“低级次”产业劳动力的教育投入和职业技能培训,以增加劳动力转变职业能力的有效人力资本。 展开更多
关键词 有效人力资本 动力结构性演进 实证分析
结构性剩余劳动力转移探索 被引量:2
作者 文峰 赵四学 《西北人口》 2004年第3期52-55,共4页
长期以来,由于对农村剩余劳动力的科学含义的误解,加上政策偏差,导致我国农村劳动力转移不足和过度转移。我国农村劳动力过剩实际上是结构性过剩。解决结构性过剩必须调整经济发展重点,给予进城农民“市民待遇”,赋予农村企业和市民“... 长期以来,由于对农村剩余劳动力的科学含义的误解,加上政策偏差,导致我国农村劳动力转移不足和过度转移。我国农村劳动力过剩实际上是结构性过剩。解决结构性过剩必须调整经济发展重点,给予进城农民“市民待遇”,赋予农村企业和市民“农民待遇”,并进行土地制度创新。 展开更多
关键词 结构性剩余劳动力 市民待遇 农民待遇
社区参与:政治和社会发展的结构性驱动力 被引量:3
作者 陆发玉 梁海波 《喀什师范学院学报》 2004年第1期4-7,共4页
社区参与是在全方位、多层面的社会变迁的宏观背景下形成的结构性的运行机制 ,并以此为驱动力推动了微观层次上的社区发展和宏观层次上的政治、社会发展 ,是政治发展和社会发展的一种结构性驱动力。但当前社区参与还存在一些问题 。
关键词 社区参与 政治发展 社会发展 结构性动力 社区发展 社区管理
桩体长径比对桩基动力特性的影响研究 被引量:4
作者 胡伟 王宏 肖天崟 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期2845-2848,共4页
弯曲破坏是地震中桩基失效的一类常见模式,其破坏的一个重要原因就是桩体的抗弯刚度不足。对于一定长度的桩体,桩的抗弯刚度与桩的长径比直接相关,但桩基规范中对摩擦桩的长径比并没有像端承桩那样作出限制。在构建的结构性饱和黄土动... 弯曲破坏是地震中桩基失效的一类常见模式,其破坏的一个重要原因就是桩体的抗弯刚度不足。对于一定长度的桩体,桩的抗弯刚度与桩的长径比直接相关,但桩基规范中对摩擦桩的长径比并没有像端承桩那样作出限制。在构建的结构性饱和黄土动力本构模型的基础上,针对黄土地区的单桩基础,结合大型有限元程序建立了摩擦桩-土-结构体系、端承桩-土-结构体系的有限元-无限元模型,探讨了不同桩体长径比对两者动力反应特性的影响,得出如下规律:(1)其他条件相同时,不管是端承桩还是摩擦桩,长径比对桩身截面剪应力和水平加速度的分布形态没有影响。但随着长径比的增大,桩身各截面对应的的剪应力值减小,而加速度值反而增大;(2)随着长径比的增大,桩身变形形态从正弯型逐渐过渡到反弯型,桩体的破坏模式也相应由剪切破坏过渡到弯曲破坏;(3)端承桩体系比摩擦桩体系更容易出现反弯型,但当长径比增大到一定程度时,摩擦桩也会呈现反弯型。从抗震角度来说,对摩擦桩长径比的限制应以桩体变形模式表现为正弯型为宜。所得结论对工程实践具有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 饱和黄土 结构性动力本构模型 桩-土-结构体系 有限元-无限元 动力相互作用 长径比
作者 李聪 《当代国外马克思主义评论》 CSSCI 2016年第1期160-175,共16页
关于社会形态的演进动力,'西方马克思主义'从卢卡奇的'阶级意识论'到阿尔都塞结构意义的'多元决定论',从法兰克福学派的批判理论到分析主义的马克思主义的科学性解释,'西方马克思主义'形成了社会形态... 关于社会形态的演进动力,'西方马克思主义'从卢卡奇的'阶级意识论'到阿尔都塞结构意义的'多元决定论',从法兰克福学派的批判理论到分析主义的马克思主义的科学性解释,'西方马克思主义'形成了社会形态演进动力的'主体性动力'和'结构性动力'二维解释框架。这两种解释框架彼此胶着,相互争鸣,形成了西方马克思社会形态演进动力论最宏阔的思想景观和学术论域。 展开更多
关键词 西方马克思主义 主体性动力 结构性动力
劳动力市场结构性改革的宏观经济效应:一个模拟分析 被引量:7
作者 陈利锋 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第10期4-17,共14页
文章考虑了我国非正规就业普遍存在的现实,构建包含非正规就业的动态随机一般均衡模型,分析我国劳动力市场结构性改革的短期效应和长期效应。研究发现,不同劳动力市场结构性改革的短期效应与长期效应存在显著差异:(1)就长期效应而言,以... 文章考虑了我国非正规就业普遍存在的现实,构建包含非正规就业的动态随机一般均衡模型,分析我国劳动力市场结构性改革的短期效应和长期效应。研究发现,不同劳动力市场结构性改革的短期效应与长期效应存在显著差异:(1)就长期效应而言,以降低正规部门雇佣成本为内容的第一种劳动力市场结构性改革、以降低正规部门议价能力为内容的第二种劳动力市场结构性改革均有助于产出的增加以及就业的正规化(即长期收益);(2)就短期效应而言,第一种劳动力市场结构性改革在短期中引起产出的显著下降和失业的显著上升(即短期疼痛),而第二种劳动力市场结构性改革则并未引起失业的增加。进一步,文章发现货币政策对劳动力市场结构性改革的效应具有重要影响:就基准政策看,旨在降低雇佣成本的第一种劳动力市场结构性改革的效应具有显著的"以短期疼痛换取长期收益"的特征;在Evans规则下,第一种劳动力市场结构性改革的这一特征则不复存在。因此,无论采用哪一种改革方式,Evans规则均可以作为配套性货币政策;并且就改革的效果而言,第二种劳动力市场结构性改革可能更为可取。 展开更多
关键词 动力市场结构性改革 雇佣成本 议价能力 动态随机一般均衡
Enhancing Na^(+) diffusion dynamics and structural stability of O3-NaMn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5)O_(2)cathode by Sc and Zn dual-substitution
作者 Bin-bin WANG Yi-ming FENG +8 位作者 Xin LUO Qun HUANG Zi-xing HOU Ya-qin WU Peng-yu WANG Yu-yang QI Qing-fei MENG Wei-feng WEI Liang-jun ZHOU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期3344-3357,共14页
Sc and Zn were introduced into O3-NaMn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5)O_(2)(NaMN)using the combination of solution combustion and solid-state method.The effect of Sc and Zn dual-substitution on Na^(+) diffusion dynamics and structural ... Sc and Zn were introduced into O3-NaMn_(0.5)Ni_(0.5)O_(2)(NaMN)using the combination of solution combustion and solid-state method.The effect of Sc and Zn dual-substitution on Na^(+) diffusion dynamics and structural stability of NaMN was investigated.The physicochemical characterizations suggest that the introduction of Sc and Zn broaden Na^(+) diffusion channels and weaken the Na—O bonds,thereby facilitating the diffusion of sodium ions.Simulations indicate that the Sc and Zn dual-substitution decreases the diffusion barrier of Na-ions and improves the conductivity of the material.The dual-substituted NaMn_(0.5)Ni_(0.4)Sc_(0.04)Zn_(0.04)O_(2)(Na MNSZ44)cathode delivers impressive cycle stability with capacity retention of 71.2%after 200 cycles at 1C and 54.8%after 400 cycles at 5C.Additionally,the full cell paired with hard carbon anode exhibits a remarkable long-term cycling stability,showing capacity retention of 64.1%after 250 cycles at 1C.These results demonstrate that Sc and Zn dual-substitution is an effective strategy to improve the Na^(+) diffusion dynamics and structural stability of NaMN. 展开更多
关键词 layered oxide cathode Sc and Zn dual-substitution structural stability Na^(+)diffusion dynamics
A review of rockburst:Insights from engineering sites to theoretical investigations
作者 HE Ben-guo WANG Biao +2 位作者 FENG Xia-ting ZHANG Heng-yuan JIN Zhao-tong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2607-2643,共37页
Rockburst has perennially posed a formidable challenge to the stability of underground engineering works,particularly under conditions of deep-seated high stress.This paper provides a comprehensive review of recent ad... Rockburst has perennially posed a formidable challenge to the stability of underground engineering works,particularly under conditions of deep-seated high stress.This paper provides a comprehensive review of recent advancements in on-site research related to rockburst occurrences,covering on-site case analyses,monitoring methodologies,early warning systems,and risk(proneness)evaluation.Initially,the concepts and classifications of rockburst based on on-site understanding were summarized.The influences of structural planes(in various spatial distribution combinations),in-situ stress(particularly magnitude and direction of the principal stress),dynamic disturbances,and excavation profiles on rockburst were thoroughly assessed and discussed through the analysis of published rockburst cases and on-site survey results.Subsequently,a compendium of commonly employed on-site monitoring techniques was outlined,delineating their respective technical attributes.Particular emphasis is accorded to the efficacy of microseismic monitoring technology and its prospective utility in facilitating dynamic rockburst early warning mechanisms.Building upon this foundation,the feasibility of assessing rockburst propensity while considering on-site variables is verified,encompassing the selection and quantitative evaluation of pertinent indicators.Ultimately,a comprehensive synthesis of the paper is presented,alongside the articulation of prospective research goals for the future. 展开更多
关键词 ROCKBURST in-situ stress structural plane dynamic disturbance rockburst proneness evaluation
Microscopic damage and dynamic mechanical properties of rock under freeze-thaw environment 被引量:25
作者 周科平 李斌 +2 位作者 李杰林 邓红卫 宾峰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1254-1261,共8页
For understanding the rock microscopic damage and dynamic mechanical properties subjected to recurrent freeze-thaw cycles, experiments for five groups of homogeneous sandstone under different freeze-thaw cycles were c... For understanding the rock microscopic damage and dynamic mechanical properties subjected to recurrent freeze-thaw cycles, experiments for five groups of homogeneous sandstone under different freeze-thaw cycles were conducted. After freezethaw, nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) tests and impact loading tests were carried out, from which microscopic damage characteristics of sandstone and dynamic mechanical parameters were obtained. The results indicate that the porosity increases with the increase of cycle number, the rate of porosity growth descends at the beginning of freeze-thaw, yet accelerates after a certain number of cycles. The proportion of pores with different sizes changes dynamically and the multi-scale distribution of pores tends to develop on pore structure with the continuing impact of freeze-thaw and thawing. Dynamic compressive stress-strain curve of sandstone undergoing freeze-thaw can be divided into four phases, and the phase of compaction is inconspicuous compared with the static curve. Elastic modulus and dynamic peak intensity of sandstone gradually decrease with freeze-thaw cycles, while peak strain increases. The higher the porosity is, the more serious the degradation of dynamic intensity is. The porosity is of a polynomial relationship with the dynamic peak intensity. 展开更多
关键词 ROCK freeze-thaw cycle nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) pore structure dynamic mechanical property dynamic compression stress-strain curve
Effects of stoichiometric ratio La/Mg on structures and electrochemical performances of as-cast and annealed La-Mg-Ni-based A_2B_7-type electrode alloys 被引量:3
作者 张羊换 杨泰 +3 位作者 翟亭亭 袁泽明 张国芳 郭世海 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1968-1977,共10页
In order to investigate the influences of the stoichiometric ratio of La/Mg (increasing La and decreasing Mg on the same mole ratio) on the structure and electrochemical performances of the La-Mg-Ni-based A2B7-type ... In order to investigate the influences of the stoichiometric ratio of La/Mg (increasing La and decreasing Mg on the same mole ratio) on the structure and electrochemical performances of the La-Mg-Ni-based A2B7-type electrode alloy, the as-cast and the annealed ternary Lao.8+xMgo.2_xNi3.5 (x=0-0.05) electrode alloys were prepared. The characterization of electrode alloys by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows that all the as-cast and the annealed alloys hold two major phases of (La,Mg)2Ni7 and LaNi5 as well as a residual phase of LaNi3. Moreover, the increase of La/Mg ratio brings on a decline of (La,Mg)2Ni7 phase and a rise of LaNi5 and LaNi3 phases. The variation of La/Mg ratio gives rise to an evident change of the electrochemical performances of the alloys. The discharge capacities of the as-cast and the annealed alloys evidently decrease with growing the La/Mg ratio, while the cycle stabilities of the alloys visibly augment under the same condition. Furthermore, the high rate discharge ability (HRD), the electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS), the Tafel polarization curves, and the potential step measurements all indicate that the electrochemical kinetic properties of the alloy electrodes increase with the La/Mg ratio rising. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen storage alloy annealing treatment structure electrochemical performance KINETICS
Phase structure and electrochemical properties of La_(0.7)Ce_(0.3)Ni_(3.75)Mn_(0.35)Al_(0.15)Cu_(0.75-x)Fe_x hydrogen storage alloys 被引量:2
作者 刘宝忠 李安铭 +2 位作者 范燕平 胡梦娟 张宝庆 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2730-2735,共6页
La0.7Ce0.3Ni3.75Mn0.35Al0.15Cu0.75-xFex (x=0-0.20) hydrogen storage alloys were synthesized by induction melting and subsequent annealing treatment, and phase structure and electrochemical characteristics were inves... La0.7Ce0.3Ni3.75Mn0.35Al0.15Cu0.75-xFex (x=0-0.20) hydrogen storage alloys were synthesized by induction melting and subsequent annealing treatment, and phase structure and electrochemical characteristics were investigated. All alloys consist of a single LaNi5 phase with CaCu5 structure, and the lattice constant a and the cell volume (V) of the LaNi5 phase increase with increasing x value. The maximum discharge capacity gradually decreases from 319.0 mA?h/g (x=0) to 291.9 mA?h/g (x=0.20) with the increase in x value. The high-rate dischargeability at the discharge current density of 1200 mA/g decreases monotonically from 53.1% (x=0) to 44.2% (x=0.20). The cycling stability increases with increasing x from 0 to 0.20, which is mainly ascribed to the improvement of the pulverization resistance. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen storage alloy AB5-type hydrogen storage alloys phase structures electrochemical property KINETICS Ni-MH battery LaNi5 phase
转型时期的劳动关系:趋势与思维嬗变 被引量:22
作者 谢德成 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期76-84,共9页
我国劳动关系发展经过了计划经济时期、市场经济初期及市场经济完善时期等几个重要阶段,每一种运行模式无不与经济体制及社会形态相适应。进入新世纪,经济全球化及劳动关系主体的多元,使劳动关系呈现出若干新的发展趋势。劳动力的流动... 我国劳动关系发展经过了计划经济时期、市场经济初期及市场经济完善时期等几个重要阶段,每一种运行模式无不与经济体制及社会形态相适应。进入新世纪,经济全球化及劳动关系主体的多元,使劳动关系呈现出若干新的发展趋势。劳动力的流动性不断催生非标准就业,集体劳动关系快速发展成为带有普遍性的劳动关系样态,劳动者生存权层面与发展权层面的权利需求共生,利益差别引起主体分层,都给劳动法的传统立法理念带来挑战。劳动法研究应快速改变单一的标准劳动关系研究思路,寻求适应和契合劳动关系发展趋势和规律的理念和方法,通过劳动力结构研究、内外部劳动力市场良性转换研究、多元协调模式研究以及非标准劳动关系规制方法研究等,推进和提升劳动法研究的视野。 展开更多
关键词 劳动关系 社会转型 动力市场结构性 劳动法
理解非正规就业:异质性雇佣成本、社会福利与稳定化政策 被引量:6
作者 陈利锋 《云南财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期3-15,共13页
在一个包含名义价格刚性、名义工资刚性和异质性雇佣成本的多部门模型中,考察了劳动力在正规部门与非正规部门之间的流动及其宏观经济效应。外生冲击的贝叶斯脉冲响应函数表明,失业在外生冲击下表现出较强的持续性,并且正规部门与非正... 在一个包含名义价格刚性、名义工资刚性和异质性雇佣成本的多部门模型中,考察了劳动力在正规部门与非正规部门之间的流动及其宏观经济效应。外生冲击的贝叶斯脉冲响应函数表明,失业在外生冲击下表现出较强的持续性,并且正规部门与非正规部门之间的显著性差异使得中国劳动力市场存在显著的"失业回滞"问题。社会福利分析的结果发现,尽管非正规部门的广泛存在通过降低名义价格刚性和名义工资刚性实现了社会福利的改善,但整体而言非正规部门与正规部门的显著性差异导致了社会福利的恶化。在此基础上,采用对失业做出反应的政策机制以及进行劳动力市场结构性改革,有利于稳定劳动力市场,也有利于降低非正规部门广泛存在引起的社会福利损失。 展开更多
关键词 异质性雇佣成本 正规部门 非正规部门 社会福利 动力市场结构性改革
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Silica Nanotube: Structural and Vibrational Properties Under Different Temperatures
作者 张胜利 张永红 +2 位作者 黄世萍 王鹏 田辉平 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期497-503,621,共8页
Four-, six-, and eight-membered ring silica nanotubes at temperatures from 300 K to 1600 K are relaxed by classical molecular dynamics simulations with three potential models. The simulation results indicate that the ... Four-, six-, and eight-membered ring silica nanotubes at temperatures from 300 K to 1600 K are relaxed by classical molecular dynamics simulations with three potential models. The simulation results indicate that the stability of the end rings of the three silica nanotubes gradually decreases with increase in temperature. The validity of the vibrational features of silica nanotubes is shown by the vibrational density of states. Infrared spectra on the silica nanotubes under different temperatures are investigated. A detailed assignment of each spectral peak to the corresponding vibrational mode of the three nanotubes has been addressed. The results are in good agreement with the other theoretical and experimental 展开更多
关键词 SiliCa nanotube Molecular dynamics Structural property Vibrational densityof state Infrared spectrum
The height-width ratio limited value for rubber bearing isolated structure computed by uniform design method 被引量:7
作者 王铁英 王焕定 +1 位作者 张永山 刘文光 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期36-40,共5页
Rubber isolation is the most mature control technology in practical application, and is widely used by short rigid buildings. However, many high isolation buildings have been built around the world in recent years, wh... Rubber isolation is the most mature control technology in practical application, and is widely used by short rigid buildings. However, many high isolation buildings have been built around the world in recent years, which do not follow the existing criterions and codes. Many researchers began to research the special problems caused by larger height-width ratio isolation structures. The overturning effect of high height-width ratio structures with rubber bearing is firstly studied. Considering the main factors, such as the height-width ratio of structures, type of site, the designed basic acceleration of ground motion and the decouple factor in horizon, computing experiment is defined with the Uniform Design Method, which is also known as designing isolation structure. The forces of the bearing under edge of structures based on the position of the rubber bearing are calculated. The result indicates that the rubber bearings will lose its functionality under very high tension and compressing force of earthquake motion in horizon and vertical, when the height-width ratio is over a certain value. Thus, based on the calculation result of isolation structures defined in the uniform design method, regression analysis is conducted, and also the rubber edge force regression formula are gotten, which has higher correlation and smaller standard deviation. This formula can be used to roughly calculate whether the pull force occurs at the edge of the building. By the edge bearings of isolation structure minimum force formula, the height-width ratio limited value of the isolation structure is deducted when rubber bearing has minimum force of zero. 展开更多
关键词 isolation structures the uniform design method regression analysis height-width ratio limited value
Effect of Particle's Size on the Structural and Dynamical Properties in 2D Dusty Plasma 被引量:1
作者 KONG Wei WANG Xin +2 位作者 LIU Song-Fen HU Bei-Lai WANG Long 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期569-572,共4页
In a two-dimensional (219) dusty plasma system, the size of particles is considered under two different interparticle potentials (Yukawa potential and Dressed potential). The structural and dynamical characters a... In a two-dimensional (219) dusty plasma system, the size of particles is considered under two different interparticle potentials (Yukawa potential and Dressed potential). The structural and dynamical characters are investigated by molecular dynamics simulation respectively. The results show that the 2D systems via Yukawa and Dressed potentials have a different critical coupling constant F corresponding to the systems beginning to coagulate and exhibit different crystal configurations. Also we find that the size of particles has little influence on the 2D system's structure characters. 展开更多
关键词 2D dusty plasma Yukawa potential dressed potential
Interactions Between Anticancer Pt(II) complexes and Human Erythrocyte Spectrin *
作者 杨晓改 李荣昌 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1998年第3期9-14,共6页
The interactions between human erythrocyte spectrin(SP) and Pt(II) complexes with different composition and configuration were studied by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra. The results showed that there are ... The interactions between human erythrocyte spectrin(SP) and Pt(II) complexes with different composition and configuration were studied by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra. The results showed that there are 4.7×10 2 binding sites of cisplatin(CDDP) in a spectrin tetramer(SPT). Among them, about 70 sites with apparent binding constant K 1】3.47×10 6 were of highest affinity, 1.8×10 2 sites with K 2 = 3.47×10 6 were of high affinity, and other 2.2×10 2 sites with K 3 = 8.77×10 5 were of low affinity. The conformation change of spectrin, depending on the concentration of Pt(II) complex and molar ratio(R) of Pt(II) complex to spectrin, was induced by the binding of Pt(II) complexes. It indicated that the interaction of both CDDP and cis diaquodiamine platinum(DADP) with SP followed a two step first order kinetic process in the first stage (1 h), and the kinetic constants were determined. In the second stage, the induced conformation change, polymerization and depolymerization of SP were probably involved. It was noticed that in the reaction of SP and Pt(II) complexes with 1,2 cyclohexanediammine isomers as chiral carrier ligand, stereo matching played a more important role than the affinity of Pt(II) to thiol groups of SP. 展开更多
关键词 Pt (II) complex SPECTRIN CONFORMATION Binding sites Kinetic CHIRAL
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