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作者 娄丙录 朱琳 《河南财经政法大学学报》 2016年第5期124-131,共8页
我国《关于经营者集中附加限制性条件的规定(试行)》中关于经营者集中附加结构性条件的部分条款存在待剥离资产选择标准不明确、购买方资格认定标准过于原则、交割前剥离规则缺乏可操作性等问题,应将具有竞争性和商业价值性、能够消除... 我国《关于经营者集中附加限制性条件的规定(试行)》中关于经营者集中附加结构性条件的部分条款存在待剥离资产选择标准不明确、购买方资格认定标准过于原则、交割前剥离规则缺乏可操作性等问题,应将具有竞争性和商业价值性、能够消除限制竞争问题明确为待剥离资产的选择标准,将购买方资格认定标准中购买方独立于集中方、具有维持并经营待剥离资产的意愿和能力的考量标准进行细化,对交割前剥离规则进一步完善。 展开更多
关键词 经营者集中 结构性条件 待剥离资产 适格购买方 交割前剥离
再论儒法国家形成中的“结构性条件”——兼评《东周战争与儒法国家的诞生》 被引量:1
作者 伊卫风 《原道》 CSSCI 2017年第2期109-123,共15页
赵鼎新教授《东周战争与儒法国家的诞生》一书大量篇幅是对东周战争的详尽分析,而对社会的结构性条件如何造就国家权力一元独大的最终结果鲜有明确论述,在利用曼的权力类型学说时也忽略了中西语境差别。本文主要针对赵鼎新教授关于儒法... 赵鼎新教授《东周战争与儒法国家的诞生》一书大量篇幅是对东周战争的详尽分析,而对社会的结构性条件如何造就国家权力一元独大的最终结果鲜有明确论述,在利用曼的权力类型学说时也忽略了中西语境差别。本文主要针对赵鼎新教授关于儒法国家形成的解释,以具体的历史语境为根据,尝试分析一元独大的儒法国家的权力形成逻辑。赵在《东周战争与儒法国家的诞生》一书中以欧洲中世纪为参照对象,认为从东周战国到秦汉一统的转型中社会多元力量发展薄弱,从而造成了国家权力一家独大的儒法国家的诞生。回到中国的历史语境,本文发现意识形态权力、军事权力、经济权力和政治权力在战争的推动下都得到了相应的发展,但政治权力与其余三种权力之间并不在同一平台上发展,而是以其余三者隶属于政治权力为前提的发展,正是这种隶属关系造成了国家权力的一家独大。 展开更多
关键词 结构性条件 隶属关系 一家独大 儒法国家
《现代台湾研究》 2002年第3期35-40,共6页
在战后后发展社会的现代化进程中,一个非常引人注目的现象是:为数众多的发展中国家或地区面对现代化的挑战,不约而同地选择了以威权政治推动经济发展的道路。走上威权主义道路的国家,一开始都取得了立竿见影的经济效果,而那些按照... 在战后后发展社会的现代化进程中,一个非常引人注目的现象是:为数众多的发展中国家或地区面对现代化的挑战,不约而同地选择了以威权政治推动经济发展的道路。走上威权主义道路的国家,一开始都取得了立竿见影的经济效果,而那些按照西方政治学标准衡量真正实行民主政治的发展中国家(如印度)。 展开更多
关键词 威权体制 经济现代化 结构性条件 意识形态 务实主义 市场经济 台湾省
附条件批准经营者集中制度的实践与法律完善——-基于典型案例的分析 被引量:4
作者 李煜 《现代经济探讨》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期83-87,共5页
国务院反垄断执法机构对经营者集中案件附加限制性条件是为了减少集中对竞争产生的不利影响。该文对2008年至2013年发生的20件附加限制性条件批准的经营者集中案件进行了法律分析,绝大部分案件都附加了后期监管成本较高的行为性条件。... 国务院反垄断执法机构对经营者集中案件附加限制性条件是为了减少集中对竞争产生的不利影响。该文对2008年至2013年发生的20件附加限制性条件批准的经营者集中案件进行了法律分析,绝大部分案件都附加了后期监管成本较高的行为性条件。商务部在执法水平稳步提升的同时,体现出与其他司法辖区不同的执法思路与特色,但应注重更加准确地对竞争状况进行评估,加快案件的审查速度,以减少对竞争分析的非反垄断因素的干扰。 展开更多
关键词 经营者集中 结构性条件 行为性条件 附加限制性条件
作者 易慧 《老字号品牌营销》 2019年第7期11-14,共4页
经营者集中附加限制性条件作为经营者集中的救济措施,具体限制性条件的选择与适用十分重要。结构性条件和行为性条件从有效性、执行成本和实施过程中的难点来看各有利弊,在选择和适用中应当依据个案事实,综合考量集中交易的反竞争效果... 经营者集中附加限制性条件作为经营者集中的救济措施,具体限制性条件的选择与适用十分重要。结构性条件和行为性条件从有效性、执行成本和实施过程中的难点来看各有利弊,在选择和适用中应当依据个案事实,综合考量集中交易的反竞争效果、行业特征、集中类型等因素作出选择。美国、欧盟经营者集中附加限制性条件的实践表明,一国限制性条件选择有一定偏好,我国目前也存在偏好行为性条件,结构性条件适用较少以及缺乏限制性条件适用的具体操作指引等问题。 展开更多
关键词 经营者集中 限制性条件 结构性条件 行为性条件
作者 邱铌 《吉林工商学院学报》 2019年第3期104-108,共5页
经营者集中附加限制性条件是经营者集中反垄断评估中的救济,相较于结构性限制条件,行为性限制条件具有种类繁多、灵活变通、适应范围广的优势,但另一方面也有高监督成本、高监督难度和破坏市场自由竞争秩序的潜在危害等不足。行为性限... 经营者集中附加限制性条件是经营者集中反垄断评估中的救济,相较于结构性限制条件,行为性限制条件具有种类繁多、灵活变通、适应范围广的优势,但另一方面也有高监督成本、高监督难度和破坏市场自由竞争秩序的潜在危害等不足。行为性限制条件在我国得到了广泛应用。可以通过精心设计行为性救济解决集中可能产生的竞争问题,行为性救济实施风险大和监督成本高的弊端也完全可以通过一些保障机制得到克服,秉承趋利避害的原则以保证行为性限制条件效用最大化。 展开更多
关键词 经营者集中附加限制性条件 行为性限制条件 结构性限制条件 市场公平竞争 反垄断审查
费孝通和村庄生计研究:八十年的回顾 被引量:3
作者 刘能 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期18-23,共6页
以费孝通先生的社区田野调查(尤其是江村调查和云南三村调查)为起点,费先生的村庄生计研究可以分为两个范式,即古典范式和当代范式。这两个研究范式各自隐含着种种结构性社会前提,对它们的剖析和阐述可以回答费孝通先生的两个研究范式... 以费孝通先生的社区田野调查(尤其是江村调查和云南三村调查)为起点,费先生的村庄生计研究可以分为两个范式,即古典范式和当代范式。这两个研究范式各自隐含着种种结构性社会前提,对它们的剖析和阐述可以回答费孝通先生的两个研究范式在关于中国村庄生计的整个研究脉络中所处的理论地位。如今,劳动力的全球流动、文化和体验的商品化,以及移动互联网(基础设施和技术心智)在乡村地区的渗透和扩散有可能成为影响中国村庄生计模式的结构性力量,对这些结构力量的阐述,表明费孝通先生所开拓的村庄生计这一研究方向,至今仍然有其经验活力和理论价值。 展开更多
关键词 费孝通 村庄生计研究 古典范式 当代范式 结构性条件
作者 袁振华 《开封教育学院学报》 2017年第7期253-255,共3页
自反垄断法实施生效以来,截至2017年5月,商务部已经累计公告29起经营者集中附加救济措施批准案例。经营者集中救济就是通过附加救济措施,达到既消除经营者集中可能产生的限制竞争效果,又不妨碍参与经营者集中可以带来收益的目的。本文... 自反垄断法实施生效以来,截至2017年5月,商务部已经累计公告29起经营者集中附加救济措施批准案例。经营者集中救济就是通过附加救济措施,达到既消除经营者集中可能产生的限制竞争效果,又不妨碍参与经营者集中可以带来收益的目的。本文通过实证研究,试图分析反垄断执法机构的具体案件执法问题,以期洞悉救济措施选择上的困境。 展开更多
关键词 经营者集中救济 结构性条件救济 行为性条件救济
作者 郭信康 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1983年第2期70-77,共8页
在[1]中曾讨论过强奇性系数抛物型问题解的存在性。现进一步改进结构性条件,使方程可显含有例如K/X_u~β(u)/(x)这一类强奇性系数项,其中K为常数,奇性出现在区域边界含x_n=0的一部分中。在实际应用中出现这种类型的项是常见的。在奇性... 在[1]中曾讨论过强奇性系数抛物型问题解的存在性。现进一步改进结构性条件,使方程可显含有例如K/X_u~β(u)/(x)这一类强奇性系数项,其中K为常数,奇性出现在区域边界含x_n=0的一部分中。在实际应用中出现这种类型的项是常见的。在奇性椭园型问题中己有不少文献从事这方面的讨论,见[2][3][4][5]。设Ω是n(n≥2)维欧氏空间中的有界域,记Q_T=Ω×[0,T],S_T=Ω×[0,T]。 展开更多
关键词 子序列 所有 方程 QT 函数 广义解 存在定理 解的存在性 不等式 结构性条件 常数 数学
3D Se-doped NiCoP nanoarrays on carbon cloth for efficient alkaline hydrogen evolution 被引量:3
作者 LIU Zi-xuan WANG Xiao-long +3 位作者 HU Ai-ping TANG Qun-li XU Ya-li CHEN Xiao-hua 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期2345-2359,共15页
The exploration of stable and highly efficient alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction(HER)electrocatalysts is imperative for alkaline water splitting.Herein,Se-doped NiCoP with hierarchical nanoarray structures directly... The exploration of stable and highly efficient alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction(HER)electrocatalysts is imperative for alkaline water splitting.Herein,Se-doped NiCoP with hierarchical nanoarray structures directly grown on carbon cloth(Se-NiCoP/CC)was prepared by hydrothermal reaction and phosphorization/selenization process.The experimental results reveal that Se doping could increase the electrochemical active sites and alter the electronic structure of NiCoP.The optimized Se-NiCoP/CC electrode exhibits outstanding HER activity in alkaline electrolyte,which only needs a low overpotential of 79 mV at the current density of 10 mA/cm^(2).When serving as anode and cathode electrode simultaneously,the Se-NiCoP/CC electrodes achieve current density of 50 mA/cm^(2) at a low voltage of only 1.62 V.This work provides a feasible way to rationally design high active HER electrocatalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Se-NiCoP nanorods multi-level array structure hydrogen evolution reaction alkaline solution water splitting
作者 江浩 《九江学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第2期113-116,124,共5页
经营者集中审批附款是反垄断规制制度中的一项重要内容。它不仅能有效地减少和消除因经营者集中所造成的反竞争效果,而且能充分地发挥经营者集中所带来的规模经济效益。文章通过对商务部公布的附条件批准经营者集中案例的研究,归纳出经... 经营者集中审批附款是反垄断规制制度中的一项重要内容。它不仅能有效地减少和消除因经营者集中所造成的反竞争效果,而且能充分地发挥经营者集中所带来的规模经济效益。文章通过对商务部公布的附条件批准经营者集中案例的研究,归纳出经营者集中审批附款的种类分别是附结构性限制条件、附行为性限制条件以及附混合型限制条件。同时,分析了我国经营者集中审批附款在立法、执法两个方面存在的问题并提出了相应的完善建议。 展开更多
关键词 经营者集中审批附款 结构性限制条件 附行为性限制条件 附混合型限制条件
Causal Stability Conditions for General Relativistic Spacetimes
作者 Ecaterina Marion Howard 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第7期258-264,共7页
A brief overview of some open questions in general relativity with important consequences for causality theory is presented, aiming to a better understanding of the causal structure of the spacetime. Special attention... A brief overview of some open questions in general relativity with important consequences for causality theory is presented, aiming to a better understanding of the causal structure of the spacetime. Special attention is accorded to the problem of fundamental causal stability conditions. Several questions are raised and some of the potential consequences of recent results regarding the causality problem in general relativity are presented. A key question is whether causality violating regions are locally allowed. The new concept of almost stable causality is introduced; meanwhile, related conditions and criteria for the stability and almost stability of the causal structure are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Causality general relativity causal hierarchy causal stability spacetime topology global hyperbolicity chronology.
The Preparation of Ultra-fine Calcium Carbonate and Its properties Study
作者 Peilin WANG Shenhai WANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期100-103,共4页
This article adopts the double decomposition method, select the appropriate experimental conditions and operation process, respectively add appropriate amount of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as crystal contr... This article adopts the double decomposition method, select the appropriate experimental conditions and operation process, respectively add appropriate amount of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as crystal control agent to study the influence of crystalline of ultrafine calcium carbonate. The experimental results show that the different concentrations of CMC as crystal control agent on the morphology and crystal structure of calcium carbonate have obvious effect, which emerge morphology change from square to spherical, crystalline transition from calcite to aragonite. Thus, the results provide experimental data and theoretical basis for the use of different additives, and provide experimental basis and feasible solution for this kind of reaction. 展开更多
关键词 Superfine calcium carbonate Crystal control agents Morphology and size control Action mechanism
Research on the Relationship between Shallow Shear Wave Velocity and Basement Structure in the Tianjin Coastal Area
作者 Gao Wuping Chen Yukun +3 位作者 Ren Feng Yan Chengguo Wang Zhisheng Yang Fei 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第4期512-519,共8页
Shear wave velocity is one of the important dynamic characteristics of soil layers and applied widely in aseismic engineering. In this paper, 500 drill logging data are used to make a linear interpolation based on 0. ... Shear wave velocity is one of the important dynamic characteristics of soil layers and applied widely in aseismic engineering. In this paper, 500 drill logging data are used to make a linear interpolation based on 0. 01° x 0. 01°x lm grid. A shallow 3-D shear wave velocity structure of Tianjin coastal area is obtained. According to the data and geological background, we selected two typical velocity profiles to try to introduce and explain its relationship to basement structure. The results show that the shear wave velocity structure clearly presents the characteristic of stratification and lateral inhomogeneity. Furthermore, the difference of the shear wave structure between tectonic elements is clear and the velocity structure between the two sides of the local or border fault in the Quaternary is disturbed or affected significantly. It intuitively shows that the basement structure and fault activity of this region had good control of sedimentation development and strata formation in the Quaternary period which would have an important effect on engineering seismic and geological condition evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 Shear wave velocity Transverse wave well logging Tianjin coastal area Velocity structure Tectonic element Fault QUATERNARY
Multiobjective Optimization of Truss Topology by Linear/Sequential Linear Programming Method
作者 Toyofumi Takada 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第10期585-593,共9页
The present paper deals with a multiobjective optimization of truss topology by either Sequential Linear Programming (SLP) method or Linear Programming (LP) method. The ground structure approach is often used to s... The present paper deals with a multiobjective optimization of truss topology by either Sequential Linear Programming (SLP) method or Linear Programming (LP) method. The ground structure approach is often used to solve this kind of design problems. In this paper, the topology optimization is formulated as a Multiobjective Optimization Problem (MOP), which is to find the cross-sectional area of truss members, such that both the total volume of members and the weighted mean compliance are minimized. Based upon the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions (the optimality condition), the Pareto optimal front of this problem can be obtained theoretically. The truss topology optimization under multiple load cases can be solved by the SLP. On the other hand, the LP such as the Simplex method or the interior point method can be applied to find one of the Pareto optimal solutions of the MOP under single load case. The applications of either the SLP or the LP are illustrated in numerical examples with discussion on characteristics of design results. 展开更多
关键词 Topology optimization multiobjective optimization multi load cases single load case.
社区治理中的社会资本培育 被引量:182
作者 方亚琴 夏建中 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期64-84,205,206,共23页
多元共治的社区治理结构是打造共建共治共享治理格局的抓手,居民对社区公共事务的参与是实现“共治”的关键。对于当前城市社区治理所面临的“弱参与”困境,社区社会资本为其提供了一种整合性、包容性的破解思路。通过深入考察H市M社区... 多元共治的社区治理结构是打造共建共治共享治理格局的抓手,居民对社区公共事务的参与是实现“共治”的关键。对于当前城市社区治理所面临的“弱参与”困境,社区社会资本为其提供了一种整合性、包容性的破解思路。通过深入考察H市M社区和J市S社区的社会资本形成路径发现,社会资本的培育就是发现居民特定的社区交往需求并为其创造相应的结构性条件,使社区成为一个持续的互动系统。在新的社会结构条件下,居民寻求社区归属感的心理需求、满足相同生活需求的互助需求以及维护共同利益的合作需求为社区社会资本的形成提供了内生性动力,而以人为本的社区空间、发育良好的社区社会组织以及完善的社区治理结构则是社区交往需求转变为实际交往行动所需的结构性条件。在陌生人社区的社会资本形成过程中,国家和政府的合理介入发挥着“引导程序”作用。 展开更多
关键词 社区社会资本 内生性动力 结构性条件
作者 QIN TIEHU 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第4期435-438,共4页
This paper constructs a polyconvex stored energy function, satisfying the null condition, for isotropic compressible elastic materials with given Lame constants. The difference between this stored energy function and ... This paper constructs a polyconvex stored energy function, satisfying the null condition, for isotropic compressible elastic materials with given Lame constants. The difference between this stored energy function and St Venant-Kirchhoff's is a three order term. 展开更多
关键词 Compressible elasticity Stored energy function Null condition
Poincaré's Lemma on Some Non-Euclidean Structures
作者 Alexandru KRISTALY 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期297-314,共18页
The author proves the Poincard lemma on some (n +1)-dimensional corank 1 sub-Riemannian structures, formulating the (n-1)n(n2+3n-2) necessarily and sufficient- s ly "curl-vanishing" compatibility conditions... The author proves the Poincard lemma on some (n +1)-dimensional corank 1 sub-Riemannian structures, formulating the (n-1)n(n2+3n-2) necessarily and sufficient- s ly "curl-vanishing" compatibility conditions. In particular, this result solves partially an open problem formulated by Calin and Chang. The proof in this paper is based on a Poincard lemma stated on l:tiemannian manifolds and a suitable Ceskro-Volterra path in- tegral formula established in local coordinates. As a byproduct, a Saint-Venant lemma is also provided on generic Riemannian manifolds. Some examples are presented on the hyperbolic space and Carnot/Heisenberg groups. 展开更多
关键词 Poincar lemma Cesaro-Volterra path integral Sub-Riemannian manifolds
Recent trends in the use of polyoxometalate-based material for efficient water oxidation 被引量:1
作者 HAN ZhanGang BOND Alan M ZHAO Chuan 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第12期1877-1887,共11页
Polyoxometalates (POMs), with their attractive topological and electronic properties, have been demonstrated over the last few decades to be efficient catalysts for many reactions. In a new direction, POMs having a ... Polyoxometalates (POMs), with their attractive topological and electronic properties, have been demonstrated over the last few decades to be efficient catalysts for many reactions. In a new direction, POMs having a purely inorganic framework are now being explored as efficient catalysts for water oxidation. This review focuses on very recent developments of POM-based catalysts for water oxidation to O2. In the very extensive family of POMs, tetra-core sandwich-type Ru- and Co-containing POM complexes, namely [Ru404(OH)2(H20)4(y-SiW10O36)2]10- and [CO4(H2O)2(a-PWgO34)2]10- exhibit the ability to facilitate water oxidation under electrocatalytic and/or photocatalytic conditions. However, it is concluded that much work still needs to be done to explain the catalytic mechanisms and optimize these catalytic systems. In addition, recent trends in using ionic liquids as media to modify the electrolytic environment and enhance water oxidation are highlighted. 展开更多
Graphene-templated synthesis of sandwich-like porous carbon nanosheets for efficient oxygen reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media 被引量:9
作者 Tao Wang Jianyu Wang +3 位作者 Xu Wang Jia Yang Jianguo Liu Hangxun Xu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第7期915-925,共11页
Developing low-cost, high-performance elec- trocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is crucial for implementation of fuel cells and metal-air batteries into practical applications. Graphene-based cataly... Developing low-cost, high-performance elec- trocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is crucial for implementation of fuel cells and metal-air batteries into practical applications. Graphene-based catalysts have been extensively investigated for ORR in alkaline electrolytes. However, their performance in acidic electrolytes still requires further improvement compared to the Pt/C catalyst. Here we report a self-templating approach to prepare graphene-based sandwich-like porous carbon nanosheets for efficient ORR in both alkaline and acidic electrolytes. Graphene oxides were first used to adsorb m-phenylenediamine molecules which can form a nitrogen-rich polymer network after oxidative poly- merization. Then iron (Fe) salt was introduced into the polymer network and transformed into ORR active Fe-N-C sites along with Fe, FeS, and FEN0.05 nanopartides after pyr- olysis, generating ORR active sandwich-like carbon na- nosheets. Due to the presence of multiple ORR active sites. The as-obtained catalyst exhibited prominent ORR activity with a half-wave potential -30 mV more positive than Pt/C in 0.1 mol L-1 KOH, while the half-wave potential of the catalyst was only -40 mV lower than that of commercial Pt/C in 0.1 mol L-1 HClO4. The unique planar sandwich-like structure could expose abundant active sites for ORR. Meanwhile, the graphene layer and porous structure could simultaneously enhance electrical conductivity and facilitate mass transport. The prominent electrocatalytic activity and durability in both alkaline and acidic electrolytes indicate that these carbon na- nosheets hold great potential as alternatives to precious metal- based catalysts, as demonstrated in zinc-air batteries and proton exchange membrane fuel cells. 展开更多
关键词 oxygen reduction reaction porous carbon na-nosheets fuel cells zinc-air batteries
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