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作者 高桂宏 《锦州医学院学报》 2001年第2期31-31,共1页
关键词 乙状结肠部宫外孕 B超 诊断 误诊
回盲部早期结肠癌并存阑尾炎漏诊原因分析 被引量:1
作者 姚国栋 姚文魁 +2 位作者 苏海丽 姚志刚 贾培梅 《内蒙古医学院学报》 2003年第4期267-268,共2页
关键词 回盲结肠肿瘤 误诊 阑尾炎
作者 陈福来 张鉴颖 +4 位作者 卢德武 董士佳 严香兰 芦海滨 潘昕毅 《中国现代药物应用》 2009年第1期128-129,共2页
目的探讨口服钡剂结肠注气法诊断右半结肠及回盲部疾病的价值。方法对72例患者行常规法检查后再行注气法检查进行对比。结果72例患者中回盲部显示清晰者30例,回肠末端黏膜清晰者40例;回盲部解剖关系显示清晰者42例。结论口服钡剂结肠注... 目的探讨口服钡剂结肠注气法诊断右半结肠及回盲部疾病的价值。方法对72例患者行常规法检查后再行注气法检查进行对比。结果72例患者中回盲部显示清晰者30例,回肠末端黏膜清晰者40例;回盲部解剖关系显示清晰者42例。结论口服钡剂结肠注气法对右半结肠及回盲部疾病诊断价值优于常规口服法。 展开更多
关键词 右半结肠及回盲疾病 口服钡剂结肠注气法 常规口服法
作者 曹国海 《国外医学(外科学分册)》 2004年第3期190-190,共1页
关键词 结肠部 直肠 肝转移 肝切除术 肝胆疾病 肿瘤
表现为阑尾炎症状的回盲部及升结肠癌诊断 被引量:1
作者 朱雪峰 俞兆祉 吴铁 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2011年第29期112-112,共1页
目的:提高表现为阑尾炎症状回盲部及升结肠癌的术前确诊率。方法:回顾临床表现以右下腹痛或转移性右下腹痛为首发症状的回盲部癌患者11例,术前确症10例,术中确诊1例。结果:术后切口感染3例。随访11例,目前存活10例。结论:经过仔细询问病... 目的:提高表现为阑尾炎症状回盲部及升结肠癌的术前确诊率。方法:回顾临床表现以右下腹痛或转移性右下腹痛为首发症状的回盲部癌患者11例,术前确症10例,术中确诊1例。结果:术后切口感染3例。随访11例,目前存活10例。结论:经过仔细询问病史,查体及通过辅助检查,表现为阑尾炎症状的回升结肠癌,基本上术前能明确诊断。 展开更多
关键词 回盲及升结肠 阑尾炎症状
作者 应志勇 骆斌 《医学理论与实践》 2019年第24期3996-3997,共2页
目的:探究不同影像学方法对回盲部结肠小憩室穿孔的诊断效果,同时对其外科手术治疗方式进行评价。方法:选取2016年1月—2019年3月期间我院收治的6例回盲部结肠小憩室穿孔患者,对其CT影像、临床表现及手术病理表现进行回顾性分析,并对其... 目的:探究不同影像学方法对回盲部结肠小憩室穿孔的诊断效果,同时对其外科手术治疗方式进行评价。方法:选取2016年1月—2019年3月期间我院收治的6例回盲部结肠小憩室穿孔患者,对其CT影像、临床表现及手术病理表现进行回顾性分析,并对其外科手术治疗要点进行总结。结果:与手术结果相比,经CT诊断检出率为83.33%。在查体中发现,6例患者在右下腹部疼痛区域能够明显触及包块、均伴有体温升高现象;压痛具有局限性,均出现腹膜刺激症状;实验室检查白细胞超过15×109/L;4例患者出现转移性腹痛;1例患者出现恶心、呕吐症状;6例患者经传统外科手术,术后7d均拆线出院。结论:对回盲部结肠小憩室的诊断中,采用CT诊断能够提升诊断检出率;在外科手术治疗中,完全暴露憩室,可提升手术治疗效果。 展开更多
关键词 回盲结肠小憩室 诊断 CT 治疗
作者 张秉哲 《基层医学论坛》 2004年第2期100-100,共1页
患者,男,40岁,农民.因无明显诱因出现腹痛、腹胀,停止自肛门排气排便2天加重1天入院.既往有多次反复发作的慢性梗阻症状,经保守治疗后症状能缓解.体检:T 39℃,P125次/分,R 29次/分,BP 75/45mmHg;急性痛苦面容,心肺无特殊,腹稍隆起,可见... 患者,男,40岁,农民.因无明显诱因出现腹痛、腹胀,停止自肛门排气排便2天加重1天入院.既往有多次反复发作的慢性梗阻症状,经保守治疗后症状能缓解.体检:T 39℃,P125次/分,R 29次/分,BP 75/45mmHg;急性痛苦面容,心肺无特殊,腹稍隆起,可见胃肠形,无胃肠蠕动波,全腹压痛、反跳痛,腹膜刺激征明显;腹部叩诊显鼓音,移动性浊音(-),肠鸣音亢进,有气过水声及金属音.腹部透视示:左膈下可见一约15 cm的巨大气液平面,提示肠梗阻.实验室检查:白细胞17.1×10-/L,血红蛋白176 g/L. 展开更多
关键词 回盲结肠畸形移位 肠梗阻 并发症 误诊 粘连松解术
作者 李德霖 蔡云明 +2 位作者 姜洪宾 徐宇红 李幼德 《蚌埠医药》 1990年第1期25-26,共2页
由于炎性感染或多次手术等多种原因造成肝门或胆总管周围的广泛紧密粘连,导致局部解剖位置不清,剥离时出血甚多,又易造成其他脏器的误伤,此类手术的操作较为困难。本院自1981~1987年采用经十二指肠后壁切开胆总管取石或内引流或经... 由于炎性感染或多次手术等多种原因造成肝门或胆总管周围的广泛紧密粘连,导致局部解剖位置不清,剥离时出血甚多,又易造成其他脏器的误伤,此类手术的操作较为困难。本院自1981~1987年采用经十二指肠后壁切开胆总管取石或内引流或经十二指肠降部, 展开更多
关键词 肝门广泛粘连 胆道手术 经十二指肠后壁切开胆总管取石内引流术 经横结肠下十二指肠降切开Oddi氏括约肌取石内引流术 手术适应症
作者 池诏丞 《结直肠肛门外科》 2024年第5期627-628,共2页
目的机器人手术与腹腔镜手术在直肠癌治疗中的对比研究已被广泛报道,然而,关于机器人腹会阴联合切除术的报道仍较少。本研究的目的是比较机器人手术和腹腔镜手术在局部晚期直肠癌患者在术前放化疗后进行腹会阴联合切除术的效果,以确定... 目的机器人手术与腹腔镜手术在直肠癌治疗中的对比研究已被广泛报道,然而,关于机器人腹会阴联合切除术的报道仍较少。本研究的目的是比较机器人手术和腹腔镜手术在局部晚期直肠癌患者在术前放化疗后进行腹会阴联合切除术的效果,以确定该术式在局部晚期直肠癌患者治疗中的有效性。方法回顾性研究2012年12月至2022年9月在东京大学医院就诊的采用机器人或腹腔镜腹会阴联合切除术的43例术前接受术前放化疗的局部晚期直肠癌患者,根据手术方式的不同分为机器人组(n=22)和腹腔镜组(n=21),评估两组的临床病理因素、手术情况及短期和长期结局。结果机器人组和腹腔镜组中位随访时间分别为36个月和48个月,两组在手术时间、术中出血量、总体并发症发生率方面比较差异无统计学意义。腹腔镜组器官/腔隙手术部位感染发生率高于机器人组(38.1%vs.9.1%,P=0.034),机器人组3年总生存率高于腹腔镜组(95%vs.67%,P=0.029),但3年无复发生存率和3年局部复发率两组间比较差异无统计学意义。机器人组术后第4天引流量>500 mL的患者比例少于腹腔镜组(0%vs.20.0%,P=0.043),术后引流时间比较差异无统计学意义。结论机器人腹会阴联合切除术导致的器官/腔隙手术部位感染发生率较腹腔镜手术低,机器人手术可能是接受新辅助放化疗后局部晚期直肠癌患者进行腹会阴联合切除术的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 腹会阴切除术 腹腔镜手术 器官/腔隙手术位感染 术前放化疗 机器人手术
作者 白淑英 冯世良 施飞 《中国罕少见病杂志》 1997年第3期59-60,共2页
例1:男,30岁。主诉:10年来每次便后直肠脱出,起初脱出3~5cm,逐渐脱出增多,便后收腹可自然还纳,腹不痛,腰无酸胀感,门诊以脱肛收住院。体检:心肺无异常,腹部无包块,腹壁软,无蠕动波,肝脾未扪及,截石位视诊,肛门松弛。... 例1:男,30岁。主诉:10年来每次便后直肠脱出,起初脱出3~5cm,逐渐脱出增多,便后收腹可自然还纳,腹不痛,腰无酸胀感,门诊以脱肛收住院。体检:心肺无异常,腹部无包块,腹壁软,无蠕动波,肝脾未扪及,截石位视诊,肛门松弛。下蹲腹部加压后,直肠脱出10cm,乙状结肠部分全层脱出,呈椭圆形,长约15cm。 展开更多
关键词 滑动疝 小肠 直肠脱出 肛门松弛 加压 30岁 蠕动波 截石位 结肠部 椭圆形
胃癌全胃切除消化道重建术式的改进 被引量:1
作者 陈春明 陈燊 邱月 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 2005年第4期30-32,共3页
目的探讨胃癌全胃切除消化道重建的改进方式——回盲部升结肠间置代胃术的优缺点。方法根据手术方式将216例全胃切除后消化道重建的病人分为3组:Ⅰ组,食管-空肠Schlatter法吻合术92例(42.59%);Ⅱ组,食管-空肠Roux-en-Y吻、合术103例(47.... 目的探讨胃癌全胃切除消化道重建的改进方式——回盲部升结肠间置代胃术的优缺点。方法根据手术方式将216例全胃切除后消化道重建的病人分为3组:Ⅰ组,食管-空肠Schlatter法吻合术92例(42.59%);Ⅱ组,食管-空肠Roux-en-Y吻、合术103例(47.69%);Ⅲ组,回盲部升结肠间置代胃术21例(9.72%)。比较3种消化道重建方式的返流性食管炎、营养不良的发生率和食物储量的大小。结果返流性食管炎、营养不良发生率和食物储量在Ⅰ组术式中分别为32.61%、66.30%、200-250ml,在Ⅱ组术式中分别为23.30%、58.25%、180-220ml,在Ⅲ组术式中分别为0%、9.52%、350-400ml。结论在3种术武中,回盲部升结肠代胃术的返流性食管炎、营养不良的发生率最低(P<0.05),食物储量最大(P<0.05),是较理想的全胃切除后消化道重建术式。 展开更多
关键词 胃癌 全胃切除术 消化道重建 回盲结肠间置代胃术
《江苏卫生保健(今日保健)》 2005年第2期54-54,共1页
关键词 顺时针 便秘 揉腹 肠蠕动功能 肠壁神经 结肠部 直肠 人大脑 按摩
Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding from a dieulafoy lesion proximal to the anorectal junction post-orthotopic liver transplant 被引量:12
作者 Wichian Apiratpracha Jin Kee Ho +1 位作者 James J Powell Eric M Yoshida 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第46期7547-7548,共2页
A 67-year-old woman underwent an orthotopic liver transplantation for end stage liver disease secondary to chronic autoimmune hepatitis. She developed sudden massive hematochezia on post-operative day 23 with hemodyna... A 67-year-old woman underwent an orthotopic liver transplantation for end stage liver disease secondary to chronic autoimmune hepatitis. She developed sudden massive hematochezia on post-operative day 23 with hemodynamic compromise. The source of hemorrhage was found at colonoscopy after careful irrigation and inspection to be a dieulafoy lesion situated just proximal to the anorectal junction. Hemostasis was achieved with epinephrine injection and thermal coagulation. 展开更多
Mechanics of flow and mixing at antroduodenal junction 被引量:2
作者 Seth Dillard Sreedevi Krishnan HS Udaykumar 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1365-1371,共7页
The morphology of tissue structures composing the pyloric orifice is thought to play a role in effectively mixing aqueous gastric effluent with duodenal secretions. To understand the physical mechanisms leading to eff... The morphology of tissue structures composing the pyloric orifice is thought to play a role in effectively mixing aqueous gastric effluent with duodenal secretions. To understand the physical mechanisms leading to efficient digestion requires computational models that allow for analyses of the contributions of individual structural components. Thus, we have simulated 2-D channel flows through representative models of the duodenum with moving boundary capabilities in order to quantitatively assess the importance of notable features. A well-tested flow solver was used to computationally isolate and compare geometric and kinematic parameters that lead to various characteristics of fluid motion at the antroduodenal junction. Scalar variance measurement was incorporated to quantify the mixing effectiveness of each component. It was found that the asymmetric geometry of the pyloric orifice in concert with intermittent gastric outflow and luminal constriction is likely to enhance homogenization of gastric effluent with duodenal secretions. 展开更多
关键词 Computational fluid dynamics Hixing HOMOGENIZATION
Narrow-band imaging optical chromocolonoscopy: Advantages and limitations 被引量:25
作者 Fabian Emura Yutaka Saito Hiroaki Ikematsu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第31期4867-4872,共6页
Narrow-band imaging (NBI) is an innovative optical technology that modifies the center wavelength and bandwidth of an endoscope's light into narrow-band illumination of 415 :1: 30 nm. NBI markedly improves capill... Narrow-band imaging (NBI) is an innovative optical technology that modifies the center wavelength and bandwidth of an endoscope's light into narrow-band illumination of 415 :1: 30 nm. NBI markedly improves capillary pattern contrast and is an in vivo method for visualizing microvessel morphological changes in superficial neoplastic lesions. The scientific basis for NBI is that short wavelength light falls within the hemoglobin absorption band, thereby facilitating clearer visualization of vascular structures. Several studies have reported advantages and limitations of NBI colonoscopy in the colorectum. One difficulty in evaluating results, however, has been nonstandardization of NBI systems (Sequential and nonsequential). Utilization of NBI technology has been increasing worldwide, but accurate pit pattern analysis and sufficient skill in magnifying colonoscopy are basic fundamentals required for proficiency in NBI diagnosis of colorectal lesions. Modern optical technology without proper image interpretation wastes resources, confuses untrained endoscopists and delays interinstitutional validation studies. Training in the principles of "optical image-enhanced endoscopy" is needed to close the gap between technological advancements and their clinical usefulness. Currently available evidence indicates that NBI constitutes an effective and reliable alternative to chromocolonoscopy for in vivo visualization of vascular structures, but further study assessing reproducibility and effectiveness in the colorectum is ongoing at various medical centers. 展开更多
关键词 Narrow-band imaging COLONOSCOPY Sequential system Non-sequential system POLYPS CHROMOENDOSCOPY
Laparoscopic versus open right hemicolectomy with curative intent for colon carcinoma 被引量:35
作者 Min-HuaZheng BoFeng Ai-GuoLu Jian-WenLi Ming-LiangWang Zhi-HaiMao Yan-YanHu FengDong Wei-GuoHu Dong-HuaLi LuZang Yuan-FeiPeng Bao-MingYu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期323-326,共4页
AIM: Laparoscopic surgery, especially laparoscopic rectal surgery, for colorectal cancer has been developed considerably. However, due to relatively complicated anatomy and high requirements for surgery techniques, la... AIM: Laparoscopic surgery, especially laparoscopic rectal surgery, for colorectal cancer has been developed considerably. However, due to relatively complicated anatomy and high requirements for surgery techniques, laparoscopic right colectomy develops relatively slowly. This study was designed to compare the outcomes of laparoscopic right hemicolectomy (LRH) with open right hemicolectomy (ORH) in the treatment of colon carcinoma. METHODS: Between September 2000 and February 2003, 30 patients with colon cancer who underwent LRH were compared with 34 controls treated by ORH in the same period. All patients were evaluated with respect to surgery related complications, postoperative recovery, recurrence and metastasis rate, cost-effectiveness and survival. RESULTS: Among 30 LRH, 2 (6.7%) were converted to open procedure. No significant differences were observed in terms of mean operation time, blood loss, post-operative complications, and hospital cost between LRH and ORH groups. Mean time for bowel movement, hospital stay, and time to resum?early activity in the LRH group were significantly shorter than those in the ORH group (2.24±0.56 vs 3.25±1.29 d, 13.94?.5 vs 18.25±5.96 d, 3.94±1.64 vs 5.45±1.82 d respectively, P<0.05). As to the lymph node yield, the specimen length and total cost for operation and drugs, there was no significant difference between the two groups. Local recurrence rate and metachronous metastasis rate had no marked difference between the two groups. Cumulative survival probability at 40 mo in LRH group (76.50%) was not obviously different compared to the ORH group (74.04%). CONCLUSION: LRH in patients with colon cancer has statistically and clinically significant advantages over ORH. Thus, LRH can be regarded as a safe and effective procedure. 展开更多
关键词 Colon carcinoma Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy
Pseudomembranous colitis presenting as acute colonic obstruction without diarrhea in a patient with gastric Burkitt lymphoma 被引量:5
作者 Kenichi Nomura Kohei Fukumoto +9 位作者 Daisuke Shimizu Takashi Okuda Naohisa Yoshida Yuri Kamitsuji Yosuke Matsumoto Hideyuki Konishi Yuji Ueda Shigeo Horiike Takeshi Okanoue Masafumi Taniwaki 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第17期2681-2683,共3页
Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) usually manifests asfever and diarrhea in hospitalized patients treated withsystemic antibiotics. We described a case of PMC withintestinal obstruction but without diarrhea. A 60-yearold... Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) usually manifests asfever and diarrhea in hospitalized patients treated withsystemic antibiotics. We described a case of PMC withintestinal obstruction but without diarrhea. A 60-yearold man was hospitalized for chemotherapy for the treatment of Burkitt lymphoma of the stomach. The patient became febrile and complained of crampy abdominal pain during the post-chemotherapy nadir. Plain abdominal radiography showed some intestinal gas and niveau. Because stool cytotoxin assay for clostridium difficile was positive and colon fiberscopic examination showed a pseudomembrane at the left side of the colon,and a diagnosis of PMC was made. Treatment with intracolonic vancomycin administration by colonoscopy and nasoileus tube was successful. Physicians should take into account the possibility of bowel obstruction due to PMC occurring in patients undergoing chemotherapy and perform emergency colonoscopy examination of suspected cases. 展开更多
关键词 Pseudomembranous colitis ILEUS VANCOMYCIN Chemotherapy LYMPHOMA
回盲部升结肠隐球菌病并肠梗阻 被引量:1
作者 黄修海 夏洪志 +3 位作者 曹振凯 张一帆 刘祥 毕超 《中华消化杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期194-194,共1页
关键词 回盲结肠隐球菌病 并发症 肠梗阻 实验室检查 诊断
An epidemiological study of collagenous colitis in southern Sweden from 2001-2010 被引量:1
作者 Lina Vigren Martin Olesen +1 位作者 Cecilia Benoni Klas Sjberg 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第22期2821-2826,共6页
AIM: To estimate the incidence of collagenous colitis (CC) in southern Sweden during 2001-2010. METHODS: Cases were identified by searching for CC in the diagnostic registers at the Pathology Departments in the co... AIM: To estimate the incidence of collagenous colitis (CC) in southern Sweden during 2001-2010. METHODS: Cases were identified by searching for CC in the diagnostic registers at the Pathology Departments in the county of Skane. The catchment area comprised the south-west part of the county (394 307 inhabitants in 2010) and is a mixed urban and rural type with limited migration. CC patients that had under- gone colonoscopy during the defined period and were living in this area were included in the study regardless of where in Skane they had been diagnosed. Medical records were scrutinized and uncertain cases were re- assessed to ensure that only newly diagnosed CC cases were included. The diagnosis of CC was based on both clinical and histopathological criteria. The clinical crite-rion was non-bloody watery diarrhoea. The histopatho- logical criteria were a chronic inflammatory infiltrate in the lamina propria, a thickened subepithelial collagen layer ≥10 micrometers (um) and epithelial damage such as flattening and detachment. RESULTS: During the ten year period from 2001-2010, 198 CC patients in the south-west part of the county of Skane in southern Sweden were newly diagnosed. Of these, 146 were women and 52 were men, i.e., a female: male ratio of 2.8:1. The median age at diag- nosis was 71 years (range 28-95/inter-quartile range 59-81), for women median age was 71 (range 28-95) years and was 73 (range 48-92) years for men. The mean annual incidence was 5.4/105 inhabitants. During the time periods 2001-2005 and 2006-2010, the mean annual incidence rates were 5.4/105 for both periods [95% confidence interval (CI): 4.3-6.5 in 2001-2005 and 4.4-6.4 in 2006-2010, respectively, and 4.7-6.2 for the whole period]. Although the incidence varied over the years (minimum 3.7 to maximum 6.7/105) no increase or decrease in the incidence could be identi- fied. The odds ratio (OR) for CC in women compared to men was estimated to be 2.8 (95% CI: 2.0-3.7). The OR for women 65 years of age or above compared to below 65 years of age was 6.9 (95% CI:5.0-9.7), and for women 65 years of age or above compared to the whole group the OR was 4.7 (95% CI: 3.6-6.0). The OR for age in general, i.e., above or 65 years of age compared to those younger than 65 was 8.3 (95% CI: 6.2-11.1). During the last decade incidence figures for CC have also been reported from Calgary, Canada dur- ing 2002-2004 (4.6/105) and from Terrassa, Spain dur- ing 2004-2008 (2.6/105). Our incidence figures from southern Sweden during 2001-2010 (5.4/10s) as well as the incidence figures presented in the studies during the 1990s (Terrassa, Spain during 1993-1997 (2.3/10s), OI- msted, United States during 1985-2001 (3.1/10s), Orebro, Sweden during 1993-1998 (4.9/10s), and Iceland during 1995-1999 (5.2/10s) are all in line with a north- south gradient, something that has been suggested be- fore both for CC and inflammatory bowel disease.CONCLUSION: The observed incidence of CC is com- parable with previous reports from northern Europe and America. The incidence is stable but the female: male ratio seems to be decreasing. 展开更多
关键词 Collagenous colitis EPIDEMIOLOGY INCIDENCE Microscopic colitis
Primary rectal signet ring cell carcinoma with peritoneal dissemination and gastric secondaries 被引量:1
作者 Hsien-Lin Sim Kok-Yang Tan +1 位作者 Pak-Leng Poon Anton Cheng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第13期2118-2120,共3页
Disseminated signet ring cell carcinomas frequently arise from the stomach. However, primaries in the colon and rectum have also been reported. We present a 68 year old lady who presented with a change in her bowel ha... Disseminated signet ring cell carcinomas frequently arise from the stomach. However, primaries in the colon and rectum have also been reported. We present a 68 year old lady who presented with a change in her bowel habit. Colonoscopy showed a stenosing rectal tumour at 7 cm to 8 cm from the anal verge. Multiple scattered ulcers were also noted along the entire length of the colon. Biopsy of the lesions revealed signet ring cell adenocarcinoma. Gastroscopy showed multiple nodules with ulceration over several areas of the stomach which were similar in appearance to the colonic lesions. However, no primary tumour of the stomach was seen. Biopsy of the gastric lesions also showed signet ring cell adenocarcinoma. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis revealed circumferential tumour at the rectosigmoid junction with possible invasion into the left ischiorectal fossa. The overall picture was that of a primary rectal signet ring cell carcinoma with peritoneal dissemination. The patient was referred for palliative chemotherapy in view of the disseminated disease. In the present report, we discuss this interesting pathological entity and review the role of various histolological techniques in helping to identify the primary tumor. 展开更多
关键词 Signet ring cell carcinoma Colorectal tumour Peritoneal dissemination Gastric secondaries
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