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马丽散加固技术在工作面结采时的应用 被引量:1
作者 王刚 程润明 +3 位作者 郭朋 张旭 李映红 赵建军 《煤》 2007年第S2期57-58,共2页
关键词 结采 马丽散 注浆
浅谈综放工作面结采前出煤系统的改造 被引量:1
作者 王飞 《煤》 2017年第5期34-35,共2页
关键词 综放工作面 结采 出煤系统 改造
柔性网在潞宁矿综采工作面结采中的应用分析 被引量:1
作者 郭志林 辛晓东 李运宏 《煤》 2019年第12期95-96,共2页
结采是综采工作面回采过程中一道必须的工序,结采后的切眼将作为设备回撤的安全通道。潞宁矿根据本矿安全需求和生产现状,在22109综采工作面结采期间,提前优化工作面结采方案,实施结采技术创新,采用铺设柔性网做人工假顶支护顶板,实现... 结采是综采工作面回采过程中一道必须的工序,结采后的切眼将作为设备回撤的安全通道。潞宁矿根据本矿安全需求和生产现状,在22109综采工作面结采期间,提前优化工作面结采方案,实施结采技术创新,采用铺设柔性网做人工假顶支护顶板,实现了顺利结采,总结出一套适合潞宁矿的综采工作面结采和设备回撤的新工艺。 展开更多
关键词 工作面 柔性网 结采
作者 郭海芳 《煤》 2010年第A01期40-41,共2页
关键词 工作面 结采 马丽散 注浆技术
作者 张峰 《能源与节能》 2020年第3期154-156,共3页
通过对煤矿综采工作面结采期间顶板支护的研究发现,采用传统锚(杆)索网支护工作面结采期间的顶板时,存在支护成本高、支护难度大、支护周期长等问题,因此,提出了采用聚酯纤维柔性网支护顶板。通过实际应用可知,与传统支护相比,将聚酯纤... 通过对煤矿综采工作面结采期间顶板支护的研究发现,采用传统锚(杆)索网支护工作面结采期间的顶板时,存在支护成本高、支护难度大、支护周期长等问题,因此,提出了采用聚酯纤维柔性网支护顶板。通过实际应用可知,与传统支护相比,将聚酯纤维柔性网应用于工作面结采顶板中,有效提高了顶板稳定性,降低了软岩煤层顶板蠕动变形速率,加快了工作面的结采速度,整个工作面结采过程中可减少支护成本费用达3.45×10^5元,具有显著推广意义。 展开更多
关键词 工作面 结采 顶板支护 聚酯纤维柔性网
作者 杨玉栋 《煤矿现代化》 2021年第2期6-8,共3页
为提高司马煤业1110工作面结采作业效能,本文针对综采工作面传统结采采用的金属网逐片连接工艺中存在的结采时耗时长、人员劳动强度大、现场作业单班用工多、金属网强度低等不足,结合马煤业1110工作面概况,提出了引用高强聚酯纤维柔性... 为提高司马煤业1110工作面结采作业效能,本文针对综采工作面传统结采采用的金属网逐片连接工艺中存在的结采时耗时长、人员劳动强度大、现场作业单班用工多、金属网强度低等不足,结合马煤业1110工作面概况,提出了引用高强聚酯纤维柔性网的施工策略,并详细介绍了具体实施过程。实际应用表明,不仅显著减轻了工人劳动强度,而且大幅缩短了综采工作面结采工期。 展开更多
关键词 工作面 结采工艺 高强聚酯纤维柔性网
分级尾砂胶结充填采空区工艺的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 张国聪 刘俊锋 《现代国企研究》 2016年第16期167-,169,共2页
采空区处理是地下开采矿山关键的工艺技术工作之一,采用选矿尾矿充填处理采空区可以提高矿山采矿回采率并降低选厂尾矿库的库容压力。本文以在跑马坪矿段运用分解尾砂胶结充填采空区为实了例,详细介绍了充填工艺选择充填材料配比、充填... 采空区处理是地下开采矿山关键的工艺技术工作之一,采用选矿尾矿充填处理采空区可以提高矿山采矿回采率并降低选厂尾矿库的库容压力。本文以在跑马坪矿段运用分解尾砂胶结充填采空区为实了例,详细介绍了充填工艺选择充填材料配比、充填材料用量,并详细阐述了充填工艺运用及效果。是对分解尾砂胶结充填采空区工艺的又一有益介绍和推广。 展开更多
关键词 分级尾砂 充填空区 跑马坪矿段应用
作者 李建壮 刘涛 徐海蓉 《采矿技术》 2016年第4期4-5,共2页
为了实现低费高效、安全地开采焦家金矿望儿庄矿区的急倾斜极薄富矿脉,通过对该矿区的工程地质条件的分析,提出了分采胶结充填采矿的方法,并用于两个采场实验,出矿品位由1.65 g/t提高到7.55 g/t,经济效益分别增加了138万和142万,实现了... 为了实现低费高效、安全地开采焦家金矿望儿庄矿区的急倾斜极薄富矿脉,通过对该矿区的工程地质条件的分析,提出了分采胶结充填采矿的方法,并用于两个采场实验,出矿品位由1.65 g/t提高到7.55 g/t,经济效益分别增加了138万和142万,实现了安全、高效地开采。分采胶结充填采矿法在回采倾斜极薄富矿体的成功应用,可为类似矿山提供了一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 急倾斜极薄富矿体 充填 工艺 技术经济指标
作者 石恪 《广西社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期169-172,共4页
刘勰《文心雕龙》中"情采"的范畴内涵表现在如下方面:"情志合一",强调文学创作之"情"是感性和理性相统一的"情";"联辞结采"与"贲象穷白",肯定文学创作中"辞采"... 刘勰《文心雕龙》中"情采"的范畴内涵表现在如下方面:"情志合一",强调文学创作之"情"是感性和理性相统一的"情";"联辞结采"与"贲象穷白",肯定文学创作中"辞采"的恰当修饰是必要的,但强调了"辞采"的最高境界乃是"贲象穷白";"情采圆融"也可称之为"情景并茂",是"情"和"采"关系的最佳融合;"自然"的诗学标准,强调文学与天然的美一样具有"自然而然"的特性。 展开更多
关键词 刘勰 “情”范畴 情志合一 联辞结采 圆融 自然
作者 王成龙 谢瑶 《煤》 2017年第7期79-80,共2页
关键词 防灭火 结采 回撤
作者 郑晓婕 《濮阳职业技术学院学报》 2022年第1期80-82,共3页
《文心雕龙》以“情采”为中心,形成了体大思精的理论体系,《情采》篇作为刘勰专门论述“情”“采”的文章,主要论述的就是文学作品的创作问题,其中包括“情经辞纬”说、“为情造文”说和“联辞结采”说三方面,分别论述情与采的辩证统... 《文心雕龙》以“情采”为中心,形成了体大思精的理论体系,《情采》篇作为刘勰专门论述“情”“采”的文章,主要论述的就是文学作品的创作问题,其中包括“情经辞纬”说、“为情造文”说和“联辞结采”说三方面,分别论述情与采的辩证统一关系、“蓄愤郁陶”“述志为本”和“约而写真”的情的创作要求以及“贲象穷白”“控引情理”的采的创作要求。这三个方面相互联系,相互补充,共同构成了刘勰独有的文学创作观,即以情为本,情采兼备,文质并重。 展开更多
关键词 《文心雕龙·情 情经辞纬 为情造文 联辞结采
作者 李伟民 《水力采煤与管道运输》 2012年第4期68-71,共4页
关键词 结采工作面 上行开 掘进探查
作者 李纪玉 《有色矿山》 1994年第6期1-3,共3页
上向机械化进路胶结充填采矿法二步骤回来工艺在我矿实践表明,有采矿成本高、损失贫化大、安全差、施工管理难等缺点。本文粗略地分析了产生这些缺点的原因,提出了改进方案;即变二步骤回采方案为顺序后退式回采。经生产实践验证,效... 上向机械化进路胶结充填采矿法二步骤回来工艺在我矿实践表明,有采矿成本高、损失贫化大、安全差、施工管理难等缺点。本文粗略地分析了产生这些缺点的原因,提出了改进方案;即变二步骤回采方案为顺序后退式回采。经生产实践验证,效果良好,现已在金矿推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 充填 后退式回 金矿床
高强度聚酯纤维柔性网在工作面收尾中的应用 被引量:7
作者 尹小磊 《煤》 2020年第3期44-45,共2页
与传统的收尾方式相比,采用矿用高强度聚酯纤维柔性网进行铺网收尾,可以有效降低工人劳动强度、减少安全事故发生、提高工作面收尾结采的推进速度。司马煤矿在1110工作面使用了此种方式,取得了良好效果,保障了井下的安全生产。为其他回... 与传统的收尾方式相比,采用矿用高强度聚酯纤维柔性网进行铺网收尾,可以有效降低工人劳动强度、减少安全事故发生、提高工作面收尾结采的推进速度。司马煤矿在1110工作面使用了此种方式,取得了良好效果,保障了井下的安全生产。为其他回采工作面收尾提供了很好的示范和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 柔性网 高强度 收尾结采
PLC应用于喷泉控制系统的方案设计 被引量:3
作者 王妍玮 于惠力 刘刚 《林业机械与木工设备》 2010年第9期45-47,共3页
采用PLC与计算机组成的喷泉控制系统,充分利用PLC的通信功能和编程特点,实现上位机与下位机之间的通信和控制,由远程计算机与PLC之间进行通信,通过PLC实现对喷泉各种水型和灯光的快速控制;另一方面,利用PLC的自诊断功能,可实现喷泉控制... 采用PLC与计算机组成的喷泉控制系统,充分利用PLC的通信功能和编程特点,实现上位机与下位机之间的通信和控制,由远程计算机与PLC之间进行通信,通过PLC实现对喷泉各种水型和灯光的快速控制;另一方面,利用PLC的自诊断功能,可实现喷泉控制系统的故障诊断,不但缩短了维修时间,而且提高了控制系统的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 可编程控制器 喷泉 控制系统 通信
An improved method to assess the required strength of cemented backfill in underground stopes with an open face 被引量:19
作者 Li Li Michel Aubertin 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期549-558,共10页
Backfill is increasingly used in underground mines to reduce the surface impact from the wastes produced by the mining operations. But the main objectives of backfilling are to improve ground stability and reduce ore ... Backfill is increasingly used in underground mines to reduce the surface impact from the wastes produced by the mining operations. But the main objectives of backfilling are to improve ground stability and reduce ore dilution. To this end, the backfill in a stope must possess a minimum strength to remain self-standing during mining of an adjacent stope. This required strength is often estimated using a solution proposed by Mitchell and co-workers, which was based on a limit equilibrium analysis of a wedge exposed by the open face. In this paper, three dimensional numerical simulations have been performed to assess the behavior of the wedge model. A new limit equilibrium solution is proposed, based on the backfill displacements obtained from the simulations. Comparisons are made between the proposed solution and experimental and numerical modeling results. Compared with the previous solution, a better agreement is obtained between the new solution and experimental results for the required cohesion and factor of safety. For large scale(field) conditions, the results also show that the required strength obtained from the proposed solution corresponds quite well to the simulated backfill response. 展开更多
关键词 Underground mines Backfill Required strength Analytical solutions Numerical modeling Mitchell's solution
Hazard degree identification of goafs based on scale effect of structure by RS-TOPSIS method 被引量:6
作者 胡建华 尚俊龙 +4 位作者 周科平 陈宜楷 甯榆林 刘浪 Mohammed M.Aliyu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期684-692,共9页
In order to precisely predict the hazard degree of goaf(HDG), the RS-TOPSIS model was built based on the results of expert investigation. To evaluate the HDG in the underground mine, five structure size factors, i.e. ... In order to precisely predict the hazard degree of goaf(HDG), the RS-TOPSIS model was built based on the results of expert investigation. To evaluate the HDG in the underground mine, five structure size factors, i.e. goaf span, exposed area, goaf height, goaf depth, and pillar width, were selected as the evaluation indexes. And based on rough dependability in rough set(RS)theory, the weights of evaluation indexes were identified by calculating rough dependability between evaluation indexes and evaluation results. Fourty goafs in some mines of western China, whose indexes parameters were measured by cavity monitoring system(CMS), were taken as evaluation objects. In addition, the characteristic parameters of five grades' typical goafs were built according to the interval limits value of single index evaluation. Then, using the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS), five-category classification of HDG was realized based on closeness degree, and the HDG was also identified.Results show that the five-category identification of mine goafs could be realized by RS-TOPSIS method, based on the structure-scale-effect. The classification results are consistent with those of numerical simulation based on stress and displacement,while the coincidence rate is up to 92.5%. Furthermore, the results are more conservative to safety evaluation than numerical simulation, thus demonstrating that the proposed method is more easier, reasonable and more definite for HDG identification. 展开更多
关键词 GOAF RS-TOPSIS method hazard degree scale effect
Predictors of poor outcomes in patients with wild mushroom-induced acute liver injury 被引量:7
作者 Taerim Kim Danbi Lee +4 位作者 Jae Ho Lee Yoon-Seon Lee Bum Jin Oh Kyoung Soo Lim Won Young Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第7期1262-1267,共6页
To identify early predictive markers of poor outcomes in patients with acute liver injury from wild mushroom intoxication.METHODSThis observational, retrospective record review involved adults aged ≥ 18 years admitte... To identify early predictive markers of poor outcomes in patients with acute liver injury from wild mushroom intoxication.METHODSThis observational, retrospective record review involved adults aged ≥ 18 years admitted to emergency department with mushroom intoxication from January 2005 to December 2015. The diagnosis of mushroom intoxication was based on the following: (1) a positive history of recent wild mushroom intake (either raw or cooked); (2) the onset of gastrointestinal symptoms, such as watery diarrhea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain, after ingestion; and (3) the exclusion of other possible causes of acute liver injury. Acute liver injury was defined by a > 5-fold elevation of liver enzymes or moderate coagulopathy [international normalized ratio (INR) > 2.0]. Clinical and laboratory findings were compared in survivors and non-survivors.RESULTSOf 93 patients with mushroom intoxication, 23, 11 men (47.8%) and 12 women (52.2%), of median age 61 years, developed acute liver injury. The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 43.5% (10/23). Among the laboratory variables, mean serum alkaline phosphatase (73.38 ± 10.89 mg/dL vs 180.40 ± 65.39 mg/dL, P < 0.01), total bilirubin (2.312 ± 1.16 mg/dL vs 7.16 ± 2.94 mg/dL, P < 0.01) concentrations and indirect/direct bilirubin (2.45 ± 1.39 mg/dL vs 0.99 ± 0.45 mg/dL, P < 0.01) ratio as well as prothrombin time (1.88 ± 0.83 mg/dL vs 10.43 ± 4.81 mg/dL, P < 0.01), and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT; 32.48 ± 7.64 s vs 72.58 ± 41.29 s, P = 0.01), were significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors. Logistic regression analysis showed that total bilirubin concentration (OR = 3.58, 95%CI: 1.25-10.22), indirect/direct bilirubin ratio (OR = 0.14, 95%CI: 0.02-0.94) and aPTT (OR = 1.30, 95%CI: 1.04-1.63) were significantly associated with mortality. All patients with total bilirubin > 5 mg/dL or aPTT > 50 s on day 3 died.CONCLUSIONMonitoring of bilirubin concentrations and aPTT may help in predicting clinical outcomes in patients with acute liver injury from wild mushroom intoxication. 展开更多
Analysis of main roof breaking form and its mechanism during first weightingin longwall face 被引量:1
作者 黄庆享 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2001年第1期9-12,共4页
By field observation and simulating test in shallow seam longwall mining, the asymmetry breaking of main roof is discovered during the first weighting. Based on simulating model test and theoretical analysis, the mech... By field observation and simulating test in shallow seam longwall mining, the asymmetry breaking of main roof is discovered during the first weighting. Based on simulating model test and theoretical analysis, the mechanism of main roof first breaking is revealed, and the asymmetry breaking parameter is determined at all. 展开更多
关键词 main roof first breaking asymmetry MECHANISM
Mechanism of Mining-induced Slope Movement for Gullies Overlaying Shallow Coal Seams 被引量:8
作者 WANG Xu-feng ZHANG Dong-sheng +1 位作者 ZHANG Cheng-guo FAN Gang-wei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期388-397,共10页
This paper provides an improved understanding of the movement mechanisms of both bed-rock gully and sandy soil gully when underground mining occurs underneath,followed by systematic analysis of the contributing factor... This paper provides an improved understanding of the movement mechanisms of both bed-rock gully and sandy soil gully when underground mining occurs underneath,followed by systematic analysis of the contributing factors such as mining advance direction,gully slope angle,gully erosion coefficient and mining height.This paper presents the results from monitoring,theoretical analyses and up to date modeling based on the geological features in the gully affected area,and the implications of these results to the success of roof support trial.It was observed that when mining occurred towards the gully,sliding of slope block along the fracture surface occurred,which resulted in unstable roof condition;when mining progressed away from the gully,polygon blocks developed in the gully slope and rotated in reversed direction forming hinged structure;within the bed-rock slope,the hinged structure was unstable due to shear failure of the polygon block;however,within the sandy soil slope,the structure was relatively stable due to the gradual rotating and subsiding of the polygon block.The increase of the value of slope angle and mining height lead to a faster and more intensive fracture development within the gully slope,which had a pronounced effect on gully slope stability and underground pressure.Various remediation approaches are hence proposed in this paper including introducing more powerful support and reasonable mining height,setting up working face along or away from gullies,using room and pillar,strip mining and backfill instead of longwall mining. 展开更多
关键词 Coal mine Shallow coal seam Gullyslope Movement mechanism Roof control Miningmethod
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