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作者 魏金艳 赵进喜 +4 位作者 王世东 暴雪丽 张华 罗文轩 黄为钧 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 2024年第15期2111-2115,共5页
传统中医认为“阴虚为本,燥热为标”是糖尿病的基本病机,部分学者对此存在异议,认为其并不符合疾病特点,但各家学说自成体系,不利于我们把握疾病本质特点。本文基于《内经》“二阳结谓之消”理论,综合古今医家的阐释和发挥,认为此理论... 传统中医认为“阴虚为本,燥热为标”是糖尿病的基本病机,部分学者对此存在异议,认为其并不符合疾病特点,但各家学说自成体系,不利于我们把握疾病本质特点。本文基于《内经》“二阳结谓之消”理论,综合古今医家的阐释和发挥,认为此理论蕴含着糖尿病“热伤气阴”病机内涵,胃、大肠及手足阳明经之热是糖尿病的始动因素,胃肠及其经脉是重要病位,“二阳之热”难以消除,耗伤气阴,最终发展为糖尿病。因此,“二阳结谓之消”可视为古代医家对糖尿病“热伤气阴”复杂病机的准确把握和高度凝练。结合现代医学发病机制,由脂肪堆积和肠道菌群紊乱参与的全身性弥漫性低度炎症反应是触发胰岛素抵抗和胰岛β细胞功能障碍的关键病理环节,这与“二阳结谓之消”蕴含的“热伤气阴”病机高度契合,可为清热益气养阴治法的确立和相关研究的开展提供理论依据和支撑。 展开更多
关键词 内经 糖尿病 热伤气阴 炎症反应 肠道菌群紊乱
作者 魏金艳 赵进喜 +4 位作者 黄为钧 王世东 罗文轩 王乐 林元媛 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第8期141-144,共4页
“二阳结谓之消”语出《素问·阴阳别论篇》,是认识糖尿病性便秘的早期记载,但目前学界多据此仅从二阳(足阳明胃经、手阳明大肠经)结滞化热来解释消渴期发生便秘的病机,存在一定局限性。通过考究发现“二阳”并不单指手足阳明经脉... “二阳结谓之消”语出《素问·阴阳别论篇》,是认识糖尿病性便秘的早期记载,但目前学界多据此仅从二阳(足阳明胃经、手阳明大肠经)结滞化热来解释消渴期发生便秘的病机,存在一定局限性。通过考究发现“二阳”并不单指手足阳明经脉或胃肠二腑,而是包括胃、大肠二腑及手足阳明经脉;“结”也并不完全指结热这一病邪,而是指病邪胶结难解、疾病难以治愈的程度,并且“二阳”之热易伤血脉,造成络脉瘀滞。基于对“二阳结谓之消”的重新理解,笔者认为糖尿病性便秘在糖尿病期以“热伤气阴”为主要病机,糖尿病并发症期以热伤血络、血脉瘀滞为主要病机。治疗方面,糖尿病期以清热益气养阴为本,糖尿病并发症期以活血化瘀为核心,此外还需重视体质从化,全面把握糖尿病性便秘的诊治。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病性便秘 热伤气阴 血瘀 清热 益气养阴 活血化瘀
从“二阳结 谓之消”谈2型糖尿病的中医病机 被引量:18
作者 李瑞池 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第5期545-546,共2页
2型糖尿病类似于中医传统意义上的消渴病,“二阳结,谓之消”全面概括了本病的病因病机及发生发展过程,是2型糖尿病中医辨证的总病机。据此“治之以兰,除陈气也”,指出了本病总体防治原则及方法,鉴于《内经》在中医发展史上的重要地位,... 2型糖尿病类似于中医传统意义上的消渴病,“二阳结,谓之消”全面概括了本病的病因病机及发生发展过程,是2型糖尿病中医辨证的总病机。据此“治之以兰,除陈气也”,指出了本病总体防治原则及方法,鉴于《内经》在中医发展史上的重要地位,深刻理解《内经》相关文献的内涵,对指导中医治疗2型糖尿病具有现实而重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 消渴 病因病机 中医辨证
从“二阳结”谈风消 被引量:3
作者 段金娜 岳仁宋 喻国 《光明中医》 2012年第3期451-451,共1页
"风消"是指在消渴病中以多食消瘦,体重减轻,精神疲乏为表现的一系列症状。笔者试从"二阳结"揭示了风消的本质乃是:胃强脾弱。并例举了典型病例以兹佐证,本文以加味白虎汤为基本方药,进一步阐述在临床上治疗风消的效果,对风消的早... "风消"是指在消渴病中以多食消瘦,体重减轻,精神疲乏为表现的一系列症状。笔者试从"二阳结"揭示了风消的本质乃是:胃强脾弱。并例举了典型病例以兹佐证,本文以加味白虎汤为基本方药,进一步阐述在临床上治疗风消的效果,对风消的早期干预提供了新的思路,具有重要的临床指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 风消 胃强脾弱 加味白虎汤 张子和 攻邪学派
谈“二阳结,谓之消”在消渴病中运用与演变 被引量:3
作者 夏弋钦 修丽梅 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2020年第7期82-85,共4页
以《内经》"二阳结,谓之消"的理论剖析消渴病的发病病机,并结合"三消"论中消渴病发病不同阶段的病机演变与临床表现剖析"二阳结"思想在古代组方中的多重内涵,以及"二阳结"思想对古代消渴病饮... 以《内经》"二阳结,谓之消"的理论剖析消渴病的发病病机,并结合"三消"论中消渴病发病不同阶段的病机演变与临床表现剖析"二阳结"思想在古代组方中的多重内涵,以及"二阳结"思想对古代消渴病饮食调摄的深远影响;同时分析近现代名老中医对"二阳结"病机理论的传承与内涵的迁移及扩大,丰富消渴病从脾胃系统论治的立法组方思路。 展开更多
关键词 消渴 证治 三消 饮食调摄
从阳明腑结论治糖尿病刍议 被引量:2
作者 王帅 《四川中医》 2012年第6期31-32,共2页
糖尿病发病过程中一个重要的病机就是"二阳结",参照《伤寒论》"阳明之为病,胃家实是也"之意,阳明之腑胃肠中邪热与气、血、痰、水、食、糟粕等病理产物互结是影响糖尿病发生发展的重要因素,故临床可从阳明腑结的角... 糖尿病发病过程中一个重要的病机就是"二阳结",参照《伤寒论》"阳明之为病,胃家实是也"之意,阳明之腑胃肠中邪热与气、血、痰、水、食、糟粕等病理产物互结是影响糖尿病发生发展的重要因素,故临床可从阳明腑结的角度来论治糖尿病,在泻热通腑总的治疗原则前提下根据临证实际情况随证治疗。 展开更多
关键词 明腑 糖尿病 泻热通腑
作者 邹心怡 万海粟 +4 位作者 吴亚玲 沈程明 高晓霞 郝雯 杨忠明 《中医临床研究》 2023年第20期25-30,共6页
目的:基于病证结合理论,运用网络药理学方法探讨附子理中汤联合香砂六君子汤治疗脾肾阳虚型结直肠癌(Colorectal Cancer,CRC)的潜在作用机制。方法:检索中药系统药理数据库和分析平台(TCMSP)数据库,获取附子理中汤合香砂六君子汤的活性... 目的:基于病证结合理论,运用网络药理学方法探讨附子理中汤联合香砂六君子汤治疗脾肾阳虚型结直肠癌(Colorectal Cancer,CRC)的潜在作用机制。方法:检索中药系统药理数据库和分析平台(TCMSP)数据库,获取附子理中汤合香砂六君子汤的活性成分,查询对应靶点;在Gene Cards、TTD和Drugbank数据库查找脾肾阳虚型CRC的主要靶点;构建药物有效成分、脾肾阳虚证与CRC靶点的交集韦恩图,借助STRING数据库对交集靶点进行蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用网络构建;在Metascape数据库进行基因本体论(GO)功能和京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)通路富集分析。利用Cytoscape 3.7.1软件绘制核心靶点网络图、“复方-成分-靶点-通路-疾病”网络图。结果:筛选获得附子理中汤合香砂六君子汤活性化合物204种,涉及潜在靶点236个,核心活性成分为槲皮素、山柰酚、β-谷甾醇等。从Gene Cards、TTD和Drugbank数据库获得脾肾阳虚证基因1068个,CRC基因1423个,药-证-病交集靶点77个。蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用网络图显示靠前的核心蛋白包括丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶1(Akt Serine/Threonine Kinase 1,AKT1)、肿瘤抑制蛋白p53(Tumor Protein p53,TP53)、半胱氨酸蛋白酶3(Caspase 3,CASP3)等。GO富集分析获得细胞组分52个、生物过程1546个以及分子功能115个,主要包括膜筏、膜微域等细胞组分,对激素的反应、腺体发育等生物过程,信号受体调节活性、DNA结合转录因子结合等分子功能。KEGG通路171条,主要涉及癌症通路、癌症中的蛋白多糖、肿瘤坏死因子信号通路等。结论:附子理中汤合香砂六君子汤可能是通过槲皮素、山柰酚等活性成分调控癌症通路、肿瘤坏死因子信号通路等途径发挥对脾肾阳虚型CRC的治疗作用。 展开更多
关键词 附子理中汤合香砂六君子汤 脾肾虚型直肠癌 网络药理学 病证
作者 萧红 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2005年第4期35-37,共3页
韩结根注《洛阳伽蓝记》是目前关于该书的较新注本,注释详备,方便阅读。但其中有的注释和校勘尚需斟酌,如词语“充华”、“人中金像”、“习御”、“阿傍”、“残民”的释义不妥,“绵”字不应改为“棉”,“嫔”、“会稽”之“会”等注... 韩结根注《洛阳伽蓝记》是目前关于该书的较新注本,注释详备,方便阅读。但其中有的注释和校勘尚需斟酌,如词语“充华”、“人中金像”、“习御”、“阿傍”、“残民”的释义不妥,“绵”字不应改为“棉”,“嫔”、“会稽”之“会”等注音有误。 展开更多
关键词 《洛伽蓝记》 韩注 商兑
采用关联规则分析章浩军教授从“结”论治便秘经验 被引量:1
作者 黄毅凌 章浩军(指导) 《福建中医药》 2020年第6期64-68,共5页
目的采用关联规则分析章浩军教授从“结”论治便秘用药经验,为临床治疗便秘提供不同的诊疗思路。方法收集2017年9月—2018年9月就诊于福建省中医药大学附属龙岩中医院章浩军教授门诊的379例便秘患者就诊信息及病历记录,录入Excel 2007表... 目的采用关联规则分析章浩军教授从“结”论治便秘用药经验,为临床治疗便秘提供不同的诊疗思路。方法收集2017年9月—2018年9月就诊于福建省中医药大学附属龙岩中医院章浩军教授门诊的379例便秘患者就诊信息及病历记录,录入Excel 2007表格,建立患者临床资料数据库,采用统计软件SPSS 24.0进行频次、频率统计,关联规则分析采用Microsoft SQL server 2008 Apriori算法。结果①379例便秘患者中医证型:阳明阳结脾约证1例(0.26%),阳明阳结腑实证51例(13.46%),少阳阳微结证192例(50.66%),太阴阴结证131例(34.56%),少阴阴结证4例(1.06%),以少阳阳微结证最为多见。②379例便秘患者共使用药物131味,其中出现频率前6味药物依次为炒枳实、炙甘草、生白术、大枣、生姜、生白芍。③在满足置信度≥30%,支持度≥10%,重要性≥0.1的参数设定下,379例便秘患者所用中药关联2项、3项药味时,规则“姜半夏,大枣→黄芩”置信度最高,规则“炙甘草→炒枳实”以及“炒枳实→炙甘草”支持度最高,规则“炒枳实→生白术”重要性最高。结论章浩军教授治疗便秘用药重在顾胃气,通腑气,调和阴阳。治疗便秘少阳阳微结证重在畅达气机,和解少阳;治疗便秘太阴阴结证重在益气健脾。 展开更多
关键词 章浩军 便秘 关联规则 太阴阴
关于印发《学校结核病防控工作规范(试行)》的通知 被引量:1
《宁夏回族自治区人民政府公报》 2010年第24期30-33,共4页
卫办疾控发[2010]133号各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局、教育厅(教委),新疆生产建设兵团卫生局、教育局:根据《传染病防治法》和《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》的规定,为加强学校结核病防控工作,卫生部会同教育部制定了《学校结核病防控... 卫办疾控发[2010]133号各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局、教育厅(教委),新疆生产建设兵团卫生局、教育局:根据《传染病防治法》和《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》的规定,为加强学校结核病防控工作,卫生部会同教育部制定了《学校结核病防控工作规范(试行)》。现印发给你们,请遵照执行。 展开更多
关键词 直辖市卫生厅 密切接触者 疫情报告 痰涂片检查 定点医疗机构 卫生行政部门 传染病网络直报
Preparation and electrochemical lithium storage performance of porous silicon microsphere composite with metal modification and carbon coating
作者 XU Zeyu LU Tongzhou +1 位作者 SHAO Haibo WANG Jianming 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期1995-2008,共14页
This work adopts a multi⁃step etching⁃heat treatment strategy to prepare porous silicon microsphere com⁃posite with Sb⁃Sn surface modification and carbon coating(pSi/Sb⁃Sn@C),using industrial grade SiAl alloy micro⁃sp... This work adopts a multi⁃step etching⁃heat treatment strategy to prepare porous silicon microsphere com⁃posite with Sb⁃Sn surface modification and carbon coating(pSi/Sb⁃Sn@C),using industrial grade SiAl alloy micro⁃spheres as a precursor.pSi/Sb⁃Sn@C had a 3D structure with bimetallic(Sb⁃Sn)modified porous silicon micro⁃spheres(pSi/Sb⁃Sn)as the core and carbon coating as the shell.Carbon shells can improve the electronic conductivi⁃ty and mechanical stability of porous silicon microspheres,which is beneficial for obtaining a stable solid electrolyte interface(SEI)film.The 3D porous core promotes the diffusion of lithium ions,increases the intercalation/delithia⁃tion active sites,and buffers the volume expansion during the intercalation process.The introduction of active met⁃als(Sb⁃Sn)can improve the conductivity of the composite and contribute to a certain amount of lithium storage ca⁃pacity.Due to its unique composition and microstructure,pSi/Sb⁃Sn@C showed a reversible capacity of 1247.4 mAh·g^(-1) after 300 charge/discharge cycles at a current density of 1.0 A·g^(-1),demonstrating excellent rate lithium storage performance and enhanced electrochemical cycling stability. 展开更多
关键词 silicon⁃based anode porous structure metallic deposition carbon coating electrochemical lithium storage
作者 赵树仲 李文辉 《中国高等医学教育》 1987年第3期64-,共1页
关键词 医学院校 协作会议 西北五省 高等医学教育 西北地区 任惠民 片号 结阳 七表 口腔医学
Measurement and theoretical analysis of solar temperature field in steel-concrete composite girder 被引量:5
作者 陈晓强 刘其伟 朱俊 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期513-517,共5页
The solar temperature field of a large three-span continuous bridge with steel-concrete composite box girder and variable cross-section is measured to verify a calculation method for the temperature field of steel-con... The solar temperature field of a large three-span continuous bridge with steel-concrete composite box girder and variable cross-section is measured to verify a calculation method for the temperature field of steel-concrete composite beams. The test results show that the temperature of an external steel web- plate is higher than that of an internal web-plate due to the difference in solar radiation. Air temperature inside the box matches the average temperature of the whole steel box. Based on actual measurements, a transient thermal analysis with multiple boundary conditions is also carried out by a software program ANSYS. Convective boundary situation and states of solar radiation on steel web plates in different situations are determined in the analysis. The feature of the temperature field is preliminarily achieved through a comparative study between the actual measurement and the finite element analysis. The computed results are in good consistence with the actual measurement results, with the maximum difference within 2 ℃. This indicates that the theoretical calculation method is reliable and it provides a foundation for further research on temperature field distribution in the steel-concrete composite box girder. 展开更多
关键词 steel-concrete composite structure: solar radiation: temperature field EXPERIMENT
从“二阳结”论治消渴病 被引量:9
作者 高少明 周迪夷 牟新 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期4498-4500,共3页
消渴病病因病机复杂,各医家都有不同的观点。《素问·阴阳别论》云:“二阳结,谓之消”,指出了消渴病的病因病机,“二阳结”之“热结”“气结”“湿结”及“瘀结”,可导致消渴病的发生。认识消渴病病因特点,探讨病机变化,遵循证候演... 消渴病病因病机复杂,各医家都有不同的观点。《素问·阴阳别论》云:“二阳结,谓之消”,指出了消渴病的病因病机,“二阳结”之“热结”“气结”“湿结”及“瘀结”,可导致消渴病的发生。认识消渴病病因特点,探讨病机变化,遵循证候演变规律,是其治疗的关键。“热结”“气结”“湿结”及“瘀结”在消渴病发生发展阶段相互作用,相互影响,并贯穿消渴病始终,从“二阳结”的角度论治消渴病,可适应其现代的发生发展,为临床治疗提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 消渴病 辨证论治 湿
Effect of KOH treatment on structural and photovoltaic properties of ZnO nanorod arrays 被引量:2
作者 周艺 李荡 +3 位作者 黄燕 何文红 肖斌 李宏 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2736-2741,共6页
ZnO nanorod arrays (NRs) were synthesized on the fluorine-doped SnO2 transparent conductive glass (FTO) by a simple chemical bath deposition (CBD) method combined with alkali-etched method in potassium hydroxide... ZnO nanorod arrays (NRs) were synthesized on the fluorine-doped SnO2 transparent conductive glass (FTO) by a simple chemical bath deposition (CBD) method combined with alkali-etched method in potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and current-voltage (I-V) curve were used to characterize the structure, morphologies and optoelectronic properties. The results demonstrated that ZnO NRs had wurtzite structures, the morphologies and photovoltaic properties of ZnO NRs were closely related to the concentration of KOH and etching time, well-aligned and uniformly distributed ZnO NRs were obtained after etching with 0.1 mol/L KOH for 1 h. ZnO NRs treated by KOH had been proved to have superior photovoltaic properties compared with high density ZnO NRs. When using ZnO NRs etched with 0.1 mol/L KOH for 1 h as the anode of solar cell, the conversion efficiency, short circuit current and open circuit voltage, compared with the unetched ZnO NRs, increased by 0.71%, 2.79 mA and 0.03 V, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 ZnO nanorod arrays SnO2 transparent conductive glass alkali etching structural properties photovoltaic properties solar cells
A High Speed IGBT Based on Dynamic Controlled Anode-Short
作者 杨洪强 陈星弼 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期347-351,共5页
IGBT with high switching speed is described based on the dynamic controlled anode- short,which incorpo- rates a normally- on,p- MOSFET controlled by the anode voltage indirectly.This device works just as normal when ... IGBT with high switching speed is described based on the dynamic controlled anode- short,which incorpo- rates a normally- on,p- MOSFET controlled by the anode voltage indirectly.This device works just as normal when it is in on- state since the channel of the p- MOSFET is pinched- off.During the course of turning off,the channel of the p- MOSFET will prevent the injection of m inorities and introduce an extra access for the carriers to flow to the anode directly,which m akes the IGBT reach its off- state in a shorter time.The simulation results prove that the new structure can reduce the turn- off time by m ore than75 % compared with the normal one under the same break- down voltage and on- state perform ance.Only two more resistors are needed when using this structure,and the re- quirement of the drive circuits is just the sam e as normal. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic controlled anode- short turn- off time forward voltage drop
Growth and crystallization behaviors of anodic oxide films on sputter-deposited titanium at very low potentials
作者 邢俊恒 夏正斌 +2 位作者 李辉 王莹莹 钟理 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第11期3286-3292,共7页
Growth and crystallization of titanium anodized films were studied by performing the anodization of the sputter-deposited titanium samples under cyclic voltammetry (CV) mode at very low potentials. The surface featu... Growth and crystallization of titanium anodized films were studied by performing the anodization of the sputter-deposited titanium samples under cyclic voltammetry (CV) mode at very low potentials. The surface features, crystalline behaviors and chemical compositions of the formed anodic oxide layers were detected by AFM, SE and XPS. It was found that the structure of the titanium anodized films is crystalline, even though the maximum oxidation potential ((Pmax) is very low (as low as 1000 mY). Both enlarging the applied voltage and reducing the potential scanning rate are beneficial for the growth and crystallization of titanium oxide films. It was thought that the internal compressive stress, other than the local joule heating accepted for many researchers, is the main force of stimulating the crystallization of anodic titanium oxide films at very low potentials. 展开更多
关键词 anodization sputter-deposited titanium crystallization low potential cyclic voltammetry (CV)
Facile synthesis of hierarchically structured manganese oxides as anode for lithium-ion batteries 被引量:4
作者 DENG Zhao HUANG Xing +2 位作者 ZHAO Xu CHENG Hua WANG Hong-en 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第6期1481-1492,共12页
Developing high-performance lithium ion batteries(LIBs)using manganese oxides as anodes is attractive due to their high theoretical capacity and abundant resources.Herein,we report a facile synthesis of hierarchical s... Developing high-performance lithium ion batteries(LIBs)using manganese oxides as anodes is attractive due to their high theoretical capacity and abundant resources.Herein,we report a facile synthesis of hierarchical spherical MnO2 containing coherent amorphous/crystalline domained by a simple yet effective redox precipitation reaction at room temperature.Further,flower-like CoMn2O4 constructed by single-crystalline spinel nanosheets has been fabricated using MnO2 as precursor.This mild methodology avoids undesired particle aggregation and loss of active surface area in conventional hydrothermal or solid-state processes.Moreover,both MnO2 and CoMn2O4 nanosheets manifest superior lithium-ion storage properties,rendering them promising applications in LIBs and other energy-related fields. 展开更多
关键词 manganese oxides nanostructures anode materials lithium ion batteries ELECTROCHEMISTRY
Interactions of Cations with Electrodialyzed Clay Fraction of Soils as Inferred from Wien Effect in Soil Suspensions 被引量:9
作者 LICHENGBAO S.P.FRIEDMAN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期59-66,共8页
The electrical conductivities (ECs) of suspensions containing 25 and 30 gkg^(-1) solids prepared from the electrodialyzed clay fraction (< 2μm in diameter) of latosol,yellow-brown soil, and black soil, dispersed i... The electrical conductivities (ECs) of suspensions containing 25 and 30 gkg^(-1) solids prepared from the electrodialyzed clay fraction (< 2μm in diameter) of latosol,yellow-brown soil, and black soil, dispersed in various nitrate solutions having concentrations of 1X 10^(-4)/z mol L^(-1), where z is the valence, and in distilled water, were measured at fieldstrengths ranging from 14 kV cm^(-1) to 210 kV cm^(-1). On the basis of analyses of the chargedensity and exchangeable ion composition on the surfaces of soil particles in the suspensions, andof the characters of the EC-field strength curves of the various suspensions, it was inferred thatthe increment of EC (ΔEC) and/or relative electrical conductivity (REC) can indicate the bondingstrength between cations and soil particles. The bonding strengths of various cations with the soilsdiminished in the order: K^+ > Zn^(2+) > Mg^(2+) = Ca^(2+) > Na^+ for latosol, Ca^(2+) > Zn^(2+) >Mg^(2+) = K^+ > Na^+ for yellow-brown soil, and Zn^(2+) ≥ Ca^(2+) ≥ Mg^(2+) > K^+ > Na^+ for blacksoil. 展开更多
关键词 bonding strength CATION increment of electrical conductivity soilsuspension wien effect
消渴病病因病机理论与临床研究述略 被引量:1
作者 王德震 《实用中医内科杂志》 2008年第11期48-49,共2页
从历代医家对于消渴的认识,阴虚为本,燥实为标;从阳虚论治消渴;二阳结热;当代医学对于消渴的认识,论述了消渴病病因病机。指出消渴病与先天体质、环境因素、饮食结构与情志变化均有密切关系,其主要病理因素,不外乎中医的气、血、痰、瘀... 从历代医家对于消渴的认识,阴虚为本,燥实为标;从阳虚论治消渴;二阳结热;当代医学对于消渴的认识,论述了消渴病病因病机。指出消渴病与先天体质、环境因素、饮食结构与情志变化均有密切关系,其主要病理因素,不外乎中医的气、血、痰、瘀,涉及的脏腑以肺、脾(胃)、肾为主。 展开更多
关键词 阴虚 胰岛素抵抗
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