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作者 曹利萍 《电子技术与软件工程》 2013年第23期106-106,共1页
AutoCAD作为一个绘图软件,已经应用在机械、电子、建筑工程上,是一项功能强大的绘图工具,它可以看做是一种工具,显示器可以看做是图板和图纸,鼠标和键盘可以看做是铅笔、尺寸和圆规。我在多年的AutoCAD教学实践,总结介绍一些AutoCAD的... AutoCAD作为一个绘图软件,已经应用在机械、电子、建筑工程上,是一项功能强大的绘图工具,它可以看做是一种工具,显示器可以看做是图板和图纸,鼠标和键盘可以看做是铅笔、尺寸和圆规。我在多年的AutoCAD教学实践,总结介绍一些AutoCAD的绘制图的技巧。 展开更多
关键词 AUTOCAD 绘制图 技巧
作者 姜瑶 《科技经济市场》 2015年第7期137-138,共2页
手绘制图是园林设计师的基本功,园林设计师通过手绘技能可以表达设计师个人的思想,由于园林设计师需要实践能力非常强,如果是利用机械图是没有办法真是的反映出园林设计师的思想的,所以大多数的园林设计师都会选择手绘制图,本文主要研... 手绘制图是园林设计师的基本功,园林设计师通过手绘技能可以表达设计师个人的思想,由于园林设计师需要实践能力非常强,如果是利用机械图是没有办法真是的反映出园林设计师的思想的,所以大多数的园林设计师都会选择手绘制图,本文主要研究的是手绘制图在园林设计中运用的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 绘制图 园林设计 运用 重要性
作者 苗磊磊 《中国金属通报》 2020年第10期153-154,共2页
Arcgis具有存储量大,功能齐全的特征,在现阶段土地调查绘图及分析中起到关键作用.本文重点将Arcgis在三调绘制图层中的应用进行分析探讨,具体阐述其图层合并、地标标注、图形装饰及符号绘制等优势,以期提高土地调查效率,加强图纸绘制的... Arcgis具有存储量大,功能齐全的特征,在现阶段土地调查绘图及分析中起到关键作用.本文重点将Arcgis在三调绘制图层中的应用进行分析探讨,具体阐述其图层合并、地标标注、图形装饰及符号绘制等优势,以期提高土地调查效率,加强图纸绘制的美观性. 展开更多
关键词 ARCGIS 三调绘制图 应用
CAD技术在绘制矿井通风图中的应用 被引量:1
作者 刘泽功 《煤矿安全》 CAS 北大核心 1989年第8期34-38,共5页
将CAD技术应用于绘制矿井通风图是一项新技术。文中以实例说明了该方法的优点。解决了目前生产矿井普遍存在的图纸落后于生产现状的问题,特别是矿井灾变时期,可以及时获得风网中的有关技术参数,并将其反映在图纸上,从而为编制救灾计划... 将CAD技术应用于绘制矿井通风图是一项新技术。文中以实例说明了该方法的优点。解决了目前生产矿井普遍存在的图纸落后于生产现状的问题,特别是矿井灾变时期,可以及时获得风网中的有关技术参数,并将其反映在图纸上,从而为编制救灾计划和制定救灾决策提供方便。CAD技术软件可以在 IBM—PC/XT 及兼容机上运行,操作简单,使用方便灵活。 展开更多
关键词 CAD技术 矿井通风 绘制图
初等函数图象绘制的几种方法 被引量:1
作者 云利英 《赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第3期11-13,共3页
图象法是表示函数关系的重要方法之一,函数图象有着很大的实用价值,在科学与技术的研究中,广泛地应用它来直接考察变量的变化情况,因此寻找它们的变化规律是很有必要的.在研究用解析式表示的函数时,同时绘制出函数的图象,对于研究工作,... 图象法是表示函数关系的重要方法之一,函数图象有着很大的实用价值,在科学与技术的研究中,广泛地应用它来直接考察变量的变化情况,因此寻找它们的变化规律是很有必要的.在研究用解析式表示的函数时,同时绘制出函数的图象,对于研究工作,也能起重要的辅助作用,利用图象的直观性,把从函数特性的探讨中所获得的结果,利用图象明显地表达出来;还可以先用描点法做出函数的粗略图象,观察函数可能具有的特性,给函数的讨论提供线索. 展开更多
关键词 初等函数 变化范围 绘制图
建筑环境与能源应用工程制图及建筑识图课程的教学思考 被引量:3
作者 王冰霞 董建华 +3 位作者 张磊 兰倩 王钢 高虹 《高等建筑教育》 2018年第3期87-90,共4页
结合建筑环境与能源应用工程专业的特点,对工程制图与建筑识图课程的教学内容、教学方法与手段、实训和教材建设等方面进行了教学改革思考。探讨了适合专业制图课程的学习特点和教学方法,注重传统教学与辅助教学的结合,不仅提高了学生... 结合建筑环境与能源应用工程专业的特点,对工程制图与建筑识图课程的教学内容、教学方法与手段、实训和教材建设等方面进行了教学改革思考。探讨了适合专业制图课程的学习特点和教学方法,注重传统教学与辅助教学的结合,不仅提高了学生的专业技能,也提高了学生的综合素质。 展开更多
关键词 工程制图及建筑识图 微课 绘制图 计算机绘图
计算机辅助绘制井下管柱结构图 被引量:6
作者 赵艳红 李锋 《石油工业计算机应用》 2000年第3期33-35,共3页
在管柱设计施工过程中,为了完成一次高质量的工艺措施设计,工程技术人员希望能够方便省时地绘制出一张符合石油行业标准的管柱结构示意图,用于指导现场施工;在油田开发生产过程中,大量的科技文档报告中也都包含有井下管柱结构图。目前,... 在管柱设计施工过程中,为了完成一次高质量的工艺措施设计,工程技术人员希望能够方便省时地绘制出一张符合石油行业标准的管柱结构示意图,用于指导现场施工;在油田开发生产过程中,大量的科技文档报告中也都包含有井下管柱结构图。目前,这些图的绘制还大都采用手工完成,一旦绘错,就需要重新绘制;有的为了美观。 展开更多
关键词 油田 井下管柱结构图 计算机辅助绘制图
作者 杨业铭 《缔客世界》 2019年第3期5-5,共1页
就机械技术专业来总结,应用CAD软件绘制机械零件图和装配图是必要的知识和技能,但其中很多只是对CAD软件功能的一般了解或仅限于熟练的操作。这两种情况适用于机械专业。就it而言,远远不能满足企业的专业要求和工作要求。从机械专业的... 就机械技术专业来总结,应用CAD软件绘制机械零件图和装配图是必要的知识和技能,但其中很多只是对CAD软件功能的一般了解或仅限于熟练的操作。这两种情况适用于机械专业。就it而言,远远不能满足企业的专业要求和工作要求。从机械专业的角度谈CAD应用,在进行绘制各种机械部件的示意图和安装模型时,必须反映机械设计和工艺基准,反映机械加工工艺,反映零件的形状。本文以减速器输出轴的CAD绘图为例,阐述了这三者在绘图过程中体现的功能。输出轴是典型的轴类零件,由一段轴段组成。轴颈是最主要的一个部件,主要的结构部件为支撑轴颈,分为手臂支承和工作轴颈。此时,支承轴颈为2¢35的轴段,工作轴颈为¢42、¢28轴段(即视图中带平键槽的两段,其余轴段为过渡连接和固定定位轴段,如¢52、¢33、M24轴段。 展开更多
关键词 CAD 绘制图 创新
作者 张江丽 张睿杰 郝鹏飞 《经济师》 2024年第9期26-28,共3页
我国已迈入国土空间规划时代,由于国家对国土空间规划内容和成果提出了很多高标准要求,所以规划编制中必须应用GIS软件技术。有些规划从业人员在使用GIS编制规划时会遇到操作技术难题,文章依据多年编制规划的实践经验,以编制县级国土空... 我国已迈入国土空间规划时代,由于国家对国土空间规划内容和成果提出了很多高标准要求,所以规划编制中必须应用GIS软件技术。有些规划从业人员在使用GIS编制规划时会遇到操作技术难题,文章依据多年编制规划的实践经验,以编制县级国土空间总体规划为例,通过运用GIS制作一张完整的县域用地现状图(包含统一数据坐标、创建总规数据库、绘制现状图要素、制作图幅配置、统计面积等内容),以及部分重要规划图的差异内容,详细阐述了一套使用GIS编制国土空间规划的操作方法与流程。结果表明,GIS采用这套操作方法编制县级国土空间总体规划简便高效,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 地理信息系统 县级国土空间总体规划 创建数据库 绘制图 操作方法
MapX在雷达探测态势图的应用与实现 被引量:1
作者 程子桃 周广菊 《电光系统》 2008年第4期60-63,共4页
针对雷达试验数据处理系统中直观表现雷达探测态势的要求,在分析MapX功能特性的基础上,应用MapX组件技术在VC++环境下实现了雷达探测态势图绘制。结合态势图中真实地理信息下航迹显示功能的实现,重点阐述了MapX中用户绘制图层技术... 针对雷达试验数据处理系统中直观表现雷达探测态势的要求,在分析MapX功能特性的基础上,应用MapX组件技术在VC++环境下实现了雷达探测态势图绘制。结合态势图中真实地理信息下航迹显示功能的实现,重点阐述了MapX中用户绘制图层技术的运用。 展开更多
关键词 MAPX 雷达探测态势图 用户绘制图 VC++
作者 刘莹 《安徽建筑》 1999年第1期108-108,共1页
关键词 计算机辅助设计 软件 CAD 结构计算 绘制图
巧用几何画板 制作物理多图试卷
作者 秦平 《职业技术》 2012年第4期56-57,共2页
笔者对如何制作物理多图试卷的各种常用手段的利弊做了分析和比较,并在实践中运用几何画板的制图功能建立了丰富的物理图库。通过物理工具栏制作的全过程展示了几何画板与WORD工具的无缝衔接技术,对几何画板在物理教学中应用的适切性进... 笔者对如何制作物理多图试卷的各种常用手段的利弊做了分析和比较,并在实践中运用几何画板的制图功能建立了丰富的物理图库。通过物理工具栏制作的全过程展示了几何画板与WORD工具的无缝衔接技术,对几何画板在物理教学中应用的适切性进行了初步的探讨和展望。 展开更多
关键词 多图试卷 绘制图 电脑制图 制作效率 矢量绘图 工具栏 适切性
Spatial Relation Resolution and Spatial Relation Abstraction 被引量:2
作者 AlTinghua LIUYaolin 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第4期10-16,共7页
This paper attempts toregard spatial relation transformationas an important process in map gener-alization. The spatial relation generali-zation can be divided into the compo-nents of abstraction: topology, dis-tance ... This paper attempts toregard spatial relation transformationas an important process in map gener-alization. The spatial relation generali-zation can be divided into the compo-nents of abstraction: topology, dis-tance and orientation. The concept‘ spatial relation resolution' is intro-duced to describe the constraints ofrelative spatial relation. On the basisof nine intersection models, the cardi-nal direction models and the iso-dis-tance-relation models, this paper givesthree sorts of relation resolution repre-sentations for topological, distance andorientation relation, respectively. Twomapping implementations in map gen-eralization is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 map generalization spatial relation spatial relation resolu-tion
Systems for Hazards Identification in High Mountain Areas: An Example from the Kullu District, Western Himalaya 被引量:1
作者 James S. Gardner Eric Saczuk 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期115-127,共13页
Methods and techniques for the identification, monitoring and management of natural hazards in high mountain areas are enumerated and described. A case study from the western Himalayan Kullu District in Himachal Prade... Methods and techniques for the identification, monitoring and management of natural hazards in high mountain areas are enumerated and described. A case study from the western Himalayan Kullu District in Himachal Pradesh, India is used to illustrate some of the methods. Research on the general topic has been conducted over three decades and that in the Kullu District has been carried out since 1994. Early methods of hazards identification in high mountain areas involved intensive and lengthy fieldwork and mapping with primary reliance on interpretation of landforms, sediments and vegetation thought to be indicative of slope failures, rock falls, debris flows, floods and accelerated soil surface erosion. Augmented by the use of airphotos and ad hoc observations of specific events over time, these methods resulted in the gradual accumulation of information on hazardous sites and the beginnings of a chronology of occurrences in an area. The use of historical methods applied to written and photographic material, often held in archives and libraries, further improved the resolution of hazards information. In the past two decades, both the need for, and the ability to, accurately identify potential hazards have increased. The need for accurate information and monitoring comes about as a result of rapid growth in population, settlements, transportation infrastructure and intensified land uses and, therefore, risk and vulnerability in mountain areas. Ability has improved as the traditional methods of gathering and manipulating data have been supplemented by the use of remote sensing, automated terrain modeling, global positioning systems and geographical information systems. This paper focuses on the development and application of the latter methods and techniques to characterize and monitor hazards in high mountain areas. 展开更多
Improved Geological Mapping Using Landsat-5 TM Data in Weixi Area, Yunnan Province, China 被引量:1
作者 Tarik Bashir Benomar 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第2期110-114,共5页
Different image processing algorithms have been evaluated in the context of geological mapping using Landsat TM data. False color composites, the principal component imagery, and IHS decorrelation stretching method fo... Different image processing algorithms have been evaluated in the context of geological mapping using Landsat TM data. False color composites, the principal component imagery, and IHS decorrelation stretching method for Landsat-5 TM data have been found useful for delineating the regional geological features, mainly to provide the maximum geological information of the studied area . The study testifies that using which image processing yields best results for geological mapping in arid and semiarid regions by preserving morphological and spectral information. Generally, the studied area can be divided into three main geological units: Basaltic intrusive rocks, Metamorphic with varying intensities and Sedimentary rocks. 展开更多
关键词 false color composites IHS decorrelation principal component
A New Proposal to Adjust a Straight Line to a Normal Q-Q Plot 被引量:3
作者 Sonia Castillo-Gutierrez Emilio Damian Lozano-Aguilera Maria Dolores Estudillo-Martinez 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第5期327-333,共7页
In this paper a new proposal of a straight line, the "modified Tukey's line", for fitting to a normal quantile-quantile Plot, or normal Q-Q plot, is presented. This probability plot allows us to determine whether a... In this paper a new proposal of a straight line, the "modified Tukey's line", for fitting to a normal quantile-quantile Plot, or normal Q-Q plot, is presented. This probability plot allows us to determine whether a set of sample observations is distributed according to a normal distribution. For this, the sample quantiles are represented against the quantiles of a theoretical probability model, which in this case is the normal distribution. If the data set follows the above mentioned distribution, the plotted points will have a rectilinear configuration. To verify this, there are different alternatives for fitting a straight line to the plotted points. Among the straight lines which can be fitted to a Q-Q plot, in this paper, besides the proposed straight line, the following straight lines are considered: straight line that passes through the first and third quartiles, straight line that passes through the 10th and 90th percentiles, straight line fitted by the method of least squares, straight line with slope s and constant the average of the data set, Theil's line and Tukey's line. In addition, an example, in which there are represented the different straight lines considered and the proposed straight line on a normal Q-Q plot obtained for the same set of observations, is developed. In this example the existing differences among the straight lines are observed. 展开更多
关键词 Normal Q-Q plot straight line modified Tukey's line.
The Spatial Characteristics of a Line and Their Application to Line Simplification
作者 GUOQingsheng ChristophBrandenberger 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2002年第1期62-67,共6页
This paper discusses the spatial knowledge related to a line ,and the characteristic points of lines is detected.According to the requirements of line generalization,new algorithms for identifying characteristic line ... This paper discusses the spatial knowledge related to a line ,and the characteristic points of lines is detected.According to the requirements of line generalization,new algorithms for identifying characteristic line points are presented.These characteristic points are used to improve the algorithms of line generalization.An algorithm for identifying bends is shown.In this paper,improved algorithms based on those by Douglas_Peucker,Visvalingam and Whyatt are shown.In this test,the progressive process of line generalization is emphasized. 展开更多
关键词 spatial knowledge characteristic point BEND automated map generalization line simplification progressive map generalization
A Method for Generating Contour Tree Based on Voronoi Interior Adjacency
作者 QIAO Chaofei ZHAO Renliang +1 位作者 CHEN Jun CHEN Yunhao 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第4期287-290,310,共5页
A contour tree is a good graphical tool for representing the spatial relations of contour lines and has many applications in map generalization, map annotation, terrain analysis, etc. A new method for generating conto... A contour tree is a good graphical tool for representing the spatial relations of contour lines and has many applications in map generalization, map annotation, terrain analysis, etc. A new method for generating contour trees by introducing a Voronoi based interior adjacency concept is proposed in this paper. The immediate interior adjacency set is employed to identify all of the children contours of each contour without contour elevations. It has advantages over existing methods such as the geometric method and the region growing based method. 展开更多
关键词 spatial relations of contour lines contour tree Voronoi interior adjacency set
Measurement of Similarity for Spatial Directions Between Areal Objects
作者 DINGHong GUOQingsheng DUXiaochu 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2004年第3期225-230,共6页
Similarity for spatial directions plays an important role in GIS. In this paper, the conventional approaches are analyzed. Based on raster data areal objects, the authors propose two new methods for measuring similari... Similarity for spatial directions plays an important role in GIS. In this paper, the conventional approaches are analyzed. Based on raster data areal objects, the authors propose two new methods for measuring similarity among spatial directions. One is to measure the similarity among spatial directions based on the features of raster data and the changes of distances between spatial objects, the other is to measure the similarity among spatial directions according to the variation of each raster cell centroid angle. The two methods overcome the complexity of measuring similarity among spatial directions with direction matrix model and solve the limitation of small changes in direction. The two methods are simple and have broader applicability. 展开更多
关键词 spatial similarity raster data similarity for spatial directions directionrelations' matrix map generalization
Influence of Adoptment of Geocentric 3D Coordinate System on Chinese Existent Maps
作者 CHENJunyong DANGYamin 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第2期79-84,103,共7页
If a geocentric 3D coordinate system is adopted in China to replace 2D non-geocentric coordinate system, the coordinates of the surface points will be changed accordingly. The influences on the current maps of China, ... If a geocentric 3D coordinate system is adopted in China to replace 2D non-geocentric coordinate system, the coordinates of the surface points will be changed accordingly. The influences on the current maps of China, especially the topographic maps, are discussed due to the replacement of the coordinate systems. Taking the replacement of Xi’an 80 coordinate system by GRS80 for a numerical example, this paper analyzes the changes of latitude, longitude, Gauss plane coordinates of the surface points, as well as the orientation and the length changes between the points on the map, including the changes of map border lines and sheet corner points. 展开更多
关键词 replacement of coordinate system MAP geocentric 3D coordinate system
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