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作者 巴依尔塔 《东西南北》 2024年第8期26-28,共3页
优秀的播音主持之“音”可绘华夏民族璀璨文明,可带给广大听众大美山河之图景、文化历史之图景、为民服务之图景、感动中国之图景。塑造“绘声绘影”的新闻语汇,便是讲好中国故事的重要驱动力。因此,本文深入解读播音主持新闻语汇“绘... 优秀的播音主持之“音”可绘华夏民族璀璨文明,可带给广大听众大美山河之图景、文化历史之图景、为民服务之图景、感动中国之图景。塑造“绘声绘影”的新闻语汇,便是讲好中国故事的重要驱动力。因此,本文深入解读播音主持新闻语汇“绘声绘影”之意,探究新闻语汇之音,从山水故事、文化故事、政务故事、人物故事四个层面,进一步论证了讲好中国故事的新闻语汇之策,以期“绘声之音”传遍祖国大地,“绘影之鸣”传递中国力量。 展开更多
关键词 播音主持“ 绘声绘影 中国故事 新闻语汇
作者 刘志梅 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 1998年第A01期37-38,共2页
关键词 诗歌创作 含蓄 绘影手法
作者 陈世明 《写作》 2016年第10期83-90,共8页
画有"舍形悦影"之法,诗有"舍形绘影"之妙。此皆与司空图"离形得似"说相通,亦与莱辛"从美的效果写美"论相和。离形得似,舍形绘影,不企形似求神似。影虽虚,而能传神、达意,透露出其微妙的、难以... 画有"舍形悦影"之法,诗有"舍形绘影"之妙。此皆与司空图"离形得似"说相通,亦与莱辛"从美的效果写美"论相和。离形得似,舍形绘影,不企形似求神似。影虽虚,而能传神、达意,透露出其微妙的、难以捉摸的真。这"影",恰是生命、精神、气韵之所在,是"形"的极致,"质"的隐现。立竿可以见影,从影亦可知竿。作者舍形绘影,品者睹影知竿。这般妙境,若镜花水月,互为观照,而又相映成趣。 展开更多
关键词 诗歌 舍形绘影 从美的效果写美
作者 李晴 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2006年第10期92-93,共2页
关键词 "绘声绘影7" 画中画 画面尺寸 影视作品 背景画面 表现手法 操作方法
论宋词绘影绘声的艺术 被引量:3
作者 赵雪沛 陶文鹏 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期41-52,共12页
宋代词人喜爱并擅长绘影绘声。他们描摹具有光色、明暗、动静、虚实,有奇幻想象和壮阔气象的人物与景物之影。他们善于捕捉细微清脆与渺远悠长之声,也能表现雄壮激昂之音;既在一阕中描绘多种声响,更能以某种声音贯串全篇。他们摹状人的... 宋代词人喜爱并擅长绘影绘声。他们描摹具有光色、明暗、动静、虚实,有奇幻想象和壮阔气象的人物与景物之影。他们善于捕捉细微清脆与渺远悠长之声,也能表现雄壮激昂之音;既在一阕中描绘多种声响,更能以某种声音贯串全篇。他们摹状人的声态口吻惟妙惟肖,并且达到音韵节奏与情感意绪的完美契合。他们擅以通感手法绘影绘声并使声与影感应与交融。宋词绘影绘声的艺术是宋代传神写意审美风尚的体现,又是词人创造朦胧空灵、含蓄蕴藉意境的重要手段。 展开更多
关键词 宋词 绘影绘声 艺术 审美风尚
作者 刘宇清 宋泽双 《电影新作》 北大核心 2011年第5期49-54,共6页
吴永刚曾经把自己一生的美学追求归纳为四个"看不见",即以"看不见布景为好布景"、"看不见导演为好导演"、"看不见表演为好表演"、"看不见摄影为好摄影"。在结构银幕画面和经营叙事... 吴永刚曾经把自己一生的美学追求归纳为四个"看不见",即以"看不见布景为好布景"、"看不见导演为好导演"、"看不见表演为好表演"、"看不见摄影为好摄影"。在结构银幕画面和经营叙事格调时,隐去突兀、夸饰、生硬、做作,彰显匀称、协调、自然、真切、平实,追求一种气韵生动、以和为美的艺术风格,氤氲着中国传统诗情画意的美感。 展开更多
关键词 绘影 叙事 戏剧性消解 和为美
单机多媒体本地影像视频的制作与探讨 被引量:2
作者 刘玲 谢甘弟 林财兴 《现代机械》 2010年第4期73-76,共4页
单机多媒体本地影像视频的应用在很久以前就已经得到重视,目前应用越来越广泛,虽然现在网络多媒体很流行,但是单机多媒体的地位是无法取代的。本论文以绘声绘影11制作一个教授从教50年的纪录短片为例,对单机多媒体本地影像视频的制作过... 单机多媒体本地影像视频的应用在很久以前就已经得到重视,目前应用越来越广泛,虽然现在网络多媒体很流行,但是单机多媒体的地位是无法取代的。本论文以绘声绘影11制作一个教授从教50年的纪录短片为例,对单机多媒体本地影像视频的制作过程和其中注意事项进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 单机多媒体 本地影像 绘声绘影11 记录短片
作者 张美萍 于立河 +3 位作者 韩文革 贝丽霞 梁喜龙 赵永进 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第7期254-256,286,287,共5页
帽儿山野生植物视频是将帽儿山常见的野生植物,应用绘声绘影X5软件,把文字素材、图片素材进行整合,再予每种植物配有拉丁学名、中文名、分类学地位、形态特征、生境、应用等文字字幕及精炼的语音解说,制成图文并茂的媒体播放式植物视频... 帽儿山野生植物视频是将帽儿山常见的野生植物,应用绘声绘影X5软件,把文字素材、图片素材进行整合,再予每种植物配有拉丁学名、中文名、分类学地位、形态特征、生境、应用等文字字幕及精炼的语音解说,制成图文并茂的媒体播放式植物视频。视频共制作8集,精选常见的102个科527种野生植物。该视频的使用,结合先进的教学方法及充分发挥网络的传播优势,能极大地调动学生独立自主学习的积极性,成为提高农林专业大学生植物学课程实习教学效果的重要途径。 展开更多
关键词 帽儿山 野生植物 媒体视频制作 绘声绘影X5 植物学 课程实习
清新优雅的妙境——试论张先词的审美境界 被引量:2
作者 唐全鑫 《湖南科技学院学报》 2009年第1期44-46,共3页
关键词 张先 审美情趣 情感表达 绘影艺术
DV影像的后期制作 被引量:2
作者 车谦述 汪程 《中国有线电视》 北大核心 2004年第24期77-79,共3页
DV影像的后期制作主要包括视频采集、编辑、配音、字幕和转场效果、渲染成视频文件、刻录成VCD或DVD影碟 6个主要环节。
关键词 DV影像制作 绘声绘影 刻录
民国小说话关于写人问题的探讨及其理论建树 被引量:2
作者 李桂奎 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期29-37,共9页
民国小说话在探讨写人问题方面取得了较大进展和突破。这些探讨既继承发扬了金圣叹等古代小说写人理论传统,又吸收借鉴了西方传入的小说"三要素"说、"典型"理论以及有关"作法"理论的影响,体现了转型时期... 民国小说话在探讨写人问题方面取得了较大进展和突破。这些探讨既继承发扬了金圣叹等古代小说写人理论传统,又吸收借鉴了西方传入的小说"三要素"说、"典型"理论以及有关"作法"理论的影响,体现了转型时期人们对小说写人问题的新见。既从社会人生高度审视写人功能和效果,探讨了写人文本的道德、性情等意蕴;又探讨了小说人物与现实人物的镜照关系,并运用索隐方法索解了部分小说人物原型。特别是,民国小说话还对绘影绘声等人物写法以及各种具体表达技巧进行了探讨,对小说"三要素说"与"典型"理论的中国化传播和重新建构做出了突出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 写人 人生 绘影绘声 写实 典型 三要素
作者 邵杰 《电子世界》 2011年第10期20-22,共3页
本文综合运用Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Karaoke声卡及绘声绘影会所构建的计算机MTV、卡拉OK制作系统具有高效、低成本、易普及的优点。通过对系统硬件构成及选用、软件选择与具体使用方法、以及工作原理的详细阐述,使读者能够完全掌... 本文综合运用Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Karaoke声卡及绘声绘影会所构建的计算机MTV、卡拉OK制作系统具有高效、低成本、易普及的优点。通过对系统硬件构成及选用、软件选择与具体使用方法、以及工作原理的详细阐述,使读者能够完全掌握该系统的原理、构建及使用方法。 展开更多
关键词 MTV 数字混响 视频 音频 绘声绘影
动画效果在天气预报节目中的应用 被引量:1
作者 郭泽勇 《现代电视技术》 2008年第2期116-117,共2页
在各种渠道中,电视天气预报无疑是公众获得天气信息的最主要的途径之一,在电视上,我们经常可以看到一些漂亮的动画特效,而影视气象中这些特效的制作与一款出色的视频编辑软件是分不开的,本文就从电视效果这一点出发,介绍了电视天气预报... 在各种渠道中,电视天气预报无疑是公众获得天气信息的最主要的途径之一,在电视上,我们经常可以看到一些漂亮的动画特效,而影视气象中这些特效的制作与一款出色的视频编辑软件是分不开的,本文就从电视效果这一点出发,介绍了电视天气预报节目的特点,并探讨了如何应用视频编辑软件绘声绘影与气象软件银河2004制作出漂亮的动画效果。 展开更多
关键词 影视制作 动画效果 绘声绘影 银河2004 阳江
作者 陶玲 王惠南 田芝亮 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2005年第1期52-58,共7页
Ray casting algorithm can obtain a better quality image in volume rendering, however, it exists some problems, such as powerful computing capacity and slow rendering speed. How to improve the re-sampled speed is a key... Ray casting algorithm can obtain a better quality image in volume rendering, however, it exists some problems, such as powerful computing capacity and slow rendering speed. How to improve the re-sampled speed is a key to speed up the ray casting algorithm. An algorithm is introduced to reduce matrix computation by matrix transformation characteristics of re-sampling points in a two coordinate system. The projection of 3-D datasets on image plane is adopted to reduce the number of rays. Utilizing boundary box technique avoids the sampling in empty voxel. By extending the Bresenham algorithm to three dimensions, each re-sampling point is calculated. Experimental results show that a two to three-fold improvement in rendering speed using the optimized algorithm, and the similar image quality to traditional algorithm can be achieved. The optimized algorithm can produce the required quality images, thus reducing the total operations and speeding up the volume rendering. 展开更多
关键词 volume rendering ray casting algorithm acceleration algorithm re-sampled algorithm
作者 大庆 《电子制作》 2002年第7期37-39,共3页
友力公司针对家用市场开发的Ulead Video Studio(国内名为《绘声绘影》)是一个非常不错的软件,最近我试用了最新的英文6.0版本,用这个版本可以很方便的通过1394卡采集DV数码摄像机拍摄的影像,只要几个简单的步骤。
关键词 制作VCD SVCD DVD 绘声绘影软件
作者 吴东生 《广东电脑与电讯》 2003年第10M期66-67,共2页
关键词 视频处理 计算机 “超级解霸” “绘声绘影 软件调试 音频处理
Land Parcel Land Use History as a Key to Site Selectionfor Documenting Soil Contamination Risk: a Case Study from Australian Suburbia
作者 YU Jie Ursula Pietrzak Jim Peterson 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2005年第4期257-261,275,共6页
In that orcharding in early to mid twentieth century southeastern Australia involved use of certain heavy metal and As compounds in regular pest control spray procedures, some interest attaches to the possibility that... In that orcharding in early to mid twentieth century southeastern Australia involved use of certain heavy metal and As compounds in regular pest control spray procedures, some interest attaches to the possibility that these landparcels are underlain by soils with above background Cu, Pb and As levels. Interpretation of Land cover changes allowed land parcels previously occupied by orchards to be identified in the 1950s through time series air photos. A comparison of soil analysis results referring to soil samples from control sites, and from land parcels formerly occupied by orchardists, shows that contamination (above background) levels of cations in the pesticides can be found in the top 6 cm of former orchard soils. It is clear that digital spatial data handling and culturally informed air photo interpretation has a place in soil contamination studies, land use planning (with particular reference to re development) and in administration of public health. 展开更多
关键词 aerial photography digital orthophoto image soil contamination soil analysis land-use planning public health
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Time and the Relationship Between Video Art, Painting, and Film
《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第5期313-318,共6页
Literally and figuratively, video art is not viewed in the same way as traditional forms of art. It is often relegated off to its own room or comer of a gallery, and when we see video, we think of film and conjure the... Literally and figuratively, video art is not viewed in the same way as traditional forms of art. It is often relegated off to its own room or comer of a gallery, and when we see video, we think of film and conjure the idea of passively viewing a story with a set beginning, middle, and end. This is reinforced by the fact that most video art has a playing time listed or is viewed in a darkened room in the same way as one would view a movie. Alternately, once a painting is hung, the artist is no longer in control of the way it is viewing the story. The viewer now determines the time and narrative. This paper looks at a new way of expressing video art by analyzing the installation "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse". The animations that are part of the installation are edited as the viewer is experiencing it in an attempt to approximate how we view a painting. Finally, the impact of the installation is compared to a short film created from the same footage; this time, it is viewed in a dark room with the artist in control of how the story unfolds. 展开更多
关键词 video art Bruegel triumph of death ANIMATION
On the initiative of painting style --Speaking from Disney animation
作者 Manxian Mo 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期123-125,共3页
Why it needs to take the initiative in the shape in the painting? Refine images of the shape of the objective initiatively, not only can enhance the artistic appeal and creators emotions, can also highlight the aesth... Why it needs to take the initiative in the shape in the painting? Refine images of the shape of the objective initiatively, not only can enhance the artistic appeal and creators emotions, can also highlight the aesthetic orientation creators to make their paintings to impress the audience and resonate, so works of art have a higher aesthetic value. Similarly, in the entire animation movie, animation character modeling also has an important position, and a good cartoon must have a good role model to fully convey the story and character. This article attempts to analyze the shape of the image of the Disney animated start, make deep analysis on necessity of initiative modeling in the art of painting and development of initiative modeling, to enhance the performance of artists and diverse personality development, which is a requirement of modem art, but also the law of development of the arts. 展开更多
Integrating Remote Sensing and Field Survey to Map Shallow Water Benthic Habitat for the Kingdom of Bahrain
作者 Sabah Aljenaid Eman Ghoneim +5 位作者 Mohammed Abido Khalil AlWedhai Ghadeer Khadim Saeed Mansoor Wisam EL-Deen Mohd Nadir Abd Hameed 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2017年第4期176-200,共25页
Identification and classification, as well as mapping of marine habitats, are of primary importance to plan management activities, especially in disturbed ecosystems like the ones in the marine areas of Bahrain. Remot... Identification and classification, as well as mapping of marine habitats, are of primary importance to plan management activities, especially in disturbed ecosystems like the ones in the marine areas of Bahrain. Remotely sensed Landsat-8 imagery coupled with field survey was used to identify, classify and map the benthic habitats in Bahrain marine area. The used geospatial techniques include advanced image processing procedures, which comprise of radiometric and atmospheric corrections, sun glint removal, water depth correction and image classification. Extensive ground-truthing analyses through in-situ field surveys by a team of scuba divers were conducted in October 2014 and June 2015 to inform and refine the classifications. The variables collected from this survey included physical and chemical characteristics of the water, habitat type, substrata, fauna and flora. A total of 176 field points were collected and utilized to perform an accurate assessment of the image classification. Initial habitat classification resulted in 20 habitat categories. However, due to the inability of the Landsat-8 sensors to accurately discriminate that level of classification, categories were merged into seven classes. The derived map shows that the benthic marine habitats of Bahrain consist of deep water (2,523 km2), rock (1,738 km2), sand (1,191 km2), deep water/sand (1,006 km2), algae (922 km2), seagrass (591 km2) and corals (275.50 km2). Although limited by the spatial and spectral resolutions of Landsat 8, the used methods produced a suitable map of the benthic habitats within the marine area of Bahrain with an overall accuracy of 84.1%. The use of very high spatial resolution satellite imagery will most likely increase such accuracy significantly. 展开更多
关键词 Landsat 8 MARINE water column correction scuba diving GIS (Geographic Information System)
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