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一代风流 千古绝调——谈元稹悼亡诗的艺术成就及其地位 被引量:2
作者 卞良君 《东疆学刊》 1984年第0期38-43,共6页
元稹的原配韦丛,自幼生活在一个世代“相继为显官”的家庭。贞元十九年(803)始嫁于稹,元和四年(809)七月即病卒,年仅二十七岁。在她与元稹共同生活的七年里,稹官卑禄微,且几经贬谪。韦丛“食亦不饱,衣亦不温。然而不悔于色,不戚于言”(... 元稹的原配韦丛,自幼生活在一个世代“相继为显官”的家庭。贞元十九年(803)始嫁于稹,元和四年(809)七月即病卒,年仅二十七岁。在她与元稹共同生活的七年里,稹官卑禄微,且几经贬谪。韦丛“食亦不饱,衣亦不温。然而不悔于色,不戚于言”(元稹《祭亡妻韦氏文》)。贫贱夫妻,感情笃厚;一旦逝去,元稹悲不自任,先后写下了多达三十三首的悼亡诗(见《元氏长庆集》卷九),所以元稹有句云:“悼亡诗满旧屏风”(元稹《答友封见赠》)。 展开更多
关键词 悼亡诗 绝调 一代风流 艺术成就 韦丛 记梦 江陵 元模 悲怀 情真
作者 吕家林 《作家》 北大核心 2008年第10期133-134,共2页
韩愈的《祭十二郎文》为什么被尊为"千年绝调",清代以来,没有人作具体解释。一般只是从韩愈与韩老成的特别亲情和艺术手法上评价。"孝道"是封建社会的基本价值观念,韩愈以恢复儒道为天职,《祭十二郎文》就是他现身... 韩愈的《祭十二郎文》为什么被尊为"千年绝调",清代以来,没有人作具体解释。一般只是从韩愈与韩老成的特别亲情和艺术手法上评价。"孝道"是封建社会的基本价值观念,韩愈以恢复儒道为天职,《祭十二郎文》就是他现身说法的杰作。以"父母生之,续莫大焉"的孝道观念解读《祭十二郎文》,许多存疑问题都释然,而其文"亦属千古绝调"的原因被合理解释。 展开更多
关键词 祭十二郎文 千年绝调 孝道合理解释
作者 冉隆朝 《办公室业务》 1994年第6期4-5,共2页
一、调研“失真”因素 一叶障目。即调研人员在调查研究过程中,缺乏对事物的全面深入了解,往往只听汇报,实地调查也只看典型。先入为主,以小见大,以偏概全。没有定性定量分析,结果只见表象,不见实质。此其“失真”因素之一。 投“上”... 一、调研“失真”因素 一叶障目。即调研人员在调查研究过程中,缺乏对事物的全面深入了解,往往只听汇报,实地调查也只看典型。先入为主,以小见大,以偏概全。没有定性定量分析,结果只见表象,不见实质。此其“失真”因素之一。 投“上”所好。少数调研人员“避祸求福”之心甚切,专司投“上”所好。 展开更多
关键词 研人员 因素及对策 查研究工作 研成果 “上” 绝调 政治理论素质 面深 端正态度
作者 周小明 《求实》 北大核心 2004年第S1期37-38,共2页
关键词 纠纷 解人员 难民 双方当事人 民事纠纷 事态 人民解工作 残忍性 绝调 超前预防
作者 董清洁 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1982年第2期130-132,共3页
这篇课文选自刘鹗的《老残游记》第二回:《历山山下古帝遗踪,明湖湖边美人绝调》。据认为是作者自写的《原评》中说:“王小玉说书,为声色绝调,百炼生(刘鹗的化名)著书,为文章绝调。”双“绝调”的说法当然有些过分其辞——无论“声色”... 这篇课文选自刘鹗的《老残游记》第二回:《历山山下古帝遗踪,明湖湖边美人绝调》。据认为是作者自写的《原评》中说:“王小玉说书,为声色绝调,百炼生(刘鹗的化名)著书,为文章绝调。”双“绝调”的说法当然有些过分其辞——无论“声色”或“文章”,其艺术成就尚未超过白居易的《琵琶行》。更难说后人一定不及了。 展开更多
关键词 刘鹗 王小玉 《明湖居听书》 绝调 说书 艺术手法 表达法 视觉表达 听觉 《老残游记》
作者 曹淑智 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1984年第2期37-41,共5页
被古人誉为“祭文中千年绝调”、自唐代以来传诵不衰的抒情散文《祭十二郎文》,是韩愈为祭奠他的亡侄韩老成而写的。以琐细的家庭往事和平凡的生老病死为内容的祭文,《祭十二郎文》决不是仅有的。那末,它为什么被人称为祭文中的“绝调”... 被古人誉为“祭文中千年绝调”、自唐代以来传诵不衰的抒情散文《祭十二郎文》,是韩愈为祭奠他的亡侄韩老成而写的。以琐细的家庭往事和平凡的生老病死为内容的祭文,《祭十二郎文》决不是仅有的。那末,它为什么被人称为祭文中的“绝调”呢?“绝调”之说,我们当然不应同声附和。不过古人对它评价如此之高,却很值得我们深思,有必要对这一类文章,从思想和艺术两个方面进行新的探索。 《祭十二郎文》是韩愈于唐德宗贞元十九年(公元八○三年)秋冬写的。这篇祭文,追述了韩愈与十二郎自幼及长多年相依为命的可悲身世,伤叹十二郎的天折与自己日益憔悴衰老的可哀境况,叙写十二郎死讯传报的经过,以及十二郎的善后处置、自己的后半生将如何度过,等等,“意只是平平”(《古文观止》评语)的内容。初读此文,如同古代多数哀祭文一样,除了伤感悲凉之外,从中很难找到比较深刻的社会内容。但是。 展开更多
关键词 《祭十二郎文》 韩愈 张署 绝调 死讯 祭悼 田横 墓志铭 繁简详略 雄肆
作者 于扶仁 《沧桑》 1995年第2期33-33,共1页
关键词 绝调 秀色 山居 虬龙 幽情 兴废 国运 天地
Analysis of Three-dimensional Crack Propagation by Using Displacement Discontinuity Method 被引量:3
作者 王飞 黄醒春 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第6期835-840,共6页
A technique for modelling of three-dimensional(3D)quasi-statically propagating cracks in elastic bodies by the displacement discontinuity method(DDM)was described.When the crack is closed,the Mohr-coulomb rule on the ... A technique for modelling of three-dimensional(3D)quasi-statically propagating cracks in elastic bodies by the displacement discontinuity method(DDM)was described.When the crack is closed,the Mohr-coulomb rule on the two contacted surfaces of the crack must be satisfied.A simple iterative method was adopted in order to consider three different states of cracks.Under the assumption that the advance of the point on the crack front would occur only in the normal plane which is through this edge point,the maximum energy release rate criterion is modified to be used as the criterion for the crack growth.With discretization,the process of crack propagation can be seen as the advance of the vertices of the crack front.The program MCP3D was developed based on these theories to simulate the 3D quasi-static crack propagation.A numerical example of a penny-shaped crack subject to tension and compression in an infinite elastic media was analyzed with MCP3D,and the results in comparison with others' show that the present method for 3D crack propagation is effective. 展开更多
关键词 three-dimensional(3D)crack propagation displacement discontinuity method stress intensity factor(SIF) numerical simulation
Photoelastic Fabry-Perot Optical Modulator Based on a Silicon-on-Insulator Structure
作者 YULishen GUANZF 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1996年第3期210-213,共4页
A simple photoelastic optical modulator with a Fabry-Perot cavity based on the silicon-on-insulator system was fabricated. A 50 % modulation depth has been obtained at current density of about 1. 5 x 103 A/cm2. The in... A simple photoelastic optical modulator with a Fabry-Perot cavity based on the silicon-on-insulator system was fabricated. A 50 % modulation depth has been obtained at current density of about 1. 5 x 103 A/cm2. The insertion loss was about 15 dB. 展开更多
Life history pattern of mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki (Girard, 1859) in the Tajan River (Southern Caspian Sea to Iran)
作者 PATIMAR Rahman GHORBANI Mohsen +1 位作者 GOL-MOHAMMADI Ali AZIMI-GLUGAHI Hoda 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期167-173,共7页
Investigation of the ecology of introduced species in new habitats can allow determinations of the degree, direction, and rate of evolutionary change. The introduction of Gambusia holbrooki in the southern Caspian Sea... Investigation of the ecology of introduced species in new habitats can allow determinations of the degree, direction, and rate of evolutionary change. The introduction of Gambusia holbrooki in the southern Caspian Sea presents such a situation. We evaluated the life history traits of mosquitofish in the Tajan River basin. A total of 744 G. holbrooki specimens were collected between January and December 2008. The maximum observed ages are 0+ years for males and 1+ years for females. Both sexes grew allometrically (negative for males: b=2.442 and positive for females: b=3.232). The overall sex ratio is unbalanced and dominated by females. GSI values suggest that this population of G. holbrooki matures between February–July. The highest mean GSI value is 1.80 for males and 15.97 for females in May. Egg diameter ranges from 1.00 to 3.00 mm with a mean value of 2.098 mm. Absolute fecundity varied from 7 to 57 eggs. Both ova diameter and absolute fecundity were positively correlated to fish size (length and weight). Fecundity relative to total weight fluctuated from 34.44 to 582.64 eggs/g, and to total length from 2.33 to 12.95 eggs/cm. Both were negatively correlated with female size. The characteristics of this population are important with respect to life history of the species. 展开更多
关键词 Gambusia holbrooki age structure REPRODUCTION southern Caspian Sea Iran
T-regulatory lymphocytes in peripheral blood of gastric and colorectal cancer patients 被引量:5
作者 Antoni M Szczepanik Maciej Siedlar +4 位作者 Marek Sierzega Dominika Goroszeniuk Karolina Bukowska-Strakova Antoni Czupryna Jan Kulig 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期343-348,共6页
AIM: To assess the absolute number of T-regulatory cells (Tregs; CD4+CD25+Foxp3+) in the peripheral blood of gastric and colorectal cancer patients. METHODS: We enrolled 70 cancer patients (33 gastric cancer, 37 color... AIM: To assess the absolute number of T-regulatory cells (Tregs; CD4+CD25+Foxp3+) in the peripheral blood of gastric and colorectal cancer patients. METHODS: We enrolled 70 cancer patients (33 gastric cancer, 37 colorectal cancer) and 17 healthy volunteers. The CD3+CD4+ lymphocytes and CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs in the peripheral blood were analyzed with flow cytometry. The absolute numbers of Tregs were calculated based on the CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ cells percent-age of CD3+CD4+ cells and the absolute numbers of CD3+CD4+ cells per microliter. RESULTS: The mean number of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ cells per microliter in colorectal cancer patients was 15.7 (SD: 21.8), for gastric cancer patients 12.2 (SD: 14.3), and for controls 17.5 (SD: 11.4). The absolute number of Tregs was significantly lower in gastric cancer patients than in controls (P = 0.026). There was no statistically significant difference for gastric vs colorectal cancer or colorectal cancer vs controls. The absolute number of Tregs was also significantly depressed in N+ vs Ncancer patients [22.0 (27.7) vs 10.1 (9.0), P = 0.013], and in the subgroup of gastric cancer patients [30.3 (27.6) vs 9.6 (8.0), P = 0.003]. No statistical difference was observed in the proportion of Tregs in the CD4+ population between the groups. CONCLUSION: The absolute number of Tregs in peripheral blood of gastric cancer but not colorectal cancer patients was significantly decreased in comparison with that in healthy controls. 展开更多
关键词 CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ cells T regulatory cells Peripheral blood Gastric cancer Colorectal cancer
A Survey of Security Issues in Cognitive Radio Networks 被引量:9
作者 LI Jianwu FENG Zebing +1 位作者 FENG Zhiyong ZHANG Ping 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期132-150,共19页
In the last decade,cognitive radio(CR) has emerged as a major next generation wireless networking technology,which is the most promising candidate solution to solve the spectrum scarcity and improve the spectrum utili... In the last decade,cognitive radio(CR) has emerged as a major next generation wireless networking technology,which is the most promising candidate solution to solve the spectrum scarcity and improve the spectrum utilization.However,there exist enormous challenges for the open and random access environment of CRNs,where the unlicensed secondary users(SUs) can use the channels that are not currently used by the licensed primary users(PUs) via spectrum-sensing technology.Because of this access method,some malicious users may access the cognitive network arbitrarily and launch some special attacks,such as primary user emulation attack,falsifying data or denial of service attack,which will cause serious damage to the cognitive radio network.In addition to the specifi c security threats of cognitive network,CRNs also face up to the conventional security threats,such as eavesdropping,tampering,imitation,forgery,and noncooperation etc..Hence,Cognitive radio networks have much more risks than traditional wireless networks with its special network model.In this paper,we considered the security threats from passive and active attacks.Firstly,the PHY layer security is presented in the view of passive attacks,and it is a compelling idea of using the physical properties of the radio channel to help provide secure wireless communications.Moreover,malicious user detection is introduced in the view of active attacks by means of the signal detection techniques to decrease the interference and the probabilities of false alarm and missed detection.Finally,we discuss the general countermeasures of security threats in three phases.In particular,we discuss the far reaching effect of defensive strategy against attacks in CRNs. 展开更多
关键词 CRNs security physical layer security security capacity active attacks passive attacks
Control Strategies for PM Synchronous Machine Controlled Rectifier Intended for Heavy-Duty Vehicle 被引量:1
作者 Alexandre De Bernardinis 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第3期552-570,共19页
In order to charge batteries and supply all the electrical devices like wheel-motors used in a heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicle, a solution consists in using an assembly permanent magnet generator driven by a diesel... In order to charge batteries and supply all the electrical devices like wheel-motors used in a heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicle, a solution consists in using an assembly permanent magnet generator driven by a diesel engine and a three-phase insulated gate bipolar transistor/diodes bridge controlled rectifier connected to the battery. In this work, hysteresis current control strategies combined with a judicious current sensing mode for the assembly permanent magnet synchronous machine-controlled rectifier are investigated. Main issues first concern the different kinds of transistors switching modes allowed by the proposed current sensing mode when the machine operates either as a generator or as a motor. Second, the modulated hysteresis method is presented, which merges the performances of robustness and dynamic of the classical hysteresis method and imposes the switching frequency alike pulsewidth modulation techniques. A test bench at reduced power permits to test the switching modes as well as classical and modulated hysteresis methods for both motor and generator operating modes and to validate the simulation predictions. The digital signal processor algorithm elaborated for the control strategy is flexible and adaptable to all kinds of transistor switchings and machine operating modes. 展开更多
关键词 Hysteresis current control modulated hysteresis method PM synchronous machine hybrid electric vehicle.
作者 韩戾军 《书法》 2008年第12期40-41,共2页
关键词 柳亚子 品读 性如烈火 绝调 散庐
Topological crystalline insulator nanomembrane with strain-tunable band gap 被引量:5
作者 Xiaofeng Qian Liang Fu Ju Li 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期967-979,共13页
The ability to fine-tune band gap and band inversion in topological materials is highly desirable for the development of novel functional devices. Here we propose that the electronic properties of free-standing nanome... The ability to fine-tune band gap and band inversion in topological materials is highly desirable for the development of novel functional devices. Here we propose that the electronic properties of free-standing nanomernbranes of the topological crystalline insulators (TCI) SnTe and Pb1-xSnx(Se,Te) are highly tunable by engineering elastic strain and membrane thickness, resulting in tunable band gap and giant piezoconductivity. Membrane thickness governs the hybridization of topological electronic states on opposite surfaces, while elastic strain can further modulate the hybridization strength by controlling the penetration length of surface states. We propose a frequency-resolved infrared photodetector using force-concentration induced inhomogeneous elastic strain in TCI nanomembranes with spatially varying width. The predicted tunable band gap accompanied by strong spin-textured electronic states will open new avenues for fabricating piezoresistive devices, infrared detectors and energy-efficient electronic and spintronic devices based on TCI nanomembrane. 展开更多
关键词 elastic strain engineering pseudoheterostructure infrared photodetector METAL-INSULATORTRANSITION DFT calculations
Field-effect modulation of anomalous Hall effect in diluted ferromagnetic topological insulator epitaxial films
作者 Cui Zu Chang Min Hao Liu +3 位作者 Zuo Cheng Zhang Ya Yu Wang Ke He Qi Kun Xue 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期100-104,共5页
High quality chromium (Cr) doped three-dimensional topological insulator (TI) Sb2Te3 films are grown via molecular beam epitaxy on heat-treated insulating SrTiO3 (111) substrates. We report that the Dirac surfac... High quality chromium (Cr) doped three-dimensional topological insulator (TI) Sb2Te3 films are grown via molecular beam epitaxy on heat-treated insulating SrTiO3 (111) substrates. We report that the Dirac surface states are insensitive to Cr doping, and a perfect robust long-range ferromagnetic order is unveiled in epitaxial Sb2 xCrxTe3 films. The anomalous Hall effect is modulated by applying a bottom gate, contrary to the ferromagnetism in conventional diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs), here the coercivity field is not significantly changed with decreasing cartier density. Carrier-independent ferromag- netism heralds Sbz_xCrxTe3 films as the base candidate TI material to realize the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect. These results also indicate the potential of controlling anomalous Hall voltage in future TI-based magneto-electronics and spintronics. 展开更多
关键词 topological insulators (TIs) anomalous Hall (QAH) effect electrical field-effect carrier-independent ferromagnetism
Research Progress on Colossal Anisotropic Magnetoresistive Effect
作者 Run-Wei Li 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2009年第1期39-42,共4页
Perovskite manganites show exotic functionalities due to the coupling between spin, charge, orbital and lattice, such as metal-insulator transition, colossal magnetoresistance ( CMR ) , charge-orbital order and phas... Perovskite manganites show exotic functionalities due to the coupling between spin, charge, orbital and lattice, such as metal-insulator transition, colossal magnetoresistance ( CMR ) , charge-orbital order and phase separation. Recently, an extraordinary anisotropic magnetoresistance ( AMR ) has been observed in perovskite manganite single crystals. The AMR value is about 2 orders larger than that of the conventional 3E transition metals and alloys, which is attributed to tunable metal-insulator transition temperature modulated by the magnetic field. This result provides a new route for exploring novel AMR materials and their applications. 展开更多
关键词 perovskite manganite METAL-INSULATORTRANSITION AMR
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