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复杂河网中洪水演进二维数值仿真及其应用 被引量:8
作者 王晓玲 李明超 +1 位作者 周潮洪 夏中华 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期416-421,共6页
为了模拟复杂河网中分洪后水流在较大平面范围内的流动情况,在考虑河床、进出口和动边界等复杂边界条件下,建立了二维洪水演进数学模型,并采用交替方向隐式(ADI)法进行离散和求解.结合流域实时洪水调度仿真系统的总体框架和调用,建立了... 为了模拟复杂河网中分洪后水流在较大平面范围内的流动情况,在考虑河床、进出口和动边界等复杂边界条件下,建立了二维洪水演进数学模型,并采用交替方向隐式(ADI)法进行离散和求解.结合流域实时洪水调度仿真系统的总体框架和调用,建立了模拟洪水在蓄滞洪区内任意位置的水位、流速、淹没水深、历时等演进过程的二维洪水演进数值仿真系统.该系统对永定河分洪区进行了二维洪水实时演进模拟,并结合大清河实测资料进行了模型合理性分析,结果表明,该系统能够适应复杂的边界条件,可为复杂河网实时洪水预报计算和实时洪水调度提供支持. 展开更多
关键词 洪水演进 蓄滞洪区 维数值仿真 交替方向隐式法
蓄滞洪区洪水演进一、二维数值仿真及其在洼淀联合调度中的应用 被引量:20
作者 李大鸣 林毅 周志华 《中国工程科学》 2010年第3期82-89,共8页
为了实现蓄滞洪区内各洼淀实时洪水调度,考虑到蓄滞洪区内复杂河网与洼淀交错的情况,建立了河道、滞洪区联合计算的一、二维衔接洪水演进数学模型,在考虑铁路、公路、堤防及桥涵等阻水建筑物等复杂边界条件下,采用有限体积法进行离散和... 为了实现蓄滞洪区内各洼淀实时洪水调度,考虑到蓄滞洪区内复杂河网与洼淀交错的情况,建立了河道、滞洪区联合计算的一、二维衔接洪水演进数学模型,在考虑铁路、公路、堤防及桥涵等阻水建筑物等复杂边界条件下,采用有限体积法进行离散和求解。结合蓄滞洪区实时洪水调度仿真系统的总体框架,建立了模拟洪水在蓄滞洪区内任意位置的水位、流速、淹没水深、历时等演进过程的一、二维洪水演进数值仿真系统。结合大清河实测资料对东淀滞洪区洪水演进进行了模型验证,结果基本吻合,并应用该系统对大清河滞洪区五洼联合调度方案进行了实时模拟,分析了洼淀联合调度下出现的倒淀现象,对不同方案进行了比较分析,实现了实时的洪水调度分析。 展开更多
关键词 蓄滞洪区 洪水演进 一、二维数值仿真 有限体积法 联合调度
纳秒脉冲激光烧蚀石墨电极的一维数值仿真 被引量:1
作者 董勤晓 杨泽峰 +2 位作者 刘之方 吴坚 李兴文 《电器与能效管理技术》 2016年第21期5-9,38,共6页
以热传导方程为基础,建立了纳秒脉冲激光烧蚀固体靶材料的一维模型。考虑等离子体对入射激光的屏蔽作用,计算了峰值为1012W/m2的纳秒激光对石墨靶烧蚀情况。计算表明,石墨靶内部的温度沿深度方向呈指数递减;靶材料表面温度随着激光强度... 以热传导方程为基础,建立了纳秒脉冲激光烧蚀固体靶材料的一维模型。考虑等离子体对入射激光的屏蔽作用,计算了峰值为1012W/m2的纳秒激光对石墨靶烧蚀情况。计算表明,石墨靶内部的温度沿深度方向呈指数递减;靶材料表面温度随着激光强度的增加而增加,并在激光峰值时刻达到最大值。表面温度升高将加快石墨靶蒸发速率,进一步增加了等离子体对激光的屏蔽作用,最后可屏蔽激光能量占总入射激光能量的0.3,石墨靶烧蚀的最终深度约350 nm。 展开更多
关键词 激光烧蚀 维数值仿真 表面温度 等离子屏蔽
基于二维数值仿真的集装箱码头规划设计虚拟现实系统 被引量:3
作者 邓彪 周强 《水运工程》 北大核心 2010年第4期79-82,共4页
基于二维数值仿真与虚拟现实技术,研究了集装箱码头规划设计的虚拟现实系统。在该系统下可以快速搭建集装箱码头三维动画场景,并通过集装箱码头装卸生产过程的数值分析与三维动画视景,分析码头平面与装卸工艺设计的合理性,揭示码头物流... 基于二维数值仿真与虚拟现实技术,研究了集装箱码头规划设计的虚拟现实系统。在该系统下可以快速搭建集装箱码头三维动画场景,并通过集装箱码头装卸生产过程的数值分析与三维动画视景,分析码头平面与装卸工艺设计的合理性,揭示码头物流系统的潜在瓶颈,进一步完善和丰富集装箱码头的设计内容。 展开更多
关键词 集装箱码头 规划设计 虚拟现实 维数值仿真
通过进气道优化改进柴油机的性能 被引量:15
作者 赵长禄 周磊 +2 位作者 岳玉嵩 张付军 葛蕴珊 《内燃机学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期244-248,共5页
利用仿真软件FIRE建立了6V150柴油机进气道的三维仿真模型,在用稳流吹风实验验证了仿真的结果后,分析了进气道内部的三维流场,然后采用缩小气门杆后部气流停滞区的方法提高了进气道的流量,而且该方法对气缸盖布置及进气门结构的影响也... 利用仿真软件FIRE建立了6V150柴油机进气道的三维仿真模型,在用稳流吹风实验验证了仿真的结果后,分析了进气道内部的三维流场,然后采用缩小气门杆后部气流停滞区的方法提高了进气道的流量,而且该方法对气缸盖布置及进气门结构的影响也很小。最后,在仿真软件BOOST建立的整机仿真模型中,对柴油机的性能进行了分析。分析结果显示,在保证空燃比不变的前提下,在柴油机进气量增加的同时也加大其燃油量,可以提高柴油机的有效功率和指示平均有效压力(IMEP),改进了柴油机的动力性。 展开更多
关键词 进气道 柴油机 维数值仿真 流量系数 动力性
基极注入强电磁脉冲对双极型晶体管的作用 被引量:14
作者 陈曦 杜正伟 龚克 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期449-452,共4页
空间电磁脉冲注入硅双极型晶体管后可能会导致晶体管烧毁。借助2维数值仿真和理论分析研究了基极注入短电磁脉冲对双极型晶体管的作用,得出结论:晶体管的热斑位于基极边缘,由于该点既是电场峰所在,又是电流最密集之处,热量产生集中,因... 空间电磁脉冲注入硅双极型晶体管后可能会导致晶体管烧毁。借助2维数值仿真和理论分析研究了基极注入短电磁脉冲对双极型晶体管的作用,得出结论:晶体管的热斑位于基极边缘,由于该点既是电场峰所在,又是电流最密集之处,热量产生集中,因此基极注入脉冲使晶体管烧毁所需的能量比其它两电极注入要少;在基极注入短脉冲作用下,晶体管烧毁所需能量几乎不随脉冲宽度变化;烧毁所需脉冲功率近似与脉冲宽度成反比。 展开更多
关键词 2器件数值仿真 电磁脉冲 双极型晶体管 基极注入 烧毁
Simulation Study of the Workspace of the Parallel Machine Tool 被引量:1
作者 张建民 郝娟 王增平 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第2期191-196,共6页
A new three dimensional simulation method is introduced to study the workspace of a 6 PSS (P denotes a prismatic kinematic pair, S denotes a spherical kinematic pair) parallel machine tool. This algorithm adopts the... A new three dimensional simulation method is introduced to study the workspace of a 6 PSS (P denotes a prismatic kinematic pair, S denotes a spherical kinematic pair) parallel machine tool. This algorithm adopts the method of numerical analysis to investigate the boundary points in a series of sections which form the surface of the workspace. That is, to study such points that have the largest polar radius on a certain section in a system of polar coordinates according to conditions of constraint. The constraint conditions considered in the article include the maximum and minimum displacements of each dieblock, the maximum and minimum angles of oscillation in each hinge. By converting the constraint inequalities into constraint equations, the largest polar radius corresponding to every constraint condition can be evaluated and the minimum one is used to decide the boundary point. This algorithm greatly simplifies the computational process and can be used to analyze any section of the workspace. It provides a theoretical basis for the structural design of such a machine tool. 展开更多
关键词 PSS parallel machine tool WORKSPACE numerical analysis three-dimensions simulation
数值仿真技术在航空动力研制中的地位和作用 被引量:8
作者 刘大响 金捷 刘邓欢 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期2017-2024,共8页
针对先进航空发动机的技术发展需求,提出了航空发动机数值仿真技术的定义和内涵。从专业、学科、空间、时间、工具等方面给出了航空发动机数值仿真技术的五个维度,从促进航空发动机研制模式转变等方面分析了其战略地位和作用。通过国外... 针对先进航空发动机的技术发展需求,提出了航空发动机数值仿真技术的定义和内涵。从专业、学科、空间、时间、工具等方面给出了航空发动机数值仿真技术的五个维度,从促进航空发动机研制模式转变等方面分析了其战略地位和作用。通过国外典型研究计划和实例分析了国内外发展现状,指出了我国在该技术领域的主要差距。提出要充分认识数值仿真技术在航空发动机研制中的重要地位和作用,尽快建设和发展属于我国自己的航空发动机数值仿真系统,建设面向全行业的“航空发动机数据库”。 展开更多
关键词 航空发动机 数值仿真技术 技术发展需求 发动机仿真系统 航空发动机数值仿真研究中心
3D Simulation of Storm Surge Disaster Based on Scenario Analysis
作者 王晓玲 孙小沛 +3 位作者 张胜利 孙蕊蕊 李瑞金 朱泽彪 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第2期110-120,共11页
The occurrence of storm surge disaster is often accompanied with floodplain, overflow, dike breach and other complex phenomena, while current studies on storm surge flooding are more concentrated on the 1D/2D numerica... The occurrence of storm surge disaster is often accompanied with floodplain, overflow, dike breach and other complex phenomena, while current studies on storm surge flooding are more concentrated on the 1D/2D numerical simulation of single disaster scenario(floodplain, overflow or dike breach), ignoring the composite effects of various phenomena. Therefore, considering the uncertainty in the disaster process of storm surge, scenario analysis was firstly proposed to identify the composite disaster scenario including multiple phenomena by analyzing key driving forces, building scenario matrix and deducing situation logic. Secondly, by combining the advantages of k-ω and k-ε models in the wall treatment, a shear stress transmission k-ω model coupled with VOF was proposed to simulate the 3D flood routing for storm surge disaster. Thirdly, risk degree was introduced to make the risk analysis of storm surge disaster. Finally, based on the scenario analysis, four scenarios with different storm surge intensity(100-year and 200-year frequency) were identified in Tianjin Binhai New Area. Then, 3D numerical simulation and risk map were made for the case. 展开更多
关键词 SIMULATION storm surge disaster scenario analysis risk degree 3D SST k-ω turbulence model composite scenario
Influence of Coanda surface curvature on performance of bladeless fan 被引量:2
作者 LI Guoqi HU Yongjun +2 位作者 JIN Yingzi Toshiaki Setoguchi Heuy Dong Kim 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期422-431,共10页
The unique Coanda surface has a great influence on the performance of bladeless fan.However,there is few studies to explain the relationship between the performance and Coanda surface curvature at present.In order to ... The unique Coanda surface has a great influence on the performance of bladeless fan.However,there is few studies to explain the relationship between the performance and Coanda surface curvature at present.In order to gain a qualitative understanding of effect of the curvature on the performance of bladeless fan,numerical studies are performed in this paper.Firstly,three-dimensional numerical simulation is done by Fluent software.For the purpose to obtain detailed information of the flow field around the Coanda surface,two-dimensional numerical simulation is also conducted.Five types of Coanda surfaces with different curvature are designed,and the flow behaviour and the performance of them are analyzed and compared with those of the prototype.The analysis indicates that the curvature of Coanda surface is strongly related to blowing performance,It is found that there is an optimal curvature of Coanda surfaces among the studied models.Simulation result shows that there is a special low pressure region.With increasing curvature in Y direction,several low pressure regions gradually enlarged,then begin to merge slowly,and finally form a large area of low pressure.From the analyses of streamlines and velocity angle,it is found that the magnitude of the curvature affects the flow direction and reasonable curvature can induce fluid flow close to the wall.Thus,it leads to that the curvature of the streamlines is consistent with that of Coanda surface.Meanwhile,it also causes the fluid movement towards the most suitable direction.This study will provide useful information to performance improvements of bladeless fans. 展开更多
关键词 bladeless fan Coanda surface velocity low pressure region curvature.
Surface Passivation of Ti/4H-SiC Schottky Barrier Diode
作者 Muhammad Khalid Saira Riaz Shahzad Naseem 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第10期577-582,共6页
Surface properties of SiC power devices mostly depend on the passivation layer(PL).This layer has direct influence on electrical characteristics of devices.2D numerical simulation of forward and reverse characteristic... Surface properties of SiC power devices mostly depend on the passivation layer(PL).This layer has direct influence on electrical characteristics of devices.2D numerical simulation of forward and reverse characteristics with and without different(PLs)(SiO2,HfO2 and Si3N4) has been performed.Simulation results show that the breakdown voltage increases with increasing PL thickness,and there is a lesser significant effect on forward characteristics.The maximum breakdown voltage with and without SiO2 PL is 1240 V and 276 V,respectively.SiO2 PL has compatibility with SiC surface providing high breakdown voltage,6 and 8% higher than that of HfO2 and Si3N4 respectively.Low leakage current is observed which then further decreases on reducing the thickness of PL.Furthermore,variation of forward current with dielectric constant and thickness of PLs was observed.Finally,it is suggested that matches of our results with published experimental results indicate that the Sentaurus TCAD simulator is a predictive tool for the SiC Schottky barrier diode simulation. 展开更多
关键词 PASSIVATION breakdown voltage leakage current electric field ON-RESISTANCE
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