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作者 孟庆辉 孟祥佳 +2 位作者 吴兴致 韩文佳 李东臣 《农家科技(理论版)》 2019年第4期72-72,共1页
草莓是广大人民群众喜闻乐见的果品。但是在草莓的种植过程中,由土传病害引起的死苗烂棵现象非常普遍,造成的损失很大,大幅度使用高毒杀虫杀菌剂,草莓农药残留非常严重;同时,由于大量施用化学肥料导致的土壤盐渍化;而且我国大多数草莓... 草莓是广大人民群众喜闻乐见的果品。但是在草莓的种植过程中,由土传病害引起的死苗烂棵现象非常普遍,造成的损失很大,大幅度使用高毒杀虫杀菌剂,草莓农药残留非常严重;同时,由于大量施用化学肥料导致的土壤盐渍化;而且我国大多数草莓种植地区土壤酸碱度难以满足草莓生长需要。从生产实际出发立项研究改制草莓种植中的三方面难题,对完善我国草莓生态农业模式,生产有机草莓,提高农民的经济收入具有广阔的推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 草莓 土传病害 综合性治理
作者 王致晶 《甘肃科技》 2010年第16期11-13,共3页
由于当前人口的集聚增长以及工农业的迅速发展,使得大部分的流域农业污染非常严重。其主要表现在点源的固体废弃物、城镇农村生活用水和养殖厂的牲畜粪便污染以及面源的农药污染、化肥污染和污水灌溉等造成的污染。针对当前农业污染的... 由于当前人口的集聚增长以及工农业的迅速发展,使得大部分的流域农业污染非常严重。其主要表现在点源的固体废弃物、城镇农村生活用水和养殖厂的牲畜粪便污染以及面源的农药污染、化肥污染和污水灌溉等造成的污染。针对当前农业污染的现状提出部分原则性的治理建议,为改善以及控制当前农业污染提供了合理有效的思路。 展开更多
关键词 流域 农业污染概况 综合性治理建议
深度贫困的再生产逻辑及综合性治理 被引量:25
作者 张明皓 豆书龙 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期44-50,共7页
深度贫困成为精准扶贫的坚中之坚是由深度贫困的性质定位与精准扶贫的政治和伦理功能所决定的。群体和个体双重转化所引致的"贫困再生产"的层次互移、时间和空间弱势累积所形塑的"生存性均衡"的自我维持、结构与行... 深度贫困成为精准扶贫的坚中之坚是由深度贫困的性质定位与精准扶贫的政治和伦理功能所决定的。群体和个体双重转化所引致的"贫困再生产"的层次互移、时间和空间弱势累积所形塑的"生存性均衡"的自我维持、结构与行动内向互构所产生的"经济性贫困陷阱"的持续卷入构成深度贫困的再生产逻辑和社会后果。深度贫困的破解需要精准扶贫超常规功能的发挥,精准扶贫超常规功能是以"超时空强制"和"超市场强制"为表现形式,而精准扶贫超常规功能的合法性则来源于中国特色社会主义扶贫的体制优势。回归精准扶贫超常规功能的治理本源,深度贫困的消除为贫困治理形态向综合性转变提供了契机。综合性治理框架以公共价值、制度结构以及扶贫内容的综合为必要构成,其正显示出消解深度贫困的真正潜力。 展开更多
关键词 深度贫困 精准扶贫 超常规功能 综合性治理
加强农村生态环境综合性高效治理的路径研究 被引量:2
作者 李建坤 《山西农经》 2021年第24期132-134,共3页
党的十九大以来,加强农村生态环境治理成为国家富强、民族复兴和建设社会主义现代化强国的应有之义和重中之重,农村生态环境治理是乡村振兴中的一项重大举措。文章针对农村生态环境治理中存在的政府缺位错位现象、基层自治组织引导力弱... 党的十九大以来,加强农村生态环境治理成为国家富强、民族复兴和建设社会主义现代化强国的应有之义和重中之重,农村生态环境治理是乡村振兴中的一项重大举措。文章针对农村生态环境治理中存在的政府缺位错位现象、基层自治组织引导力弱、农村生态环境治理法律机制不完善、环境治理理念不科学等困境,分别从政府、市场、网络监管、基层自治组织角度提出具体解决措施,认为加强多方合作进行综合性高效治理才是彻底解决农村生态环境问题的根本举措。综合性高效治理方式是治理农村生态环境的一条主要路径,具有非常重要的理论价值和现实指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 农村生态环境 乡村振兴 综合性治理
作者 钱宝晶 《吉林农业》 2018年第8期49-49,共1页
关键词 农村水污染 综合性原因 综合性治理
基于等效Y型通风策略的综合瓦斯治理研究 被引量:1
作者 张鑫 《煤矿现代化》 2018年第5期88-90,共3页
受隅角处瓦斯积聚现象的影响,麻家梁煤矿内的高瓦斯工作面出现了超限的状况,为解决该问题,本文选定该矿某工作面作为对象进行了针对性研究,经过深入分析过该工作面隅角瓦斯的具体来源,确定了一个综合性的治理技术,该技术主要是对通风系... 受隅角处瓦斯积聚现象的影响,麻家梁煤矿内的高瓦斯工作面出现了超限的状况,为解决该问题,本文选定该矿某工作面作为对象进行了针对性研究,经过深入分析过该工作面隅角瓦斯的具体来源,确定了一个综合性的治理技术,该技术主要是对通风系统进行调整,利用倾斜风障以及设置在回风巷内的增压板闭和联络巷内的预埋管等装置改变其通风情况,调整后的系统风流表现为Y型,上隅角区域的风向由之前的出风转成进风。 展开更多
关键词 上隅角 超限 Y型 通风 综合性治理技术
水资源整体性治理:国际经验与启示 被引量:4
作者 王锋 《理论建设》 2015年第4期101-106,共6页
水资源整体性治理已成为当前国际水资源管理的一种主流趋势。美国的多元主体协同治理模式、法国的混合型网络治理模式和欧盟的综合性流域治理模式等各具特色,也为我国水资源整体性治理提供了参考和启发。总结并借鉴国际水资源整体性治... 水资源整体性治理已成为当前国际水资源管理的一种主流趋势。美国的多元主体协同治理模式、法国的混合型网络治理模式和欧盟的综合性流域治理模式等各具特色,也为我国水资源整体性治理提供了参考和启发。总结并借鉴国际水资源整体性治理的宝贵经验,有助于我国水资源的有效保护、利用和可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 水资源管理 整体性治理 综合性流域治理 水安全
作者 孟庆华 孙志生 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第2期60-62,共3页
在全球社会经济发展的同时,腐败也开始大规模蔓延。惩治腐败已成为国际问题。随着《联合国反腐败公约》的通过,国际反腐出现了一系列新的理念和制度,对我国反腐刑事法制的改革有新的启示,要从加强社会公众的参与、实体法的完善、司法程... 在全球社会经济发展的同时,腐败也开始大规模蔓延。惩治腐败已成为国际问题。随着《联合国反腐败公约》的通过,国际反腐出现了一系列新的理念和制度,对我国反腐刑事法制的改革有新的启示,要从加强社会公众的参与、实体法的完善、司法程序的健全等方面,切实实现我国与国际在反腐败上的接轨。 展开更多
关键词 腐败 综合性治理理念 财产追回机制
作者 杨柳 《安徽行政学院学报》 2015年第3期25-28,共4页
今天,不良文风的表现形式是多样的,其中"洋八股"是一个突出的表现。延安整风时期,毛泽东把反对不良文风——"党八股"与反对主观主义、宗派主义联系起来,实行综合性治理,今天警惕"洋八股"的危害,也应该如... 今天,不良文风的表现形式是多样的,其中"洋八股"是一个突出的表现。延安整风时期,毛泽东把反对不良文风——"党八股"与反对主观主义、宗派主义联系起来,实行综合性治理,今天警惕"洋八股"的危害,也应该如此。要注意到它的多方面联系及其成因,真正做到理论自信、道路自信和制度自信,树立马克思主义实践的观点,以重振中国作风和中国气派。 展开更多
关键词 不良文风 洋八股 综合性治理 中国作风和中国气派
作者 吴月华 《现代商贸工业》 2003年第8期8-11,共4页
关键词 农民收入 产业结构 劳动力就业 农村城镇化 乡镇企业 综合性治理 中国
工程机械柴油机尾气排放影响分析及对策 被引量:8
作者 罗阳 《建设机械技术与管理》 2014年第10期121-124,共4页
本文分析了国内外工程机械柴油机尾气排放的影响现状,包括相关的研究、规定和条例等。从一个"整体"的角度来考虑,本文认为:工程机械柴油机尾气排放的问题不是单纯某一单个技术在未来的突破就能解决的,其需要跨学科的合作,通... 本文分析了国内外工程机械柴油机尾气排放的影响现状,包括相关的研究、规定和条例等。从一个"整体"的角度来考虑,本文认为:工程机械柴油机尾气排放的问题不是单纯某一单个技术在未来的突破就能解决的,其需要跨学科的合作,通过综合性的手段才能解决。这不仅是旧技术改进和新技术开发的过程,而且还应该是多元主体参与的社会过程,其离不开技术革新、技术整合、建筑工地环境污染的局部及总体预测、污染预防、实时监控、评价、责令整改及奖惩等综合性排放治理方式。在当下中国经济转型闯关期,人们在推进中国新型城镇化建设的同时,应该到了考虑在将来摈弃粗放式施工方式的时候了,这其中"考虑工程机械驾驶人员及工程机械所在工地施工人员的职业健康"的劳动保护问题也应该提上议事日程,无论这些人员是在较为封闭的施工环境中或是在开放式非封闭施工环境中。 展开更多
关键词 工程机械 柴油机尾气排放 综合性排放治理 劳动保护 职业健康
Comprehensive treatment of advanced primary live cancer with intraperitoneal chemotherapy or in combination with other therapies:therapeutic observation of 72 cases 被引量:1
作者 Weifeng Shen Jiamei Yang Feng Xu Tong Kan Ying Tong Feng Xie 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2008年第2期69-71,共3页
Objective: To evaluate the effect of intraperitoneal chemotherapy or in combination with other therapies in patients with advanced primary liver cancer. Methods: 72 patients with advanced primary liver cancer with n... Objective: To evaluate the effect of intraperitoneal chemotherapy or in combination with other therapies in patients with advanced primary liver cancer. Methods: 72 patients with advanced primary liver cancer with no indication for surgery received intraperitoneal chemotherapy in combination with other therapies including transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFA), percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PELT) and radiotherapy. Of them, 29 cases were complicated with hilar or retroperitoneal multiple lymph node metastases, 14 with portal vein embolus, 15 with intrapedtoneal and diaphragmatic metastases, 6 with chylous ascites, one with cancerous ascites, and 7 with suspected cancerous ascites (referring to large amounts of ascites without hypoproteinemia while exfoliative cytology of the ascites was positive). The mean maximum tumor size was 8.2 cm in diameter. Liver function at the initial treatment was Child A in 53 cases, and Child B in 19 cases. I ntrapedtoneal chemotherapy was performed in all these patients. The intraperitoneal chemotherapy protocols included: 5-FU 0.5-0.75 g/d for 10-15 consecutive days, with a total dosage of 5-12.5 g, and at the last day of chemotherapy 10 mg mitomycin (MMC) or 100 mg carboplatin was injected. For 7 cases of cholangiocarcinoma, Gemzar 800-1000 mg was administered additionally. A majority of all these patients received another one or two therapy methods followed by intraperitoneal chemotherapy. TACE was performed in the patients with multiple tumors or nodule more than 5 cm in diameter in the liver, RFA or PElT with nodule fewer than 4 in number and 5 cm or less than 5 cm in diameter and radiotherapy, only for metastases, with metastatic lymph nodes, localized metastasis within the abdominal cavity or portal vein embolus. Interval time between two methods was one month or so. Two months after the sequential therapy, repeated treatment would be given if general medical condition and liver function were perfect at that time. Results: The median survival time of the group was 13.97 ± 6.27 months. The 1- and 2-year survival rates were 59.7% and 30.6% respectively. The mean survival time of the patients with liver function Child A was 15.91 ± 5.49 months, and that of the patients with Child B was 8.55 ± 5.09 months. The difference was statistically significant (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: Intraperitoneal chemotherapy or in combination with other therapies in patients with advanced primary liver cancer with metastases to abdominal cavity is an effective method. It can prolong the survival time and improve life quality for a certain percentage of patients with advanced pnmary liver cancer. 展开更多
关键词 liver neoplasms intraperitoneal chemotherapy transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) radiofrequen-cy catheter ablation (RFA) percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PELT) RADIOTHERAPY
“低治理权”与基层购买公共服务困境研究 被引量:139
作者 陈家建 赵阳 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期132-155,244,245,共26页
政府向社会组织购买服务是中国治理创新的重要导向。虽然有理念、政策和财政的支持,但公共服务外包仍然面临多重困境。本研究从国家治理结构的角度,通过对某社会组织承接公共服务过程的案例分析,探讨购买公共服务在基层社区产生困境的... 政府向社会组织购买服务是中国治理创新的重要导向。虽然有理念、政策和财政的支持,但公共服务外包仍然面临多重困境。本研究从国家治理结构的角度,通过对某社会组织承接公共服务过程的案例分析,探讨购买公共服务在基层社区产生困境的原因。在当前治理体系中,基层组织处于低治理权的结构位置,被动应对自上而下的多重任务。因此,作为最基层的单位,社区采取综合治理的方式调动资源拼凑应对。社会组织承接服务是专业化治理的运作逻辑,在落地实施的过程中与社区组织产生矛盾。两种治理逻辑的张力是购买公共服务产生困境的根本原因。同时本文还指出,低治理权及其产生的治理问题不仅限于基层购买公共服务,在其他领域的公共治理中也普遍存在。 展开更多
关键词 购买公共服务 治理 综合性治理 专业性治理
Fire needle combined with blood-letting therapy for a case of 20-year trigeminal neuralgia
作者 Kai-JunZhang Jia-ChunXu Zhen Zhou 《TMR Non-Drug Therapy》 2018年第4期145-150,共6页
Background: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a neuropathic pain syndrome. It is the most frequent cranial neuralgia and defined as sudden, usually unilateral and lightning-like, knife-like or burning-like recurrent epi... Background: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a neuropathic pain syndrome. It is the most frequent cranial neuralgia and defined as sudden, usually unilateral and lightning-like, knife-like or burning-like recurrent episodes of pain within the distribution area of one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Here we reported that an 81-year-old woman with TN who complained of severe pain on her right face showed a complete clinical relief after comprehensive therapy containing fire needle, filiform needle and blood-letting therapy. Methods: The patient was applied fire needle combined with filiform needle therapy (3 times / week for 4 months) and three consecutive fire needle combined with blood-letting therapy (3 times / week for one week). Fire needle was inserted into the back points of Du meridian, the first lateral line of bladder meridian, the right spreading area of the trigeminal nerve and the points around the pain radiation site. The filiform needle acupuncture was applied to the points on the right face including Yuyao (EX-HN4), Yangbai (GB14), Toulinqi (GB15), et al; points on the abdomen including Xiawan (RN10), Qihai (RN16), Guanyuan (RN14) and the bilateral points including Tianshu (ST25), Daheng (SP15), Zusanli (ST36), et al. Finally, the three-edged fire needle punctured the points of Yangbai (GB41), Shangguan (GB3), Jiache (ST6) on the right face accompanied by the cupping method on the bleeding points. Results: The patient reported the complete disappearance of pain and could open mouth and eat normally. The face was normal and no triggering pain recurred after one-month follow-up. Conclusions: The fire needle combined with blood-letting therapy can cure the TN and might provide an alternative non-drug therapy for those patients who still suffered from TN after other medical treatments or whom that refused surgical treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Trigeminal neuralgia Fire needle Filiform needle Blood-letting therapy CUPPING Facial pain
Emergency Law in China: Its Formation, Present State and Future
作者 Meng Tao 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第3期104-119,共16页
China's emergency laws have emerged as a result of dealing with crises. They comprise laws and regulations, emergency plans, and military regulations, and define three exceptional or emergency states: war, emergency... China's emergency laws have emerged as a result of dealing with crises. They comprise laws and regulations, emergency plans, and military regulations, and define three exceptional or emergency states: war, emergency and emergency response, with the aim of constructing a comprehensive integrated system based on the specialized division of labor. In practice, however, emergency plans take the place of laws and regulations and provide the fundamental normative basis for tackling emergencies, with government and the military playing the dominant role. Developing out of necessity and possessing temporary applicability, China's emergency laws are characterized by authorization and prevention. Integrating emergency law with the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, formulating basic law for emergency situations and improving the specific mechanisms of emergency law should be regarded as major steps in its future development. 展开更多
关键词 state of emergency comprehensive treatment dominant role of the executor preventive law
作者 Joe R.Riley A.D.Smith D.R.Reynolds 《Entomologia Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第1期1-19,共19页
The recent development of automatically operating, inexpensive vertical-looking radar (VLR) for entomological purposes has made it practical to carry out routine, automated monitoring of insect aerial migration throug... The recent development of automatically operating, inexpensive vertical-looking radar (VLR) for entomological purposes has made it practical to carry out routine, automated monitoring of insect aerial migration throughout the year. In this paper we investigate whether such radars might have a role in monitoring and forecasting schemes designed to improve the management of the Brown Planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, and of associated rice pest species in China. A survey of the literature revealed that these insects typically migrate at altitudes between 300 to 2 000 m above ground level, but calculations based on BPH radar scattering cross-sections indicated that the maximum altitude at which they individually produce signals analysable by current VLRs is only~240 m. We also show that coverage over most of the flight altitudes of BPH could be achieved by building a VLR using a wavelength of 8.8 mm instead of the 3.2 cm of existing VLR, but that such a radar would be expensive to build and to operate. We suggest that a more practical solution would be to use a 3.2 cm VLR as a monitor of the aerial movement of the larger species, from which the migration of rice pests in general might be inferred. 展开更多
关键词 RADAR MIGRATION FLIGHT brown planthopper rice pests.
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