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强化综合统整,发挥“语文园地”的训练效能 被引量:1
作者 徐艳 《基础教育研究》 2019年第2期71-72,共2页
在语文教学中,教师需要从教材"语文园地"的内容出发,准确揣摩编者如此设置的真实用意,并在教学实践中将这些用意融合于自己的教学流程,真正发挥"语文园地"的教学效能。文章提出"基于编排用意促进多元发展,依... 在语文教学中,教师需要从教材"语文园地"的内容出发,准确揣摩编者如此设置的真实用意,并在教学实践中将这些用意融合于自己的教学流程,真正发挥"语文园地"的教学效能。文章提出"基于编排用意促进多元发展,依托训练内容深化有效练习,聚焦指向范畴达成归类整理"的教学策略,从而真正促进学生核心能力的不断发展。 展开更多
关键词 综合统 语文园地 训练效能
作者 魏丽丽 李伟 何晶 《哈尔滨医药》 2024年第5期128-132,共5页
目的探讨俞募穴速刺法联合家庭综合性感觉统合训练治疗孤独症患儿的临床疗效,并分析其对临床症状、病情程度、平衡功能的影响。方法回顾性选取80例孤独症患儿为研究对象,依据治疗方案分为对照组、治疗组,每组各40例。对照组予以家庭综... 目的探讨俞募穴速刺法联合家庭综合性感觉统合训练治疗孤独症患儿的临床疗效,并分析其对临床症状、病情程度、平衡功能的影响。方法回顾性选取80例孤独症患儿为研究对象,依据治疗方案分为对照组、治疗组,每组各40例。对照组予以家庭综合性感觉统合训练治疗,治疗组予以俞募穴速刺法联合家庭综合性感觉统合训练治疗。治疗12周后对比两组临床疗效及治疗前后临床症状[儿童孤独症评定量表(CARS)]、病情程度[孤独症疗效评估量表(ATEC)]、平衡功能[Berg平衡量表(BBS)]、行为异常问题[孤独症儿童行为量表(ABC)]、认知功能[发育商(DQ)]、脑电波、血清生化指标[T淋巴细胞、B淋巴细胞、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)]。比较两组治疗期间不良反应。结果治疗组总有效率高于对照组(90.00%比72.50%,P<0.05);治疗组治疗后CARS、ATEC评分低于对照组,BBS评分高于对照组(P<0.05);治疗组治疗后ABC各维度评分低于对照组,认知功能评分高于对照组(P<0.05);治疗组治疗后δ波、θ波、α波、β波高于对照组(P<0.05);治疗组治疗后T淋巴细胞、B淋巴细胞、GSH水平高于对照组,血清Hcy水平低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论俞募穴速刺法联合家庭综合性感觉统合训练治疗孤独症患儿的疗效确切,可改善临床症状,减轻病情程度,促进平衡功能恢复,并可改善行为异常状态、认知功能,且具有一定安全性,其疗效机制可能与促进脑电波及血清生化指标恢复有关。 展开更多
关键词 孤独症 俞募穴速刺法 家庭综合性感觉合训练 平衡功能 认知功能
作者 杨晋蜀 何春玲 +4 位作者 吴杰 葛书玲 马天天 孙静 乔燕 《职业与健康》 CAS 2000年第7期42-43,共2页
学习障碍是指有适当学习机会的学龄儿童,由于生理、心理、环境和素质等诸多因素引起的问题,致使学习技能的获得或发展出现障碍,感觉统合疗法可提高和改善儿童的各种适应行为及视、听觉等功能的正常发挥,改善儿童的学习成绩、运动协调及... 学习障碍是指有适当学习机会的学龄儿童,由于生理、心理、环境和素质等诸多因素引起的问题,致使学习技能的获得或发展出现障碍,感觉统合疗法可提高和改善儿童的各种适应行为及视、听觉等功能的正常发挥,改善儿童的学习成绩、运动协调及语言功能,现就我们在感觉统合训练中对学习障碍儿童的言语综合干预应用如下:1 对象与方法 1998年9月~1999年5月,在我院感觉统合训练中心对符合感觉统合失调的学习障碍儿童58名,其中男34名,女24名,年龄6~12岁,采用标准化的感觉统合训练方法。 展开更多
关键词 综合干预 儿童感觉综合 训练 应用
家庭综合性感觉统合训练对孤独症患儿行为矫正的效果分析 被引量:7
作者 梅海玲 康晓东 +4 位作者 张如飞 王艺颖 李红英 杨婷婷 向方桃 《四川医学》 CAS 2023年第6期625-629,共5页
目的观察分析家庭综合性感觉统合训练对孤独症儿童行为矫正的影响。方法选取2021年6月至2022年5月在我院确诊并康复的3~6岁ASD儿童80例,按随机数字表法分为对照组(40例)与干预组(40例)进行对比研究,两组均开展常规性康复训练,干预组在... 目的观察分析家庭综合性感觉统合训练对孤独症儿童行为矫正的影响。方法选取2021年6月至2022年5月在我院确诊并康复的3~6岁ASD儿童80例,按随机数字表法分为对照组(40例)与干预组(40例)进行对比研究,两组均开展常规性康复训练,干预组在此基础上增加家庭综合性感觉统合训练。比较两组患儿在感觉统合、行为等方面的结果差异。结果治疗后,在前庭平衡、脑神经生理抑制困难和触觉防御等感觉方面,干预组组内治疗前后对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),对照组组内治疗前后对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗后干预组评分优于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后两组在孤独症儿童行为检查量表中的语言、社交、感知觉、行为和自理等方面评分均优于治疗前(P<0.05),且干预组优于对照组(P<0.05)。两组治疗后的孤独症治疗评估量表总分均低于基线总分(P<0.05),且干预组孤独症治疗评估量表总分低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论家庭综合性感觉统合训练能够增强对孤独症患儿的常规康复训练效果,可以推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 家庭综合性感觉合训练 孤独症 行为矫正
作者 李俏君 《中小学心理健康教育》 2014年第2期38-39,共2页
小罗,男,11岁,五年级;他比班上孩子大一岁,长相与众不同,眉宇间隔较宽,眼神和表情有点呆滞。课堂上,他会用手指用力地钻自己的鼻孔,直至血流不止;或者像战士拆卸机枪一样,把一袋子笔折腾得体无完肤,而且弄得满嘴满脸都是墨水,所在之处... 小罗,男,11岁,五年级;他比班上孩子大一岁,长相与众不同,眉宇间隔较宽,眼神和表情有点呆滞。课堂上,他会用手指用力地钻自己的鼻孔,直至血流不止;或者像战士拆卸机枪一样,把一袋子笔折腾得体无完肤,而且弄得满嘴满脸都是墨水,所在之处尽是垃圾;有时候,他还会干扰周边同学听课,或拿别人东西,或朝别人傻笑;他的作业错漏百出,脏兮兮的,许多字都不成形,或多一笔,或少一划。 展开更多
关键词 班主任工作 失调综合 教育启示
《北京市人民政府公报》 2007年第10期16-18,共3页
关键词 计工作 计数据 计调查 计管理体制 计标准 政府 计机构 计信息 数据质量 综合统
郴州市人民政府办公室关于印发郴州市部门统计工作规范化管理暂行办法等3个规范性文件的通知 郴政办发[2011]55号CZCR-2011-01028
《郴州政报》 2011年第9期20-28,共9页
各县市区人民政府,市政府各部门、部门管理机构、直属事业单位,中省驻郴各单位:《郴州市部门统计工作规范化管理暂行办法》、《郴州市乡镇(街道)统计工作规范化管理暂行办法》和《郴州市统计代理管理暂行办法》已经市人民政府同意,现印... 各县市区人民政府,市政府各部门、部门管理机构、直属事业单位,中省驻郴各单位:《郴州市部门统计工作规范化管理暂行办法》、《郴州市乡镇(街道)统计工作规范化管理暂行办法》和《郴州市统计代理管理暂行办法》已经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真遵照执行。 展开更多
关键词 计工作 计机构 计标准 计调查 暂行办法 计业务 部门 政府计部门 计数据 综合统
《吉林政报》 2012年第17期32-35,共4页
吉政办发[2012]40号各市(州)人民政府,长白山管委会,各县(市)人民政府,省政府各厅委办、各直属机构:省统计局《关于加强和完善服务业统计工作的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻执行。服务业是国民经济的重要组... 吉政办发[2012]40号各市(州)人民政府,长白山管委会,各县(市)人民政府,省政府各厅委办、各直属机构:省统计局《关于加强和完善服务业统计工作的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻执行。服务业是国民经济的重要组成部分。 展开更多
关键词 服务业 计部门 计数据质量 计调查制度 计单位 计任务 计工作 固定资产原价 综合统
作者 李占鹏 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2022年第4期109-111,共3页
领域融合对综合实践活动课(以下简称活动课)提出了活动设计的基本要求。想要在实践活动实现对项目的统整,就需要设计完整、序列化、具有可操作性的目标;在设计项目内容的过程中,需要从整体出发,选择、规划和编排项目内容,此外,还需要注... 领域融合对综合实践活动课(以下简称活动课)提出了活动设计的基本要求。想要在实践活动实现对项目的统整,就需要设计完整、序列化、具有可操作性的目标;在设计项目内容的过程中,需要从整体出发,选择、规划和编排项目内容,此外,还需要注意生成内容:在设计项目的过程中,需要保证具有完整的活动和体验,因此,文章以小学为例,探讨了如何在综合实践活动中有效的应用项目设计法,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 小学 综合实践活动:领域 项目设计
语文跨学科学习的认知与实施 被引量:17
作者 管然荣 杨毅 《中学语文教学》 北大核心 2022年第2期14-17,共4页
“跨学科”学习理念深入影响了基础教育,成为21世纪乃至未来教育的一种重要价值取向。在众多学科相辅相成的融合共生趋势下,割裂的单一学科课程模式已经难以承担起“全面育人”的重任。语文学科是基础学科中的基础,具有更加广泛的普适性... “跨学科”学习理念深入影响了基础教育,成为21世纪乃至未来教育的一种重要价值取向。在众多学科相辅相成的融合共生趋势下,割裂的单一学科课程模式已经难以承担起“全面育人”的重任。语文学科是基础学科中的基础,具有更加广泛的普适性,也许更宜于综合统整式的跨学科学习。“跨界”不是“无界”,更不是学科专业特色的消解。语文学科在与地理学科的“空间”跨界中设置杜诗学习专题,在与历史学科的“时间”勾连中设置传统文化学习专题。学生语文核心素养的培养需要其他学科的参与。 展开更多
关键词 跨学科学习 综合统 专业特色 关联互补
Selection of Third-party Logistics Provider for Agricultural Products Based on System Comprehensive Evaluation 被引量:4
作者 隋博文 庄丽娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1824-1827,共4页
Through the analysis on the meanings and features as well as the ad- vantages of the third-party logistics for agricultural products, the quantization index system for the selection of third-party logistics providers ... Through the analysis on the meanings and features as well as the ad- vantages of the third-party logistics for agricultural products, the quantization index system for the selection of third-party logistics providers for agricultural products was constructed based on the system comprehensive evaluation theory. Analytic hierar- chy process (AHP) was used to determine the weight of the index system of each level, and AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method were used to determine the selection steps for the third-party logistics providers for agricultural products. The method was proved to be scientific and reasonable through calculation examples. 展开更多
关键词 System comprehensive evaluation Agricultural products Third-party lo-gistics provider Index system
Evolution mechanism of demand for comprehensive transportation system based on metabolic ecology 被引量:1
作者 邱玉琢 陈森发 陈涛 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期271-273,共3页
The metabolic evolution model of transportation demand for comprehensive transportation systems is put forward on the basis of a metabolic theory of ecology. In the model, the growth rates or changing rates of transpo... The metabolic evolution model of transportation demand for comprehensive transportation systems is put forward on the basis of a metabolic theory of ecology. In the model, the growth rates or changing rates of transportation volumes for the various transportation modes of a city are determined not only by the GDP per capita which reflects the size of the city itself, but also by the relationship of competition and cooperation among transportation modes. The results of empirical analysis for Chinese cities show that the allometric growth exponent in the equation for the variation rate of passenger demand volume on rail is greater than the predicted value of 1/4 in metabolic ecology, whereas the allometric growth relationship is not so evident in the equation for the variation rate of passenger demand volume on road. The changing rate of road transportation is thus mainly affected by the relationship of competition and cooperation among transportation modes for Chinese cities. 展开更多
关键词 comprehensive transportation system system evolution METABOLIC allometric growth relationship
Integrated Automation of Power Plant Electrical System 被引量:3
作者 郭伟 王莉 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第3期221-224,共4页
Aiming at the comparatively laggard level of power plant electrical system automation, this paper analyzes the feasibility,necessity and some key points of the application of integrated automation technology to power ... Aiming at the comparatively laggard level of power plant electrical system automation, this paper analyzes the feasibility,necessity and some key points of the application of integrated automation technology to power plant electrical system. New idea using fieldbus control system technology is presented. This paper also gives the outline and detailed schemes. 展开更多
关键词 power plant electrical system fieldbus control system DCS integrated automation
Study and Implementation on the Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Support System of Ecocity 被引量:2
作者 黄鹍 陈森发 +1 位作者 孙燕 亓霞 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第4期356-360,共5页
According to basic connotation and design principles of ecocity, a comparatively integrated index system is constructed in the paper. And at the same time using hierarchy grey comprehensive evaluation method, a hierar... According to basic connotation and design principles of ecocity, a comparatively integrated index system is constructed in the paper. And at the same time using hierarchy grey comprehensive evaluation method, a hierarchy grey comprehensive evaluation model of ecocity is established, then on the basis of the model, a comprehensive evaluation support system is developed, and the theoretical guidance supplied for construction of ecocity is provided. 展开更多
关键词 ecocity index system evaluating level hierarchy grey comprehensive evaluation evaluation support system
Digital Ocean Information Framework of China and its application in the international marine cooperation
作者 于婷 邓增安 石绥祥 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2015年第1期86-96,共11页
Digital Ocean Information Framework (DOIF) has been proposed by China in 2011 based on the achievements of the comprehensive offshore oceanic surveys supported by Chinese Offshore Investigation and Assessment Progra... Digital Ocean Information Framework (DOIF) has been proposed by China in 2011 based on the achievements of the comprehensive offshore oceanic surveys supported by Chinese Offshore Investigation and Assessment Program, whose code name is 908. All observations from the surveys have been integrated and managed by DOIF. DOIF is capable of supporting the decision of making process for the sustainable use of marine resources in coastal regions of China, providing useful information and added value products as well as services for the improved management of the coastal areas in China with high business impact on the targeted groups as public authorities and commercial operators (e.g. managers, fishermen, shipping companies). The future vision of DOIF in the international marine data and information exchange and service at Western Pacific region is presented in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 digital ocean ocean observing system integrated data management decision making
Open multilevel hierarchic intelligent control system for eco-industrial system
作者 陈静 张文红 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第2期242-247,共6页
In allusion to the characteristics of the open complex giant system, an open multilevel hierarchic intelligent control system is established for the eco-industrial system. With the idea of the open engineering system,... In allusion to the characteristics of the open complex giant system, an open multilevel hierarchic intelligent control system is established for the eco-industrial system. With the idea of the open engineering system, using the hall for workshop of metasynthetic engineering (HWME), intelligent control techniques, the expert system and the design of experiments are integrated within the framework of the nonlinear multiobjective decision support system to develop a robust, top-level design specification so as to make the system have the quality of adaptive control, self-organizing, self-learning and robustness. Finally, an illustrative example is given to clarify the effectiveness of the method. 展开更多
关键词 eco-industry complex giant systems hall for workshop of metasynthetic engineering open engineering system intelligent control nonlinear multi-objective
Experimental study on the role of endotoxin in the development of hepatopulmonary syndrome 被引量:46
作者 Hui-YingZhang De-WuHan Xin-GuoWang Yuan-ChangZhao XinZhou Hai-ZhenZhao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期567-572,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the role of intestinal endotoxemia in the genesis of hepatopulmonary syndrome. METHODS: A rat model of cirrhosis was prepared with the method of compound factors. At the end of the eighth week, rats w... AIM: To evaluate the role of intestinal endotoxemia in the genesis of hepatopulmonary syndrome. METHODS: A rat model of cirrhosis was prepared with the method of compound factors. At the end of the eighth week, rats with cirrhosis were treated with 300 μg LPS/100 g body weight, and 1 g/rat of glycine about four h prior to LPS. After three h of LPS treatment, blood and tissues were collected for various measurements. Kupffer cells were isolated from male Wistar rats and cultured, and divided into five groups. Supernatant was harvested at 3 h after treatment with LPS for measurement of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). RESULTS: Our results showed that in rats with cirrhosis, slowed and deepened breath with occasional pause was. PaO2, PaCO2 and standard bicarbonate (SB) in arterial blood were decreased. Arterial O2 and actual bicarbonate (AB) were markedly decreased. There was a close correlation between decreased O2 and endotoxin. Metabolic acidosis accompanying respiratory alkalosis was the primary type of acid-base imbalance. The alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient was sharply widened. Massive accumulation of giant macrophages in the alveolar spaces and its wall and widened alveolar wall architecture were observed. The number of bacterial translocations in mesenteric lymph nodes increased. The ratio of TC99M-MAA brain-over-lung radioactivity rose. Endotoxin, and TNF-α, endothelin-1 (ET-1), nitric oxide (NO) in plasma and ET-1, carbon monoxide (CO) in lung homogenates increased. After administration of a given dosage of LPS in rats with cirrhosis, various pathological parameters worsened. Plasma level of endotoxin was related to TNF-α, ET-1, NO in plasma and ET-1, NO, CO in lung homogenates. TNF-α level was related to ET-1 and NO in plasma and lung homogenates and CO in lung homogenate as well. The level of TNF-α increased after infusion of LPS into culture supernatant of Kupffer cells in vitro. However, TNF-α significantly decreased after pretreatment with glycine, PD98059 and SB212850. Glycine could antagonize the effect of LPS in vivo and in vitro. CONCLUSION: Intestinal endotoxemia accompanying by cirrhosis may be an important mechanism in the development of hepatopulmonary syndrome in rats. Overproduction of TNF-α due to endotoxin stimulation of Kupffer cells via mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway may be a major mechanism mediating the pathologic alterations of hepatopulmonary syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatopulmonary syndrome ENDOTOXIN Kupffer cells
Integrated Statistical and Engineering Process Control Based on Smooth Transition Autoregressive Model 被引量:1
作者 张晓蕾 何桢 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第2期147-156,共10页
Traditional studies on integrated statistical process control and engineering process control (SPC-EPC) are based on linear autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) time series models to describe the dynamic n... Traditional studies on integrated statistical process control and engineering process control (SPC-EPC) are based on linear autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) time series models to describe the dynamic noise of the system.However,linear models sometimes are unable to model complex nonlinear autocorrelation.To solve this problem,this paper presents an integrated SPC-EPC method based on smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) time series model,and builds a minimum mean squared error (MMSE) controller as well as an integrated SPC-EPC control system.The performance of this method for checking the trend and sustained shift is analyzed.The simulation results indicate that this integrated SPC-EPC control method based on STAR model is effective in controlling complex nonlinear systems. 展开更多
关键词 statistical process control engineering process control time series STAR model AUTOCORRELATION
作者 陈旭球 叶伟雄 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第1期111-115,共5页
ISO 9000 certification has been considered as an effective competitive edge for manufacturing industries. In Hong Kong, the ISO 9000 certification has been widely adopted and extended to service industries for the so... ISO 9000 certification has been considered as an effective competitive edge for manufacturing industries. In Hong Kong, the ISO 9000 certification has been widely adopted and extended to service industries for the sole purpose of enhancing corporate image. However, complaints have been voiced by many certified organizations about increasing paperwork, non direct labour and excessive resources channelled into non core business. This paper is to propound the integrated management system, a single management system focusing on business purpose yet being flexible enough to integrate the requirements of various management standards such as the ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and future ISO 18000. This paper describes how the proposed system could be implemented to achieve the desired business results. 展开更多
关键词 quality management integrated management system integrated documentation structure
Global Optimization for the Synthesis of Integrated Water Systems with Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 被引量:9
作者 罗袆青 袁希钢 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期11-15,共5页
The problem of optimal synthesis of an integrated water system is addressed in this study, where water using processes and water treatment operations are combined into a single network such that the total cost of fres... The problem of optimal synthesis of an integrated water system is addressed in this study, where water using processes and water treatment operations are combined into a single network such that the total cost of fresh water and wastewater treatment is globally minimized. A superstructure that incorporates all feasible design alterna- tives for wastewater treatment, reuse and recycle, is synthesized with a non-linear programming model. An evolutionary approach--an improved particle swarm optimization is proposed for optimizing such systems. Two simple examples are .Presented.to illustrate the global op.timization of inte.grated water networks using the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 integrated water network water minimization particle swarm optimization
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