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对中小学校园绿化的探讨 被引量:10
作者 陈子牛 周建洪 《林业建设》 2000年第2期26-30,共5页
中小学校园的绿化美化已成为学校办学和发展的物质基础条件之一。在对昆明地区缘化美化较好的中小学校的绿化美化工作进行调查分析的基础上,结合国内部分中小学校校园绿化美化的经验,对中小学校园绿化美化的原则和要求进行探讨,供各... 中小学校园的绿化美化已成为学校办学和发展的物质基础条件之一。在对昆明地区缘化美化较好的中小学校的绿化美化工作进行调查分析的基础上,结合国内部分中小学校校园绿化美化的经验,对中小学校园绿化美化的原则和要求进行探讨,供各中小学校的管理者参考。 展开更多
关键词 中小学校 校园绿 绿地面 园艺景点
作者 郑俊康 《中国绿色画报》 2012年第7期29-29,28,共2页
上世纪八十年代柳州工业声名鹊起,工业的快速发展给柳州人民带来了前所未有的实惠;但由于工业布局不合理和对环境保护的忽视,柳州也因位居"全国四大酸雨区"之列而名声在外,使柳州人民深刻体验到了生态恶化的切肤之痛。经过近... 上世纪八十年代柳州工业声名鹊起,工业的快速发展给柳州人民带来了前所未有的实惠;但由于工业布局不合理和对环境保护的忽视,柳州也因位居"全国四大酸雨区"之列而名声在外,使柳州人民深刻体验到了生态恶化的切肤之痛。经过近二十年治理的探索和实践,柳州逐渐步入了科学发展的轨道,迎来了改革开放以来又一个最好发展时期。如今的柳州,日渐成为适宜人居和创业的现代化城市,树立了"生态工业柳州,宜居创业城市"的城市品牌形象。国务院总理温家宝来考察后,赞誉柳州"山清水秀地干净";李克强副总理评价"柳江不逊漓江,柳州不输桂林"。 展开更多
关键词 酸雨区 造林绿 八十年代 名声在外 城乡绿 杉木林 村屯绿 森林生态体系 人工造林面积 绿地面
Classification of Urban Parks and their Regional Characteristics in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
作者 Saika Ummeh Kikuchi Toshio 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2017年第1期41-54,共14页
Unplanned urbanization has caused serious ecological imbalances in Dhaka city. This study investigates the efficiency and utilization of urban green space especially parks of Dhaka city. The case study site covers urb... Unplanned urbanization has caused serious ecological imbalances in Dhaka city. This study investigates the efficiency and utilization of urban green space especially parks of Dhaka city. The case study site covers urban parks of Dhaka metropolitan area of Bangladesh. Two aspects (physical and social) were applied for this study. For physical aspect, methods were used RS (Remote Sensing) and GIS (Geographic Information System) of three periods of images (Dhaka city). And for social aspect, methods were used questionnaire survey, observation, photographs, sketch and previous information about parks. After calculating all data result was showed by maps using GIS. For the changing pattern of green space of periods 1972, 1989 and 2010, result showed that the variation of the green space changes rate was high and gradually green space deceased and build up area increased in Dhaka city. Again according to physical size, parks of Dhaka city were classified into four types: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large parks. Small parks of Dhaka city were situated beside the residential area and were used as daily purpose. Medium parks were located beside commercial area and its use was for daily and weekly. Large parks were placed at city center and only one extra large park was found outer range of city area. In large parks, people mainly visited monthly or occasionally. Moreover, the spatial-temporal changes of images showed the present status of green space of the city. The consequence of the study reveals that the utilization of park was controlled by various factors in Dhaka city. 展开更多
关键词 Urban parks Dhaka city spatial-temporal change classification of parks.
Analysis of ecological effects of comprehensive treatment in the Tarim River Basin using remote sensing data 被引量:4
作者 Tan Kelong Wang Xiaofeng Gao Huijun 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第4期519-524,共6页
Based on multi-type,multi-temporal remote sensing data,we have monitored recent changes in cultivated land use and vegetation,in sandy areas and salinized desertification in the Green Corridor zone of the main channel... Based on multi-type,multi-temporal remote sensing data,we have monitored recent changes in cultivated land use and vegetation,in sandy areas and salinized desertification in the Green Corridor zone of the main channel of the Tarim River Basin.The results of our investigation show that the ecological environment in the Green Corridor of the main channel of the Tarim River Basin has conspicuously improved from 2002 to 2004.These improvements show up largely in such aspects as an increase in the rate of vegetation cover,a reduction in desertification land areas and a weakening in the intensity of sandy and the salinized land.On the other hand,the cultivated area in the Tarim River Basin significantly increased from 2002 to 2004.The rate of growth in cultivated areas during this period was significantly higher than that from 1999 to 2002.The increase in the use of irrigation resulting from the substantial increase in cultivated areas has a long-term potential restraining effect on the restoration of ecological functions of the Tarim River. 展开更多
关键词 Ta-rim River Basin Cultivated land changes Water transportation Ecological effect Remote sensing
Shifting Ground - Changing Attitudes to the Green Revitalization of New Zealand's Existing Office Buildings
作者 John Bloomfield Storey 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第6期471-483,共13页
This paper explores the shift in the attitudes of building developer/owners to the incorporation of sustainability measures into office building renovations in New Zealand over the last 7 years, through a series of in... This paper explores the shift in the attitudes of building developer/owners to the incorporation of sustainability measures into office building renovations in New Zealand over the last 7 years, through a series of interviews with a wide range of key industry players and the study of three seminal case study examples. The interviewees uniformly considered that there had been a rapid increase in interest in the green renovation of existing buildings during the period under consideration, due mainly to strong leadership by central government. Significant differences in attitudes to green renovation emerged between the various groups as to whether, and on what terms such developments were likely to occur. The move to green building solutions seems to have continued in New Zealand, despite the world financial crisis and central government's abrogation of its leadership role being replaced by rising tenant expectations and the need for building owners to let their premises in a more competitive leasing environment. The change in attitudes demonstrated is profound. In the earliest of the case study buildings, started on site in 2004, no consideration is given by the developer, owner or design team to sustainability issues and there is no obvious user demand. In the second case, which started on site only one year later, sustainable design is very prominent, but is largely tenant driven, albeit with the active and enthusiastic support of the developer and design team. The final case study building started on site in 2007 is entirely developer/building owner driven and stems from a perception that "green" buildings represent value for money, that there is a real and persistent user demand and that sustainable design makes strong commercial sense. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable building offices green existing ATTITUDES RENOVATION revitalization.
An Ecological Compensation Mechanism based on the Green Productive Area of Cities
作者 YANG Yuanchuan ZHANG Yukun +3 位作者 ZHENG Jie HUANG Si ZHAO Man HONG Long 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第3期382-393,共12页
China’s urban expansion,food security,and energy transition are in a critical situation.One solution is to tap into the green production potential of the built urban environment and explore new ways to save land spac... China’s urban expansion,food security,and energy transition are in a critical situation.One solution is to tap into the green production potential of the built urban environment and explore new ways to save land space and alleviate ecological pressure through food and solar energy production.This paper differs from previous ecological compensation studies,which mostly focus on key ecological functional areas or fiscal compensation mechanisms,in that it innovatively establishes an ecological compensation mechanism within the urban space.In this paper,we propose the"green productive area"of cities as a way to measure the ecological carrying capacity improvement potential of cities from the perspective of urban ecology,and it is based on converting the green resource income of cities into the ecological footprint area they could save under the same conditions.First,a typological approach was used to establish a compensation strategy for green production.Second,a spatial inventory was taken of all elements of the built environment and an analysis of their green production potential was carried out.Finally,it was necessary to establish a unified accounting standard for the ecological land saving benefits of different green production options,which could be converted into green productive land area indicators.In the case of Xuefu Street in Nankai District,Tianjin,the available rooftops and idle land were used for green production,which supplemented the ecological carrying capacity provided by the natural land occupied by 12%of the buildings in the district. 展开更多
关键词 ecological compensation green productive area land-saving benefits urban agriculture solar energy potential
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