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全球森林绿度异常对干旱事件的响应 被引量:2
作者 吴宇桐 王卫光 魏佳 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2023年第1期92-98,共7页
近年来全球气候变化下干旱事件频发,进一步导致森林锐减,加重部分地区荒漠化,因此定量研究森林绿度对干旱事件的响应具有重要意义。结合基于叶面积指数的森林绿度异常指标和基于标准化降水蒸发指数的干旱指标,研究了全球森林绿度异常对... 近年来全球气候变化下干旱事件频发,进一步导致森林锐减,加重部分地区荒漠化,因此定量研究森林绿度对干旱事件的响应具有重要意义。结合基于叶面积指数的森林绿度异常指标和基于标准化降水蒸发指数的干旱指标,研究了全球森林绿度异常对干旱事件的响应机制,阐释了不同类型森林绿度异常值对干旱事件的敏感性及空间差异。结果表明:①2007-2018年全球森林面积整体呈先增加后减少趋势,最大异常面积出现在2008年,其森林绿度异常面积占森林总面积的57.15%;②受干旱影响,全球各主要林区均发生多次绿度异常现象,未发生异常的地区主要位于各大森林的边缘地区以及靠海岸地区;③美国西部地区、南非、中国西南部和澳大利亚境内森林绿度异常程度和干旱事件具有正相关关系;④各类型森林中以阔叶林绿度异常对干旱变化的敏感性最强,其次为混交林和针叶林,而灌木林敏感性最弱。研究结果揭示了气候变化下全球森林绿度对干旱事件响应的差异化规律,对各地区森林绿度变化进行了归因分析,为全球森林生态保护提供了个性化的科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 森林绿度异常指标 叶面积指数 标准化降水蒸发指数 干旱指数 干旱事件 敏感性识别 全球尺度
基于HJ-1的长汀县森林绿量分析 被引量:4
作者 叶伟 赖日文 +2 位作者 池毓锋 汪琴 陈芳 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期42-46,共5页
以福建省长汀县为研究对象,采用3S技术对长汀2012年3月环境资源卫星HJ-1 CCD影像进行处理,依据树种光谱灰度阈值的差异将研究区林木按杉木、松木、竹、阔叶树进行分类,并实测叶面积指数(LAI),计算出长汀县森林绿量。研究结果表明,长汀... 以福建省长汀县为研究对象,采用3S技术对长汀2012年3月环境资源卫星HJ-1 CCD影像进行处理,依据树种光谱灰度阈值的差异将研究区林木按杉木、松木、竹、阔叶树进行分类,并实测叶面积指数(LAI),计算出长汀县森林绿量。研究结果表明,长汀县有林地面积所占比例为86.62%,总绿量为768 781.2 hm2,其中三州镇、河田镇等乡镇绿量分布属于低水平,铁长乡、庵杰乡等乡镇绿量分布处于较高水平,结合当地水土流失现状发现森林绿量与水土流失程度总体呈负相关。研究结论可为该区域的森林合理经营和可持续发展提供决策支持。 展开更多
关键词 森林绿量分析 叶面积指数 环境资源卫星影像 长汀县
作者 廖辉辉 魏成 +1 位作者 陈明坤 张清彦 《华中建筑》 2022年第1期112-117,共6页
国内有关绿道的规划研究多侧重于景观营造、游憩价值挖潜与物质性建设等层面,对于生态保护与绿道产业发展的融合涉及较少。该文以成都市龙门山森林绿道总体规划为例,基于成都市"西控"的差异化发展战略,在深入分析成都市龙门... 国内有关绿道的规划研究多侧重于景观营造、游憩价值挖潜与物质性建设等层面,对于生态保护与绿道产业发展的融合涉及较少。该文以成都市龙门山森林绿道总体规划为例,基于成都市"西控"的差异化发展战略,在深入分析成都市龙门山地区地形高差与景点资源的基础上,明确了四大主题特色分区,确立了多元产业融合的三线区域性绿道布局,在保护生态环境、树立绿色低碳理念、实现农商文旅产业融合等方面作出了有益的探索,以期丰富与深化国内森林绿道的规划实践。 展开更多
关键词 森林绿 生态优先 产业融合 龙门山
关注森林 绿我中华——全国书画大赛随笔
作者 尹成富 刘先银 《绿色中国(公众版)》 2004年第11M期71-73,共3页
从2004年3月征稿开始到2004年11月初,"关注森林,绿我中华"全国书画大赛作品集<盛世兴林>由中国林业出版社正式出版发行,历时8个月.通过中国绿色时报、解放军报、中国书画报、书法报、中国美术报、中国老年报、中国硬笔... 从2004年3月征稿开始到2004年11月初,"关注森林,绿我中华"全国书画大赛作品集<盛世兴林>由中国林业出版社正式出版发行,历时8个月.通过中国绿色时报、解放军报、中国书画报、书法报、中国美术报、中国老年报、中国硬笔书法报、书法导报、青少年书法报、钢笔书法报、中国艺术家联盟网以及多家刊物及时宣传报道,"关注森林,绿我中华"全国书画大赛,取得了广泛的社会影响,得到了社会各界的空前响应和大力支持. 展开更多
关键词 《盛世兴林》书画作品集 中国林业出版社 “关注森林 绿我中华”全国书画大赛 环境保护
作者 房昉 《北京园林》 2021年第4期3-7,共5页
随着人民物质文化生活水平的提高,风景园林的开发与建设要充分反映人民物质与精神的需求。城市绿心森林公园位于北京城市副中心生态文明带上,公园建设践行文化中心建设的要求,取中国传统生态文明智慧之精华,融合世界先进生态技术,把地... 随着人民物质文化生活水平的提高,风景园林的开发与建设要充分反映人民物质与精神的需求。城市绿心森林公园位于北京城市副中心生态文明带上,公园建设践行文化中心建设的要求,取中国传统生态文明智慧之精华,融合世界先进生态技术,把地域文化、园林文化和节气文化创新融合成多文化的生态景观典范。本文通过总结城市绿心森林公园设计过程中借鉴我国古典园林造园理论和创作实践经验的设计方法,举例论述城市绿心森林公园活传承运河地域文化,活应用中国传统生态智慧,活融合世界先进生态技术,意图将公园建设成非物质文化的活载体。 展开更多
关键词 园林艺术 造园手法 文化演绎 意境营造 城市绿森林公园
基于遥感技术的广州市城市森林叶面积指数推算 被引量:2
作者 吴文友 吴泽民 +1 位作者 胡鸿瑞 贾保全 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期38-41,共4页
应用叶面积指数(LA,I)及叶面积总量表达城市森林的绿量,并采用2004年遥感影像数据推算广州市不同类型森林的LA,I,建立了不同森林类型叶面积指数(LA,I)与归一化植被指数(ND,V,I)的回归模型,结果表明:不同类型森林的LA,I与ND,V,I的关系均... 应用叶面积指数(LA,I)及叶面积总量表达城市森林的绿量,并采用2004年遥感影像数据推算广州市不同类型森林的LA,I,建立了不同森林类型叶面积指数(LA,I)与归一化植被指数(ND,V,I)的回归模型,结果表明:不同类型森林的LA,I与ND,V,I的关系均可用逻辑斯蒂方程表达;不同森林类型的LA,I因树种、林龄及空间结构的不同而各异,按平均LA,I排序:有林地0.99>灌木林地0.78≈疏林地0.78>其它林地0.69(3月份数据);广州市森林叶面积总量29.47×108m2,森林的平均LA,I为0.95,市域范围的平均LA,I仅为0.40;不同森林类型对叶面积总量的贡献率与其占有的土地面积比例不相符,应通过采用不同的管理措施来增加其绿量的贡献度。 展开更多
关键词 叶面积指数(LA I) 植被指数(ND V I) 城市森林绿量推算 城市森林类型 广州
作者 赵丽娜 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2013年第2期112-113,共2页
王鸿达的小说《绿》中清纯美丽的姑娘青云虽死犹生,她的生命融入在自然中,随森林之绿永存,是生命的别一种延续。人生之绿使森林更绿,森林之绿也完全凸显了人生之绿的意义,如此作者也将自己对故园泣血的爱表达出来,并将这份激情化为不可... 王鸿达的小说《绿》中清纯美丽的姑娘青云虽死犹生,她的生命融入在自然中,随森林之绿永存,是生命的别一种延续。人生之绿使森林更绿,森林之绿也完全凸显了人生之绿的意义,如此作者也将自己对故园泣血的爱表达出来,并将这份激情化为不可估计的力量奉献给了故园。王鸿达找到了对美好自然的爱的方法,并在青云身上注入了自己深刻的思想,他对美好的执着可见一斑。 展开更多
关键词 人生之绿 森林绿 故园 爱的方法 思想
基于AHP的北京地区花境景观特征及其综合评价 被引量:2
作者 司丽芳 耿晓梅 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2023年第17期103-107,111,共6页
通过实地调研,基于层次分析法(AHP)对北京通州区城市绿心森林公园37个花境样地从基本结构、观赏价值、生态价值、意境美学价值4个方面进行综合评价。结果表明:准则层中权重值排序从高到低依次为观赏价值、生态价值、基本结构、意境美学... 通过实地调研,基于层次分析法(AHP)对北京通州区城市绿心森林公园37个花境样地从基本结构、观赏价值、生态价值、意境美学价值4个方面进行综合评价。结果表明:准则层中权重值排序从高到低依次为观赏价值、生态价值、基本结构、意境美学价值;基本结构、观赏价值、生态价值、意境美学价值中,总权重值居首位的分别为地形变化、景观层次、植物的乡土性、花境立意和花卉文化内涵,样地的综合评价结果为3个Ⅰ级,15个Ⅱ级,19个Ⅲ级,表明北京绿心城市森林公园花境景观整体较好。结合评价结果,提出了适应北京地区花境营造的建议,以期更好地发挥花境观感效果,促进花境可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 花境 层次分析法 综合评价 城市绿森林公园
Variation of SPAD values in uneven-aged leaves of different dominant species in Castanopsis carlessi forest in Lingshishan National Forest Park 被引量:3
作者 王英姿 洪伟 +4 位作者 吴承祯 林晗 范海兰 陈灿 李键 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期362-366,I0007,共6页
The greenness (SPAD) of uneven-aged leaves of dominant species in the Castanopsis carlessi forest at different altitude gradients in Lingshishan National Forest Park, Fujian Province, China were measured by using po... The greenness (SPAD) of uneven-aged leaves of dominant species in the Castanopsis carlessi forest at different altitude gradients in Lingshishan National Forest Park, Fujian Province, China were measured by using portable chlorophyll meter SPAD-502. In addition, the correlation between SPAD value and the concentration of chlorophyll and foliar nitrogen was also investigated. Significant variations in SPAD values were found between the uneven-aged leaves of different dominant species and different altitude gradients. Regression analysis showed that SPAD value was significantly correlated with the concentration of chlorophyll and the content of foliar nitrogen, indicating that SPAD value could be indicators for foliar chlorophyll and nitrogen. It is suggested that SPAD meter is a useful tool for forest assessments in decision-making and operational nutrient management programs. 展开更多
关键词 Castanopsis carlessi forest chlorophyll content chlorophyll meter dominant population forest nutrient of nitrogen Lingshishan specific leaf area
Forest structure,productivity and soil properties in a subtropical ever-green broad-leaved forest in Okinawa,Japan 被引量:1
作者 徐小牛 王勤 柴田英昭 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期271-276,共6页
Structure, species composition, and soil properties of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Okinawa, Japan, were examined by establishment of plots at thirty sites. The forest was characterized by a relative... Structure, species composition, and soil properties of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Okinawa, Japan, were examined by establishment of plots at thirty sites. The forest was characterized by a relatively low canopy and a large number of small-diameter trees. Mean canopy height for this forest was 10 m and stands contained an average of 5400 stems-ha^-1 ( -〉 3.0 cm DBH); 64% of those stems were smaller than 10 cm DBH. The total basal area was 54.4 m^2-ha^-1, of which Castanopsis sieboldii contributed 48%. The forest showed high species diversity of trees. 80 tree species (≥ 3.0 cm DBH) from 31 families was identified in the thirty sampling plots. C. sieboldii and Schima wallichii were the dominant and subdominant species in terms of importance value. The mean tree species diversity indices for the plots were, 3.36 for Diversity index (H'), 0.71 for Equitability index (J') and 4.72 for Species richness index (S'), all of which strongly declined with the increase of importance value of the dominant, C. sieboldii. Measures of soil nutrients indicated low fertility, extreme heterogeneity and possible A1 toxicity. Regression analysis showed that stem density and the dominant tree height were significantly correlated with soil pH. There was a significant positive relationship between species diversity index and soil exchangeable K^+, Ca^2+, and Ca^2+/Al^3- ratio (all p values 〈0.001) and a negative relationship with N, C and P. The results suggest that soil property is a major factor influencing forest composition and structure within the subtropical forest in Okinawa. 展开更多
关键词 diversity index evergreen broad-leaved forest species composition soil nutrient soil-vegetation relation subtropical zone
作者 本刊编辑部 《销售与市场(中国商贸)》 2004年第4期14-15,16-17,共4页
渠道链条中,从制造商到终端,环节众多的利益主体之所以能够运转,是由于有一套机制在发挥着作用,这套机制促使多方利益主体向同一个方向努力。渠道政策就是这套机制的重要组成部分,它通过对渠道各环节责、权、利的设定,保证制造商... 渠道链条中,从制造商到终端,环节众多的利益主体之所以能够运转,是由于有一套机制在发挥着作用,这套机制促使多方利益主体向同一个方向努力。渠道政策就是这套机制的重要组成部分,它通过对渠道各环节责、权、利的设定,保证制造商所制定的渠道目标被顺利实现。但现实的情况却是,在渠道运作中,经常发生这样的悖论:总部制定的政策是A,执行层理解的是B,而到真正执行时又成了C。对渠道政策理解的偏差和执行不到位,使众多企业的渠道运作偏离了原来设定的轨迹,由此也引发出了总部与区域之间的矛盾,决策层与执行层之间的矛盾,渠道管理人员与一线业务人员之间的矛盾,厂家与商家之间的矛盾。可以说,渠道政策变形所引发的渠道管理问题比比皆是。 展开更多
关键词 渠道政策 销售政策 制造商 渠道管理 销售经理 绿森林牌化妆品
作者 王汝林 《中国中小企业》 2004年第7期20-21,共2页
关键词 跨国公司 中国 价格策略 销售渠道 美国 绿森林”牌化妆品 市场细分 品牌形象
Land Use Structure in Wuhai City on Basis of Ecological Green Equivalence
作者 李萍 孙泰森 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1276-1279,共4页
The paper took Wuhai District as an example, bases on the contrast be-tween the land use condition in 2005 and 2010, and applied the ecological green equivalence to establish a mathematic model of ecological optimizat... The paper took Wuhai District as an example, bases on the contrast be-tween the land use condition in 2005 and 2010, and applied the ecological green equivalence to establish a mathematic model of ecological optimization of land use structure, to establish the ecology green equivalent mathematical model and survey the value of region green equivalent, and then assess the ecological environment situation. The results show that the ecological environment has been deteriorated in Wuhai from 2005 to 2010, so the ecological environment was poor. In order to in-crease eco-efficiency of land use, garden, urban green space and woodland area should be raised in the optimization program. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological green equivalence Forest coverage rate Land use structure Wuhai city
Studies on Material Cycling in Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest Ecosystem in Hangzhou: Ⅱ . Dynamics and Decomposition Characteristics of Litter
作者 JIANG QIU-YI, HE LI-MING, YU YI-WU, SHI DE-FA and QIAN XIN-BIAOZhejiang Forestry College, Lin an, Zhejang 311300 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第3期231-238,共8页
Through the long-term plot study on the litter and its decomposition in the evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem in Hangzhou for more than two years,it was resulted that the annual litter production was 5.85 t ha^-... Through the long-term plot study on the litter and its decomposition in the evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem in Hangzhou for more than two years,it was resulted that the annual litter production was 5.85 t ha^-1,most of which was the fallen leave (79.5 percent) and the withered branches and fruits were far less (7.1 and 13.4 percents respectively).The dynamics of the fallen litter was shown as a curve of two-peak pattern which appeared in April and September each year.The half-life of the litter was 1.59 years.The decay rate of the litter attenuted as an exponential function.The annual amount of the nutrient returned to the ground through the litter was as large as 223.69kg ha^-1.The total current amount of the litter on the ground was 7.47t ha^-1.The decay rate in the first half of a year was 45.18 percent.This ecosystem remained in the stage of litter increasing with time. 展开更多
关键词 ECOSYSTEM evergreen broad-leaved forest litter decomposition nutrient return
Studies on Material Cycling in Evergreen Broad-LeavedForest Ecosystem in Hangzhon: Ⅲ. S Concentrationand Its Storage in Vegetation
作者 JIANG QIU-YI HE LI-MING and QIAN XIN-BIAO(Zhejiang Forestey College, Lin’an, 311300 (China)) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期47-52,共6页
This paper reveals the variations of S concentration among the leaf surface and other organs of variousplant species, and presents the distribution natures of S storage in the evergreen broad-leaved forest vege-tation... This paper reveals the variations of S concentration among the leaf surface and other organs of variousplant species, and presents the distribution natures of S storage in the evergreen broad-leaved forest vege-tation in Hangzhou on the basis of the tested data concerning plant S contents. The result was that theS concentrations on the tree leaf surfaces varied with the testing time and plant species. The range of Scontents in various organs of a plant was 2.086- 4.245 S g kg ̄(-1), varying with plant species in this forest.The S content in the leaves was the highest, followed by that in the branches, trunks and roots, which showedthat there was an apical dominance of S distribution. The total amount of S storage in the vegetation wasas large as 349.97 S kg ha ̄(-1). The S distribution in this vegetation had two characteristics as follows: 1)for the vegetation layers, arbor layer > renewal layer > herb layer > shrub layer; and 2) for the verticaldistribution per unit height (m), root stratum (0 - 0.20 m of soil depth)> stratum nearby the ground surface(0 - 0.5m) > canopy (4.0- 9.5m) > trunk stratum (2.0- 4.0m). 展开更多
关键词 evergreen broad-leaved forest storage of S sulfur concentration
Studies on Material Cycling in Evergreen Broad-LeavedForest Ecosystem in Hangzhou: Ⅳ. Uptake, Storageand Return of S by Vegetation
作者 JIANG QIU-YI HE LI-MING YU YI-WU and CHEN GUO-RUI(Zhejiang Forestry College, Ling’an 311300 (China)) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期53-58,共6页
The work was carried out to study the uptake, storage and return of S in the evergreen broad-leaved forestecosystem of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, China, based on the annual increments of plants and S contentsper u... The work was carried out to study the uptake, storage and return of S in the evergreen broad-leaved forestecosystem of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, China, based on the annual increments of plants and S contentsper unit weight plant organs as well as the measured data about the biological return and decomposition.Results showed that the vegetation layer had an annual S uptake of 55.02kg ha ̄(-1) , which accounted for 15.8% of the total S storage in the vegetation layer. The S uptake was the highest in the arbor layer but thelowest in the shrub layer. The biological return of S was 50% higher than the biological uptake, indicatingthe relatively high cycling efficiency of S. Nevertheless, S had a relatively low rate of biological release, so thatS trended to accumulate in the litter layer. S taken up by plants each year came mostly from precipitationand the reserve of soil. 展开更多
关键词 biological cycling ECOSYSTEM evergreen broad-leaved forest S
作者 段年落 《中学生(青春悦读)》 2011年第3期18-20,共3页
【沉睡森林】 如果将镜头按照倒叙插播的方式推到最初,芭蕉应该是保持着17岁的样子。在上课的时候,用书皮把小说包起来竖在课桌上,目不斜视地看着,通常还会咀嚼着一枚绿茶口香糖。在靠窗的位子上.偶尔会有透过玻璃的缝隙吹进来的... 【沉睡森林】 如果将镜头按照倒叙插播的方式推到最初,芭蕉应该是保持着17岁的样子。在上课的时候,用书皮把小说包起来竖在课桌上,目不斜视地看着,通常还会咀嚼着一枚绿茶口香糖。在靠窗的位子上.偶尔会有透过玻璃的缝隙吹进来的风,很大一片迅疾的风。就是这样子.掩盖了身边的人小声说笑的声音。 展开更多
关键词 绿森林 中学生 语文学习 阅读
Biomass Carbon Storage and Its Sequestration Potential of Afforestation under Natural Forest Protection Program in China 被引量:10
作者 ZHOU Wangming Bernard Joseph LEWIS +4 位作者 WU Shengnan YU Dapao ZHOU Li WEI Yawei DAI Limin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期406-413,共8页
Based on the data from China′s Seventh Forest Inventory for the period of 2004–2008, area and stand volume of different types and age-classes of plantation were used to establish the relationship between biomass den... Based on the data from China′s Seventh Forest Inventory for the period of 2004–2008, area and stand volume of different types and age-classes of plantation were used to establish the relationship between biomass density and age of planted forests in different regions of the country. Combined with the plantation area in the first-stage of the Natural Forest Protection(NFP) program(1998–2010), this study calculated the biomass carbon storage of the afforestation in the first-stage of the program. On this basis, the carbon sequestration potential of these forests was estimated for the second stage of the program(2011–2020). Biomass carbon storage of plantation established in the first stage of the program was 33.67 Tg C, which was majority accounted by protection forests(30.26 Tg C). There was a significant difference among carbon storage in different regions, which depended on the relationship of biomass carbon density, forest age and plantation area. Under the natural growth, the carbon storage was forecasted to increase annually from 2011 to 2020, reaching 96.03 Tg C at the end of the second-stage of the program in 2020. The annual growth of the carbon storage was forecasted to be 6.24 Tg C/yr, which suggested that NFP program has a significant potential for enhancing carbon sequestration in plantation forests under its domain. 展开更多
关键词 Natural Forest Protection (NFP) program AFFORESTATION carbon storage carbon sequestration China
Low net primary productivity of dominant tree species in a karst forest, southwestern China: first evidences from tree ring width and girth increment 被引量:1
作者 Jian Ni Haiyang Xu Libin Liu 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期482-485,共4页
Aboveground net primary productivity(ANPP)of two dominant species, one deciduous tree(Platycarya strobilacea) and one evergreen tree(Machilus cavaleriei),was estimated based on the tree-ring width and the girth increm... Aboveground net primary productivity(ANPP)of two dominant species, one deciduous tree(Platycarya strobilacea) and one evergreen tree(Machilus cavaleriei),was estimated based on the tree-ring width and the girth increment as well as allometric functions in a karst evergreen and deciduous broadleaved mixed forest in central Guizhou Province, southwestern China. Results showed that the ANPP increased from 1961 to 2015, especially during the last 20–30 years, but with strong variations. The deciduous tree had higher ANPP than the evergreen tree according to two kinds of estimates by the tree ring and girth increment. The averaged ANPP for these two mature trees was 2.27 kg/individual/year, ca. 8 t/ha/year considering the normal stand density. Such karst forest productivity was lower than the natural subtropical forests in China and in the world. 展开更多
关键词 Biomass increment Tree ring Girth measurement Karst evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forest Allometric functions
作者 许文舟 《森林与人类》 1999年第9期30-30,共1页
护林老人一山绿色,原来在一份老人的掌心分娩。开山的钢锄,织出生命的胞衣。那是一位退休的老林业,在六十岁的起点,生命的余辉泼洒在贫瘠的山岭。耕耘的脚印斟满汁水,伺候一株株弱苗,消耗着全部心血。育苗,将种子安放在责任心中... 护林老人一山绿色,原来在一份老人的掌心分娩。开山的钢锄,织出生命的胞衣。那是一位退休的老林业,在六十岁的起点,生命的余辉泼洒在贫瘠的山岭。耕耘的脚印斟满汁水,伺候一株株弱苗,消耗着全部心血。育苗,将种子安放在责任心中。,移栽,把爱的激情当作追肥。小树... 展开更多
关键词 防护林 中国林业 向后移动 守林人 森林绿 黯然失色 诗歌 人的脚 霓红灯 白天鹅
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