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作者 徐顺琴 《陶瓷科学与艺术》 CAS 2015年第6期105-105,共1页
关键词 缘心源壶 紫砂光货 造型 泥质
作者 梅延眉 《安徽税务》 1994年第7期46-47,共2页
千里税缘心相通4月29日,《安徽税务》编辑部在九华山举办的通讯员培训班结束了,我们一行四人,乘早上6:20分开往合肥的班车,想赶在上午下班前,到安庆市税务局办几件事。从山上下来的人很多,沿途又陆续上了些,车箱的地板上... 千里税缘心相通4月29日,《安徽税务》编辑部在九华山举办的通讯员培训班结束了,我们一行四人,乘早上6:20分开往合肥的班车,想赶在上午下班前,到安庆市税务局办几件事。从山上下来的人很多,沿途又陆续上了些,车箱的地板上被各种包、袋塞得满满的,也许是汽车... 展开更多
关键词 缘心 税务人员 农民 宿松县 汽车 安徽税务 纳税凭证 江南水乡 九华山 税务局
作者 傅惠君 《光彩》 1996年第11期4-5,共2页
有这样一位老个体。 他多少年如一日,在 京城的繁华商业街, 苦心经营着并不赚钱 的修理业。是什么让 他如此执著?
关键词 全国人大代表 修理店 大鹏 副会长 修理业 缘心 个体劳动者协会 维修 “诚” 剩余劳动力
作者 丁方 史蕊 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期102-105,共4页
在不同时期和不同区域,对爱的艺术表达存在极大差异。在古典艺术中,肯定古典艺术的美,但是关注更为普遍和广泛的真实,渲染出不同程度的痛感,新柏拉图主义更是强调艺术形象在何种程度上折射出灵魂的痛苦。在基督教艺术中,爱、痛感,在强... 在不同时期和不同区域,对爱的艺术表达存在极大差异。在古典艺术中,肯定古典艺术的美,但是关注更为普遍和广泛的真实,渲染出不同程度的痛感,新柏拉图主义更是强调艺术形象在何种程度上折射出灵魂的痛苦。在基督教艺术中,爱、痛感,在强烈的感性形象中保持着崇高情怀,是基督教对源自希腊文化的西方艺术传统的极大丰富。缘心感物,则是中国古代艺术和美学最重要的命题。在心与物的对流中产生意象的恍惚,这在本质上是一种以愉悦为目的的审美活动,体现出乐感气息。中西方艺术的表现性因素及其精神依据各有特色,而真正的可比之处在于谁能否跟随时代的进程转化出新的、富于生命的形式。 展开更多
关键词 古典艺术 基督教艺术 诗言志 缘心感物
作者 苏秉亮 牛广明 +1 位作者 韩晓东 刘挨师 《临床放射学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第12期749-750,共2页
关键词 膈角肿块 旁结节 食管静脉曲法 CT
是枝裕和的冲冠一“怒”——评《小偷家族》中的日本家庭生态问题 被引量:2
作者 赵群 《戏剧之家》 2021年第5期160-162,共3页
日本导演是枝裕和在其作品《小偷家族》中延续了其一贯的家庭故事叙事风格,采用纪录片的拍摄手法展现了没有血缘关系的特殊的“小偷”家庭的聚散离合。导演除在作品中娓娓讲述这个特殊家庭中家人间的相处日常和羁绊之外,集中描绘了日本... 日本导演是枝裕和在其作品《小偷家族》中延续了其一贯的家庭故事叙事风格,采用纪录片的拍摄手法展现了没有血缘关系的特殊的“小偷”家庭的聚散离合。导演除在作品中娓娓讲述这个特殊家庭中家人间的相处日常和羁绊之外,集中描绘了日本现代家庭生活中的诸多病态问题,并在血缘家庭与“心”缘家庭的选择上,给出了鲜明的答案,为挣扎在家庭困境中的现代日本人提供了一种新型路径参考。 展开更多
关键词 《小偷家族》 日本现代家庭问题
作者 王中栋 《五台山研究》 CSSCI 2023年第3期47-52,共6页
宗炳从“澄怀”“会心”“神思”三个层面,对绘画意象创构问题进行了系统的阐发。认为绘画意象乃是画家在感通天地的过程中生成的心中之象,体现着生生不息的宇宙精神。宗炳重视以虚静的心态来领悟对象之神,由物我两忘走向物我俱一,并通... 宗炳从“澄怀”“会心”“神思”三个层面,对绘画意象创构问题进行了系统的阐发。认为绘画意象乃是画家在感通天地的过程中生成的心中之象,体现着生生不息的宇宙精神。宗炳重视以虚静的心态来领悟对象之神,由物我两忘走向物我俱一,并通过想象力来超越现实时空的限制,使主体心灵与宇宙实相浑然一体,由此进入澄明的涅槃境界。宗炳以《画山水序》将佛学义理引入艺术领域,既形成了独特的佛学审美向路,同时也反映了六朝绘画理论的自觉发展,在中国绘画史和美学史上皆有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 宗炳 绘画意象 澄怀味像 缘心感物 畅神
作者 匡一点 《前进论坛》 1996年第Z1期23-23,共1页
迎春曲匡一点逐家春雨暖新居,出纵无车食有鱼。户启苍山奔目睫,门收秀水涤庭除。身凌高处心难定,思及低层虑有馀。多少蓬庐仍仄陋,何时兆庶尽如余?独携春梦听鹂声,一泄萦怀万缕情。正气谁追文信国,歪风人拜孔方兄。私图公损民膏... 迎春曲匡一点逐家春雨暖新居,出纵无车食有鱼。户启苍山奔目睫,门收秀水涤庭除。身凌高处心难定,思及低层虑有馀。多少蓬庐仍仄陋,何时兆庶尽如余?独携春梦听鹂声,一泄萦怀万缕情。正气谁追文信国,歪风人拜孔方兄。私图公损民膏尽;义毁仁丢世道倾。万里神州风欲正... 展开更多
关键词 诗魂 私图 庭除 缘心 沟壑 世道 涛声
Research on Thermal Insulation and Energy Saving of External Wall in City High-rise Building of Cold Area 被引量:1
作者 MingguiZhou 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第8期20-23,共4页
This paper applies the method of numerical simulation and field detection, and studied energy-saving insulation characteristics on the external wails of high-rise buildings in cold area, analyze and recommend the best... This paper applies the method of numerical simulation and field detection, and studied energy-saving insulation characteristics on the external wails of high-rise buildings in cold area, analyze and recommend the best arrangement of building and the most generous exterior wall insulation system suitable for cold area, and the degree of insulation materials were studied. The results show that: the mode preferred cold area is exterior insulation, insulation material made of extruded polystyrene board, frame structure filling wall preferred ceramsite hollow block. 展开更多
关键词 building energy-saving thermal insulation heat transfer coefficient numerical simulation
作者 钱松屹 王忠明 +1 位作者 张宇兵 刘鹏 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第S2期81-81,共1页
女性病人,57岁。因间断心前区刺痛半年入院。既往史无特殊,查体:血压125/70mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。双肺清晰、无罗音,各办膜区未闻及明显病理性杂音。入院心电图检查未见明显异常。胸部X线片示心右缘局限性突出,心包囊肿不排除。超声心... 女性病人,57岁。因间断心前区刺痛半年入院。既往史无特殊,查体:血压125/70mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。双肺清晰、无罗音,各办膜区未闻及明显病理性杂音。入院心电图检查未见明显异常。胸部X线片示心右缘局限性突出,心包囊肿不排除。超声心动图提示右房外侧可探及大小约4.3cm×4.4cm类圆形的稍低回声区,内可见点状强回声,包膜尚完整,其内及周边未见彩色血流信号。 展开更多
关键词 前纵隔畸胎瘤 前区刺痛 包囊肿 彩色血流信号 点状强回声 低回声区 超声动图 女性病人 占位病变
作者 郭文庄 沈冰奇 《中国新生儿科杂志》 CAS 1989年第3期101-102,共2页
鉴于近年来胸外科的发展,先天性心脏病手术倾向于幼年解决,为了更好解决新生儿先天性心脏病诊断问题,新生儿的正常心脏大小应予确定,早于1930年Farrell就已找出正常新生儿的心胸比率为0.55,但心胸比率只用心脏横经来估计心脏大小,不够全... 鉴于近年来胸外科的发展,先天性心脏病手术倾向于幼年解决,为了更好解决新生儿先天性心脏病诊断问题,新生儿的正常心脏大小应予确定,早于1930年Farrell就已找出正常新生儿的心胸比率为0.55,但心胸比率只用心脏横经来估计心脏大小,不够全面,Kjellberg 1954年测量了35个足月新生儿的心脏容积测量方法虽较准确,但较繁锁,不适用于日常心脏检查对比,Baccichetti 1925年曾测量新生儿心脏面积,发现男、女新生儿心面积差别不大,国内有关新生儿心脏面积测量尚无报道,汪·谢氏“中国人心脏测量” 展开更多
关键词 早期新生儿 面积测量 胸比率 胸外科 先天性脏病 容积测量 相反搏动点 投照 上腔静脉
Elevated nitrogen and co-evolution history with competitors shape the invasion process of Galinsoga quadriradiata
作者 Wen-Gang Zhang Xing-Jiang Song +6 位作者 Laís Petri Gang Liu Xiao-Yan Chen Rui-Ling Liu Fang-Fang Huang Jia-Bin Zou Zhi-Hong Zhu 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期9-22,共14页
Invasive plants usually experience population differentiation as they expand from their initial invasive range to the edge.Moreover,invasive plants usually encounter competitors which shared different co-evolutionary ... Invasive plants usually experience population differentiation as they expand from their initial invasive range to the edge.Moreover,invasive plants usually encounter competitors which shared different co-evolutionary histories with them.These factors may lead to varying responses of invasive plant populations to elevated nitrogen deposition during expansion.However,this issue has received limited attention in prior research.To address these challenges,we conducted a greenhouse experiment to investigate how population differentiation of Galinsoga quadriradiata interacts with the presence of various competitors in response to increased nitrogen deposition.Competitor types(new or old that shared short or long co-evolutionary history with the invader,respectively)were set to compete with the invasive central and edge populations under different nitrogen addition treatments.Individuals from the central population of G.quadriradiata,originating from the initial invasion range,showed greater total mass,reproduction and interspecific competitiveness compared with the edge population.Nitrogen addition improved growth and reproductive performance in both populations,and the central population had a stronger response compared with the edge population.The performance of G.quadriradiata was inhibited more effectively by old competitors than new competitors.Our results indicate that population differentiation occurs in terms of growth and competitiveness during the range expansion of G.quadriradiata,with the central population exhibiting superior performance.Co-evolutionary history with competitors is considered unfavorable for invasive plants in this study.Our results highlight the combined effects of population differentiation in invasive species and their co-evolution history with competitors in the context of global change factors. 展开更多
关键词 Galinsoga quadriradiata central population edge population interspecific competition population differentiation elevated nitrogen
作者 郑宇成 《岭南文史》 1997年第1期57-57,共1页
关键词 缘心
Noise Characteristics of Centrifugal Blower with Low Solidity Cascade Diffuser(Noise Reduction by means of Small Groove Located at LSD Blade Leading Tip) 被引量:3
作者 Tengen MURAKAMI Masahiro ISHIDA +1 位作者 Daisaku SAKAGUCHI Yu KOBA 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期321-324,共4页
This paper deals with the effect of the blade tip-groove of the low solidity cascade diffuser (LSD) on the blowercharacteristic and the noise generated by the LSD. The small grooves were set up at the root and/or tip ... This paper deals with the effect of the blade tip-groove of the low solidity cascade diffuser (LSD) on the blowercharacteristic and the noise generated by the LSD. The small grooves were set up at the root and/or tip near theleading edge of the LSD blade. In order to clarify the mechanism of noise increase due to LSD and also to reducethe noise, the relationships between the noise increase based on the LSD, the LSD performance and the secondaryflow formed additionally by the tip-groove were investigated experimentally as well as numerically, especiallyanalyzing flow behaviors in the LSD in view points of flow separation on the suction surface of the LSD bladeand the secondary flow on the side walls. By reducing the stagnation region smaller near the root and/or tip of theLSD blade leading edge, the secondary flow behavior changes remarkably around the LSD blade, as a result, thenoise level and the blower characteristics vary. It can be concluded that, by means of a small tip-groove locatedonly at the shroud side near the LSD blade leading edge, the noise generated by the LSD can be reduced withoutdeteriorations of the LSD performance and the blower characteristics as well. 展开更多
关键词 Centrifugal blower Low solidity cascade diffuser Noise Diffuser performance Secondary flow
作者 许鹏 《东方剑》 2018年第1期73-74,共2页
1崇明于我,如警察于我,似乎早已注定,是我人生修行中的一个缘,自始便是为了涅槃;而海岛的一切,自然成了一种弥足珍贵的逆增上缘,一种坚定道心。永远记得,刚刚十八岁那年,我便以求学之名,远离了故乡,从西北南下洞庭,后又辗转到上海,在庆... 1崇明于我,如警察于我,似乎早已注定,是我人生修行中的一个缘,自始便是为了涅槃;而海岛的一切,自然成了一种弥足珍贵的逆增上缘,一种坚定道心。永远记得,刚刚十八岁那年,我便以求学之名,远离了故乡,从西北南下洞庭,后又辗转到上海,在庆幸可以任凭命运随意安排行程的时候,人生的列车毫不犹豫地一路向北,驶向了海岛的站台。崇明隶属于上海, 展开更多
关键词 增上 崇明 站台 洞庭 行中 月是故乡明 亮着 这行 就这样
Unsteady Behavior of Leading-edge Vortex and Diffuser Stall in a Centrifugal Compressor with Vaned Diffuser 被引量:8
作者 Nobumichi FUJISAWA Shotaro HARA Yutaka OHTA 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期13-21,共9页
The characteristics of a rotating stall of an impeller and diffuser and the evolution of a vortex generated at the diffuser leading-edge(i.e., the leading-edge vortex(LEV)) in a centrifugal compressor were investigate... The characteristics of a rotating stall of an impeller and diffuser and the evolution of a vortex generated at the diffuser leading-edge(i.e., the leading-edge vortex(LEV)) in a centrifugal compressor were investigated by experiments and numerical analysis. The results of the experiments revealed that both the impeller and diffuser rotating stalls occurred at 55 and 25 Hz during off-design flow operation. For both, stall cells existed only on the shroud side of the flow passages, which is very close to the source location of the LEV. According to the CFD results, the LEV is made up of multiple vortices. The LEV is a combination of a separated vortex near the leading-edge and a longitudinal vortex generated by the extended tip-leakage flow from the impeller. Therefore, the LEV is generated by the accumulation of vorticity caused by the velocity gradient of the impeller discharge flow. In partial-flow operation, the spanwise extent and the position of the LEV origin are temporarily transmuted. The LEV develops with a drop in the velocity in the diffuser passage and forms a significant blockage within the diffuser passage. Therefore, the LEV may be regarded as being one of the causes of a diffuser stall in a centrifugal compressor. 展开更多
关键词 Centrifugal Compressor Vaned Diffuser Rotating Stall Leading-edge Vortex CFD DES
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