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基于形态学特征和分子数据的中国缺齿藓科初步研究 被引量:2
作者 刘永英 牛玉璐 +1 位作者 曹珍 赵建成 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1366-1375,共10页
为探讨缺齿藓类与真藓科、提灯藓科的系统关系,理清缺齿藓科的系统位置和中国缺齿藓科分类问题,该研究以中国分布的缺齿藓科植物和相关类群4 000余份标本为材料,进行详细的形态学研究,并选用其中35种、40份样品的4个DNA片段(rps4、trnG... 为探讨缺齿藓类与真藓科、提灯藓科的系统关系,理清缺齿藓科的系统位置和中国缺齿藓科分类问题,该研究以中国分布的缺齿藓科植物和相关类群4 000余份标本为材料,进行详细的形态学研究,并选用其中35种、40份样品的4个DNA片段(rps4、trnG、trnL-trnF、atpB-rbcL)联合数据用于分子系统分析,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大似然法(ML)构建分子树。结果表明:(1)在分子树中,缺齿藓类与真藓科植物分别聚在具有高支持率的不同分支上,叶形、叶细胞等形态学特征也有较大差异,缺齿藓类应从广义的真藓科分出。(2)在分子树中,虽然缺齿藓类与提灯藓科植物聚在同一分支中,但无形态学的共源性状,二者不应视为一个单系类群。(3)缺齿藓科是一个自然类群,缺齿藓科内属间存在着密切的系统关系,缺齿藓科的主要识别特征为:植物体小型,茎常分枝;叶形和叶细胞为丝瓜藓型(Pohlia-like),披针形至长椭圆形,中上部细胞狭长,线状菱形或蠕虫形;生殖苞多生于新生枝顶;蒴齿为互生双齿层,常有不同程度的退化或一层蒴齿缺失,稀双层蒴齿缺失。(4)中国缺齿藓科包含有5属,即缺齿藓属(Mielichhoferia)、丝瓜藓属(Pohlia)、拟丝瓜藓属(Pseudopohlia)、合齿藓属(Synthetodontium)和小叶藓属(Epipterygium),目前为止共计34种(含种下分类单位)。 展开更多
关键词 齿藓 真藓 提灯藓 形态性状 分子树 分类
缺齿藓科新种——昆仑合齿藓(Synthetodontium kunlunense)在中国的发现 被引量:1
作者 刘永英 买买提明.苏莱曼 赵建成 《河北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第3期296-298,304,共4页
报道了产自新疆昆仑山缺齿藓科植物一新种——昆仑合齿藓(Synthetodontium kunlunense).本种的蒴齿结构与本属唯一的种——合齿藓S.pringlei相似,但以其较大的叶、较短的叶细胞和叶基下延等特征与之区别.
关键词 齿藓 昆仑合齿藓 藓类 昆仑山
中国缺齿藓科新记录种——冻原丝瓜藓(新拟,Pohlia tundrae A.J.Shaw)
作者 王晓蕊 樊英杰 +1 位作者 赵建成 邵小明 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1070-1074,共5页
冻原丝瓜藓(Pohlia tundrae)在北美被首次描述,随后在欧洲中部、俄罗斯远东地区和西伯利亚西北部也相继报道。最近,作者在西藏林芝也发现了冻原丝瓜藓的分布。该文详细描述了冻原丝瓜藓的形态结构特征,提供了显微形态学照片,并对其生境... 冻原丝瓜藓(Pohlia tundrae)在北美被首次描述,随后在欧洲中部、俄罗斯远东地区和西伯利亚西北部也相继报道。最近,作者在西藏林芝也发现了冻原丝瓜藓的分布。该文详细描述了冻原丝瓜藓的形态结构特征,提供了显微形态学照片,并对其生境、地理分布以及与相似种的形态学进行了比较讨论。凭证标本存放于中国农业大学标本馆(BAU)。 展开更多
关键词 齿藓 芽胞 繁殖体 西藏 新记录
作者 李子忠 张斌 《贵州科学》 2009年第4期91-92,共2页
记述片角叶蝉亚科1中国新纪录属和新纪录种,即缺缝叶蝉属BusoniaDistant,1908和黑缘缺缝叶蝉Busonia amenta-taDistant,1908。研究用标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所。
关键词 半翅目 叶蝉 片角叶蝉亚 缝叶蝉属 新纪录 中国
作者 关永琛 《现代教育管理》 北大核心 1989年第4期20-23,共4页
我们中国医科大学医学教育研究室成立于1980年9月,1984年5月升格为国家医学教育研究中心,1987年“中心”下设的日本医学教育研究室升格为独立的研究所。现借大会给我们提供的机会,向省高教学会领导和兄弟院校同行汇报一下我们九年来的... 我们中国医科大学医学教育研究室成立于1980年9月,1984年5月升格为国家医学教育研究中心,1987年“中心”下设的日本医学教育研究室升格为独立的研究所。现借大会给我们提供的机会,向省高教学会领导和兄弟院校同行汇报一下我们九年来的工作情况。 展开更多
关键词 医学教育 中国医大学 医学院校 高教研究 日本医学 专职研究人员 国内医学 缺科 高等教育学会 医学专业
作者 薛建海 《中医临床与保健》 1990年第2期63-64,共2页
处方是医生下达给药剂人员调配药剂的一项重要的书面文件,是医生集理法方药于一体,对疾病进行防治的一个重要步骤。它关系着病人能否康复及生命安全。具有法律上、技术上和经济上的意义。所以正确的书写处方是医生必须严格遵守的准则。... 处方是医生下达给药剂人员调配药剂的一项重要的书面文件,是医生集理法方药于一体,对疾病进行防治的一个重要步骤。它关系着病人能否康复及生命安全。具有法律上、技术上和经济上的意义。所以正确的书写处方是医生必须严格遵守的准则。笔者在药房工作多年,发现不少处方书写马虎、极不规范。 展开更多
关键词 中医处方 药剂人员 理法方药 书面文件 中医药工作 调配人员 缺科 调剂人员 不良反应 肠胃积滞
丝瓜藓属(Pohlia Hedw.)的系统位置及属内种间关系探讨 被引量:3
作者 汪琛颖 赵建成 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期517-526,共10页
丝瓜藓属的系统地位及属内种间关系存在争议。本研究首次利用核糖体DNA内转录间区(ITS)序列数据对丝瓜藓属及相关科属植物进行系统发育分析。最大简约法,最大似然法及贝叶斯推论法构建的系统树均表明,ITS序列数据不支持将丝瓜藓属划归... 丝瓜藓属的系统地位及属内种间关系存在争议。本研究首次利用核糖体DNA内转录间区(ITS)序列数据对丝瓜藓属及相关科属植物进行系统发育分析。最大简约法,最大似然法及贝叶斯推论法构建的系统树均表明,ITS序列数据不支持将丝瓜藓属划归提灯藓科。丝瓜藓属植物与缺齿藓属植物构成一个单系分支。Brotherus(1903),Ochi(1959),Shaw(1984)及Hill等(2006)等学者提出的丝瓜藓属属下分类均不是单系类群。 展开更多
关键词 丝瓜藓属 ITS序列 系统发育分析 真藓 提灯藓 齿藓
粗疣类钱袋苔[Apomarsupella verrucosa(Nichols.)Vana]及其新异名
作者 吴玉环 高谦 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期3-5,共3页
对产自中国云南缺萼苔科(Gymnomitriaceae)粗疣类钱袋苔(Apomarsupella verrucosa(Nichols.)Vana)和产自尼泊尔(Gymnomitrion papillosumKitag.&S.Hatt.)的模式标本进行了对比研究,发现Gymnomitrion papillosum和粗疣类钱袋苔特征... 对产自中国云南缺萼苔科(Gymnomitriaceae)粗疣类钱袋苔(Apomarsupella verrucosa(Nichols.)Vana)和产自尼泊尔(Gymnomitrion papillosumKitag.&S.Hatt.)的模式标本进行了对比研究,发现Gymnomitrion papillosum和粗疣类钱袋苔特征相一致,将其处理为粗疣类钱袋苔的异名。 展开更多
关键词 萼苔 粗疣类钱袋苔 Gymnomitrion papillosum 新异名
作者 蒲大勇 王丽君 《师道(人文)》 2016年第1期20-22,共3页
乡村学校的教育投入不足,乡村教育日渐衰落:校舍条件破旧,教学仪器设备差或不足,师资缺编缺科现象突出,留守学生成为学生主体,且生源逐年递减,小规模学校增多,办学较为困难,教师队伍难以稳定,教育教学质量令人堪忧,办学特色不明,学校... 乡村学校的教育投入不足,乡村教育日渐衰落:校舍条件破旧,教学仪器设备差或不足,师资缺编缺科现象突出,留守学生成为学生主体,且生源逐年递减,小规模学校增多,办学较为困难,教师队伍难以稳定,教育教学质量令人堪忧,办学特色不明,学校没有生机活力……这一系列问题长期困扰着不少乡村学校的仁人志士。乡村学校的出路在哪?笔者曾经也思索过、追问过、 展开更多
关键词 乡村教育 乡村学校 留守学生 缺科 教学仪器设备 生机活力 教学质量 教育技能 教育资源匮乏 城市学校
新疆丝瓜藓属(Pohlia Hedw.)植物新资料
作者 阿布都沙拉木·吐尔洪 艾克达·艾克巴尔 +2 位作者 逯永满 刘永英 买买提明·苏来曼 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期82-89,共8页
在详尽研究35年来采自新疆各地的567余份丝瓜藓属植物标本和广泛查阅文献的基础上,确定目前丝瓜藓属在新疆分布有16种(包括2变种),占中国总种数的53.3%,其中4种为新疆首次记录,分别为:南亚丝瓜藓Pohlia gedeana(Bosch&Sande Lac.)Ga... 在详尽研究35年来采自新疆各地的567余份丝瓜藓属植物标本和广泛查阅文献的基础上,确定目前丝瓜藓属在新疆分布有16种(包括2变种),占中国总种数的53.3%,其中4种为新疆首次记录,分别为:南亚丝瓜藓Pohlia gedeana(Bosch&Sande Lac.)Gangulee、勒氏丝瓜藓P.ludwigii(Spreng.ex Schwägr.)Broth.、直叶丝瓜藓P.marchica Osterwald和大坪丝瓜藓P.tapintzensis(Besch.)Redf.&B.C.Tan.编写了新疆丝瓜藓属植物分种检索表,提供了新记录种的重要识别特征、生境和显微结构图.该研究扩展了新疆丝瓜藓属新纪录种的地理分布范围,丰富了中国丝瓜藓属的研究资料. 展开更多
关键词 丝瓜藓属 新记录种 齿藓 新疆
作者 徐宏光 王以朋 +2 位作者 邱贵兴 叶启彬 张嘉 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2002年第3期183-188,共6页
关键词 metastatic cancer spinal pain neurologic deficit surgery Objectives. To evaluate the effect of surgical treatment on metastatic spinal tumor.Methods. The results of surgical intervention for metastatic spinal tumor of 31 consecutive
Observed prevalence and risk factors of birth defects in Shanghai, China 被引量:2
作者 Min Yang Xiao-Xia An +1 位作者 Hui-Juan Wang Ji-Mei Wang 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2017年第2期8-15,共8页
AIM To investigate the prevalence and related risk factors of birth defects in Shanghai. METHODS This report describes a population-based study of all births at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan Universi... AIM To investigate the prevalence and related risk factors of birth defects in Shanghai. METHODS This report describes a population-based study of all births at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai, China from January 2008 to December 2014. A logistic regression analysis was used to identify the parameters that are independently associated with birth defects. RESULTS A total of 82814 births, including 824 cases of birth defects, were recorded. The rate of birth defects was 0.995 per 100 births. In the multivariable regression analysis, neonatal birth defects were likely to be associated with higher gravidity [odds ratio(OR), 1.099, 95%CI: 1.024-1.178], premature birth(OR = 1.905, 95%CI: 1.501-2.418), low birth weight(OR = 3.844, 95%CI: 3.004-4.919), twin births or higher order multiple pregnancies(OR = 1.477, 95%CI: 1.107-1.969), cesarean delivery(OR = 1.184, 95%CI: 1.016-1.380) and registration as part of a migrant population(OR = 1.380, 95%CI: 1.167-1.632). Female infants were less likely to have birth defects than male infants(OR = 0.710, 95%CI: 0.616-0.818). CONCLUSION Higher gravidity, premature birth, lower birth weight,twin births or higher order multiple pregnancies, and registration as part of a migrant population are independent predictors of birth defects. 展开更多
关键词 Birth defects PREVALENCE Risk factors SHANGHAI
Public Perceptions of Cryosphere Change and the Selection of Adaptation Measures in the rmqi River Basin 被引量:1
作者 Maozhi Deng Hongguang Zhang +1 位作者 Weiyi Mao Yingwei Wang 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第3期149-158,共10页
This study focuses on the characters of public perceptions on climate and cryosphere change,which are based on a questionnaire survey in the(U|¨)r(u|¨)mqi River Basin.In comparison with scientific observatio... This study focuses on the characters of public perceptions on climate and cryosphere change,which are based on a questionnaire survey in the(U|¨)r(u|¨)mqi River Basin.In comparison with scientific observation results of climate and cryosphere change,this paper analyzes the possible impact of the change on water resources and agriculture production in the area.Perceptions of most respondents on climate and cryosphere changes confirm the main objective facts.For the selection of adaptation measures addressing the shortage of water resource,the results are as follows:most people preferred to choose the measures like "policy change" and "basic facility construction" which are mostly implemented by the government and the policy-making department;some people showed more preference to the measures of avoiding unfavorable natural environment,such as finding job in or migrating to other places.The urgency of personal participation in the adaptation measures is still inadequate.Some adaptation measures should be implemented in line with local conditions and require the organic combination of "resource-development" with "water-saving". 展开更多
关键词 climate change cryosphere change public perception adaptation measures questionnaire survey
作者 张小澍 袁玉民 +3 位作者 匡培根 吴卫平 张凤英 刘洁晓 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第1期54-58,共5页
The levels of somatostatin(SS)in CSF and blood and pancreatic polypeptide(PP)inplasma were measured by radioimmunoassay in 64 patients with acute ischemiccerebrovascular diseases(ICVD),randomly divided into two groups... The levels of somatostatin(SS)in CSF and blood and pancreatic polypeptide(PP)inplasma were measured by radioimmunoassay in 64 patients with acute ischemiccerebrovascular diseases(ICVD),randomly divided into two groups:group 1(n=31,bothelectro-acupuncture and routine treatments given)and group 2(n=33,routine treatment)and 26 non-ICVD patients were used as controls.The points of electro-acupuncture wereQuchi(LI 12),Waiguan(SJ 5)and Huantiao(GB 30)and Zusanli(St 36).After a courseof treatment,the SS levels in plasma and CSF were significantly increased in the patientsof group 1 with good result and their plasma PP level had no significant change.In thepatients with poor result,however,the PP level was significantly decreased.The resultssuggested that electro-acupuncture might play an active role in alleviating the SSmetabolic disturbance in CNS of ICVD patients. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ADULT Aged Cerebral Infarction FEMALE Humans Intracranial Embolism and Thrombosis Male Middle Aged Pancreatic Polypeptide SOMATOSTATIN
Design and Performance Analysis of Small Denture Machining Equipment
作者 雷小宝 谢峰 +2 位作者 廖文和 郑侃 赵吉文 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第3期222-227,共6页
The research and application on small denture machining equipment are great breakthrough for modern dental restoration technology. In this paper, a small denture machining equipment made of two spindles with four-axis... The research and application on small denture machining equipment are great breakthrough for modern dental restoration technology. In this paper, a small denture machining equipment made of two spindles with four-axis was designed based on machining characteristics and functional analysis. Position accuracy and re-position accuracy were measured by accuracy instrument. In order to test its machining capacity, some typical microstcucture parts, such as straight channel, hemispherical surface, and molars coronal, were selected for high speed milling. It was obtained that the denture machining equipment met the machining requirements with high quality and efficiency, according to the acquisition and analysis of form and position errors, surface roughness, and 3-D profile. 展开更多
关键词 DENTURE small denture machining equipment high speed milling two spindles with four-axis pre-sintered zirconia ceramics
Management of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency at Peking Union Medical College Hospital:A Survey among Physicians 被引量:2
作者 Hong-bo Yang Meng-qi Zhang +1 位作者 Hui Pan Hui-juan Zhu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2016年第3期168-172,共5页
Objective To evaluate physicians' attitude and knowledge about the management of adult growth hormone deficiency(AGHD) at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and impact factors associated with better decision-ma... Objective To evaluate physicians' attitude and knowledge about the management of adult growth hormone deficiency(AGHD) at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and impact factors associated with better decision-making.Methods A 21-question anonymous survey was distributed and collected at Peking Union Medical College Hospital,a major teaching hospital in Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.Data of physicians' educational background,clinical training,patient workload per year and continuing medical education in AGHD were collected.Factors associated with appropriate answers were further analyzed by multivariate regression models.Results One hundred and eighteen internal medicine residents,endocrine fellows,attending physicians and visiting physicians responded to the survey.Among them,44.9% thought that AGHD patients should accept recombinant human growth hormone replacement therapy.Moreover,56.8% selected insulin tolerance test and growth hormone-releasing hormone-arginine test for the diagnosis of AGHD.Logistic regression analysis of physician demographic data,educational background,and work experience found no consistent independent factors associated with better decision-making,other than continued medical education,that were associated with treatment choice.Conclusions The physicians' reported management of AGHD in this major academic healthcare center in Beijing was inconsistent with current evidence.High quality continued medical education is required to improve Chinese physician management of AGHD. 展开更多
关键词 adult growth hormone deficiency MANAGEMENT continued medical education
Surgical treatment and prognosis of cancers of hepatic flexure of colon invading the duodenum in 65 patients 被引量:1
作者 Weiliang Yang Shenglong Li Lei Zhang Fujing Wang Yulin Ma 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第3期166-169,共4页
Objective: The aim of the study was to discuss surgical treatment of right colon carcinoma of hepatic flexure invading the duodenum. Methods: The 65 patients with right colon carcinoma of hepatic flexure invading th... Objective: The aim of the study was to discuss surgical treatment of right colon carcinoma of hepatic flexure invading the duodenum. Methods: The 65 patients with right colon carcinoma of hepatic flexure invading the duodenum, treated in our department from 1987 to 2007, were included in this study. Their clinicopathological data were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed. All the cases were divided into three types (local invasion, regional invasion, and cancer with internal fistula) according to duodenal defect, including local invasion ( 2.0 cm), wide invasion ( 2.0 cm) and the presence of internal fistula. Results: The 25 patients with local invasion underwent en bloc resection of the duodenal wall. Pedicled ileal flap was used to cover the large duodenal defect measuring 2.0–3.0 cm in 5 patients. Dudenojejunostomy was used to reconstruct the large defect measuring more than 5 cm in 3 patients. Conservative resection of right-sided colon was performed in 18 patients with wide invasion. Four patients underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy combined with right hemicolectomy for colon cancer involving the pancreatic head. Ten cases underwent duodenal diverticularization. One patient with anastomotic leakage healed within 3 weeks. Other patients were cured without postoperative complications. The total 3-and 5-year survival rates after surgery were 53.8% and 9.2%, respectively. Conclusion: The surgical procedure to be performed is usually decided according to the cancer location, extent, and duodenal defect and invasion, which are important for prolonging life time, improving of quality of life and prognosis in these patients. 展开更多
关键词 colonic neoplasms PANCREATODUODENECTOMY prognosis
Research on Systematic Analysis and Countermeasures of the Buildings Construction Safety Problems 被引量:2
作者 Shen Liangfeng Li Jie Fan Yeming 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第1期59-65,共7页
The buildings construction safety problems contain various safety-hidden dangers that caused by the human unsafe behaviors, the substance unsafe conditions, operation environment unsafe factors and management defects.... The buildings construction safety problems contain various safety-hidden dangers that caused by the human unsafe behaviors, the substance unsafe conditions, operation environment unsafe factors and management defects. The authors summarize comprehensively the problems of buildings construetion safety in China at present based on grasping the whole safety status of buildings construction, and the synthetic countermeasures including the systems about laws, management, technology and education civilization for buildings construction safety management are brought up based on the viewpoint of safety system theory. Then it is thought that huilding scientific management mechanisms and popularizing effective management methods and measures are the fundamental ways for improving further the level of safety management for buildings construction in China at present. 展开更多
关键词 building construction safety management PROBLEM COUNTERMEASURES
作者 孙健 焦婷 +1 位作者 蒋永林 张富强 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2008年第2期91-94,共4页
Objective To discuss the application of semi-precision attachment in restoring a midfacial defect, including a nasal, upper lip, and anterior maxillary defect. Methods A splinted metal-ceramic crowns (from the upper ... Objective To discuss the application of semi-precision attachment in restoring a midfacial defect, including a nasal, upper lip, and anterior maxillary defect. Methods A splinted metal-ceramic crowns (from the upper right first molar to left molar) and a bar with stud attachments was done. A removable partial denture (RPD) containing the patrix portion of the attachment was then designed to restore the missing maxillary anterior teeth and alveolar ridge. Finally,, The facial prosthesis was joined to the denture utilizing two retentive metal posts on the superior aspect of the removable partial. Results A splinted metal-ceramic crowns (from the upper right frst molar to left molar) and a bar with stud attachments was done. A RPD containing the patrix portion of the attachment was then designed to restore the missing maxillary anterior teeth and alveolar ridge. Finally, The facial prosthesis was joined to the denture utilizing two retentive metal posts on the superior aspect of the removable partial. The prosthesis markedly improved the appearance of the patient and demonstrated good retention. Conclusion Using attachment in restoring rnaxillofacial defect may provide adequate retetion which lead to a sucessful treatment outcome. 展开更多
关键词 maxillofacial defect attachment facial prosthesis
Natural products against HIV latency 被引量:1
作者 Kouharu Otsuki Mi Zhang Wei Li 《Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine》 2021年第1期10-21,共12页
Antiretroviral therapy has achieved great success in suppressing human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)replication and transforming HIV infection from a fatal disease to a manageable chronic disease.However,the latent HIV ... Antiretroviral therapy has achieved great success in suppressing human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)replication and transforming HIV infection from a fatal disease to a manageable chronic disease.However,the latent HIV reservoir persists in the body of HIVinfected individuals and is prone to reactivation.Therefore,the development of new treatment methods aimed at a complete cure for HIV is needed.The leading strategy for HIV eradication is based on eliminating and preventing the reactivation of latent reservoirs through an approach known as“shock and kill.”This strategy involves the use of latency-reversing agents(LRAs)to activate the HIV provirus in latent viral reservoir cells.Many LRAs can be obtained from natural resources,including plants and marine organisms.In this review,we provide an overview of natural products used to eliminate HIV latency. 展开更多
关键词 DITERPENOID Human immunodeficiency virus Human immunodeficiency virus latency Shock and kill THYMELAEACEAE
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