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苹果果梗和表面缺陷的计算机视觉检测方法研究 被引量:21
作者 章文英 应义斌 《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期583-586,共4页
研究了苹果果梗与果体的识别方法和果面缺陷的查找方法 .根据苹果果梗的特性 ,提出用分块扫描判断果梗是否存在 ;分析了苹果的坏损表面与非坏损表面的不同反射特性 ,以及不同灰度值象素点数的统计特性 ,找出坏损区域 ,并从中区分出果梗... 研究了苹果果梗与果体的识别方法和果面缺陷的查找方法 .根据苹果果梗的特性 ,提出用分块扫描判断果梗是否存在 ;分析了苹果的坏损表面与非坏损表面的不同反射特性 ,以及不同灰度值象素点数的统计特性 ,找出坏损区域 ,并从中区分出果梗和果萼 .对 15幅无果梗的图象判断准确率为 10 0 % ,对 90幅果梗完好图象的准确率为 88% . 展开更多
关键词 缺陷 检测方法 计算机视觉技术
视觉系统开发模块在芒果果面缺陷检测中的应用 被引量:6
作者 刘静 黄勇平 章程辉 《食品与机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期82-85,共4页
探讨应用视觉系统开发模块进行芒果果面缺陷检测的方法。通过CCD采集芒果白光图像,分析确定所需图像区域的算法,采用面积标定法获得芒果缺陷图像,利用线性回归分析确定测量值和真实值之间的相关性。通过试验证明,该方法对检测芒果果面... 探讨应用视觉系统开发模块进行芒果果面缺陷检测的方法。通过CCD采集芒果白光图像,分析确定所需图像区域的算法,采用面积标定法获得芒果缺陷图像,利用线性回归分析确定测量值和真实值之间的相关性。通过试验证明,该方法对检测芒果果面缺陷分级的相关检验性结果r为0.999,计算机视觉的检测结果与人工检测结果的误差小于0.3%,且具有较好的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 分级 视觉系统开发模块 缺陷
基于改进单次多目标检测器的果面缺陷冬枣实时检测 被引量:4
作者 李颀 陈哲豪 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期119-128,共10页
为实现果面缺陷冬枣实时检测,并解决缺陷的尺寸与位置不同影响检测精度的问题,提出一种基于改进单次多目标检测器(Single shot multibox detector,SSD)的果面缺陷冬枣实时检测方法。以陕西大荔冬枣中的虫蛀、轮纹和木质化3种缺陷果和正... 为实现果面缺陷冬枣实时检测,并解决缺陷的尺寸与位置不同影响检测精度的问题,提出一种基于改进单次多目标检测器(Single shot multibox detector,SSD)的果面缺陷冬枣实时检测方法。以陕西大荔冬枣中的虫蛀、轮纹和木质化3种缺陷果和正常果为研究对象,在数据采集设备下采集实际分拣图像,然后通过数据增强由400张扩充至2000张。改进SSD,建立MobileNetV3-SSD模型,为实时检测奠定基础;引入改进感受野块(RFB)可实现模型多尺寸提取冬枣缺陷特征的能力;用空间注意力模块(SAM)代替挤压和激励通道注意力模块(SE)增强模型定位冬枣缺陷特征的能力。试验结果表明,本研究模型在果面缺陷冬枣数据集上的表现均优于目前先进目标检测网络模型(RetinaNet和EfficientDet-D0),该模型对4类冬枣的整体检测精准性(mAP)达到91.89%,检测速度达到1 s 40.85帧。因此本研究模型较好地平衡了实时性和精准性,可应用于果面缺陷冬枣分拣流水线。 展开更多
关键词 冬枣 缺陷 实时检测 单次多目标检测器 多尺寸 空间注意力模型
作者 付镓榕 马尚玄 +3 位作者 黄克昌 徐荣 邹建云 郭刚军 《热带农业科技》 2021年第1期13-16,共4页
以新鲜澳洲坚果带壳果为原料,采用先自然干燥后强制加温干燥的方式获得不同含水量的带壳果,通过水浮选分选为下沉果和上浮果,测定其含水量、脂肪含量、可用果率、缺陷果率及上浮果占比的变化,筛选澳洲坚果带壳果适宜的浮选工艺条件。结... 以新鲜澳洲坚果带壳果为原料,采用先自然干燥后强制加温干燥的方式获得不同含水量的带壳果,通过水浮选分选为下沉果和上浮果,测定其含水量、脂肪含量、可用果率、缺陷果率及上浮果占比的变化,筛选澳洲坚果带壳果适宜的浮选工艺条件。结果表明:带壳果含水量对浮选效果影响显著,确定的澳洲坚果带壳果适宜的浮选工艺条件为带壳果含水量11%~15%,在此条件下分选的上浮带壳果占比<20%,其可用果率<70%;下沉果的缺陷果率<3%。 展开更多
关键词 澳洲坚 含水量 水浮选 缺陷果
《山西农业(致富科技版)》 1993年第1期21-22,共2页
关键词 规格指标 质量 不超过 碰压伤 二等品 缺陷 薄层 贮藏质量 基本特征 贮存要求
作者 曹乐平 温芝元 《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期309-319,共11页
为精确地度量柑橘品质分级,研究了病虫害为害状冰糖橙缺陷果实复杂性测度机器识别、脐橙果实周长-面积分形维数与分段色调单位坐标化多重分形谱高度/宽度的形状和颜色分级及糖酸度无损检测。对冰糖橙生理性缺硼、锈壁虱、油胞凹陷病3种... 为精确地度量柑橘品质分级,研究了病虫害为害状冰糖橙缺陷果实复杂性测度机器识别、脐橙果实周长-面积分形维数与分段色调单位坐标化多重分形谱高度/宽度的形状和颜色分级及糖酸度无损检测。对冰糖橙生理性缺硼、锈壁虱、油胞凹陷病3种常见病虫害果实为害状缺陷在0°—50°主色调区域实施长度为1°的分段,统计各分段色调区间像素分布概率,并计算统计复杂性测度C(Y)与Shannon信息熵H(Y),以C(Y)与H(Y)为检索词计算机查询果实病虫害检索表来进行病虫害缺陷果机器识别,平均正确识别率为93.33%。对脐橙果实果梗面与侧面在相垂直的2个投影面上的图像进行去背景与边界轮廓提取操作,计算边界轮廓周长-面积分形维数,以此为指标检索果实信息字典进行脐橙形状分级,正确率100%。以脐橙果实相对的2个侧面图像为研究对象,去其背景,将30°—120°主色调区域进行30°—50°、50°—70°、70°—90°和90°—120°的区间分割,生成4幅色调图像,计算此图像多重分形谱质心坐标、高度与宽度,对该高度与宽度进行单位质心坐标化处理,一方面以单位质心坐标化多重分形谱高度与宽度为指标检索果实信息字典进行脐橙颜色分级,正确率98%;另一方面以单位质心坐标化多重分形谱高度与宽度为参数通过糖酸度偏最小二乘模型映射果实糖酸度,糖度与酸度标准差分别在0.77及0.36以内,与实际值的相关系数分别在0.8及0.7以上。试验结果表明:统计复杂性测度、周长-面积分形维数、单位质心坐标化多重分形谱高度与宽度较精确地反映了柑橘分级中需识别的冰糖橙果实病虫害缺陷的特征、脐橙果实形状与颜色特性及内部糖酸度无损检测映射参数特点。 展开更多
关键词 冰糖橙与脐橙 复杂性测度 分形维数 多重分形谱 病虫害缺陷果机器识别 形状与颜色机器分级 糖酸度无损检测
鸭梨品质检测计算机视觉系统研究 被引量:7
作者 赵彦如 钱东平 +1 位作者 杨世风 周建军 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第z1期280-282,共3页
本系统在虚拟仪器的基础上 ,对鸭梨进行了利用机器视觉技术检测外部品质的试验研究。本系统可以对鸭梨的果面缺陷、颜色、尺寸和形状进行全面的检测。在此基础上 ,可对鸭梨进行精确的分级。
关键词 机器视觉 鸭梨 缺陷 虚拟仪器
毛叶枣的计算机视觉分级技术研究 被引量:3
作者 晁德起 章程辉 +1 位作者 黄勇平 陈晓娜 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2011年第5期158-161,共4页
根据农业部发布的农业行业标准NY/T484-2002,基于NI Vision Assistant系列软件对毛叶枣提出了一种自动分级方法。以黑色传送带为背景,采用CCD摄像机在毛叶枣样本的滚动中采集图像,通过对图像进行初步分割、灰度化、平滑去噪、增强、边... 根据农业部发布的农业行业标准NY/T484-2002,基于NI Vision Assistant系列软件对毛叶枣提出了一种自动分级方法。以黑色传送带为背景,采用CCD摄像机在毛叶枣样本的滚动中采集图像,通过对图像进行初步分割、灰度化、平滑去噪、增强、边缘检测、二值化等处理得出样本果实大小、表面缺陷大小以及果梗识别,进而借助机械手完成对毛叶枣品质的自动分级,识别结果与人工挑选结果吻合率分别达到:优等品吻合92.43%,一等品吻合96.34%,二等品吻合95.60%,残次品吻合95.95%。 展开更多
关键词 毛叶枣 NIvision ASSISTANT 缺陷 自动分级
Automatic Defect Detection and Grading of Single-Color Fruits Using HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) Color Space 被引量:1
作者 Saeideh Gorji Kandi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2010年第7期39-45,共7页
Machine vision has been recently utilized for quality control of food and agricultural products, which was traditionally done by manual inspection. The present study was an attempt for automatic defect detection and s... Machine vision has been recently utilized for quality control of food and agricultural products, which was traditionally done by manual inspection. The present study was an attempt for automatic defect detection and sorting of some single-color fruits such as banana and plum. Fruit images were captured using a color digital camera with capturing direction of zero degree and under illuminant D65. It was observed that growing decay and time-aging made surface color changes in bruised parts of the object. 3D RGB and HSV color vectors as well as a single channel like H (hue), S (saturation), V (value) and grey scale images were applied for color quantization of the object. Results showed that there was a distinct threshold in the histogram of the S channel of images which can be applied to separate the object from its background. Moreover, the color change via the defect and time-aging is correctly distinguishable in the hue channel image. The effect of illumination, gloss and shadow of 3D image processing is less noticeable for hue data in comparison to saturation and value. The value of H channel was quantized to five groups based on the difference between each pixel value and the H value of a healthy object. The percentage of different degree of defects can be computed and used for grading the fruits. 展开更多
关键词 Machine vision HSV color space FRUIT GRADING defect detection.
Study of Defect-Layers Effect in Ferroelectric Thin Film with Transverse Ising Model
作者 WANG Chun-Dong TENG Bao-Hua +2 位作者 Kwok So-Ying LU Zhen-Zhen YUEN Muk-Fung 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1057-1062,共6页
By taking into account the two-spin interaction in the transverse Ising model (TIM), the influence of the defect layers (including JB and ΩB) on the polarization and Curie temperature are calculated numerically, ... By taking into account the two-spin interaction in the transverse Ising model (TIM), the influence of the defect layers (including JB and ΩB) on the polarization and Curie temperature are calculated numerically, within the framework of the decoupling approximation under Green's function. The numerical results show that the polarization and Curie temperature will both become large sensitively due to the large values of JB and the small value of ΩB of the defect layers. Meanwhile, the dependence of the crossover values of the exchange interaction JA, the transverse field ΩA of the bulk material on the exchange interaction JB and the transverse field ΩB of the defect layers are shown in 3-Dimensional (3-D) figures for the first time. Moreover, the transition features of the ferroelectric thin film with defect layers are presented. 展开更多
关键词 FERROELECTRICS phase transitions defect-layer
Simulation and formability analysis of drawing process for automotive B-pillar
作者 邢忠文 方华松 包军 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期209-212,共4页
The numerical simulation on drawing process of automotive B-pillar was carried out on AutoForm software,and dangerous forming areas were discovered.The processing parameters,such as the layout of drawbeads,blank holdi... The numerical simulation on drawing process of automotive B-pillar was carried out on AutoForm software,and dangerous forming areas were discovered.The processing parameters,such as the layout of drawbeads,blank holding force and the shape of blank,were adjusted and optimized according to the simulation results.Results indicate that the quality defects can be forecast and removed,which improves the stability of forming process.The cost of design is decreased and the research cycle is shortened.It is proved that the drawing process and die design of B-pillar forming are feasible in actual production. 展开更多
关键词 draw forming simulation orocessing parameter automotive B-nillar
《农民科技培训》 2003年第4期13-14,共2页
9.无公害鲜食葡萄产品包装和贮藏的标准和要求 按照GB/7718食品标签通用标准的规定,无公害鲜食葡萄包装箱上应明确标明产品名称、数量、产地、包装日期、生产单位、产品标准编号、无公害食品标志、储运往意事项等内容。
关键词 绿色食品 有机食品 成熟度 缺陷果 无公害鲜食葡萄 生产技术
Point defects in L1_0 FePt studied by molecular dynamics simulations based on an analytic bond-order potential 被引量:1
作者 DONG Hao SHU XiaoLin WANG RongMing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第8期1429-1432,共4页
The point defects and their related physical properties in L10 FePt are investigated by molecular dynamics simulations based on an analytic bond-order potential. The calculated results agree well with the experimental... The point defects and their related physical properties in L10 FePt are investigated by molecular dynamics simulations based on an analytic bond-order potential. The calculated results agree well with the experimental value, indicating that the analytic bond-order potential is suitable to describe the structural properties and surface energies of the FePt alloy in the L10 phase. However, the calculated vacancy formation energy of an Fe atom is higher than that of a Pt atom, which disagrees with some other previously calculated results. This result indicates that the analytic bond-order potential is unable to describe the related point defect properties. The analytic bond-order potential needs to be modified in order to study these defect properties of an FePt alloy. 展开更多
关键词 analytic bond-order potential FEPT point defects molecular dynamics simulation
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