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投服中心网上行权与外部审计师风险应对 被引量:6
作者 粟立钟 赵元煦 范文昕 《北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期66-79,共14页
完善中小投资者保护机制已成为我国学术界和政府监管部门十分关注的问题,建立中证中小投资者服务中心(ISC)是多层次资本市场体系形成的有益探索和创新。基于2015—2020年上市公司数据,实证检验了ISC网上行权对外部审计师风险应对的影响... 完善中小投资者保护机制已成为我国学术界和政府监管部门十分关注的问题,建立中证中小投资者服务中心(ISC)是多层次资本市场体系形成的有益探索和创新。基于2015—2020年上市公司数据,实证检验了ISC网上行权对外部审计师风险应对的影响。研究发现,企业被ISC网上行权后,外部审计师的审计收费更多,非标准审计意见的出具概率更高。机制检验表明,ISC网上行权通过影响被行权企业的监管风险和诉讼风险引致外部审计师风险应对行为的变化。进一步研究发现,ISC网上行权提高了相关企业外部审计师变更的概率,有助于提高企业的信息披露质量和盈余质量。异质性分析显示,ISC网上行权对外部审计师风险应对的影响,在非国有企业、投资者关注度较高的企业中更明显。因此,政府应在立法层面上赋予ISC更多便利,以加强资本市场监管,推动上市公司治理现代化,保护中小投资者权益。 展开更多
关键词 中证中小投资者服务中心(ISC) 网上行 外部审计师 审计收费 审计意见 审计师风险应对
作者 李硕 《农友》 2001年第1期26-26,共1页
奶奶想让我帮忙给她国外的小孙女雪影发个e-mail(电子邮件)。这可难不倒我。我迅速打开了电脑用最快的速度连上了因特网。为了充分利用网络的带宽,我先在一家网站里找到了一个ICQ(网上传呼)的下载,因为这只是一个小“东东”(网... 奶奶想让我帮忙给她国外的小孙女雪影发个e-mail(电子邮件)。这可难不倒我。我迅速打开了电脑用最快的速度连上了因特网。为了充分利用网络的带宽,我先在一家网站里找到了一个ICQ(网上传呼)的下载,因为这只是一个小“东东”(网是们把小程序通称为“东东”)。在计算机下载的同时我又打开邮件接收器……不久就把发奶的邮件发送了出去。 展开更多
关键词 中国 当代 散文 文学作品 《我扶奶奶网上行 李硕
《广东经济》 2012年第10期55-56,共2页
(本刊讯)9月24日,为推动民营企业应用网络营销推广广货,“广货网上行”组委会在广州举办民营企业与电子商务平台对接运动,腾讯、唯品会等广东省内17家主要电商平台和113家民营企业代表零间隔打仗,探索民营企业“触电”新模式。省... (本刊讯)9月24日,为推动民营企业应用网络营销推广广货,“广货网上行”组委会在广州举办民营企业与电子商务平台对接运动,腾讯、唯品会等广东省内17家主要电商平台和113家民营企业代表零间隔打仗,探索民营企业“触电”新模式。省中小企业局、省民营经济发展服务局副局长何佐贤出席活动并致辞。他表示, 展开更多
关键词 网上行 对接 民营企业 民企 电子商务平台 经济发展服务 中小企业局 营销推广
《广东经济》 2013年第11期86-87,共2页
为期四天的第十届中国国际中小企业博览会(以下简称中博会)于9月25日-28日在广州国际会议展览中心圆满举行。4天来,累计到会客商265006人次,总成交金额395.63亿元。据悉,本次中博会首次实现了与国际组织联合主办,邀请了与印度尼... 为期四天的第十届中国国际中小企业博览会(以下简称中博会)于9月25日-28日在广州国际会议展览中心圆满举行。4天来,累计到会客商265006人次,总成交金额395.63亿元。据悉,本次中博会首次实现了与国际组织联合主办,邀请了与印度尼西亚和联合国南南合作办公室联合主办,并坚持“加强合作,扩大交流,互利其赢,携手发展”的办会宗旨,更加突出了精品论坛,设立了以“合作发展,聚力共赢”为主题的中国中小企业高峰论坛等重要活动,全力为中小企业打造展示、交易、交流、合作的平台。据介绍,下一届中博会将由墨西哥担任联合主办国。 展开更多
关键词 广州国际会议展览中心 中小企业博览会 网上行 外商 展位 南南合作 高峰论坛 印度尼西亚
作者 曹邢彬 薛小玉 +1 位作者 郭文献 向南星 《党的生活(江苏)》 2013年第7期20-21,共2页
关键词 民主测评 通州区 网上行 满意度调查 测评系统 网络民主 领导班子 领导干部
作者 冷东波 张帅民 +1 位作者 刘天宇 于文生 《吉林金融研究》 2021年第8期73-75,共3页
网上支付跨行清算系统(以下简称网银)是央行第二代支付系统的重要应用系统之一,主要支持网上跨行零售支付业务的处理,业务指令逐笔发送、实时转发,向客户提供7×24小时全天候实时支付服务。网银系统现已广泛应用于跨行支付、跨行账... 网上支付跨行清算系统(以下简称网银)是央行第二代支付系统的重要应用系统之一,主要支持网上跨行零售支付业务的处理,业务指令逐笔发送、实时转发,向客户提供7×24小时全天候实时支付服务。网银系统现已广泛应用于跨行支付、跨行账户查询等多个场景,客户可以足不出户办理多项跨行业务,并实时了解业务处理结果。 展开更多
关键词 网上支付跨清算系统 零售支付 第二代支付系统 账户查询 网银系统 客户 实时支付
浅议我国网上银行的金融监管 被引量:2
作者 王薇 宋威 《甘肃科技纵横》 2009年第1期108-108,共1页
网上银行作为21世纪一种新兴的金融业,其低廉的成本和广阔的前景,已越来越得到人们的重视。货币数字化和网络支付体系已经成为当今银行业的操作基础。随着信息化的飞速发展,网上银行在带给人们优质、快捷、全面服务的同时,这种以信息流... 网上银行作为21世纪一种新兴的金融业,其低廉的成本和广阔的前景,已越来越得到人们的重视。货币数字化和网络支付体系已经成为当今银行业的操作基础。随着信息化的飞速发展,网上银行在带给人们优质、快捷、全面服务的同时,这种以信息流为主的模式,也对实施金融监管提出了强有力的挑战。本文从网上银行的特征及我国网上银行的发展现状出发,深入分析我国网上银行发展对金融监管的冲击,并提出适时地金融监管对策。 展开更多
关键词 网上 金融监管 风险管理
基于非线性定价理论的网上支付跨行清算系统定价研究 被引量:1
作者 刘潇 《吉林金融研究》 2015年第11期15-18,共4页
网上支付是21世纪的一种新型支付服务,以互联网为基础,利用银行所支持的某种数字金融工具,实现从购买者到金融机构、商家之间的在线货币支付、现金流转、资金清算、查询统计等。为适应当前网上支付活动日益频繁的要求,促使电子商务市场... 网上支付是21世纪的一种新型支付服务,以互联网为基础,利用银行所支持的某种数字金融工具,实现从购买者到金融机构、商家之间的在线货币支付、现金流转、资金清算、查询统计等。为适应当前网上支付活动日益频繁的要求,促使电子商务市场持续快速发展,中国人民银行于2011年正式上线推广了网上支付跨行清算系统(简称IBPS系统)。在将近四年的运营时间里,网上支付跨行清算系统得到了迅猛发展。正是在此背景下,本文选择研究如何能够科学、合理的对具有自然垄断和准公共产品特性的网上支付跨行清算系统进行定价,以保证中央银行支付系统的公平与效率以及资源的合理配置。 展开更多
关键词 网上支付跨清算系统 非线性定价 成本补偿
作者 李丹 罗芳袭 《黑龙江金融》 2015年第9期18-19,共2页
人民银行于2011年推广上线了网上支付跨行清算系统,在近四年的运行时间内,业务量增长较快,但业务免收费的推广战略的弊端也随之凸显。本文采用非线性定价方法构建网上支付跨行清算系统的定价模型,以业务量为主要的价格基准,兼顾成本补... 人民银行于2011年推广上线了网上支付跨行清算系统,在近四年的运行时间内,业务量增长较快,但业务免收费的推广战略的弊端也随之凸显。本文采用非线性定价方法构建网上支付跨行清算系统的定价模型,以业务量为主要的价格基准,兼顾成本补偿与经济效率,对网上支付跨行清算系统的收费政策制定具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 非线性定价 网上支付跨清算系统 定价模型
“超级网银”洗钱风险与防范对策分析 被引量:3
作者 原永中 李彩墨 +1 位作者 何杰 高世伟 《华北金融》 2012年第1期77-79,共3页
标准化跨银行网上金融服务产品"网上支付跨行清算系统"(超级网银)的出现在为人民生活带来便利的同时也面临着潜在的洗钱风险。本文在对"超级网银"的特点及在天津市的发展状况进行简要介绍的基础上,详细分析和探讨了... 标准化跨银行网上金融服务产品"网上支付跨行清算系统"(超级网银)的出现在为人民生活带来便利的同时也面临着潜在的洗钱风险。本文在对"超级网银"的特点及在天津市的发展状况进行简要介绍的基础上,详细分析和探讨了"超级网银"中可能存在的洗钱风险,并针对这一问题提出了风险管理的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 网上支付跨清算系统 超级网银 反洗钱 风险管理
作者 王辉 郭茂文 《广东通信技术》 2002年第9期36-40,共5页
文章简单介绍了视频业务的概念和相关技术 ,分析了各种ADSL网络对视频业务的支持情况及所涉及到的技术问题 ,并对ADSL网络承载视频业务提出了相应的看法。
关键词 ADSL 视频业务 流媒体 IP组播 ATM上 以太网上行 组网
《中国妇运》 2004年第7期36-36,共1页
关键词 “中华妇女网上行推进活动” 技能培训 妇联组织 信息网络技术
A Novel Resource Allocation Algorithm based on Downlink and Uplink Decouple Access Scheme in Heterogeneous Networks 被引量:4
作者 Laiwei Jiang Xuejun Sha +1 位作者 Xuanli Wu Naitong Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期22-31,共10页
Traditional cellular network requires that a user equipment(UE) should associate to the same base station(BS) in both the downlink(DL) and the uplink(UL). Based on dual connectivity(DC) introduced in LTE-Advanced R12,... Traditional cellular network requires that a user equipment(UE) should associate to the same base station(BS) in both the downlink(DL) and the uplink(UL). Based on dual connectivity(DC) introduced in LTE-Advanced R12, DL/UL decouple access scheme has been proposed, which is especially suitable for heterogeneous networks(Het Nets). This paper is the pioneer to take the DL/UL decouple access scheme into consideration and develop a novel resource allocation algorithm in a two-tier Het Net to improve the total system throughput in the UL and ease the load imbalance between macro base stations(MBSs) and pico base stations(PBSs). A model is formulated as a nonlinear integer programming, and the proposed algorithm is a sub-optimal algorithm based on the graph theory. First, an undirected and weighted interference graph is obtained. Next, the users are grouped to let users with large mutual interferences to be assigned to different clusters. Then, the users in different clusters are allocated to different resource blocks(RBs) by using the Hungarian algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can provide great promotions for both the total system throughput and the average cell edge user throughput and successfully ease the load imbalance between MBSs and PBSs. 展开更多
关键词 LTE-ADVANCED downlink and up-link decouple access scheme heterogeneous networks resource allocation graph theory
Analyses of Current Electricity Price and Its Changing Trend Forecast in the Coming Five Years
作者 黄少中 《Electricity》 2002年第2期5-8,共4页
This paper analyzes the level, characteristics and existing problems of current electricityprice in China. Under the present circumstances the overall orientation of power price reform inthe 10th Five-year Plan period... This paper analyzes the level, characteristics and existing problems of current electricityprice in China. Under the present circumstances the overall orientation of power price reform inthe 10th Five-year Plan period should satisfy the requirements of power industry restructuring.Therefore, it is necessary to set up an appropriate pricing mechanism and system including thelinks of sales price to network, transmission and distribution price (T&D price) and sales price.In the light of various factors influencing increase and decrease in price, a forecast of electricitytariff is given in the five years to come.[ 展开更多
关键词 current electricity price electricity price forecasting sales price to network T&Dprice sales price
The Relationship Among E-service Quality Dimensions, Overall Internet Banking Service Quality, and Customer Satisfaction in the USA 被引量:4
作者 Demyana Nathan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第4期479-493,共15页
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships of e-service quality dimensions with overall internet banking service quality, and its effect on customer satisfaction in the USA banking industry. The propose... The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships of e-service quality dimensions with overall internet banking service quality, and its effect on customer satisfaction in the USA banking industry. The proposed instrument dimensions are identified based on a questionnaire survey conducted in the US. Based on an extensive review of literature, this paper proposed eight dimensions for measuring overall internet banking service quality and its subsequent effect on customer satisfaction. Also, this research uses American internet banking users as survey targets for its empirical studies. The results show significant relationships among the e-service quality dimensions (efficiency, fulfillment, system availability, privacy, assurance/trust, site aesthetics, responsiveness, and contact), overall internet banking service quality, and customer satisfaction. Little attention has been given in the literature to understanding of the e-service quality dimensions that influence overall internet banking service quality and the specific outcome of customer satisfaction. This paper empirically examines the relationships among the eight e-service quality dimensions, overall internet banking service quality, and customer satisfaction. The findings are important to enable bank managers to have a better understanding of the key e-service quality dimensions of internet banking that affect customer satisfaction. The primary limitations of this study are the scope and size of its sample. 展开更多
关键词 intemet banking e-service quality customer satisfaction
Business Strategy and Perceived Benefits of Internet Banking: Their Impact on Banks' Strategic Responses to China's Entry to WTO
作者 刘春红 江静 李杰 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期63-68,共6页
With the entry to WTO and development of IT, banks in China are adjusting their competitive strategies to meet the competition. Internet banking has become a kind of strategic choice to response to the entry to WTO. B... With the entry to WTO and development of IT, banks in China are adjusting their competitive strategies to meet the competition. Internet banking has become a kind of strategic choice to response to the entry to WTO. Based on relevantly selective reviews of literature of strategy theory and research, a model is developed to study banks' strategic response to entry to WTO. According to a survey of 192 sets of questionnaires, this study finds that external pressure, business strategy and perceived benefits of Internet banking would influence banks' perceived increase in Internet banking investment. And banks' perceived increase in Internet banking investment has no difference between big banks and small banks. 展开更多
关键词 Internet banking business strategy perceived benefits
An uplink power control algorithm using traditional iterative model for cognitive radio networks
作者 李枫 谭学治 王丽 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2816-2822,共7页
Based on the analysis of the feature of cognitive radio networks, a relevant interference model was built. Cognitive users should consider especially the problem of interference with licensed users and satisfy the sig... Based on the analysis of the feature of cognitive radio networks, a relevant interference model was built. Cognitive users should consider especially the problem of interference with licensed users and satisfy the signal-to-interference noise ratio (SINR) requirement at the same time. According to different power thresholds, an approach was given to solve the problem of coexistence between licensed user and cognitive user in cognitive system. Then, an uplink distributed power control algorithm based on traditional iterative model was proposed. Convergence analysis of the algorithm in case of feasible systems was provided. Simulations show that this method can provide substantial power savings as compared with the power balancing algorithm while reducing the achieved SINR only slightly, since 6% S1NR loss can bring 23% power gain. Through further simulations, it can be concluded that the proposed solution has better effect as the noise power or system load increases. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio UPLINK power control INTERFERENCE iterative algorithm
Diminutive Usage of Internet Banking: A Malaysian Case Study
作者 Arasu Raman 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第7期380-386,共7页
As the opportunities offered, most individuals and businesses feel that E-banking energies are great. Thus, threats are unavoidable to banks if they fail to identify consequences and vulnerabilities accompanying e-ban... As the opportunities offered, most individuals and businesses feel that E-banking energies are great. Thus, threats are unavoidable to banks if they fail to identify consequences and vulnerabilities accompanying e-banking practices. The usage rate of e-banking in a top international commercial bank in Malaysia is rather diminutive compare to its other bases in countries like Singapore, China and India. Interestingly, it is on decreasing mode year by year. This study aimed to offer a good set of information of the factors influencing low usage and possibilities to suggest ways to increase the usage among the bank customers. In this study, a comprehensive survey data gathering were used to collect and analyze the respondents and results indicate that ease of use is the most significant contributor to the low usage. 204 valid feedbacks were obtained from the SCM bank's customers, with the research indicating that e-banking still has a gap to fill between customers, the bank and the e-system in maximizing the desire of existing clients to go over the net. 展开更多
关键词 Strategic information systems management internet banking electronic marketing.
Interference management via access control and mobility prediction in two-tier heterogeneous networks 被引量:1
作者 肖竹 陈杰 +2 位作者 王东 李仁发 易克初 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3169-3177,共9页
Abstract: Two-tier heterogeneous networks (HetNets), where the current cellular networks, i.e., macrocells, are overlapped with a large number of randomly distributed femtocells, can potentially bring significant b... Abstract: Two-tier heterogeneous networks (HetNets), where the current cellular networks, i.e., macrocells, are overlapped with a large number of randomly distributed femtocells, can potentially bring significant benefits to spectral utilization and system capacity. The interference management and access control for open and closed femtocells in two-tier HetNets were focused. The contributions consist of two parts. Firstly, in order to reduce the uplink interference caused by MUEs (macrocell user equipments) at closed femtocells, an incentive mechanism to implement interference mitigation was proposed. It encourages femtoeells that work with closed-subscriber-group (CSG) to allow the interfering MUEs access in but only via uplink, which can reduce the interference significantly and also benefit the marco-tier. The interference issue was then studied in open-subscriber-group (OSG) femtocells from the perspective of handover and mobility prediction. Inbound handover provides an alternative solution for open femtocells when interference turns up, while this accompanies with PCI (physical cell identity) confusion during inbound handover. To reduce the PCI confusion, a dynamic PCI allocation scheme was proposed, by which the high handin femtocells have the dedicated PCI while the others share the reuse PCIs. A Markov chain based mobility prediction algorithm was designed to decide whether the femtoeell status is with high handover requests. Numerical analysis reveals that the UL interference is managed well for the CSG femtocell and the PCI confusion issue is mitigated greatly in OSG femtocell compared to the conventional approaches. 展开更多
关键词 FEMTOCELL MACROCELL interference management heterogeneous networks access control HANDOVER mobility prediction
Uplink user allocation scheme in cognitive coexistent cellular network
作者 刘婷婷 Wang Mao +2 位作者 Shu Feng Wang Jianxin Pan Ziyu 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第4期376-382,共7页
In order to address spectrum resource scarcity in traditional cellular networks,television(TV)white space is considered as a potential solution to offload a portion of network traffic and enlarge network capacity.This... In order to address spectrum resource scarcity in traditional cellular networks,television(TV)white space is considered as a potential solution to offload a portion of network traffic and enlarge network capacity.This paper describes a cognitive cellular network which allocates low geometry users to the TV white space based on a proportional fair criterion.An uplink user allocation scheme is proposed and the validity of the proposed scheme is established by simulation of the cellular network usage in conjunction with the TV white space.The simulation results show clear improvements in both the user and the system performance with the cognitive coexistent cellular network compared with the traditional cellular network,and that the performance of the proposed user allocation scheme is superior to other user allocation schemes. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio TV white space spectrum efficiency system throughput fractional frequency reuse
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