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“网瘾学生”转型“网创人才”的教育导引 被引量:7
作者 曾骊 《当代青年研究》 2011年第2期56-65,共10页
转变高校思想政治教育工作价值理念,提出网瘾学生"资源论"。本文通过对浙江省杭州、宁波、温州、湖州、金华、舟山、丽水等地高校2500名大学生和170余名教职工的问卷调查与访谈,研判高校教育在技术、文化和教学等方面的缺失... 转变高校思想政治教育工作价值理念,提出网瘾学生"资源论"。本文通过对浙江省杭州、宁波、温州、湖州、金华、舟山、丽水等地高校2500名大学生和170余名教职工的问卷调查与访谈,研判高校教育在技术、文化和教学等方面的缺失对大学生网络成瘾的影响。借助优势视角理论,注重大学生网瘾的高校情境与内在潜能的资源作用,探求"网瘾学生"转型"网创人才"的"三色网络"梯度策略。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 资源论 学校原因 网创人才 三色
论大学生由“网瘾”向“网创”转化问题 被引量:2
作者 张萍 《继续教育研究》 2018年第12期83-88,共6页
传统"网瘾"治理大多集中于对上网行为、频率的限制,忽视对互联网创造性的利用,在互联网高速发展的当下很难取得理想的效果。基于嵌入性理论,"网瘾"大学生必然嵌入于网络社会发展中,时代对网络人才的大量需求为网瘾... 传统"网瘾"治理大多集中于对上网行为、频率的限制,忽视对互联网创造性的利用,在互联网高速发展的当下很难取得理想的效果。基于嵌入性理论,"网瘾"大学生必然嵌入于网络社会发展中,时代对网络人才的大量需求为网瘾问题的治理提供了新的解决思路。文章从当前我国大学生沉迷互联网问题的应对现状及其局限入手,指出传统"网瘾"戒除手段存在治标难治本、效率低下等问题。在明晰嵌入性理论的内涵以及对"网瘾"向"网创"转化的适用性基础上,强调从"网瘾"到"网创",改变的是对互联网利用的理念和形式,是时代发展的趋势。教育者应从建立相互平等的教育环境、提高"网瘾"大学生嵌入创新型社会的深度、针对"网瘾"大学生不同兴趣特长加强引导、营造创新创业校园文化氛围等方面,改变大学生原有的网络理念和上网习惯,进而达到培养个性化网络人才的目标。 展开更多
关键词 嵌入性理论 大学生 瘾” 网创
从“网瘾”走向“网创”——大学生网络成瘾防治新方法探索 被引量:1
作者 王波 《浙江青年专修学院学报》 2010年第4期49-51,共3页
当今社会大学生网络成瘾已经成为一个日益突出的问题,认识和预防大学生网络成瘾已成为现阶段高校大学生思想政治教育工作的重要内容,对大学生健康教育有现实与积极的作用。大学生网络成瘾防治应当建立新视角、探索新方法,打破"学... 当今社会大学生网络成瘾已经成为一个日益突出的问题,认识和预防大学生网络成瘾已成为现阶段高校大学生思想政治教育工作的重要内容,对大学生健康教育有现实与积极的作用。大学生网络成瘾防治应当建立新视角、探索新方法,打破"学业预警+心理干预"这种戒断式的防治大学生网络成瘾的常规教育引导方式,实现从"网瘾"走向"网创"的"转移式"网络成瘾防治新方法,在尊重学生对网络的爱好和兴趣的基础上,依托网络本身的优势,促使大学生成为"网创人才"。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 络成瘾 防治 网创
作者 陈涛 方玉燕 《科技视界》 2014年第18期199-200,共2页
关键词 电子商务 平台 网创
脱嵌与再嵌:大学生从“网瘾”走向“网创”的行动研究 被引量:5
作者 曾骊 冯婵璟 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期182-186,共5页
我国大学生网瘾人数激增,网络新经济发展又急需大批网创人才,这是两个不容忽视的社会问题。网瘾的概念和判断存在争议,关于网瘾疗法的研究和实践中,存在药物疗法、心理疗法、音乐疗法和体育疗法等命题,但治疗效果有待商榷。本研究运用... 我国大学生网瘾人数激增,网络新经济发展又急需大批网创人才,这是两个不容忽视的社会问题。网瘾的概念和判断存在争议,关于网瘾疗法的研究和实践中,存在药物疗法、心理疗法、音乐疗法和体育疗法等命题,但治疗效果有待商榷。本研究运用嵌入理论的框架探索解决网瘾的新思路:脱嵌不良的网络行为,嵌入有益的网络行为,运用认知、认识和认同逻辑寻找合适的嵌体,有助于解决网络"成瘾易"与网创"人才难"的矛盾,引导大学生从"网瘾"走向"网创"。 展开更多
关键词 网创 嵌入理论 优势发展
产教融合背景下高职跨境电商“网店+创客”人才培养模式研究 被引量:3
作者 刘锦峰 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2019年第23期14-16,27,共4页
我国跨境电商行业的发展已进入快车道,而跨境电商人才的缺口却在与日俱增。文章分析了产教融合背景下,跨境电商产业发展对人才培养的要求,在介绍"网店+创客"理念的基础上,提出了跨境电商"网店+创客"人才培养模式,... 我国跨境电商行业的发展已进入快车道,而跨境电商人才的缺口却在与日俱增。文章分析了产教融合背景下,跨境电商产业发展对人才培养的要求,在介绍"网店+创客"理念的基础上,提出了跨境电商"网店+创客"人才培养模式,并在此基础上设计了多种订单班灵活开展教学、基于"网店+创客"的课程内容项目化改造、基于"网店+创客"的课堂教学模式创新,以提高跨境电商人才培养质量。 展开更多
关键词 跨境电商 产教融合 店+ 人才培养模式
壹网壹创并购上佰电商财务风险研究 被引量:1
作者 童杰成 张丁友 《中国乡镇企业会计》 2021年第10期23-25,共3页
随着信息时代的到来,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,企业为了提高自己的市场份额,并购成为了众多企业发展的良好选择。并购可以迅速完成对外扩张,并完成对其资源的控制。本文以壹网壹创并购上佰电商为案例,分析壹网壹创并购过程中的财务风险... 随着信息时代的到来,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,企业为了提高自己的市场份额,并购成为了众多企业发展的良好选择。并购可以迅速完成对外扩张,并完成对其资源的控制。本文以壹网壹创并购上佰电商为案例,分析壹网壹创并购过程中的财务风险。首先,通过对壹网壹创并购的动机、并购过程以及财务数据的研究,从中找出并购前的估值定价风险,并购中的支付风险,到并购后的财务整合风险;其次,规划出了壹网壹创并购上佰电商过程中所出现的财务风险对应的处理方案得出启示。 展开更多
关键词 互联并购 上佰电商 财务风险
作者 燕振 《林区教学》 2016年第4期66-67,共2页
当前高等教育综合改革以及促进大学毕业生就业创业等重大民生问题受到社会各界的广泛关注,特别是2015年749万大学生从高校毕业,就业形势更为严峻,如何在高校开展行之有效的创业教育、提升毕业生的创业比例值得思考。目前,互联网行业的... 当前高等教育综合改革以及促进大学毕业生就业创业等重大民生问题受到社会各界的广泛关注,特别是2015年749万大学生从高校毕业,就业形势更为严峻,如何在高校开展行之有效的创业教育、提升毕业生的创业比例值得思考。目前,互联网行业的发展势头迅猛,不仅改变着传统的商业模式,同时也变革着日常生活方式。推进网创教育进高校既合时势又惠民生,实施网创教育关键要探索合适的路径,创设有益环境,构建立体化教育体系并打造专业化师资团队。 展开更多
关键词 高校 网创教育 实施必然性 路径
网络文学资源的跨媒体经营——榕树下全球中文原创作品网案例简析 被引量:8
作者 陈阳 《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期16-18,共3页
中文原创作品网榕树下依托丰富的网络文学资源,从事版权代理、图书出版、影视广播节目制作、广告等业务,成功打造了自己的品牌,在“互联网冬天”的严酷形势下保持了良好的发展。它在品牌打造、资源开发和成本控制等方面的成功经验值得... 中文原创作品网榕树下依托丰富的网络文学资源,从事版权代理、图书出版、影视广播节目制作、广告等业务,成功打造了自己的品牌,在“互联网冬天”的严酷形势下保持了良好的发展。它在品牌打造、资源开发和成本控制等方面的成功经验值得借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 络文学资源 跨媒体经营 榕树下 全球中文原作品 成本控制 文学 版权代理
《中国科技信息》 2001年第5期41-43,共3页
关键词 互联公司 经营策略 孵化器
作者 杨新民 《山东畜牧兽医》 1997年第4期29-30,共2页
关键词 牛病 乳牛 性性胃炎 磁笼 防治
作者 扫盲班班花 《计算机应用文摘》 2004年第7期127-127,共1页
关键词 玩家原游歌曲 美女吧推广 络游戏 梦幻西游 玩家聚会
Fundamental Issues in Networked Control Systems 被引量:8
作者 Magdi S.Mahmoud a Mutaz M.Hamdan 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第5期902-922,共21页
Abstract--This paper provides a survey on modeling and theories of networked control systems (NCS). In the first part, modeling of the different types of imperfections that affect NCS is discussed. These imperfectio... Abstract--This paper provides a survey on modeling and theories of networked control systems (NCS). In the first part, modeling of the different types of imperfections that affect NCS is discussed. These imperfections are quantization errors, packet dropouts, variable sampling/transmission intervals, vari- able transmission delays, and communication constraints. Then follows in the second part a presentation of several theories that have been applied for controlling networked systems. These theories include: input delay system approach, Markovian system approach, switched system approach, stochastic system approach, impulsive system approach, and predictive control approach. In the last part, some advanced issues in NCS including decentral- ized and distributed NCS, cloud control system, and co-design of NCS are reviewed. Index Terms--Decentralized networked control systems (NCS), distributed networked control systems, network constraints, net- worked control system, quantization, time delays. 展开更多
关键词 Decentralized networked control systems(NCS) distributed networked control systems network constraints networked control system QUANTIZATION time delays
The Innovation and Development of Internet of Vehicles 被引量:9
作者 Weiwei Zhang Xiaoqiang Xi 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期122-127,共6页
With the advancements in wireless sensor networks, Internet of Vehicles(IOV) has shown great potential in aiding to ease traffic congestion. In IOV, vehicles can easily exchange information with other vehicles and inf... With the advancements in wireless sensor networks, Internet of Vehicles(IOV) has shown great potential in aiding to ease traffic congestion. In IOV, vehicles can easily exchange information with other vehicles and infrastructures, thus, the development of IOV will greatly improve vehicles safety, promote green information consumption and have a profound impact on many industries. The purpose of this paper is to promote the innovation and development of IOV. Firstly, this paper presents general requirements of IOV such as guidelines, basic principles, and the goal of development. Secondly, we analyze critical applications, crucial support, and business model to promote the industrial development of IOV. Finally, this paper proposes some safeguard measures to further promote the development of IOV. 展开更多
关键词 internet of vehicles wireless communication vehicle platform
Promotion of GSC Technology Innovation by the Green and Sustainable Chemistry Network 被引量:1
作者 Kazuhiko Hiyoshi Takashi Ushikubo 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2010年第5期14-16,共3页
The Green and Sustainable Chemistry Network (GSCN) has been promoting GSC technology development since 2000 in three major activities, holding the GSC symposium, running the GSC Awards, and providing the information... The Green and Sustainable Chemistry Network (GSCN) has been promoting GSC technology development since 2000 in three major activities, holding the GSC symposium, running the GSC Awards, and providing the information related to GSC in Japan. GSCN holds a vision to expand the philosophy of GSC not only to the domestic, but also to the global. As for a regional network in Asia and Oceania, we established the Asia-Oceania GSC Network, and we hope to expand the Network to all countries. 展开更多
关键词 Green and Sustainable Chemistry Green Chemistry Sustainable Chemistry Asia-Oceania Network.
Implications of E-banking in Entrepreneurial Marketing --.Case From Albania 被引量:1
作者 Kozeta Sevrani Klodiana Gorica 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第1期67-75,共9页
The goal of this article is to determine the spread and use of e-banking technology in Albanian banks, to see the help and advantages that this service provides to the banks and to the customers, and of course to dete... The goal of this article is to determine the spread and use of e-banking technology in Albanian banks, to see the help and advantages that this service provides to the banks and to the customers, and of course to determine if our banking system is actually in the Internet era. In the last decade we notice that banks pay a growing attention to their marketing services and in particular to the use of the latest technologies for their promotions. The use of the lnternet has influenced in the fact that customers now are closer to their banks, their number has increased, and of course through the Internet we have a more efficient exchange of products and services. A questionnaire was developed to help us understand the internet banking acceptance in Albania and other issues related to it. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 9 banks operating in Albania and from the evaluation of the collected data results that all banks that underwent questionnaire, have a separate marketing department. So marketing has an important role in the banking business. The importance of marketing rose by increased interbank competition in recent years. Crisis and economic and financial difficulties have shown that banks, which face these difficult periods, have been those which had not only a healthy bank policy, but also a strong commercial policy. These things depend on many factors, among which we can mention: the tradition, which has taught people to trust "their financial secrets" only to someone who exercises the profession of banker; the cultural and infrastructural level of development of the population, which gives approval and insures the continuousness of any discovery or development in various fields; the ability of this kind of banking to be successful, that is and remains the basis on which to establish a trustful cooperation relationship of any kind. Strong policies to e-marketing have targeted to increase the percentage of elements such as banking and credit granting. E-banking also consists of counseling online with a bank employee or financial advisor. This kind of service is not only effective for the client, who saves his time, but also more economical for the bank, which reduces its costs in human resources (an adviser to the window only deals with a client, while he can handle online more than two credit cases simultaneously, so we decrease the number of employees in general). With its low-cost structure, direct consumer marketing and innovative services, the internet is going to present a real challenge to traditional forms of banking. E-banking is seen from the banks as an opportunity to create competitive advantage over its competitors. It offers a great deal of advantages both to the banks and to the customers. Clients are becoming more and more demanding and they are expecting even higher levels of service from their banks. 展开更多
Traumatic fatal cerebral hemorrhage in an old patient with a history of multiple sclerosis under dabigatran: a case report and review of the literature 被引量:4
作者 Claudia Stollberger Andreas Ulram Adam Bastovansky Josef Finsterer 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期83-87,共5页
One disadvantage of direct anticoagulant drug is the lack of an antidote, which may become relevant in patients with traumatic brain in- jury. A 77-years old man with atrial fibrillation and syncope received dabigatra... One disadvantage of direct anticoagulant drug is the lack of an antidote, which may become relevant in patients with traumatic brain in- jury. A 77-years old man with atrial fibrillation and syncope received dabigatran despite recurrent falls. Due to a ground-level-fall, he suffered from subarachnoidal and intraparenchymal hemorrhages, subdural hematoma and brain edema with a midline shift. Despite osteoelast/c trepanation and hematoma-evacuation he remained comatose and died seven days later without regaining consciousness. Most probably, decreased dabigatran clearance due to increased age might have contributed to the fatal course. We suggest withholding anticoagulant therapy in patients with unexplained falls. If anticoagulant therapy is deemed necessary, vitamin-K-antagonists with their potential for laboratory monitoring and reversal of anticoagulant activity should be preferred. 展开更多
关键词 Cerebral hemorrhage ANTICOAGULATION DABIGATRAN Atrial fibrillation
Research on the Innovativeness and Characteristic of Digital Media under the Environment of Internet and Big Data
作者 Xing Yalei 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期20-22,共3页
In this paper, we conduct survey and research on the innovativeness and characteristic of digital media under the environment of Internet and big data. Under the background of the era of rapid change, the current educ... In this paper, we conduct survey and research on the innovativeness and characteristic of digital media under the environment of Internet and big data. Under the background of the era of rapid change, the current education system is more severe impact and challenge. Creative industry is the product of cultural industry development to a new stage, is the most creative cultural industry and the origin of the core part of the new economic era of creativity industry is the condition of globalization. The research indicates that the combination of the big data with digital media is necessary and needed. In the future, we will test more related combination and creativeness. 展开更多
关键词 Digital Media Big Data Internet Media Innovativeness and Characteristic.
Self-Directed Creativity in Web 2.0-Based Online Communities: Research Model and Exploratory Study
作者 Mario Schaarschmidt Harald von Kortzfleisch 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第8期591-599,共9页
Web 2.0-based online communities and social networking platforms in particular enable users to create their own content, share this content with anyone they invite and organize connections with existing or new online ... Web 2.0-based online communities and social networking platforms in particular enable users to create their own content, share this content with anyone they invite and organize connections with existing or new online contacts. The underlying processes are self-directed and represent a valuable source for creativity and innovation---especially outside firms' boundaries. The basis for the authors' research in progress is a framework which focuses on the relations between intrinsic motivation, creativity and Web 2.0-based online communities or social networking platforms. First results of the authors' exploratory empirical investigation of a specific social networking platform suggest that the authors' two propositions are valid. 展开更多
关键词 Online communities CREATIVITY web 2.0 social networking platforms.
Reflections on the Dilemma and Solutions of College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education under the Background of “Internet Plus”
作者 He Ling-ling 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第11期22-23,共2页
Appropriate innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in the university can effectivelypromote the reform of teaching mode and improve the quality of personnel training. With the emergence of the “InternetPlus”, it ... Appropriate innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in the university can effectivelypromote the reform of teaching mode and improve the quality of personnel training. With the emergence of the “InternetPlus”, it is inevitable to integrate the Internet and innovation educationorganically. In this paper, on the basis of the existing literature and data review as well as the field researches in some universities, the author sorted out the plight of the present situation of College Students’ innovation and Entrepreneurship Education under the background of the “InternetPlus”, expounded the function and significance of innovation and entrepreneurship education, and puttedforward some suggestions to the construction of universities’ innovation and entrepreneurship education system, to promote students’ overall growh and social progress. 展开更多
关键词 Internet Plus college students innovation and Business start-ups
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