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网暴犯罪刑事程序法治理的特征、缺陷及其完善 被引量:3
作者 王仲羊 《新疆社会科学》 CSSCI 2024年第1期117-125,166,共10页
《惩治网暴犯罪指导意见》引入了网暴犯罪治理的刑事程序法视角。通过协助取证的案前延伸,扩大解释公诉条件,优先使用公诉程序,该规范凸显网暴犯罪治理中的职权主导特征。然而,网暴犯罪的职权治理并不完备,可能不当限制被害人的诉权,也... 《惩治网暴犯罪指导意见》引入了网暴犯罪治理的刑事程序法视角。通过协助取证的案前延伸,扩大解释公诉条件,优先使用公诉程序,该规范凸显网暴犯罪治理中的职权主导特征。然而,网暴犯罪的职权治理并不完备,可能不当限制被害人的诉权,也未兼顾网络服务提供者的利益。因此,在职权治理方面,应明确协助取证的程序要件,降低自诉立案的门槛;在诉权治理方面,应保障被害人前、中、后三个阶段的程序选择权;在平台治理方面,应加强国家机关与第三方网络平台的合作,积极推进网暴合规业务。 展开更多
关键词 力犯罪 刑事诉讼 《惩治网暴犯罪指导意见》 自诉转公诉
网暴犯罪自诉转公诉程序中被害人权利保障 被引量:2
作者 郑曦 杨宇轩 《阅江学刊》 2023年第5期76-84,170,171,共11页
随着严重危害社会秩序的网暴犯罪日益频发,处于弱势地位的被害人难以通过自诉程序达到理想的追诉效果,故需建立严重网暴犯罪自诉转公诉通道。自诉转公诉程序以解决被害人告诉不力、取证困难等问题为导向,以诉权转移为方式,其目的在于兼... 随着严重危害社会秩序的网暴犯罪日益频发,处于弱势地位的被害人难以通过自诉程序达到理想的追诉效果,故需建立严重网暴犯罪自诉转公诉通道。自诉转公诉程序以解决被害人告诉不力、取证困难等问题为导向,以诉权转移为方式,其目的在于兼顾社会整体利益和诉讼参与人个人权益。在自诉转公诉程序衔接中,应充分保障被害人权利,明确规定网暴案件严重危害社会秩序的定量标准,要求司法机关将程序转换事实充分告知被害人并听取意见,赋予被害人程序复议权。在转化为公诉程序后,应保障被害人公诉程序参与权、实体处分权和量刑建议权。在案件执行程序中,落实刑罚执行制度保护被害人的获得赔偿权,完善个人信息保护制度,保护被害人遗忘权。 展开更多
关键词 网暴犯罪 自诉转公诉 被害人权利
谁在“按键”伤人——青年网暴者的身份背景与观念特征 被引量:1
作者 刘紫川 季诗雨 +1 位作者 黄荣贵 桂勇 《青年记者》 北大核心 2023年第17期80-84,共5页
本文从网络行动者入手,通过网暴者的主体特征来理解网络暴力行动。对千余名青年微博用户的大数据分析发现,青年网民中有网暴倾向的仅占少数,但流动性强且总体增长稳定;现实与网络身份特征共同影响了青年用户的网暴行为,教育程度低、账... 本文从网络行动者入手,通过网暴者的主体特征来理解网络暴力行动。对千余名青年微博用户的大数据分析发现,青年网民中有网暴倾向的仅占少数,但流动性强且总体增长稳定;现实与网络身份特征共同影响了青年用户的网暴行为,教育程度低、账号价值低的青年网民更容易表现出网暴倾向;隶属于特定圈层以及具有泛意识形态特征的用户与网络暴力倾向间具有密切的关联。本研究的发现有助于从微观行动层面理解网络暴力的成因,并在此基础上提出多方参与、以“人”为中心分群精准引导的网络治理思路。 展开更多
关键词 青年 主体特征 网暴 络治理
作者 秦镭 《科学大众(智慧教育)》 2019年第7期133-134,共2页
2018年被称作是5G发展的元年,甚至可以说是第四次工业革命的发动机,它意味着网络社会的进一步发展,同时也意味着'虚拟生存'将会更深入的渗透进人们生活的各个方面。在这样的网络社会中,生存着各种各样的网络人,包括网络暴力中的... 2018年被称作是5G发展的元年,甚至可以说是第四次工业革命的发动机,它意味着网络社会的进一步发展,同时也意味着'虚拟生存'将会更深入的渗透进人们生活的各个方面。在这样的网络社会中,生存着各种各样的网络人,包括网络暴力中的'施暴者',即'网暴人'。他们不仅影响着我们的网络社会,甚至对我们的现实社会也同样有着深刻的影响。避免成为网络施暴者成了我们刻不容缓需要解决的问题。 展开更多
关键词 络社会 主体 交往 网暴人”
行为解构与危险溯源:“网络暴力”的刑事治理 被引量:6
作者 付玉明 刘昕帅 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期170-179,196,197,共12页
网络暴力刑事治理的难点在于,危害行为与危害结果之间因果流程的判断标准并不明晰,且众多参与主体责任划分界限并未统一。解决路径为:采行为主义立场,将刑事治理对象由整体网暴现象转向网暴引发行为,结合行为事实本质与规范评价厘清网... 网络暴力刑事治理的难点在于,危害行为与危害结果之间因果流程的判断标准并不明晰,且众多参与主体责任划分界限并未统一。解决路径为:采行为主义立场,将刑事治理对象由整体网暴现象转向网暴引发行为,结合行为事实本质与规范评价厘清网暴结果引发的行为范畴。在不法层面,以法益侵害为中心,围绕人身法益与网络空间秩序法益的双层性,探寻抽象危险证立下积量入罪的可行路径。在有责性层面,区分罪责与预防必要性,采取行为基准下考量行为人危险的实质判断模式。整体援引比例原则,贯通行为应罚性与危险需罚性,融入适当性、必要性和均衡性三项子原则,以刑事治理为手段,实现法益保护目的与言论自由保障效果的平衡。 展开更多
关键词 网暴行为 需罚性 抽象危险犯 比例原则
网络服务提供者网暴治理义务的体系展开 被引量:4
作者 敬力嘉 《北方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期37-50,共14页
网络服务提供者已成为我国网暴治理体系的重要参与者,其应承担网暴治理义务。基于平衡网暴治理需求与防止公权力过度介入网络空间信息流动的价值导向,应明确该项义务的性质是协助义务,实体内容是协助治理涉网暴违法信息,程序内容是协助... 网络服务提供者已成为我国网暴治理体系的重要参与者,其应承担网暴治理义务。基于平衡网暴治理需求与防止公权力过度介入网络空间信息流动的价值导向,应明确该项义务的性质是协助义务,实体内容是协助治理涉网暴违法信息,程序内容是协助配合网络监管部门的网暴治理工作。信息网络技术服务提供者主要应承担程序义务,信息网络内容服务提供者、社交服务提供者以及其他提供社交功能的信息网络应用服务提供者,均应承担完整的网暴治理协助义务,可依据网络服务提供者的行业、规模等确定其应承担的义务强度。网络服务提供者网暴治理协助实体义务内容的分类标准,包括协助治理针对特定个人或超个人主体涉网暴违法信息、协助治理虚假信息或真实信息;其程序义务的内容主要包括协助涉网暴违法信息的识别与处置、协助固定与提供涉网暴证据。应通过分类确立该项义务的实质边界,确立豁免条款,以及保障国内法要求与国际规则相协调,厘定该项义务的限度。通过确立完善的问责机制,可保障该项义务的效力。 展开更多
关键词 络服务提供者 网暴治理 协助义务 义务限度
作者 陈渟蓉 吴丹 《新闻前哨》 2024年第9期76-78,共3页
当下互联网的发展已进入快车道,主体多元化是互联网的一大特征,而舆论空间众声喧哗也导致一连串的网络霸凌事件层出不穷。然而,目前的网暴治理措施则大多集中于后端补救式治理,鲜少有学者提出前端预防性治理。因而本文试图引用共情理论... 当下互联网的发展已进入快车道,主体多元化是互联网的一大特征,而舆论空间众声喧哗也导致一连串的网络霸凌事件层出不穷。然而,目前的网暴治理措施则大多集中于后端补救式治理,鲜少有学者提出前端预防性治理。因而本文试图引用共情理论来说明以情感性因素为主的前端治理的必要性及适用性,并提出在共情传播视域下对网络霸凌行为展开情感性前端治理的路径参考。 展开更多
关键词 络霸凌 网暴治理 共情传播 情感化转向 前端治理
冬奥报道不煽情绪的“爆款”经验 被引量:1
作者 慈鑫 《青年记者》 北大核心 2022年第5期37-38,共2页
关键词 北京冬奥会 流量为王 媒体核心价值 网暴
Improved approach to enhanced Internet connectivity for mobile ad hoc networks
作者 沈斌 李波 石冰心 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期16-21,共6页
An improved internetworking approach is proposed to enhance the Internet connectivity which is deteriorated due to unidirectional links and blind rebroadcasting of gateway discovery packets for mobile ad hoc networks.... An improved internetworking approach is proposed to enhance the Internet connectivity which is deteriorated due to unidirectional links and blind rebroadcasting of gateway discovery packets for mobile ad hoc networks. The hybrid gateway discovery scheme that combined the advantages of a proactive and reactive gateway discovery approach is used to achieve high connectivity while keeping overhead costs low. By exchanging ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) hello packet which includes additional fields named symmetric neighbor list and asymmetric neighbor list, unidirectional links are removed from route computation and broadcast storm can also be relieved simultaneously. Performance results using ns-2 simulations, under varying numbers of unidirectional links and node speeds, show that this improved Internet connectivity approach can provide better performance than others. 展开更多
关键词 mobile ad hoc networks Internet connectivity gateway discovery unidirectional link broadcast storm
Evaluation on the Thermal Stability and Hazards Behaviors of ADVN Using Green Thermal Analysis Approach
作者 Chi-Min Shu Yi-Hong Chang Chen-Wei Chiu 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第3期280-290,共11页
ADVN (2,2'-Azobis (2,4-dimethyl) valeronitrile), a free radical initiator, is widely applied for the polymerization reaction of polymers in the chemical industries. When ADVN releases free radical during the deco... ADVN (2,2'-Azobis (2,4-dimethyl) valeronitrile), a free radical initiator, is widely applied for the polymerization reaction of polymers in the chemical industries. When ADVN releases free radical during the decomposition process, it can accompany abundant heat and huge pressure to increase the possibility of thermal runaway and hazard, causing unacceptable thermal explosion or fire accidents. To develop an inherently safer process for ADVN, the thermal stability parameters of ADVN were obtained to investigate thermal decomposition characteristics using a DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) and TG (thermogravimetry). We used various kinetic models to completely depict the kinetic behavior and determine the thermal safety parameters for ADVN. The green thermal analysis approach could be used to substitute for complicated procedures and large-scale experiments of traditional thermal analysis methods, avoiding environmental pollution and energy depletion. 展开更多
关键词 ADVN (2 2'-Azobis (2 4-dimethyl) valeronitrile) green thermal analysis approach kinetic models thermal runaway and hazard thermal safety parameters.
Storm surge disaster evaluation model based on an artificial neural network 被引量:1
作者 纪芳 侯一筠 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1142-1146,共5页
Back propagation is employed to forecast the current of a storm with various characteristics of storm surge; the technique is thus important in disaster forecasting. One of the most fuzzy types of information in the p... Back propagation is employed to forecast the current of a storm with various characteristics of storm surge; the technique is thus important in disaster forecasting. One of the most fuzzy types of information in the prediction of geological calamity is handled employing the information diffusion method. First, a single-step prediction model and neural network prediction model are employed to collect influential information used to predict the extreme tide level. Second, information is obtained using the information diffusion method, which improves the precision of risk recognition when there is insufficient information. Experiments demonstrate that the method proposed in this paper is simple and effective and provides better forecast results than other methods. Future work will focus on a more precise forecast model. 展开更多
关键词 storm surge information diffusion neural network prediction model extreme tide level risk recognition
Research and Implementation of inter-VLAN communication
作者 LI Kangle 《International English Education Research》 2014年第8期71-73,共3页
In order to reduce broadcast storms, improve network security, virtual LAN technology has been widely used in LAN planning. But in many networks, it was be required that computers in different VLAN (Virtual Local Are... In order to reduce broadcast storms, improve network security, virtual LAN technology has been widely used in LAN planning. But in many networks, it was be required that computers in different VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) could be communicated. This article mainly introduced the VLAN classification method inter-VLAN data communication technology, and explained in detail with two simple examples the concrete configure method of the communication between the same cross-switch VLAN traffic and inter-VLAN. 展开更多
关键词 virtual local area network broadcast domain Three-tier Exchange
Social network analysis of Iranian researchers in the field of violence
作者 Payman Salamati Faramarz Soheili 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2016年第5期264-270,共7页
Purpose: The social network analysis (SNA) is a paradigm for analyzing structural patterns in social re- lations, testing knowledge sharing process and identifying bottlenecks of information flow. The purpose of th... Purpose: The social network analysis (SNA) is a paradigm for analyzing structural patterns in social re- lations, testing knowledge sharing process and identifying bottlenecks of information flow. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of research in the field of violence in Iran using SNA. Methods: Research population included all the papers with at least one Iranian affiliation published in violence field indexed in SCIE, PubMed and Scopus databases. The co-word maps, co-authorship network and structural holes were drawn using related software. In the next step, the active au- thors and some measures of our network including degree centrality (DC), closeness, eigenvector, betweeness, density, diameter, compactness and size of the main component were assessed. Likewise, the trend of the published articles was evaluated based on the number of documents and their cita- tions from 1972 to 2014. Results: Five hundred and seventy one records were obtained. The five main clusters and hot spots were mental health, violence, war, psychiatric disorders and suicide. The co-authorship network was complex, tangled and scale free. The top nine authors with cut point role and top ten active authors were iden- tified. The mean (standard deviation) of normalized DC, closeness, eigenvector and betweeness were 0.449 (0.805), 0.609 (0.214), 2.373 (Z353) and 0.338 (1.122), respectively. The density, diameter and mean compactness of our co-authorship network were 0.0494, 3.955 and 0.125, respectively. The main component consisted of 216 nodes that formed 17% of total size of the network. Both the number of the documents and their citations has increased in the field of violence in the recent years. Conclusion: Although the number of the documents has recently increased in the field of violence, the information flow is slow and there are not many relations among the authors in the network. However, the active authors have ability to influence the flow of knowledge within the network. 展开更多
关键词 Social network analysis Violence Iran
Modeling the Adverse Impact of Rainstorms on a Regional Transport Network 被引量:5
作者 Saini Yang Guofan Yin +2 位作者 Xianwu Shi Hao Liu Ying Zou 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期77-87,共11页
Cities are centers of socioeconomic activities,and transport networks carry cargoes and passengers from one city to another. However, transport networks are influenced by meteorological hazards, such as rainstorms,hur... Cities are centers of socioeconomic activities,and transport networks carry cargoes and passengers from one city to another. However, transport networks are influenced by meteorological hazards, such as rainstorms,hurricanes, and fog. Adverse weather impacts can easily spread over a network. Existing models evaluating such impacts usually neglect the transdisciplinary nature of approaches for dealing with this problem. In this article, a mesoscopic mathematical model is proposed to quantitatively assess the adverse impact of rainstorms on a regional transport network in northern China by measuring the reduction in traffic volume. The model considers four factors: direct and secondary impacts of rainstorms, interdependency between network components, and recovery abilities of cities. We selected the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as the case study area to verify our model.Socioeconomic, precipitation, and traffic volume data in this area were used for model calibration and validation.The case study highlights the potential of the proposed model for rapid disaster loss assessment and risk reduction planning. 展开更多
关键词 China Disaster loss assessment Mathematical modeling Rainstorm hazards RECOVERY Transport networks
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