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网络模仿、集群结构和产学研区域协同创新研究:来自中国三大海洋装备制造业集群的经验证据 被引量:16
作者 唐书林 肖振红 苑婧婷 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期34-44,共11页
现有研究通过社会网络分析来解释产学研主体的个体网络现象,但已有经验证据并不稳定甚至相互矛盾。本文试图引入空间计量模型来发现我国企业集群的社会网络结构存在空间模仿现象的证据,并利用新的网络特征——空间集聚结构修正社会网络... 现有研究通过社会网络分析来解释产学研主体的个体网络现象,但已有经验证据并不稳定甚至相互矛盾。本文试图引入空间计量模型来发现我国企业集群的社会网络结构存在空间模仿现象的证据,并利用新的网络特征——空间集聚结构修正社会网络分析结果后考察网络嵌入对产学研区域协同创新的真实影响。结果表明:(1)关系联结规模和中介中心度有助于提高区域协同创新水平,在部分集群内协同距离对协同创新的影响呈"S"型曲线,在控制空间效应后仅在波纹状集聚结构的环渤海集群存在结构洞与协同创新的负向关联;(2)三大海洋装备集群的集群结构存在明显的空间模仿效应,在连续性知识空间内更多的表现为邻近效应,在间断性知识空间则表现为异质效应,说明我国海工装备产业的产学研协同创新建设已初见成效;(3)集群内空间模仿效应强于集群间,说明海洋工程装备产业存在明显的地方保护主义;(4)整体上企业产权性质对网络结构特征没有显著影响,但具有高新技术资质和年轻企业的协同创新行为更容易受到网络结构的影响,不具有高新技术资质的企业和非年轻企业更容易产生网络模仿现象。 展开更多
关键词 产学研 网络模仿 集聚结构 区域协同创新
创新扩散理论视域下的网络模仿探究——基于五个典型案例的分析性比较 被引量:11
作者 郝永华 彭爱萍 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期142-146,共5页
网络模仿是一种文化符号领域的"创新扩散"现象,其"创新"的关键在于发现、凸显和娱乐化地表达了"源文本"的特性,"模仿"并非被动的采纳,而是接力式的文本和意义再创造,其扩散受到技术门槛、参与... 网络模仿是一种文化符号领域的"创新扩散"现象,其"创新"的关键在于发现、凸显和娱乐化地表达了"源文本"的特性,"模仿"并非被动的采纳,而是接力式的文本和意义再创造,其扩散受到技术门槛、参与门槛及语境化程度等因素的影响。网络模仿现象最初表现为一种群体性小众文化,具有爆发性,消退周期短,创新和模仿文本的文化"合法性""兼容性"复杂,并可观察到舆论的反应,其发展方向可能被修正。在冲突性情境中,攻击性的恶搞模仿会遭遇舆论压力、危机公关等阻力。 展开更多
关键词 创新扩散理论 网络模仿 案例研究
政治表达与话语建构--网络模仿体的话语功能及意义研究 被引量:6
作者 曹洵 《新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第23期1-7,共7页
流行于网络的"模仿体"创作是近年来越发显著的网络文化现象之一。本文以戏仿理论为研究视角,分析了网络模仿体四种以戏仿为基本特征的修辞类型:对位、亵渎、夸张、悖反;并深入分析"模仿体"的三种话语功能:表达利益... 流行于网络的"模仿体"创作是近年来越发显著的网络文化现象之一。本文以戏仿理论为研究视角,分析了网络模仿体四种以戏仿为基本特征的修辞类型:对位、亵渎、夸张、悖反;并深入分析"模仿体"的三种话语功能:表达利益诉求、批评社会现实、揭示不平等的权力关系。在此基础上进一步探讨"模仿体"的话语意义:作为公民"另类"的政治表达方式,以及作为官方话语形态之外的话语生产方式,参与了积极的话语建构。 展开更多
关键词 网络模仿 戏仿 政治表达 话语建构
网络模仿的传播政治经济学批判 被引量:5
作者 陈世华 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期79-90,共12页
从明星、网红引领到普通网友追捧,网络模仿流行背后蕴含着深刻的政治经济文化动因。网络模仿主要包括性别互仿、年龄互仿、职业互仿和形象互仿,隐藏着政治观念表达和话语权争夺、文本交易和变现、关系的塑造和维护等诉求,并借助新媒体... 从明星、网红引领到普通网友追捧,网络模仿流行背后蕴含着深刻的政治经济文化动因。网络模仿主要包括性别互仿、年龄互仿、职业互仿和形象互仿,隐藏着政治观念表达和话语权争夺、文本交易和变现、关系的塑造和维护等诉求,并借助新媒体技术的编码和改造得以呈现。网络模仿的畸变导致价值观的迷失、道德的滑坡、创新的匮乏和违法的陷阱等问题。网络模仿的出路在于模仿的合理运用,发挥模仿的正面功效,纠正畸变的模仿,营造良好交往氛围,回归创新本位,超越流量逻辑,严格版权管理,营造多姿多彩的网络亚文化景观。 展开更多
关键词 网络模仿 传播政治经济学 眼球经济
作者 卢树强 《中小企业管理与科技》 2016年第31期65-66,共2页
伴随着信息科技的发展,网络世界对于青少年有着越来越大的吸引力,另外,青少年在这个年龄段有着强烈的模仿欲,因此许多青少年会沉溺于虚拟的网络游戏,甚至会在现实生活中把游戏中的暴力行为展现出来,导致犯罪。针对这一现象,我们通过几... 伴随着信息科技的发展,网络世界对于青少年有着越来越大的吸引力,另外,青少年在这个年龄段有着强烈的模仿欲,因此许多青少年会沉溺于虚拟的网络游戏,甚至会在现实生活中把游戏中的暴力行为展现出来,导致犯罪。针对这一现象,我们通过几个典型的案例,剖析了青少年网络模仿性暴力犯罪的形成原因、特点以及防范措施。 展开更多
关键词 网络游戏 网络模仿 暴力犯罪
作者 郑平熹 《新闻前哨》 2024年第20期4-7,共4页
近期,一种新兴的网络直播形态脱颖而出,其核心在于主播们对影视角色、唱跳明星、体育健将等公众人物的精妙模仿,以此作为内容创作的源泉。此类直播迅速走红网络,其主播群体因此被形象地称为“复制人”。本研究聚焦于这一独特的直播现象... 近期,一种新兴的网络直播形态脱颖而出,其核心在于主播们对影视角色、唱跳明星、体育健将等公众人物的精妙模仿,以此作为内容创作的源泉。此类直播迅速走红网络,其主播群体因此被形象地称为“复制人”。本研究聚焦于这一独特的直播现象,通过参与观察与潜伏观察,深入剖析,力求全面而细致地探讨“复制人”直播在当下直播时代爆火的深层次原因及其背后的逻辑链条。研究发现,网络直播中复制人爆火的逻辑主要可以解释为参与式互动创作、娱乐至死下的身份重构以及文化混搭导致的抽象符号生成。 展开更多
关键词 复制人 网络直播 网络模仿 参与式创作 文化混搭
作者 胡砚冰 蒋晓鸣 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期499-513,共15页
嗓音模仿是言语交流中关键的认知过程,即对话一方(说话人)将感知到的另一方(目标说话人)的嗓音信号映射为自己的发声器官运动表征,达到发声器官运动表征复制和目标说话人嗓音再现的目的。成像结果表明,嗓音模仿的认知加工涉及颞上回到... 嗓音模仿是言语交流中关键的认知过程,即对话一方(说话人)将感知到的另一方(目标说话人)的嗓音信号映射为自己的发声器官运动表征,达到发声器官运动表征复制和目标说话人嗓音再现的目的。成像结果表明,嗓音模仿的认知加工涉及颞上回到左侧额下回,再到发声相关初级运动皮层的神经网络,并且基底神经节在该网络中发挥协调作用。嗓音辨别能力、嗓音信号至发声运动表征的映射能力以及发声器官肌肉的控制能力的个体差异都会影响嗓音模仿的认知加工。未来研究应该考虑将嗓音模仿与发声障碍以及侵入电极技术结合起来,旨在共同揭示脑与行为的因果机制,并进一步应用于言语的终身发展、认知可塑性以及言语预期领域。 展开更多
关键词 嗓音模仿 嗓音再现 发声器官运动复制 模仿神经网络 个体差异
基于生成对抗网络的模仿学习综述 被引量:22
作者 林嘉豪 章宗长 +1 位作者 姜冲 郝建业 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期326-351,共26页
模仿学习研究如何从专家的决策数据中进行学习,以得到接近专家水准的决策模型.同样学习如何决策的强化学习往往只根据环境的评价式反馈进行学习,与之相比,模仿学习能从决策数据中获得更为直接的反馈.它可以分为行为克隆、基于逆向强化... 模仿学习研究如何从专家的决策数据中进行学习,以得到接近专家水准的决策模型.同样学习如何决策的强化学习往往只根据环境的评价式反馈进行学习,与之相比,模仿学习能从决策数据中获得更为直接的反馈.它可以分为行为克隆、基于逆向强化学习的模仿学习两类方法.基于逆向强化学习的模仿学习把模仿学习的过程分解成逆向强化学习和强化学习两个子过程,并反复迭代.逆向强化学习用于推导符合专家决策数据的奖赏函数,而强化学习基于该奖赏函数来学习策略.基于生成对抗网络的模仿学习方法从基于逆向强化学习的模仿学习发展而来,其中最早出现且最具代表性的是生成对抗模仿学习方法(Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning,简称GAIL).生成对抗网络由两个相对抗的神经网络构成,分别为判别器和生成器.GAIL的特点是用生成对抗网络框架求解模仿学习问题,其中,判别器的训练过程可类比奖赏函数的学习过程,生成器的训练过程可类比策略的学习过程.与传统模仿学习方法相比,GAIL具有更好的鲁棒性、表征能力和计算效率.因此,它能够处理复杂的大规模问题,并可拓展到实际应用中.然而,GAIL存在着模态崩塌、环境交互样本利用效率低等问题.最近,新的研究工作利用生成对抗网络技术和强化学习技术等分别对这些问题进行改进,并在观察机制、多智能体系统等方面对GAIL进行了拓展.本文先介绍了GAIL的主要思想及其优缺点,然后对GAIL的改进算法进行了归类、分析和对比,最后总结全文并探讨了可能的未来趋势. 展开更多
关键词 模仿学习 基于生成对抗网络模仿学习 生成对抗模仿学习 模态崩塌 样本利用效率
一种新型的分布协同仿真系统-“仿真网格” 被引量:11
作者 李伯虎 柴旭东 +6 位作者 侯宝存 余海燕 都志辉 邸彦强 黄继杰 宋长峰 唐震 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第20期5423-5430,共8页
简要介绍了作者研究开发仿真网格的研究背景,提出了仿真网格的技术内涵、体系结构和目前的实施方案;进而结合近几年的研究进展,较为详细的介绍了阶段性研究成果,包括已完成的仿真网格原型系统Cosim-Grid 1.0v、攻克的部分关键技术和仿... 简要介绍了作者研究开发仿真网格的研究背景,提出了仿真网格的技术内涵、体系结构和目前的实施方案;进而结合近几年的研究进展,较为详细的介绍了阶段性研究成果,包括已完成的仿真网格原型系统Cosim-Grid 1.0v、攻克的部分关键技术和仿真网格Cosim-Grid 1.0v的典型应用示范系统。初步研究与应用表明:(1)提出和开发的仿真网格是一种新型的分布建模与仿真平台,它能克服传统网络化建模与仿真平台在仿真资源动态共享、自组织、协同能力和安全应用机制等方面的局限性,能支持"仿真系统工程"的实施,能扩展分布仿真应用的模式,为协同仿真应用提供新的途径;(2)开发的仿真网格原型系统Cosim-Grid 1.0v在体系结构、门户技术、基于WEB的RTI、服务虚拟化、基于语义的模型资源发现等技术方面有新意;(3)仿真网格是一类具有特色的网格,它拓展了"网格"在具有时、空一致性要求的分布、异构资源(服务)协同工作方面的能力。最后,给出结论和下一步的工作展望。 展开更多
关键词 仿真网格 网络化建模仿 HLA 复杂系统
网格环境下基于WEB的仿真训练系统研究(英文) 被引量:2
作者 孟宪国 邸彦强 +1 位作者 朱元昌 冯少冲 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期1202-1205,共4页
分析和研究基于web分布仿真应用系统的特点,针对此类系统难于控制海量异构仿真资源、用户体验不连续等瓶颈,结合网格技术和web标准工具,提出了一种网格环境下基于web的仿真训练系统(GWSTS)。设计整个系统在网格环境下的运行调用机制,给... 分析和研究基于web分布仿真应用系统的特点,针对此类系统难于控制海量异构仿真资源、用户体验不连续等瓶颈,结合网格技术和web标准工具,提出了一种网格环境下基于web的仿真训练系统(GWSTS)。设计整个系统在网格环境下的运行调用机制,给出了详细的实现方案。为了提供更好的用户交互体验和解决网页全局刷新问题,引入了Ajax异步通信机制。分析了训练过程中数据在网页中的实时显示和浏览器与本地仿真组件之间的交互问题,给出基于ActiveX的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 网络化建模仿 WEB应用系统 网格计算 AJAX ACTIVEX
作者 孟宪国 朱元昌 +1 位作者 邸彦强 李纪敏 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第19期5071-5074,共4页
分析了在广域网环境下进行大规模分布仿真时海量异构资源难以协同的问题,提出了一种基于网格的多用户多任务仿真训练系统(GMMSTS)。详细研究了GMMSTS中存在的多种协同关系,定义了基于用户和基于联邦的两类协同机制,并讨论了具体实现方案... 分析了在广域网环境下进行大规模分布仿真时海量异构资源难以协同的问题,提出了一种基于网格的多用户多任务仿真训练系统(GMMSTS)。详细研究了GMMSTS中存在的多种协同关系,定义了基于用户和基于联邦的两类协同机制,并讨论了具体实现方案,完成了复杂协作关系的有效管理。GMMSTS已应用到某雷达模拟训练器中,其中的协同管理模块成功地实现了多任务、多用户的协同,取得了良好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 HLA/RTI 网格计算 网络化建模仿 协同机制
Modeling and Assessing a New Warship Maintenance System 被引量:1
作者 赵金超 齐欢 张勇明 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第1期69-74,共6页
The authors developed a prototype of a warship maintenance system. The process started by defining the maintenance requirements of warship equipment. Next, a planning scheme was development for a maintenance network. ... The authors developed a prototype of a warship maintenance system. The process started by defining the maintenance requirements of warship equipment. Next, a planning scheme was development for a maintenance network. An optimization target for the plan and indexes for assessment were established. Based on the above work, a simulation model was proposed with two layers: a base and a workshop. Dispatching rules were then formulated for the simulation. Experimental results proved the validity of the model and the dispatching algorithm. It was found that the model can solve the capacity evaluation problem for maintenance systems and provides a scientific basis for decision-maker to make decisions regarding equipment maintenance. 展开更多
关键词 capability assessment planning optimization heuristic regulation warship maintenance system
A Control Simulation Method of High-Speed Trains on Railway Network with Irregular Influence
作者 杨立兴 李想 李克平 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第9期411-418,共8页
Based on the discrete time method, an effective movement control model is designed for a group of high- speed trains on a rail network. The purpose of the model is to investigate the specific traffic characteristics o... Based on the discrete time method, an effective movement control model is designed for a group of high- speed trains on a rail network. The purpose of the model is to investigate the specific traffic characteristics of high-speed trains under the interruption of stochastic irregular events. In the model, the high-speed rail traffic system is supposed to be equipped with the moving-block signalling system to guarantee maximum traversing capacity of the railway. To keep the safety of trains' movements, some operational strategies are proposed to control the movements of trains in the model, including traction operation, braking operation, and entering-station operation. The numerical simulations show that the designed model can well describe the movements of high-speed trains on the rail network. The research results can provide the useful information not only for investigating the propagation features of relevant delays under the irregular disturbance but also for rerouting and reseheduling trains on the rail network. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed train rail network discrete-time simulation irregular event
Channel Transmission Behavioral Modeling Dedicated to WSNs
作者 Nasreddine Nadim Boizard Jean Louis Christophe Escriba Fourniols Jean Yves 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第7期1042-1049,共8页
The design, manufacture and deployment of embedded systems become increasingly complex and multidisciplinary process. Before the steps of manufacturing and deployment, a simulation and validation phase is necessary. G... The design, manufacture and deployment of embedded systems become increasingly complex and multidisciplinary process. Before the steps of manufacturing and deployment, a simulation and validation phase is necessary. Given the increasing complexity of systems such as telecommunications systems, control systems and others, a specific simulation and validation process must take place. This simulation ideally made in a single development environment should cover different areas and all components of the system. In this paper, the authors briefly describe the behavioral models of the elements of a large scale WSN (wireless sensors network) used to create simulator, focusing specifically on the model of the transmission channel, and how it can retrieve results from the behavioral simulator. In side to legacy network simulator, for the testing and modeling of communication protocols, this simulator should not omit WSN specific aspect, in accuracy it covers the modeling of node platforms, protocols, and real world phenomena. 展开更多
A routing and positioning algorithm based on a K-barrier for use in an underground wireless sensor network 被引量:5
作者 Wang Ke Wang Qianping Jiang Dong Xu Qin 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第6期773-779,共7页
Deployment of nodes based on K-barrier coverage in an underground wireless sensor network is described. The network has automatic routing recovery by using a basic information table (BIT) for each node. An RSSI positi... Deployment of nodes based on K-barrier coverage in an underground wireless sensor network is described. The network has automatic routing recovery by using a basic information table (BIT) for each node. An RSSI positioning algorithm based on a path loss model in the coal mine is used to calculate the path loss in real time within the actual lane way environment. Simulation results show that the packet loss can be controlled to less than 15% by the routing recovery algorithm under special recovery circum- stances. The location precision is within 5 m, which greatly enhances performance compared to tradi- tional frequency location systems. This approach can meet the needs for accurate location underground. 展开更多
关键词 Underground WSN K-barrier Basic information table Path loss model RSSI positioning
Modeling active worm propagation on the P2P network
作者 吴国政 Feng Chaosheng Zhlguang Qin 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2012年第4期406-411,共6页
This paper analyzes the characteristics of the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) active worm and its attacking mechanism, and then proposes a mathematical model of propagation of the P2P active worm applying Epidemiology. Based on... This paper analyzes the characteristics of the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) active worm and its attacking mechanism, and then proposes a mathematical model of propagation of the P2P active worm applying Epidemiology. Based on the analysis on the protocols of realistic P2P systems, a software which can be used to simulate the P2P network environment and the propagation of P2P active worm is imple- mented in this paper. A large number of simulation experiments are performed using the developed simulation software. The results from these simulation experiments validate the proposed model, which means that the model can be used to analyze the spreading behaviors of the P2P active worm and predict its trend. 展开更多
关键词 active worms Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks MODELING simulations
Fully Coupled Time-Domain Simulation of Dynamic Positioning Semi-Submersible Platform Using Dynamic Surface Control 被引量:1
作者 LIANG Haizhi LI Luyu OU Jinping 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期407-414,共8页
A fully coupled 6-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamic model is presented to analyze the dynamic response of a semi-submersible platform which is equipped with the dynamic positioning(DP) system. In the control force d... A fully coupled 6-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamic model is presented to analyze the dynamic response of a semi-submersible platform which is equipped with the dynamic positioning(DP) system. In the control force design, a dynamic model of reference linear drift frequency in the horizontal plane is introduced. The dynamic surface control(DSC) is used to design a control strategy for the DP. Compared with the traditional back-stepping methods, the dynamic surface control combined with radial basis function(RBF) neural networks(NNs) can avoid differentiating intermediate variables repeatedly in every design step due to the introduction of a first order filter. Low frequency motions obtained from total motions by a low pass filter are chosen to be the inputs for the RBF NNs which are used to approximate the low frequency wave force. Considering the propellers' wear and tear, the effect of filtering frequencies for the control force is discussed. Based on power consumptions and positioning requirements, the NN centers are determined. Moreover, the RBF NNs used to approximate the total wave force are built to monitor the disturbances. With the DP assistance, the results of fully coupled dynamic response simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic positioning system coupled analysis dynamic surface control RBF NNs adaptive control
Research and Simulation on the Small-scale Streaming Data Transmission Communication System based on ARM and FPGA
作者 Yuzhu Ren 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期72-74,共3页
In this paper, we conduct theoretical research on small-scale streaming data transmission communication system based on ARM and FPGA. Compared with network layer IP multicast, it does not need to change the underlying... In this paper, we conduct theoretical research on small-scale streaming data transmission communication system based on ARM and FPGA. Compared with network layer IP multicast, it does not need to change the underlying structure of the network with the realization. Aa are day by day mature as a result of the embedded technical high speed development and the GPRS technology with use the embedded system essence small, special-purpose strong, the system simplification and the GPRS network cover characteristics and so on whole world. Under this basis, this paper proposes the new ARM and FPGA based small-scale streaming data transmission communication system. The implementation of the system proves its effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 ARM and FPGA SMALL-SCALE Streaming Data Communication System.
Modeling and Simulation of Low Rate of Denial of Service Attacks
《International English Education Research》 2014年第1期31-34,共4页
The low-rate denial of service attack is more applicable to the network in recent years as a means of attack, which is different from the traditional field type DoS attacks at the network end system or network using a... The low-rate denial of service attack is more applicable to the network in recent years as a means of attack, which is different from the traditional field type DoS attacks at the network end system or network using adaptive mechanisms exist loopholes flow through the low-rate periodic attacks on the implementation of high-efficiency attacked by an intruder and not be found, resulting in loss of user data or a computer deadlock. LDos attack since there has been extensive attention of researchers, the attack signature analysis and detection methods to prevent network security have become an important research topic. Some have been proposed for the current attacks were classified LDoS describe and model, and then in NS-2 platform for experimental verification, and then LDoS attack detection to prevent difficulties are discussed and summarized for the future such attacks detection method research work to provide a reference. 展开更多
关键词 Low-Rate Denial of Service Attacks Congestion Control Attack Prevention Network Security
Microscopic Fuzzy Urban Traffic Simulation with Variable Demand
作者 Masashi Okushima Takamasa Akiyama Madhu Errampalli 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第5期541-556,共16页
Some microscopic traffic simulations on urban road network are developed up to now. However, the effect of urban transport policy in the local city is influenced with the complex interaction of automobile traffic and ... Some microscopic traffic simulations on urban road network are developed up to now. However, the effect of urban transport policy in the local city is influenced with the complex interaction of automobile traffic and public transport traffic. Particularly, behaviours of vehicles should be described with the fuzziness of the subjective recognition and operation. On the other hand, the trip makers are influenced by various transport policies in terms of mode choice behaviour. The change in mode choice behaviour and number of public transport mode users would eventually affect traffic flow conditions on road network. Modal spilt and traffic conditions of a network are interrelated. Therefore, the present study mainly aims to integrate mode choice model and microscopic traffic simulation model based on fuzzy logic. In the study, the fuzzy logic based mode choice model is proposed. The proposed mode choice model and the existing microscopic traffic simulation model are combined. The developed model has been applied on real urban network to demonstrate the effectiveness of the installation of LRT system. Finally, it is helpful for evaluation of transport policy that the fuzzy logic based microscopic traffic simulation with modal choice model has been constructed. 展开更多
关键词 Microscopic traffic simulation mode choice fuzzy reasoning LRT.
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