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作者 李姜红 《教育教学论坛》 2020年第3期51-52,共2页
高校网络空间法课程是一门待开发的新课程,如何与高校的思政课程进行结合,体现思政要素是文章探讨的重点。文章首先介绍了各国网络空间法教育的概况,然后对网络空间法课程体系做了初步构建,最后从四个方面,对网络空间法课程进行了思政... 高校网络空间法课程是一门待开发的新课程,如何与高校的思政课程进行结合,体现思政要素是文章探讨的重点。文章首先介绍了各国网络空间法教育的概况,然后对网络空间法课程体系做了初步构建,最后从四个方面,对网络空间法课程进行了思政化的设计。 展开更多
关键词 网络空间法 课程思政 设计与实践
作者 刘安华 《内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第3期36-37,41,共3页
关键词 网络空间 网络空间法 律调控
论国际网络空间法中的应有注意义务 被引量:2
作者 金慧华 《东方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期69-77,共9页
在国际法对问责制采取一般做法的背景下,"应有注意"使各国在履行其义务时能保持高度的自主性和灵活性。"应有注意"已成为国际法各领域的行为标准,它提供了一种据以评估过失的谨慎标准。应有注意义务引入网络空间法... 在国际法对问责制采取一般做法的背景下,"应有注意"使各国在履行其义务时能保持高度的自主性和灵活性。"应有注意"已成为国际法各领域的行为标准,它提供了一种据以评估过失的谨慎标准。应有注意义务引入网络空间法是为了缓解国家责任归因的困境。"合理性"是判定网络空间应有注意义务的行为标准。网络应有注意义务之"好政府"的做法包括:采取措施保障应有注意义务在本国内得以履行、分享网络潜在风险的信息、与国际社会共同努力确定履行应有注意原则的有效措施、与其他利益相关方进行合作和承担共同而有区别的应有注意义务等。 展开更多
关键词 应有注意 国际网络空间法 行为标准
作者 刘均民 赵玉增 《山东农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第2期165-172,共8页
传统上人们常把网络空间视为“虚拟空间”。但随着网络技术的发展,个人、组织、机构、政府等经由网络信息联结在一起实现越来越多的利益诉求,网络空间越来越成为一种客观而又真实的存在。网络空间的特质性使得旧有法律应用困难,也产生... 传统上人们常把网络空间视为“虚拟空间”。但随着网络技术的发展,个人、组织、机构、政府等经由网络信息联结在一起实现越来越多的利益诉求,网络空间越来越成为一种客观而又真实的存在。网络空间的特质性使得旧有法律应用困难,也产生了一些新的法律问题,由是,网络空间法研究顺势而起。已有的网络空间法研究主要关注了虚拟财产保护、网络个人信息保护、网络平台法律责任及网络空间犯罪等问题,当然宽泛意义的网络空间法研究不限于这四个方面,凡是与互联网有关的法律问题,都可归入网络空间法研究。未来的网络空间法研究可在网络空间主体法、网络空间财产法、网络空间行为法和网络空间安全法四个领域深入展开。 展开更多
关键词 网络空间法 网络虚拟财产 网络个人信息保护 网络平台律责任 网络空间犯罪
加强网络空间法治建设 营造清朗健康网络环境
作者 刘津宁 《法庭内外》 2024年第7期5-7,共3页
关键词 赔礼道歉 赔偿责任 小黄 朋友圈 院判决 微信群 网络空间法 健康网络环境
世界互联网法治论坛在浙江乌镇开幕 周强强调:加强司法交流合作 促进网络空间法治
作者 魏晓雯 孙若丰(图) 《中国审判》 2019年第23期F0002-F0002,共1页
本刊讯12月5日,由中国最高人民法院举办的世界互联网法治论坛在浙江乌镇开幕,本次论坛主题为“以法治方式推动建立网络空间命运共同体”。中华人民共和国首席大法官、最高人民法院院长周强出席开幕式并致辞。周强表示,各国应加强司法交... 本刊讯12月5日,由中国最高人民法院举办的世界互联网法治论坛在浙江乌镇开幕,本次论坛主题为“以法治方式推动建立网络空间命运共同体”。中华人民共和国首席大法官、最高人民法院院长周强出席开幕式并致辞。周强表示,各国应加强司法交流合作,共同提升互联网法治建设水平,促进网络空间法治,为完善全球互联网治理体系,推动构建网络空间命运共同体作出积极贡献。 展开更多
关键词 首席大 互联网 治方式 网络空间法 网络空间命运共同体 最高人民 周强 全球互联网治理
论网络空间主权的理论基础与中国方案 被引量:6
作者 陈星 《甘肃社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期113-121,共9页
“网络自由”“网络霸权”“网络军备竞赛”等凸显全球网络空间治理危机,“多利益攸关方”和“尊重网络空间主权”两大模式在博弈中走向共识,“网络空间主权说”从学说走向国际认可。网络空间主权是国家主权在网络空间的自然延伸,是主... “网络自由”“网络霸权”“网络军备竞赛”等凸显全球网络空间治理危机,“多利益攸关方”和“尊重网络空间主权”两大模式在博弈中走向共识,“网络空间主权说”从学说走向国际认可。网络空间主权是国家主权在网络空间的自然延伸,是主权国家在网络空间的最高权力,包括管辖权、独立权、自卫权和平等权。网络空间主权的行使对象是领网,领网作为国家数字新疆域,成为国家领土的有机组成。信息基础设施是领网的物理存在,网络空间是领网的具体内容,以传统领土疆界划定领网边界。维护网络空间主权的“中国方案”包括“网络空间命运共同体”理论、“尊重网络主权”原则和构建互联网治理体系。落实“中国方案”的国内法建构包括在宪法中明确宣示“尊重网络主权”,制定《网络空间主权法》,国际适用路径包括将“中国方案”纳入联合国共识性报告,正式确认网络空间适用《联合国宪章》,建立维护网络空间主权的国际规则体系。 展开更多
关键词 领网 网络空间主权 网络空间命运共同体 网络空间主权 互联网治理 网络空间国际规则
作者 冯卫国 陈本正 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第7期73-81,共9页
帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪在规范属性的界定问题上存在悖论,且章节设置不尽合理,在“口袋罪”倾向日趋严重的现实情况下,理应限缩适用甚至非必要不适用《刑法》第287条之二。通过双层区分制将网络犯罪帮助行为认定为共同犯罪,符合我国刑... 帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪在规范属性的界定问题上存在悖论,且章节设置不尽合理,在“口袋罪”倾向日趋严重的现实情况下,理应限缩适用甚至非必要不适用《刑法》第287条之二。通过双层区分制将网络犯罪帮助行为认定为共同犯罪,符合我国刑法的现行体例,在维护共犯从属性对构成要件定型意义的同时,也妥当处理了网络犯罪帮助行为法益侵害严重程度升格的现象。作为对《刑法》第287条之二的纠偏,双层区分制在犯罪事实无法查明等定罪问题、主犯与从犯难以确定等量刑问题上均能有效应对,是回应认定网络犯罪帮助行为实践难题的合理路径。 展开更多
关键词 帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪 规范属性 网络空间秩序 双层区分制
作者 高建雨 《共产党员(河北)》 2024年第17期47-47,共1页
党的二十届三中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》对“健全网络综合治理体系”作出系统部署,其中专门提出“加强网络空间法治建设,健全网络生态治理长效机制,健全未成年人网络保护工作体系”... 党的二十届三中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》对“健全网络综合治理体系”作出系统部署,其中专门提出“加强网络空间法治建设,健全网络生态治理长效机制,健全未成年人网络保护工作体系”。这充分体现了党中央对未成年人健康成长的高度重视和特殊关怀。未成年人是祖国的未来、中华民族的希望。移动互联网浪潮下,协同构建有利于未成年人健康成长的网络环境,实现未成年人健康用网,切实健全未成年人网络保护工作体系,成为一项非常必要且迫切的工作。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 长效机制 综合治理体系 未成年人 全面深化改革 生态治理 协同构建 网络空间法
作者 张慧 《红旗文稿》 CSSCI 2024年第17期45-48,共4页
党的二十届三中全会对进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化作出系统谋划部署,强调要“加强网络空间法治建设”。法治是中国式现代化的重要保障,网络法治是信息革命发展的时代需求。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重... 党的二十届三中全会对进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化作出系统谋划部署,强调要“加强网络空间法治建设”。法治是中国式现代化的重要保障,网络法治是信息革命发展的时代需求。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视网络法治建设,将依法管网治网作为全面推进依法治国和建设网络强国的重要组成部分,提出一系列原创性新理念、新思想、新战略,为全面推进网络法治建设指明了方向。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 网络 党的十八大以来 全面推进依治国 治体系 全面深化改革 网络强国 网络空间法
Spatial Structural Pattern and Vulnerability of China-Japan-Korea Shipping Network 被引量:18
作者 GUO Jianke WANG Shaobo +1 位作者 WANG Dandan LIU Tianbao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期697-708,共12页
The economies of China-Japan-Korea (CJK) are complementary, with their proximity resulting in the three countries having a high degree of interdependence with respect to trade. Currently, trade among these countries... The economies of China-Japan-Korea (CJK) are complementary, with their proximity resulting in the three countries having a high degree of interdependence with respect to trade. Currently, trade among these countries relies mainly on port-centered shipping. The development of the shipping network is integral for in-depth integration of CJK trade. This paper analyzes the overall characteristics, centrality, spatial structure, and vulnerability of the CJK shipping network using the methods of complex network analysis, blocking flow theory, and interruption and deletion of hub ports. The main findings are as follows: 1) The CJK shipping network has a small average path length and clustering coefficient, and its degree distribution follows a power-law distribution, which make the network present obvious characteristics of a Barabasi-Albert scale-free. 2) The characteristics of the multi-center point of the CJK shipping network can alleviate traffic pressure. At the same time, the network shows a clear hierarchy in the port transportation system, with cargo transport relying mainly on the ‘hub port-hub port' connection. 3) The CJK shipping network is relatively stable. Compared with ports in Japan and Korea, the main hub ports in China have a greater impact on the stability of the shipping network, in particular those ports of the central coastal region, including Shanghai, Ningbo, and Lianyungang. 展开更多
关键词 complex network blocking flow theory Barabhsi-Albert scale-free network regional differences China-Japan-Korea
Design and Implementation of Weibo Sentiment Analysis Based on LDA and Dependency Parsing 被引量:4
作者 Yonggan Li Xueguang Zhou +1 位作者 Yan Sun Huanguo Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期91-105,共15页
Information content security is a branch of cyberspace security. How to effectively manage and use Weibo comment information has become a research focus in the field of information content security. Three main tasks i... Information content security is a branch of cyberspace security. How to effectively manage and use Weibo comment information has become a research focus in the field of information content security. Three main tasks involved are emotion sentence identification and classification,emotion tendency classification,and emotion expression extraction. Combining with the latent Dirichlet allocation(LDA) model,a Gibbs sampling implementation for inference of our algorithm is presented,and can be used to categorize emotion tendency automatically with the computer. In accordance with the lower ratio of recall for emotion expression extraction in Weibo,use dependency parsing,divided into two categories with subject and object,summarized six kinds of dependency models from evaluating objects and emotion words,and proposed that a merge algorithm for evaluating objects can be accurately evaluated by participating in a public bakeoff and in the shared tasks among the best methods in the sub-task of emotion expression extraction,indicating the value of our method as not only innovative but practical. 展开更多
关键词 information security information content security sentiment analysis dependency parsing emotion tendency classification emotion expression extraction
Spatial quality evaluation for drinking water based on GIS and ant colony clustering algorithm 被引量:4
作者 侯景伟 米文宝 李陇堂 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第3期1051-1057,共7页
To develop a better approach for spatial evaluation of drinking water quality, an intelligent evaluation method integrating a geographical information system(GIS) and an ant colony clustering algorithm(ACCA) was used.... To develop a better approach for spatial evaluation of drinking water quality, an intelligent evaluation method integrating a geographical information system(GIS) and an ant colony clustering algorithm(ACCA) was used. Drinking water samples from 29 wells in Zhenping County, China, were collected and analyzed. 35 parameters on water quality were selected, such as chloride concentration, sulphate concentration, total hardness, nitrate concentration, fluoride concentration, turbidity, pH, chromium concentration, COD, bacterium amount, total coliforms and color. The best spatial interpolation methods for the 35 parameters were found and selected from all types of interpolation methods in GIS environment according to the minimum cross-validation errors. The ACCA was improved through three strategies, namely mixed distance function, average similitude degree and probability conversion functions. Then, the ACCA was carried out to obtain different water quality grades in the GIS environment. In the end, the result from the ACCA was compared with those from the competitive Hopfield neural network(CHNN) to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the ACCA according to three evaluation indexes, which are stochastic sampling method, pixel amount and convergence speed. It is shown that the spatial water quality grades obtained from the ACCA were more effective, accurate and intelligent than those obtained from the CHNN. 展开更多
关键词 geographical information system (GIS) ant colony clustering algorithm (ACCA) quality evaluation drinking water spatial analysis
Forecasting available parking space with largest Lyapunov exponents method 被引量:3
作者 季彦婕 汤斗南 +2 位作者 郭卫红 BLYTHE T.Phil 王炜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期1624-1632,共9页
The techniques to forecast available parking space(APS) are indispensable components for parking guidance systems(PGS). According to the data collected in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, the changing characteristics of ... The techniques to forecast available parking space(APS) are indispensable components for parking guidance systems(PGS). According to the data collected in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, the changing characteristics of APS were studied. Thereafter, aiming to build up a multi-step APS forecasting model that provides richer information than a conventional one-step model, the largest Lyapunov exponents(largest LEs) method was introduced into PGS. By experimental tests conducted using the same dataset, its prediction performance was compared with traditional wavelet neural network(WNN) method in both one-step and multi-step processes. Based on the results, a new multi-step forecasting model called WNN-LE method was proposed, where WNN, which enjoys a more accurate performance along with a better learning ability in short-term forecasting, was applied in the early forecast steps while the Lyapunov exponent prediction method in the latter steps precisely reflect the chaotic feature in latter forecast period. The MSE of APS forecasting for one hour time period can be reduced from 83.1 to 27.1(in a parking building with 492 berths) by using largest LEs method instead of WNN and further reduced to 19.0 by conducted the new method. 展开更多
关键词 available parking space Lyapunov exponents wavelet neural network multi-step forecasting method
State Space Approach to Mass Exchange Network Synthesis 被引量:1
作者 马蔚钧 胡山鹰 +1 位作者 李有润 沈静珠 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第3期312-317,共6页
State space approach is an effective method to mass-exchange network (MEN) synthesis. By decomposing the network into two interactive parts, a distribution network and a process operator, the synthesis problem can be ... State space approach is an effective method to mass-exchange network (MEN) synthesis. By decomposing the network into two interactive parts, a distribution network and a process operator, the synthesis problem can be formulated into a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model. In this article, a generalized state space model based on typical MEN is established and verified in two cases. A new asymmetrical operator and cost index are also adopted to speed up the solution process. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach. 展开更多
关键词 mass exchange network state space SYNTHESIS OPTIMIZATION
Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks,Geographically Weighted Regression and Cokriging Methods for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of Soil Macronutrients(N,P,and K) 被引量:7
作者 Samad EMAMGHOLIZADEH Shahin SHAHSAVANI Mohamad Amin ESLAMI 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期747-759,共13页
Soil macronutrients(i.e. nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K)) are important soils components and knowing the spatial distribution of these parameters are necessary at precision agriculture. The purpose of thi... Soil macronutrients(i.e. nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K)) are important soils components and knowing the spatial distribution of these parameters are necessary at precision agriculture. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of different methods such as artificial neural networks(ANN) and two geostatistical methods(geographically weighted regression(GWR) and cokriging(CK)) to estimate N, P and K contents. For this purpose, soil samples were taken from topsoil(0–30 cm) at 106 points and analyzed for their chemical and physical parameters. These data were divided into calibration(n = 84) and validation(n = 22). Chemical and physical variables including clay, p H and organic carbon(OC) were used as auxiliary soil variables to estimate the N, P and K contents. Results showed that the ANN model(with coefficient of determination R^2 = 0.922 and root mean square error RMSE = 0.0079%) was more accurate compared to the CK model(with R^2 = 0.612 and RMSE = 0.0094%), and the GWR model(with R^2 = 0.872 and RMSE = 0.0089%) to estimate the N variable. The ANN model estimated the P with the RMSE of 3.630 ppm, which was respectively 28.93% and 20.00% less than the RMSE of 4.680 ppm and 4.357 ppm from the CK and GWR models. The estimated K by CK, GWR and ANN models have the RMSE of 76.794 ppm, 75.790 ppm and 52.484 ppm. Results indicated that the performance of the CK model for estimation of macro nutrients(N, P and K) was slightly lower than the GWR model. Also, the accuracy of the ANN model was higher than CK and GWR models, which proved to be more effective and reliable methods for estimating macro nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 precision agriculture soil characteristics INTERPOLATION artificial neural networks geographically weighted regression COKRIGING
Multicast Scheduling Algorithm Supporting Spatial Mini-slot Reuse for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks
作者 Saleh Yousefi Morteza Maleki 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期116-133,共18页
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a mecha- nism for multicast data transmission in IEEE 802.16 mesh networks aimed at increasing the throughput by incorporating mini-slot spatial reuse. The proposed mechanism inclu... Abstract: In this paper, we propose a mecha- nism for multicast data transmission in IEEE 802.16 mesh networks aimed at increasing the throughput by incorporating mini-slot spatial reuse. The proposed mechanism includes two novel algorithms: a source-based multicast tree topology construction algorithm followed by an interference-aware multieast scheduling algorithm. The proposed multicast interfer- ence-aware scheduling algorithm can be ap- plied to both source-based and rendez- vous-based multicast tree topologies. Results of our simulation study show that in compari- son to the mechanism used for the IEEE 802.16's standard, the proposed multicast tree generation algorithm reduces the number of consumed mini-slots by 64% on average. Moreover, using the proposed interfer- ence-aware scheduling algorithm decreases the number of required mini-slots by a further 22% on average. Therefore, the proposed mul- ticast scheduling mechanism shows a higher throughput than the previous approaches and it is more scalable with respect to increasing the number of multicast groups as well as in- creasing the number of members inside each multicast group. 展开更多
关键词 IEEE 802.16 WIMAX Meshmode MULTICAST scheduling interference spatial reuse
Spatio-temporal Dynamic of Quality of Life of Residents, Northeast China 被引量:1
作者 CHENG Yeqing WANG Ying +3 位作者 WANG Zheye DU Na SUN Yu ZHAO Zhizhong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期623-637,共15页
Quality of life(QOL) is a hotspot issue that has attracted increasing attention from the Chinese Government and scholars, it is also a vital issue that should be addressed during the cause of ′establishing overall we... Quality of life(QOL) is a hotspot issue that has attracted increasing attention from the Chinese Government and scholars, it is also a vital issue that should be addressed during the cause of ′establishing overall well-off society′. Northeast China is one of the most import old industrial bases in China, however, the industrial structure of heavy chemical industry and the development mode of ′production first, living last′ have leaded to series of social problems, which have also become a serious bottleneck to social stability and economic sustainable development. Through applying the methods of BP neural network, exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA) and spatial regression model, this paper examines the space-time dynamics of QOL of the residents in Northeast China. We first investigate the indexes of QOL of the residents and then use ESDA methods to visualize its space-time relationship. We have found a spatial agglomeration of QOL of the residents in middle-southern Liaoning Province, central Jilin Province and Harbin-Qiqihar-Daqing area of Heilongjiang Province. Two third of the counties are low-low spatial correlation, and the correlative type of about 60% of the prefecture level areas keeps stable, indicating QOL of the residents in Northeast China shows a certain character of path dependence or spatial locked. We have also found that economic strength and development levels of service industry have positive and obvious effect on QOL of the residents, while the effect of such indexes as the social service level and the proportion of the tertiary industries are less. 展开更多
关键词 quality of life (QOL) BP neural network exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) spatial regression model Northeast China
New event detection based on sorted subtopic matching algorithm
作者 翟东海 CUI Jing-jing +1 位作者 NIE Hong-yu DU Jia 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2013年第4期179-186,共8页
How to quickly and accurately detect new topics from massive data online becomes a main problem of public opinion monitoring in cyberspace. This paperpresents a new event detection method for the current new event det... How to quickly and accurately detect new topics from massive data online becomes a main problem of public opinion monitoring in cyberspace. This paperpresents a new event detection method for the current new event detection system, based on sorted subtopic matching algorithm and constructs the entire design framework. In this p^per, the subtopics contained in old topics (or news stories) are sorted in descending order according to their importance to the topic(or news stories), and form a sorted subtopic sequence. In the process of subtopic matching, subtopic scoring matrix is used to determine whether a new story is reporting a new event. Experimental results show that the sorted subtopic matching model improved the accuracy and effectiveness ofthenew event detection system in cyberspace. 展开更多
关键词 new event detection topic detection scoring matrix sorted subtopic matching model subtopic sequence
作者 徐青森 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第1期106-109,共4页
2000年是世纪之交的一年,回顾这一年,可以看出国际私法在研究的深度和广度上又有了新的进步和提高:在论文文集方面,《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(第三卷)已由法律出版社出版,内中收有国际私法论文40余篇;此外,在各类学术期刊上发表的... 2000年是世纪之交的一年,回顾这一年,可以看出国际私法在研究的深度和广度上又有了新的进步和提高:在论文文集方面,《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》(第三卷)已由法律出版社出版,内中收有国际私法论文40余篇;此外,在各类学术期刊上发表的国际私法论文有60余篇;今年九月份在武汉召开的国际私法年会上,与会学者们围绕着国际私法的回顾与展望、国际私法的基本理论、IVTERNET 与国际私法、中国国际私法实务等问题展开了讨论,会议共收到学术论文60余篇。上述三项计有论文170篇左右。在教材与专著方面,共有10余部于今年出版,其中有代表性的有:韩德培教授主编的面向二十一世纪课程教材《国际私法》(高等教育出版社2000年版);章尚锦教授主编的《国际私法》(人民大学出版社2000年版); 展开更多
关键词 中国 2000年 国际私 学研究 区际司协助 管辖权 网络空间法
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