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裂缝性气藏网络酸化可行性 被引量:4
作者 苟波 郭建春 +2 位作者 何春明 陆灯云 张明友 《天然气地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1090-1096,共7页
塔里木盆地T气藏构造高部位产层岩性复杂、天然裂缝发育、钻井液污染严重,常规解堵酸化效果不理想。采用室内模拟实验并结合扫描电镜分析,阐释了钻井过程中T气藏裂缝性储层伤害机理,探索了网络酸化新型技术的可行性。实验结果表明:钻井... 塔里木盆地T气藏构造高部位产层岩性复杂、天然裂缝发育、钻井液污染严重,常规解堵酸化效果不理想。采用室内模拟实验并结合扫描电镜分析,阐释了钻井过程中T气藏裂缝性储层伤害机理,探索了网络酸化新型技术的可行性。实验结果表明:钻井液对裂缝性储层渗透率的伤害率大于85%,天然裂缝开度越大伤害越严重;盐酸溶蚀率高(大于20%)的裂缝性储层网络酸化可行性强,以常规酸化的2~3倍注酸量和注酸排量实施网络酸化可有效解除天然裂缝伤害;盐酸溶蚀率低(小于10%)的储层实施网络酸化风险高。现场应用试验表明,网络酸化较常规解堵酸化效果好,可以推广至类似的储层改造。 展开更多
关键词 网络酸化 裂缝性储层 钻井液伤害 常规 溶蚀率 现场试验
深层裂缝性碎屑岩储层的网络裂缝酸化技术 被引量:12
作者 曾凡辉 郭建春 +2 位作者 赵金洲 赖未蓉 何春明 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期101-104,共4页
深层裂缝型碎屑岩储层埋藏深、地层压力高、天然裂缝发育,钻、完井时工作液极易沿着裂缝大量漏失,形成“非径向、网络状”的污染带,表现出伤害深、污染重的特征,因此压裂酸化改造是这类储层投产的关键。压裂时容易产生多缝、滤失量... 深层裂缝型碎屑岩储层埋藏深、地层压力高、天然裂缝发育,钻、完井时工作液极易沿着裂缝大量漏失,形成“非径向、网络状”的污染带,表现出伤害深、污染重的特征,因此压裂酸化改造是这类储层投产的关键。压裂时容易产生多缝、滤失量大,造成极高的砂堵风险;基质酸化酸液有效作用距离有限,无法有效解除深部伤害。网络裂缝酸化工艺技术可以解决上述难题:在高于地层破裂压力下注酸,依靠酸液的高反应活性、高缓速和低摩阻的特性,采用大排量注入酸液溶蚀裂缝堵塞物和充填矿物来解除地层深部污染,在近井地带建立起网状流动通道。讨论了网络裂缝酸化的机理、工艺特点、适用条件、实现方式及应用方法。G10井经过网络裂缝酸化工艺处理后,产量从1.0×10^4m^3/d增加到6.2×10^4m^3/d,对类似储层的改造具有重要借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 深层裂缝性碎屑岩 压裂 网络裂缝
川西下二叠统超深气井网络裂缝酸化优化设计 被引量:8
作者 郭建春 苟波 +2 位作者 王坤杰 任冀川 曾冀 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期34-41,共8页
四川盆地西部下二叠统储层具有超深、高温、高压的特点,天然裂缝发育,钻井液漏失污染是制约该区储层增产改造效果的主要原因,酸化是彻底解除漏失污染的首选增产措施。为此,提出了最大限度降低污染表皮系数的酸化设计思路,建立了深层天... 四川盆地西部下二叠统储层具有超深、高温、高压的特点,天然裂缝发育,钻井液漏失污染是制约该区储层增产改造效果的主要原因,酸化是彻底解除漏失污染的首选增产措施。为此,提出了最大限度降低污染表皮系数的酸化设计思路,建立了深层天然裂缝开启的临界排量计算模型;改进实验尺度天然裂缝岩样的酸化模型,建立了井筒条件下酸液有效作用距离和裂缝开度预测模型,在此基础上建立了网络裂缝酸化的表皮系数计算模型。现场应用结果表明:(1)当注酸排量为5.0 m^3/min时,S1-1井任意倾角的天然裂缝均能开启;(2)当注酸量大于100 m^3时,大排量注酸的优势逐渐体现;(3)以最大限度地降低表皮系数为目标,优选了S1-1井网络裂缝酸化的注酸排量为4.5 m^3/min,注酸量为210 m^3。S1-1井按照优化设计思路成功实施了网络裂缝酸化,获得了83.7×10~4 m^3/d的高产工业气流。结论认为:网络裂缝酸化技术是实现该区超深、高温、高压、天然裂缝发育储层增产改造最安全、经济、有效的模式。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 西 晚二叠世 超深气井 天然裂缝 网络裂缝 表皮系数 设计
网络裂缝酸化技术在DY1井须家河组气藏的应用 被引量:2
作者 龙刚 王兴文 +1 位作者 任山 王希勇 《钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第4期42-43,48,共3页
网络裂缝酸化技术是针对裂缝发育、连通性好,在地层中形成裂缝网络的砂岩储层,在加砂压裂无法进行的情况下,以解除裂缝中的污染和通过深度酸化来形成合理裂缝配置的酸化改造措施。川西须二段储层天然裂缝发育,容易造成钻井液伤害,为了... 网络裂缝酸化技术是针对裂缝发育、连通性好,在地层中形成裂缝网络的砂岩储层,在加砂压裂无法进行的情况下,以解除裂缝中的污染和通过深度酸化来形成合理裂缝配置的酸化改造措施。川西须二段储层天然裂缝发育,容易造成钻井液伤害,为了克服加砂压裂带来的风险,同时解除近井污染,恢复储层的油气通道,在实验研究的基础上形成了网络裂缝酸化、降阻酸液体系和工艺优化设计技术。该工艺的适用条件是储层裂缝发育、裂缝具有一定的充填物、压裂改造风险大、酸液、钻井液及岩石的酸溶蚀率高。通过DY1井的现场试验,并取得了显著效果,说明对于裂缝性砂岩气藏,裂缝网络酸化技术可通过储层内酸蚀裂缝向纵深方向的扩展,提高近井地带及天然裂缝的渗透率,增大泄油半径,获得高产油气;同时也为川西深层须家河组类似储层的改造提供了思路。 展开更多
关键词 网络裂缝 裂缝性气藏 须家河储层 砂岩
作者 何春明 刘国华 +1 位作者 李凝 吴军 《钻井液与完井液》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第4期70-74,109-110,共5页
以最大程度解堵、最小程度对岩心破坏、最优化酸液置放为目标对巨厚强非均质性砂岩储层酸液体系和酸化工艺进行了探索。采用钻井液伤害实验与酸化解堵实验相结合、长岩心实验与短岩心实验相结合,宏观测试与微观分析相结合的思路。进行... 以最大程度解堵、最小程度对岩心破坏、最优化酸液置放为目标对巨厚强非均质性砂岩储层酸液体系和酸化工艺进行了探索。采用钻井液伤害实验与酸化解堵实验相结合、长岩心实验与短岩心实验相结合,宏观测试与微观分析相结合的思路。进行研究结果表明,对于泥质含量高、胶结疏松的储层可适当增加前置酸浓度(HCl浓度增加到15%),同时降低主体酸HF浓度(降低到1%)。岩心切片结合电镜扫描分析确定伤害深度和解堵半径,为用酸规模优化提供依据。对于巨厚的孔隙型储层,可以通过封隔器分隔+变密度射孔+转向酸的组合模式实现储层均匀改造,而对于裂缝发育段应该坚持"大排量、大液量、高泵压"的改造模式以实现储层深度解堵。 展开更多
关键词 储层 巨厚强非均质性砂岩 转向 网络裂缝
作者 郭建春 任冀川 +1 位作者 苟波 王世彬 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期649-656,共8页
TZ气田吉迪克组储层具有巨厚、中孔、中低渗、天然裂缝发育不均等特征。钻井液侵入对储层的伤害主要为储层强非均质性引起的“非线性”伤害、天然裂缝引起的“非径向”伤害,解堵难度较大。基于实验研究优选了酸液体系,基于天然裂缝开启... TZ气田吉迪克组储层具有巨厚、中孔、中低渗、天然裂缝发育不均等特征。钻井液侵入对储层的伤害主要为储层强非均质性引起的“非线性”伤害、天然裂缝引起的“非径向”伤害,解堵难度较大。基于实验研究优选了酸液体系,基于天然裂缝开启判别模型明确了张开天然裂缝的临界排量,通过实验评价了裂缝性储层网络裂缝酸化的解堵效果。研究成果联合均匀布酸及网络裂缝酸化工艺的理念,形成了酸液立体放置优化方法,最终优选了13.5%HCl+1%HF+4%转向剂的土酸自转向酸进行均匀布酸以及13.5%HCl+1%HF的土酸进行深度酸化,并优化了实现网络裂缝酸化的最低排量为3 m^3/min。提出的优化方法在TZ-C-X2井进行了现场应用,酸化后总表皮因数由15.43降低至0.09,酸化效果明显,为厚层非均质砂岩的高效酸化设计提供了技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 非径向解堵 天然裂缝 液立体放置 网络裂缝
四川盆地龙王庙组气藏最大化降低表皮系数的储层改造技术 被引量:13
作者 郭建春 卢聪 +3 位作者 肖勇 任冀川 佘朝毅 桑宇 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期97-102,共6页
四川盆地乐山—龙女寺古隆起下寒武统龙王庙组非均质碳酸盐岩储层缝洞较为发育且高含硫,钻井液的侵入伤害和完井的不完善导致了不同程度的储层伤害,最大化降低表皮系数是该区进一步获得油气增产的关键。为此,从龙王庙组储层地质特征出发... 四川盆地乐山—龙女寺古隆起下寒武统龙王庙组非均质碳酸盐岩储层缝洞较为发育且高含硫,钻井液的侵入伤害和完井的不完善导致了不同程度的储层伤害,最大化降低表皮系数是该区进一步获得油气增产的关键。为此,从龙王庙组储层地质特征出发,基于二项式产能公式论证了通过最大化降低表皮系数进一步扩大产能的科学性,并结合目前酸化改造现状分析了钻井液污染、钻完井方式不完善等主要矛盾带来的储层伤害表皮系数。进而论证了表皮系数具有进一步降低的空间;通过储层伤害因素分析,确定了龙王庙组储层总表皮系数主要由钻井表皮和完井方式不完善表皮组成。在优化降低钻、完井表皮系数的同时,针对龙王庙组碳酸盐岩储层的缝洞型特征,提出了有效利用天然裂缝以达到"非径向、网络状"解堵的网络裂缝酸化工艺。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 早寒武世 龙王庙组 盐岩 储集层 缝洞型 表皮系数 网络裂缝
Fuzzy Neural Network Model of 4-CBA Concentration for Industrial Purified Terephthalic Acid Oxidation Process 被引量:7
作者 刘瑞兰 苏宏业 +3 位作者 牟盛静 贾涛 陈渭泉 褚健 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第2期234-239,共6页
A fuzzy neural network (FNN) model is developed to predict the 4-CBA concentration of the oxidation unit in purified terephthalic acid process. Several technologies are used to deal with the process data before modeli... A fuzzy neural network (FNN) model is developed to predict the 4-CBA concentration of the oxidation unit in purified terephthalic acid process. Several technologies are used to deal with the process data before modeling.First,a set of preliminary input variables is selected according to prior knowledge and experience. Secondly,a method based on the maximum correlation coefficient is proposed to detect the dead time between the process variables and response variables. Finally, the fuzzy curve method is used to reduce the unimportant input variables.The simulation results based on industrial data show that the relative error range of the FNN model is narrower than that of the American Oil Company (AMOCO) model. Furthermore, the FNN model can predict the trend of the 4-CBA concentration more accurately. 展开更多
关键词 purified terephthalic acid 4-carboxybenzaldchydc fuzzy neural network soft sensor input variables selection fuzzy curve dead time detection
Research and Implementation of Decreasing the Acetic Acid Consumption in Purified Terephthalic Acid Solvent System 被引量:4
作者 徐圆 朱群雄 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第4期650-655,共6页
Decreasing the acetic acid consumption in purified terephthalic acid (PTA) solvent system has become a hot issue with common concern. In accordance with the technical features, the electrical conductivity is in dire... Decreasing the acetic acid consumption in purified terephthalic acid (PTA) solvent system has become a hot issue with common concern. In accordance with the technical features, the electrical conductivity is in direct proportion to the acetic acid content. General regression neural network (GRNN) is used to establish the model of electrical conductivity on the basis of mechanism analysis, and then particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with the improvement of inertia weight and population diversity is proposed to regulate the operating conditions. Thus, the method of decreasing the acid loss is derived and applied to PTA solvent system in a chemical plant. Cases studies show that the precision of modeling and optimization are higher. The results also provide the optimal operating conditions, which decrease the cost and improve the profit. 展开更多
关键词 acetic acid consumption purified terephthalic acid solvent system general regression neural network particle swarm optimization
Evaluation of nitrate removal effect on groundwater using artificial neural networks
作者 赵志伟 崔福义 左金龙 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期823-826,共4页
Considering the non-linear, complex and muhivariable process of biological denitrification, an activated sludge process was introduced to remove nitrate in groundwater with the aid of artificial neural networks (ANN... Considering the non-linear, complex and muhivariable process of biological denitrification, an activated sludge process was introduced to remove nitrate in groundwater with the aid of artificial neural networks (ANN) to evaluate the nitrate removal effect: The parameters such as COD, NH3-N, NO3^- -N, NO2^- -N, MISS, DO, etc. , were used for input nodes, and COD, NH3-N, NO3^- -N, NO2^- -N were selected for output nodes. Experimental ANN training results show that ANN was able to predict the output water quality parameters very well. Most of relative errors of NO3^- -N and COD were in the range of ± 10% and ±5% respectively. The results predicted by ANN model of nitrate removal in groundwater produced good agreement with the experimental data. Though ANN model can optimize effect of the whole system, it cannot replace the water treatment process. 展开更多
关键词 artificial neural networks (ANN) NITRATE DENITRIFICATION GROUNDWATER
Histochemical localization and characterization of AKP,ACP,NSE,and POD from cultured Apostichopus japonicus 被引量:3
作者 李继业 孙修勤 +1 位作者 郑风荣 孙虎山 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期550-554,共5页
We investigated the distribution of four enzymes involved in the immune response of Apostichopus japonicus. We collected samples of the tentacles, papillate podium, integument, respiratory tree, and digestive tract an... We investigated the distribution of four enzymes involved in the immune response of Apostichopus japonicus. We collected samples of the tentacles, papillate podium, integument, respiratory tree, and digestive tract and stained them for acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (AKP), non-specific esterase (NSE) and peroxidase (POD) activity. The distribution and content of ACE AKP, NSE, and POD differed among the tissues. The coelomic epithelium of the tentacle, papillate podium, and integument and the mucous layer of respiratory tree were positive for ACP activity. The coelomic epithelium and cuticular layer of the tentacle, papillate podium, and integument and the mucous layer and tunica externa of the respiratory tree and digestive tract stained positive or weakly positive for AKP activity. Almost all the epithelial tissues stained positive, strongly positive, or very strongly positive for NSE activity. The cuticular layer of the tentacle and integument and the mucous layer, tunica submucosa, and tunica externa of the respiratory tree and digestive tract stained positive for POD activity. We hypothesize that these enzymes play a role in the immune response in A. japonicus. 展开更多
关键词 Apostichopus japonicus acid pbosphatase alkaline phosphatase non-specific esterase PEROXIDASE HISTOCHEMISTRY
Flexible three-dimensional-networked iron vanadate nanosheet arrays/carbon cloths as high-performance cathodes for magnesium ion batteries 被引量:3
作者 Han Tang Chunli Zuo +6 位作者 Fangyu Xiong Cunyuan Pei Shuangshuang Tan Ping Luo Wei Yang Qinyou An Liqiang Mai 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2197-2206,共10页
Owing to their safety and low cost,magnesium ion batteries(MIBs)have attracted much attention in recent years.However,the sluggish diffusion dynamics of magnesium ions hampers the search for appropriate cathode materi... Owing to their safety and low cost,magnesium ion batteries(MIBs)have attracted much attention in recent years.However,the sluggish diffusion dynamics of magnesium ions hampers the search for appropriate cathode materials with excellent electrochemical performance.Herein,we design and synthesize a novel flexible three-dimensional-networked composite of iron vanadate nanosheet arrays/carbon cloths(3 D FeVO/CC)as a binder-free cathode for MIBs.Relative to bare FeVO nanosheets,the 3 D binder-free electrode with designed architecture enables a full range of electrochemical potential,including a high specific capacity of270 mA h g^(-1) and an increased life span(over 5000 cycles).Such achievable high-density energy originates from the synergistic optimization of electron and ion kinetics,while the durability benefits from the robust structure that prevents degradation in cycling.The single-phase reaction mechanism of FeVO in the magnesium ion storage process is also explored by in-situ X-ray diffraction and Raman technologies.Moreover,a flexible MIB pouch cell(3 D FeVO/CCIMgNaTi_(3)O_(7)) is assembled and exhibits practical application potential.This work verifies that 3 D FeVO/CC is a potential candidate cathode material that can satisfy the requirements of highperformance MIBs.It also opens a new avenue to improve the electrochemical performance of cathode materials for MIBs. 展开更多
关键词 iron vanadate nanosheet arrays flexibility cathode materials magnesium ion batteries
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