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作者 余人 《新科幻·科学阅读》 2012年第2期38-38,共1页
关键词 罗提 等待时间 土里 繁衍后代 体内水分 储存能量 上漂 小溪流 根生 真没想到
作者 余人 《北方人》 2016年第8期44-44,共1页
非洲的大草原上生长着一种叫做普罗提亚的植物。这种植物遍布草原,它们不管在什么季节,枝干总是一副干枯的模样。在缺少雨水滋润的非洲草原上,瘦弱干枯的枝干有气无力地在风中颤抖着,似乎不经意间就会被吹折。其实,无论多大的风都无法... 非洲的大草原上生长着一种叫做普罗提亚的植物。这种植物遍布草原,它们不管在什么季节,枝干总是一副干枯的模样。在缺少雨水滋润的非洲草原上,瘦弱干枯的枝干有气无力地在风中颤抖着,似乎不经意间就会被吹折。其实,无论多大的风都无法将它们吹折,瘦弱干枯不过是它们顺应恶劣环境的表征。因为非洲草原阳光照射得厉害。 展开更多
关键词 非洲草原 罗提 体内水分 土里 储存能量 繁衍后代 小溪流 根生 真没想到 土中
作者 吕叔东 《美术》 1956年第5期57-59,共3页
关键词 罗提 建筑家 巴洛克建筑 样式主义 斯廷 就这样 思想前提 基利 计成 李乔
《美术》 1956年第4期57-60,共4页
米开朗基罗·波納罗提(全名——米开朗基罗·第·罗多維科·第·列奥納尔多·第·波納罗托·西蒙尼;生于1475年3月6日,卒于1546年2月18日)是天才的意大利雕刻家、画家、建筑家和詩人,他是文藝复兴时期... 米开朗基罗·波納罗提(全名——米开朗基罗·第·罗多維科·第·列奥納尔多·第·波納罗托·西蒙尼;生于1475年3月6日,卒于1546年2月18日)是天才的意大利雕刻家、画家、建筑家和詩人,他是文藝复兴时期藝術文化的偉大代表人之一诩纹杖R斯城,他的父親在这城里担任过長官之职;卒于罗馬,葬于佛罗稜薩聖克罗齐礼拜堂。 展开更多
关键词 罗提 列奥 天顶画 克罗齐 建筑家 斯城 罗多 斯廷 于罗 詩人
作者 陈志华 《天风》 2016年第9期13-13,共1页
《哥林多前书》15章可以被称为“复活的篇章”,使徒保罗用了全章的篇幅,从不同角度力证复活的真实可信,让信徒明白复活的教义不但是基督教信仰的根基,更是基督徒永恒盼望的基石。在论述的过程中,保罗提到了一件非比寻常的事来证明复活... 《哥林多前书》15章可以被称为“复活的篇章”,使徒保罗用了全章的篇幅,从不同角度力证复活的真实可信,让信徒明白复活的教义不但是基督教信仰的根基,更是基督徒永恒盼望的基石。在论述的过程中,保罗提到了一件非比寻常的事来证明复活:“那些为死人受洗的,将来怎样呢?若死人总不复活,因何为他们受洗呢?”. 展开更多
关键词 基督教信仰 前书 罗提 林多 殉道者 生者 活着 马吉安 人代 巴克莱
奥古斯丁的反文艺理论 被引量:1
作者 王在衡 《昆明学院学报》 1990年第1期22-26,共5页
奥古斯丁是罗马教庭在非洲的代理人,他忏悔早年读过许多世俗的文艺作品并深受感动,认为这是一种罪过。他从神学的角度攻击世俗文艺,但也承认世俗文艺的价值在于虚构,具有强烈的感染力,承认它有和谐、统一的美。因此,他要把文艺纳入神学... 奥古斯丁是罗马教庭在非洲的代理人,他忏悔早年读过许多世俗的文艺作品并深受感动,认为这是一种罪过。他从神学的角度攻击世俗文艺,但也承认世俗文艺的价值在于虚构,具有强烈的感染力,承认它有和谐、统一的美。因此,他要把文艺纳入神学的范畴为宗教服务。 展开更多
关键词 奥古斯丁 文艺理论 宗教服务 文艺作品 新柏拉图主义 《忏悔录》 罗提 茫茫苦海 宗教道德 使人
作者 成思 《美术大观》 1994年第3期51-51,共1页
中外美术史上,画出不朽名著的画家不少,然而,以著名雕刻家的身份画出世界名画的艺术家却绝无仅有,他就是15——16世纪意大利伟大的艺术家米开朗基罗·邦内罗提。米开朗基罗幼年丧母寄养于一个石匠的妻子,这或许使他从小就懂得石头... 中外美术史上,画出不朽名著的画家不少,然而,以著名雕刻家的身份画出世界名画的艺术家却绝无仅有,他就是15——16世纪意大利伟大的艺术家米开朗基罗·邦内罗提。米开朗基罗幼年丧母寄养于一个石匠的妻子,这或许使他从小就懂得石头上可以刻东西。后来他虽然到基兰达的工场去学习画画,但他毅然离开了自己的启蒙老师,扔下画笔拿起了雕刻刀和锤子。米开朗基罗所处的年代正是文艺复兴的鼎盛时期,无数艺术大师已经使意大利艺术有了迅猛发展。米开朗基罗在学习初期就接受了人文主义的影响,以至于提出了“只表现裸体人物之美”的艺术主张,并且不断地付诸于实践,创作出了《哀悼基督》、《大卫》、《垂死的奴隶》、《被缚的奴隶》等等一件又一件雕塑作品, 展开更多
关键词 雕塑作品 艺术主张 不朽名著 兰达 天顶画 罗提 启蒙老师 大卫 圣经故事 《创世纪》
作者 徐宝德 《全球科技经济瞭望》 1988年第12期17-,共1页
最近波兰试产了“星29”型烧压缩天然气的卡车,这种卡车使用的是S-474型发动机,目前已有3辆供波兰内贸运输公司使用。通过三个月的运行,效果良好,并已为公司节油2000升。为此,该公司准备订货200台,还将在年内建一个压缩天然气缸充气站... 最近波兰试产了“星29”型烧压缩天然气的卡车,这种卡车使用的是S-474型发动机,目前已有3辆供波兰内贸运输公司使用。通过三个月的运行,效果良好,并已为公司节油2000升。为此,该公司准备订货200台,还将在年内建一个压缩天然气缸充气站。专家认为,压缩天然气是石油派生物最理想的代用品。 展开更多
关键词 压缩天然气 派生物 运行里程 消除烟雾 供油系统 燃烧系统 间隔期 大气压力 罗提
作者 曹品 《数学教学通讯(教师阅读)》 1989年第4期16-17,共2页
一、一组习题 1.双曲线的某一支上有否这样的n个点,彼此连结起来的线段在双曲线内无三线共点,而由这些线段组成的,顶点不在双曲线上的三角形的个数为5000? 2.抛物线上有这样的n个点,它们彼此连结起来的线段,在抛物线内,无三线共点,而由... 一、一组习题 1.双曲线的某一支上有否这样的n个点,彼此连结起来的线段在双曲线内无三线共点,而由这些线段组成的,顶点不在双曲线上的三角形的个数为5000? 2.抛物线上有这样的n个点,它们彼此连结起来的线段,在抛物线内,无三线共点,而由这些线段组成的,顶点不在抛物线上的三角形的个数为8008,求由这n点组成的凸n边形的对角线的条数。 3.圆周上有50个点,彼此连结起来所得的线段,在圆内无三线共点,求由这些线段组成的,顶点不在圆周上的三角形的个数。 4.圆周上有6个点,彼此连结起来的线段,在圆内无三线共点;则由这些线段组成的,顶点不在圆周上的三角形的个数是多少? 展开更多
关键词 三线共点 数学题 子边 组题 关题 递增数列 罗提
Rapid and simultaneous determination of ten off-flavor compounds in water by headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 被引量:3
作者 邹攀 王琳 +2 位作者 杨兆光 李小婉 李海普 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期59-67,共9页
A simple and sensitive analytical procedure for the determination of multi-component compounds in water samples was developed and optimized using the headspace solid-phase microextraction(HSSPME) coupled with gas chro... A simple and sensitive analytical procedure for the determination of multi-component compounds in water samples was developed and optimized using the headspace solid-phase microextraction(HSSPME) coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS). Ten off-flavor compounds, including geosmin(GSM), 2-methylisoborneol(2-MIB), 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine(IPMP), 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine(IBMP), β-ionone, trans-2,cis-6-nonadienal(NDE), 2,3,4-trichloroanisole(2,3,4-TCA), 2,3,6-trichroloanisole(2,3,6-TCA), 2,4,6-trichloroanisole(2,4,6-TCA), and 2,4,6-tribromoanisole(2,4,6-TBA) were used as the target analytes. The optimization of extraction parameters including fibers types, extraction time, extraction temperature, stirring rate, sample volume, and ionic strength was carried out through the univariate approach. Ten off-flavor compounds were quantified within 50 min under the optimal conditions. Calibration curves with good linearity(r^2=0.990-0.998) were obtained in the range 1.0/2.0-100 ng/L, while the limits of detection for all compounds were lower than or close to the odor threshold concentration. Furthermore, the proposed method was applied to analyzing and determining the off-flavor compounds in real water samples from water-treatment plants. 展开更多
关键词 off-flavor compounds MICROEXTRACTION gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) water quality
Study of the Productive Chain of Stone Facings in Contemporary Buildings in Sao Paulo, Brazil
作者 Eleana Patta Flain Roberto Righi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第11期1270-1278,共9页
This article presents, based on field survey and in the consulted literature, the main procedures for fixing of claddings with plates of rocks, adopted in the city of Sao Paulo for buildings and contemporary urban wor... This article presents, based on field survey and in the consulted literature, the main procedures for fixing of claddings with plates of rocks, adopted in the city of Sao Paulo for buildings and contemporary urban works. There was an increase in the quality of these claddings in the last decades due to several factors, such as the adoption of technological innovations in the extraction process of the rocky material and in the productive chain and, also, the use of most modem procedures for projects in which are incorporated new knowledge for better use of the rocky material and reduction of waste, due to greater demands of the market in the sector of omamental stones. 展开更多
关键词 Stone cladding dimension stone stone veneer architecture rock.
Optimization of Extraction Technology of Pigments from Petals of Matthiola incana(L.)R.Br.of Different Colors
作者 ZHANG Xiao-ai DENG Qun-xian +1 位作者 LI Ming-yang ZUO Jing 《Chinese Food Science》 2012年第1期10-13,共4页
[ Objective] The paper aimed to study the optimum extraction technology of pigments from petals of Matthiola incana( L. ) R. Br. of differ- ent colors. [Method] Petal pigments of Aida variety (white violet), Franc... [ Objective] The paper aimed to study the optimum extraction technology of pigments from petals of Matthiola incana( L. ) R. Br. of differ- ent colors. [Method] Petal pigments of Aida variety (white violet), Francesco variety ( red violet) and Arabella variety ( purple violet) were ana- lyzed by colorimetric reaction method and ultraviolet-visible spectrum method, and the optimum extraction technology of flavonoid compounds from petals of them was determined by single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment. [ Result] The optimum extraction conditions of white violet were as follows: with 95% ethanol + 5% HCI as solvent, solid-liquid ratio ( 1 : 40), extraction time (3 h), extraction temperature (65 ℃ ). The opti- mum extraction conditions of red violet and purple violet were as follows: with acetone as solvent, solid-liquid ratio (1:40), extraction time (3 h), extraction temperature (65 ℃). [ Conclusion] The study provided theoretical foundation for further development and exploitation of pigments from M. incana( L. ) R. Br. 展开更多
关键词 Matthiola incana L. R. Br. Flavonoid compound PIGMENT EXTRACTION China
Bee Pollen in Transylvania (Romania): Palynological Characterization and ORACFL Values of Lipophilic and Hydrophilic Extracts of Monofloral Pollen Pellets
作者 Oltica Giorgiana Stanciu Daniel Severus Dezmirean Maria Graca Campos 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第1期18-37,共20页
A melissopalynological study carried out on 35 bee pollen samples from Romania (Transylvania) shows predominant species as Taraxacum officinale, Tilia sp., Ferbascum sp., Zea mays L., Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., Ge... A melissopalynological study carried out on 35 bee pollen samples from Romania (Transylvania) shows predominant species as Taraxacum officinale, Tilia sp., Ferbascum sp., Zea mays L., Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., Geranium sanguineum L., Filipendula ulmaria L., Cydonia oblonga L., Calluna vulgaris L. and Brassica sp.. This is the first time for the contribution of total phenolic (TP) and total carotenoid (TC) content to the modified oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORACFL) values in 29 monofloral samples. Hydrophilic ORACFL (H-ORACFL) values ranged between 7.13-10.12 μmol TE/g and 6.94-22.46 μmol TE/g, whereas lipophilic ORACFL (L-ORACFL)values were between 2.19-7.79 μmol TE/g and 1.65-9.96 μmol TE/g, in multifloral and monofloral samples, respectively. It has proved the complex involvement of botanical origins on the antioxidant features with a specific occurrence. Some monofloral samples presented particular high antioxidant potential, such as Salix sp., Taraxacum officinale, Matricaria chamomilla, Cichorium intybus and the poorly studied Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. and Scilla bifolia L.. New variables, such as soil characteristics, climates together with botanical origins, were introduced in a multivariate analysis of antioxidant data matrix, given a possible important involvement of all of them in affecting, not only the phytochemical composition, but thereafter the antioxidant capacity. All these data could be crucial to a new way of gathering, by beekeepers, depending on the market demand and the purposes for the product that has a potential for further therapeutic bioactivities investigations, and added value in the enrichment of certain products. 展开更多
关键词 POLLEN ORAC antioxidant FLAVONOIDS carotenoids.
作者 刘跃文 《湖北招生考试》 2012年第14期53-56,共4页
关键词 繁衍后代 自拟题目 罗提 评述性 企业执行力 演练场 反弹琵琶 山地自行车 思考空间 现实生活
Evaluation of antileishmanial,antibacterial and brine shrimp cytotoxic potential of crude methanolic extract of Herb Ocimum basilicum(Lamiacea) 被引量:1
作者 Imran Khan Kafeel Ahmad +5 位作者 Ali Talha Khalil Jangrez Khan Yusra Ali Khan Muhammad Shahab Saqib Muhammad Naveed Umar Hilal Ahmad 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期316-322,共7页
OBJECTIVE:To collect and screen for ethnopharmacological properties(antileishmanial,antibacterial and brine lethality assays) of medicinal plant Ocimum basilicum from Peshawar region(34.008 latitude and 71.57 altitude... OBJECTIVE:To collect and screen for ethnopharmacological properties(antileishmanial,antibacterial and brine lethality assays) of medicinal plant Ocimum basilicum from Peshawar region(34.008 latitude and 71.57 altitudes).METHODS:In the present study a general antileishmanial activity against Leishmania tropica strain was carried out.The antibacterial potential of the plant was performed against 06 gram positive and 06 gram negative bacteria.Brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay at different concentrations were investigated.RESULTS:The anti-promastigotes profile of the plant showed good antileishmanial activity exhibited LC_(50) value 21.67 μg/mL.The result for gram positive antibacterial activity revealed that the O.basilicum leaves extract possesses significant inhibitory activity at highest two concentrations ranging from20.66 ± 0.31 to 31.86 ± 0.80 for Clostridium perfringens type C and Bacillus subtitilis,respectively,as compared to the gentamycin(27.36 ± 0.55 and21.80 ± 0.72,respectively).For gram negative bacteria good activity was observed.A highest zone of inhibition was recorded for Pseudomonas aeroginosa(28.83 ± 0.28) atthe highest concentration(10 mg/mL).The LC_(50) value obtained for brine shrimp lethality assay was 91.56 μg/mL.CONCLUSION:The herb basil possesses effective cidal activities which make this plant a good candidate for the isolation of antiprotozoal and antibacterial compounds which may lead to the development of novel drug. 展开更多
关键词 Ocimum basilicum Cytotoxicity tests immunologic Anti-bacterial agents Antileishmanial activity
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