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作者 石维坚 《电影. 典藏》 2023年第5期94-96,共3页
一九八〇年二月二十三日昨夜又读了一遍《天云山传奇》,每次读完这部小说都使我久久不能平静。特别是罗群的形象更引起我很多生活的回忆。我首先想到了孙维世同志,她和罗群是那样接近,她也是烈士的后代,在国外留学,解放战争时回国,她对... 一九八〇年二月二十三日昨夜又读了一遍《天云山传奇》,每次读完这部小说都使我久久不能平静。特别是罗群的形象更引起我很多生活的回忆。我首先想到了孙维世同志,她和罗群是那样接近,她也是烈士的后代,在国外留学,解放战争时回国,她对党忠诚,为人耿直,性格豪放;她惨遭迫害…我想到了不少同辈人的不幸遭遇,以及自己走过的坎珂道路…渐渐地罗群在我心中的形象清晰了,有了生活的依据,有了内心的视象,从而找到了角色的种子。 展开更多
关键词 《天云山传奇》 国外留学 罗群 孙维世 创作札记 豪放 解放战争
作者 菡阁 《收藏.拍卖》 2017年第9期80-85,共6页
乘机回家乡重庆,无数次在机场返回市区的途中,总会有一栋体量庞大的黄色建筑在各种光线中一闪,但就在这一闪的瞬间,会清晰地看到"华人当代美术馆"这几个由吴冠中亲笔题写的手写体字,清遒而有力,如伸向天地间一个倔强的手势。在艺术圈... 乘机回家乡重庆,无数次在机场返回市区的途中,总会有一栋体量庞大的黄色建筑在各种光线中一闪,但就在这一闪的瞬间,会清晰地看到"华人当代美术馆"这几个由吴冠中亲笔题写的手写体字,清遒而有力,如伸向天地间一个倔强的手势。在艺术圈里,华人美术馆的生存状态应该算是一个奇特的存在——照远不照近。 展开更多
关键词 罗群 当代美术馆 生存状态 吴冠中 体量 架上绘画 罗中立 程丛林 圈里 无缝连接
作者 谢平安 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 1992年第3期35-36,共2页
川剧《烧濮阳》演曹操攻伐濮阳.吕布用陈宫之计,派张辽诈降,曾中计入南门身陷火海,须发烧焦,幸天降大雨不死。他在孤身奔逃中追兵甚紧,曹急中生智,脱红袍挂于树梢。一小军见袍想“打起发”,便脱去军褂取袍穿上而去。曹复捡军褂穿上,恰... 川剧《烧濮阳》演曹操攻伐濮阳.吕布用陈宫之计,派张辽诈降,曾中计入南门身陷火海,须发烧焦,幸天降大雨不死。他在孤身奔逃中追兵甚紧,曹急中生智,脱红袍挂于树梢。一小军见袍想“打起发”,便脱去军褂取袍穿上而去。曹复捡军褂穿上,恰巧吕布追到,曹忙以袖掩面谎称前面穿红袍者就是曹操。吕布用画戟拔开呆立的曹操。 展开更多
关键词 张辽 陈宫 哑剧表演 求生欲望 手检 阳原 请看 罗群 异或 锣鼓声
Horizontal Distribution and Annual Variations of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Luoyuan Bay 被引量:2
作者 蔡雷鸣 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2010年第1期48-58,共11页
Fecal Coliform Bacteria (FCB) of marine waters was monitored in Luoyuan Bay from January, 2003 to December, 2005. The results showed that number of FCB in marine water samples ranged from no detection ( 〈2 cfu/100... Fecal Coliform Bacteria (FCB) of marine waters was monitored in Luoyuan Bay from January, 2003 to December, 2005. The results showed that number of FCB in marine water samples ranged from no detection ( 〈2 cfu/100 mL) to 540 cfu/100 mL in Luoyuan Bay. Values of FCB during August to October were significantly higher than those during January to April during three year period. Monthly changes of FCB values at each year period were mainly due to monthly precipitation. In addition, compared with FCB values in difference sample sites, values of FCB in Bay-heed were significantly higher than those in middle of bay and Bay-mouth, Luoyuan Bay. However, values of FCB in Bay-mouth were significantly less than those in middle of bay. The ratios to the par of FCB in 2003, 2004, and 2005 years were 100%, 98.0%, and 97.9%, respectively. Therefore, we considered that the pollution of FCB of surface marine water in Luoyuan Bay was not serious. 展开更多
关键词 Luoyuan Bay fecal coliform bacteria horizontal distribution annual variations
《文教资料》 2004年第3期29-31,共3页
课内检测一、注音1.汲取( ) 2.根蒂( ) 3.模式( ) 4.逾越( ) 5.锲而不舍( ) 6,提纲挈领( ) 二、根据句后注释写出相应词语1."正确答案只有一个"这种思维模式,在我们头脑中已不知不觉地( )了。(打下了牢固的基础,不易动摇) 2.(... 课内检测一、注音1.汲取( ) 2.根蒂( ) 3.模式( ) 4.逾越( ) 5.锲而不舍( ) 6,提纲挈领( ) 二、根据句后注释写出相应词语1."正确答案只有一个"这种思维模式,在我们头脑中已不知不觉地( )了。(打下了牢固的基础,不易动摇) 2.( ),在创造的宇宙里,贝多芬、爱因斯坦、莎士比亚是光辉灿烂的明星。 展开更多
关键词 根蒂 哺架 裁决者 自由飞翔 路井 回回国 设问句 价内 罗群 辉卿
《南京市人民政府公报》 2012年第6期38-38,共1页
二○一二年五月十七日宁政发[2012]146号各区县人民政府,市府各委办局,市各直属单位:为切实推进重大产业项目建设,加强对建设中的重大产业项目运行情况的监测,及时协调解决有关问题,市政府决定建立重大产业项目联席会议制度(以下简称&qu... 二○一二年五月十七日宁政发[2012]146号各区县人民政府,市府各委办局,市各直属单位:为切实推进重大产业项目建设,加强对建设中的重大产业项目运行情况的监测,及时协调解决有关问题,市政府决定建立重大产业项目联席会议制度(以下简称"联席会议")。现就有关事项通知如下: 展开更多
关键词 直属单位 委办局 建设单位 市国资委 供电公司 会议议题 单位职能 人防办 科技创新创业 罗群
Middle Jurassic Sporo-pollen Assemblages in Northern Turpan Depression, Xinjiang, Northwest China 被引量:2
作者 尹凤娟 张子福 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期488-495,共8页
Eighty-one species of fossil spores and pollen assigned to 52 genera are found from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao, Sanjianfang and Qiketai Formations of boreholes Le 1, Mi 1, Shan 1 and Dun 1 in the northern Turpan De... Eighty-one species of fossil spores and pollen assigned to 52 genera are found from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao, Sanjianfang and Qiketai Formations of boreholes Le 1, Mi 1, Shan 1 and Dun 1 in the northern Turpan Depression, Xinjiang, northwest China. Three assemblages have been proposed as: Cyathidites-Psophosphaera-Cycadopites assemblage, Cyathidites-Quadraceculina-Classopollis assemblage and Cyathidites-Callialasporites-Classopollis assemblage obtained from the Xishanyao Formation, the Sanjianfang Formation and Qiketai Formation respectively. Based on the sporo-pollen assemblage features and con-elation, their geological ages are regarded as of Middle Jurassic, probably Aalenian to Bathonian. The results of the study indicate that the vegetation of early Middle Jurassic in this region consisted mainly of Gymnospermae of Ginkgoaceae of Cycadales, Podocarpaceae, Pinaceae and Pteridophyta of Cyatheacene, Osmundaceae, Lycopodiaceae and Dicksoniaceae, etc. They reflect a warm-moist subtropic climate. To the middle-late Middle Jurassic, Cheirolepidaceae was dominant in the vegetation, which indicates that the climate was in the trend of becoming dry. 展开更多
关键词 spore and pollen climate Middle Jurassic northwest China
《南京市人民政府公报》 2016年第8期53-55,共3页
(2016.7.1—7.31)2日南京江北新区管委会与东南大学签署全面战略合作协议。市委书记黄莉新、东南大学党委书记易红出席签约仪式并讲话,市长缪瑞林、东南大学校长张广军分别代表江北新区管委会和东南大学进行签约。东南大学校领导刘波、... (2016.7.1—7.31)2日南京江北新区管委会与东南大学签署全面战略合作协议。市委书记黄莉新、东南大学党委书记易红出席签约仪式并讲话,市长缪瑞林、东南大学校长张广军分别代表江北新区管委会和东南大学进行签约。东南大学校领导刘波、王保平、浦跃朴、郑家茂、沈炯、任利剑、丁辉、黄大卫、吴刚,市领导刘以安、罗群出席。 展开更多
关键词 王保平 沈炯 刘以 黄大卫 黄莉 丁辉 张广 郑家 罗群 浦跃朴
《福建省人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2008年第1期101-101,共1页
关键词 刘鑫 王乃 郭清 周振华 李兴义 笔画排列 张灿 赵素 罗群 陈春
《南京市人民政府公报》 2014年第10期54-55,共2页
(2014.9.1—9.30)2日市长缪瑞林主持召开市政府第43次常务会议,研究深化街道和社区体制改革实施方案等有关问题。市委常委、常务副市长刘以安,副市长罗群、陆冰、徐锦辉、华静、胡万进,市政府秘书长林克勤出席会议。市长缪瑞林专题调研... (2014.9.1—9.30)2日市长缪瑞林主持召开市政府第43次常务会议,研究深化街道和社区体制改革实施方案等有关问题。市委常委、常务副市长刘以安,副市长罗群、陆冰、徐锦辉、华静、胡万进,市政府秘书长林克勤出席会议。市长缪瑞林专题调研企业上市工作,现场走访了已登陆上交所的康尼机电股份有限公司。 展开更多
关键词 改革实施方案 长林 胡万进 刘以 锦辉 陆冰 克勤 罗群 常务会议 软博会
《南京市人民政府公报》 2014年第12期54-55,共2页
(2014.11.1—11.30)1日市长缪瑞林主持召开市政府第48次常务会议,部署年底前政府重点工作,研究《建设中国健康服务与生命科技名城的意见》等文件。市委常委、常务副市长刘以安,副市长罗群、徐锦辉、华静、胡万进,市政府秘书长林克勤出... (2014.11.1—11.30)1日市长缪瑞林主持召开市政府第48次常务会议,部署年底前政府重点工作,研究《建设中国健康服务与生命科技名城的意见》等文件。市委常委、常务副市长刘以安,副市长罗群、徐锦辉、华静、胡万进,市政府秘书长林克勤出席会议。3日市长缪瑞林带队检查江东门纪念馆及主要通道周边环境综合整治,强调要严格按照时序进度。 展开更多
关键词 江东门 政府重点工作 刘以 胡万进 长林 锦辉 生命科技 克勤 常务会议 罗群
《南京市人民政府公报》 2016年第2期55-56,共2页
(2016.1.1-1.31)1日扬子江隧道正式通车。市委书记黄莉新,市长缪瑞林现场慰问建设者代表。市领导罗群、吴卫国等参加活动。扬子江隧道是我市"井"字加外环快速道路系统的重要组成部分,也是连接南京主城区与江北新区的快速通道... (2016.1.1-1.31)1日扬子江隧道正式通车。市委书记黄莉新,市长缪瑞林现场慰问建设者代表。市领导罗群、吴卫国等参加活动。扬子江隧道是我市"井"字加外环快速道路系统的重要组成部分,也是连接南京主城区与江北新区的快速通道。新通车的扬子江隧道和长江隧道一起免费通行。4日市长缪瑞林主持召开市政府第82次常务会议,研究审计监督。 展开更多
关键词 长江隧道 吴卫国 黄莉 南京主城 快速道路 罗群 常务会议 三实 刘以 审计监督
《南京市人民政府公报》 2014年第7期54-55,共2页
3日市政府与京东集团就开展电子商务运营中心、智能物流示范基地、京东南京研究院、京东"江苏馆"等项目达成战略合作协议并举行签约仪式。市长缪瑞林、副市长罗群,京东集团创始人兼CEO刘强东等出席仪式。4日市长缪瑞林主持召... 3日市政府与京东集团就开展电子商务运营中心、智能物流示范基地、京东南京研究院、京东"江苏馆"等项目达成战略合作协议并举行签约仪式。市长缪瑞林、副市长罗群,京东集团创始人兼CEO刘强东等出席仪式。4日市长缪瑞林主持召开市政府第34次常务会议,研究制定推进我市公交都市建设的实施意见等文件。市委常委、常务副市长刘以安,副市长罗群、陈刚、胡万进,市政府秘书长林克勤出席会议。5日市长缪瑞林赴浦口区调研,要求浦口区在江北新区建设中当好主力军、做出新贡献。市政府秘书长林克勤参加调研。 展开更多
关键词 长林 刘以 胡万进 克勤 罗群 常务会议 中国国民党 荣誉主席 锦辉 运营中心
《南京市人民政府公报》 2016年第7期54-55,共2页
(2016.6.1-6.30)5.30—6.2日市长缪瑞林率领南京市经贸代表团赴香港,拜会特区政府机构负责人和工商企业界知名人士,推介南京"十三五"发展及服务业合作商机。6月1日举行的南京现代服务业发展商机推介会上,总投资约39亿美元的... (2016.6.1-6.30)5.30—6.2日市长缪瑞林率领南京市经贸代表团赴香港,拜会特区政府机构负责人和工商企业界知名人士,推介南京"十三五"发展及服务业合作商机。6月1日举行的南京现代服务业发展商机推介会上,总投资约39亿美元的一批重点合作项目现场签约。市领导罗群、储永宏参加相关活动。5日市委。 展开更多
关键词 政府机构 发展商机 工商企业界 体育公园 合作项目 罗群 智能制造 黄莉 世界环境日 黄澜
《福建省人民代表大会常务委员会公报》 2008年第4期66-67,共2页
省人大常委会:省十一届人大一次会议期间,罗群荣等10名代表提出"关于修改《福建省森林条例》的议案",经省十一届人大常委会第二次会议决定,由农经委办理。现将办理情况报告如下:代表们在议案中提出修改的条款有三条。第一条,&... 省人大常委会:省十一届人大一次会议期间,罗群荣等10名代表提出"关于修改《福建省森林条例》的议案",经省十一届人大常委会第二次会议决定,由农经委办理。现将办理情况报告如下:代表们在议案中提出修改的条款有三条。第一条,"关于修改《福建省森林条例》 展开更多
关键词 议案办理 罗群 地方性法规 《森林法》 检查监督 限额采伐 三条 治安处罚 行政处罚法 企业营业执照
No association of the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated gene CTLA4 +49A/G polymorphisms with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in Hungarian population samples 被引量:3
作者 Lili Magyari Bernadett Faragó +7 位作者 Judit Bene Katalin Horvatovich Lilla Lakner Márta Varga Mária Figler Beáta Gasztonyi Gyula Mózsik Béla Melegh 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第15期2205-2208,共4页
AIM: The goal of the current work was to analyse the prevalence of the +49A/G variant of the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 gene (CTLA4) in Hungarian patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis ... AIM: The goal of the current work was to analyse the prevalence of the +49A/G variant of the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 gene (CTLA4) in Hungarian patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). METHODS: A total of 130 unrelated subjects with CD and 150 with UC, and 170 matched controls were genotyped for the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The genotypes were determined by using PCR/RFLP test. RESULTS: The G allele frequency and the prevalence of the GG genotype were 38.1% and 12.3% in the CD group, 40.6% and 18.6% in the UC patients, and 37.4% and 15.9% in the control group, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results of the current study show that carriage of the +49G SNP in heterozygous or in homozygous form does not confer risk either for CD or for UC in the Hungarian population. 展开更多
关键词 Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 Crohn's disease Ulcerative colitis Inflammatory bowel disease
Restoration of sea eagle population:A review 被引量:1
作者 Josef RAJCHARD Jan PROCHZKA 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期315-318,共4页
The population density of the white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla is very low in many countries. In last twenty years, the sea eagle population in South Bohemia was restored by strict protection subsidized by ... The population density of the white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla is very low in many countries. In last twenty years, the sea eagle population in South Bohemia was restored by strict protection subsidized by reintroduction, The active help consisted of feeding during winter and building of artificial nests. A new sea eagle breeding population arose in the Treboǎ basin area in the early 1980' s. Until this time sea eagles had used former breeding places only for wintering, probably coming from the Baltic. The South Bohemian sea eagle population is very unique: it exists in a densely man-occupied landscape, mainly in areas with very intensive carp breeding in artificial fishponds and was partly artficially (help to wintering birds and reintroduction of some individuals) restored. The experience from South Bohemia may have importance for populations of the sea eagle in other areas of its occurence, primarily in the continental conditions [ Current Zoology 55 (5) : 315 - 318, 2009]. 展开更多
关键词 Sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla
An examination of the population dynamics of syngnathid fishes within Tampa Bay,Florida,USA
作者 Heather D.MASONJONES Emily ROSE +1 位作者 Lori Benson McRAE Danielle L.DIXSON 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期118-133,共16页
Seagrass ecosystems worldwide have been declining, leading to a decrease in associated fish populations, especially those with low mobility such as syngnathids (pipefish and seahorses). This two-year pilot study inv... Seagrass ecosystems worldwide have been declining, leading to a decrease in associated fish populations, especially those with low mobility such as syngnathids (pipefish and seahorses). This two-year pilot study investigated seasonal patterns in density, growth, site fidelity, and population dynamics of Tampa Bay (FL) syngnathid fishes at a site adjacent to two marinas under construction. Using a modified mark-recapture technique, fish were collected periodically from three closely located sites that varied in seagrass species (Thalassia spp., Syringodium spp., and mixed-grass sites) and their distance from open water, but had consistent physical/chemical environmental characteristics. Fish were marked, photographed for body size and gender measurements, and released the same day at the capture site. Of the 5695 individuals surveyed, 49 individuals were recaptured, indicating a large, flexible population. Population density peaks were observed in July of both years, with low densities in late winter and late summer. Spatially, syngnathid densities were highest closest to the mouth of the bay and lowest near the shoreline. Seven species of syngnathid fishes were observed, and species-specific patterns of seagrass use emerged during the study. However, only two species, Syngnathus scovelli and Hippoeampus zosterae, were observed at high frequencies. For these two species, body size decreased across the study period, but while S. scovelli's population density decreased, H. zosterae's increased. Across six of the seven species, population size declined over the course of this preliminary study; however, seasonal shifts were impossible to distinguish from potential anthropogenic effects of construction [Current Zoology 56 (1): 118-133, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Syngnathids Habitat-use SEAHORSE PIPEFISH Population density MARK-RECAPTURE
Comparison of Early Jurassic flora from South Primorye of Russia with its main coeval floras of China
作者 Elena Salyukova Elena Volynets +1 位作者 SUN Ge Svetlana Shorokhova 《Global Geology》 2013年第1期19-25,共7页
The Early Jurassic flora,with over 42 species of 26 genera and documented in age by sandwiched marine beds,from the Lower Jurassic Schitukhe Formation of South Primorye,Russia,is further reported.The flora is dominate... The Early Jurassic flora,with over 42 species of 26 genera and documented in age by sandwiched marine beds,from the Lower Jurassic Schitukhe Formation of South Primorye,Russia,is further reported.The flora is dominated by cycadophytes,ferns and conifers,with some of ginkgoales and czekanowskiales,and characterized by occurrence of Cycadocarpidium,with very rare Coniopteris.A comparison of this flora with its coeval Early Jurassic floras of China is discussed.The Russian flora is considered as the early assemblage of Early Jurassic flora,and more similar to the Early Jurassic floras from the Shansonggang-and Yihe formations of Jilin,Beipiao Formation of Liaoning,and lower-middle Guanyintan Formation of Hunan in China. 展开更多
关键词 Early Jurassic Schitukhe flora South Primorye RUSSIA China
Sea Level Variation at Western Coast of Mexican Pacific in Response to Tsunamigenic Earthquakes (2012-2015)
作者 Rom~in Rodolfo Vera-Mendoza Modesto Ortiz-Figueroa 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第6期318-326,共9页
Tsunamis in Mexico are a real threat, still unknown to many, mainly by people living in or visiting the coast. The Tsunami Warning Center in Mexico recently created (September 19, 2011) monitors earthquakes and sea ... Tsunamis in Mexico are a real threat, still unknown to many, mainly by people living in or visiting the coast. The Tsunami Warning Center in Mexico recently created (September 19, 2011) monitors earthquakes and sea level change caused by these same. Sea level on the west coast of the Mexican Pacific was analyzed after the occurrence of local, regional and distant earthquakes, in order to determine the existence of an anomaly due to the quake itself. Variations in sea level due to local registered earthquakes Mw 6.0 to 7.4 range was from 0.10 to 0.30 m; for regional earthquakes of Mw 7.3 and 8.2 were 0.12 and 0.22 m respectively and to the distant earthquake of Mw 8.0 recorded in Solomon Islands, the change in sea level of the maximum recorded was 0.20 m in Manzanillo, Colima. It is important to know that earthquakes whether local, regional or distant whose magnitudes are in the range specified here, did not present a risk to the Mexican coast, but do not rely, having to monitor variations in sea level that earthquakes can produce and be aware that you may perhaps occur as a tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 or Japan in 2011. 展开更多
关键词 Sea level Mexican Pacific tsunamis earthquakes.
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