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作者 张光喜 肖忠荣 《世纪行》 1994年第6期24-25,共2页
沉寂的黄土地被有音律的棉花弹弓吵醒了危水河畔,有块平平展展的土地,祖先因其地形而冠以"后坪"之名。这一条穿越了武陵山脉,突地来到"后坪"的危水河,像一匹脱缰的烈马撒开四蹄,飞奔而下,似乎把后坪的一点"地... 沉寂的黄土地被有音律的棉花弹弓吵醒了危水河畔,有块平平展展的土地,祖先因其地形而冠以"后坪"之名。这一条穿越了武陵山脉,突地来到"后坪"的危水河,像一匹脱缰的烈马撒开四蹄,飞奔而下,似乎把后坪的一点"地气",全都拽走了,尽管这里的人们以土地为伴,慷慨地挥洒着汗水,可最终留下来的还是这片土地和附着土地上的几群低矮的草房。罗远利就生活在这里,他,1·78米的个子,生就一副健壮体魄。上铁路、修水利,他是青年突击队的队长,捧回了一面又一面奖旗;在队里生产,他更是一把好手,各种农活样样精通。但他的所获和他的付出竟是这样不相称:他和妻子成家,连简单的衣服还是别人借钱置办的。 展开更多
关键词 罗远 政协常委 样样精通 松滋县 织布厂 短绒 武陵山脉 利建 朝前走 往前走
作者 官文清 《中外玩具制造》 2016年第9期56-57,共2页
三江是广西柳州市下属的一个自治县,全县约有30多万人,而罗远国的"小百货"店便位于该县县城唯一的一条购物街上。与街上其他卖衣服、餐饮的店铺相比,罗远国的铺面商品显得玲琅满目,既有色彩丰富的各类玩具和童车,亦有溜冰鞋、乒乓球... 三江是广西柳州市下属的一个自治县,全县约有30多万人,而罗远国的"小百货"店便位于该县县城唯一的一条购物街上。与街上其他卖衣服、餐饮的店铺相比,罗远国的铺面商品显得玲琅满目,既有色彩丰富的各类玩具和童车,亦有溜冰鞋、乒乓球拍和自行车等文体用品。每当放学时刻,罗远国的店铺总是聚集着一群群小学生,俨然成为当地小朋友的玩具"小宝库"。 展开更多
关键词 罗远 广西三江 市场动向 文体用品 三江县 广西柳州市 购物街 大城市 网购 山寨产品
《泸州科技》 2012年第1期31-31,共1页
关键词 科技局副局长 罗远 龙马潭区 泸州市 企业 企业管理
南北交流 繁荣京津冀茶文化——2015中国·天津茶业及茶文化博览会成功举办 被引量:2
作者 张卫 《中国食品》 2015年第11期48-49,共2页
5月14日上午,天津国际展览中心人声鼎沸,为期4天的2015中国·天津茶业及茶文化博览会正式拉开帷幕。天津市第十三届人大常委会副主任罗远鹏、中国商业联合会副会长安惠民、天津市商业联合会常务副会长卞瑞明、广东新会陈皮协会常务... 5月14日上午,天津国际展览中心人声鼎沸,为期4天的2015中国·天津茶业及茶文化博览会正式拉开帷幕。天津市第十三届人大常委会副主任罗远鹏、中国商业联合会副会长安惠民、天津市商业联合会常务副会长卞瑞明、广东新会陈皮协会常务副会长关炳华、广州益武国际展览有限公司董事总经理李广韬为开幕式剪彩。 展开更多
关键词 罗远 新会陈皮 副主任 茶博会 北方市场 采购团 俊仲 茶行业 集散基地 家茶
体制转变时期科协及学会模式初探 被引量:1
作者 罗远信 《学会》 1994年第12期24-26,共3页
体制转变时期科协及学会模式初探罗远信我国正处在由过去的计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变时期。经济体制改革是一场涉及经济基础和上层建筑许多领域的深刻革命。由于利益格局的调整,不可避免地会遇到困难和阻力。探索体制转... 体制转变时期科协及学会模式初探罗远信我国正处在由过去的计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变时期。经济体制改革是一场涉及经济基础和上层建筑许多领域的深刻革命。由于利益格局的调整,不可避免地会遇到困难和阻力。探索体制转变时期科协和学会基本模式,有着重要... 展开更多
关键词 转变时期 市场经济体制 计划经济体制 科技工作者 科协系统 罗远 地方科协 科技发展 科技团体 四川省科协
作者 樊勇坚 《中国大学教学》 1985年第3期28-29,共2页
关键词 处理意见 刚体系 力学教材 罗远 理论力学 公理系统 力平衡 力偶系 作用点 力的可传性
作者 于占东 《民族艺术研究》 1989年第4期79-86,2,共3页
(本刊讯)为办好庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十周年纪念专刊,本刊于1989年7月10日至14日在昆召开了改稿会。参加这次改稿会的有来自昆明和部分专州的作者近30人。他们是:金重、郭思九、杨桐、刘兰、陶学良、李晴海、杨正玺、聂乾先、杨友... (本刊讯)为办好庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十周年纪念专刊,本刊于1989年7月10日至14日在昆召开了改稿会。参加这次改稿会的有来自昆明和部分专州的作者近30人。他们是:金重、郭思九、杨桐、刘兰、陶学良、李晴海、杨正玺、聂乾先、杨友明、森茂芳、张励民、孙军、罗远书、杨伟、宋朝盛、吴开婉、廖大昆、温佩、石裕祖、周正松、何汝明、钱康宁、于占东、范道桂、刘诗仁、胡耀池等。 会议一开始。 展开更多
关键词 李晴海 宋朝盛 罗远 汝明 周年纪念 杨桐 郭思 张励 占东 日至
《中国工业医学杂志》 CAS 1990年第4期42-42,共1页
四川省预防医学会、劳动保护科学技术学会劳动卫生职业病青年学组第三届学术年会1990年4月4~7日在峨眉山市举行。出席会议代表95人。特邀华西医大詹承烈、刘维群、端木彬如、柯佛心教授,吴祖德、李昌吉副教授,重庆医大吴逸人教授,第三... 四川省预防医学会、劳动保护科学技术学会劳动卫生职业病青年学组第三届学术年会1990年4月4~7日在峨眉山市举行。出席会议代表95人。特邀华西医大詹承烈、刘维群、端木彬如、柯佛心教授,吴祖德、李昌吉副教授,重庆医大吴逸人教授,第三军医大宁竹之教授,重庆市防疫站刘命宣主任医师,省预防医学会姚尔豫副教授,省建总公司罗远副主任医师等11名专家莅临指导。 展开更多
关键词 劳动卫生 科学技术学 吴逸 李昌吉 青年学 峨眉山市 佛心 莅临指导 刘维 罗远
《中国集体经济》 2016年第8期12-12,共1页
日前,“海上丝路北海工艺美术博览园”在阵阵鞭炮声中开园。广西壮族自治区二轻工业联社党组书记、主任黄荣健出席仪式并致辞,广西远明投资集团董事局副主席罗远军代表投资方致辞,北海政协副主席欧余军作开园讲话。广西工艺美术协会,北... 日前,“海上丝路北海工艺美术博览园”在阵阵鞭炮声中开园。广西壮族自治区二轻工业联社党组书记、主任黄荣健出席仪式并致辞,广西远明投资集团董事局副主席罗远军代表投资方致辞,北海政协副主席欧余军作开园讲话。广西工艺美术协会,北海市委宣传部,市财政、工信、发改、旅发、文新广电等单位领导,以及各级工艺美术大师、社会各界人士参加开业仪式。 展开更多
关键词 政协副主席 罗远 文新 文化旅游 原有建筑 南流江 文化韵味 景区规划 合浦 潘子
作者 夏均 《公民导刊》 2014年第1期45-,共1页
他关了自己家颇有经济效益的面条加工坊,为的是集中精力履行好人大代表和村党支部书记的职务; 他以个人的名义向信用社贷款,解决村公路建设资金不足的难题; 他将家里准备建新房的钱拿出来,弥补村小建设资金的不足…… 面对家人、亲戚的... 他关了自己家颇有经济效益的面条加工坊,为的是集中精力履行好人大代表和村党支部书记的职务; 他以个人的名义向信用社贷款,解决村公路建设资金不足的难题; 他将家里准备建新房的钱拿出来,弥补村小建设资金的不足…… 面对家人、亲戚的不理解,他说,“我是土生土长的石龙人,不能只顾自己一家人生活好过,我要带领乡亲们摘掉‘贫穷’的帽子.” 他,就是重庆市第四届人大代表、彭水苗族土家族自治县新田镇石龙村支部书记罗远周. 展开更多
关键词 人大代表 妻子 石龙村 村民 罗远 村党支部书记 新田镇
作者 韦倩 《当代贵州》 2022年第17期40-41,共2页
4月7日,天气晴朗,到处绿意葱葱。贵阳市白云区牛场布依族乡红锦村村民罗远权和老伴背上工具,来到自家的猕猴桃基地喷洒除菌水。今年68岁的罗远权是布依族,老伴王庭萍是苗族,夫妻俩有两个女儿,大女儿住在家里,大女婿是汉族。这样一个多... 4月7日,天气晴朗,到处绿意葱葱。贵阳市白云区牛场布依族乡红锦村村民罗远权和老伴背上工具,来到自家的猕猴桃基地喷洒除菌水。今年68岁的罗远权是布依族,老伴王庭萍是苗族,夫妻俩有两个女儿,大女儿住在家里,大女婿是汉族。这样一个多民族融合的家庭,如今幸福地生活在一起。在红锦村的带动下,罗远权家种植猕猴桃10多亩,罗远权和妻子负责管理猕猴桃基地,大女儿和大女婿在附近的企业上班,一家人正常情况下能有10多万元收入。 展开更多
关键词 贵阳市白云区 布依族 天气晴朗 罗远 民族团结一家亲 红锦 猕猴桃 女婿
《中国西藏》 2015年第4期124-124,共1页
尚颖、黄福开、罗远带、武鹏、黄雪、鲁星燚、甄丽芳、胡贤达在《中国藏学》2015年第2期上发表文章,《2014年世界阿尔茨海默病报告:关键点》指出超过500万的美国人患有这一疾病,平均3个老年人中有1个带着阿尔茨海默病去世,每年大约有5... 尚颖、黄福开、罗远带、武鹏、黄雪、鲁星燚、甄丽芳、胡贤达在《中国藏学》2015年第2期上发表文章,《2014年世界阿尔茨海默病报告:关键点》指出超过500万的美国人患有这一疾病,平均3个老年人中有1个带着阿尔茨海默病去世,每年大约有50万人因为患有阿尔茨海默病去世。 展开更多
关键词 阿尔茨海默病 中国藏学 罗远 影响因素 论点摘编 草原生态 服务管理 政策建设 人类学研究 居本
Close relationship between the East Asian westerly jet and Russian far East surface air temperature in summer 被引量:1
作者 LIN Xiao-Zhen LI Chao-Fan +1 位作者 LIN Zhong-Da LU Ri-Yu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第3期282-286,共5页
The interannual variability of the east asian upper-tropospheric westerly jet(EAJ) in summer is characterized by the meridional displacement of its axis, or a seesaw pattern of zonal wind anomalies between the north... The interannual variability of the east asian upper-tropospheric westerly jet(EAJ) in summer is characterized by the meridional displacement of its axis, or a seesaw pattern of zonal wind anomalies between the northern and southern flanks of the EAJ. This study reveals a close relationship between the surface air temperature in the russian far east and the northern flank of the EAJ. Related to a warmer surface in the russian far east, the westerly decelerates in the northern flank of the EAJ. The relationship can be explained by a positive feedback mechanism between the surface air temperature in the russian far east and the overhead circulation: the anticyclonic circulation anomaly related to a weakened westerly in the northern flank of the EAJ induces surface warming in the russian far east and the warmer surface can in turn act as a heat source and induces a local anticyclonic circulation anomaly in the upper troposphere, therefore decelerating the westerly in the northern flank of the EAJ. The result implies that a better description of the summer surface condition in the russian far east may benefit seasonal forecasts of the EAJ and, subsequently, east asian summer climate. 展开更多
关键词 East Asian westerly jet surface air temperature Russian far East
On paleoecology of carnivorous dinosaurs(Tyrannosauridae,Dromaeosauridae) from Late Cretaceous fossil deposits of Amur region,Russian Far East 被引量:1
作者 Ivan U.Bolotsky 《Global Geology》 2011年第1期1-6,14,共7页
Present article is on Russian Far East carnivorous dinosaur paleoecology.Described summary is based on detailed study and comparison of isolated shed teeth morphology.
关键词 dinosaurs Blagoveschensk Kundur CRETACEOUS THEROPODA
Sedimentological features and biostratigraphy of Jurassic/Cretaceous deposits in continental basins in Priamurie,Far East Russia 被引量:1
作者 G.L.Kirillova G.V.Roganov V.V.Kiriyanova 《Global Geology》 2010年第1期1-19,共19页
The paper describes the sedimentary features and biostratigraphy of the transitional Jurassic to Cretaceous deposits in the continental basins of Priamurie formed after the collision between the Siberian and North Chi... The paper describes the sedimentary features and biostratigraphy of the transitional Jurassic to Cretaceous deposits in the continental basins of Priamurie formed after the collision between the Siberian and North China blocks. In Upper Priamurie, the collision occurred in the late Early Jurassic as dated by the emplacement of the post-collisional granites ( 191 Ma). While in Lower Priamurie and West Priokhotie it could take place in the late Middle Jurassic on the basis of fossil evidence from an aceretionary turbidite complex. This event reflected the environmental change from coastal-marine to alluvial plains, often boggy, where coals aecmnulated. The environinental change is in harmony with that of biota. Systematic study of floral and spores/pollen assemblages, particularly in the sections of interbedded marine and non-marine deposits, makes clear the chronostrati-graphic succession of floral associations and shows the possibility of their application for subdivision and correlation of the continental deposits of Priamurie. Tire coastal-marine environment of the residual post-collisional sublatitudinal basins in the uestern part of Priamurie (Upper Amur and Dep basins) was replaced by the continental in the late Middle Jurassic and in the eastern part in the Berriasian-Valanginian (Torom Basin). Similar environmental change commenced in the submeridional rift basins: the Bureya Basin in the Callovian and the Partizansk Basin in the Hauterivian. Changes in ecosystems ocemTed frequently during the Middle Jurassic-Ne- ocomian, but the most substantial changes took place in the late Middle Jurassic and in the end of Late Jurassie. 展开更多
关键词 Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary sedimentary basin coastal-marine and non-marine deposit BIOTA Far East Russia
Development of dangerous geological processes in the Hankaisky Region of Primorskiy Krai (Russian Far East)
作者 Tatiana V.Selivanova 《Global Geology》 2006年第2期176-179,共4页
Hankaisky Region is the mest densely populated and economic developed part of the Primorskiy Krai. It is promoting development of dangerous geological processes there. In the article.the reasons of formation and inten... Hankaisky Region is the mest densely populated and economic developed part of the Primorskiy Krai. It is promoting development of dangerous geological processes there. In the article.the reasons of formation and intensive development in Hankaisky Region of the following dangerous geological processes lateral, winder and ground erosive, sill, floods, taluses, bogging, slope wash, karts, rebound of ground are considered. 展开更多
关键词 Hankaisky Region dangerous geological processes EROSIVE slope wash rebound of ground
Zoning of Far Eastern Seas of Russia for Integrated Nature Management
作者 I.S. Arzamastsev 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第12期57-63,共7页
On the Pacific coast of Russia implementation of the methodology of the integrated nature management has a number of peculiarities. On the one hand, these districts are characterized by severe hydrometeorological cond... On the Pacific coast of Russia implementation of the methodology of the integrated nature management has a number of peculiarities. On the one hand, these districts are characterized by severe hydrometeorological conditions. On the other hand, Russia has no applicable legislation on coastal issues. Thus, to prepare informational, theoretical and methodical bases for organization of sustained nature management in coastal zones of the Russian Federation, we developed hierarchy structure of delimitation of coastal areas and recommendations for their development on the basis of nature resource and social-economic zoning. Zoning of the Russian Far East is suggested to include two major directions: (1) planning of sustainable development of the region and (2) solving contradictions between fisheries and productions of oil and gas in the coastal zones. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal zone SHELF integrated management DELIMITATION ZONING boundary hierarchy scheme
Double Win for China and Russia in Oil & Gas Cooperation
作者 Wang Wei 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2015年第2期49-53,共5页
Petroleum industry plays an important role in both the Chinese and Russian economy.Petroleum cooperation between the two countries continue to accelerate since China opening wider to the outside world, and Chinese oil... Petroleum industry plays an important role in both the Chinese and Russian economy.Petroleum cooperation between the two countries continue to accelerate since China opening wider to the outside world, and Chinese oil companies have increased their presence in Russia. Sino–Russia joint-ventures, oil & gas trade has progressed smoothly, there is a better future for cooperation in oil & gas development in Russian Far Eastern region. Chinese and Russian companies will continue to benefit from collaboration in petroleum industry. 展开更多
关键词 Sino-Russia PETROLEUM COOPERATION fruitful promising
Reconstructing Zagwe Civilization
作者 Melakneh Mengistu 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第11期655-667,共13页
The Zagwe period is believed to be the richest and most artistic period of Ethiopian civilization since the conversion of Ezana though its achievements have been virtually consigned to obscurity. One of the ideologica... The Zagwe period is believed to be the richest and most artistic period of Ethiopian civilization since the conversion of Ezana though its achievements have been virtually consigned to obscurity. One of the ideological weapons which aggravated this obscurity is arguably the deep-rooted allegiance of the Kebra Nagest to the Solomonic dynasty. Contemporary researchers on Kebra Nagest seem to have underestimated the ideological onslaught of the Kebra Nagest on the Zagwe period that their contributions to the medieval Ethiopian civilization have been virtually shrouded in mystery. Thus, expatriate and compatriot authorities on the medieval Ethiopian cultural history are called upon to revisit the impacts oftbe Kob~ NSg^gt on the Zagwe period from the other end of the telescope, thereby, to reconstruct the unsung achievements of Ag^w civilization. 展开更多
关键词 Kebra Nagest Agaw civilization OBSCURITY research gaps historical reconstruction
Sea Level Variation at Western Coast of Mexican Pacific in Response to Tsunamigenic Earthquakes (2012-2015)
作者 Rom~in Rodolfo Vera-Mendoza Modesto Ortiz-Figueroa 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第6期318-326,共9页
Tsunamis in Mexico are a real threat, still unknown to many, mainly by people living in or visiting the coast. The Tsunami Warning Center in Mexico recently created (September 19, 2011) monitors earthquakes and sea ... Tsunamis in Mexico are a real threat, still unknown to many, mainly by people living in or visiting the coast. The Tsunami Warning Center in Mexico recently created (September 19, 2011) monitors earthquakes and sea level change caused by these same. Sea level on the west coast of the Mexican Pacific was analyzed after the occurrence of local, regional and distant earthquakes, in order to determine the existence of an anomaly due to the quake itself. Variations in sea level due to local registered earthquakes Mw 6.0 to 7.4 range was from 0.10 to 0.30 m; for regional earthquakes of Mw 7.3 and 8.2 were 0.12 and 0.22 m respectively and to the distant earthquake of Mw 8.0 recorded in Solomon Islands, the change in sea level of the maximum recorded was 0.20 m in Manzanillo, Colima. It is important to know that earthquakes whether local, regional or distant whose magnitudes are in the range specified here, did not present a risk to the Mexican coast, but do not rely, having to monitor variations in sea level that earthquakes can produce and be aware that you may perhaps occur as a tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 or Japan in 2011. 展开更多
关键词 Sea level Mexican Pacific tsunamis earthquakes.
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