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磁阻传感器在“管道机器人”的地面标记器中的应用 被引量:7
作者 吴刚 李一博 +1 位作者 胡晓莉 靳世久 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z3期129-131,135,共4页
地面标记器是漏磁通法管道腐蚀缺损检测系统的重要组成部分。Honeywell公司的一维磁阻传感器HMC10 2 1由于其高可靠性、高灵敏度、低成本、低功耗和小尺寸等特点成为地面标记器传感器的理想选择。而且它具有独特的置/复位功能,能有效消... 地面标记器是漏磁通法管道腐蚀缺损检测系统的重要组成部分。Honeywell公司的一维磁阻传感器HMC10 2 1由于其高可靠性、高灵敏度、低成本、低功耗和小尺寸等特点成为地面标记器传感器的理想选择。而且它具有独特的置/复位功能,能有效消除因温度漂移和电路参数漂移等共模信号造成的影响。 展开更多
关键词 地面标记器 磁阻传感器 HMC1021 置/复位
基于磁阻传感器的弱磁信号采集系统设计 被引量:12
作者 王永龙 杨卫 +1 位作者 石云波 张文栋 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期69-71,共3页
关键词 磁阻传感器 微弱信号检测 信号采集系统 /复位
三维磁阻式电子罗盘的研制 被引量:11
作者 朱荣华 林新华 +1 位作者 孔德义 梅涛 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期102-104,共3页
利用三轴磁阻传感器和两轴倾角传感器研制三维磁阻式电子罗盘。三轴磁阻传感器HMC1043测量地磁场的3个分量,倾角传感器SCA100T测量罗盘的翻滚角和俯仰角,2只传感器的信号经过电路处理后传入单片机中,再通过RS—232接口输入到计算机进行... 利用三轴磁阻传感器和两轴倾角传感器研制三维磁阻式电子罗盘。三轴磁阻传感器HMC1043测量地磁场的3个分量,倾角传感器SCA100T测量罗盘的翻滚角和俯仰角,2只传感器的信号经过电路处理后传入单片机中,再通过RS—232接口输入到计算机进行计算处理,计算机终端采用VC编制的界面来显示罗盘的方位角和翻滚、俯仰角。系统采用了低功耗的置位/复位电路来保证磁阻传感器的灵敏度。最终电子罗盘的方位角精度达到0.5°,方位角分辨率达到0.1°。 展开更多
关键词 电子罗盘 磁阻传感器 倾角传感器 /复位电路
PLC顺序控制方法研究 被引量:21
作者 朱学军 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2003年第11期94-96,共3页
利用顺序功能图和梯形图来编制用户控制程序 ,以实现单台设备或生产过程的顺序控制 ,是PLC的主要功能之一。本文以三菱F1系列PLC为例 ,介绍了两种典型的顺序控制程序设计方法 ;通过比较 ,指出了S/R指令和步进指令在设计PLC顺序控制程序... 利用顺序功能图和梯形图来编制用户控制程序 ,以实现单台设备或生产过程的顺序控制 ,是PLC的主要功能之一。本文以三菱F1系列PLC为例 ,介绍了两种典型的顺序控制程序设计方法 ;通过比较 ,指出了S/R指令和步进指令在设计PLC顺序控制程序时所具有的不同特点。 展开更多
关键词 PLC 顺序控制 顺序功能图 /复位指令 步进指令
基于西门子S7-200PLC顺序控制编程方法研究 被引量:7
作者 单启兵 孔敏 《巢湖学院学报》 2012年第3期65-68,共4页
以西门子S7-200PLC为例,介绍了两种典型的顺序控制程序设计方法,通过比较,指出了S/R指令和步进指令在设计PLC顺序控制程序时所具有的不同特点。实验结果表明,利用顺序功能图来编制用户控制程序,以实现单台设备或生产过程的顺序控制,使得... 以西门子S7-200PLC为例,介绍了两种典型的顺序控制程序设计方法,通过比较,指出了S/R指令和步进指令在设计PLC顺序控制程序时所具有的不同特点。实验结果表明,利用顺序功能图来编制用户控制程序,以实现单台设备或生产过程的顺序控制,使得PLC编程有规章可循,简单易学。 展开更多
关键词 PLC 顺序控制 顺序功能图 /复位指令 梯形图
基于磁阻传感器的三维磁场测量系统的设计 被引量:2
作者 田丽 刘晓东 《科技创新导报》 2010年第36期82-82,共1页
设计了基于磁阻传感器HMC1001/2的三维磁场测量的系统.按照设计流程,将整个测量电路分为磁信号检测电路、信号调理电路、置位/复位电路、基于C8051F020单片机的A/D转换电路等四个模块,并制作了电路板.实验表明该系统可准确测量空间磁场... 设计了基于磁阻传感器HMC1001/2的三维磁场测量的系统.按照设计流程,将整个测量电路分为磁信号检测电路、信号调理电路、置位/复位电路、基于C8051F020单片机的A/D转换电路等四个模块,并制作了电路板.实验表明该系统可准确测量空间磁场,尤其适用于对弱磁场的测量. 展开更多
关键词 磁阻传感器 信号调理 /复位 弱磁场
8255A的开发利用 被引量:2
作者 王根义 《电子设计工程》 2012年第11期39-40,44,共3页
为了满足各行各业对计算机通信和控制技术的要求,提高计算机通信的档次和灵活性,本论文应用逻辑代数和人类严密的交互方式总结出了PC机基于用8255A芯片的多种具体可行的通信和控制的方式,最后还结合一个具体通信实例阐述了编码控制方式... 为了满足各行各业对计算机通信和控制技术的要求,提高计算机通信的档次和灵活性,本论文应用逻辑代数和人类严密的交互方式总结出了PC机基于用8255A芯片的多种具体可行的通信和控制的方式,最后还结合一个具体通信实例阐述了编码控制方式。本论文总结出的通信和控制的方式具有稳定可靠及节省信号线的特点。 展开更多
关键词 方式命令字 并行通信 状态端口 控制端口 PC端口的/复位控制字 双向选通输入/输出方式
Force assistant master-slave telerehabilitation robotic system 被引量:4
作者 李会军 宋爱国 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期42-45,共4页
A prototype of the master slave telerehabilitation robotic system with force feedback is developed. This system contains a pair of robots with the master being operated by the therapist and the slave following the mas... A prototype of the master slave telerehabilitation robotic system with force feedback is developed. This system contains a pair of robots with the master being operated by the therapist and the slave following the master to guide the patients to exercise. A slave device with a slave controller is designed to stretch and mobilize the impaired elbow joints accurately and safely. A master device with a master controller is designed to control/monitor the procedure of treatment and assess the outcome of treatment remotely and accurately. By using the twoport network theory and the circuit equivalent impedance models, the position-force control scheme is designed to generate force feedback for the therapist who is to be informed of the interaction force between the subject and the robot arm during exercise. Experiments were conducted with a healthy male. Results show that the therapist can guide the patient to exercise by the master arm and can feel the interaction forces between the impaired arm and the robot. Compared with the traditional therapy, this system is more cost-efficient, more convenient and safer for both the stroke patients and the clinicians. 展开更多
关键词 TELEREHABILITATION force feedback ROBOT positionforce control scheme
基于磁阻传感器的微型姿态测试电路 被引量:6
作者 刘晓娜 马铁华 范锦彪 《微计算机信息》 北大核心 2008年第22期169-170,共2页
设计了一种基于磁阻传感器的姿态测试电路。详细介绍了系统的硬件设计,硬件电路包括:电源设计、微型置位/复位脉冲信号产生电路、磁阻传感器及输出信号的适配电路。本文介绍了两种高灵敏度磁阻传感器HMC1022和HMC1021Z的工作原理和使用... 设计了一种基于磁阻传感器的姿态测试电路。详细介绍了系统的硬件设计,硬件电路包括:电源设计、微型置位/复位脉冲信号产生电路、磁阻传感器及输出信号的适配电路。本文介绍了两种高灵敏度磁阻传感器HMC1022和HMC1021Z的工作原理和使用方法。为了达到项目高精度、小体积的要求,设计了一种新型的、低功耗的使用单稳态触发器74HC123和IRF7105来产生置位/复位脉冲的电路,保证了磁阻传感器在高灵敏度下正常工作。本系统充分利用了HONEYWELL磁阻传感器高精度、高响应度、微小体积、重复性好、工作温度范围宽的突出特点。 展开更多
关键词 磁阻传感器 /复位脉冲 姿态测试
作者 蔡波 王昊 +2 位作者 朱小丰 韩柯 金仲和 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1212-1216,共5页
设计了一种应用于皮卫星的地球磁场测量系统。分析了影响所设计磁强计测量准确度的各种因素,并通过置位/复位脉冲、信号处理电路以及电桥补偿的方法提高其准确度。为了测试地球磁场的真实大小,对磁强计进行了标定因数校正实验。考虑到... 设计了一种应用于皮卫星的地球磁场测量系统。分析了影响所设计磁强计测量准确度的各种因素,并通过置位/复位脉冲、信号处理电路以及电桥补偿的方法提高其准确度。为了测试地球磁场的真实大小,对磁强计进行了标定因数校正实验。考虑到皮卫星运行的复杂环境,对该系统进行了动态响应实验。实验结果表明设计的磁强计准确度高,测量误差(1σ)为10-8 Tesla,在10°/s角速度旋转的情况下能正常工作,能够满足皮卫星的要求。 展开更多
关键词 磁强计 皮卫星 /复位 标定 动态响应
作者 官郭沁 邹荣 +6 位作者 左青云 田盼 吕杭炳 田志 王奇伟 曾敏 杨志 《现代电子技术》 2021年第6期1-5,共5页
采用物理气相沉积和等离子体氧化工艺制备氧化钽阻变薄膜,利用X射线光电子能谱分析技术对阻变薄膜进行表征。系统研究等离子体氧化时间和阻挡层厚度对初始化电压的影响。研究表明,器件初始化电压随氧化时间增加而增大,同时增加阻挡层厚... 采用物理气相沉积和等离子体氧化工艺制备氧化钽阻变薄膜,利用X射线光电子能谱分析技术对阻变薄膜进行表征。系统研究等离子体氧化时间和阻挡层厚度对初始化电压的影响。研究表明,器件初始化电压随氧化时间增加而增大,同时增加阻挡层厚度可有效降低初始化电压。基于40 nm互补金属氧化物半导体量产工艺平台,成功地在40 nm晶体管后段集成了阻变单元,制备了氧化钽阻变存储器,其初始化电压为3.3 V,置位/复位电压在1.8 V以内。 展开更多
关键词 氧化钽 阻变存储器 电压调制 初始化电压 阻变单元 /复位电压
作者 武红斌 易学勤 《舰船电子工程》 2007年第2期191-193,共3页
国内在磁场时域测量方面侧重于单频磁场的测量,宽频磁场三维时域波形的测量研究少见报道。在三维磁场传感器HMC1053的基础上,研制一种适用于低频磁场的测量装置,可以直接读取空间宽频磁场的三维时域波形,设计适用于HMC1053的置位/复位电... 国内在磁场时域测量方面侧重于单频磁场的测量,宽频磁场三维时域波形的测量研究少见报道。在三维磁场传感器HMC1053的基础上,研制一种适用于低频磁场的测量装置,可以直接读取空间宽频磁场的三维时域波形,设计适用于HMC1053的置位/复位电路,提高仪器的可靠性和准确度。 展开更多
关键词 低频磁场 宽频 三维时域测试 /复位
西门子PLC顺序功能图编程方法问题分析 被引量:3
作者 黄俊玲 黄自成 +2 位作者 马学刚 彭颖 熊伟 《西安文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 2021年第2期54-57,共4页
顺序控制广泛应用于工业控制生产中,在PLC编程中利用顺序功能图法是实现顺序控制的最佳方法,通过使用顺序功能图可以实现复杂顺序控制.顺序功能图转化为梯形图有两种编程方法,分别为起保停电路和置位/复位指令.通过实例仿真表明起保停... 顺序控制广泛应用于工业控制生产中,在PLC编程中利用顺序功能图法是实现顺序控制的最佳方法,通过使用顺序功能图可以实现复杂顺序控制.顺序功能图转化为梯形图有两种编程方法,分别为起保停电路和置位/复位指令.通过实例仿真表明起保停电路在转化过程中存在一定的问题. 展开更多
关键词 PLC 顺序功能图 起保停电路 /复位指令
An improved method for multiple targets tracking 被引量:2
作者 朱青 刘宏立 +4 位作者 陈炳权 李劲菊 万琴 孙猛 袁小芳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2852-2859,共8页
The difficulty of multiple targets tracking is how to quickly fulfill the target matching from one flame image to another and fix the position of the target. In order to accurately choose target feature information fo... The difficulty of multiple targets tracking is how to quickly fulfill the target matching from one flame image to another and fix the position of the target. In order to accurately choose target feature information for reliable matching, simplify operations under the reliable precondition, and realize precise moving objects tracking, an approach based on Kalman prediction and feature matching was proposed. The position of the target in next frame image was predicted by Kalman, and then the moving objects of two adjacent frames were matched by the centroid and area methods. When occlusion occurs, the best matching result was found to realize tracking by matching matrix algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve multiple targets tracking accurately and in real-time under complicated motion movements. 展开更多
关键词 Kalman prediction feature matching centroid and area matching equations image occluded processing matchingmatrix algorithm
Candida-associated gastric ulcer relapsing in a different position with a different appearance 被引量:10
作者 Kenji Sasaki 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第32期4450-4453,共4页
An 87-year-old,Japanese woman was shown to have a submucosal tumor-like lesion with a deep,central ulceration covered with thick,whitish exudate in the stomach.Biopsy showed Candida tropicalis but not Helicobacter pyl... An 87-year-old,Japanese woman was shown to have a submucosal tumor-like lesion with a deep,central ulceration covered with thick,whitish exudate in the stomach.Biopsy showed Candida tropicalis but not Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori).She had no predisposing factors or history of peptic ulcers nor had taken non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs),diagnosed with Candida-associated gastric ulcer.Though cured of the lesion,she developed another ulcer in a different position,in which Candida was demonstrated but H.pylori was undetectable.This is the first case of recurrent Candida-associated gastric ulcer in the world.Detected in both the original and recurrent lesions in an H.pylori-negative patient with no antecedent ulcers who had not taken NSAIDs,Candida is considered,contrary to the prevailing opinion,to play an etiologic role in ulcer formation. 展开更多
关键词 Candida-associated gastric ulcer Gastric candidiasis Helicobacter pylori-negative gastric ulcer Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-induced gastric ulcer Recurrent gastric ulcer
作者 陈小玲 谢歆宜 董俊杰 《工业控制计算机》 2023年第9期160-162,共3页
探讨西门子1200 PLC的顺序控制方法,即启-保-停编程方法和基于置位/复位指令的编程方法。这两种编程方法都能够直观清晰地将顺序功能图转化成梯形图,但在实际转化过程中启-保-停编程方法存在一定的问题。最后,基于置位/复位指令的编程方... 探讨西门子1200 PLC的顺序控制方法,即启-保-停编程方法和基于置位/复位指令的编程方法。这两种编程方法都能够直观清晰地将顺序功能图转化成梯形图,但在实际转化过程中启-保-停编程方法存在一定的问题。最后,基于置位/复位指令的编程方法,通过流程图、波形图分析,设计了十字路口交通灯控制系统。该系统简单清晰,易于调试,可靠性高,并通过SIM仿真表和人机界面(HMI)验证了其可行性。 展开更多
关键词 西门子S7-1200 PLC /复位指令 启-保-停电路 十字路口交通灯 SIM仿真表 人机界面
A Study on the Word Formation of Noun-Classifier Compound Words
作者 CUI Yan-ji ZHAO Lei AN Feng-cun 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第9期1349-1356,共8页
Chinese noun-classifier compound words show different properties in lexical meaning and syntactic collocation. The complexity of these compounds lies in the grammaticalization of classifiers’ system. Some nouns used... Chinese noun-classifier compound words show different properties in lexical meaning and syntactic collocation. The complexity of these compounds lies in the grammaticalization of classifiers’ system. Some nouns used as classifiers in the position of classifier are not grammaticalized into real classifiers which are temporary classifiers. So some of them are real noun-classifier compounds and some belong to noun-noun compounds. This paper attempts to analyze the structural relation between noun morpheme and classifier morpheme within the word. It also explains that the noun and the classifier compound in the position of light noun in the nP structure. 展开更多
关键词 word formation noun-classifier compound words light noun
Closed reduction and internal fixation versus total hip arthroplasty for displaced femoral neck fracture 被引量:21
作者 Cao Liehu Wang Bin Li Ming Song Shaojun Weng Weizong Li Haihang Su Jiacan 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2014年第2期63-68,共6页
Objective: To compare the clinical effects between closed reduction and internal fixation (CRIF) and total hip arthroplasty (THA) for displaced femoral neck fracture. Methods: In this prospective randomized stu... Objective: To compare the clinical effects between closed reduction and internal fixation (CRIF) and total hip arthroplasty (THA) for displaced femoral neck fracture. Methods: In this prospective randomized study, 285 patients aged above 65 years with hip fractures (Garden III or IV) were included from January 2001 to December 2005. The cases were randomly allocated to either the CRIF group or THA group. Patients with pathological fractures (bone tumors or metabolic bone disease), preoperative avascular necrosis of the femoral head, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemiplegia, long-term bed rest and complications affecting hip functions were excluded. Results: During the had significantly higher 5-year follow-up, CRIF group rates of complication in hipjoint, general complication and reoperation than THA group (38.3% vs. 12.7%, P〈0.01; 45.3% vs. 21.7%, P〈0.01; 33.6% vs. 10.2%, P〈0.05 respectively). There was no difference in mortality between the two groups. Postoperative function of the hip joint in THA group recovered favorably with higher Harris scores. Conclusion: For displaced fractures of the femoral neck in elderly patients, THA can achieve a lower rate of complication and reoperation, as well as better postoperative recovery of hip joint function compared with CRIF. 展开更多
关键词 Femoral neck fractures Arthroplasty replacement hip Fracture fixation internal Prospective studies Randomized controlled trial
Place of the reposition flap in the treatment of distal amputations of the fingers 被引量:2
作者 Mohamed Ali Sbai Mayssa El M'chirgui +1 位作者 Riadh Maalla Adel Khorbi 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2017年第4期198-201,共4页
Purpose: Distal finger amputations pose a therapeutic problem with the distal fragment quality. Reimplantation remains the reference treatment for functional and aesthetic recovery of the hand. The interest of this s... Purpose: Distal finger amputations pose a therapeutic problem with the distal fragment quality. Reimplantation remains the reference treatment for functional and aesthetic recovery of the hand. The interest of this study is to propose the reposition flap as an alternative to different hedging techniques in the proximal stump, in many situations where revascularization is impossible. It consists in osteosynthesis of the bone fragment and its coverage by a pedicled local flap. Methods: The technique of reposition flap was evaluated retrospectively between 2003 and 2016 through a study of 13 patients compiled in Nabeul orthopedic department. For each patient, the sensitivity, the pulp trophicity, the interphalangeal mobility, the digital length, the appearance of the nail and radiological consolidation were evaluated. Results: The reposition flap keeps more than 80% of the length of p3. This procedure improves nail aesthetics in comparison with the regularizations. There is no significant difference in sensitivity of the pulp or of the mobility of the distal inter-phalangeal (DIP) joint as a function of the technique studied. However there is a significant difference in average test of the Quick Dash (350 against 500 for regularizations). Conclusion: The reposition flap seems to be a good alternative to regularization in the context of trans-p3 fingers amputations, in which the distal fragment is not revascularizable. It allows better aesthetic and functional results. 展开更多
关键词 AMPUTATION FINGERS Hand Surgical flaps
A locality-based replication manager for data cloud
作者 Reza SOOKHTSARAEI Javad ARTIN +2 位作者 Ali GHORBANI Ahmad FARAAHI Hadi ADINEH 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第12期1275-1286,共12页
Efficient data management is a key issue for environments distributed on a large scale such as the data cloud. This can be taken into account by replicating the data. The replication of data reduces the time of servic... Efficient data management is a key issue for environments distributed on a large scale such as the data cloud. This can be taken into account by replicating the data. The replication of data reduces the time of service and the delay in availability, increases the availability, and optimizes the distribution of load in the system. It is worth mentioning, however, that with the replication of data, the use of resources and energy increases due to the storing of copies of the data. We suggest a replication manager that decreases the cost of using resources, energy, and the delay in the system, and also increases the availability of the system. To reach this aim, the suggested replication manager, called the locality replication manager (LRM), works by using two important algorithms that use the physical adjacency feature of blocks. In addition, a set of simulations are reported to show that LRM can be a suitable option for distributed systems as it uses less energy and resources, optimizes the distribution of load, and has more availability and less delay. 展开更多
关键词 Data cloud REPLICATION GRAPH Locality replication manager (LRM)
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